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Test 1 (sai 2 câu)

A book or collection of accounts in which principal recordings about economic activities or

financial relationships are
recorded is called ...
Select one:
a. Accounting
b. Ledgers
c. Auditing
d. Financial reports

What is/are cryptographic digital currencies in history?

a. E-gold (1996)
b. All kinds mentioned
c. CyberCash (1994)
d. DigiCash (1989)
e. B-Money (1998)

Which characteristics of money is related to the statement: "Money should be easily, safely
transferred between people who accepted that kind of money"
a. Portability
b. Durability
c. Acceptability
d. Limited supply
e. Divisibility

Blockchain is one type of a distributed ledger. True/False?

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Features of blockchain?
a. Distributed
b. Immutable
c. All features mentioned
d. Decentralized
e. Consensus
f. Secure

Key difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0?

a. Web 2.0 uses fiat money as primary payments. Web 3.0 supports cryptocurrencies such
as Ethereum or Bitcoin.
b. Web 2.0 includes podcasts, social networking frameworks, and video sites. Web 3.0
incorporates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-powered decentralized
Applications (DApps), virtual worlds, and 3D portals.
c. All statements are correct
d. The most common Web 2.0 technologies include JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. Machine
learning, semantic web, and decentralized models power Web 3.0.

What is NOT a function of money?

a. medium of exchange
b. the tools used to reduce the inflation
c. unit of account
d. store of value

Which statement(s) is/are correct?

a. In a centralized network model, clients talk to many servers
b. Distributed network models need a consensus algorithm to ensure consistency
c. All statements are correct
d. In a distributed network model, information is stored in a unique location (Chat gpt)

Reasons why did early digital currencies fail?

a. Centralization
b. Merchant adoption
c. All reasons mentioned
d. Consensus
e. Double spending
Although money can be used as a way of storing value, it is not a perfect way. Because
inflation slowly erodes the purchasing power of money over time. True/False?
a. True
b. False

Bitcoin is a purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be
sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.
a. True
b. False

Which function of money that is considered as a yardstick measuring value in economic

a. medium of exchange
b. store of value
c. unit of account

What kinds of money that have been used in history?

a. Minted money (e.g., Bronze Yuan, Silver Dekadrachm, Gold Aureus, etc.)
b. Mental money (e.g., Bronze Aes Rude, Bronze Spade, Cooper Plate, etc.)
c. All kinds mentioned
d. Non-mental money (e.g., Salt Bars, Cowrie Shells, Tally Sticks, etc.)
e. Banknotes

The banknotes or coins issued by a specific government and accepted by all people in a
particular community is ...
a. fiat money
b. private money
c. minted money
d. mental money

Informally, a blockchain is a chain of blocks, each block consists of transactions.

a. False
b. True

Although money can be used as a way of storing value, it is not a perfect way. Because
inflation slowly erodes the purchasing power of money over time. True/False?
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Which function of money that allows people to estimate the price of items in the markets
Select one:
a. unit of account
b. medium of exchange
c. store of value

Which function of money that is related to the statement: "When I go to the a fashion
shop, I am confident that the cashier will accept my payment of money."

Select one:
a. store of value
b. unit of account
c. medium of exchange
Which characteristics of money is related to the statement: "We can merge or split money
into larger/smaller amount"
Select one:
a. Divisibility
b. Portability
c. Acceptability
d. Durability
e. Limited supply

Test 2
What is/are digital, mobile payments?
Select one:
a. Paypal
b. All payment methods mentioned
c. Google Wallet
d. Apple Pay
e. WeChat Pay
Clear my choice
L1. Key difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?
Select one:
a. Both Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 are static pages. However, Web 2.0 less consumes computer
resources in compare with Web 1.0
b. Both Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 are dynamic pages. However, Web 2.0 less consumes
computer resources in compare with Web
c. Web 1.0 is static, read-only pages whereas Web 2.0 provides mechanism of
interaction between users and webpages
d. Web 2.0 is static, read-only pages whereas Web 1.0 provides mechanism of interaction
between users and webpages
Clear my choice
L1. According to the article in the website, Distributed ledger technology
(DLT) could fundamentally change
the financial sector, making it more efficient, resilient and reliable. True/False?
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Clear my choice
L1. Which function of money that is widely accepted as a method of payment
Select one:
a. medium of exchange
b. store of value
c. unit of account
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L1. To be a successful medium of exchange, money must be:
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Durability
c. Limited supply
d. Acceptability
e. Divisibility
f. All characteristics mentioned
Which characteristics of money is related to the statement: "Even though pets such as dogs,
cats, pigs, birds, etc. have
intrinsic value and many of us love them, some people may not accept pets as money.
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Durability
c. Divisibility
d. Limited supply
e. Acceptability
Clear my choice
L1. Which characteristics of money is related to the statement: "Supposed that other factors
remain constant, there is too
much money will cause inflation"
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Acceptability
c. Limited supply
d. Durability
e. Divisibility
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L1. A certificate or token that be exchanged for the underlying commodity is called ...
Select one:
a. representative money
b. minted money
c. private money
d. mental money
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L1. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook should be classified into ...
Select one:
a. Web 4.0
b. Web 1.0
c. Web 2.0
d. Web 3.0
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L1. Bitcoin is a digital currency or cryptocurrency that works on Blockchain Technology.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
. Potential issues that online payment systems cope with?
Select one:
a. Lack of Trust
b. Technical Issues
c. All issues mentioned
d. Not feasible in rural areas
e. Security Problems
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L1. Which technology can be use to prevent repudiation in online transactions?
Select one:
a. Symmetric cryptography
b. Digital signatures
c. Distributed ledgers
d. Smart contracts
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L1. What is NOT a benefit of Web 3.0?
Select one:
a. Connectivity
b. Security
c. More privacy
d. Speed (data transfers are quicker)
e. Ubiquity
L1. Choose the correct statement about money?
Select one:
a. A current medium of exchange in the form of coins or banknotes
b. It must be accepted by everyone in a particular community
c. All statements are correct
d. The banknotes or coins issued by a specific government called fiat money
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L1. What is NOT an advantage of digital signatures in online transactions?
Select one:
a. Authentication
b. Reduce transaction cost
c. Non-repudiation
d. Integrity
Which function of money that is related to the statement: "holding money is a more effective
way rather than holding
other items such as corn, a cup of coffee, or a cinema ticket over time"
Select one:
a. medium of exchange
b. unit of account
c. store of value
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L1. In blockchain, distributed ledgers use independent computers (referred to as nodes) to
record, share and synchronize
transactions in their respective electronic ledgers (instead of keeping data centralized as in a
traditional ledger).
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Clear my choice
L1. Which characteristics of money is related to the statement: "When being used often,
money should NOT be physically
Select one:
a. Durability
b. Limited supply
c. Portability
d. Acceptability
e. Divisibility
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L1. Blockchain is Bitcoin and vice-versa. True/False?
Select one:
a. False
b. True
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L1. Which function of money that allows purchasing power to be used over time
Select one:
a. medium of exchange
b. store of value
c. unit of account

Test 3 (sai 1 câu)

Câu 1: What are UTXOs in a Bitcoin Blockchain?

a. They are actual currency that is sent to the receiver of a transaction

b. They are total rewards for miners in the network

c. They define the inputs and outputs of transactions

d. They are transaction output that has been expended

Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of blockchains?

Select one:
a. Growing Pains
b. Environmental Impact
c. Immutable
d. False Narratives

Where are the transactions stored in a blockchain?

Select one:
a. On a centralized immutable ledger
b. On a distributed immutable ledger
c. On a SQL database service
d. On a SQLite database service

Which of the following is NOT correct about transaction 0 in every block in the Bitcoin
Select one:
a. It is called the transaction's coinbase.
b. It does not contains any input UTXO.
c. It is for paying the miner fees.
d. It contains the net value of transactions of the entire blocks
Who is the author of the digital online cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin?
Select one:
a. Wei Dai
b. Satoshi Nakamoto
c. Vitalik Buterin
d. Hal Finney

UTXO stands for ...

Select one:
a. Unique Transaction Offer
b. Unspent Trade Offer
c. Unspent Transaction Xeroxed Output
d. Unspent Transaction Output

Which of the following activities should be implemented via a private blockchain?

Select one:
a. Asset ownership
b. Supply chain management
c. All activities should be
d. Internal Voting

A block in a Blockchain contains a header and information pieces about ...

Select one:
a. Inputs
b. Digital Ledger
c. Transactions
d. Bitcoins

What kind of tasks miners in the Bitcoin blockchain does NOT do?
Select one:
a. broadcast transactions,
b. compete to claim the right to create a block,
c. verify transactions,
d. manage accounts in blockchain

A transaction generates new UTXOs for transferring the amount specified in the input
UTXOs. True/False/Not given?
Select one:
a. False
b. True
c. Not given

Choose the correct description about blockchain?

Select one:
a. A blockchain consists of growing list of transactions.
b. Blocks in blockchains could be at a normal security level for preventing attacks from
unauthorized parties.
c. All statements are correct.
d. The distributed ledger technology (DLT) could be used for implementing a blockchain
e. There is usually one transaction stored inside a block of blockchains.

Choose the correct statement about a public blockchain?

Select one:
a. It is accessible to anyone who wants to request or validate a transaction
b. It only uses proof-of-work as consensus protocol for transaction validation
c. Many current cryptocurrencies are public blockchains
d. It only uses proof-of-stake as consensus protocol for transaction validation

How is the transaction data in blockchain actually be stored?

Select one:
a. leaves of a Merkle tree
b. hash tables and SHA-256
c. all nodes of a Merkle tree
d. hash tables and RIPEMD 160
One of the primary purposes of Ethereum blockchain?
Select one:
a. to introduce a mechanism of exchanging digital assets
b. to provide smart contracts' services
c. to create a market for cryptocurrency exchange
d. to provide cloud computing's services

The genesis block is ...

Select one:
a. The first transaction in each block
b. The block #0 of a blockchain
c. The final block of a blockchain
d. Any block created by the blockchain author

Test 4

Which is the primary purpose of Bitcoin blockchain?

Select one:
a. to create a market for cryptocurrency exchange
b. to provide cloud computing's services
c. to provide smart contracts' services
d. to introduce a mechanism of exchanging digital assets

Advantages of blockchains?
Select one:
a. Trustless
b. Immutable
c. All mentioned are correct
d. Peer-to-Peer

Which of the following activities should NOT be implemented via a public blockchain?
Select one:
a. Voting
b. Fundraising
c. Citizen information managing
d. Marketing

Who is the author of the digital online cryptocurrency known as Ethereal?

Select one:
a. Vitalik Buterin
b. Satoshi Nakamoto
c. Hal Finney
d. Wei Dai

Choose the correct statement about a private blockchain?

Select one:
a. Many current cryptocurrencies are private blockchains
b. It only uses proof-of-stake as consensus protocol for transaction validation
c. Anyone who wants to validate a transaction needs a permission
d. It only uses proof-of-work as consensus protocol for transaction validation

Transaction confirmation is independently performed by all miner nodes in the network.

True/False/Not given?
Select one:
a. False
b. True
c. Not given

What/Who are miners in a blockchain?

Select one:
a. An algorithm that you can use to identify the new block to be added into a blockchain
b. A person who initiates transactions for blocks in the blockchain
c. A third party who receives rewards (cryptocurrency) from senders of transactions
d. Computers that compete to validate transactions and add new blocks by solving
the cryptographic puzzle

Miners are computers that execute ...

Select one:
a. operations defined by users
b. operations defined by transactions
c. operations defined by the blockchain protocol
d. operations defined by a super-computer

Which of the following model is used for the implementation of Bitcoin?

Select one:
a. a client/server model
b. Both centralized model and decentralized model
c. a centralized model
d. a decentralized model

A blockchain is a mechanism for peer-to-peer digital currency transfer without any

intermediaries such as banks. True/False/Not given?
Select one:
a. True
b. Not given
c. False

Which of the following is NOT a type of blockchains?

Select one:
a. Protected Blockchains
b. Private Blockchains
c. Consortiums
d. Public Blockchains

Validation, Verification, Immutable Recording, and ... are factors that contribute to the Trust
and Security of blockchain technologies?
Select one:
a. Consensus
b. Tokens
c. Algorithms
d. Coins

Choose the INcorrect statement about a consortium?

Select one:
a. All statements are incorrect
b. Dragonchain is an example of consortiums
c. It only contains decentralized features.
d. It is a combination of public and private blockchains

The consensus protocol used by the Bitcoin blockchain is ...

Select one:
a. Proof of Work
b. Proof of Activities
c. Proof of Elapsed Time
d. Proof of Stake

What kind of information should NOT be stored in each block of a blockchain?

Select one:
a. transaction data
b. information of miners
c. a timestamp
d. a cryptographic hash of the previous block's hash

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