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COMSATS University


HUM111 Pakistan Studies

Terminal Examinations
FA20 Hybrid Course

Time: 5 Hours Total Marks: 35


Registration Number: SP20-BBA-110 _
Campus: ISLAMABAD Date: 1/7/2020
Moderator Name: WAQAS AHSAN

Instructions to Students

■ Write your Name, Registration Number, Campus, Date and Moderator’s Name.
■ Mobile phone, digital diaries or any other digital storage medium is not allowed.
■ Type your answers on the same document provided as question paper.
■ Submit the answer sheet via CU Online Console in the given time. No submissions are allowed via email.
■ Attempt all questions.

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considered as an academic offense of highest nature there is. All examinees found guilty shall be dealt with in
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For Faculty Use Only

Questions Q1 Q. 2 Q. 3 Q. 4 Q. 5 Q. 6
Short Questions

Question 2 (5marks, CLO2-A3)

Explain any two socio economic problems of the agriculture sector.

Question 3(5 marks, CLO3-A1)

What was the British and the Hindus reaction toward the Lahore Resolution?

Question 4 (5 marks, CLO2-A3)

Briefly describe your project on “Current Social, Economic and Political Challenges related to
Industrial Sector of Pakistan”. State the particular challenge you chose and describe your findings
and your proposed solution.

Long Question

Question 5 (10 marks, CLO3-A1)

Discuss the different phases of foreign policy of Pakistan.

Question 6 (10 marks, CLO3-A1)

Analyze the geo strategic importance of Pakistan in detail.

Good Luck
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Socio-economic issues are factors that have negative influence on an
individuals' economic activity including: lack of education, cultural and religious discrimination,
overpopulation, unemployment and corruption. These factors affect our ability to make healthy
choices, afford medical care and housing, manage stress, and more. Some of the basic socio-
economic problems in the agricultural sector are as follows:


Most of the farmers and tenants in our country are illiterate. They are untrained and inefficient to
boost up the agricultural productivity. On the other side, the health of our farmers is improper
due to rural backwardness. The literacy rate is only 57.7 % in Pakistan. Economic Survey of
Pakistan shows that literacy remains higher in urban areas (73.2 percent) than in rural areas (49.2


Joint family system is also a big problem in the agriculture sector. Our farmer is poor; on the other
hand, he has to support his big family. It creates a deficiency in saving and investment. A huge
part of farmer's productivity is consumed at his own house.

Political instability has affected development in all economic and social sectors. Unfortunately,
the political situations in Pakistan are not stable. It creates unrest among the farmers to sell the
productions to various industries as raw material. On the other hand, people hesitate to invest in

A Resolution passed at the 1941 Madras session of the League stated, “Everyone should clearly
understand that we are striving for one independent and sovereign Muslim State.
” In all the speeches that Quaid delivered, he also used the word “an independent homeland” or
“an independent Muslim state”.

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The Hindu response was, obviously, quick, harsh and vindictive. They called the "Pakistan"
demand "anti-national." They portrayed it as "vivisection; most importantly, they denounced it as
settler or imperialist– propelled to deter India's walk to freedom." In upbraiding the demand
outright, they, however, missed the focal certainty of the Indian political circumstances; the
incredibly enormous reaction of the Pakistan request had evoked from the Muslim masses.


The British were similarly hostile to the Muslim demands for at any rate two basic reasons. First,
they had since quite a while ago viewed themselves as the architects of the solidarity of India and
an Indian nation. Secondly, they had long regarded the respected super-forced unity under Pax
Britannica as their most critical accomplishment and lasting contribution ever. The Pakistan
demand threatened to fix these assumed accomplishments on which the British had long prided.
However, despite the Hindu denunciation and the British alarm, the course of Muslim, indeed
Indian, politics was from now on firmly set towards Pakistan.

An industry is a division that produces merchandise or related administrations inside an economy.
The major sources of income of a group or organization is a marker of what industry it ought to be
arranged in. When a huge corporate group has numerous sources of revenue generation, it is
viewed as working in various industries.

The current world is a technological one. All the sectors of the economy are making use of the
available technology to enhance productivity. The importance of technology in industrial
development cannot be downplayed in any way since technology plays a very crucial role in the
development of industries. At present technology is necessary for every nation. Without
technology a nation cannot get all its requirements. Technology is cause of improvement of
physical and human capital. Through technology there is a development in industrial sector of the
country i.e. which include findings and problems which occur through technology:

 Best Use of Capital:

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Capital is an important factor of production. Technology is useful to use the capital in the best
way. Technology can increase in production and standard of goods in minimum time period.

 Agricultural Growth:
For a long time, old seeds, traditional techniques, ploughs and waste & garbage etc. were used
in agriculture. So, the productive quality and quantity was very low. But due to use of modern
techniques of production, there is invention of High Yield Variety (HYV) seeds, fertilizers,
tractors and harvesters, tube-wells and water pumps etc. Growth rate of agriculture is 2.0 %.

 Expansion in Foreign Trade:

Use of modern techniques of production leads toward better quality and quantity of the
products. In foreign trade there is stiff competition among different countries of the world.

Some of the problematic factors are as follows;

 Deficiency of Capital:
Cost of advanced technology is very high. Poor countries cannot use the technology due to
deficiency of capital. Domestic savings are 9.9 % of GDP and investment is 16.6 % of GDP.

 Illiteracy:
Due to illiteracy, our labor is less efficient and less trained. Accordingly, our labor cannot use
the modern technology appropriately. In Pakistan, literacy rate is 57 %. On the other hand,
expenditure on education sector is 2.0 % of GDP.

 Lack of Natural Resources:

In Pakistan, natural resources are available. But these resources are remained un-used, ill-used
and mis-used. That feels no need for advanced technology. Natural resources contribute to
GDP less than 1 % in Pakistan.


Pakistan can turn a corner by putting resources into tech new businesses and problematic
advances, giving offices like hatcheries, office space, and money related elbowroom. Such
measures couldn't just advance enterprise and development based basic reasoning .
Technology is the center development driver in the 21st century. The Pakistani government
and policymakers can't overlook its interaction with business and spotlight exclusively on
"motorways and metro transports" — without the suitable utilization of innovation even they
can't endure.
Pakistan's IT trades remain at $2.2 billion. To build these fares, Pakistan must make solid
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strides, maybe by contemplating the fruitful models of India and Israel. Putting more in
innovative work, making R&D habitats for Pakistan's specialized power, would improve their
specialized capacities as well as would give them much required hands-on understanding and
It is the ideal opportunity for the legislature and the new businesses in Pakistan to take care of
business and benefit themselves of the gigantic open doors the tech world is advertising. The
advantages are expanding sends out, however assuming a helpful job in the 21st-century tech

A state's foreign policy is its objectives and activities in relation to its interactions with other
states, whether bilaterally or through multilateral platforms. The Encyclopedia Britannica notes
that a country's foreign policy may be influenced by "domestic considerations, the policies or
behavior of other states, or plans to advance specific geopolitical designs."

Main Purpose:
The main objective of foreign policy is to use diplomacy or talking, meeting, and making
agreements to solve international problems. They try to keep problems from developing into
conflicts that require military settlements. The President almost always has the primary
responsibility for shaping foreign policy.

Major goals of Foreign Policy:

The State Department has four main foreign policy goals: Protect the United States and
Americans; Advance democracy, human rights, and other global interests; Promote
international understanding of American values and policies; and.

Theories of Foreign Policy:

Constructivism is a theory that examines state behavior in the context of state characteristics.
All states are unique and have a set of defining political, cultural, economic, social, or religious
characteristics that influence its foreign policy.

Levels of Foreign Policy Analysis:

IR generally distinguishes between three levels of analysis: the system, the state, and the
individual – but the group level is also important to consider as a fourth.

Five Basic Principles of Foreign Policy:

These Five Principles are:
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 Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

 Mutual non-aggression.
 Mutual non-interference.
 Equality and mutual benefit.
 Peaceful co-existence.


The guiding principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy are rooted in the country's Islamic ideology,
its rich cultural heritage and historical experience. As an Islamic and non-aligned country,
Pakistan supports Islamic values and firmly upholds the above mentioned principles, which
hold out the promotion of a just and unbiased world order in which nations can live in peace
and security
Guiding Principles of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy are as follows:
 Protection of freedom and sovereignty
 Cordial Relations with Muslim Countries
 Non Interference in Internal Affairs of Other countries
 Implementation of U.N. Charter
 Promotion of World Peace
 Support for Self-Determination and Condemnation of Racial Discrimination.

Important Factors of Foreign policy

Important Factors of Foreign policy include internal and external factors, which are as under
i. Internal factors included
 Geographical location
 Size of the State
 Natural capacity
ii. External factors included
 Alliances
 Power structure
 World opinion

Different Phases of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

After independence there were Indian threat on the Eastern borders. Pakistan opted non-aligned
and independent foreign policy. At that time other Muslim countries were not strong enough to
extend any military help. It was cold war era and the big power’s rivalry made the country
territorially unprotected. However Pakistani political leaders visited the US in search of ties to
have guarantees of borders but in vain. Pakistan lived on developing with meager resources till
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1955 and 1959 when Pakistan entered into a multilateral alliance system initiated by USA to
contain communism. They were South-East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO-1955) and Central
Treaty Organization (CENTO-1959). Pakistan felt secure because one of the clauses of both the
agreements was “attack on one will be considered attack on all”. These agreements turned out to
be useless when Pakistan-India clashed in 1965 and 1971. No country came to Pakistan’s rescue.
After it’s defeat in 1971 Pakistan instead on depending on any other world power began a massive
venture of arms purchase. Due to this defense policy, expenditure raised and socio-economic
needs of the country suffered. The nuclear and missile system program was started to maintain
the balance of power in the region. Pak-China relations were promoted due to unsafe borders and
to counter the power imbalance of South-Asia. During the past three decades the Afghanistan
issue, Kashmir struggle for freedom and Pakistan’s nuclear policy has made the borders of the
country more porous for cross border infiltration in and out of the country. Recent development in
the world has put the country in the hot waters. Due to continue political disturbance and wars in
Afghanistan has created serious socio-economic issues for Pakistan. Pakistan has been over
burdened by unnecessary foreign aid which turned out to be useless for socio economic needs of
common men. Consequently, Pakistan is included among the poor countries of the world
therefore the country still requires to design its foreign policy to fulfill its economic needs and to
ensure stable economy and cultivate capabilities by which the country comes out of the unkind
clutches of loans.

The guiding principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy are rooted in the country's Islamic ideology, its
rich cultural heritage and historical experience. As an Islamic and non-aligned country, Pakistan
supports Islamic causes and firmly upholds the above mentioned principles, which hold out the
promise of a just and equitable world order in which nations can live in peace and security.

Geo-Strategic Importance of Pakistan
Pakistan (the only Muslim country that has the nuclear capability) is located in a region which
has a great political, economic, and strategic location. It has been the hub of activities of great
powers for the past few decades. It has witnessed intervention of three great powers i.e. Britain,
USA, and USSR.CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) is the game changer for Pakistan.
Both countries (Pakistan and China) are keen to enhance the trade activities, improving
infrastructure, development of dams, and stability of economy by investment in different

Geographical Location of Pakistan

In the Southern Asia, Pakistan lies between 24 and 36.75 northern latitude and between 61 and
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7505 eastern longitudes. Total area of Pakistan is 7,96000 Pakistan shares bordered with
Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran.
➢ Afghanistan
Pakistan is bordered by Afghanistan to the west. These two neighbor countries are
separated by the Durand line that covers 2250 km of lengths. A narrow strip of Afghanistan
known as Wakhan separates Tajikistan from Pakistan that covers about 20 km to 40 km
➢ China
Pakistan is bordered by China to the north and shares 400 km long border.
➢ India
Pakistan is bordered by India to the east and shares the 1650 km international border
➢ Iran
Pakistan is bordered by Iran to the southwest.
➢ Arabian Sea
Arabian Sea is situated in the south of Pakistan, and 700 km is the length of
Arabian Sea coastline with Pakistan.

Strategic Significance
Following are the major strategic significance of the geo-strategic importance of Pakistan.
 Proximity of great powers
 Gateway to central Asia-oil and energy game
 Significance as a transit economy.
 Significance as an important in the chain of Muslim countries.
 Only Muslim country having nuclear capability.

 Proximity of Great Powers

Pakistan is located at the junction of great powers i-e Russia and China. So, in this context Pakistan
has higher significance. Any alliance among world powers enhances its significance and these
world powers cannot ignore importance of Pakistan. This factor has been utilized by Pakistan after
9/11. Pakistan’s importance has been increased after 9/11 incident. Security and business are two
main US interests in the region while Pakistan is playing a front-line role in the war against
terrorism. Apart from this US interest in the region to contain the growing China, nuclear Iran, and
Afghanistan and to benefit from the market of India. US is also interested in Afghanistan from
business perspective as it wants to control resources of and want to use it for personal advantage.
Iran’s nuclear program, India’s geopolitical muscles (strategic deal with US) to gain hegemony and
to counter the rise of China, which has the potential to change unipolar world into a bipolar or
multi-polar one. Amidst these issues, Pakistan is directly or indirectly involved. The US policy
makers have repeatedly accepted that war against terrorism could never be won without the help
of Pakistan. The US has time and time again reiterated that Pakistan should play its due role to
bring the Afghan Taliban to the negotiation table with the Afghan government.
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 Gateway to Central Asia –(Oil and Energy)

The quest for oil and energy resources in the Central Asia is the center stage of new Great Game. After
the collapse of the USSR, the new quest started which is manifested by the politics of oil. Pakistan is
located very close to the oil rich Middle Eastern countries. The belt starts from Iran and extends to
Saudi Arabia. In the energy starved world, Pakistan is located in the hub of energy rich countries i.e.,
Iran and Afghanistan: both are energy abundant while India and China need energy for economic
growth. Thus, Pakistan is a bridge between energy rich and energy starved countries. China finds way to
Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea through Karakoram highway (CPEC about to be completed.

 Significance as a Transit Economy

The potential to develop transit economy on account of its strategic location. The land locked
Afghanistan is currently in the phase of reconstruction and finds its ways through Pakistan to
connect to the world for trade. The nearest port in China is about 4500 km away from Sinkiang,
however, Gwadar is 2500 km away. It offers Central Asian countries the shortest route of 2600
km as compared to Iran 4500 km or Turkey 5000 km. Gwadar port with its deep waters attracts
the trade ships of China, CAR and south East Asian countries. The coastal belt of Baluchistan
can provide outlet to China’s western provinces to have access to middles eastern markets with
the development of coastal highways and motorways.

 Important Link in the Chain of Muslim Countries

Pakistan occupies a central location in the Map of the Muslim World. Towards west of Iran,
China extends to North Africa. Thus, it can actively participate in the activities of Muslim
world’s economic development, transport of resources etc.

 Only Muslim Country with Nuclear Capability

Pakistan is the only Muslim country having nuclear capability which has great influence on the
political, socio-economic activities in the region and the maintenance of status.

Conclusion / Analysis
Geo strategic means the importance of a country or a region as by virtue of its geographical location.
While history has been unkind to Pakistan, its geography has been its greatest potential. Pakistan is a
junction of South Asia, west Asia and central Asia; a bridge between resource efficient countries to
resource deficient countries. The world is facing energy crises and terrorism. Pakistan is a route for
transportation and a front-line state against terrorism. Moreover, Pakistan has been traditionally ally of
emerging economic giant; China. So as a result of any significant change in world politics, Pakistan’s
geo-strategic significance would furth.

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