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Rules and Classroom Expectations:

1) Don’t talk over others and or me

2) Treat others with respect and proper manners, including me
3) Do as I ask you, telling you twice means detention


1) Everyone has a voice and has the right to use it and be heard
2) Everyone deserves to be here, and hurt feelings distract from why we are here
3) You’ll learn quietly after school how to behave until you learn

Consequences: Automatic Referrals for everything in the School Handbook, detentions will be for
disrespect to anyone or refusal to sign detention slips

Rewards: Consult the provided Winterbottom’s Tickets chart for the amount of tickets you need to turn
in for the provided award. Ticket’s are earned, not given. Participation is key. (Free book, Exempt for
assignments, positive email home, etc.)

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