SHIPMATE - Navy Officers

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Shipmate is the official alumni magazine of the United States Naval Academy.

Published 8 times a year and distributed globally, the mission of the magazine is to keep alumni, midshipmen, parents, donors, legislators, faculty, administrators and friends informed, interested and excited about the Naval Academy and the Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation. Shipmate offers excellent exposure for advertisers. The magazine is mailed to over 53,000 readers throughout the world, the majority of who are highly prominent leaders within the military and civilian sectors. Our welleducated, affluent and influential readers take an active interest in the Naval Academy, Navy and nation. To place your ad, please contact Mike Massicott at 800-795-7696 Ext: 1262 or

The publisher (USNA Alumni Association & Foundation) reserves the right to edit, reject and/or cancel any advertisement. Furthermore, the publisher has the right to reject advertising that competes with USNA Alumni Association & Foundation programs, merchandise and/or services. Advertisements for alcohol, tobacco, firearms and political groups are not accepted. The advertiser and their advertising agency assume full liability for content of advertisements printed and assume full responsibility for any claims made against the publisher.

Advertising contracts, insertion orders or written notice authorizing an advertisement to run must accompany or precede the arrival of the advertising material. Guaranteed positions are contracted for inside the front page (Cover 2) and back page (inside, Cover 3, and outside, Cover 4) positions only. However, requested placement will be attempted based on space availability and the discretion of the publisher. Only ads that meet our design specifications will be accepted.

be Advertiser and advertising agency are jointly and separately responsible for payment. Pre-payment is required. Ads will pulled at the discretion of the Publisher for non-payment.


Full Page7 1/8 x9 7/8

Full Page Bleed 8 1/2 x11 1/8

1/2 Page (Horiz.) 7 1/8 x5

1/2 Page (Vert.) 3 1/2 x9 7/8

1/4 Page (Vert.) 3 1/2 x4 7/8

Digital data is required for all ad submissions. Preferred file format is PDF/X-1a. However, other digital art will be accepted. High-resolution PDFs must be provided as CMYK with fonts and images embedded via disk, CDROM or email. For the back cover ad (Cover 4), an area of 2 1/2 (h) x 5 (w) must be left blank, from the trim size to accommodate the mailing label. This space must be positioned on either the top left or top right corner of the advertisement. Shipmate is printed on a high-speed web and SWOP standards apply. The magazine is perfect bound. Final trim size is 8 1/4 x 10 7/8 inches and bleed size is 8 1/2 x 11 1/8 inches. Live material must be kept 1/4 inch from the trim. Additionally, the production department at Pentagon Publishing is available to design or reformat files at $75 per hour. Please contact Art Department at 800-795-7696 Extension 1248 or if you would like our assistance.

Shipmate Issue
Jan/Feb March/April Stewardship May/June July/August Member Services September/October November/December

Insertion and Materials Deadlines*

12/02 02/01 03/03 04/14 06/01 07/06 08/02 09/28

* Ad Deadlines are approximate ask for current deadlines


Please Note: All ad rates reflect 4/C process and full pages include bleed.

Cover 4 Cover 2 or 3 Full page 1/2 page 1/4 page $4,995 $4,495 $3,995 $2,895 $1,695

$4,495 $4,195 $3,695 $2,595 $1,495

$3,995 $3,805 $3,495 $2,495 $1,195

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