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Survey for NICU nurses

Start of Block: Default Question Block

Q2 Gender

o Male (1)
o Female (2)
o Other (3)
o Do not wish to specify (4)

Q3 Race

o White, not Hispanic (1)

o Black, not Hispanic (2)
o Hispanic (3)
o Other (4) ________________________________________________

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Q4 Age

o 18-24 (1)
o 25-34 (2)
o 35-44 (3)
o 45-54 (4)
o 55-64 (5)
o 65+ (6)

Q5 Highest level of education completed

o Associate's Degree (1)

o Bachelor's Degree (2)
o Master's Degree (3)
o Doctorate Degree (4)
o Other (5) ________________________________________________

Q6 Have you worked as a full time NICU nurse for at least one year?

o No (1)
o Yes (2)

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Q7 If yes, how long?


Q8 Have you ever cared for infants born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)? 

o No (1)
o Yes (2)

Q9 How often do you treat infants in the NICU born with NAS?  

o Never (not at all) (1)

o Rarely (once a month) (2)
o Sometimes (a few times a month) (3)
o Often (several times a month) (4)
o Always (every shift) (5)

Q10 Describe what the typical intervention is when working with infants in the NICU born with
NAS who have sensory difficulties.


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Describe the qualities of the environmental stimulation experienced by infants in the NICU
Very low (1) Low (2) Moderate (3) High (4)

Lighting (1) o o o o
Sound (2) o o o o
Tactile input
from medical
interventions (3)
o o o o

Q13 What do you believe to be the biggest contributor to overstimulation of infants in the NICU
born with NAS? 


Q14 How often do infants in the NICU born with NAS present with sensory processing

o Never (1)
o Rarely (2)
o Sometimes (3)
o Often (4)
o Always (5)

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Q15 What sensory integration techniques or treatments are used on infants in the NICU born
with NAS?  


Q16 Have you used sensory integration techniques or treatments on infants in the NICU born
with NAS? 

o No (1)
o Yes (2)

Does the typical daily care for infants in the NICU born with NAS differ from infants born without
NAS in the NICU? 

o Never (1)
o Rarely (2)
o Sometimes (3)
o Often (4)
o Always (5)

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Q18 Is there a difference in the medical routine provided by NICU nurses for infants born with
NAS and have sensory issues compared to those who are not born with NAS?

o No (1)
o Yes (2)

Q19 If so, what are the differences?


Q20 Are occupational therapy (OT) services available for NICU patients? 

o No (1)
o Yes (2)

Q21 Are OT services routinely ordered as a protocol of treatment for infants born with NAS?   

o No (1)
o Yes (2)
o N/A (3)

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Q22 If not, approximately how often do physicians order OT services for infants born with

o Never (0%) (1)

o Rarely (25%) (2)
o Sometimes (50%) (3)
o Often (75%) (4)
o Always (100%) (5)

Q23 How often do you collaborate with an occupational therapist when working with infants born
with NAS? 

o Never (1)
o Rarely (2)
o Sometimes (3)
o Often (4)
o Always (5)

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Do you think occupational therapy services directed at sensory processing issues are effective
for infants born with NAS while in the NICU? 

o No (1)
o Yes (2)

Q25 Do families/caregivers receive training on sensory integration methods prior to taking their

child home? 

o No (1)
o Yes (2)

Q26 Who provides the training? (select all that apply)

▢ Nursing (1)

▢ Occupational therapy (2)

▢ Other (3) ________________________________________________

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Q27 When does the training occur? (select all that apply)

▢ At an initial diagnosis of NAS (1)

▢ Throughout admission (2)

▢ Just prior to discharge (3)

Q28 What key elements of training on sensory integration methods are included in

family/caregiver training? 


Q29 Is there anything else that you think is is relevant to sensory integration and/or
occupational therapy interventions for infants in the NICU born with NAS?


End of Block: Default Question Block

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