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Denis Ryabtsev

Application of parapsychological
phenomena in
technical devices

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Ryabtsev D.

The use of parapsychological phenomena in technical devices / D.

Ryabtsev - "Author", 2023

The purpose of this work is to show that some parapsychological

phenomena can be an interesting area for the development of
various devices. This work is divided into 3 areas. The first is psi-interfaces.
Control devices with the power of thought. The second is telepathic
information exchange. Transfer of thought to another person at a
distance. The third is magical seals and talismans. Invoking various
mental effects when viewing seemingly meaningless images. For
each direction, a way to modernize using modern technologies is
proposed. The book contains links to experiments with working
prototypes and practical examples that will allow the reader to fully
immerse themselves in the world of paranormal experiments.

© Ryabtsev D., 2023

© Author, 2023
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Introduction 5

Basic terms and principles of insertualism. Psi interface. Existing 7

model, research, background. Development and some problems. Description of EIP settings 11

Setting process: Combined psi-interface. 12


Option for "automatic" psi-interface settings. Option with a neural network. 24

Psi interface. Decoder. 26

Psyconnector. telepathic exchange 28

of information. 35

Some cases similar to telepathy from the animal kingdom. History of the study of 36

telepathy among humans. Description of a real case. Analysis 38

of the work of scientists with computer 40

telepathy. Description of the psiconnector device. Analysis of 41

information transfer with minimal information exchange. 44

Variants of the "psiconnector". The third direction is 45

"Neurofractalization". Historical part.

Theoretical "hypotheses" Potential and fractal 46

geometry. Neurofractalization. Description of the hypothetical device Neurofractalization. 50

First prototype Conclusion. Links 60

Glossary of terms 65

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D. Ryabtsev. "Application of parapsychological phenomena in technical devices"

Ryabtsev Application of
parapsychological phenomena in technical de

The purpose of this work is to show that some parapsychological phenomena can be an interesting
area for the development of various devices. Of course, it is impossible to say with certainty that these
devices will work at all or work exactly as expected, but, nevertheless, the same can be said about any new
and experimental models and prototypes built on the basis of a proven and traditional scientific theory.

Nevertheless, one of the main ideas of this work is to describe the hypothetical devices and the
scientific research available for their theoretical basis in as much detail as possible so that a person with the
necessary resources and desire can, on the basis of this work, try to reproduce the described devices and try
them in business.
In the process of working on the concept of this essay, a very curious problem was discovered, which
was repeatedly pointed out by several prominent scientists. Modern man does not have so many opportunities
if he is separated from the collectives in which he is a member. Bipedalism, language, writing, counting,
orienteering. What other abilities does science give to a person if he has no connections with collectives?
How can a person modify his behavior or his own body in order to get more opportunities to interact with
nature? - This is not the most favorite question for traditional science, except perhaps medicine, which,
however, never talks about empowerment, but instead talks about the return of the lost.

This situation is part of a larger problem, which once again came to light in the process of writing and
this work. Naturally, in some things it was necessary to move away from the generally accepted paradigm.
But on the other hand, thanks to this, this work will be read a little more interesting, because otherwise it
would resemble something like a technical task. This work is divided into 3 areas. The first is psi-interfaces.
Controlling devices with the power of thought. In the modern world of advanced technologies, there is
a traditional analogue of such technology - a neural interface. However, nothing prevents the development of
a paranormal alternative or even a combination of traditional and non-traditional approaches in this matter.
The second is telepathic information exchange. From Cold War experiments to religious and occult practices,
this area
can be greatly enriched and help several commercially profitable areas at once, when combined with
modern technologies that already exist.

The third is magical seals and talismans. Based on fractal analysis, the use of a neural interface and
learning neural networks, it is possible to create a device that will interpret the psychophysiological state of a
person in the form of a fractal image. Looking at this image, another person will experience a similar psycho-
physiological state. Its use in different versions can be useful in marketing, in the field of art and culture,
medicine and psychology, as well as to create a special

At the end of the work, a list of references will be presented, as well as a glossary of terms.
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I will try to describe everything in detail, but not too boring, so that the reader is
interested. In the process of narration, calculations, diagrams, links to video materials
and much more will be used. I hope this work will be useful to you.

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Basic terms and principles of insertualism.

There are a great many different philosophical, scientific, "pseudo-scientific", occult systems
for describing paranormal phenomena. In order to start describing the technical features, I use my
own system, which I call insertualism. Most of all, it is similar to Nalimov's philosophy of
probabilism[2]. The main reason I use the new term is not to amuse my own selfishness, but
because it is free from the problems and prejudices of the past. If I talk about archetypes, energies,
prana, then this is unlikely to contribute to a serious discussion of the problems outlined. Rather,
old disputes will flare up that are connected with these terms and their systems. I have tried to
present the terms and principles of insertualism as concisely as possible. Although I am sure that
the last principle outlined in this chapter may cause some difficulties for the reader. In this regard, I
note that in the process of presentation the situation will become clearer, and the reason for the
misunderstanding lies in the fact that such irrational processes and connections, with which the
life of every person is full, turn out to be very difficult to describe in our ordinary language.
Approach to the problem in general terms. I proceed from the fact that irrationality, randomness
and uncertainty are integral parts of our life.
We can't run away from it, no matter
how hard we try. The best thing to do here is to develop the simplest and most effective
methods of interaction with this ubiquitous phenomenon. In order to do this, you must first answer
the question - if we are constantly and so connected with uncertainty, it is inside us and around
us, then why interact with it artificially? - the answer unless you have no other choice and it is really
necessary. If you find yourself in a situation of lack of information, and some situation based on
this information is inevitable, then you can artificially establish a connection with uncertainty and
extract some information from it. If there are other ways of obtaining information (besides the
connection with uncertainty), it is better to use

call them.

If you depend on the outcome of some processes, but cannot physically influence them, then
you can try to use the connection with irrationality. If you are exploring the
possibilities of connection with irrationality, then here you also have no other
exit, except to try.
In other words, connections with irrationality must be treated with some respect and
understood that they should be resorted to only when necessary. Why is it important? - if you resort
to the irrational in your judgments too often, then your conclusions may lose their empirical basis.
They will be based only on your abstract ideas or desires. An example of such pseudo-logic can
be seen if ancient religions are taken literally – for example, that lightning is created by the god
Thor, and not by natural processes in the atmosphere. There is some tendency among people to
treat the uncertainty of natural processes as a person.[1] The reason is that the biggest source of
is the man himself.

Modern man has a big problem when it comes to connections with uncertainty and irrationality.
Usually there is a fall into one of the extremes - either a complete denial of irrationality and attempts
to avoid it, or vice versa, excessive use of it in one's judgments. I think that this problem largely
stems from the culture of modern man, who tries to hide many things and processes under the
carpet, and as a result, these processes break out sooner or later, sweeping away everything in
their path.[3] Behind
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one does not need to look far for an example - for example, it is obvious that there is a serious
problem with such a phenomenon as violence. Culture, on the one hand, hides violence under the
carpet, tries to make people in everyday life not solve their problems with violence, but at the same
time encourages war - mass violence using the most effective technical means.
Something similar happens with connections to the irrational. We refuse these connections,
ignore the phenomena that arise in everyday life, ignore our own feelings, dreams, do not pay
attention to cases of predictions and influences on each other. However, we consider it normal that
our whole life depends on a fleeting desire, sensation or impulse that arises in the head of an often
unhealthy and old person at the head of the collective hierarchy to which we belong. This narrative
was especially well set forth in the dialogue of an
anthropologist with an African chief of a tribe that had been enslaved by the British. The
scientist asked him if he still sees prophetic dreams and makes decisions for the life of the tribe
based on them? - to which he replied - "no, now only the English governor sees such dreams ..."

Insertualism (from lat. Incertio - indefinite) is a current of scientific and practical thought
aimed at the effective study and use of uncertainty in everyday life. Uncertainty is a situation where
there is approximately
the same probability
the occurrence of several events. (A system that estimates probability is implied.)
An observer is a system that evaluates the probability of occurrence of various events, and
also waits for their occurrence. As a rule, such a system is itself a source of uncertainty. (It is not
known exactly what probability such a system would produce).
Expectation is the event that, in the opinion of the observer, is most likely or most desirable.

Potential - a system that changes over time and has, according to the observer
tel, the probability of fulfilling the expectation.
Observation is the process of information exchange between the observer and the potential.
(Further in some places it will be called insertual observation or interaction with uncertainty).

The observability criterion is the possibility of information exchange between the observer
and potential.

Some principles of observation. If an

expectation is not formed by an observer, then there is no potential. In
order to guess or make a mistake when guessing heads / tails of a coin, it is not enough just
to throw a coin. It is necessary to guess the outcome before the throw. Then there is the potential
for the predicted event to
occur. If the information exchange between systems is difficult, then the observability criterion
is not met, and there is no information exchange. If
you thought that an eagle would fall out, threw a coin - and it fell into the lake and you no longer have i
get it - then you will no longer be able to confirm your guess.
Uncertainty exists only between the observer, with formed expectation and changing
potential. In the world every moment a
lot of coins fall. But when guessing heads or tails,
you are interested in exactly one particular coin that you are throwing.
If the expectation of the observer is fulfilled, then the observer and the potential change
places in the process of
observation. It is worth dwelling on this point in more detail. Let's try to continue the previous
example with a coin. To do this, first consider it from the position of a person - tossing a coin.
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You took a coin in your hand, formed an expectation that it was an eagle. Made a throw. The
process of changing systems can be illustrated by such a question - did you think of an eagle before
the throw because you predicted that it would fall out? - you will not find a real answer to this question,
but this is not required.
When you have formed an expectation and tossed a coin, you are an observer. Paul your bro
juice, coin, physical laws - contain the potential for the fulfillment of expectations.
When you see that an eagle fell out, you yourself become the answer to your expectation. The
same gender, toss, coin and the result of physical forces, but for a moment in the future. And because
of this, you can ask a curious question - did you think of an eagle, just because it fell out? As a result,
we can say that on the one hand, the observation took place between you, physical objects and natural
laws, and on the other hand, between you in the present and you for a moment in the future.

If you do not guess, then naturally we can no longer talk about a hypothetical
the second part of the interaction. (Between you in the present and you in the future).
Now let's consider the process from the point of view of the second system - throw, sex, physical
laws. For them, the situation is a little simpler - The result of your interactions resolves only one
important question - whether you will roll again. And although you can be guided by a variety of motives
- the fact of guessing or not guessing will most likely affect your decision on subsequent rolls. (unless
this fact is really important to you, and not, for example, a certain number of throws, because in this
case the change of positions will shift to the last throw in this row).

And notice - if you decide to make a new throw - you again change places with another system.
Until the very last moment the coin takes off into the air, you remain a source of uncertainty and
potential in this interaction - will you flip it or not?
When the roll is made - nature and material objects are a source of uncertainty and potential -
what will come up? When the coin fell,
you again become a source of uncertainty and potential - will you throw it or not? And so the
process of changing
positions can be cited further. Particularly perceptive readers familiar with occult theories have
probably already noticed where the most interesting part of this principle lies - in the connections
between the uncertainty "throws or not" and the uncertainty "whether it comes up heads?" One is
important for one system, the other for another. One is controlled by man, the other depends on nature.
A person, under certain conditions, can artificially put both conditions into one expectation before
throwing. In a primitive version, this process would look like an attempt to answer questions before the
throw - how do you think you need to position your body and hand in space before the throw, so that it
falls heads? Is it worth it to let the hand make a throw as if by itself, so that it falls heads? Is it worth
throwing right now, or does it make sense to wait a few seconds for it to come up heads? It is impossible
to answer these questions rationally, but being guided by the irrational and indefinite is another question.
This is just an example, although if anyone is interested, you can do such a trick, but one more
component is important to complete it - if the right side falls out - you need to remember exactly how
you threw, where you stood and carry out such a thought - I threw it that way , and not otherwise, so
that the eagle falls out. Of course, this is just an example and you should not think that this method will
always give you a positive result. If this example seemed confusing to someone, it's okay.

In the following chapters, examples will show exactly how the principles of insertualism work and
it will be much easier to navigate in them. Within the framework
of these terms and principles, several variants of the application of parapsychological phenomena
in various technical devices will be described below. Talk about

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different parapsychological terms and principles can be long, insertualism, from the point
of view of its theory, is no exception. However, I have tried to be as brief as possible and I
hope that in the future everything will become clear enough, at least for the purposes of an
independent experiment. For self-acquaintance with the reader, I leave a few links below.

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Psi interface. Existing model,

research, background.

The idea to use the connection with uncertainty to control computer programs came to
me in 2017. Then I outlined the hypothetical concept of such a program in an article by EIP[4]
in the journal Science Education and Culture. The closest analogue to this program is the
random number generators developed in 1970 and various programs made on their basis by
the PEAR group. [5] (Princeton Engineering Anomaly Research Group). American scientists
conducted a series of experiments on the influence of mental expectations on the results of
the operation of random number generators - the results showed a slight deviation in favor of
the expectation. Those who are intimately familiar with this subject may also recall the
experiments of the parapsychologist Rhine [6], who also conducted a series of similar
experiments before PEAR. His works were later cited by many parapsychologists, such as
Vasiliev (in the USSR) [7] and, for example, Seabrook [8] abroad.
The studies of the PEAR group are important points in the study of parapsychology,
foreknowledge and psychokinesis, and therefore one cannot do without mentioning such
significant works on this topic.

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Development and some problems.

After writing the article, preparations began for the development of the program. The
idea of the psi-interface was based on the concept of imitation of uncertainty, which is
suitable for mental interaction. Consistency turned out to be such a criterion of suitability - for
one random iteration to influence the subsequent random iteration. Such a sequence in the
case of the psi-interface was expressed in the path that the cursor-contactor of the program

traversed. The first version of the psi-interface, which simulated the movement of the cursor
across the field, based on the action of a random number generator, faced the problem of
repetitions. This interesting problem was expressed in the fact that the very first guessing so
influenced the movement of the contactor that all subsequent switching on repeated the
same hidden pattern. As a result, it was no longer random.
At the same time, the initial pattern depended on the computer on which the psi-
interface was launched. Restarting the program or rebooting the computer still played the
same pattern over and over again.
We managed to solve this problem by adding another element of uncertainty to the
process of moving the cursor - namely, during iterations. By tying the iteration intervals to a
value that depended on the position of the contactor in the working field, it was possible to
create a “sufficient” uncertainty so that it was possible to obtain visual intersections of
expectations and the movement of the contactor. Restarting the program or computer began
to remove the very first pattern, so you can guess different options for the path of the contactor.
This problem was very interesting - it combined several questions at once - the first, are
conventional computers suitable for such communication? And secondly, is consistency really
enough to recreate that indeterminacy that is suitable for communication with the psyche?
The connection between iteration time and randomness turned out to be the key - but it was
impossible to add just a random parameter to the iteration period. The reason was that at
that time one more random process was added, the observation of which could be difficult.
But if we tied the iteration time to the position of the contactor on the working field, the
sequence and observability were preserved. It was this option that was implemented in the
next version of the psiinterface. However, do not think that the problem of repetitions has
been solved 100%. Randomization of periodicity made it possible to get 2 intersections of
wait and cursor movement without restarting. The addition of an automatic restart mode
made it even better to avoid repeating patterns.
Further, it was decided to tie the movement of the contactor-cursor to special zones on
the working field, if they hit them, a certain process would be launched. This process was
turning on the magnet through a small relay. Such a minor revision opened up an interesting
field for research - namely, the use of parapsychological methods of communication to control
various technical devices. We can say that this entire book partly owes its appearance to this
particular development. Links to videos of the
psionic interface and magnet in action will be provided at the end of this chapter. https:// Let's
move on to the description of the program and its
features. The psi-interface is a program that moves a point across the working field.
This movement is done on the basis of a random number generator. Generation occurs at a
configurable frequency. The movement of a point is observable and thus suitable for
predictions and interactions.

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In addition to the actual movement itself, it is possible to mark areas of the working field,
after entering which, the point will turn on the external device.
Thus, by mere mental expectation, an external device can be manipulated. First, let's
consider the
instruction and description of a simple version of the psi-interface: For the psi-
interface (hereinafter referred to as EIP) to work correctly, each user must make a general
program setup, and for this it is necessary to perform the following actions: Specify the boundaries
of the working field; Select the
cursor shape; Choose the
size of the figure (borders of randomness); Select
the speed of iterations (cursor movements)
Enable or disable randomization of periodicity; Select
starting position Specify
activation zones Select
relay for external device

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Description of EIP settings

Fig 1. Description of settings

List of settings: 1
Working field - A field with a given resolution, on which iterations occur 2 Start button - A
button when pressed, on which iterations begin. 3 Settings panel – EIP settings
panel 3.1 Size of the working field XXXX by
xxxx – Specifies the size of the working field. By
analogy with screen resolution, for example 1600 X 1200 pixels
3.2 Selecting an Iteration Shape – Iter Boundary Shape
tion can be circle, square, triangle
3.3 Randomness limits XX – min, XX – max – The maximum and minimum iteration limits
are set, for example -100 – min ,+100 – max. Depending on this setting, the area of points of
the geometric figure from paragraph 3.2 is set. (for example -100, +100 - area of 200 points)

3.4 Iteration start point - coordinates xxxx to xxxx Specify the coordinates of the first point
from where iterations will start. It should be possible to specify the start point with the mouse on
the workspace
4 Stop button - When you click on this button, iterations end

“Randomization of Iterations” settings block

1 Periodicity (fixed) – In this field, the user specifies the frequency that should not change.
When the "Randomize periodicity" flag is enabled, it cannot be more than a second.

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2 Periodicity (random) - This field indicates the frequency, which is calculated randomly. It is filled in automatically,
according to the algorithm (algorithm below). 3 Periodicity (calculated) - This field indicates the frequency that will be
used for the next iteration (point movement). The field is calculated by digits, based on the values in fields 01
and 02. Calculated automatically

4 Randomize periodicity (flag) - This flag enables the run functionality

domization of periodicity. Without its inclusion, the EIP algorithm does not change from the current one.

OOP settings block (disabled operation zones) 1. Enable OOP - This flag
enables the OOP functionality. Without turning it on, you can't
set switching zones on the working field or start the relay
2. Number of circles - Specifies the number of zones that will be located on the working field 3. Area of circles -
Specifies the
area of zones in pixels. 4. 1 circle number - Here you can select the circle
to which you want to assign a value. 5. Circle value - You can assign different values to the circles. For
example ON. To indicate the purpose of waiting 6. Stop iterations when crossing - Flag. When turned on, the
movement con

the cursor-cursor will stop when it enters the zone

7. Circle value output - This field automatically displays the value that is assigned to the circle in field 05 when
the contactor-cursor enters it 8. Distance to point - The distance between
the zones and the cursor-contactor. Required
dimo when multiple zones are located
9. Location of laps Lap number - The field in which the number of the lap is indicated for the location

10. Arrange - Button. After clicking on it, you need to select a place on the working
field and click on it with the left mouse button to place the inclusion zone.

Settings block Stand-by mode 1. On/Off

Stand-by mode – The flag turns on the standby mode. Standby mode
restarts iterations again if the contactor goes beyond the boundaries of the working field
2. Timeout - Field. In it, in seconds, you can specify the time after which
restart cursor movement
3. Restart coordinates - The place from which they will automatically restart

Relay control setting block 1 Relay control

– Flag. After clicking, the functionality of the block becomes available.
relay control
2. Select - Button - allows you to select a relay from the list of relays connected to the computer (via USB) 3.
Check connection -
Allows you to check whether the program can turn on the relay 4. Timer - A field that indicates in seconds
the time between turning on and turning off the relay. The contactor can very quickly cross the boundary of the
switching zones many times - the timer protects the relay from excessively fast switching.

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Setting process:

The setting is made to achieve comfortable synchronization of the expectations of the human
operator with the working field of the EIP.
The settings are made empirically, if the field changes too quickly, too slowly or has a small
size, you need to change the settings in accordance with paragraph 2 of this manual. This part is
the basis for further improvements. It is
necessary that the adjustment be made automatically in accordance with EEG data or
psychophysiological parameters of a person. The problem is that adjusting the psi-interface
according to your state is not an easy task, especially for someone who has never done it. People
are used to the fact that setting up a program is a secondary thing, but in cases with a psi-interface,
this is very important for the high-quality formation of expectations. Step 1. In the EIP settings field,
specify the dimensions of the working field, within which the movement will
move the “cursor figure” of the psiinterface.

Rice. 2 Working area settings

Specify the workspace width and height. Both parameters are indicated in pixels.

Step 2. Select the "shape" of the

cursor. The user must select 1 of the 3 available EIP figures. Inside this figure, the point-
center of the figure will move.

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Rice. 3 Selecting a geometric figure

Step 3. Choose the dimensions of the figure (borders of

chance). The user must specify the dimensions of the figure within which iterations will
be performed. The larger the randomness boundary, the larger the figure and, accordingly, the
stronger the figure will change its position on the working field in each iteration.

Rice. 5 Choice of random boundaries

The value is specified in pixel points. In the "minimum" field, you can enter a negative

Step 4. Select the iteration speed

The user must select the speed with which the figure - the EIP cursor - will move.
And also enable or disable the "Randomization of iterations" functionality.
The iteration randomization functionality is necessary so that the user can use several
consecutive waits when working with the interface. This problem was discussed at the
beginning of this chapter. This is achieved by using
randomness generator data for small changes in periodicity time. If the flag "Randomization
of iterations" is turned off, then the
interface will repeat only
operator's first wait.

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If the flag is enabled, then this interface is capable of repeating up to 2-4 completely
different expectations in one switch-on. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the randomization
functionality enabled during work.

Rice. 6 Enable/ disable frequency randomization

To select a speed, you must fill in the "Frequency fixed" field. The field is filled in
seconds (and fractions of a second, up to a thousandth of a second).
Randomness affects the calculation of periodicity within the user-specified data in the
Periodicity (fix) field. When the flag "Randomize periodicity" is off, this field will be invariably
used as the iteration change time.

Rice. 7 Setting the frequency

Fields Periodicity (random) and Periodicity (calculated) are not filled in by the user
yutsya. They are calculated automatically during the operation of the "Randomization of iterations" block.
Calculated frequency is used to determine the cursor speed
NOTE: Random
periodicity is the random rate of iterations. Its calculation depends on the current position
of the cursor figure on the working field. Calculated
frequency = Periodicity (fixed) + Periodicity (random) Step 5. Select the
starting point of iterations To work, the user
must select the starting point of the cursor-shape, from where
iterations will take place. To do this, left-click on the field.

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Rice. 8 Setting the starting point

The value of the iteration start point will be filled in automatically according to the specified position. Step 6
Operational Zones Enable the disabled operational
zones block.

Rice. 9 Shutdown Operation Zone Settings

Choose the number of circles. Specify their area. Enter a value (optional), specify the distance to the point, and
click the “arrange” button. Next, select the zone where we will direct the contactor cursor by waiting.

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Step 7 Stand-
by Turn on the stand-by mode by clicking on the flag. Specify the restart timeout. Enter
the restart coordinates (you can copy from the starting position of the contactor cursor).

Rice. 10 Stand-by mode

This setting will restart the movement of the contactor cursor from some given point
(restart coordinates) if it reaches the borders of the working field. The restart removes the
problem of the 4-crossing limit and allows more sequential waits to be formed. Step 8 Relay
control Turn
on the relay control
flag. Press the select button. Choose from the list of connections
chennoe to USB, relay. Specify the relay switching time in the timer field.

Rice. 11 Control Relay

The timer is needed to protect the relay from too fast switching, which
possible at high speeds of the cursor-contactor.
Mental expectation
The above settings are enough to work with the psi-interface. The
very nature of the work and mental preparation for it is carried out as follows: Having set
necessary settings for the speed of iterations, it is necessary to start the psi-interface. Then
a few seconds (from 30 seconds to a minute) to observe the movement of the cursor.
During this period, nothing is guessed, only the cursor is observed. You can once again check
whether the settings are comfortable. After that, guess that the cursor will move in a certain
direction. Or if it’s hard to put the question like that - ask yourself - “Where will he move in the
next 10 seconds?” and figure out a direction. If the cursor has moved approximately in the right
direction, you can proceed to work. Having
chosen the place where the cursor should go, and designate it with the Magnet Inclusion Zone
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Rice. 12 Setting the magnet activation zone

Then we guess how the point enters the Zone. After that, we return attention to the point, where it is now and
imagine how it shifts slightly towards the zone, then again imagine how the point enters the zone, then again return to
the current position of the point and imagine how it shifts slightly in the right direction from the current positions, etc. up
before switching on.

These guesses for a large target (switch-on zone) and a small target (shifting a point from the current position a
little to the side towards the main target) must be done alternately until the goal is reached. After this is done, you need
to remember the initial position
of the point from which
guessing began.

Video recording of how the above interaction with the psiinterface is performed
can be viewed at the link:
Using the psiinterface as an example, we examined the existing prototype of program control with the help of
mental expectations. Now let's move on to what else can be done with this technology and what hypothetical devices
based on it can be.

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Combined psi-interface.

Before we move on to hypothetical psi-based devices, a few important points should be mentioned. First, the
division between the next several chapters can be considered conditional, because each of the refinement options
described below can be used in the implementation of the next option. But for the purposes of the narrative it still
makes sense to make a division. Secondly, one should remember

The thread that the options described here are not exhaustive or the only ones, they are rather examples that only set
the right direction. When reading, you should keep this in mind, in particular, for this reason, only 3 settings of the psi-
interface are analyzed for connections in the EEG of the brain, and not more. But knowing the principle, it will not be so
difficult to conduct further research. The first problem, which has already been partially discussed above, is the setting
of the psi-interface. In order to
properly set it up, you need to be able to more or less correctly assess your condition. How excited or calm you
are, how well your attention is concentrated. If you are good at evaluating your condition yourself, then you can quickly
select the appropriate settings. But if this is not so, then it remains only to look at the movement of the contactor and
roughly estimate whether it is comfortable or not. Naturally, the option to automate the configuration process suggests
itself. And for this purpose, the concept of a combined psi-interface is perfect. So, a combined psi-interface. The
meaning of the combined psi-interface is to remove the manual adjustment of its parameters, which were described in
the previous chapter (such as speed, shape, etc.). And replace it with an automatic or semi-automatic setting, which
would be based on the EEG of the brain


There are many options for linking EEG parameters to psiinterface settings. This essay will briefly reflect several
hypothetical approaches to solving this problem. First, we divide the process of obtaining data using a flowchart into
several stages.

pov. See below:

Figure 13. Architecture of the process of combining the psi-interface and the neural interface

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It can be seen from the diagram that the results of interaction with the psi-interface
will inevitably affect the parameters of the brain, and the process will loop. This means
that you can't just go ahead and do the autotuning just once. You need to do this
periodically during the session itself. In this regard, the key factor is the moment of change
of indicators or the so-called iteration of change of settings.

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Option for "automatic" psi-interface settings.

This process will have its own rhythm, while it should be possible to customize it.
For example, the neural interface is constantly taking EEG readings. The first reading sets the most initial
settings. Then the "start" button is pressed. After starting, every 5 seconds the program analyzes the data received within
5 seconds according to several indicators and, based on them, changes the settings of the psi-interface for the next 5
seconds. And then the process restarts again.

To begin with, let's give a table of psi-interface settings that are most suitable for automatic tuning and try to
combine it with various EEG indicators that can be useful for this purpose. We will draw our conclusions on the basis of
the latest scientific articles by neuroscientists. Links to articles will be left in the table in the corresponding column of the

Now consider several options for the indicators of the above sensors and
possible settings:

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Before starting automatic measurement, select the fixed frequency. Values will be subtracted
from this amount. We put on the neural interface and within a certain time (which can also be
configured) we expect the first readings for the settings to be taken

Calculation algorithms can be introduced, for example, using the Matlab platform attached
to the neurointerface. (if we are talking about, for example, the EMOTIV neural interface) For
example, you can identify the periodicity of the alpha wave using the
code [11]: Fs = 128; # EPOC Sampling
Frequency T = 1/Fs; #
Sample time L = size(signal,2); # Length
of the signal t = (0:L-1)*T; # Scaled
Time Vector % Add a pure 50 Hz
control signal x1 = 0.7*sin(2*pi*50*t)
+ signal; NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);# Approximate to the nearest power of two for efficiency.
Y = fft(x1, NFFT)/L; f
= Fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
% Plot single-sided amplitude spectrum
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');

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Option with a neural network.

Another option for using a combined neural interface is to use a neural network to identify the
necessary patterns for settings. For this purpose, you will first need to conduct several sessions of
working with the psi-interface together with the neural interface. Take EEG data from the most
successful interactions. Use them as samples for the neural network. Based on them, choose from
several settings the most suitable for the current data. It turns out the following: Reference Option
settings 1 channels
AF, P, O1, O2
corresponds to X, X = triangle,
frequency fix 0.24. Random bounds = -500, 500
The selected variant of settings 1n. Channels AF, P, O1, O2 corresponds to Y, where
Y=square, periodicity fixed 0.33, randomness limits = 440, 433.
Training occurs on the basis of the selection of options for settings in accordance with the EEG
data. A message about success or approach can be taken from a human operator and thus train a
simple neural network to select settings. You can also use the options from the previous paragraph,
where the alleged interactions were described.
When training a neural network, you can use more channels for selection, since
some interactions we may not know.
Here it is worth mentioning one important issue. Are there any advantages of a psi-interface
compared to a traditional neural interface with a neural network? What is the difference between
The difference is quite interesting and it starts with the difference in
approaches. The difference in approaches is that the psi-interface creates the possibility of a
successful interaction. And the neural interface claims to create an interaction with 100% success.
The problem is that this is just a claim, and the second option in the end still creates only the
probability of a successful interaction and, moreover, requires a very long training of neural networks
for each interaction. Learning algorithms often use randomness in one form or another, when taking
indicators, noise is also possible, and the human brain also acts chaotically. You end up with the
same ambiguity, but the problem is that because of the high precision claim, this ambiguity will play
against a successful interaction. From the very beginning, the psi-interface generates uncertainty
and uses randomness, because of this, we can
neglect the noise at the brain level, reading data and guessing the rosette. But there is also a
minus - the interaction can never be 100% accurate. But on the other hand, one cannot talk about
100% accuracy even when using a traditional keyboard.

and mice.

The reason for the difference in approaches lies in heuristics. Neural interfaces, as they are
being developed now, are made on the basis of the traditional subject-object relationship, and the
psi interface, like many other parapsychological techniques and tools, involves the periodic mixing of
one and the other.
Further, a significant difference occurs in the active element. In the case of a neural interface,
the active element is a neural network that guesses the brain pattern and, based on its guessing,
tries to make the program act in one way or another. In the case of a psi-interface, the active
principle is a person who, even in the case of automatic settings, must concentrate his attention to
form expectations, predict, guess, etc. We can say that a person is doing the work of a neural
network in some form here. On the one hand, we can say that this is not so significant - if in the end
the result is
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tat one and the same, on the other hand, to be a passive subject under the influence of the neural
network, or to influence it and the program yourself? The second approach may turn out to be the
road to new interesting individual abilities, while the first leaves the role of a passive source of big
data for a neural network for a person. The use of a combined psi-
interface will increase the accuracy of
the correspondence of settings to the internal state of a person and thereby increase the accuracy
of interactions, while not relying excessively on the capabilities of the neural network, but leaving
them the ability to guess the settings.

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Psi interface. Decoder.

After describing the psi-interface itself and its hypothetical modernization with the help of
a neural interface and a neural network, the question arises - how can it be used to control a
computer? What needs to be added for this? The
answer is simple enough. It is necessary to combine the work of 2 or more psi-interfaces with
using a decoder. A
decoder is a device that decodes a signal into a different form. People use them all the
time, for example, in TVs, computers and many other devices. [12] But how does this help us
with the
psi-interface? - this one is very interesting. To begin with, we need to
remember that observation in insertualism requires information exchange. Expectations
can be built in different ways. Let's pay attention to how the mental formula for working with
the psi-interface looks like: Having set the necessary settings for
the iteration speed, you need to start the psi-interface. Then a few seconds (from 30
seconds to a minute) to observe the movement of the cursor. During this period, nothing
is guessed, only the cursor is observed. After that, guess that the cursor will move in a certain
direction. Or if it’s hard to put the question like that - ask yourself - “Where will he move in the
next 10 seconds?” and figure out a direction. If the cursor has moved approximately in the right
direction, you can proceed to work.
Selecting the place where the cursor should go and marking it with the Inclusion
Zone. Suppose that in the initial settings we reduced the size of the working field and
increased the size of the switching field - so that the contactor could more likely enter the zone.
Instead of predicting the movement of the cursor in a certain direction, we immediately
guess that it will enter the inclusion zone. Once having received the necessary intersection -
the contactor with the zone - do we need to constantly monitor the movement of the contactor
so that it enters the switching zone? - The path of the contactor cursor is a separate area, and
if it is not so important for us, then we can omit it and focus only on the fact that the contactor
enters the switching zone. And it is for this fact and observe. This means that the working field
is not important to us, only the fact of entry itself
is important and that's it. The question is - is it possible to bind turning on and off to a
random number generator directly? - theoretically possible, but this option will be much more
difficult in terms of obtaining matches with the expectation. There is only one reason - an
attempt to influence randomness as it is, without at least imitation of sequence - this is a very
complex and controversial exercise. However, if there is a specific sequence behind the fact
of turning on and off, then the problem is removed.
The hypothesis behind the idea of the decoder is the following: having observed and
“synchronized” with the psi-interface, we can turn its process off and display for observation
only the fact of the contactor crossing with the switching zone. As a result, we will have a
narrowed channel for receiving information, but, nevertheless, once synchronized with it, it will
be possible to get an intersection between it and expectations.
Keeping in mind the above hypothesis, we can form the idea of a decoder completely:
Having synchronized with the psi-interface once and choosing settings that give a
sufficiently high probability of crossing with the switching zone, we can not directly observe the
movement of the contactor cursor, but instead wait and observe the fact of intersection of the
cursor-contactor with the switching zone.

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By displaying only the fact of intersection on the screen, you can launch another psi-interface and
combine 2 working psi-interfaces to control more complex functions and systems. A simplified version
of the observation according to the principle of intersection of the contactor with the switching zone can
be represented, for example, like this

Rice. 14 diagram of the decoder operation upon contactor entering the switching zone

The decoder allows you to combine several psi-interfaces working on the background,
using indirect observation on the principle of on / off.
If we equate the working field of the psi-interface with the desktop of the computer, and equate
the movement of the contactor with the movement of the mouse, then thanks to the decoder it is easy
to imitate pressing the left or right mouse button, and the movement of the mouse itself will imitate the
psi-interface itself. For example, like this:

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When a psi-interface working on the background gets hit by a contactor in the switching
zone - the contactor of another psi-interface, which is shown on the screen - works like a pressed
left mouse button. In this case, the decoder frame follows the mouse contactor in order to be able
to observe both it and the cursor movement at the same time. Behind the decoder indirectly (only
the fact that the contactor enters the zone), and behind the contactor-mouse directly (behind the
path of movement).
The decoder allows you to use combinations of contactors hitting the switching zones
to activate various functions.
Having three working psi-interfaces in the background and one working directly, we can
have 9 different combinations of turning the decoder on and off. For each of which we can assign
different functions. Let's
assign the values 1,2,3 to the three points of the decoder

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Rice. 15 Psi interface decoder example

And then we assign different functions to the combinations. For example, point 1 is on, the rest
no - left mouse button.

Point 2 is enabled, the others are not - right mouse button. Point 3 pressed
- middle mouse button Point 1 and 2 pressed - side
buttons, etc. and so on. Indirect observation with the help of
such a decoder can make it possible to implement
a few more interesting ideas.
One of these ideas is tactile observation. For interaction by observation, information exchange is important. It is
not necessary to use the eyes for this. This property of this kind of information exchange is well known to parapsychologists.
[13] But in order to approach this issue, it is first worth paying attention to the latest developments in the field of technology
for the blind and visually impaired people. Already now there are devices that have special screens [14] consisting of
dynamic elements that allow you to tactilely look at their interfaces. A
kind of braille - but only dynamically changing on the screen. Here is an example of such a device:

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Rice. 16 Example of a smartphone for the blind

This is a special film that is placed on a smartphone and, depending on the image
The image on the screen becomes convex - imitating tactilely what is there.
Of course, attaching a smartphone to the skin is somewhat extreme, but the principle of operation of the
tactile decoder is somewhat similar to it. Because by the
same principle it is possible to make a decoder with three holes. Each
the hole will correspond to the mark about the entry of the contactor into the switching zone (1,2,3).
When the contactor of one of the psi-interfaces connected to the decoder enters the activation zone, a
small metal ball protrudes from the corresponding hole, which would be easy to notice tactilely if the decoder is
placed on an arm, leg or other part of the body. Having previously synchronized with the psi-interface visually -
as indicated
above - it is possible to form expectations for the entry of the contactor into the switching zone tactilely
and thereby not occupy your eyesight with constant monitoring of the contactor and engage in your own

The work of the psi-interfaces themselves can be transferred to a smartphone and left behind the decoder
only the function of information exchange with the observer and communication with the telephone.
Hypothetically, such a device may look like a tight-fitting bra.
years - for example

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Rice. 17 Appearance of the decoder

And with a certain combination of turning on the decoder points, the bracelet can send a
corresponding signal to the smartphone - and the latter, based on the combinations selected in the
settings, launch various devices. The
scheme of operation of a hypothetical tactile decoder is presented below for visualization.

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Rice. 18 Decoder operation scheme

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Psyconnector. telepathic exchange of information.

The issue of telepathic information exchange is a very broad topic. To bring the
reader up to date, the section will be specially divided into several paragraphs. These points
Prehistory (nature, history);
Description of a real case;
Overview of the work of scientists with computer
telepathy; Description of the “psychoconnector” device (from the position of the case,
from the position of past
options for working). Background. "Parapsychology causes conflicts with our beliefs,
not with the
laws of nature" - Rhine. Telepathic information exchange is a topic that is as old as
the world. Much has been written and said about this. The question was considered from
different positions - from the point of view of philosophy, religion, science, certain belief
systems like the occult, various disciplines like psychophysiology. There is no way to
describe all the options and systems that reveal the possibility of telepathic information
exchange. Fortunately, this is not required for the purposes of this essay. However, a small review sh
Let's start with some phenomena similar to telepathic information exchange from
animal world.

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Some similar to telepathy

cases from the animal kingdom.

Strange as it may seem, in the animal world, what can be attributed to telepathic techniques is quite
common. The first circle of cases is related to how individuals of the same species interact in groups. Most
notable is the synchronization of movement of birds in a flock. Birds are able to almost simultaneously
change the speed and direction of their movement in very large groups without colliding with each other.
Such coherence seems absolutely amazing. An interesting
hypothesis that explains the behavior of birds and is relevant to this essay dates back to 1984.
Zoologist Wayne Potts calculated that if birds changed their direction of flight only by observing the “leader”,
then their maneuvers would be at least 3 times slower than they are in nature. The zoologist Potts,
analyzing the movement of birds in a flock, came to the conclusion that any individual can initiate a
maneuver, and from it a change in course and speed spreads like a wave throughout the flock. Moreover,
the rest of the individuals predict the future direction, anticipating the approach of this wave of changes. He
called this the "chorus line hypothesis". Because it's common that people can experience something
similar during choral singing, when the rhythm and the reaction of the neighboring vocalists allow you to
guess when you should start singing too. [15]

No less interesting for the purposes of this essay are cases where an individual can infect the whole
group with a certain emotion with his cry. Such a case was described by Bekhterev - he described this
case among the geese, where the gander plunged the entire flock into panic with his cry, which he issued
while panicking himself. How exactly does the idea of panic without words, without a word of danger, get
transmitted to the whole pack? (The same question can be asked about changing direction among flocks of birds
- how can you predict direction, speed and many other parameters so accurately when maneuvering based
on a wave of changes?) This question attracted the attention of a famous scientist in the past. His
conclusion is mental infection, which, by the way, is also possible among people. [16] An interesting case,
for the purposes of this work, was described by the scientist parapsychologist Vasilyev. Vasiliev
noted that one of the species of night butterflies has a phenomenal ability to find other similar butterflies
at a great distance from each other, sometimes several tens of kilometers. This type of butterfly "Great
nocturnal peacock eye" "Saturnia pyri" How exactly do they manage to do this? - Vasiliev, being a
parapsychologist, believed that a kind of telepathic communication was used here.[17] Although
entomologist Jean Henri Fabre believed that the reason for this amazing ability lies in the pheromones [18]
that the females secrete. Although the question of how the smell of pheromones can be preserved in
sufficient concentration at a distance of more than 10 kilometers is an open question. Some species of
animals use similar techniques so clearly - that folk myths and even academic
science have noticed them and marked them in their own way. This is especially noticeable when
information is exchanged between different species during the hunt. And the exchange of information in
this case is a kind of weapon. Of course, first of all, these are snakes, and even if they are not very lucky
in terms of recognizing their hypnotic abilities from the side of
academic science, the manner of hunting of some species is very interesting. Snakes can attract
prey with their movements, pretending to be something edible or attractive to them. Although how would
a snake know what is attractive to its potential prey? Here is a link just to an example of such a hunt. [19]

Snakes are known for their ability to "enchant" the victim - it is noted in the mythology of many
peoples. But science has not confirmed this popular belief.

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Stoats have fared better with academic science because their hypnotic abilities have
been recognized. During the hunt, stoats sometimes begin to seem to dance in front of the
victim - as a result of which she falls into a trance and does not move. A few seconds of
such a trance is enough for an ermine to successfully attack his future dinner. You can
watch this hunt here [20]
And it is worth mentioning - not the movement of the snake, much less the dance of
the ermine does not contain any message that the victim should approach or freeze. This
"message" is transmitted due to the fact that the prey is watching its predator.
But the champion among those who use the influence on the psyche of the victim for
hunting is the carp or cephalopod. During the hunt, he approaches the victim and begins to
rhythmically change colors and emit light with the help of the cells of his body. He picks up
the rhythm, light and color - and when he finds the right victim, as a rule, this deep-sea crab
falls into a trance. Its claws no longer pose a threat, and the mollusk calmly attacks its
enchanted prey. You can watch the hunting of this amazing creature here. [21]
Naturally, parapsychologists and scientists could not ignore such a topic, and therefore
we have Bekhterev's historical evidence of the transmission of telepathic messages to
specially trained dogs.[22] He deliberately did not even utter his mental messages - the dog
did everything with amazing accuracy. There are also other testimonies, although there are
certain doubts about their reliability. For example, there are records of the telepathic effect
of people on animals from very ancient sources, in particular, such an ability was noted by
the ancient philosopher Pythagoras. [23] To sum up this section,
nature has no ideological problems with itself. She boldly uses everything that works
and this applies to telepathy as well. Using such messaging options allows animals and
even some insects to transmit a lot of fairly accurate and complex information with a
minimum of interaction. Moreover, the receiving party guesses the information, as it were,
or completes it to its full note. But having certain prejudices in relation to some phenomenon,
it is often very difficult for scientists to notice its manifestations, even if it is right in front of
In the 19th century, before Darwin, it was believed that animal species did not change
over time, because God created everything at once. Those facts that said otherwise were
ridiculed or ignored. A similar story can happen with telepathic information exchange. [24]

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History of the study of telepathy among humans.

The uses of telepathy (or something very similar to it) described in historical sources are quite
numerous. Their enumeration for the purposes of this essay would be redundant, so I will limit myself to a
brief overview.
Since time immemorial, this area has been the domain of shamans and priests, which can be found in
many testimonies. [25] Although now it is certainly difficult to talk about any scientific evidence and the
effectiveness of those old methods that have come down to our days from there. With the advent of organized
religions, gradually such practices began to
turn towards all sorts of secret communities and individual enthusiasts.
In some countries, a successful historical situation developed for the spread of such techniques, and
then people who possessed (or only claimed to have) various similar techniques stopped conspiracy and
freely taught some techniques. Such, for example, was the situation in ancient Tibet. In some works, for
example, in the summer of Milarepa's biography [26], one can read about several such people. Entire groups
formed around them, and the person who was ready to pay for the training or had a recommendation could
learn their techniques. In different countries of Europe, similar practices were the lot of the Gnostics and their
groups, as well as

individual learned alchemists.

A work which may illustrate this period, and which it would not be superfluous to mention in this
essay, is from this field the "Occult Philosophy" by Cornelius Agrippa, a scientist, physician and occultist,
living in the 16th century - where some were described, which later became classic experiments in
parapsychology - in particular the transmission of mental messages at a distance. [27]

Later, a significant contribution began to be made by science enthusiasts, in particular the Mesmerists,
naturalists, hypnotists. [28] In the same
period, occult communities are gaining popularity again, which also brought some benefit at least by
drawing public attention to this topic. [29] Partly thanks to them, more organized and serious research began
on the basis of the oldest society of parapsychologists, SPR. "SPR" based in London - It translates as
Society for the Study of Psychology. Its founder Meyer collected many amazing cases of paranormal
phenomena, including telepathy. [thirty]

Thanks to the activities of the SPR, a very productive period arose at the beginning of the 20th century
- when academic science and serious scientists became interested in the paranormal. As a result, Bekhterev's
articles on this topic appeared.[31] As well as Ryan's extensive research at Duke University (USA).[32] Almost
simultaneously in the USSR, similar studies were carried out by Vasiliev, he also managed to repeat an
experiment similar to Agrippa and check its reliability using a telephone connection. [33] After the Second
World War, there was another major surge in this
research. In the civilian realm, the Princeton Institute excelled with its PEAR group, which took Rhine's
ideas and took them to a new level with better random number generators.[34] Also, research was carried
out in the military field. Of the 2 sides of the confrontation, the most organized information available in free
form on the Internet has been preserved about the work of the CIA in the field of the paranormal. There were
2 areas - MK-ultra [35] and the Stargate project [36]. The first area is the influence on the mind, the second
is the use of clairvoyance for espionage. Techniques of the second area are available to anyone who wants
to learn, but not much is known about the techniques of the first area. Studies of the area of impact on

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the mind consisted of "traditional" and paranormal parts. The first focused on various mind-altering drugs, as well as on
various psychological methods.
kah manipulation, but the second is more on telepathic techniques. Although something from the second area can be
found in the public domain. [37]
In the USSR, research was carried out in different directions, but a good systematized analysis of Vasiliev's level
cannot be found in the public domain. You can see only a summary review of all the techniques at once, made by
enthusiasts and retired military men, for example, in such a work [38]. - perhaps the best answer to this question was
given by Rhine - “All
researchers of the paranormal are forced time after time to prove the very possibility of a phenomenon, instead of
revealing its regularities ... Apparently, if society is not ready to accept some even scientifically proven practice – it will
not accept it.” After conducting a historical review, it is worth talking about some interesting regularities.

ties that may come in handy during the description of the psiconnector circuit.
Some conclusions and principles: Telepathy
and clairvoyance are parts of the same ability. For telepathy, both the one who sends
the message and the one who receives it are equally important. If one of them is distracted, sick or something
else, the interaction will be unsuccessful. There are more and less successful telepathic couples between people. To
obtain the phenomenon of clairvoyance or telepathy, it is very important to receive feedback.

connection - confirmation of their guesses.

Distance for telepathic interaction or clairvoyance is of secondary importance.

With the help of mental suggestion, some animals can be affected. Drowsiness, the disease impairs these
abilities. When suggesting, the rhythm consisting of the facts
of feedback between the participants is important. The energy or wave physical basis of such effects has not
been confirmed
on experiences.

Ability can be trained to a certain level. A cursory review of these conclusions

can quite easily detect intersections with the principles of insertualism indicated at the beginning of this essay. For
example, the need for feedback confirms the hypothesis about the observability criteria. The fact that the distance at the
moment of impact is not particularly important, but the feedback is important - again speaks in favor of the principle of
insertualism observability criteria. The similarity of the processes of clairvoyance and telepathy supports the hypothesis
that information exchange and uncertainty are important, rather than wave or physical characteristics. The relationship of
drowsiness of the concentration disease with the effectiveness of the effects directly indicates the importance of observing
the criterion of observability. Many more intersections can be distinguished.

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Description of a real case.

Despite the abundance of various cases of telepathic interaction described, taking them
on faith would be counterproductive. Therefore, I was able to conduct several experiments (with
the consent of the participants), as well as to use some telepathic techniques in therapeutic
practice. The
success of these activities is approximately comparable to the success of not very
complex hypnotic suggestions. Cases of "spontaneous" suggestion, which we managed to carry
out in a playful manner, stand apart. Although the skeptical reader may consider these results
to be mere coincidence, you can read them here. [39] In order for
the reader to understand exactly how the idea of a psiconnector can modify the process
of telepathic transmission of information, I will give a description of a case that I witnessed. The
mental suggestion was
the following character: “Look into the bag”, the bag hung on the person’s shoulder, I
walked behind. The person was aware that a suggestion would be sent to him and agreed to
the experiment, but he did not know what kind of suggestion and when it would happen. “At first
I imagined how he looks
into the bag - stops, takes it and looks at something in it. Then I turned my attention to
myself, and then to him. My attention covered his body. Then I put myself in his shoes. And
caught that he was looking to the right - which he did. Then I imagined my anxiety - I need to
check if everything is in order with the bag or with some object inside. The right side of the body
begins to accumulate action potential because of this. The right side of the cerebellum is
activated. Images of actions with a bag arise in my head. The belt of emotions reacts - anxiety
spreads - the lower belt of Reich's armor. And so I thought of all this - but the person does not
react. He goes forward as before. I keep following him as our speeds and paths are the same.
And then I get the feeling of a stretched string. This strange image flashed for one second, and
I realized that this person “endures”. He received the message, but he wants to wait. He does
not consider it necessary to implement this action here and now. After waiting a little, until our
path led us to the courtyard, I understand what this image meant. There was no one around in
the yard, and apparently this is what played a key role. The man stopped, took his bag and
began to rummage through it for a long time and thoroughly. I already caught up with him and
even went ahead - and he
I searched there."

After that, the participant of the experiment was extremely surprised when he learned that
the suggestion was connected precisely with the bag. He said that he expected something
different, but looked into the bag as if mechanically. The key moment for this essay is the
moment when it was possible to predict the future action of a person (he will look to the right).
Thanks to this, information exchange began. Prediction is getting information about a person,
his inner motives and potential. After that, the person receives information already from us -
including the idea that it is worth looking into the bag. Then we get some more information about
how he relates to this suggestion. And then he implements it. One of the principles of insertualism
is clearly traced here - a change of position between the observer and the potential.
We will return to this case as soon as the second component is described - actually
computer telepathy and experiments with it made by American scientists.

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Analysis of the work of scientists with computer telepathy.

On the topic of computer telepathy, combining several brains into a single network of different
individuals to solve certain problems, in fact, quite a lot of work has been done. But as a guide, on
the basis of which you can look at an example of a technical solution to the problem of telepathy,
I chose the work of scientists from the University of Washington based on the idea of the BrainNet
telepathic network. [40]
A whole team of scientists from the University of Washington conducted an experiment. In
total, a group of 3 people participated in it. Two people, to whom the EEG channels are connected,
look at the monitor screen. An analogue of the famous Tetris game takes place on this screen.
(see picture below, right half)

Rice. 19 The same game. The left drawings are what the person who decides to rotate sees.
(i.e. he does not see the bottom of the screen, it is available to 2 people who send signals to rotate
or not rotate using EEG)
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These 2 people see the entire screen of the game - both the figure and the bottom row of
squares that need to be “destroyed” by correctly positioning the falling figure, in the figure these are
green squares. (I remind you of the rules of Tetris
Based on what they see (and they see the whole field), they decide whether to send a signal
about the need to rotate the piece to a third participant or not. Their brain signals are analyzed by a
computer. The computer decodes their signals using a fairly simple analogue of the neural interface.
Its mechanism works as follows: to send a message to “rotate” or “do not rotate”, a person needs to
look at either the “Yes” area or the “No” area. These areas are specially made in such a way as to
emit flickering light of different frequencies. In one case 17 hertz, in the other 15 hertz.

When viewing light at one frequency or another, one can very clearly distinguish the STEP
(Sustained Visually Evoked Potential) in the cerebral cortex of the viewer. This potential is quite
simply determined by the electroencephalogram. If a person looks at light with a frequency of 15
hertz, then the frequency of the cortex of his brain will be a multiple of this value. Naturally, the
computer can easily determine whether the frequency is a multiple of 15 or 17 hertz and, based on
this, the message about the rotation of the figure is transmitted (or not transmitted - if the message is
“do not rotate”) to a third person, who will decide whether to rotate the figure or not, only on the basis
of “ mental" messages of the first 2 people, but without observing the entire playing field.

Rice. 20 The same field for choosing whether to rotate the figure or not. The right and left parts
emitted light of different frequencies. To make a decision, you need to look at the chosen side for
several seconds. During this time, the cursor moved closer to the selected "zone". Cursor movement
is related to how many times the computer was able to determine the multiple frequency of the
cerebral cortex in a certain period of time.
A third person, based on the rotation message, receives transcranial magnetic stimulation of
the brain at the back of the head. (Based on the principle - if the message is "rotate" - then magnetic
stimulation is sent)
This stimulation causes a small flash of light in the optic nerve. As soon as he “sees” it, he
makes a decision about the rotation of the figure in Tetris. He also implements his solution using the
same neural interface with light of different frequencies, which was described above. Then the result
of the interaction is transferred to the screen for the first 2 people to check. The whole interaction
scheme can be represented as follows:
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Rice. 21 General scheme of the experiment. Sender - the sender. BCI - neurointerface, CBI -
brain stimulation Receiver / Biderectional Link - double connection (neural interface and stimulation)

The result of the interaction showed 83% of correct decisions based on cranial transmagnetic
stimulation. Moreover, it was
also possible to test the hypothesis of white noise - random stimulations of the occipital part
of a person - rotating the figure. The bottom line is that after a short period of adaptation, a person
was able to distinguish random stimulations from real ones. What is important
about this experiment for the purposes of this essay? Within a certain context, a simple but
invisible stimulus, behind which is only the mental expectation of other people, can cause an
adequate response. At the same time, neither inscriptions, nor words, nor sounds, nor actions, nor
even visual observation of their “interlocutors” is required. The stimulus can be sent by modern
technical means that affect the brain.
If the vague stimuli caused by magnetic stimulation can be adequately identified and used to
solve a simple problem, then a similar paradigm can be used to modify pure telepathy, quite
possibly with a good degree of efficiency.

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Description of the psiconnector device.

The question arises - how can this technology help modify telepathic messages? – It is
necessary to answer this question from 2 positions. First, let us analyze it from the point of
view of the real case of mental suggestion described above, witnessed by
horo I was.
Real case if it was modified. Let's imagine that I
had a neural interface, and a man with a bag is wearing a Transcranial magnetic
stimulator. I form my expectation again, imagine how the person looks into the bag, direct
attention to myself, and then to him. But this time I already
no need to guess that a person will look in some direction to synchronize with him, because I
know that at the moment of my waiting, the stimulator will cause him a reaction known to me
(for example, a flash of light, as in the experiment of scientists) and therefore I turn on his
expectation of her. Moreover, it is obvious that when using such devices, both parties are
interested in telepathic communication, and therefore I also know that after receiving
stimulation, the person will understand that messages are being sent to him and will try to
decipher or guess it. And I can put both of these elements into my expectations with very high
confidence and thereby qualitatively strengthen
our trance. Of course, it is a matter of experiment how exactly the nature of the images
should be modified when using the psiconnector device. Perhaps, only stimulation can be used
as a fact of information exchange, or it will still be necessary to guess the actions of the
percipient, but, for example, already at the moment of his attempt to guess the message.
The above method of telepathic transmission of information can be represented as the
following diagram:

Fig. 22 Schematic diagram of the psiconnector

The “psychoconnector” itself, as a device, should consist of a neural interface and a

stimulation device. The stimulation device can be both transcranial magnetic stimulation (as
scientists have) and electrical stimulation. Devices of the second are more compact and
cheaper to purchase. But the first has a great penetration into the brain tissue.

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Analysis of information transfer

with minimal information exchange.

The above practical case of mental suggestion can be viewed as the transmission of complex
information with minimal information exchange. In my case, all I needed was a specially organized
observation with a combination of mental expectations and projections. However, in science there
are cases when complex information was sent, for example, by interjections alone or only by the first
letters of words, and people understood each other. I think anyone who has lived in a group with the
same people for a long time could observe bursts of this phenomenon - when you can understand
your interlocutor from a half-word.
An analysis of this phenomenon can be found in the work of Vygodsky “Thinking and
Speech” [41], as well as in Seabrook’s experiment, which he described in his
work [42]. The essence of the phenomenon lies in the fact that people who spent a lot of time
with each other could transmit quite complex messages to each other using only interjections or the
first letters of words. Vygodsky, in his work, referred to a literary example, as well as to a case
described in history and suggested that this is quite possible under certain conditions, William
Seabrook, a paranormal researcher, spent a whole week communicating with Aleister Crowley with
one interjection “wow” and found that he could quite understand his interlocutor after some time. He
was so successful that he was able to convey such a complex idea as “bring me a certain kind of
alcohol” with one interjection.
Bekhterev studied the phenomenon from a different point of view and believed that mental
infection was possible with its help, as examples he described cases of the spread of panic among
animals, as well as the spread of epileptic symptoms among people without epilepsy simply as a
result of observing seizures. (See the link at the end of the first time of the case) Recently, a wave
psychogenic infection occurred in the United States through a video on TikTok due to the
observation of patients with Tourret syndrome syndrome [43] Which fully confirms many of Bekhterev's
conclusions. Again, it is ridiculous to assume that patients with Tourette's syndrome persuade their
viewers to reproduce their symptoms, but when talking about their life and illness, they mean a
certain syndrome and it is information about it that they unconsciously convey to impressionable
viewers. The cybernetic
scientist Nalimov went the farthest, but in theoretical terms. In his work, the spontaneity of
consciousness, he argued that behind all meanings there is, in fact, a probabilistic component.
People guess the meanings of concepts based on the context. But the process is still based on
chance. [44]
The attentive reader may find close overlap, including with how some of the animals described
in this section sent information to each other. What is important is observation and attention, and the
"fact itself" of the exchange of information. And the essence of information is often "guessed" by the
receiving party. This fact of information exchange in the case of mental suggestion is the very
guessing of what a person will do in the described real case.
the extent that the person turns his head to the right. The information exchange began - the person
gave me information about what he would do, I gave him information about what he should do, and
our communication took place completely without words or gestures. With one thought.
And this means that BrainNet technology can be modified in such a way that, for example, the
very flash that the recipient of magnetic stimulation saw was only a marker of information exchange.
And he predicted the meaning of the information himself with the help of the parapsychological
component of telepathy.
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Variants of the "psiconnector".

Let us consider several variants of how, with the help of BrainNet technology or its
analogues and the principles described above, it is possible to modify the classical discipline of
parapsychology - telepathic transmission of mental messages at a distance.
In order to bring both approaches together, participants need to undergo some kind of training. This
training is mainly needed to establish synchronization between participants.
For simplicity, we will consider the process using the example of one telepathic couple.
, etc. The limit is how many unique
Naturally, a variety of options are possible - 5, 10 15 people,
and readable reactions the human brain can produce in response to telepathic transmission of
information to specific people. Naturally, the training process will be lengthened with an increase
in the number of people. Training should be divided into
stages. First, a person is introduced to the basic technique for sending and receiving
information with natural telepathy. Then the neural interface is included in the process. And then
there are stimulation technologies. And then information of a special context in which it is planned
to use such an exchange of information and development of speed. For example, for pilots -
these can be messages like check the reading of a certain instrument, maneuvers, etc. The first
stage To begin with, it is necessary to
conduct an
analogue of those sessions that Rine conducted [45]. A person is offered 5 cards to choose
from. The work is done in pairs. One guesses a card, and the other guesses. The session lasts 5
The process of sending a message can be carried out as follows. A person takes a card,
imagines how the receiving party correctly calls it. Then he directs attention to himself, and then
to the receiving party. Then he mentally repeats the movements after her and tries to predict
what the person on the receiving side will do. It can be any little thing like taking a deep breath in
or out or looking away. As soon as the prediction is successful, we simply mentally repeat all the
movements behind the receiving party until she names her guess. The process of receiving a
message can be carried
out as follows: At the moment when the sending
the side turned its attention to you, we are looking for a new sensation in the body that appeared
immediately after the start of the session. As soon as a sensation is detected, we focus on it and
strive to stretch it to the whole body. After that, we relax and allow thoughts to appear in a free
flow - what appears will most likely be a message.
If the session yields more successes than probability theory randomness can give - and
this is one guess per session. (i.e. 2 or 3 out of 5 is already a success) - this stage can be
The second stage The next stage - we do the same, but during the process we take the
EEG data from the sender of the message, using the neural interface. If the session is successful,
then we use the EEG data as a target for the neural network, having previously selected the
average value and processed the results in terms of artifacts and sharp deviations. Several
sessions can be carried out to obtain an average reference value of the EEG data corresponding
to a successful telepathic
of information. The third stage Next, we use transcranial magnetic stimulation or another
similar device (for example, there are devices for electrical stimulation) to receive
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cabbage side. Stimulation starts at the moment when the neural network notes the appearance
of EEG reference data corresponding to telepathic transmission. By stimulating the occipital
region with magnetic waves, we can obtain a white flash effect similar to the BrainNet
experiments. This
marker will tell the recipient (receiving party) that
that telepathic communication is carried out with
her. Next, the neural interface takes a snapshot of the brain activity of the sending party
and highlights the most active area of the cerebral cortex. This can be done on the basis of any
software package built into a modern neural interface.

Fig. 23 Activity of the brain read by the EMOTIV neural interface

Then the same area becomes the target of magnetic or electrical stimulation at the
receiving side after stimulation of the occipital region. Thus, with the help of EEG and stimulation,
with a minimum of information, we hint to the receiving party about what kind of information is
being transmitted to it. How
is the mental process of receiving and transmitting modified when using the psicon nector?
sender imagines the receiver naming the message correctly, then directs attention to itself,
then waits for the receiver's reaction, predicting that it will receive stimulation, instead of a small
action, as was the first

The receiving party receives the stimulation and then catches the sensation in the body
that comes after that and focuses on it. Allows the thoughts to appear on their own at this moment
and they will be the message. Since the sensation is caused by stimulation, it will not be difficult
to find it, so it will be relatively easy to focus on it. The attentive reader already understands what
is the matter here. If
after a little training it was possible to transmit messages by interjections, then with the
same training it will be possible to transmit messages based on light brain stimulation. Moreover,
the latter can indicate the "direction" of the message by stimulating the same area on the receiving
side that was active on the sending side. The interpretation of the stimulus is entirely up to the
person - this is the paranormal part, but the EEG and stimulation provide a very important factor
- the moment the message begins and a little hint of its direction.

If this technique is successful, then it will allow solving one big problem - the decoding of
EEG data in neural interfaces. The fact is that when transmitting information
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cations according to the traditional scientific object-subject method - information must be

decrypted and transmitted with very high accuracy by a computer. And this accuracy, when it
comes to neural network algorithms, is almost impossible. Because of this, you have to
accept results at the level of 80%, 70% and even less as success.
The reason is that brain activity is chaotic and individual [46], because of this, the use
of big data of many people to decipher specific information is very long and expensive, and
the results can vary greatly from person to person.
To solve this problem, you can use the solution, as indicated above - psiconnector. We
leave to technology that part that is responsible for the moment of transmission of the
message and for the approximate direction - and the rest depends on the training of the
person and his natural
abilities. There are other variants of the psiconnector - instead of stimulating the back
of the head to indicate the moment of the message, we can use a less cumbersome device,
like the decoder described in the previous chapter, which, at the moment of transmission of
the message, touches the skin of the receiving party with a metal ball. And then we stimulate
that part of the cerebral cortex that was active on the sending side.
However, there may be some restriction on sending messages this way - abstract
concepts can cause some confusion. Messages related to a common context (a common
thing between the receiving and receiving parties) will be transmitted best. Those. something
that is directly related to the overall activity of a telepathic couple or team. Work, movement
directions, emotions, danger signals, signals that you need to pay attention to something,
actions with specific objects, etc.
If you try to convey complex abstract concepts like an idea in this way
"gnosis" or the concept of eternal return - then this is most likely not to work out.
What might be the demand for such technologies? - Firstly, in all areas where a quick
exchange of information is required between a well-coordinated team. It can be rescuers,
pilots, sailors, drivers, machinists, etc. The team creates a common context within which
participants can more easily predict messages. In addition, this device can become a training
aid for the development of pure telepathy between people in one well-coordinated team.
If we start training with a psiconnector device, and then try to make the same transmissions
without it after a while, there is a possibility that we will get the same telepathic effect.

If this kind of training is successful, then this technique can also be useful for specialists
operating in extreme conditions for electronic communications - after all, telepathic
communications will not be available for interception, electronic warfare and will make people
using it especially completely silent.
In the United States, neural interfaces are already being used to transmit messages
between members of a military unit and weapons systems, without words and text
transmissions. It is enough just to think about the task.
[47] But judging by publicly available data, this uses a traditional scientific paradigm
and therefore requires a lot of technical devices to work, which makes the whole process
vulnerable to electronic
warfare. The psiconnector and telepathic transmission of information can significantly
increase the efficiency of people's work where high teamwork is required. Where it is difficult
or difficult to convey information orally or in writing. The transmission of information without
words, gestures, but only with the help of mental expectations can be useful in a variety of
areas. After training, the process of recognizing and sending messages will be accelerated,
moreover, it is possible that the psiconnector will become a tool for development

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pure telepathic abilities, making it possible to use her techniques in the most extreme
What's more, psiconnector training can have the effect that a person will know when
to check their work email or messenger if someone on the team has sent them a mental
message. Distance is not of fundamental importance for telepathic communication and
therefore it can be used as a kind of analogue of a pager. The moment of occurrence
and the uniqueness of the feeling that a person remembers during training with a
psiconnector will tell him that he needs to check his mail for new messages at work. This
kind of practice may be in demand if the team works remotely.

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The third direction is "Neurofractalization".

Historical part.

Approaching the description of the theory necessary for the conceptual formation of the
third device is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The idea of using meaningless
ideograms to convey information opens up a wide field for the use of talismans, magical
seals, and even clairvoyance.
Although there are a huge number of systems and speculations on the topic of
clairvoyance and mana talis. Not one of them is recognized as academic science with rare
exceptions. It is on one of these exceptions that I plan to focus (I mean fractals).
In cases with neurofractalization, several important parameters must be considered.
First, a way of extrasensory information. This method is necessary for analyzing the reading
of information contained in ideograms.
Secondly, the historical connections between this method of perception and talismans,
ideograms, pictograms, and asemic writing. Thirdly, the connection between obtaining
information based on ideograms and fractal analysis. Such a theoretical basis is quite enough
to describe the
technology of neurofractalization. But it should be noted that each of the above topics is
a very extensive field of knowledge, which cannot be described in its entirety. There are many
nuances that will be left out of this work. All I can hope for is to only briefly and only briefly
mention the main points that are necessary to describe the third device. If the reader wants to
learn more about the theories that are presented in this chapter, he can use the list of
references, which, as in the previous chapters of this essay, will be located at the end of this
Asemic Writing The
first thing to consider for the purposes of this essay is asemic writing. Such a letter
appeared much earlier than the traditional alphabet. "Asemic" means having no content [48].
Rock paintings and symbols of primitive people are examples of asemic writing[49]. Over
time, this practice has acquired the weight of a full-fledged cultural phenomenon. It has
become a separate direction in art. The artist writes characters that are similar to text, but do
not have a direct content. The interest lies in the fact that a certain "message" is transmitted
in the same way as in the case of, for example, abstractionism. Asemic writing as an art was
very common in those
cultures where calligraphy was popular. [48] Therefore, the asemic texts of Chinese
monks [50], Zen Buddhist monks of Japan, as well as Muslim theologians of the Middle Ages,
have survived to this day. [48]

One example of modern asemic writing is the Serafini codex by graphic designer Luigi
Serafini [51]. This whole pseudo-encyclopedia with
illustrations, written in a language that does not exist and does not have a direct meaning, although it is obvious that
several sections can be distinguished, and a certain direction of these entries.

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Rice. 24 Seraphinia Codex Page

Almanacs of anemic writing are now regularly printed, such as the "anthology of asemic
writing"[48]. There, the artists make ideograms, or typeset imitating text without any clear
content behind it.
However, one should not think that a meaningless text or ideogram does not make
sense at all. Anyone who is familiar with abstractionism knows that there is always some
unconscious content or message hidden behind such
recordings. Moreover, guessing such a message also bears a deeply unconscious
imprint. A typical example is the psychological Rorschach test, which has been well known to
psychologists since the beginning of the 20th century [52]
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As a result of the interaction of a person and an asemic letter or ideogram,

there is a unique content, where the drawing itself sets the direction, and the specific content
formed by the projections of the observer. At least, unless special techniques are taken to reveal the implied
message. In this process, one can easily see the insertual
interaction with indefinitely

First, the human imagination is the potential that selects suitable associations with the
implicit contours of the asemic text, and then the asemic text itself becomes the potential on
which the expectations and projections of a person fall in accordance with these translations.
Asemic writing preceded grammatical writing.
It is an attempt to instinctively express some desire.
However, the most widespread use of this kind of asemic writing in history, as also written by scientists
in this field [53] [48], is magic seals and pictograms, talismans, mandalas, ideograms, etc.

Asemic writing, as an art form, does not necessarily imply any specific effect, unlike magical seals
and talismans. However, both practices have many common features.

The next paragraph of this essay will be devoted to the magical seals of talis
manam and paranormal practices related to this. Magic seals
and talismans as a way of transmitting unconscious messages. For centuries, the amazing fact
that an
image that does not have any direct indication of its meaning, is capable of conveying this meaning in
some way, could not be left out of the eye of a person of antiquity.

Ancient people could catch this idea by observing nature. In nature, there are a huge number of very
different geometric shapes used to influence and convey messages. Each such message can be considered
as a potential event. Bright colors, different shapes, different angles and much more. We can conditionally

divide natural visual patterns that animals, insects and plants use into those that seek to attract attention,
those that scare and warn, and those that attract some species of animals or insects and repel others. For
example, the bright color of poisonous frogs, the bright color of the striped color of wasps. The intricate,
animal-repellent geometric patterns of the leaves and flowers of certain plants. Sometimes the color and
geometry have a real basis - the danger of poison, etc. And sometimes this
approach is used in nature to deceive predators, although there is no real threat behind it. [54] This
phenomenon is called Aposemanticism. This term was introduced by the zoologist Edward Poulton in his
main work "The
Coloration of Animals" [55]. Aposemanticism is the opposite of camouflage, because the beneficial
effect of aposemantic coloration appears precisely when it is deliberately observed. Academic science is on
the position that aposemanticism works according to the method of reinforced learning for a predator:
poisonous animals have a bright color, having tried this once and experiencing discomfort, the predator will
remember the bright color and subsequent discomfort and will no longer attack such individuals. However,
an experiment conducted by scientists, where flour bugs (a common food for domestic chicken) were painted
in yellow and black stripes, and then offered to home-

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to birds that had never seen wasps or bees - showed that this color is enough for birds to be wary
of flour beetles and not eat them. [56]
A study of the color patterns of some insects that use aposemanticism, in particular the Moth
hawk moth, found that they have similar geometric patterns on their wings with the real eyes of
an animal, in particular an owl. [57]

Rice. 25 The color of the wings of the hawk moth

In terms of aposemanticism, academic science also considers several other hypotheses

about how threat information can be transmitted through color and geometric pattern - for example,
they propose a genetic transmission of the memory of a failed hunt for a poisonous animal.
Although the question still remains somewhat open.
Observing such an interesting way of transmitting warning signals, an ancient person could
not help but have the idea to repeat something similar. This idea, with the development of writing
and grammars, turned asemic writing into the secret science of picto.
grams, magic seals, runes and talismans.
This direction of human knowledge is so extensive that it is possible to give only the briefest
cue review of several main areas.
One of the most ancient traditions (publicly known) is the talisman gofu gofu (##) or lingfu ##
inscribed on a piece of parchment or a piece of wood. It came from ancient China. The principle of
its inscription includes images of the astronomical configuration of the stars, which was at the
time of its creation.[58] Under this astronomical scheme, the symbol of the talisman was drawn.
The rule of inscription was different for each of the many religious sects and was kept secret from
outsiders. [59] Scholars now pointing out that these symbols include both individual letter-like
elements and something entirely different. The result was a unique combination of abstract drawing
and writing. [58]

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Rice. 26 Photograph of a tablet recently discovered during archaeological research in China

with a set of gofu talismans carved on it. From above, the astronomical diagrams of the constellations
are clearly visible.

There are many historical records of the various uses of such talismans. Not so long ago, it
was discovered that there was a secret tablet in the imperial palace, which depicted about 70 gofu
talismans [58]. One of the interesting options, which is known from historical sources, is the talismans
that were supposed to be inscribed on the banners. The banners were located on 4 cardinal points
so that everyone could see them. There were many such talismans - some for protection from evil,
others for good luck in the upcoming battles. [59]

Rice. 27 Talismans-banners for protection from evil forces with explanations. From the Tao
book "Lingbao yuanshi wuliang duren shangpin miaojing" [60]

From there, this kind of talisman passed to Japan and became part of the Oneijo magical
practice. [61]
In Japanese practice, the talisman underwent a number of changes - in particular, the use of
astronomical configurations was gradually abolished. However, one should not think that one can
accurately trace the origin of the practice of talismans. Almost every culture has created its own
unique style in this practice.
Sand mandalas in Tibet and India are also a very interesting example of magical asemic
writing. They are especially interesting because this kind of inscription is used for a specific ritual,
and then destroyed so that not a trace remains of them. [62] The other most famous direction that
came (according to
some scholars)
from Ancient Egypt, and according to others from the ancient Semites, these are Gnostic seals.
Depicted in ancient magical grimoires like the Key of King Solomon, the seals, which are the
outline of symbols in a circle without any clear content, according to legend, served to perform rituals
to summon spirits capable of fulfilling the will of the magician. [63]

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Rice. 28 Seal, to summon the spirit of Agares from the grimoire of Goetia [64]

But do not think that such practices were used only in the old world. On the islands of Oceania and in
the practices of obey (obeah) and Voodoo, there are also systems of seals similar to the Gnostic ones. [65]

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Rice. 29 Seal of the goddess of wisdom Anansi from the religious and magical practice of Jamaica
Obeya Obeah

It is difficult to assume that people in various countries and at various times were engaged in
meaningless business, if there is no use in the symbolic outline described above. At a minimum, it can be
said that such talismans or seals are an expression of a certain desire of a person, projected onto paper
or another surface.
However, this part is the subject of considerable controversy. Because it is believed that the
accuracy of the execution of this or that seal or this or that amulet is important. It is likely that this approach
is somewhat incorrect. If you draw a banner talisman symbol from the ancient Chinese canon Tao to
induce fear in the enemy in battle to a modern person, then it is very doubtful that it will frighten anyone.

The reason is precisely that by paying attention to accuracy, we are trying to turn asemic writing
with its individual and unique style into a semblance of grammar. Why has this approach come down to
us? – it could be an error of an empirical nature or a deliberate distortion. My hypothesis is that simple
emotions can be conveyed by ideograms
of the same non-unique nature, but to reveal this universality, serious work needs to be done,
which is impossible without the use of technologies like neurofractalization. But this will be discussed
further. Inscriptions by hand, most likely, must contain a lot of uniqueness in order to fulfill their purpose,
and therefore require serious training from the participants in the process.

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In addition, over time, especially if several centuries have passed, the geometry that transmitted a
message may no longer transmit it with the same accuracy. Ideas about beauty, symbols, and preference for
audiovisual systems change across generations, and so the original message can get lost. This is especially
true if it is supposed to transmit a message to an unlimited circle of people without training. Why has there
historically been such a focus on accuracy? One reason could be that almost every practice of
this kind in every country was under pressure. In ancient China, those beliefs that
did not fall into the state canon "Tao" were severely repressed. [67]. In ancient Japan, the secrets of
Oneijo magic were jealously
guarded from the common people.[61] In Jamaica and the Caribbean islands, Western colonists fought
fiercely against the local beliefs of Obey and Voodoo. [68] (Witchcraft in Trinidad was punishable by law right
up to 2000 - this rule has remained there since colonial times!) [68]

In the Islamic world, mystical currents, philosophy and science in the 13th-14th century began to be
severely suppressed by the Ashari fundamentalists. [69] In Europe, this was done by the Inquisition. In this
regard, there is a high probability of deliberate distortion of many facts about the use of such practices. One
way or
another - you can make a simple conclusion asemic writing and ideograms
since ancient times have been used in magical practices of various directions.
It should also be noted that the idea of influencing something through geometric and visual
al schemes could have come to ancient man from the nature around him. Parapsychological
experiences of the present. Stargate

One of the landmark events in the history of parapsychological research is the arrival of séances in
Europe. These sessions were conducted in a variety of ways. But one way is particularly interesting for the
purposes of this essay. This method is automatic writing. Presumably automatic writing came to Europe from
ancient China. There, along with the aforementioned lingfu and gofu talismans, the practice of Fujii
existed [70]. This technique was also called spiritual writing. It appeared around the 5th century, and during
the Ming Dynasty in the 15th century, this technique became very popular among the general population of
China [70]. The practice of spiritual writing was a technique in which the writer, while in a trance, wrote letters
and symbols
on sand or ash evenly scattered on a special

table or board.
Then these symbols and letters were carefully studied for hints of future events.
or answers to those questions that preceded the state of trance in the writer.
In Europe, automatic writing is directly related to the practices of Spiritualism. In spiritualism sessions,
the invoked spirit may presumably begin to move the invoker's hand in order to convey its message.
However, serious studies of this phenomenon
were undertaken only in the 19th century by the founder of the Society for Psychical Research Mayer.
Meyer deduced several patterns - inscriptions made by automatic writing are sometimes text, and sometimes
drawings or geometric symbols and abstractions. However, for the writer or his relatives, these symbols had
some meaning. [71] The main criterion necessary for automatic writing was an inward shift of attention
(attention should not be focused on the process of writing itself) or
a state of dissociation[71]. In this state, a person thinks about something, and his hand with a pen or
pen moves against his will and makes marks on a sheet of paper. The main thing in automatic

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writing is the ability to suppress your attention so that the hand can move on its own. Later, the Spiritualists'
about automatic writing were reorganized into psychological techniques that are designed to draw out
hidden unconscious contents from a person or help increase creativity and creativity. For example, this
method includes the approach of "free writing". It differs from automatic in that the trance with it is not so
deep and there is no initial setting about spirits or predicting the future. [72]

At the beginning of the 20th century, whole treatises on medicine [73] and treatises on anthropology
and political economy [74] were written by the method of automatic writing, and the people who wrote these
works had very little knowledge of the subjects themselves.
What should be paid attention to when analyzing such a practice? - it is worth comparing it with the practice
the tick of creating and inscribing magical seals, pictograms, talismans, etc.
What is the difference between these practices? The first seeks to convey information from the writer
to someone outside. The second - on the contrary, seeks to obtain information from somewhere outside to
the writer. Here we
see a clear division between a situation where a person is an observer with some
expectation, and where the person himself changes as a potential, and some external system is
unchanging expectation. A
separate very interesting fact is the use of ideograms in reconnaissance. This technique was
developed by the CIA as part of the Stargate project [75]. In this technique, the ideogram is written in
automatic writing while observing the target's coordinates or image of the target. After drawing an ideogram,
a person looks at the
ideogram itself, then allows his thoughts to go freely and the resulting images are recorded and
analyzed. These images, according to American intelligence officers, are almost always associated with the
target, its position, geometric features, terrain, and many other details.

However, for such practice, the fact of feedback was also very important. In other words, confirmation
of the guesses made on the basis of this method using traditional methods of observing the target, for
example from a satellite. It is not so important how long it will take to wait for this confirmation, the main thing
is that it (confirmation) still exists in the end.
What is the Stargate technique from the standpoint of insertualism? - this is an option in which a
person changes - is a potential, and the external system - remains unchanged, i.e. is an observer. But the
criterion for observing an object must be fulfilled (i.e., there must be a fact of feedback by traditional methods
of observation), and in this case the necessary phenomenon arises. If it is possible to confirm the conjecture
by objective means, then it turns out that the person was not so much following the object as receiving
information about his own future associated with the object. Namely, the second option, as the reader
remembers from the first chapter on insertualism, is a sign of successful interaction.

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Theoretical "hypotheses"

I have called this chapter theoretical hypotheses. For the reason that there are a lot of
theories explaining the phenomena of predictions using automatic writing or magic seals and
it would be wrong to try to describe them all here. There has always been a lot of controversy
regarding these theories. Although this does not mean at all that these theories or systems
are not empirically confirmed. The reasons why many scientists do not recognize them may
be in some ideological differences, some inertia of scientific institutions (it is not a secret for
anyone to recall at least the history of the creation of a thermometer and the wild rejection of
this invention by scientists of that time) or an unscientific formulation of the question with side
of the authors of certain systems. Most often, the reason is that these theories simply did not
receive enough attention from the scientific community and were ignored.
In addition to this serious experimental formulation of the question of whether magic
seals can carry a message that can be mentally read or perceived on the Internet, it was not
possible to find. And in this regard, it remains only to choose a few theories that, in my opinion,
are closest to some of the laws of this problem.
For these reasons (non-recognition by academic science and the lack of a well-defined
experiment), I call this chapter theoretical "hypotheses." I will focus on 2 theories and a small
summary from the positions of insertualism. John Dunn's
4th Dimension Theory Ouspensky's
4th Dimension Theory The relation
of insertualism to these theories. John
Dunn's Theory. John
Dunn's theories set forth in his works, in particular "Experiment with Time" [76], do not
contradict Uspensky's theory. However, these 2 researchers, a couple of psychologists,
considered slightly different aspects of the same phenomenon, in my opinion. Let's start with
John Dunn's theory. He was an aviator in the early 20th century and noticed that his
dreams occasionally included future events. He began to write down his dreams and was able
to objectively test his guesses about the predictions in them. The events that he dreamed of
were large-scale - for example, the attack of the German fleet during the First World War, a
volcanic eruption, etc. He was able to correlate these events with his dreams with the help of
newspapers and
diaries. Analyzing such cases, he developed his
theory. His conclusion sounded like this - in dreams there is 50% of the past, 50% of the future, a
and the other is
mixed. The reason why this became possible, John Dunn saw, is that the human
consciousness is an observer who sees a picture in a 3-dimensional dimension, and the
human unconscious has the ability to observe the movement of the consciousness itself (or
rather, its probe of attention) in 3 -dimensional dimension and thus know in advance where it
will go, moreover, the unconscious has no significant boundaries - and there may be situations
when the unconscious sees a part of itself observing the probe of attention and thus has the
ability to look even further into the future.
It turns out a kind of "seriality" (observers looking at each other, going to infinity in the
unconscious) - one of the key concepts in Dunn's theory. When observers look at each other
in a spiral, gradually receiving more and more information about what will be and what was.
This seriality is what allows you to see a non-3-dimensional picture,
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and 4 dimensional. Where the simplest level is the future of the movement of the attention probe,
and more complex levels include the future and past of the objects to which this attention was
directed. Moreover, since all serial observers see a 3-dimensional picture, including the actions of
the previous observer, the past and the future are mixed for them.
His theory has most recently received confirmation in the work of scientists Mauro Manassi
David Whitney. [77]. The essence of the work of scientists is that the brain, as it were, throws people
back a few seconds because of the need to stabilize the visual image.
John Dunn suggests that in a dream, attention is turned off, directed to the outside world, and
thus it becomes possible to observe the same picture as the unconscious - i.e. mixed future and
past. The problem is that a person cannot simply perceive such a picture and, following a habit or
instinct, reproduces the direct order of time - i.e. arranges events in a certain sequence, although
for the unconscious everything exists simultaneously. In this random sequence, what a person calls
a dream, both the past and the future can appear in a certain proportion. Ouspensky's theory. Pyotr
Demyanovich Uspensky is a Russian occultist, researcher, mathematician by education and
traveler. At the
beginning of the 20th century, he wrote his main work Tertium Organum. (translated means
the third method. He named his book by analogy with Aristotle (his treatise on logic was simply called
Organum or “method”), and Francis Bacon (his treatise on logic and knowledge was called novum
organum, “new method”) [ 78] [79] Ouspensky in his work attempted to describe mathematically, as
well as hypothetically, what the 4th dimension might look like and what could be the relation of
people, as beings perceiving everything in 3 dimensions, to the fourth dimension.[80]
Ouspensky came to the conclusion that those events that are happening for us here and now exist
for some time in the 4th dimension in some other form.If people could
perceive the 4th dimension, then we would know in advance about many events As an
example, Uspensky described the following example: Let's assume that there is some 2-dimensional
observer, and it exists on the plane.

And then a 3-dimensional object passes through its plane, for example, a pyramid.
Passing through the plane, the pyramid will first leave a square trace on it. And then the square
will gradually decrease, as the pyramid will pass through the plane up to its top. For a 2-dimensional
observer, a square appears from
nowhere, and then for some reason it begins to decrease by itself. If a 2-dimensional observer
saw the whole pyramid, then he would
know in advance what trace it would leave on his 2-dimensional plane and why. In other words,
it turns out that the pyramid for a 2-dimensional observer is the potential for changes in the square
on its 2-dimensional plane.

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Figure 30 Schematic illustration of the movement of the pyramid through the plane.

The same thing happens with people and objects in the 4th dimension. For us, many events
simply arise on their own, but for a hypothetical observer of the 4th dimension, who sees the
entire 4-dimensional object, events turn into an object, and “knowing” it, one can also know in
advance what will happen and how .
Ouspensky was able to identify several patterns inherent, in his opinion, to objects
4th dimension.
For example, different objects in 3 dimensions are one object in the 4th dimension. A person
is also a part of such an object, uniting many different objects.

In the 4th dimension, each object is connected to all objects around and they are all
constitute a single object.
The 4th dimension does not operate with specific numerical values, but rather with
abstractions and infinite values.
Difficulties in representing a 4-dimensional space arise primarily because we, being 3-
dimensional, are ourselves part of a 4-dimensional object and therefore it is very difficult for us to
look at it from the outside.
In order to learn how to work with the 4th dimension and look at it according to
Uspensky, humanity still has a long evolutionary path to go. [78]
Artistic Symbols in objects of art, according to Ouspensky, are most likely to become an
expression of 4-dimensional objects. However, he also
believes that as this 4D object moves through 3D space, people may notice some of its
features in the form of dreams, symbols, and also in a trance state.

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The main thing is to suppress your own attention, which habitually focuses on individual objects.

Theory of Insertualism.
Insertualism sees the 4th dimension as the potential for change. Consider the example of a
pyramid and a plane and assume that there is an insertional interaction. Let's assume that our
hypothetical 2-dimensional observer wants to interact with a pyramid unknown to him as an observable
The first thing that is necessary in order to interact with this potential (the movement of the pyramid
through the plane) is to see that very square. It and its subsequent changes must be observable to a 2D
observer. By looking at the change in this square, the observer tries to
predict exactly how
the square will change in the future.
If the observer guesses, it means that his expectation has already crossed with the 3-dimensional volume
object in some place.

Further, the observer can try to influence the entry of the pyramid into the plane - this will be possible
if this observer himself is "inside" this pyramid. Actually, in order to do this, a 2-dimensional observer just
needs to guess exactly how the square will change. Because on the basis of this "guess" he should take
such a position in order to merge as much as possible with the line of this square.

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Fig. 30 Illustration of observer merging with a square If he occupies a

position exactly at the edge, almost merging with it and constantly “waiting” for this square to decrease,
positions change. First, the observer himself becomes a pyramid - "estimating" its changes, then the pyramid
becomes a part of the observer. His intervention may cause a change in angle, a change in speed, or a change in
direction. Because the property of our hypothetical "plane" from this in one place, where the observer is located,
changes somewhat. And this place will be just where the pyramid is in contact with the plane. This example is
hypothetical - because it is obvious that a 2D observer is imaginative - this is a somewhat stretched concept,
Ouspensky also wrote [80] that
imagination is a step towards the 4th dimension. Our 2-dimensional poor fellow will have to immediately rush
to the square in the hope of merging with it as much as possible, and in this act the prediction will manifest itself first,
and then the impact. Consider now the problem of ideograms, automatic writing, and the 4th dimension. IN

What are the possible intersections?

Man, being a 3-dimensional object, is nevertheless a part of a 4-dimensional object. He is connected with
the objects and phenomena surrounding him by the way he will react to them. In other words, if a person stands on
the floor in an upright position, is it possible to say that he and the floor are one? If there are walls and furniture
around a person, and a person does not crash into them, is it possible to say that a person is part of this system as
one whole? - from the point of view of the 4-dimensional dimension, the fact that this entire system, including a
human observer, exists already indicates that there is some connection between them.

Can a person not know about this connection? - of course, and most people don’t talk about it
thinks. However, the unconscious of a person is often aware of this.
And what happens if you set yourself the goal of trying to express this connection on paper? - if you pre-tune
in and then try to express this 4-dimensional object, which expresses the potential of the possible, then we will most
likely get some kind of ideogram without any
then clear meaning.

Returning to the example of aposemantic coloration, it is easy to see parallels between the pattern on the
wings of a butterfly that tries to pose as a potential owl for a predator watching a butterfly.

What will happen if we take this received ideogram and try to recreate in our imagination the connection that
stands behind it? - most likely, we will receive some interesting information about the future or the past. If there is an
objective verification of this information, then we can talk about insertual interaction. But what if we are trying not to
get information, but to influence something? – Send some
information? – then the situation here is not much different from the first case. We're just as much a part of a
4-dimensional object as everything else. The reaction to the ideogram is as much a part of the future for us as
everything else. Our task is only to focus more on the position of the observer and the hypothetical message in
drawing the ideogram.

But later we will have to clearly see by objective means that the message has been received and has had
some effect, after which we have to compare it with what was originally intended. If we are not talking about the
hidden influence that some talismans are supposed to have, then it makes sense to tell about the original message
to the second party in order to meet the observability criterion after attempting to decipher it.

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Potential and fractal geometry.

Let's take again the example with the pyramid and the plane. Let us assume that the pyramid
passes through the plane at a low speed, and our two dimensional observer tries to fix this process
on paper, i.e. statically. Where will the lines of this square pass for him, and what will be their length?
After all, already during the measurement, this length will change. Let's assume that this movement
is not realized by the 2-dimensional observer, he considers that the object is static. But when you try
to measure this static, it always turns out that some part
drops out.

Changes to this square and attempts to measure it can lead to a situation like
diagram below.

Fig 31 t-square fractal Which is suitable for describing the case of measuring a moving pyramid
and trying to measure it as a static object

As a result, it turns out that such an object seems to be a square, but it seems to be not - pay
attention to the first step in the figure above. For those
unfamiliar with the subject, it will be very interesting to know that people have encountered a
very similar problem when, for example, they tried to measure the length of the coastline of the
islands for topographic
purposes. Taking as a basis, a pole of known length, for example 5 meters, they measured with its help
along the coastline of the island and got some value - let's say 3000 km.
But if you take a pole of a shorter length, for example 3 meters, and measure the same island,
then the coastline will be 3,312 km long. And the reason is the accuracy of the measurement. But
here's the problem - you can use any measurement methods and any standards, and part of the
object will still fall out of the measurement.
This "part" is determined by the main parameter of the fractal - the fractal dimension. This is
the ratio of the length (dimensions) of the measurement standard to the number of standards that
fit in the measured object. In
fractals, as it is not difficult to guess, such a dimension is always fractional.
Another property, as can be seen from the description, is the flow of an object to infinity. How many
don't measure, and some will fall out.
Fractal patterns are repeated at different levels of measurement. And if on a scale of 1: 200,
when measuring the coastline, we saw that the coast is a broken line with sharp corners, then on a
smaller scale we can see something similar, although this property is not 100% expressed with
natural fractals. And the problem is that any physical object has some
fractality, at least due to the fact that almost any matter at high magnification is a porous
surface. If you increase such a "pore" - there will again be something similar to a smooth surface -
then again pores and so on up to molecules, then atoms and

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interatomic space. What does it say? - that all the static forms to which we are accustomed in
fact are not. It can be assumed that small changes occur in them, we just do not catch these
changes. The definition of a fractal according to the author of the term,
the scientist mathematician Mandelbrot, is as follows: “A fractal is a set whose Hausdorff-
Bezinkovitch dimension is strictly greater than its topological dimension.” [81] By topological
dimension, Mandelbrot in his definition understands
the dimension determined by covering an object with some standard. The Hausdorff
dimension is understood as the following – the space divided into
sections – the dimension is equal to the 3rd (3 dimensions). 2-dimensional space divided
by lines (dimension 2) And a line divided into points (dimension 1). And then Mandelbrot adds
- any set with a non-integer dimension D can be
considered a fractal. The attentive reader will notice that the objects of the 4-dimensional
space will represent
for us the same fractals (at least in some frameworks), forever going to infinity. And the
main dimension parameter is a simple marker of the interaction between the observer and the
potential. Only our observer, instead of waiting, uses some standard to measure "potential".

As a result, we get the very cut of the potential, which goes to infinity, but with
this has a visual image and some mathematically defined parameters.
When we think about where the missing key is - we draw an ideogram in automatic
writing - we are by no means drawing a key or a room. We draw a “potential”, trying to transfer
something 4-dimensional part of which we are on a 2-dimensional sheet of paper and as a
result, we will most likely get a statistical (one that is not self-similar and has random elements)
fractal. Looking at this ideogram, we
can try to reproduce the rest of the elements in a trance.
cops building in your imagination and find out more information.
Or show this ideogram to someone and hope that the other person will receive information
about the future associated with the key. If there is a potential chance to find the key and this
future is possible, then most likely we will be able to see some of its elements. And if not, then
the ideogram will not help.
Handwritten symbols caught the attention of scientists and became the object of a fractal

The connection between fractals and handwriting has not gone unnoticed among scientists.
Extensive studies have been carried out [82] as a result, the dimension of handwriting, which is
incomprehensible to a person, was less than 1.3 and the dimension of pleasant handwriting was 1.3-1.5.
It also revealed several interesting patterns. Thickness and pressure when writing were
more difficult to measure, but the lines of writing against the background of white paper, on the
contrary, were a good field for fractal analysis. Naturally, a fair question
arises - if ideograms allow you to receive some information in a trance. Those. affect the
human psyche. Ideograms have fractal properties. Accordingly, fractals should also have
some effect on psi
Scientists have analyzed the activity of the human brain when observing fractals and
found that fractals of medium dimension calm (from 1.3 to 1.5) [83] And fractals of high
boundary dimension attract attention and under certain conditions can even cause disgust from
1.85-2.1 Fractals of low boundary dimension do not attract attention 1.1-1.3.

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We see a wide range of influences from pleasant and relaxing to exciting and unpleasant
and exciting. Some psychologists also believe that walks in nature have a positive effect on the
psyche precisely because of the obvious fractality of natural objects. From trees to mountain
silhouettes. [83] What conclusions can be drawn
here? According to the theories of
Uspensky and Dunn, all objects and people are united in a 4-dimensional dimension, from
where, under certain conditions, information can be obtained. These conditions include dreams,
trances, the use of automatic writing and ideograms. The potential (and, consequently, attempts
to depict a 4-dimensional object in a three-dimensional space, or even more so in a 2-
dimensional space) will have fractal properties. Consequently, automatic writing, ideograms and
magical seals have an additional slice of information, which is expressed in the fractal properties
of these images. This means that fractal analysis in combination with occult techniques can
make it possible to easily manipulate potentials and information related to them on fairly good
technically accessible ground.
Practical examples

Before describing a hypothetical device that could combine the idea of writing ideograms
with the formation of fractals (on the one hand, the intersections are obvious - since the fractal
pattern causes a mental reaction that is not determined by the content, but in terms of the
connection between the potential and the fractal, this is more of a hypothesis - although it follows
from the concept of dimension and some facts), you need to check a few of the above

Testing hypotheses outside a controlled laboratory space is interesting, but proves little.
The reader, most likely, will consider such information strictly because of their beliefs in terms of
materialism / idealism / skepticism, etc. However
however, I leave the videos and descriptions of some of the experiments in the hope that the reader would rather believe
me than disbelieve me.
In any case, it would be strange to take any theory on faith when one can
test it in practice. Let's
start with Ouspensky's theory of the 4th dimension. Ouspensky in his main work gave a
good description of the object in the 4th dimension, better than many. However, he did not give
a formula or technique for applying his theory in practice. However, its description and insertual
approach are quite sufficient for constructing a simple mental formula.
A description of the experiment and technique
is given below: I imagined that the entire surrounding space is one sphere (Uspensky
noted in his work that when working with space, the closest that a person can imagine to the
4th dimension is a sphere. You can try to take any other geometric object, but most likely in the
process of executing the formula, it will come back to the sphere by itself), which puts pressure
on me.
However, this pressure on the surface of the body is different. Differences in this pressure
create angles and lines - other outlines of the space that we usually see as different objects.
But here - it all represents a single sphere that leaves projections with pressure on my skin. After
that, I made one rough guess based on this pressure - for example, from the outline of an object
that lies in a closed box. In the case of a minimal intersection, you can continue further. At this
stage, the intersection itself is important, not the accuracy.
Picking up a deck of playing cards (54 cards), I carefully mixed it. Then put on
impenetrable goggles. These are black foil glasses. Then I took one of
the cards and put it separately from the rest.

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I remembered a few random events from the past, after which I imagined how I guessed the card. He
imagined me taking off my glasses and then seeing that something matched what I was imagining and
therefore got a little excited. Then I directed my attention to my own body. Then I directed this projection
towards the table where the card lies. Next, I imagined how the projection of my
body leaves on the table where the card is
the same imprint that objects left on my skin at the beginning of the session.
After that, I imagined that I was this projection, and now, making small swaying from side to side, I
can catch the outlines of the map that interest me. Having caught these lines, I changed the projection of my
body relative to the table. I made it smaller and focused it on the edge of the card, where the suit and value
are located.
Having felt the elements of the card number with the projection of the body, I, based on my feelings,
tried to draw a conclusion as to what number the card had. When using ordinary eyes, the brain unconsciously
does the work of interpreting objects, but if you use interaction with the potential as a source of information,
then this work will have to be done.

This is not such an easy task - for example, some cards, such as two and seven, have a similar curved
element - and if you feel it, you will have to determine for a long time which card it belongs to.

Suits are somewhat more difficult to determine than card numbers (although, according to probability
theory, it should be the other way around). The reason is that the contours of the number stand out more
easily on a white background than the offices of the suit. By the way, the same pattern manifests itself in
the fractal analysis
of handwriting [84] Then, if I name the card correctly, then I remember the beginning of the technique, where I
I imagined that I was guessing and finishing with the interaction.
See how this formula works here: The results of this short video
session are presented in the table below:

What conclusions can be drawn from this practical material? The potential of a
person and the potentials of the objects surrounding him are mixed. Under certain conditions, one
can try to extract information from this confusion. The potential differs from the object itself in some features
- when reading it, individual elements of the object appear, and not the whole object. To interpret these
elements, it is necessary to make logical efforts and analyze the information obtained in such an irrational
way. You may not see the card, but you can try to feel the potential of this card if you form an expectation
related to your
future and this card. To do this, you do not need to look at the material map itself. It is enough to
imagine a mechanism that would generate enough uncertainty so that you can feel

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map elements without polluting this information with their own projections, desires, distractions
sensible thoughts, etc.

How can this information help us in our topic of ideograms and fractals? – ideograms can look like nonsense,
and fractals can look like a geometric abstraction, but the potential and information from it can be much greater than its
content. If you know how to read the information of potentials, then it can also be extracted from fractals, if it was placed
there during its formation. Let's consider another series of experiments. Keeping several concepts and objects in my
head, I tried to unconsciously draw an idea

gram, and then invited people on the Internet to guess what I was thinking when I did the drawing. It would seem that it
is absolutely impossible to even roughly guess what I was thinking without prompts. But in fact, the answers were much
closer than it might seem. Experiment 1. I thought of the emotion of anger. However,
by the end of the
inscription, the initial
the emotion is gone.

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Fig 32. Ideogram anger - then calm

spaghetti (spaghetti)
An extension of ordering chaos (Expansion of the process of bringing order into chaos)

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New life growing out of chaos and destruction.. (new life growing out of chaos and destruction)

Blue ink dying to be smudged with water (blue ink that really wants to meet with water)

The top bit looks like a hand viewed from the side palm up. I don't know what the rest is. A
"rude graffiti" that got scribbled out? (The top part looks like a palm tree. I don't know about the rest
- crude graffiti, what did someone make?)
The Forefinger is attached to the Heart that floats above it – so that indicates in some aspects
there is Anger in your Heart – a Trust has been broken. (the index finger is connected to the heart
that hovers above it - this means that there is anger in your heart, because your trust was deceived)
Based on
the results, we can assume that 3 out of 6 answers were somehow connected with the riddle
nym. At the same time, 1 was very close to the goal, and 1, in fact, guessed what was being discussed.
No specific methods were reported for reading the potentials by the participant of the
experiments, however, the people who took part in the experiments were all registered on the
paganspace website, which suggests some predisposition to the occult topics and a desire to participate.
vat in such experiments.

Experiment 2 I
thought of an object - a cup.

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Rice. 33 ideogram "cup"

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Rice. 34 Photo of the hidden cup

This time I also did a little experiment - I asked my friends what they think about the ideogram. However, I
suggested to them that they use a simple dissociation technique for this. Look at the ideogram, then close your eyes
and try to reproduce it in every detail, and then let your thoughts flow freely. Then say the first thing that comes to
mind. "It's something round with a notch," was the answer. And here are the answers of people from the Internet
from the same site. They
didn't know about any way to read the potential. Answers from
people on the internet: Psychic shield. \ I keep picturing a key or keychain or chain with a locket. -Psychic

transparent. Key or chain with pendant.

A pen or writing instrument - a pen or writing instrument
A spoon - tableware category - spoon Fork -
tableware category - fork Egg or spatula
- tableware category. Egg or spatula for cooking Pen or backscratcher - pen or back scratcher
Flashlight - flashlight

Candle It can be
seen that some of the answers are related to kitchen utensils and the majority reflects a round shape. Some
combine both the category of kitchen items and the correct geometric shape. One answer with the pendant is very
close to the description of the cup, if you put it on its side with the handle up. The candle and this cup are cylindrical.

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This kind of coincidence is very significant, given that, firstly, these people were not offered any
methods for reading potentials, there were no indications of what the object refers to.

Bearing in mind that, according to the above hypothesis, the potential is associated with fractal
patterns, let us try to carry out a fractal analysis of the ideogram image. To do this, we use the free FD
estimeter program to analyze the dimensionality of two dimensional images by the method of squares.
The image is divided into squares, which have a certain area in pixels. First, the image is covered with
large squares, then smaller and smaller ones. The abscissa shows the size of the measuring squares in
pixels, and the ordinate shows the number of squares. The graph shows how many elements from

pattern falls inside the square, and how much falls out depending on its size.

Fig35 Graph of the dimension of an ideogram with a cup

The dimension of the ideogram is

1.34250 Surprisingly, the closest artificial fractal with the same dimension consists of circles, which
is quite curious. Of course, this does not prove the connection of potentials with fractal patterns and
characteristics, but leaves some possibility that it exists.

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Rice. 36 Artificial fractal with dimension close to 1.34250

Experiment 3 I
thought of a book.
People familiar with the simple method of guessing the meanings of ideograms, there were 2 of them.
They said the same thing - that the table was
guessing. Ideogram

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Rice. 36 Book ideogram

People from the Internet gave the following

answers: Comb or fork (comb \ comb or fork)
Coffee cup A mirror Flash or
light on a solid
surface. A crystal - a flash of light on a solid surface, Crystal?

Hair worn up in a bum that need combing - a bunch of hair that needs to be combed with a comb
or comb
A pumpkin is a pumpkin.

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Rice. 37 Photo of the hidden book

I would dismiss the pumpkin answer as irrelevant, because the answers were collected during
the Hallowin period. The answer with the cup probably related to the previous post, since there was
only a few days difference between the posts, which for a not very popular site is not too significant

The rest of the answers all revolved around the idea of something solid, rectangular, reflective.
pressing surface, combs.
If you look at the book from the side, how the sheets are attached to the binding - they are very
reminiscent of the geometry of a comb or comb (if it does not have a handle). It should also be noted
that both the table and the comb have rectangular outlines, and the book, in fact, slightly reflects the
light with the material of its cover, as can be seen in the
photo. In the second guessing of the object, there is no longer such a predominance of kitchen
utensils as in the
first. The fractal analysis of this ideogram showed a dimension of 1.48.

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Rice. 38 Graph of the fractal dimension of an ideogram with a book

The closest deterministic artificial fractal with this dimension is the “square cross”, which
has both a square element and elements similar to the teeth of a comb.

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Rice. 39 Fractal "square cross"

Let's sum up some results based on experiments and theoretical materials: Potentials bind
different objects and the observer together. In this they are similar to the concept of the 4th dimension.
An object, even if it is simple
and does not have any complex content, can have a complex and extensive potential with different
information. If you are familiar with trance techniques, you can
extract information from this poten
This property has been used by a variety of communities at different times for different purposes. For
prediction, for influence, for artistic purposes. This property is also used by nature.

Many systems have been developed to explain such phenomena. Among them is the idea of the 4th
dimension, which allows us to explain the unity of objects in the future and about

Hypothesis - imperceptible to the eye movement inside objects is expressed in fractality when trying to
measure such objects. We can say that moving 3-dimensional objects on

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2D planes will have a fractal pattern. Accordingly, 4-dimensional objects in 3-dimensional space will also have fractal
The potential from objects can be depicted as fractal patterns. From this also follows the possibility of making
elementary mathematical calculations, around this

Viewing fractals induces different psychological states in people depending on the dimension of the fractal,
symmetry, self-similarity coefficient. It is enough to look at the fractal for a minute. Ideograms with simple emotions
behind them are much easier to read than
those with
rymi are complex objects. General
conclusion: If some
complex mental message is immediately displayed in the form of a fractal using computer tools and a neural
interface, then most likely people will be able to read this message after a little training.

If a simple message (for example, an emotion or a state like excitement) is processed using computer tools and
displayed in the form of a fractal pattern, then this message can be transmitted to an unlimited circle of people, without
training it is only necessary to look at the image for some time. Over time, due to changes in culture, a simple pattern
may cease to change.

give a message to an unlimited circle of people with the same efficiency as before.
This general conclusion, as well as the previous devices and phenomena described earlier in this brochure,
suggest that the ideogram has some similarity with guessing a person's action for telepathic communication. The fact
of connection is important, and the content can be guessed. As in the case of telepathems, good guessing requires a
little practice. However, simple states can be transmitted without training if the image

quite well adjusted to the state that needs to be conveyed.

In the case of using fractals instead of handwritten ideograms, there is a small chance to find a more universal
means that would allow you to convey a simple message.
for those who do not know the technique of reading potentials.

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Neurofractalization. Description
of a hypothetical device

So, let's try to outline a way to use computer simulation of fractals to transmit simple and
complex mental messages and psychological states using a neural interface.

The device itself, as you might guess from the previous description, will have 2 modes.
Conventionally, they can be called simple and complex modes. Simple to convey simple states -
strong emotions and general psychophysiological states. The result of this mode has something in
common with protective talismans and aposemantic belly coloration.
nyh and insects.

A complex mode for the transmission of mental messages and the vast potentials invested
there by the author of the image. This mode has more in common with asemic writing, abstract art,
and automatic writing for divination.
The general architecture of such a hypothetical device would look like this:

Rice. 40. General scheme of Neurofractalization

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The main issue to be solved is the options for translating neurointerface data into
fractal images. The options for
translating EEG data into fractal images and their architecture directly depend on
which mode of using neurofractalization we plan to apply. If we are talking about a simple
mode, then the architecture of this process looks like this:

Rice. 40 Architecture of a simple mode of neurofractalization.

The main steps in simple mode are as follows:

Acquire EEG data from the reference state. (take EEG data when a person
experiences anger, pain, joy, for example). The reference state is the one that we want to
convey with the help of an image to another person.
Based on several preliminary data, generate an algorithm for training a neural network.
Let the
algorithm generate an image Show the image to
a person Take EEG data from
a person after viewing the image Compare with the reference
Change the imaging
parameters within the preliminary data. Repeat the process again until there is
a similarity with the standard, for example, within 80% This will not be a fast process,
but if the neural network is successfully trained, the resulting images may have enough
universal language to cause similar states in other people when viewing.

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But, as was noted at the beginning of this chapter, one should not think that having found the desired image once,
it can only always be used to convey the same state. Potentials are dynamic and therefore from time to time the reference
state will need to be rechecked. For this reason, the presence of neurofractalization technology is necessary so that
images can be periodically corrected. The reasons for which the effect may decrease lies in the various changes that
are taking place in society - a change in attitudes towards certain symbols, the concept of visually attractive, etc.

and so on.

Consider what the preliminary inputs are and where they come from. These data are derived from papers by
scientists who have conducted experiments to establish links between images and EEG data.

The fractal construction algorithm itself can be divided into several stages and link these
stages to preliminary data.
Consider in the table below several possible relationships between the preliminary data and the fractal
construction stage. The construction of a fractal
is based on several important components. Initiator of the Generator and the value of N - the number of segments
in the generator. R is the coefficient of self similarity (recursion). (for example - 2 is 2 initiators) D - fractal dimension.

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Rice. 41 fractal generators and some extras. parameters as above

The coefficient of self-similarity (recursion) is equal to r= 1/ . This means that in each

subsequent iteration of creating a fractal, there are seven previous iterations. This is easy to check for
figure above - see how many of the original hexagons fit in the central figure (don't forget to
count the center). Above is an example.
The initiator is a hexagon (located on the left). At each step of construction, the line of the
initiator is replaced by the figure of the generator. Then the figure already received is the new
initiator and after that a new iteration of changes is made, etc. How could the formula for the
stepwise construction of fractals using the EEG and a neural network work? Table of
possible relationships
between EEG and stages of fractal construction

In addition, you should choose the right color scheme using the known laws.
numbers between color and emotions [89]
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In addition to the stages of constructing a fractal image, some states and their relationship
with images are known. These states and images have not been analyzed geometrically or
fractally, but science is well aware of the connections between them and some psychologists.
chemical states.

Thus, a good connection is known between the state of nausea and the image belonging to
the spectrum of trypophobia. [90] Similar cases should be additionally added to the process of
the neural network algorithm in order to gradually collect a database on this issue.
Synthetically collected materials from related disciplines make it possible to distinguish the
following characteristics: The state of nausea is associated with the activity of the IZ channel in
the prespatial zone [91], and the characteristics of the image with a trypophobic effect are
approximately equal to the following dimension 2.07-2.10. It is not symmetrical, the coefficient of
self-similarity is less than one, high complexity N, the initiator is an oval, a statistical fractal.
on FD estimeter). Having chosen the above parameters as a framework for the neural
network training algorithm, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests to obtain an image of the
calling state that is closest to the reference one. If a relatively simple state, well known to every
person, is chosen as a reference state, then its transmission through the image can proceed
quickly and without prior training. Complex mode Complex mode
is necessary for
the transmission of mental messages to those people who can read ideograms. Those.
have had some training - for example, use the ideogram reading method described in the
"Practical Examples" section.
You can use the previous parameters as preliminary data, just like in the simple mode.
However, instead of training with a neural network, we can use a psi-interface. Where the
extreme options are located diagonally, and the choice is made by moving the cursor depending
on its stop in a certain place of the working field.
The EEG parameters are used both to adjust the psi-interface itself according to the
principles that are indicated in the chapters devoted to the psi-interface, and to select the extreme
parameters for imaging neurofractalization.
Approximate scheme of hard mode operation

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Rice. 42 Neurofractalization Complex Mode Architecture

Between each step, a psi-interface field appears before the user's eyes, where
extreme values depict the boundaries of the selected fractal parameters. For example so.

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Fig. 43 variant of using the psi-interface for the complex mode of neurofractalization

The example above shows that according to the EEG data, something triangular was chosen
as the initiator. The extreme points of the working field are the parameters of this figure - an acute /
obtuse angle, and the number of angles. The psi-interface works within a few seconds. Depending
on the final stop of the cursor-contactor, its coordinates on the working field are determined. And
these coordinates are associated with the parameters of the future image - where the highest
position in the working field is 3 corners - the lowest one is 6 corners, the leftmost one is an obtuse
angle, the rightmost one is sharp.
Accordingly - the lower - the more angles, the higher - the smaller, the further to the left - the
the blunter the angle, the further to the right, the sharper the angle.

In the case in the figure, the contactor stopped almost in the middle, but a little further from the
sharp corner - so the result is a polygon with obtuse corners as the initiator of the fractal. The psi-
interface appears for
5-10 seconds, during which you need to mentally try to move the cursor in the direction that is
closer to those figures or parameters that seem more appropriate to your message.

Thus, more uncertainty is added to the imaging process.

laziness, but in this uncertainty there is a connection with the user.

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As a result, the image will be more unique and chaotic, and thus be able to express
more complex messages or contain more aesthetic or artistic value. Practical use.
has several practical
applications. The easy mode will produce images that can more effectively evoke
desired emotional states in people. These images can later be used in advertising, in the
media, as well as during various special operations.

For example, below is an image with a fractality close to the boundary value of 2.07
(almost a surface, but not quite), an initiator in the form of ovals or circles, a small self
similarity coefficient R, and the absence of symmetry can be used as an aposemantic
unpleasant color when performing special operations.

Rice. 44 Graph of the fractal dimension of the repulsive image

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Fig 45 Repulsive image from the Internet

It can be applied, for example, to shields, and when viewing such a pattern, a person will
instinctively feel nausea, discomfort and try not to look at this object.
The above data is just an example found on the Internet, and its parameters were
calculated approximately. At the moment, there are no serious studies in the public space
regarding the fractal dimension and other features of images and negative states of a person.
Although it is known that earlier such studies were carried out within the framework of the Mk-
ultra project in the USA. If
we apply neurofractalization, take a reference state from a person who is experiencing
a strong state of nausea, pain, etc., and properly train the neural network, you can get other
visual patterns that have the ability to cause similar states in an unlimited number of people
with much greater efficiency and intensity. Just remember to update and adjust these patterns
from time to time, as above, as society and its relationship to many visual stimuli changes
over time.

This example is somewhat reminiscent of an enchanted flag talisman or a lingfu amulet

that repels thieves. It
is also possible to create images with others associated with other states like
peace or joy and use them, for example, as prints on clothes.
Hard mode. The complex mode will allow you to create a very interesting direction in art,
where the state of mind will become an artist's tool for conveying a unique image. With the
improvement of neurofractalization and the transformation of the process into a dynamic one,
it is possible to create a real analogue of online broadcasting of mental states, which will
visualize some complex state of a person, for example, who is in deep meditation via the
Internet to a large number of viewers. Also, this kind of images can
be used to transmit encrypted information, if both sides are well trained - one for working
with the psi-interface and neurofractalization, and the other for reading potentials. This kind of
practice will appeal to many lovers of science and the paranormal.

Neurofractalization can become a good tool for psychological diagnostics if a sufficient

amount of additional data is collected on which states have certain tendencies in the formation
of fractal images.
In addition, you can specifically record your state, which you want to remember, as a
fractal image in order to return to it later by looking at this image. A kind of photography, but
instead of images of objects or people - an image of abstractions corresponding to your
psyche at one time or another. Neurofractalization may also allow illustrations to be made to
existing mass media books or films to add depth to the narrative. The development itself
could open up a surprising realm of additional information transfer
through the combination of sounds, smells, and other information that we usually
neglect, mathematically calibrated and processed by AI. Because of this, we can get new
psychological therapy tools, as well as interesting new media con options.


Neurofractalization can be applied in different areas and has great potential both in the
dual-use market and in the civilian market.

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Neurofractalization. First prototype

Consider the existing small prototype of neurofractalization technology. It is a combination of

a simple version of the technology (selection of standards by a neural network) and an element of
interaction with uncertainty (randomization of an image predicted by a neural network), which
originally referred to a complex version of the technology application. This paradigm allows you to
experiment with technology in different directions and create many interesting images.

First, a database was formed from 5 fractals and human EEG data, with
viewing these images. Based on this database, a neural network was trained. Further,
the process of neurofractalization includes several components: Translation of
EEG data into the form of a table (or another form suitable for the operation of a neural
network); The neural network selects a fractal according to the data presented to it;
The predictions of the neural network are translated into the form of a fractal
image; The fractal image is subjected to randomization (random changes).

Neurofractalization first experiments.

Consider an experiment recorded on camera and available in the public domain. https://

First, a person puts on a neural interface and claims that at the moment of taking data, he
will think about the tower. The data is taken using the Neuroplay 6C neural interface. This is a six-
channel neural interface of Russian design. The obtained data are
recorded using the program supplied with the Neuroplaypro interface. Initially, the data is
recorded in edf format as a graph. The number of graph lines corresponds to the channels.

Rice. 46 EEG graph in the Neuroplaypro program

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Then, using the analysis tool built into the Neuroplaypro program, the graph is divided into minutes
and converted into excel spreadsheets. Based on the graph, the program automatically performs a quick
spectral analysis and highlights a variety of indicators.
The neural network was trained for the indicators "share%" - showing as a percentage the share of
time during which this or that rhythm of brain waves dominated.

An example of such a table is shown below:

Based on these data, the neural network generates the corresponding fractal formula. One for
every minute. Thus, the fractal image corresponding to a 2-minute session is a hybrid fractal and consists
of 2 formulas.

Further, the formulas are transferred to the Mandelbulber fractal imaging program and a fractal
image is formed. An example of such an image from the video

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Rice. 47 Fractal selected by a neural network.

This image is then randomized using the built-in randomizer in the Mundelbulber program.
And during the first iteration of this process, some images turn out to be very close to the hidden

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Rice. 48 Fractal obtained after randomization

Why does the resulting fractal resemble the image of a tower? - can be assumed
several hypotheses.

Coincidence or cognitive error. This could be a coincidence. Against this hypothesis is the
fact that neurofractalization technology has been used several times by different people and always
produced something visually reminiscent of the representation.
insertional hypothesis. The application of neurofractalization is a variant of working with
uncertainty. The EEG data recorded during the presentation is correlated by the neural network with
a fractal, these fractals become the center of subsequent random changes. The probability of
reflecting the hidden process in one of the random options made on the basis of the fractal predicted
by the neural network is very high. At the very end, the participation of the person who made up the
image is necessary in order to choose the most suitable among random changes. This interaction
ends and the observer who formed the initial expectation at the end changes himself under the
influence of fractal interpretations of his own expectation. Random changes are just a variant of
using the irrational, where the fractal conceived by the neural network is the basis around which
random changes are formed. The fact that these random changes are similar to the images
presented during EEG recording confirms the efficiency of the neurofractalization concept presented
in this paper. Keeping in mind that initially the main idea behind neurofractalization is to induce a
similar psychological
state in the observer of fractal images - there is nothing surprising in the fact that if a person
thinks about a tower - the formed fractal will be its


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The prototype was tested several times. The images created with its help were arranged into video materials and
posted on the Internet. Links to these videos are provided below: When taking the EEG, an expedition to Tibet was imagined:
When taking an EEG, a fairy tale was imagined:

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In conclusion, we should mention one very interesting term that arose in the middle of the
20th century in the United States among scientists and science fiction writers. Psionics. Psionics
is made up of the two words psyche and electronics. These words mean a fictional scientific
discipline aimed at modernizing mental processes through electronic means. The founder of
cybernetics, Norbert Winner, also had a hand in this term. Many attempts have been made to
the irrational and the rational together into a single doctrine. Take, for example, the
synthesis of science and religion by Blavatsky in her Secret Doctrine. Practice showed several
problems with this approach at once - science is dynamic and in order to connect it with religion,
a constant process of analyzing new discoveries is needed. Much of what Blavatsky originally
referred to in the "scientific" part of her work was eventually refuted. The doctrine resulting from
such a synthesis was eventually declared unscientific and irrational anyway. A doctrine of this
kind claimed to be universal, they say, it can be applied to anything, all the features of life are
somehow affected by this doctrine - this approach caused her considerable harm. Even more
serious obstacles arise in the way of
those who are trying to promote some similar doctrine through economic success.
Uncleanliness, accusations of fraud, scandals and courts - all this does not allow moving the
situation forward. If some researcher of the paranormal, even one with many abilities, declares
himself a guru or a messiah and collects money from people, then this obviously does not help
the situation.
The strategy chosen by this work is an attempt to create several devices that combine
both the paranormal aspect and modern technologies. This is not a doctrine; it does not claim
to be universal. These are just a few devices. In the process of developing them, something
may not work, something will give a greater effect than expected. But in the end, all those
interested will have a real object and a method of using it, which can be looked at, tested and
applied in practice. Over time, and this is quite likely, the
very terms "paranormal" and "parapsychological" will become irrelevant, and all those
phenomena that now seem to be such will be considered part of some quite ordinary sphere.

It is difficult to predict what will eventually be realized from what is described in this paper.
What will be the results of the experiments, will these devices be commercially successful. But
trying to break through the wall that has been erected between the psyche and reality by the
inertia of modern science and the greed and conceit of many parapsychologists is an important thing.
Neurofractalization technology, Psi-interface, Psiconnector - these are the three devices
that were described in this paper. Of course, this list is not limited to them, but this is the first trial
balloon. If the implementation of these devices is successful, in the future it will be possible to try
to turn to other areas of the paranormal and try to embody them in technical devices. A lot of
time has passed since the
emergence of the term "Psionics" in science fiction novels and the surge of interest in
such topics in the 90s. Technology has advanced and given many tools that can help realize the
long-held dream of real psionics in practice. The main thing is just to start.

As a result, we can get many useful devices and directions that will enrich our lives and
give impetus to new research.

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Ryabtsev D.V. Insertualism. Basic terms and development prospects. [Electronic resource].
Science, education and culture. No. 7 (10). 2016. URL: (Date appeals:
18.03.2017); Nalimov V.V.
Spontaneity of creation M.: Prometheus 1989; E. Fromm
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The concept of a psiinterface: the interaction of the psyche and [Electron of insertualism https://
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Involving Random Event Generators and Remote Viewing. In Commission on Behavioral and Social
Sciences and Education, Enhancing Human Performance: Issues, Theories and Techniques.
Washington D. C: Background Papers: National Academy Press. 1988. Pg. 638-646.
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21.08.2022) Vasiliev
Mental suggestion at a distance politizdat
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Freud E., Behrmann M., and Snow JC “What does dorsal 2020; journal [electronic resource]
33225195/ Contribute perception?"; cortex to URL:
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Yingli Li, Qingguo Ding, Yuancun Zhao, Yanan Bu, Xiaoyan Tang, Peiguo Wang, Genhua
Zhang, Mengling Chen, and Pei Liang; Direct Electrophysiological Mapping of Shape Induced
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P. D. Uspensky book Tertium organum 1912 Robest
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URL: (accessed 22.08.2022). (Date of access 14.09.2022) Journal "Nature",
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Bekhterev V.M. "Hypnosis, Suggestion, Telepathy" page 112 article "Suggestion in public
noah life" 1993 (collection of articles was fully published only in the 90s)
Vasiliev L.L. Suggestion at a distance. (Notes of a physiologist) “The phenomenon of biological
telecommunications in animals" 1962.
%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0 %B0%D0%B7%D0%BA%D0%B0_ %
D0%B3%D1%80%D1%83%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8F Hunting
snake Ermine
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Shellfish hunting

Bekhterev V.M. "Hypnosis, Suggestion, Telepathy" page 333 article "On experiments on
"mental" influence" on animal behavior 1993 (collection of articles was published in full only in the
90s) Palmer Hall
Encyclopedic exposition of symbols. Page 251 “Pythagoras could change
the movement of birds at will by mental effort alone…” https:// Debates on
about Darwin's work on the origin of species is one example of such resistance
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold - "Obeah A Sorcerous Ossuary" A work dedicated to traditional
Jamaican sorcery practice "Obeah"; Tsangnyon
Heruka “Life of Milarepa”. Translated from Tibetan by Yale University Professor Andrew
Quintman; "Occult Philosophy"
Cornelius Agrippa 1531 Excerpts from the book of F.A.
Mesmer "General explanation of magnetism and somnambulism 1812 URL http://psy- mesmer/46-vyderzhki-iz-knigi-fa-
mesmera-obshchee-raz-yasnenie- magnetizma-i-somnambulizma Blavatsky's Theosophy and her
Theosophical Society URL
"Phantasms of the living" Mayer (phantasms of the living; Myers);
Bekhterev V.M. "Hypnosis, Suggestion, Telepathy" page 333 article "On experiments on
"mental" influence" on animal behavior 1993 (collection of articles was fully published only in the 90s)

JB Rhine-“Extra Sensory Perception” 1934

Vasiliev L.L. Suggestion at a distance. (Notes of a physiologist) Mental suggestion at a great
distance 1962. https:// Data
from the declassified CIA black vault archive wi MK-Ultra ""
Jim Marrs - "PSI Spies The True Story of Americas Psychic Warfare Program"
Ronson John. The book "Mad Special Forces"
Psy-Wars West and East Mei, Savin, Ratnikov, McMoneagle Ryabtsev
D.V. Motivational_brochure_insertualism_and_psychology_24.04.2022 URL: "BrainNet: A
Multi-Person Brainto-Brain Interface for Direct Collaboration Between Brains" by Linxing Jiang;
Adrea Stocco; Darby M. Losey; Justin A. Abernethy, Chantel S. Prat; Rajesh PN Rao. University of
Washington. Journal «Scientific Reports» 2019 Date of access 11.09.2022

L.S. Vygodsky "Thinking and Speech, Psychological Research", Moscow 1934. Page 330
“Witchcracft and its power in the world today”. page 178 Tiki from
tiktok article on psychologytoday
Nalimov "Spontaneity of Consciousness"
JB Rhine - "Extra Sensory Perception" p. 63 London 1934;
E. I. Nikolaeva Psychophysiology. 2008 Moscow p. 318 Neural
interfaces for military purposes. US Army Application Overview
Anthology of Asmeic writing, Tim Geyse, Michael Jacobson USA appeared , Minneapolis
symbols, you can see them in 6000 BC. e In ancient China. See For example Jiahu

Machine Translated by Google
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Asemic letter of the "Crazy" monk Zhang Hu, 9th century AD uh.. see it
drawings can be found here
Code of Serafini by Luigio Serafini. Available for free here https://
Edward Bagnal Poulton "Coloring Animals" 1890
New scientist 1987 article All things bright and poisonous "All things bright and poisonous"
Edmunds, Malcolm (2012). "Deimatic Behavior". Springer. Retrieved December 31, 2012.
A Star God Is Born: Chintaku Reifujin Talismans in Japanese Religions Sujung Kim Greencastle
University USA 2022; "Daoist
(Taoist) Charms - ###### - Introduction and History of Daoist Charms". Gary Ashkenazy /
ÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ) Primaltrek – a journey through Chinese culture). November 16, 2016.
Retrieved 10 May 2018.
Brief overview of the Dao canon
Dissertation "Themes of the use of spirits and oneijo in Japanese history and literature" Peng
Carolyn Scarlet
Jha Mantra - a biography of Milarepa, especially the performance of the ritual. Translated by
the Oxford Chair The Lesser
Key of Solomon the King.
Aleister Crowley's Goetia version, English edition of
Obeah A Sorcerous Ossuary Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
Urban Voodoo A Beginners Guide to Afro-Caribbean Magic (PDFDrive) Jason Black,
Christopher Hyatt
An Analysis of the Relationship between Shenxian Daohua Ju and Daoism of the Yuan Dynasty
Written by Jian Tang and Xianfei Dao. Journal religious 2022
"Automatic Writing", An extract from The Science of Spirit Possession - 2nd ed (2014). Terence
Palmer PhD; https:// "Pineal
gland" in Missionaries of the Light (Xavier, 2009).
The Principles of Nature, Her Divine Revelations, and a Voice to Mankind Jackson 1845;
Jim Marrs - "PSI Spies The True Story of Americas Psychic Warfare Program" by
John Dunn Experiment with time in Russian translation The
brain delays time. Authors Mauro Manassi David Whitney (Mauro Manassi; David
P.D. Assumption key to the mysteries of the world Tretium organon 1905 Electronic version
Fractal geometry of nature Mandelbrot; Nicole
Vincent how to use fractals to identify writings and writers 2000 Fractals Journal Human
Physiological Benefits of Viewing Nature: EEG Responses to Exact and Statistical Fractal
Patterns. CM Hägerhäll1, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden, T.
Laike, M. Küller, E. Marcheschi, Lund University, Sweden, C. Boydston, and RP Taylor, University of
Oregon, Eugene, OR
Nicole Vincent how to use fractals to identify writings and writers 2000 Fractals magazine
Machine Translated by Google
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Classification of imagined geometric shapes using EEG signals and convolutional neural
networks Fabio R.Llorellaÿ, EduardoIáñez, José M.Azorín, GustavoPatow Journal of neuroscience
informatics La Rioja International University; Color
Texture Image Complexity—EEG-Sensed Human Brain Perception vs. Computed
Measures Irina E. Nicolae * and Mihai Ivanovici
Preference for Fractal-Scaling Properties Across Synthetic Noise Images and Artworks
Catherine Viengkham and Branka Spehar*Department of Psychology, University of New South
Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sustained response to symmetry in extrastriate areas after stimulus offset: An EEG study
Marco Bertamini 1, Giulia Rampone2, Jennifer Oulton3, Semir Tatlidil1 & Alexis DJ Makin. Magazine
scientific records
#:~:text=Warm%20colors%20%E2%80%93%20such%20as%20red,calmness% 20as%20well
Department ,ofNehal ALMURBATI
Architecture , Design,
and Interior
College of Engineering, University of Bahrain, POBox 32038, Sakheer, BahrainDepartment of
Psychology, University of Essex, Colchester Campus, Essex, United Kingdom.

Area postrema cell types that mediate nausea-associated behaviors Chuchu Zhang, Judith A.
Kaye, Zerong Cai, Yandan Wang, Sara L. Prescott, Stephen D. Liberles Howard Hughes Medical
Institute, Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA;

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D. Ryabtsev. "Application of parapsychological phenomena in technical devices"

Glossary of terms
Aposematism, sometimes also called warning coloration, in behavioral biology, is the bright
coloration of animals by which they signal to potential predators not only their presence, but also their
inedibility and/or protection. Therefore, aposematism is the opposite of camouflage.

Asemantic - devoid of its own meaning, semantically empty. EEG -

Electroencephalography (abbreviation - EEG; from other Greek. ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ - electron, amber,
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ - brain and ÿÿÿÿÿÿ - record) - a section of electrophysiology that studies the patterns of total
electrical activity of the brain removed from the surface of the skin of the scalp, and also a method of
recording such potentials. Projection is a general psychological mechanism by
which subjective contents are transferred to an object. For example, color is a subjective
experience. So, the phrase “yellow room” is a projection, because there is no yellowness in the object
itself (although there is an objective dominance of certain wavelengths of light waves reflected from the
object), yellowness is only in our perception.[2] The same applies to sound: since it does not exist by
itself and this sound is only in our head, then its perception can be called projection.

Insertualism (from Latin Incertio - indefinite) is a trend of scientific and practical thought aimed at
the effective study and use of uncertainty in everyday life. Uncertainty is a situation where there is
approximately the same
the occurrence of several events. (A system that estimates probability is implied.)
An observer is a system that evaluates the probability of occurrence of various events, and also
waits for their occurrence. As a rule, such a system is itself a source of uncertainty. (It is not known
exactly what probability such a system would produce). Expectation is the
event that, in the opinion of the observer, is most likely or most desirable.

Potential - a system that changes over time and has, according to the observer
tel, the probability of fulfilling the expectation.
Observation is the process of information exchange between the observer and the potential.
(Further in some places it will be called insertual observation or interaction with uncertainty).

A neural interface is a system designed to exchange information between the brain and an
electronic device. In unidirectional interfaces, external devices can either receive signals from the brain
or send signals to it Psi-interface - a program that allows
attention to predict and direct
movement of the contactor cursor.
The Psi-Connector is a hypothetical device that allows the transmission of telepathic messages. It
consists of a neural interface and a brain stimulation device. Requires training before use
Neurofractalization is an
additional software functionality for the neurointerface that interprets signals about brain potentials
in the form of fractal images.

Gofu \ Lingfu is a protective amulet in the Tao religion or Shinto. Fuji is a

spiritual writing practice from ancient China. Made on a special table
covered with ash or sand. Used for predictions

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D. Ryabtsev. "Application of parapsychological phenomena in technical devices"

Oneijo is the school, philosophy and religion of Japanese traditional magic. It has its
roots in the ancient Chinese doctrine of Yin and Yang.
Fractal (lat. fractus - crushed, broken, broken) - a set that has the property of self-
similarity (an object that exactly or approximately coincides with a part of itself, that is, the
whole has the same shape as one or more parts). In mathematics, fractals are understood as
sets of points in Euclidean space that have a fractional metric dimension.

Gnosticism \ Gnostic - (from other Greek ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, "possessing knowledge") - a

collection of religious ideas and systems that arose at the end of the 1st century AD among
Jewish and early Christian sects. Followers of Gnosticism placed personal spiritual knowledge
(gnosis) above orthodox teachings, traditions, and the authority of traditional religious
institutions. Obeya is a traditional Jamaican religion that emphasizes sorcery and
influence. It was banned until the middle of the 20th century by law.
Voodoo is a mixture of traditional African religions and Christianity, where special
importance is attached to influences. The teaching was spread among African slaves who
were brought to the new world during the 16th-19th century.
Ideogram (from other Greek ÿÿÿÿÿ - idea and ÿÿÿÿÿÿ - a written sign, a letter) - a written
sign or a conventional image, a drawing corresponding to a certain idea of the author.
Hieroglyphs are made up of ideograms.
Fractal analysis - image analysis to identify properties related to fractal
talam (dimension, self-similarity, symmetry, etc.).


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