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UPM-CALC/LPE2501/SEM 1/2022-23/WP/TASK 3




MATRIC No.: 212759

Based on your OUTLINE FORM (FINAL) in Task 1 and PARAPHRASE AND

SUMMARY FORM (FINAL) in Task 2, write two complete body paragraphs. Each
paragraph should be around 250 to 350 words. Include a reference list for all your
in-text citations in APA style. The paragraphs must be typed using font Arial
11/Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 spacing.


Thesis Statement:

There are many effect to our body when our body doesn’t receive enough sleeps
such as it will affect our health and lead to chronic disease as well as impairs the
memory .

Body Paragraphs:

Firstly and foremost ,the affect of lack of sleep is it might lead to chronic disease it
is because the characteristics of normal healthy sleep are sufficient duration,
regularity and a lack of sleep disturbance during the sleep hour .The chronic
disease that might occur is obesity , depression, diabetes and cardiovascular
disease such as hypertension , stroke and many more. According to a survey
report carried out by the National Sleep Foundation in 2014 observed that 35% of
American adults assessed about there quality of sleep as “poor” or “only fair”. At
least once each week, 45% of respondents had problems falling asleep.
Furthermore , 53% of participants indicated difficulties falling asleep at least once
over the past week, and 23% had problems falling asleep on 5 or even more
evenings. 40% of respondents reported snoring, and 17% had been advised by a
doctor that they had a sleep disorder,the most of which (68%) was sleep apnoea

UPM-CALC/LPE2501/SEM 1/2022-23/WP/TASK 3

.So it can be seen that the risk of getting chronic disease is high based on the
survey which showed that many people are not getting enough sleep and good
quality of sleep. Other than that , lack of sleep also make our immune system
weaken which make us vulnerable to many chronic disease such as stated above.
It’s been proved by the Stoyan Dimitrov (2016) stated that good sleep is important
to improves immune cells known as T cells. The T cells are a type of immune cells
that fight against intracellular pathogens to fight virus virus-infected cells such as
flu, HIV, herpes, and cancer cells .Therefore , its important to get good and
enough sleep to make sure our immune system is strong enough to protect our
body from virus infected disease and chronic disease.

Secondly ,the effect of lack of sleeps is it will make your ability to think , analyse

and many more decreased as well as impairs the memory It’s because sleep loss
affects alertness and attention as well as it impairs a person's ability to

accomplish tasks that involve logical thinking and complicated thinking and effect
the part of brain called hippocampus which is key for making new memories.

Additionally, sleepiness has been shown to affect judgement. It is more difficult

to make judgement since you are unable to evaluate the circumstances as

accurately or choose the appropriate action. According to the result of study

done by Avelino Verceles (2021), which implies that the nerve connections that

create our memories are enhanced during sleep, "Sleep embeds the things that

we have learn and experienced during the course of the day into our short-term

memory,". “If you’re not able to concentrate on what’s at hand, it’s not going to

make it into your short-term memory and then long-term memory,” . Allison T.

Siebern (2021) state that “If you’re not able to concentrate on what’s at hand, it’s

not going to make it into your short-term memory and then long-term memory,”

UPM-CALC/LPE2501/SEM 1/2022-23/WP/TASK 3

such as when you're weary, you may often forget or overlook stuff. As well as

the difficulty to concentrate and focus brought on by drowsiness affects memory.

Besides that , poor sleeps make the learning process difficult , when we lack
enough of sleep , our focus , attention and vigilance drift which makes it hard to
keep track of information . Another area in which researchers study is the effects
of inadequate sleep on learning and memory is the effect of the sleeps
deprivations.When, our brains does not receive adequate sleep and
rest ,overworked neurons cannot coordinate information properly , and

previously the learned information is lost as well as affecting the mood , which

turn in turn negatively impacts learning. Therefore , getting enough sleep is

important to our mental health and to make sure we can think normally when
making decision and making our learning process runs smoothly


Medic, G., Wille, M., & Hemels, M. (2017). Short- and long-term health

consequences of sleep disruption.

Pratt, E. (2019, February 21). How Sleep Strengthens Your Immune System.

your- immune-system

Engle-Friedman, M. (2014). The effects of sleep loss on capacity and effort. Sleep


UPM-CALC/LPE2501/SEM 1/2022-23/WP/TASK 3

“Sleep, Learning, and Memory | Healthy Sleep.” Sleep, Learning, and Memory |

benefits- of- sleep/learning-memory

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