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St Louis

Unknown Dates

Gateway Park

You go down underneath it and there is a museum and gi shop. From there you can go into the top. As
you are going up you can see a bunch of spiral staircases that people used to have to go up.

Busch Stadium

I remember only one thing and that is the set of stairs to get to the upper levels. It was made out of
bleacher material. I guess the true word is aluminum, but bleacher material paints a be er picture.
They weren’t in a stairwell or anything someone just rolled up a giant staircase made of bleacher

Ferris Wheel

This is the biggest Ferris wheel I have ever seen. The only one I have ever really seen is at the carnival
that comes to town every year. That one I now know is quite ny. I can’t see how a Ferris wheel could
be smaller than that one. Anyway, back to this Ferris wheel. It has enclosed gondolas, which I was also
surprised by. You go high up, but I have no memory of the view.


It was huge. I don’t think I even climbed up to the top of Monks mound. We saw archeologists working.
They said that they only find one ar fact per day, then they found one while we were there. That may
have been set up. The twin mounds don’t look the same.

Laura Ingles Wilder Museum

This is her last home at the Rickey ridge, not on the prairie. On the way there, we saw an armadillo. I
knew almost nothing about Wilder before I came here, this was mostly for my mom and sister. I learned
there are mul ple series besides li le house on the prairie, including li le house in the Ricky ridge.


This is where Mark Twain grew up. I saw the jailhouse where young Clemens saw a dead man. There
was a play in the evening that showed an adapta on of Huck Finn. It was preformed on an island in the
Mississippi and you got to watch it from the bank. There were two scenes I remember. One was where
Huck was asking Aunt Sally was trying to explain (rather, trying not to explain) what a concubine is. The
other scene was the Alright I’ll go to hell scene.

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