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Designed and Written by
Michael Lundstedt
Art and Standees by Kev’s Lounge paper minis
Paper Mage paper miniatures *

© 2021 Michael Lundstedt. All rights reserved.

KS 1.1
Thank you Steven “Heide” Aït-Kheddache for your feedback and
continuous support! Without your knowledge of Kickstarter, I
would not have managed to complete this project.

Thanks to Printable Scenery, North Star Military Figures, Fireforge Games, Reaper
Miniatures, Schlossbauer for allowing me to use pictures of their designs in this book.

Special thanks to Lovisa Håkansson, Arvid, Eskil and Ylva Lundstedt for having
patience with me while I was working on this
* All art done by Kevin from Kev’s Lounge or Diego from Paper Mage unless otherwise
noted in the art index.

Limited edition backers

These backers supported the project by buying the Limited edition of the game. I am humbled and
grateful for your support! Your contribution, both financially and with your game contents, has helped
make this game become reality. Reading the stories you’ve written about your mercenaries and your
quests has been great fun!
Thank you!

Martin Jonsson

Johan Mattson

Simon Ainsworth

Mary-Beth Roberts

Joseph Nahas

David Schneider

Jonathan Abesamis

Marco Artemisio

Daniel Herbera

Charles Bingham

A special thank you is also in order to these two fantastic friends:

Martin Jonsson who has helped me with the authoring of 2 campaigns as well as being a brilliant
support in general. I really appreciate your positive attitude and constant enthusiasm!

Richard Desiatnik who has helped out with IT issues as well as designing some of the tiles. Without
your help I would still be struggling with the Kickstarter page setup!

I’m looking forward to working with both of you again on future projects.

The Kingdom
Long ago, the civilization of Men flourished. It had taken millennia for it to take shape. Their history was marked with
struggles between different tribes, all vying to show their might, and thereby their right to rule. Power shifted frequently
and no self-appointed leader lived long enough to leave their mark on history. It was not until Rannulf Mournoak rose
to power and declared himself High King of all men that things began to change. Unlike his predecessors, Mournoak
managed to keep his position, smiting all those who would oppose him. But his real strength lay in his ability to unite
people and have them believe in the vision of one strong kingdom. The Kingdom slowly expanded, towns grew into cities,
and poverty and famine began to turn into a memory. Tribes of Orcs, Goblins, and Beastmen who had constantly
harassed the earlier tribes of Men were gradually pushed back into the outskirts of the known world. Unlike the Elves
and Dwarfs, who were content with defending their forests and mountain dwellings, Men would continue to expand
their kingdom. This became known as the First Age of the Kingdom of Men.
In time, Men ventured further south than any known being had ever gone, and they stumbled across the ruins of an old
civilization. The landscape was littered with the remnants of old cities, citadels, tombs, and temples, all far older than
anything seen before. Expeditions that entered these sites came back with untold riches and magical things of wonder.
For years, expeditions would venture into this land, pillaging what they could. However, the tombs were frequently
booby-trapped and entering them was dangerous indeed. After a while, the veterans of these expeditions became known
as Dungeoneers by the people of the Kingdom.
Then came the darkness. Slowly the skies over this forgotten land began to darken, and with the darkness came horrors
previously unknown to Man. The former inhabitants of this land had risen once again. Undead beings attacked
expeditions one by one, and after a couple of months, all expeditions were stopped by Royal Decree. But the revenge of
the Undead horde was not at an end. Perhaps Men had angered the gods of this forsaken civilization, or triggered some
unknown curse, but the Undead kept coming, and the darkness came with them. They pushed their way into the
Kingdom, crushing all attempts to stop them, and those falling in the attempt soon joined the league of Undead, now
fighting against their former countrymen.
Nearly a third of the Kingdom was lost before the darkness suddenly vanished, as unexplained as its appearance.
However, even though the Undead host had disappeared, and land was reclaimed, the days when the dead would surely
stay dead was over. Within the Kingdom, the people accepted that those they buried could come back to haunt them.
Rituals and magic were used to ensure that those who died stayed dead. Priests and Witch Hunters established orders
dedicated to seeking out the haunted places in the Kingdom and cleansing them. The time after the darkness ended
became known as the Second Age of the Kingdom of Men. During this time, no real efforts were made to reclaim the
land south of the border for fear of awakening the wrath of the undead once more.
But the memory of men is short, and the lust for gold and riches is strong. The current ruler of the Kingdom, High King
Logan III, has declared that the land shall once again be reclaimed, and that expeditions should once more be sent south.

The Kingdom ................................................................................................................................ 5
Index of Art ................................................................................................................................ 11
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 12
Game Basics ............................................................................................................................... 19
Difficulty ...........................................................................................................................................19
House Rules ......................................................................................................................................19
The Tiles ...........................................................................................................................................19
Objects on the Tiles ......................................................................................................................19
Adjacent .......................................................................................................................................20
Models .............................................................................................................................................20
Turn Sequence .................................................................................................................................20
Skill and Stat Checks .........................................................................................................................20
Success and Failure.......................................................................................................................20
Perfect Result ...............................................................................................................................21
Action Points (AP) .............................................................................................................................21
Line of Sight (LOS) ............................................................................................................................21
Complexity .......................................................................................................................................21
Gameplay Example ...........................................................................................................................22
Party Management..................................................................................................................... 25
Character Basics ......................................................................................................................... 26
The Character ............................................................................................................................. 26
Creating your Character .............................................................................................................. 29
Choosing Your Species......................................................................................................................29
Profession and Talents .....................................................................................................................31
Starting Equipment ..........................................................................................................................31
Final Touches ....................................................................................................................................32
Wizard ..............................................................................................................................................33
Rogue ...............................................................................................................................................33
Ranger ..............................................................................................................................................34
Barbarian ..........................................................................................................................................34
Warrior Priest ...................................................................................................................................35
Warrior .............................................................................................................................................35

Thief .................................................................................................................................................36
Backgrounds .............................................................................................................................. 37
Character Creation Example .............................................................................................................44
Equipment ................................................................................................................................. 45
Different Kind of Equipment ............................................................................................................46
Carrying Equipment ..........................................................................................................................47
Encumbrance ...................................................................................................................................48
Buying and Selling equipment ..........................................................................................................48
Repairing Equipment ........................................................................................................................48
Psychology ................................................................................................................................. 50
Party Morale.....................................................................................................................................53
Embarking on your First Quest .................................................................................................... 53
Levelling Up ............................................................................................................................... 55
Academical Skills ........................................................................................................................ 59
Magic ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Magic Items ............................................................................................................................... 63
Alchemy ..................................................................................................................................... 64
Prayers....................................................................................................................................... 69
Enchantments ............................................................................................................................ 71
....................................................................................................... 73
Into the Dungeons ...................................................................................................................... 74
General Dungeon Layout ..................................................................................................................74
Reading the Exploration Cards .........................................................................................................75
Generating the Dungeon ..................................................................................................................76
Initial Setup ......................................................................................................................................76
The Turn ...........................................................................................................................................77
The Scenario Die ...............................................................................................................................77
The Threat Level ...............................................................................................................................77
Effect of Triggering the Threat Level ................................................................................................77
Moving and Facing ...........................................................................................................................81

Obstacles ..........................................................................................................................................81
Picking Things Up .............................................................................................................................87
Searching through a Room or Corridor ............................................................................................87
Searching Corpses ............................................................................................................................87
Searching Furniture ..........................................................................................................................87
Rearranging your Gear .....................................................................................................................87
Identifying Items and Potions ...........................................................................................................88
Healing .............................................................................................................................................88
Rest ..................................................................................................................................................88
Opening a Door or Chest ..................................................................................................................89
Opening a Portcullis .........................................................................................................................91
Levers ...............................................................................................................................................91
Encounters .......................................................................................................................................94
Initiative ...........................................................................................................................................94
Treasure..................................................................................................................................... 96
Combat ...................................................................................................................................... 97
Who Can Fight? ................................................................................................................................97
Zone of Control (ZOC) .......................................................................................................................97
End of Battle .....................................................................................................................................97
Different Combat Actions .................................................................................................................97
General Principles of Combat .........................................................................................................100
Hero Attacking................................................................................................................................101
Throwing Potions ...........................................................................................................................102
Acting with Enemies .......................................................................................................................103
Dealing Damage .............................................................................................................................106
Different Kinds of Damage .............................................................................................................106
Bleeding out ...................................................................................................................................107
Combat Example ........................................................................................................................109
Travelling and Skirmishes ..........................................................................................................112
Reading the Map ............................................................................................................................112
Moving on the Map ........................................................................................................................112
Rations and Resting ........................................................................................................................112
Events .............................................................................................................................................113
Visiting Settlements .......................................................................................................................113

Skirmishes ......................................................................................................................................113
General ...........................................................................................................................................118
Taking on Quests ............................................................................................................................118
Activities in a Settlement................................................................................................................119
Settlement Events ..........................................................................................................................121
The Settlements of the Southern Part of the Kingdom ..................................................................122
Arena Fighting ................................................................................................................................127
Buying and Selling ..........................................................................................................................130
Charge Magic Items ........................................................................................................................130
Collect Your Reward .......................................................................................................................130
Create Magic Scrolls .......................................................................................................................130
Cure Disease and Poison ................................................................................................................130
Enchant Items.................................................................................................................................130
Fortune Teller .................................................................................................................................131
Gambling ........................................................................................................................................131
Guilds .............................................................................................................................................131
Horse Racing...................................................................................................................................131
Identifying Items and Potions .........................................................................................................132
Learn a Spell or Prayer....................................................................................................................132
Level Up ..........................................................................................................................................132
Pray at the Local Temples...............................................................................................................132
Rest and Recuperation ...................................................................................................................133
Repair Equipment ...........................................................................................................................133
Skills Training ..................................................................................................................................133
Tending to those Memories ...........................................................................................................133
Treat Mental Conditions.................................................................................................................133
Skill training ....................................................................................................................................134
Buying Special Equipment ..............................................................................................................134
Fighters’ Guild ...........................................................................................................................137
Wizards’ Guild ...........................................................................................................................139
Alchemists’ Guild.......................................................................................................................140
Rangers’ Guild ...........................................................................................................................142
The Inner Sanctum ....................................................................................................................144

Buying an Estate ........................................................................................................................146
Appendix I: Perks ......................................................................................................................154
Appendix II:Talents....................................................................................................................158
Appendix III:Equipment .............................................................................................................165
Armour and Shields ...................................................................................................................166
General Equipment ...................................................................................................................167
Appendix IV:Spells.....................................................................................................................172
Appendix V: Treasures ...............................................................................................................178

Quest Book I .............................................................................................................................199

Introduction ..............................................................................................................................200
Campaign: The Dead Rising ........................................................................................................202
Campaign: Lair of the Spider Queen ......................................................................................... 2143
Random Quests .........................................................................................................................221
The Lava River ...........................................................................................................................222
The Bandits’ Hideout .................................................................................................................227
The Fountain Room ...................................................................................................................231
The Chamber of Reverence ........................................................................................................233
The Great Crypt .........................................................................................................................237
Quests into the Ancient Lands ...................................................................................................241
Side Quests ...............................................................................................................................251

Index of Art
Page Art Page Art
Old alchemy text attributed to a
Cover German 17th century Alchemist by 208,213 Spiders by Digitalstormcinema
Stairs in a Dungeon by
1 216 Flame Dragon Head by Refluo
2 Skelton Knight by Fotocostic 219 Raven in Forest by Maroz
Medieval dungeon by Fantasy Desert Landscape With Hills And
Management 233
Obsidianfantasy Clouds Of Dust by Eager08
Dark Cloak in Mysterious Forest by Bestiary Illustration Of Undead Pirate Zombies by
Grandfailure Cover Domcritelli
46 Tools in the forge by Olgakibkv 1 Skeleton with Axe and Shield by Trassnic
Creepy Alchemist Lab by Haotian 12 Spider by Digitalstormcinema
Skills Cover
58 Old Spellbook by Marciomaurio Pyramid By Marlene Robinson
Wizard of crows casting a spell by
60 1 Sphinx by Nextmars
Traveler Exploring a Desert Landscape With
64-66 Bottles by Hobbitfoot and Haadevart 3
Rocky Towers by Domcritelli
Knight In Plate Armor, A Helmet
With A Sword And A Shield Holds A
and Combat 5 Ruined pyramid by Melkor3D
Burning Torch In His Hand by
Travel and
Old Wooden Tavern by Temple cave environment by
Settlements 6
Obsidianfantasy Breakermaximus
Ancient Eqyptian ruin landscape by
115 Magic Dark Forest by Shooarts 7
Medieval Warrior With A Halberd by
116 10 Grim Reaper by Fotokostic
Quest Book
121 Medieval docks by Obsidianfantasy Fantasy Castle landscape by Tudorpopaart
II cover
Map of Silver City by Lovisa
123 13 Mysterious Dark Forest by Denisbelitskys
Gladiator Silhouettes Set by
125 30 Dark Medieval corridor by Obsidianfantasy
Corridor in a fantasy mine by
128 Plague Doctor by Kirill 13 35
Silhouette of Knight on Horseback by
129 39 Stairs to a cave by Obsidianfantasy
134 Old Forest Road by Obsidianfantasy 54 Winter forest background by Robatz
Knight Armour and Sword Sketch by Ghost cursed phantom lady on dark sea
136 61
Alexanderpokusay background by Breakermaximus
Old Well on a Poppy Meadow by
139 76 Deep Forest by Nextmars
Appendices Medieval Dungeon by Floating evil spirit in a wooded clearing with
Cover Obsidianfantasy a beam of light by 80sChildUK
Alchemist`s stove and other objects
176 compendium By Kevin Richard John Berry
by Obsidian fantasy
Inside of the Mineshaft by
Quest Book
Grandfailure combined with
Victorian Ghost by Mikesilent

This game strives to create an involving, detailed dungeon-crawling experience. You will lead a party
of heroes with different skills and weaknesses through random dungeons, fighting monsters and
finding treasures on the way to your objectives. Perhaps your party will become strong enough to aid
High King Logan III in his wish to reclaim that which was lost. For each quest, your heroes will gain
experience and become stronger, faster, and more skilled. However, the enemies you will face will
become progressively more dangerous. Furthermore, facing constant dangers will take their toll on
the minds of the heroes. If you do not take care of them, they will become less efficient or even behave
in unexpected ways.

A Word on Complexity
This game is quite detailed and will require some bookkeeping on your part. Some of the rules have
been marked as optional if you would prefer to reduce the details somewhat.

A Word on Dice Rolling

You will be rolling dice. A lot of dice. However, you will soon learn which dice to roll, and which may
be rolled together to speed up the game. That said, a normal round of combat should not take much
more than a minute.

A Word on Mental Health in the Game

In this game, the heroes may experience mental health issues if they are not provided with clear
leadership and opportunities to rest and recover. Some of these issues mirror mental health problems
that are known today, and they are named in familiar terms. In real life, these conditions are no joke,
and people who must deal with such issues face struggles that many of us will never endure. I want to
make it clear that this game does not seek to ridicule, or in any way disrespect veterans from any
nation, or any other people out there who are living with mental health challenges.

Now, let’s get on with the


Troll by EmanG. Terrain by Printable


Game Components
This game comes with a multitude of Monster equipment and spell cards
components. Depending on what Pledge Level These cards are used together with the
you have chosen, you will have access to some monster cards to create a reference for the
or all of these. Regardless of which monsters your heroes are facing.
components you have, however, you can still
utilise all parts of the game, but it will be done
differently. The expansions, and the parts
which pertain to them, are of course exclusive
to those backers who purchased these items.
The Books Provided
There are two major books provided with this
game. The first is the book you are reading
now, The Rulebook. It is divided into three Treasure Cards
sections. The second one is the Bestiary which The Treasure Cards that come in three different
contains all the information you need on the variants. These are drawn whenever you find
enemies as well as the encounter tables. Then any treasures.
there is the Quest Compendium which
Some cards will require you to make further
contains the stretch goal quests. Finally, there
rolls once drawn to further define the details of
is a Charts Compendium which contains the
what you have found. The way to put these
most used charts for easy reference.
cards into play is described in the ‘Treasure’
chapter. Once a card is drawn and read, it
Cards should be mixed back in the pile.
These are the different cards available:
Monster Cards
There are cards available for each type of
monster, together with monster weapons and
armour. Combining these together will help
you create all of the different kinds of
monsters. The ways in which this is done is
described in the Bestiary. If you do not have
these cards, you will find the data you need in
the Monster Tables in the Bestiary.

Exploration Cards Dungeoneers’ Playing Cards
Exploration Cards allow you to directly see These cards are a standard set of playing cards
what tiles to place and which Special Rules and are intended to be used in conjunction
come into play, without having to double- with a Rooms Table. These cards provide
check the Rooms Table. The ways to interpret flexibility as they allow players to create a
these cards are described in the chapter: ‘Into Rooms Table, and to represent any room you
the Dungeon’. If you prefer to play with your wish. They are also used during the quests for
own tiles, you can use the Dungeoneers playing certain mechanics.
cards and a separate rooms table.

Rule Cards
There are some cards which come with the
rules that are supplied with the game. These
Travel Event Cards cards allow players to quickly reference certain
These cards are used during Overland Travel rules such as how to open doors. For example,
whenever a Special Event is triggered. Based the Doors Rule can easily be placed by the piles
on where your travels take you, you will use of Exploration Cards to expedite the handling
different cards. The ways to read these are of doors and traps.
described in the ‘Skirmish and Travel’ chapter.


Trap Cards
The trap cards are used whenever you trigger
a trap.

Spell and prayer cards Scenario Sheet and Quick Reference Sheet
These cards are used for reference during The Scenario Sheet should be placed on the
quests. table next to the dungeon to make it easier to
track the different variables in the game. Use
the supplied tokens for this. The QRS will
reduce the amount of time spent looking
through the rules.

Overland Map
This map is used for Overland Travel. On this
map, you choose and track your path as you
move between settlements and Quest Site. The
practical application of this map is described in
the ‘Skirmish and Travel’ chapter.
Tokens are used during overland travel, during
dungeon crawling, and also on the Scenario

Finally, you will need to print Character Sheets
which can be found online:

Abbreviations and Terminology
There are some phrases that are mentioned Heroes: All characters controlled by the
repeatedly. For simplicity, these are players.
abbreviated as follows:
HP: Hit Points. The amount of damage a
Adjacent: If a hero is standing in square A, all 8 character can sustain before he or she is
squares surrounding this square are knocked out.
considered Adjacent.
I: Incantation. Spell that can only be cast in
Battle: Starts when the enemy is spotted until between quests.
the last enemy in that encounter is killed. It is
LoD: League of Dungeoneers.
used to measure the length of certain effects.
LOS: Line of Sight (from the centre of one
C: Coins.
square to the centre of another square).
CC: Close combat.
M: Movement in Squares.
Characters: Any living creature in play,
Model: A living creature regardless of who
regardless of whether it is controlled by the
controls them. Same as Character.
player or not. Same as the Model.
Monster: Same as Enemy.
Combat: A general term for fighting, not to be
confused with battle, as that is a time defining ML: Magic Level (The level of the caster).
term in this game.
MM: Magic Missile. A magic spell emanating
C##: Corridor tile with number ##. from the caster and flying towards the target.
CV: Casting Value. A modifier to subtract from NA: Natural Armour. Subtract from Damage.
a Wizard’s Arcane Arts Skill when casting a
particular spell. PM: Party Morale. If this reaches zero, your
party will flee.
CS: Combat Skill.
Perk: Special knowledge that requires energy
DB: Damage Bonus. to activate.
DMG: Damage. Q: Quick Spell. A spell that only takes 1 AP to
DUR: Durability. Defines the condition of a
piece of equipment. R##: Room tile with number ##.
Enc: Encumbrance. Indicates the weight of a RDU: Rounded Up.
piece of equipment.
RDD: Rounded Down.
End of the Quest: This is the moment when you
get your reward for a finished quest. If an effect RS: Ranged Skill.
lasts ‘until the end of the quest’, it will last until Skill: Knowledge that requires a Skill Test to
you get your next reward. use.
Enemies: All characters not controlled by a Skill Test: A 1d100 test where a success is lower
player. Synonymous with monsters. to or equal to the Skill Value.

Stat: This is an umbrella term for Strength, Until end of (next) quest: This term indicates
Dexterity, Wisdom, Resolve, and Constitution that the modifier will last until the heroes
return to the city after a quest, but before
Talent: Special Knowledge that is always active.
beginning any activities in the city.
The Party: The group of heroes.
XP: Experience Points.
T: Touch Spell. Requires the caster to touch its
ZOC: Zone of control.
target for the spell to have effect.
Tr: Throwable Potion.

The League of Dungeoneers

This order was installed by Royal Decree a few years after the first adventurers
returned from the Ancient Lands with vast quantities of gold and treasure. This
was enacted not only as a means for the Crown to ensure its share of the profits,
but also as a way to improve the chances of survival of those brave enough to cross
into the desert. By only allowing members of the League to enter those lands, the
skills of those members could also be certified. During the heyday of the expeditions,
the League had its own headquarters in Silver City, and members enjoyed many
advantages. However, with the Undead War and the prohibition that followed, the
League was completely shut down and its members cast out. Now it has been
established once again, but it is far from its former glory, and the benefits enjoyed
by its former members are yet to be seen.


A Note on Gender
Writing a set of rules like this without using Dice Rolling and Skill Checks
‘him’ or ‘her’ is challenging, so in the interests
You will roll a lot of dice in this game.
of gender inclusion, I have used both of these
Whenever you roll to see if a character has
terms as I see fit. Hopefully, this is not too
confusing. succeeded with a skill (including hitting its
target in combat) or a stat check, roll a
Do I Need to Read Over 200 percentile dice, also known as 1d100. A result
Pages to Play This Game? equal to or less than the skill or stat level will
No, you don’t. Most of this book is tables result in a success. Sometimes you will be
anyway, and you can skip the parts with Talents asked to add a modifier to the roll (for instance
and Perks almost completely until you have +10). This is then added to the skill level before
levelled up. I recommend you read the ‘Party rolling. A roll of 91-00 is always a failure, no
Management’ chapter before creating a matter what your skill level or modifiers are.
character. If you choose to field a Wizard,
Warrior Priest, or an Alchemist, you will also How do I start playing?
need to read chosen parts of the ‘Academical What you need to do first is create your
Skills’ chapter. Then you should read the characters. After that, you should head over to
‘Dungeoneering and Combat’ chapter. Once the ‘Embarking on your First Quest’ chapter at
you have finished your first quest and tried page 52.
those mechanics, you can start reading up on
Travel and Skirmishes.

Game Basics
Basic Concept House Rules
This game revolves around your party and their This is a complex game where a combination of
journeys into old dungeons in search of gold happenings and chance items may create a
and valuables, or their attempts to solve a situation that is not 100% covered by the rules.
quest that they have accepted. Your party will In such a case, you will simply have to agree
start in a city to make all necessary upon a reasonable house rule to solve that
preparations, and then travel to the quest particular situation. If you are afraid to rule
location to start their dungeon diving. Finally, favourably for the heroes, you can always let
should they survive, they will travel back to the the die decide.
city to claim their reward, and enjoy some rest
and recuperation. Some of this is represented The Tiles
in an abstract way, such as shopping The tiles provided in the game will help
equipment, or travelling across the kingdom. visualise the dungeons you explore. However,
These activities are all covered in their the game works
respective chapters. perfectly fine
with other tiles
However, a large portion of the game is played or even 3D-
out in different dungeons. As you move along terrain.
in the dungeon you will uncover new randomly Throughout
generated rooms or corridors until you locate these rules you
what you are looking for. As you spend time in will find
these dark halls, the Threat Level slowly rises. examples of
The more noise you make, and the longer you that. The only
stay, the higher the Threat Level will be. Every criteria that
turn you are forced to roll the Scenario die and must be fulfilled is a way to define movement,
depending on the Scenario Rules, there is a risk and to establish the models’ relative placement
that this dice will trigger a Threat Roll. If this roll to one another. In the League of Dungeoneers,
is below the Threat Level, something bad will this is done with squares. A model will always
happen. Keeping the Threat Level low is your stand in a square, and when it moves, it moves
hero’s best way to emerge from the dungeon a set number of squares, either in a straight
unharmed. line, diagonally, or using a mix thereof.
Difficulty Objects on the Tiles
The game is designed to be played with 4 The tiles are also filled with various items, such
characters. You may, of course, go for fewer or as debris, furniture, and the remnants of
more heroes, but that will change the balance previous adventurers. These are depicted on
of the game accordingly, and you may decide the tiles partly to make them more interesting
to change some of the game parameters to and pleasing to look at, but they also serve an
counter this. If you like to change the frequency important function in the game. It is possible to
of encounter this is easily done by changing the interact with many of the things you see.
chance of encounters. Everything you can search or interact with is
noted on the Exploration Card. More

information on this is available in the ‘Into the Turn Sequence
Dungeon’ chapter. The black border around There is a certain sequence in which things are
the tiles represents the walls. A model may done during the turn. This sequence is as
never pass through a wall unless there is a follows:
doorway placed there.
1. Roll the Scenario die.
a. Make Threat Roll if necessary.
You will often read the word ‘adjacent’ in the
b. Remove torches and lanterns if
rules. For example: ‘If adjacent, then…. To fully
they go out.
understand this, we must define what adjacent
2. Act with heroes or monster depending
means. Basically, all 8 squares surrounding
on initiative.
square A are adjacent to square A.
3. Move Wandering Monsters.
4. Increase Threat if a battle is won.
5. Check for changes in Sanity and Party

All of these terms are explained in detail later

in the rules.

Skill and Stat Checks

Throughout the game, you will be required to
All 8 squares within the green square are adjacent to
perform different checks. If you are searching
the blue square with the Alchemist from Reaper for hidden secrets in a room, you will be
Miniatures. required to face a Perception Test. If you
decide to force a portcullis open, you must
make a Strength Check.

Throughout this book and any accessories, you

will sometimes see these checks abbreviated as
Models ‘RES or…’. That would mean that the hero
The game is supplied with a large amount of should test Resolve (RES), and if that test fails,
wonderful cardboard standees. With these, you follow the instructions after ‘or…’.
you can represent all of the monsters and Success and Failure
heroes in the game. You could, however, Any result equal to or lower than the stat or
replace these with any model or token you see Skill Level is considered a success. Anything
fit. The only rule to remember is that a model above that will be seen as a failure. Sometimes,
with a Large Special Rule (such as a Troll) rolling extremely high or low may result in
should be of such size that it occupies 4 special things happening, so keep an eye out in
squares. All other models should fit within 1 the rules for this. In general, rolling low is good,
square. and rolling high is bad.

There is a complete
set of standees
available for the

Perfect Result If the line drawn between these two points
Whenever you roll 01-05 on any check, you crosses another model or some kind of
have made a perfect roll. Whenever you make obstacle, it means that the LOS is obstructed.
a perfect roll, you may choose between these In the case of objects, it is the actual graphic
three options: that counts, not the square itself. The effect of
this will be discussed in the ‘Combat Chapter’.
- Regain one lost point of energy.
- If this was a Skill Check, increase the Complexity
skill value permanent with +1 (limited
If the complexity of the game feels daunting,
to once between each settlement
players may consider ignoring the rules for (in
this order):
- If this was a basic stat check, increase
that basic stat permanent +1 (limited • Encumbrance
to once between each settlement • Party Morale
visit). This will NOT raise the skills • Durability
related to that basic stat. • Sanity
• Scenario die and Threat level
Action Points (AP)
Everything done when in a dungeon or on a These rules all require an amount of
skirmish battle map is done by spending Action bookkeeping that some may initially find
Points. This is true for both heroes and daunting. Removing them will reduce the
enemies. All models have 2 AP. difficulty of the game slightly, whilst still
creating a heroic experience. Removing the
Line of Sight (LOS) Threat level will probably have the biggest
Line of Sight is used to determine if you can see impact on game balance but it will not break
unhindered from point A to point B. LOS is the game, although wandering monsters and
traced from the centre of the viewer’s square light sources will have to be house ruled.
to the centre of the target square.

Gameplay Example
The party has been slowly progressing the trap, but unfortunately, the roll ends up 56.
through the dungeon. So far, everything has Unaware of the trap, she opens the chest and
been quiet, but the tension is slowly building. triggers it. She rolls a 1 on the Trap Table
Every member of the party is on edge, resulting in a small spike trap causing 1d4
carefully planning each step, and listening to Points of Damage. She rolls 1d4 for the
every sound that rises above the ambient damage, resulting in 3 Points of Damage. She
background sounds. There are four of them in has no Natural Armour to reduce the damage,
the group. Belleck is a burly Warrior and the so she must remove the 3 points from her total
party’s natural leader. Then there is the of 9 leaving her at 6 Hit Points. Furthermore,
Alchemist, Azira; Midgar, the Wizard; and the triggering a trap reduces her Sanity with 1
Ranger, Grol. The room they have entered is point, and the Party Morale with 1.
dark and dank, and if it was not for Azira’s
Cursing herself for being reckless, Azira looks
torch, they would be hard pressed to see
into the chest and her bad mood suddenly
anything in the room. Keeping the torch to her
brightens. This is why she is risking her life in
side so as not to blind herself, Azira spots an
these godforsaken dungeons…
old chest standing in one of the corners in
front of her, and to the right, she can make out After opening the chest Azira looks up the entry
a rustic old wooden door… for a chest on the Furniture Table and rolls
1d10. A result of 1 indicates that she has found
When we enter this example, the game has
a Wonderful Treasure. She draws a card from
already progressed a few turns, but for
the stack of Wonderful Treasure cards and flips
simplicity we will start counting the turns from
it, reading ‘Legendary Item’. She quickly flips to
1. During those turns the Threat Level in the
the table for legendary items in the rules and
dungeon has reached 9. Nothing of any real
rolls 1d6 to determine the column. A result of 3
importance has happened, so Party Morale is
tells her that she should roll on the left column.
12, just as it was when the party entered the
She then rolls 1d12 resulting in a 4, giving her
dungeon. The quest also dictates that a
the Gauntlets of Hraefnir.
Wandering Monster will be triggered when the
Threat Level reaches 12. Realising what she is looking at, she slowly
reaches down and grabs the Gauntlets.
Turn 1.
Belleck will never stop nagging about these
The players roll the Scenario die, 1d10, and get but she’s not going to give away such a sweet
a 2. Since the quest requires a 9 or 10 to trigger prize. After all, it was her blood spilt to
a Threat Roll, nothing happens. Belleck, eager retrieve them.
to press on, spends his first action walking up to
Both Midgar and Grol spend their turn moving
the door. As he knows the others will want to
up to the door next to Belleck.
check the chest, he forfeits his second action.
Azira spends one action moving up to the chest Turn 2.
and the second to try to open it. She rolls 1d6 to
see if it is trapped and 1d10 to see if it is locked. The Scenario die results in nothing. Belleck
To speed things up she rolls both dice at the decides to open the door on his first action.
same time. The d10 ends up a 3, telling her that First, he increases the Threat Level with +1 to
the chest is unlocked, but the d6 shows a 6, 10. Rolling the d6 and d10, he gets a 2 and 8
meaning that it is trapped. Azira makes a roll respectively, meaning that the door is not
on her perception (45) to determine if she spots trapped, but locked, with 15 Hit Points.

Gripping the rusty metal ring, Belleck carefully one for Y) and place the spider in the
applies more and more power until he realises intersecting square. Last, but not least, 4
that the door is stuck. He notices a crude initiative tokens for the heroes and one for the
opening for a key just beneath the ring, but he spider is added to the dice bag. The first token
has never had the patience to learn how to is drawn, and it’s the spider’s token. Thus, the
pick a lock. He sighs, turns around and looks at spider wins the initiative.
the wizard. After gaining his silent approval,
The spider, being a beast and within its
he turns back to the door and swings his axe
movement range in relation to the players,
in a wide arc before burrowing it deep in the
charges the closest hero. As it is a tie between
wooden door with a massive thud, sending
the warrior and the ranger, it randomly decides
splinters flying…
to attack the ranger. Once adjacent, it tries to
Belleck spends his second action to bash down bite him, rolling 72. This is over the spider's
the door. The strike hits automatically, causing Combat Skill (+10 for the charge bonus)
1d10+1 Points of Damage to the door. The meaning that it has missed.
result is 9, which leaves the door with 6 Hit
At this point, the Wandering Monster starts to
Points. The noise caused by this raises the
move 4 squares towards the heroes. The turn is
Threat Level with +2 resulting in 12. Since this is
now over.
the Threat Level needed to trigger a Wandering
Monster, the players place the corresponding Turn 3.
token just outside the dungeon entrance.
Scenario die ends up a 10, indicating that a
With his shortsword, Grol manages to finish Threat Roll is required. The players roll 1d20,
what Belleck started. The plank holding the resulting in 10, which is lower than the current
lock is then cracked with a carefully aimed Threat Level and indicates that something bad
kick. The door screeches open revealing yet has happened. Since they are in battle, they roll
another dark chamber. The foul air hitting 1d10 on the corresponding table, resulting in a
them makes them both recoil and Grol squints 5. The spider gains the Frenzy Rule! That also
his eyes, trying to make out any details. “Do means that the Threat Level is decreased by 3
you see anything?” he asks Belleck between according to the table.
his teeth just as he spots the creature moving
towards them with alarming speed… A Giant Spider is a true abomination, and it
causes fear to all heroes of level 5 or less. So, in
Grol uses his first action to strike the door with order to attack effectively they must pass a
his shortsword, causing 6 Points of Damage Fear Test, which means rolling equal to or
which is enough to break the door. The Threat below their resolve. Luckily, Azira is carrying a
Level is once again raised 2 points and the door torch and that flickering light gives a +5 bonus
is removed. The players flip the next to their roll. Since Belleck and Grol plan on
Exploration Card which turns out to be a large attacking the spider, they make their rolls.
square room, and they place the corresponding Belleck succeeds and Grol fails.
tile in any way they see fit. Next, they roll 1d100
to see if the room is populated resulting in 34. To optimise his chances, Belleck decides to
As a result of 50 or below will result in an make a Power Attack against the spider, adding
encounter in a room, the players roll on the +20 on his chance to hit, but costing him both
quest-specified Encounter List, which reveals a of his Action Points. It is also a gamble, as he
Giant Spider. To randomly place the spider in then loses any chance to dodge or parry during
the room, the players use 2d6 (one for X and the next turn. His Combat Skill is 46 and he rolls

53. Adding 20 to his CS, but subtracting the -5 the axe with all the power he can muster. The
for the spider’s ability to avoid the strike means axe strikes the spider’s back with a sickening
he must roll 61 or less to hit. The strike hits its sound and it reels in pain, but it quickly
mark, causing 1d10+1 of damage, in this case recovers and comes back to strike at Grol once
7. The spider's thick skin deducts 1 Point of more…
Damage though, giving a final result of 6. The
This is an example of how the gameplay works.
spider then has 19 Hit Points left.
At this point it may seem daunting, but once
While the spider tries to get hold of Grol, you have read further, you will look at this in a
Belleck takes the opportunity and brings down different light.

Miniatures by North Star Military Figures. Spider by

Schlossbauer and terrain by Printable Scenery.


In this section, we discuss character creation, how

to begin a new game, and the development of the

Character Basics
The party consists of your brave band of heroes. The game is designed around a party of 4 members,
but the player is free to choose a party with less members. Using mercenaries from the Companions’
Expansion is always an option if you decide to run a party with less bookkeeping. To form your party,
you must first create each character. To better understand what defines your character, this chapter
describes everything that you will need to know about the stats making up your characters. In the next
chapter, we will start creating the characters.

The Character
There are several factors that help define your Resolve (RES)
heroes. Most of these will change over time as This is the mental strength of your character,
your hero gains experience. and it is a measure of how well he or she can
handle fear. In addition, it symbolises their
Basic Stats faith in the gods.
There are 5 different stats that help define your
characters. The level of these stats will differ Damage Bonus (DB)
depending on your character's species and Especially strong heroes can cause extra
choice of career. As your characters gain damage to their enemies.
experience, these stats will slowly improve.
Natural Armour (NA)
Strength (STR) Some heroes may have such a strong
This is your hero’s physical strength. This constitution that they will shrug off even the
affects how much your character can carry. most grievous of wounds.
Also, a strong character can deal more damage
to his enemies. Strength will also affect what Energy (E)
kind of weapons you may wield. Each hero has a pool of 1 Energy at the start.
Constitution (CON) This energy can be used to activate Perks
This symbolises how fit your hero is and how during the quests. Lost energy will be regained
well they can withstand diseases and poison. A once back from a quest, or while resting during
high constitution will also allow the hero to a quest. There are also potions that can help
take more damage. replenish your energy levels.

Dexterity (DEX) Luck (L)

As the name implies, this is how dexterous your Each Luck Point can be used to alter the course
hero is. The more dexterous, the more likely of events. A hero can use one Luck Point to
they will dodge an incoming strike or jump reroll a dice roll that directly affects him or her.
across that chasm that just appeared in the A reroll can never be rerolled. Regardless of
floor. outcome, the new roll must be accepted. Luck
Wisdom (WIS) is reset once the hero is back in a settlement.
Wisdom governs your abilities to analyse Any luck rolls used while in the settlement will
things, but is also important for dealing with not be replenished until the hero returns to a
Magic and Alchemy. Mana is equal to wisdom. settlement once more.

Movement (M) Skills
Apart from the basic stats, your hero will have
This is how many squares your character can
some other knowledge that is dependent on
move during one action. All heroes start with
their profession. Skills are knowledge that
movement of 4, and this is rarely changed.
require a die roll when used. Each skill has a
Sanity corresponding basic stat on which the Skill
This is the mental status of your hero and as the Level is based. However, once play
game progresses, the Sanity of your hero will commences, basic stats and skills are no
definitely decrease. If it reaches zero, your hero longer connected. Increasing a basic stat will
will contract a disorder. More on that later on. not increase the skill. All heroes know all skills
(except Arcane Arts and Battle Prayers).
Species However, depending on their profession, they
There are four different species available to will have a higher level in certain skills. On the
choose from when creating your characters. next page, there is a complete description of all
Each has different stats and specific traits. skills.

Traits Perks
Each species is different and starts with Perks can be used at the cost of energy during
different traits. Mark them down under Talents a hero’s activation. These will boost the hero in
on your Character Sheet. certain ways and may prove to be the
difference between life and death. Most
Hit Points (HP) heroes do not have Perks at Level 1, but will
This is how many Hit Points your hero may lose acquire them as they grow more experienced.
before he or she starts bleeding out. Complete list can be found at p.152.
Profession Talents are passive boosts to your character,
A character will gain small adjustments to their and do not require any energy to activate. The
stats depending on their chosen profession, traits given to all characters are, in fact, talents
since their experience will make them more and the heroes can acquire many more.
adept in certain areas. They will also have a few Complete list can be found at p.156.
starting Talents and in some cases, Perks.

Skills require a Test to use.

Perks require Energy to use.

Talents are Passive Boosts.

Skills List
These are the skills available to the characters. Heal (WIS)
The base stat for the skill is written in This is your skill to mend wounds of your
parenthesis. comrades. In order to heal someone, you must
have a bandage.
Combat Skill (DEX)
This is your skill in using close-combat Foraging (CON)
weapons. Some weapons can be wielded one- Foraging will allow you to gather food and hunt
handed, some only two-handed and some can while on your way to a Quest Site (and back
be used with either one or two hands again). Roll once (for the entire party), during
depending on your strength. Abbreviated CS. travel. If you succeed, you receive 1 Ration of
food. Foraging can also be used to skin animals
Ranged Skill (DEX)
for fur, which can be sold. See the ‘Rangers’
This is your hero’s ability to hit targets from
Guild’ section for more information.
afar, with a bow, a sling, or maybe even a
bottle. Abbreviated RS. Pick Locks (DEX)
This skill is used to open locked doors, chests,
Dodge (DEX)
and also to disarm traps. Make a roll using the
This is the ability to dodge a strike or an
applicable modifiers. To open locks, you will
incoming arrow. A successful result means you
need a lock pick. The lock pick is consumed if
have avoided potential damage. Dodging does
you fail, and you may try as many times as you
not require the use of an Action Point.
have picks. Each attempt takes 2 actions.
Arcane Art (WIS) Disarming a trap can also be done using a lock
This is the knowledge of everything magical, pick, or a trap disarming kit at a cost of 2 AP. If
and only wizards may learn the Arcane Arts. you fail, you have set off the trap, and the lock
The higher your hero’s skill, the better versed pick breaks. Trap disarming kits do not break
they are in dabbling with magic. Arcane Arts due to a failed attempt.
are also used to identify the magical properties
Alchemy (WIS)
of any items you find. Each wizard may try to
Alchemy is the skill to identify and mix potions.
identify the properties of an object once during
See the ‘Alchemy’ chapter for more
a quest. If successful, you may roll to see what
kind of enchantment it has. If all fail, the object
cannot be used until identified in town. In Perception (WIS)
order to cast spells, a wizard will consume Perception is used to notice important details,
Mana. like traps, or to find clues which will help you to
solve riddles. It is also used while searching.
Barter (WIS)
This may be done once by the party on each
This is your skill in making good deals when
trading. When in town, one roll can be made by
your hero to sell and buy items. A successful Battle Prayers (RES)
roll will let you buy equipment at a 10% This is a special knowledge perfected by the
discount and sell parts at a 10% higher price. Warrior Priests who call upon the gods to help
You can sell or buy equipment for the other them in battle. Only a Warrior Priest may
heroes in the party as well, as long as they do learn this skill
not make a Barter Roll themselves.

Creating your Character
Choosing Your Species
The first step in creating your character is to
choose your species. The four species and their
Class 2H STR req 1H STR req
corresponding stats can be seen on the next
1 20 20
2 25 30
Rolling Your Stats 3 30 40
Once you have chosen, it is time to roll your 4 40 50
stats. Write these stats down temporarily as 5 55 N/A
they will be altered in the next step. You may 6 20 N/A
make 2 rerolls in this process, including when
rolling for Hit Points. You may never reroll a
Example: A class 3 weapon would require a
reroll, but you may choose the highest result.
minimum strength of 30 to use with two hands
Specialisation and a strength of 40 to use with one hand. A
Each hero gains an extra 15 points that may be class 5 weapon, however, could never be used
distributed on their stats. However, no stat with one hand.
may have more than 10 points of these 15, so
Damage Bonus and Natural Armour
you must divide the points.
If your character has high STR or CON, there is
Strength and Weapon Class a chance that he or she gains a Bonus to add to
As mentioned before, strength will govern the their character.
weight of the weapons that your hero can use.
Weapons come in classes ranging from 1-6.
60 +1 50 +1
Generally, the higher the class, the heavier the
70 +2 55 +2
weapon. Heavy weapons require high strength
80 +3 60 +3
to use effectively. Some weapons can be used 65 +4
with either two hands or one hand, depending 70 +5
on your strength, whilst some weapons always
require two hands. Ranged Weapons in class 6 Hit Points
may not be heavy per se; nevertheless, they Now it is time to determine how many Hit
require two hands to operate. This is explained Points your character has. This is also modified
in the Equipment Section as well. later on depending on the choice of profession.
Mana is only used by wizards, and the starting
mana is equal to the wizard’s wisdom.
All heroes start with 1 point of energy.

Dwarf Halfling
Dwarfs are short, but broad and often muscular Halflings are even shorter than dwarfs, but are
after their mandatory service in the mines surprisingly hardy. They very seldom wear
under the mountains of the world. Their beards shoes, and good food and ale are always on the
grow thick and long, and they serve as a symbol menu. Even though they are known to be good
of their status. The longer the beard, the more tempered and generally jolly, they can be very
respect they earn amongst their kindred. courageous, and they are deadly indeed in a
Female dwarfs are every bit as sturdy as their fight. However, given
male counterparts, and their diminutive
are seen just as often stature, they often
on the battlefield gravitate towards stealthier
wielding an axe or professions, such as
hammer. There have thieves or rogues. There
been numerous conflicts are not many known
between Dwarf and Halfling Wizards or Alchemists,
Goblin clans, and with but this is not unheard of. Their preferred
the Dwarf’s inability to forget a misdeed weapons are daggers, shortswords, or Ranged
against them, this has led to a full-blown Weapons, such as shortbows and slings.

40+1d10 30+1d10 25+1d10 25+1d10 30+1d10 20+1d10 20+1d10 40+1d10 30+1d10 40+1d10
Traits: Hate Goblins; Night Vision. Traits: Lucky (Starts with 1 Point of Luck). Hit
Points: 1d6+5
Hit Points: 1d6+8

Elf Humans may lack the
Elves are fair skinned, graceful, and often
mysterious talents of the
beautiful beings. They move gracefully, but can
other races, but they are
be exceptionally fast.
adaptable, with a
Whilst dwarfs like to live
remarkable ability to
far underground, elves
carve out a living even
prefer to live in the
during the direst
forests of the world.
circumstances. With
Elven fighters are
their versatility, they
renowned for their skill
could be anything from
with bows, but they
wizards to lowly thieves.
often make good magicians as well.

25+1d10 20+1d10 40+1d10 35+1d10 30+1d10 30+1d10 30+1d10 30+1d10 30+1d10 30+1d10
Traits: Perfect Hearing; Night Vision. Traits: Jack of all trades (roll for a Random
Talent, from a chosen category).
Hit Points: 1d6+6
Hit Points: 1d6+7

Dwarf from HeroForge, Halfling from Reaper Miniatures, Elf and Human from North Star Military Figures.

Profession and Talents Starting Equipment
The next task is to choose one of the Your hero will have some starting gear, but it
professions which are described from page 31 has been used for quite some time and is worn.
on. Once you have found a profession that suits Roll 1d4 for each piece of equipment and add
you and your character, you should start to that damage to the Character Sheet. A piece of
choose between the Talents noted in the equipment will always have at least 1 Point of
Profession Description. Some of these Talents Durability left. Apart from that, your hero starts
may adjust your basic stats. In such cases, write with a pouch filled with 150 coins. You may
down the new value on the Character Sheet. choose to buy equipment using these coins
Some Talents may also add to your Skill Values. before the game starts, or you may save them
In such cases, the Skill Level is increased, but until after game has begun. You may also lend
the basic stat remains unchanged. money to other characters or pool the money
if you are so inclined. You will find all available
equipment in the ‘Equipment’ Appendix on
Each Skill is calculated as the skill’s basic stat
page 163, and rules regarding equipment on
plus a profession-specific modifier. These
page 44.
modifiers can be found in the Profession
Descriptions which start on page 31. A Skill Backpack
Level can never be negative. All heroes start the game with a small
backpack, unless otherwise noted. This can be
Free Skill
upgraded to larger versions which increases
You may choose one skill that has a negative
the characters carrying capacity.
modifier to improve. This Skill Value gains a
modifier of +10. Buying Equipment before the Game
The benefit of doing this is that you do not need
Magic Spells and Prayers
to roll on availability. We assume that over
If you choose a profession that allows you to
time, you have managed to acquire the things
choose spells or prayers, now may be a good
you are looking for. The downside is that you
time to jump to those chapters to make your
will need to roll for damage on all things that
choices. You can find the Spells section on page
could potentially be damaged.
170 and Prayers on page 67.
Buying Equipment After the Game Starts
Background (optional)
If you buy your gear after the game starts, you
If you wish to add some extra spice to your
will use the stores as intended later in the
characters, you could roll up a Background as
game. If you buy your gear at a store, it will be
described on page 35 and onwards.
in mint condition with no damage. However,
Some may be more fortuitous than others, and you must roll for availability to make sure the
some may even make the game more difficult! gear you want is in stock.
One may argue that is not balanced or fair…but
hey…life is not fair.

Final Touches
Once you have gotten your spells, prayers, and Example: Wilbur’s RES is 37. He divides this by
equipment in place you are almost ready. 10 which gives him 3.7. Dropping the decimal
gives him a final value of 3. That will be his
contribution to the PM.
Your hero will start with a Sanity Value of 10.
Start Playing or Make More Characters
If you have enough characters, you are now
All non-halfling heroes start the game with 0
ready to start playing. If so, head to the
‘Embarking on your First Quest’ chapter on
Level page 52. Otherwise, repeat the process until
The Start Level of your hero is 1 (Experience is you have enough characters.
0 of course).
Character creation example
Party Morale You can find an example on how to create your
To calculate the Party Morale (PM) you divide character after the backgrounds chapter. Make
your RES by 10 and then drop the decimal. sure to read it before you start.
When all characters have done the same, you
add it together to get your PM.

Wizard Rogue
Wizards have studied the magical The Rogue walks a thin line
arts at one of the sorcery between what is legal and
colleges. These what is illegal. Some
colleges admit only a overstep the line
select few, and the completely to
power that they wield can become
be quite remarkable in the highwaymen, robbing
eyes of commoners. unfortunate passers-
Consequently, most by. Others take day-
wizards are regarded to-day work drifting
with suspicion. Their from one town to
North Star Military Figures
spells range from another. Accustomed
petty Hedge Magic, to a harsh life and surviving on their own, they
which is little more are Jacks of all trades, ready to do whatever it
than conjuring tricks, North Star Military Figures takes to make a living.
to powerful Battle
Magic or Spells which allow the wizard to
Backstabber, Streetwise.
bend the will of demons. However, dealing
with magic is dangerous and any mistake can Perks
ravage your mind. None.

Spells Starting Equipment

3 spells from Level 1 Magic. Shortsword or Rapier, Padded Jacket, 10x Lock
Picks, Medium backpack.
Wise or Charming. Limitations
A Rogue may never use armour heavier than
Tier 3.
Starting Equipment
Skill Mod Skill Mod
Staff. Combat Skill 0 Alchemy -25
Limitations Ranged Skill 0 Perception 0
Dodge 0 Arcane Art N/A
A wizard may never use armour heavier than
Pick Locks -5 Foraging 0
Tier 2.
Barter +5 Battle Prayers N/A
Skills Heal -10 Hit Points +1
Skill Mod Skill Mod
Combat Skill -5 Alchemy -20
Ranged Skill -10 Perception -10
Dodge -10 Arcane Art +10
Pick Locks -20 Foraging -20
Barter +5 Battle Prayers N/A
Heal -5 Hit Points ±0

Ranger Barbarian
The Ranger spends Barbarians live for the thrill of battle. Unlike
his or her days in the most sane people, Barbarians
wild. They make their eagerly await the next
living by tracking possibility for a good fight,
animals and and they often work
selling their meat themselves up into a
and pelts. Rangers frenzy once the battle
earn a meagre starts. This frenzy
income, but with causes them to wield
time they will their weapons like
acquire unrivalled dervishes, striking out left
North Star Military Figures
knowledge in how and right, which makes
to survive in the them formidable. On the
wild, and they will seldom go hungry. Constant other hand, being in the Reaper Miniatures
exposure to the weather and wandering the grips of such a frenzy makes Reaper Miniatures
forests day after day also makes them quite it easy to abandon caution and to forget to
tough and resilient. Their favourite weapon is, properly protect yourself.
of course, the bow. However, some prefer the
heavier crossbow for its sheer stopping power. Talents
Marksman or Hunter.
Starting Equipment
Weapon of choice.
Starting Equipment
Longbow and 10 arrows.
Barbarians may never use armour heavier than
Limitations Tier 3.
Rangers may never use armour heavier than
Tier 3. Skills
Skill Mod Skill Mod
Skills Combat Skill +15 Alchemy -25
Skill Mod Skill Mod Ranged Skill -10 Perception -5
Combat Skill -5 Alchemy -20 Dodge +5 Arcane Art N/A
Ranged Skill +15 Perception 0 Pick Locks -20 Foraging -15
Dodge -5 Arcane Art N/A Barter -15 Battle Prayers N/A
Pick Locks -25 Foraging +15 Heal -10 Hit Points +2
Barter -20 Battle Prayers N/A
Heal -10 Hit Points ±0

Warrior Priest Warrior
Warrior Priests have taken it Reaper Miniatures The Warrior is a veteran of the of the
upon themselves to act as soldiers of their god, King's army and has more
preaching to those who will listen, and smiting often than not seen
those that they regard as heretics. countless battles. In
Luckily, their codex will normally contrast with the
limit those deemed as heretics to Barbarian, the Warrior
the monsters of the world, or to
does not relish the fight
those who choose to dabble
and is more than
with dark magic or evil gods.
Their faith makes them happy to skip the risk
unwavering in front of the it brings with it.
most fearsome foes. The However, when battle
more experienced priests is unavoidable, the
have learned to perfect Warrior is effective in Reaper Miniatures
the art of battle prayers, combat with a good all-
bestowing some blessings round set of skills.
from their god to their Reaper Miniatures
comrades in arms. Talents
Disciplined and Mighty Blow or Braveheart.
Prayers Perks
The Warrior Priest may choose two level 1 None.
prayers at the start of the game.
Starting Equipment
Talents Leather Jacket, One Weapon of Choice.
Braveheart or Confident.
None. Skill Mod Skill Mod
Combat Skill +10 Alchemy -25
Starting Equipment Ranged Skill +5 Perception -10
One Religious Relic of choice (Choose god and Dodge 0 Arcane Art N/A
ring or amulet p.179), One weapon of choice. Pick Locks -20 Foraging -15
Barter -15 Battle Prayers N/A
Skills Heal -10 Hit Points +3

Skill Mod Skill Mod

Combat Skill +5 Alchemy -15
Ranged Skill -5 Perception -10
Dodge -5 Arcane Art N/A
Pick Locks -20 Foraging -20
Barter -10 Battle Prayers +15
Heal +5 Hit Points +1

Alchemist Thief
The Alchemist has spent years studying the The Thief prefers to work in
properties of materials and solutions, learning the shadows, avoiding all
the effect they have on each other and on the attention if possible. The use
human body. Through both study and of arms is not alien to
experience, they have learned how to them, but it is seen as a
mix ingredients to obtain beneficial last resort. Better to take
effects that have what you want
become highly sought undetected, and
after. Their ability to thereby minimise the
create powerful risk of getting injured
concoctions have whilst doing it. As a
made them consequence, daggers are Reaper Miniatures
popular amongst their preferred weapons.
adventurers. Many Lock picks and crowbars are the tools of the
alchemists can hold trade.
their ground pretty
well, spreading fire
and destruction all around Reaper Miniatures
them. Perks
Resistance to Poison. Starting Equipment
Dagger, Rope, 10 x Lock Picks.
None. Limitations
A Thief may never use armour heavier than
Starting Equipment
Tier 3 or weapons heavier than Class 2.
Alchemist tools, Alchemist belt, shortsword, 3
potions of choice (standard level), a bag with 3 Special
random ingredients and 3 freely chosen parts. Whenever it is time to draw a Treasure Card, a
1 freely chosen recipe for a Weak Potion. See thief may always draw two cards and choose
Alchemy chapter for details on how to make a which one to keep. If the card drawn indicates
recipe (p.62). that you should draw a new Treasure Card from
a higher tier of treasures, the Thief may only
draw one card from that pile.
Alchemists may never use armour heavier than
Tier 3. Skills
Skill Mod Skill Mod
Combat Skill -5 Alchemy -30
Skill Mod Skill Mod Ranged Skill +5 Perception +10
Combat Skill -5 Alchemy +10 Dodge +5 Arcane Art N/A
Ranged Skill -5 Perception -10 Pick Locks +10 Foraging -20
Dodge -10 Arcane Art N/A Barter 0 Battle Prayers N/A
Pick Locks -20 Foraging -20 Heal -20 Hit Points ±0
Barter 0 Battle Prayers N/A
Heal +5 Hit Points ±0

1. Wanderlust
For as long as you can remember, you have felt bucket is heavy work, but after several minutes
the urge to see what lies beyond the horizon. the bucket is finally visible. As you lean out to
Born in a small village far to the north, you reach the bucket, you suddenly lose grip on the
helped out on the family farm just like your crank and slip, falling into the well. Luckily, the
siblings. As the eldest child, you were expected water breaks your fall, and the level is not too
to take over after your father, just as he had high for you to keep your head above water.
done when your grandfather was too old to Once the initial panic settles, you realise that
work in the fields. The older you got, the you are stuck deep underground in this cold,
stronger the wanderlust grew, until you finally dark place.
realised that your current world felt too small,
It took several hours before you were finally
and that staying within the confines of the
located and saved, but even now the memory
small farm was simply not an option. Afraid to
of the cold and darkness won’t leave you alone.
face your father, you sneak out in the middle of
the night, bringing only the bare necessities as Personal Trait and Quest: You suffer from
the family resources are limited. Now, several extreme claustrophobia. (See ‘Psychology’
years later you have managed to make a life for Chapter). This is not curable at the asylum.
yourself beyond that horizon and you have Instead, you must face your fears. Once you
seen most of the kingdom. The wanderlust is have fought and survived 5 battles in a
still strong though, and you are determined to corridor, your condition is finally cured. Such is
visit all of the settlements within the kingdom. the effect of beating this trauma that you
actually turn it into a strength. You gain the
Personal Quest: Visit all settlements on the
Tunnel Fighter Talent.
map (A total of10). Once done, you gain 1500
XP. 3. Fables
2. The Well Your uncle had a knack for telling stories, and
they were always stories of brave heroes
As with so many others in the kingdom, you
defying the undead creatures of the Ancient
were born in a small village with farmers for
Lands. He told his stories with such skill and rich
parents. During the harvest, all able-bodied
detail that you almost started to believe that
people were needed in the fields. When you
you had seen these ancient tombs with your
were young, you had to stay behind with the
own eyes. Even now as an adult, you still have
other children who were not yet strong enough
a clear vision of the tombs. You have sworn to
to work, and those who were too old for hard
see them with your own eyes to see if your
labour. Wanting to help, you decided that you
uncle’s fables were true.
could at least fetch water from the town well
to make things easier for your mother on her Personal Quest: Visit 3 Quest Sites in the
return. Once at the well, you start mimicking Ancient Lands. Once you leave the third site,
the moves you have seen your mother do you gain 1500 XP.
countless times. Turning the crank to hoist the

4. The Heirloom
Your great grandmother’s sister was not like Just as you are wondering what animals would
most other girls in her village. At the age of 17, stay so close together, a chill ran down your
she left the village in search of adventure, and spine as you counted to eight, and realised that
returned not long after, having cleared her first those eyes belonged to one single creature.
dungeons. She made several such trips and Then, with a low hissing sound, a spider the size
after one of them, she returned with a of a wolf slowly advanced towards you.
wonderful longsword. Perfectly balanced and
Over what seemed like an eternity you fought
adorned with jewels, this sword was clearly a
off the vile creature using your little knife and
unique find. Sadly, she would never return
the wooden staff. In the end though, the
from her next quest. Since then, you have
outcome was inevitable. You were trapped in
sworn to find and retrieve that sword.
strings of thick cobweb as the spider finally
Personal Quest: Find your Great Aunt’s sword. sank its fangs into your flesh. As the venom
At the start of each quest, roll 1d10. On a roll entered your veins, you slowly lost
of 1, the dungeon you are heading to is actually consciousness. The next thing you
the one that holds the sword. Place a remembered was being back in your bed,
secondary Quest Card in the first half of the feverish but alive. Apparently, a local Ranger
Exploration Card pile. The room after the had spotted you and managed to kill the spider
secondary Quest Card will always have just as you passed out. She brought you back
enemies. Roll twice on the encounter table. home, and although there were no antidotes
One of the enemies with the highest XP will available, they managed to nurse you back to
carry the sword (although not use it in battle). health. You made a full physical recovery from
The fate of your ancestor will never be known, the ordeal, but the trauma remains to this day.
but at least you will now have a chance to get
Personal Trait and Quest: You suffer from
that sword back. The weapon is a silver
extreme arachnophobia. (See Psychology
shortsword that does +1 DMG and has +2
Chapter). This is not curable at the asylum.
Durability. You may not sell it.
Instead, you must face your fears. Once you
5. Arachnophobia have fought and survived 3 battles with
Many people feel uneasy in the presence of spiders, your condition is finally cured. Such is
spiders. This was the case with you as well as the effect of beating this trauma that you
you were growing up, but it has now become actually turn it into a strength. You gain +10 CS
something far worse. One late afternoon as whenever trying to hit a spider.
you were out picking berries in the forest
surrounding your village, you sprained your
6. The Lost Brother
Your older brother always spoke about the
ankle. Barely able to walk, you fashioned a
adventures he would embark upon once he
staff to support your weight using your small
came of age. Sure enough, it did not take long
knife. You began your trek home, but walking before he set out on his adventures, leaving
was slow, and the sun began to set. Before you behind with your parents. He never
long, the forest became steadily darker, until returned and as you grew older, your
you could barely see your hand in front of you. determination to find him increased. Since
At that moment you suddenly spotted the then, you have searched for him everywhere
gleaming eyes of animals in front of you. You you have travelled. From time to time, you
blinked several times to get better focus, as the have managed to pick up some clues from
eyes seemed to be clustered together in a pack.

people who seem to have run into him, even could talk, you had experienced your entire
though most leads are now very cold. childhood together. Thus, it was quite natural
that you would leave your village together in
Personal Quest: Find your lost brother. For this search of fame, gold, and glory. You had been
quest, you need to keep track of how many travelling for some weeks, still with no gold or
dungeons you have entered. At the start of glory in sight, when you were ambushed by two
each quest, roll 1d10. On a roll of 1, the
Brigands. Within seconds, your friend caught
dungeon you are heading to is the one in which
an arrow through the throat, and collapsed
you will find your brother. Place a secondary
Quest Card in the pile not containing the Quest almost instantly. The rest of the fight is blurry,
Room. The tile you enter next will contain your but you managed to overcome and kill both
brother. Once you enter the room, roll 1d100, attackers. Although it has been some years
adding the number of dungeons you have since that episode, you sometimes still dream
entered. of your friend's last seconds, the shock on his
face, and the gurgling sound as the last air
If the result is 60 or higher, you are too late and passed through his windpipe.
you find the remains of your dear brother on
the floor, dead. It seems that he has been dead Personal Trait and Quest: You hate all enemies
for some time. Devastated, you must decide if from the Bandits and Brigands’ faction.
you will leave him where he is, or bring him out Furthermore, for every 5 enemies from that
of the dungeon and bury him. In both cases you section that you deliver the killing blow, you
lose 3 Points of Sanity, but gain 250 XP. If you gain an additional 250 XP.
choose to bury him, you must carry him
through the dungeon (of course letting go of 8. Bad Tempered
him when danger approaches). The downside We are all born differently, and we look upon
of this is that you cannot carry anything else life in different ways. In this case, your
you find (you may not search for treasures, or character is a tad bit on the negative side and
carry anything your comrades find). Once is, quite frankly, really grumpy. Even on a sunny
outside, you have a short ceremony and lay day, with wind in the hair, there is always
him to rest in a nearby meadow. You gain + 10 something that could have been better. Maybe
RES permanently.
the sun doesn’t have to shine straight in the
eyes? That sound of creaking branches from
If the result is lower than 60, your brother is
alive, but badly wounded. Place him on the tile the trees due to the wind is really annoying,
and you may move him just like the other isn’t it?
heroes. Use the civilian Monster Card to Personal Trait: You will give a permanent -2
represent him. If your brother makes it out
modifier to Party Morale. But, on the other
alive, he will accompany you to the next
hand, always expecting the worst can have its
settlement where you will part ways. You gain
1500 XP once you reach the settlement. If he benefits as well. Your maximum Sanity is
dies during the dungeon crawl, revert to ‘result permanently increased by +2.
higher than 60’. If he dies in a skirmish, you do
not need to carry him further, but the end
9. Poverty
result is the same. Life in the kingdom is not easy, and few are
those who can spend money on a whim. Your
family were, and still are, on the very edge of
7. Revenge survival. Growing up, you did what you could
During the early days of adventuring, you were
to support your family, but decided early on
travelling the roads with one of your childhood
that there was a need for a change. As soon as
friends. Having known each other since you

you were old enough, you left in search of 11. The Fraud
other ways to bring food to the table. Living the Not applicable for wizards. reroll if you are a
life of an adventuring vagabond has sustained wizard.
you so far, yet you still feel the urge to improve
the situation for your family. You have been struggling most of your life.
Food and money have always been scarce, and
Personal trait and quest: You know the value of with no education or family business to
each coin, and may never make a purchase, or inherit, the prospects for the future were not
lend out money, that would leave you with less looking too bright. With such a life, you never
than 10 c. Furthermore, you must try to quite got the attention from others that you
accumulate 1000 c for your family. Randomise craved either. All of this changed the day you
which village (not Silver City) in which you were stumbled across a wounded adventurer lying
born and raised. If you are a dwarf, randomise on the road. Although you did your best, you
between the two Dwarven settlements. Once could not prevent the inevitable, and the
you feel ready to hand over the money to your adventurer passed away. You can’t really
family, pay them a visit and hand over the explain why, but there and then you decided to
money. This can be done by spending one Point change your fate. You quickly changed clothes
of Movement in that village, and it will grant with the fallen, and for the first time in your life
you 2000 XP. you gripped a sword in your hand. From that
day you vowed to never return home, but
10.Proving Your Worth instead to keep travelling the kingdom. At the
Your father spent most of his career in the
taverns and inns along the way you were often
Royal Army and has been in retirement for a
the centre of the attention as you told
few years. During his career, he rose from the
fabricated stories of your exploits and
rank of Soldier to Centurion, a transition that
adventures. One such night of drinks and
few could make. Somewhere during this time,
stories has landed you in your current
he was presented with exquisite armour by the
situation. As the sun rises the morning after,
Battalion Commander for some obscure
you find yourself in the company of your party,
reason. Due to the inestimable number of
apparently having promised them that you will
stories he has told you about his army life, you
be a great asset. With a feeling of panic, you
cannot remember the details precisely. Once
realise that the time has now come for you to
you grew old enough and decided to take to
put your money where your mouth is.
the road, you were told by your father that if
you could prove your worth, you could come Personal Trait: Deduct -10 from CS, RS, and
back for that piece of armour. Dodge since you have neither formal training
nor experience with this. Your RES is also
Personal Quest: Kill an enemy that gives you
reduced with -10 (temporarily, see below).
450 XP or more. You do not need to strike the
fatal blow, as long as your party makes the kill. Personal Quest: It is time to go from fraud to
Once that is done, return to your father to the real deal. Once you have improved CS, RS,
claim the armour. Randomise in which village and Dodge with +10 you can finally believe that
(not Silver City) you were born and raised. If you are more than empty words. Once this is
you are a dwarf, randomise between the two achieved, you regain your RES and may
Dwarven settlements. This can be done by increase it with another +10. You also gain an
simply spending one Point of Movement in that additional 1500XP.
village. This is the Armour of the Father as
described in the ‘Legendary Items’ chapter.

12.The Noble
Belonging to the lucky few privileged people in Effect: You were not kicked out without means,
the kingdom, you have always gone to bed on and you have managed to retain some of the
a full stomach and, whenever needed, there coins your mother secretly handed you before
was always a coin toss to solve any you parted. You start with 400 c instead of the
predicament in which you found yourself. For normal 150 c. However, being accustomed to
your father, this was not always the case. having money makes it extra hard when you
Although not poor, he was not of noble birth, have none. If you ever drop below 150 c, you
and it was through marriage that he acquired start questioning if this is really what you
his title. Realising that his child was growing should do for a living. Your resolve is reduced
spoiled, he determined you would have to with -20 until you have enough money again
make a living for yourself for at least a year (150 c).
before returning to the noble life. Now this
year is well past, but you have grown fond of
your new lifestyle, and in no hurry to return to
dinner parties and boring meetings.

The Dwarf civilization has existed far longer than any Human society.
Whilst Human tribes struggled for power, the Dwarven kingdom had
already existed for hundreds of years. With their obsession for metals and
minerals, most of their kingdom is located in the vast underground
complexes they have carved out of the eastern mountains. However, there
are other settlements set above ground. The stone and metal working skills
of Dwarfs is unrivalled, and their smiths are the only ones who know how
to work with Mithril. Relationships have always been good between
Humans and Dwarfs, and, with the founding of the Kingdom, this bond
has grown stronger. In fact, several cooperative military campaigns have
been conducted against tribes of Orcs or Beasts.

13. Sworn Enemy 15.Troll Slayer
You are not the only one in your family who has To kill a troll is a true feat, and brave individuals
taken up arms and travelled the world. Your who accomplish this deed are accorded the
older sister, who left home years ago, has made title of ‘Troll Slayer’. Although it is not in any
your family name somewhat famous, at least way a formal title, it is held in high regard
amongst certain people. To reach this position amongst commoners and nobles alike. There
of fame, she had to put more than one enemy have been two Troll Slayers in your lineage who
to the blade. Of course, even these rogues have preceded you. Since childhood, you have
relatives. One such relative has sworn revenge, vowed to honour the family tradition by ridding
and vowed to kill all of your bloodline. the world of yet another troll.
Personal Quest: Whenever you end up in Personal Quest: You must slay a troll. To
battle with bandits, roll 1d10. On a result of 10, rightfully claim the title of Troll Slayer, you
add one Bandit Leader to the encounter. This must land the killing blow on a troll (of any
bandit has both the Hate special rule against kind). If you achieve this, you have both
the entire party, as well as Frenzy. Once the honoured your lineage and gained a further
bandit is killed, you have rid your family of this +1000XP.
sworn enemy, and you gain an extra 500 XP.

14.The Family Keep A little over a decade ago, your village was
Generations ago, your family was considered savagely attacked by a large group of
to be amongst the finer families in the beastmen. Although the villagers bravely tried
Kingdom. The King granted your great to counter the attack, many were killed and
grandfather a Keep as a token of his status. several houses were lost to fire. Amongst the
Sadly, his terrible financial sense and his lust for beastmen was a huge Minotaur, and it was
alcohol, gambling, and general decadence responsible for the worst of the carnage. You
slowly reduced the Keep to a shadow of its hid throughout the fight, but at one point, the
former glory. Once your great grandfather beast was close enough for you to make out a
passed away, the Keep was abandoned, and it strange scar on its chest. The image of that
has since been occupied by creatures of the beast has stayed with you ever since, and as
night. Randomize one quest location on the you have grown to adulthood your lust for
map using the white numbers to situate the revenge has grown stronger.
ruins of your Keep. Although it is far beyond
repair, you feel it is your ancestral duty to Talent: You hate Minotaurs.
purge the place of its current occupants. Personal Quest: Every time you fight a
Personal Quest: Clear out the Keep. Whether Minotaur, roll 1d6. On a result of 1, you
you go there as a part of another quest, or if recognize the scar. If you defeat the beast, you
you decide to go there for this sole purpose, gain an additional +1000XP.
you must clear the entire dungeon. Every tile
must be placed on the table and all enemies
must be killed. If you go there specifically for 17.A new home
this purpose, use the generic Dungeon Your parents had you rather late in life;
Generator to create the dungeon. Once the nevertheless, you had a very happy childhood.
dungeon is cleared, you gain 1500 XP. You received all of the love any child could wish
for, and there was always food on the table,
even if it was far from fancy. Your parents grew
older, and eventually passed away within a few

weeks of each other. A few days after your there isn’t a disease around that you haven’t
mother’s funeral, you are visited by a stranger suffered from! That’s not true of course, but
who claims to own the house. He presents you the fact remains that you seem to contract
with a contract which shows that your parents diseases more easily than most. Perhaps your
were deeply in debt to him, and that the house father is right, and you are ‘just plain weak’, or
was given to him as payment. You are given maybe you are just suffering from an immune
two days to clear out. With nowhere to go, you system that struggles to keep up. Luckily, this
don’t take much with you other than the seems to have improved with time. Now when
thought of finding a new home. you fall ill, you usually feel better within a few
Personal Quest: Even though the adventuring
lifestyle suits you much better than you had Personal Trait: Whenever rolling for
expected, you still yearn for a place to call your contracting a disease, you suffer an -10
own. Once you have acquired the Bergmeister modifier to your CON. However, once you are
Estate, you gain 1500XP. cured of your 3 disease, your immune system

kicks into overdrive and you instead get a +10

modifier to your CON when rolling for disease,
18.The Apprentice and you cure yourself on a natural CON roll of
As with most young ones in the Kingdom, the 01-10 instead of 01-05.
time for being a carefree child is short. Most
start working before their 10 birthday, and for

you there was no difference. Although most 20.Afraid of Heights

children would be toiling in the fields, you were There are few things in life you fear, and that is
given the chance to work for the local a well-known fact amongst friends and family.
blacksmith. He had grown fond of you as a You once saved a child in your village who came
youngster, and with no children of his own, he face to face with a stray wolf. With nothing but
suggested you could help him out with the a stick in your hand, you charged the beast,
more menial tasks. At first, your work was to screaming and flailing wildly. Though you did
keep the smithy clean, bring water from the get a fair share of cuts, you managed to scare
well, and run errands to and from the beast away. Since then, the fearless
customers. As you grew older, you began to attribute has stuck with you. However, as with
learn some of the trade. In the end though, the most people, you do have an Achilles heel, and
blacksmith could not afford to pay you a salary it is a fear that most people don’t know that
that would sustain you. So you decided to find you have. You are deathly scared of heights.
other means of bringing bread to the table. Whenever you are only a few feet above the
ground your knees begin to shake, and you
Personal Traits: Your blacksmithing skills are start to sweat profusely.
truly useful while adventuring. Whenever using
an armour repair kit or a whetstone, you Personal Trait: Whenever you take a Fear Test
automatically regain 3 Points of Durability on (but not a Terror Test), you gain a +10 modifier
your gear. on your RES. However, whenever you are on a
bridge your resolve is halved (RDD) and your CS
and RS suffer a -20 modifier.
As a child you were prone to catching every
cold there was. According to your mother,

Character Creation Example
I have decided that I would like to make a new avoid traps, and to make it easier to find
character. Firstly, I must decide which species treasure. Dwarfs also has Night Vision which
this character will be. In this case, I have permanently adds +10 to Perception. I also add
decided to create a dwarf. I then start by rolling it to the value. Had it been a temporary bonus,
the basic stats and Hit Points for my dwarf, it would have been added to the Bonus
which I write down on the Character Sheet Columns. The priest may also choose between
(lightly, as I will modify some of these). I also fill the Talents: Braveheart or Confident. Even
in Sanity which is always 10, and Movement of though Confident would boost the RES of the
4. The results are: dwarf, and thereby also his Battle Prayers Skill,
I choose Braveheart as it will aid him in Fear
and Terror Tests.

At this point, I also note down Traits, in this

case Night Vision and Hate Goblins. I feel like
making a Warrior Priest out of this dwarf, so,
when adding my 15 bonus
points, I should consider
what stats are important in
that roll. With a STR of 47 he
can already use a class 3
Time to choose prayers for my priest. I decide
weapon in one hand and a
that Bringer of Light and The Power of Iphy are
class 4 weapon in two hands, so I leave that
good choices. They will make the Undead
unchanged. His DEX is definitely on the low
significantly less effective against him, and he
side. Seeing that, I want him to double as a
can also boost the morale of his comrades.
fighter, adding +10 here feels like a good move.
I then add +5 to RES to improve his Battle
Prayers skill. We then have the following:

To make my character a little more unique, I

decided to roll up a Background. This results in
a 2: The Well. It seems my character is
The next step is to fill in the skills. Looking at the claustrophobic, but with a chance of turning it
table, I simply add and subtract the modifiers into a strength.
from the skills basic stat and add it to the
Character Sheet. I may also decide which free
skill to improve. This must be one of the skills
which have a negative modifier. It is a good
idea here to think ahead on what skills and
strength your other characters may have, so as
to build a versatile party. With this in mind, I
choose to improve his Perception to better

Last, but not least, I must equip the priest. He is Finally, I calculate how much he will add to the
allowed to choose one weapon for free, as well Party Morale. With a RES of 44, that would be
as a religious relic. I opt for a Morning Star. This 4.
is a class 4 weapon, meaning that to wield this,
All that remains now is to name the character,
the character must use both hands. But that is
which may prove to be the most difficult part of
no problem since I am not planning on buying a
the entire creation process!
shield at this point. As he grows stronger, he
will be able to wield it one-handed, and I can Once all characters are created, you can head
then add a shield. Since this is his starting over to the ‘Embarking on your First Quest’
equipment, I must roll 1d4 to determine what chapter on page 52.
shape it is in. This results in a 3. That means its
Durability is already down 3 points and it can
take a further 3 Points of Damage before it
breaks. I mark this with 3 X under condition.


I then purchase a leather jacket as this protects

both the arms and the torso for a reasonable
price. I fill in the areas that it protects, but I only
add ENC and Durability in one of the rows, since
it is the same piece of equipment.

Purchasing the jacket leaves me with 30 coins,

and I decide to spend 25 of those on a bottle of
Holy Water. One never knows when the
Undead will make life miserable for you, and
this could indeed help. I decided to place it in
my Quick Slot number 1. The benefit of this is
that I can grab and toss it at an enemy by
spending only 1 AP. The drawback is that if I’m
hit in the torso, there is a 1 in 10 chance of the
bottle breaking (By rolling the slot number on
1d10). Then I decide what relic to take. I decide
that a Relic of
Ramos (+5 CS)
could come in
handy and opt
to take it as a ring. I make sure to
add the +5 bonus to the Skills Table.
As this is a temporary bonus (the
ring could be removed after all), I
add it to one of the Bonus Columns.

Equipment Dungeon Tiles designed by Printable
Scenery. Model by North Star
Military Figures.

When you created your character, you had weapons always require two hands. Ranged
your first encounter with the currency of this Weapons in Class 6 may not be heavy per se,
world, which is simply called coins. Over the but they require two hands to operate anyway.
course of the game, you will notice the
Class 2H STR req 1H STR req
importance of coins. And, after all, that may be
1 20 20
the main reason to risk your life poking around
2 25 30
in dark barrows that belong to forgotten kings.
3 30 40
Different Kind of Equipment 4
A lot of different equipment is necessary to
6 20 N/A
venture into the dungeons of the world. Most
essential, perhaps, are weapons and armour.
However, there are also other things you may Example: A Class 3 weapon would require a
need, such as rations and lock picks. minimum strength of 30 to use with two hands
and a strength of 40 to use with one hand. A
Class 5 weapon, however, could never be used
Weapons are perhaps the most necessary
with one hand.
piece of equipment. Without a decent weapon,
you will not survive for long. These weapons Special
are the same as those used by the enemy. These are the special rules connected to the
There are some important stats related to weapon. They are described under the
weapons. For The heroes, you need to keep all Weapons Table for ease of reading.
these in mind. However, for the enemies you
will only need to keep the Special Rules and
This is only used for Missile Weapons and
Damage in mind, and this is noted on the
states how many Action Points you will need to
Weapon Cards.
reload the weapon.
Damage (DMG) Durability (DUR)
This is the amount of Damage your weapon will
This is how much punishment the weapon can
inflict upon your enemy. It can be further
take before it breaks. This is not noted in the
modified by Talents, Perks, or your Damage
table over weapons, but all weapons have a
Bonus (DB).
Durability of 6, unless otherwise noted. If a
Encumbrance (ENC) weapon ever reaches 0 Durability, it is broken
This is how heavy the weapon is. beyond repair.

Class Armours and Shields

Weapons come in classes ranging from 1-6. The next indispensable piece of equipment you
Generally, the higher the class, the heavier the will need on your quest is, of course, armour.
weapon. Heavy weapons require a high Armour comes in different types and are also
strength to use effectively. Some weapons can made to protect different parts of the body.
be used with either two hands or one hand,
depending on your strength, whereas some

Defence (DEF) take 1 point of DMG before they break,
This is how much DMG the armour can absorb. whereas others can take 6 points of DMG.
The DEF is subtracted from the DMG, and any Some things simply have: ‘– ‘noted in the table.
remnants then removes Hit Points from the This indicates that durability is not applicable
hero. to that kind of gear. If a piece of equipment
Encumbrance (ENC) ever reaches 0 Durability, it is broken beyond
This is how heavy the armour is. repair.

Covers Carrying Equipment

This is what part of the body the armour The heroes may either carry the equipment in
covers. This is important to note since the a backpack, or closer at hand if it is something
enemy will strike at different parts of your that they may want on short notice. This could
hero’s body. be a potion in the pocket, or a dagger tucked in
the belt. Those things that your hero wishes to
carry close at hand are said to be in Quick Slots.
These are the Special Rules connected to the
armour or shield. They are described under the Hands
Armour Table for ease of reading. Objects held in the hands of a hero are always
at the ready. Examples of such items are
Durability (DUR)
This is how much punishment the armour or weapons, torches, or shields.
shield can take before it breaks. This is not Quick Slots
noted in the table over armour and shields, but These may be pockets, scabbards, or simply
all armour and shields have a durability of 6, your shoulder. Each hero has 3 Quick Slots as
unless otherwise noted. Whenever a piece of standard. You may place any item except
armour or shield fails to absorb all DMG, it armour in a Quick Slot, such as a bow, a potion,
loses a Point of Durability. When using one or a bandage. Just mark on the Character Sheet
armour on top of another, only the top layer is which slot the hero’s item is in with a number
damaged. This is explained more fully in the from 1 to 3. Accessing these items is quick, and
‘Combat’ chapter. If a piece of armour or shield can also be done during battle. However,
ever reaches 0 Durability, it is broken beyond equipment in the Quick Slots can be damaged
repair. during battle.
Tier Quiver (Optional rule)
This is a weight classification for armour used Arrows and bolts are stored in a Quiver that can
to define limitations of certain profession. hold up to 10 projectiles. Simply mark the
arrows in the row marked with a Q. Any surplus
General Equipment
This category covers the rest of the equipment arrows will be in the backpack. A used arrow or
you need, ranging from a crowbar to a magic bolt can never be retrieved. This rule can be
potion. There are, however, still some points skipped if counting arrows is too much work.
about the equipment worth mentioning. Backpack
Equipment placed in the Backpack cannot be
Encumbrance (ENC)
accessed during battle, but on the other hand,
This is how heavy the piece of equipment is.
this equipment cannot be damaged during the
Durability fight either.
This is how much punishment the equipment
can take before it breaks. Some things can only

Encumbrance world. See the ‘Settlements’ chapter for more
The limit as to how much your heroes can carry details.
with them equals the hero’s strength. If the
total encumbrance exceeds the STR of your
Only Dwarfs know how to work this remarkable
character, all skills and stats are at -10. Your
metal. It is tougher than the strongest steel, yet
character can never carry more than STR+15
lighter and shining like pure silver. Weapons
45 points of encumbrance.
made of Mithril get +1 DMG and -2 ENC.
Buying and Selling equipment Armour and shields get +1 DEF and -1 ENC.
This may be done when you visit a settlement.
See the ‘Settlements’ chapter for more details.

Repairing Equipment
Just like buying and selling, you can repair
damaged equipment in the settlements in the

What Equipment to Bring?
Well, there are several things that could come When it comes to general gear, a 3 foot pole is
in handy during a venture into a dungeon. First normally the choice of most dungeon divers.
and foremost, a good weapon would be a However, there are no such things available in
sound choice. These come in all shapes and League of Dungeoneers. But there are things
sizes, and each weapon has its own strength, that are definitely useful and can help turn the
and sometimes, its own weakness. Ranged tide. Rations for starters, is one of those.
Weapons are effective because you avoid Rations will allow you to rest during your
coming into contact with the enemy, but at the quests and also allow you to travel across the
same time, the cramped space of a dungeon land without becoming hungry. The next
may render them unusable as well. There is priority must be bandages or healing potions.
also the reload time to consider. A powerful These will give you a possibility to heal wounds
crossbow will cause a lot of damage, but it and continue your quest even when things are
takes precious time to reload. looking grim. Remember, bandages will require
you to use the Heal Skill.
Smaller weapons are often more flexible, but
they cause less damage. In contrast, powerful Another handy thing would be light in the form
two-handed weapons will cause serious of a torch or a lantern. This will strengthen the
damage, but are less suited for defence. This resolve of your party, making them less prone
may leave you vulnerable to counterattacks, to succumbing to fear. it also increases their
should the enemy survive. perception, making it less likely for your heroes
to spring a trap.
Armour is always good to bring. In the
beginning when coins are scarce, your choices Finally, a set of lock picks or a crowbar may be
will be very limited. At the outset, it may be a a good thing if you wish to traverse the
good idea to choose a piece of armour that dungeon undetected.
covers the body parts that are most likely to get
hit. A jacket covers both arms and torso, which
gives you 66% chance of being armoured in the
right place. On the other hand, protecting your
head is a good way to avoid mental issues.

Traversing into dark dungeons, facing horrors quests you will not only monitor the morale of
from beyond the grave and worse, is not for your party, but also the state of mind of the
everyday people, and even for the toughest of individual characters.
people, this may prove too much. During your

The Party Morale will describe the current will then start over with a little less Sanity and
situation, but we will also need to monitor the work your way down.
long-term effect on the characters. This is
referred to as Sanity, and all heroes start with Situation Effect
10 Points of Sanity. Failing a Terror Test -2
Springing a trap -2
There are certain situations that are extremely Character suffers a wound to
exhausting for the minds of your heroes. -1
the head
Traumas will leave mental scars, and over time Failing a Fear Test -1
Dungeoneers may develop conditions which Each battle with a demon -1
hamper their effectiveness. Whenever one of Being reduced to 0 Hit Points -1
the following happens, deduct Points of Sanity Contracting a disease -1
from your character. Once you have 0 points, Getting poisoned -1
you will develop a mental health problem. You Miscasting a spell -1d3
Certain room events See Exploration

Halflings have been living among humans for as long as can be
remembered. There is no difference in citizenship between Halfling
and Men, and there are many halflings in official positions
throughout the kingdom. What they lack in stature they often make
up for in determination and there is even one famous halfling general
from the Undead Wars. Nonetheless, it is more common that
halflings occupy more theoretical or sneaky professions.

Once you reach 0 Sanity, you will contract a asylum are known to be able to remedy some
mental health condition. Roll on the table on mental illnesses.
the next page. If you roll a condition that your
Resting in between the quests will increase the
character already has been diagnosed with, roll
Sanity Level with 1d3, to a maximum of 10. To
totally forget the horrors of the deep, the
Once a hero has a condition, the Sanity Level character may consume copious amounts of
will go back up to 10 minus the number of alcohol and enjoy the company of those who
current conditions. That is, if you have two are oblivious to that which lurks in the night.
active conditions, your maximum Sanity is now This will cost the hero 1d3*100 coins, but will
8. improve Sanity by 1d6. There are also Talents
that can help your characters.
Reducing Insanity, or Increasing Sanity
Luckily, there are ways to increase Sanity. The Asylum
There are herbs and potions that help calm the A hero can reach out to the monks at the
nerves, as well as prayers and spells that may asylum when the burdens become too heavy to
help. Resting in the relative safety of a tavern bear. See the ‘Settlements’ chapter for details
may also help. Finally, the priests the at the on curing conditions.

Poison?! There won't be anything left to poison if he bites

you, said Otto with apparent fear in his voice. Humans by
North Star Military Figures and snake by Schlossbauer.

1d10 Condition Effect
The hero gains the Hate Talent against the type of
1 Hate enemy last fought. This creature must appear in the
Monster List of the Bestiary.
RES reduced by 10 for the rest of the quest. The
hero will scream uncontrollably during all battles,
alerting every single soul in the dungeon. Threat
2-3 Acute Stress Syndrome
Level is increased by an additional +1 for each battle
from now until the end of the quest, and will only
last for the current quest.
The effect of this condition will not be evident until
your next dungeon and only during a specific
situation that in some way resembles or reminds
Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome the character of the situation that triggered the
(PTSD) syndrome. See separate table below. Once the PTSD
kicks in, all Resolve Tests are at -10 and CS is at -10.
Once triggered, it will last until you leave the
The hero has developed an irrational fear of the
5 Fear of the Dark
dark and all Resolve Tests are at -10.
The hero finds all kinds of spiders terrifying. Treat
6 Arachnophobia
all encounters as causing Terror.
Every unsuspecting noise makes the hero jump and
scream, startling the companions and alerting all
7 Jumpy dungeon dwellers of their presence. A Scenario roll
of 10 means something has spooked the hero and
the scream causes the Threat Level to increase by 2.
The hero becomes irrationally afraid of a specific
type of monster. Randomise between Orcs and
8 Irrational Fear Goblins, Beasts, Undead, Reptiles, or Dark Elves. All
monsters from that faction will now cause fear to
the hero.
The hero is troubled by tight spaces and becomes
9 Claustrophobia less effective. All skills and stats are at -10 in
The hero is slowly worn down by the reoccurring
horrors and falls into a state of depression. As a
0 Depression result, the energy pool of the character is reduced
by 2.

PTSD Table
1d6 Trigger
1 A trap is sprung by the party.
2 A portcullis falls down.
3 A companion is reduced to 0 Hit Points.
4 A miscast in the party.
5 Party takes a short break.
6 The party opens a chest.

Adjusting the Morale
Party Morale The morale is adjusted based upon what
Party Morale (PM) is a measurement of the
happens in the dungeon. Every time one of
mood of the characters. If they suffer too many
these situations occurs, you must adjust the
setbacks, morale will start to dwindle. If it gets
morale accordingly. These are also cumulative.
too low, you may end up with your characters
Consequently, if two heroes are poisoned, you
fleeing the dungeon.
suffer a -2 modifier.
Calculating Party Morale Reaching Half Morale (RDD)
To calculate your party’s morale, you divide
If the PM drops below half, the party will begin
each member’s RES by 10 (RDD) and then add
to waver. All heroes suffer a -10 RES. As soon
them together. A starting party will most likely
as the morale is raised above this threshold,
end up with a Party Morale between 8 to 12.
the effect on RES is removed.

Situation Description Effect

A hero dies Things suddenly become real…we are all going to die! -6
Seeing your friend in a pool of blood is sure to unsettle
A hero reaches 0 Hit Points -4
your nerves.
Party is engaged in battle Fighting things that should not be, and things that are a
with demons mockery to nature, takes its toll.
A hero fails a Terror Test The sheer terror in the eyes of your companion is
Party is hungry Lack of food is always bad for motivation -2
A character fails a Fear Test Fear spreads like a wildfire. -1
A hero is poisoned or Succumbing to a disease or poison is not the glorious death
diseased. of a hero.
A hero springs a trap Few things are so unnerving as sudden, unexpected death. -1
A Miscast Even the gods are against us! We are doomed! -1
Portcullis falling down and The feeling of being trapped underground is not easy on
blocking path your mind.
Taking a short rest Resting is a good way to calm the nerves. +1
Finding a Fine Treasure This is good news! Maybe there is more? +1
Slaying a large monster Nothing can stop us! Our weapons are guided by the gods! +2
Intoxicating your party Dwarven ale is liquid bravery, that is a known fact. Just a
with Dwarven ale pity that the effectiveness of the party diminishes.
Finding a Wonderful
Gold! We will be rich! +3

Reaching 0 Morale Resetting the Morale

If the PM ever reaches 0, the party will leave Luckily, once the party leaves the dark and
the dungeon as soon as they are not locked in damp dungeon, the sunlight and sound of
combat, and quickly head for civilization. You nature will strengthen their resolve. PM is reset
may retry the same quest after you visit a as soon as the party leaves the dungeon.
settlement. There is no need to actually move
your heroes out of the dungeon. Instead, go
straight to ‘Travel Events’ for the travel home.

Embarking on your First Quest
When you start the game, you should In the Quest Books you will see the locations of
randomise what settlement the party is in. The all quests. If it is in Silver City, you must be in
eligible ones are: the city to start that quest. Random location
quests may be started from any settlement,
1. Caelkirk
including Silver City. Quest Book II offers tables
2. Irondale
3. Windfair to randomize quests.
4. Whiteport If you choose a quest that takes place in your
5. Rochdale
start settlement, you can head straight to the
6. Coalfell
‘Entering the Dungeon’ chapter. If the quest
7. Freyfell
8. Re-roll. takes place outside of the settlement, your
If this is the first time you play the game, I heroes will need to travel for a couple of days
would recommend playing the ‘First Blood’ to reach their Quest Site, according to the
quest first. Then, as the second quest, I would description given in the ‘Travelling and
go for ‘Spring Cleaning’ which is the first quest Skirmishes’ chapter. Once the quest is over,
of the Rising Dead Campaign. It is available at you must travel back to the same settlement to
any settlement. You will find both these quests claim your reward.
in the Quest Book I at the end of this book.

One wrong step will

send you into the abyss.
Model designed by
North Star Military
Figures and terrain
designed Printable
Scenery, but heavily
modified by the author.

Levelling Up
Heroes gain experience by killing enemies. All heroes gain the same amount of experience, regardless
of who makes the killing blow. As the heroes gain experience, they will level up. Once you obtain
enough experience, you may level up when you are back in a settlement.

Level XP requirement Hit Point increase Luck increase Energy

1 0 0 0 1
2 1000 +1d2 +1 +1
3 2500 +1d2 - -
4 6000 +1d2 - +1
5 10500 +1d2 +1 -
6 16000 +1d2 - -
7 25000 +1d2 - +1
8 35000 +1d2 +1 -
9 50000 +1d2 - +1
10 70000 +1d2 - -

Stats and Skills Maximum

As your heroes increase in level, their stats will the strength of a giant. A skill can never exceed
increase as well. However, there is a maximum 80, no matter how many Perks and Talents are
value for each stat depending on their race. For involved. That means any result of 81 or higher
obvious reasons, there can be no halflings with is always a failure.

Race Max STR Max DEX Max WIS Max RES Max CON
Dwarf 80 60 80 80 70
Human 70 70 80 80 65
Elf 60 80 80 80 65
Halfling 40 80 80 80 60

Increasing your Skills and Basic Stats
Whenever your hero levels up, you may choose which basic stats and skills to increase. Each profession
is slightly different though as it is easier for a barbarian to master combat skills, and a thief will be more
adept at learning to pick locks. To decide what to increase you have 15 Improvement Points to spend.
The table below tells you how many Improvement Points it will cost to increase a stat or skill with +1.
No skill or stat may be increased more than +5 per level. Hit points may only be increased by +2 per
level. Once a stat or skill passes 70, the cost is doubled. Your heroes may save any spare Improvement
points left until the next time they level up.

Basic stats Barbarian Warrior Ranger Warrior Priest Wizard Thief Rogue Alchemist
STR 2 2 3 3 5 5 3 5
DEX 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 4
CON 2 2 1 3 4 4 3 4
WIS 5 5 4 3 2 3 4 2
RES 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
Skills Barbarian Warrior Ranger Warrior Priest Wizard Thief Rogue Alchemist
CS 1 1 3 2 5 5 3 3
RS 3 2 1 2 4 2 3 3
Dodge 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 4
Pick Lock 5 5 5 5 4 1 3 4
Perception 4 4 2 4 2 1 3 2
Heal 4 4 2 2 2 4 3 3
Arcane Arts - - - - 1 - - -
Battle Prayers - - - 1 - - - -
Foraging 4 4 1 4 5 4 3 4
Barter 5 4 3 3 1 2 3 3
Alchemy 5 5 4 4 3 4 4 1
Hit points +1 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10

The Elves live a very secluded life on the outskirts of the
Kingdom. Even though the forests where they reside are
technically within the Kingdom, they do not answer to the
High King, but rather to their own Queen. Hence, the
political affairs of Humans are seldom of any great interest
to them. However, relations between Human and Elf have
always been good, and in times of strife, both races will
support each other.

Talents and Perks
Every time your hero levels up, he or she may choose a Talent from the category shown in the table
below. Every other level up, the same goes for a Perk.
Level Alchemist Barbarian Ranger Rogue Thief Warrior Warrior Priest Wizard
2 Alchemist Physical Physical Physical Sneaky Mental Mental Magic
3 Mental Combat Combat Sneaky Common Combat Faith Common
4 Common Mental Common Combat Sneaky Physical Combat Mental
5 Alchemist Common Mental Mental Combat Combat Physical Magic
6 Combat Combat Combat Physical Mental Common Faith Mental
7 Mental Physical Physical Combat Physical Mental Combat Physical
8 Common Combat Common Sneaky Common Combat Mental Magic
9 Alchemist Common Mental Common Combat Common Faith Common
10 Alchemist Combat Combat Combat Sneaky Combat Combat Mental

Level Alchemist Barbarian Ranger Rogue Thief Warrior Warrior Priest Wizard
2 Alchemist Combat Combat Combat Sneaky Leader Faith Arcane
3 None None None None None None None None
4 Leader Common Common Sneaky Common Combat Leader Leader
5 None None None None None None None None
6 Combat Combat Combat Common Sneaky Combat Combat Arcane
7 None None None None None None None None
8 Alchemist Common Common Combat Combat Common Faith Common
9 None None None None None None None None
10 Common Combat Common Sneaky Sneaky Combat Common Arcane

Magic in the Kingdom
Magic has been practiced by Elves and Dwarfs since way before the first documented
human settlements. Humans and Halflings learned the secrets from Elven wizards in
turn and the arcane arts have since been refined to such levels that the best human
wizards are now on par with their elven counterparts. Though there are Halfling and
Dwarf wizards, they are not quite as common. Dwarfs often prefer to use magic in a
more practical sense by imbuing it into weapons, armour and items they create.
Today, some of the most skilled wizards known as High Wizards work as counsellors
to the King, together with the High Priests. Still, amongst commoners, magic is looked
upon with scepticism and superstition, and trading in magic items is frowned upon.


In this section we discuss Magic, Enchanting,

Prayers, and Alchemy.

Magic does not exist in the same dimension as Standard Spells
Humans, Elves and Dwarfs. Instead, a wizard Standard Spells require 2 actions to cast. These
must reach into the void and draw out the raw can be in the same turn or spread out over 2
power of magic. Apart from being something turns, but the wizard may not perform any
very few can master, it is also perilous. If a other actions in between the two spell actions.
wizard's mind spends too much time in the A spell is always a Standard Spell unless
void, he is bound to be altered by it. There is otherwise stated.
also the constant risk of drawing attention
Quick spells (Q)
from the demons who reside there. Quick Spells take only 1 action to cast.
Mana Incantations (I)
Using magic is mentally straining and there is a These spells require long preparation, and the
limit to how much magic a wizard may use spell ritual also takes a very long time.
before resting. The wizard’s capacity is called Therefore, incantations can only be cast whilst
Mana, and it is equal to the wizard's WIS. Mana in a settlement.
may be regained through resting, drinking
Mana potions, and using various magic charms.
Some spells require upkeep in the form of
Mana spent every turn, starting with the turn
after the spell was cast. If your wizard does not
have enough Mana to pay for the upkeep, the
spell is cancelled as soon as the wizard is

Difficulty of Spells Spell Characteristics

Some spells have special characteristics that
The spells are divided into levels. Level 1 spells
affect how they may be used.
are simple cantrips that any Hedge Wizard
could perform, whilst level 6 spells are only Magic Missiles (MM)
mastered by truly powerful magicians. A wizard Spells classed as Magic Missiles require LOS
can never learn spells with a higher level than from the caster to the target. No to hit roll is
their own character level. Furthermore, each required, and there are no modifiers for
spell has a Casting Value (CV), indicating obstacles and such things.
specifically how difficult that spell is to cast.
Touch Spells (T)
The higher the number, the more difficult it is
Certain spells require the caster to touch its
to cast and the more Mana it will consume.
enemy. To succeed in touching an enemy, the
caster must roll CS+20. This may be parried and
Different Types of Spells dodged as normal. These spells also require the
There are 3 different types of spells.
standard Arcane Arts roll to succeed.

Casting Spells
To cast a spell, the caster must have enough Example: The Level 4 Wizard, Ozmor, has
Mana, and then roll equal to or below their decided to cast the ‘Summon Demon Spell’
Arcane Art skill. However, the Casting Value of which has a Casting Value of 25. Ozmor’s
the spell must be deducted from the Skill Level Arcane Arts skill level is 53 which would give
of the roll, thus making it more difficult to him a chance of success of 28. To even the odds,
succeed with a trickier spell. The wizard also he chooses to focus for 2 actions. His new
consumes Mana according to the Spells Listing chance of success is now 48. At the same time,
if the casting succeeds. If it fails, Mana equal to however, any roll above 85 will now result in a
half that amount (RDU) is consumed. Miscast. He rolls 49 on his casting roll. Luckily,
he has the Summoner Talent, giving him a +5
Adjacent Enemies
which allows him to summon the demon. He
The only spells that may be cast while an
also uses 25 Mana since the spell succeeded.
enemy is adjacent are Touch Spells.
Now, all he needs to do is control the demon!
A result of 95 or more indicates a miscast. The Dispelling Magic
wizard has seen or experienced something Any magic caster can try to dispel a magic spell
unworldly, and the caster loses 1d3 Sanity when it is cast (foregoing the normal activation
Points. The wizard's turn ends immediately, order). The decision to do this may be taken
and the Mana is used as though the spell had once you have seen that the spell was
succeeded. successful (but before any DMG is calculated).
Dispelling is done by making a successful test
Increased Power
on Arcane Arts for heroes, and on Ranged Skills
The wizard may add extra power to Restoration
for enemy casters. If this succeeds, the spell is
Spells and Destruction Spells. For each Power
simply cancelled. A hero whose spell is
Level added, the spell costs 2 more Mana to
cancelled must still expend the intended mana.
cast. This increases Damage with +1, or the
To cancel another wizard’s spell is exhausting
healing effect by +1. Miscast will be at -2 for
and as a consequence, the dispelling wizard
each level, meaning that a miscast will occur on
cannot cast a spell of his own in his next turn.
94-100 instead if increased with 1 level. Max 5
Consult ‘Behaviour for Magic Casters’ in the
levels, or up to the wizard’s level may be
Bestiary to learn when an enemy would try to
added. That means a Level 4 Wizard could add
dispel a hero’s spell.
4 levels, whereas a Level 6 Wizard could add 5
levels. Magic Scrolls
Focus Some magicians have the ability to write down
the spells they know on scrolls as
To increase the chance of success, the caster
enchantments. This makes it possible for
may opt to take extra time to focus on the task
others to read to and unleash the power of the
ahead. Each Action Point the wizard spends on
spell. Reading them can even be done by non-
focus temporarily adds 10 to the Arcane Arts
wizards, and in such a case WIS is used instead
skill. The spell must then be cast as the next
of Arcane Arts. The upside with this is that it is
possible action after the last focus action is
considerably easier to cast a spell using a scroll.
finished. The drawback of spending this time in
The downside is that you cannot focus during
the void is that the risk of miscast increases by
this and the scroll itself is destroyed if it is
5 for each Focus Action Point.
successfully cast. A hero can cast a scroll of any

level, regardless of her own level and the Furthermore, this could be done even if the
Casting Level of the spell is reduced by 10, to a caster was Level 1, and by a non-wizard but in
minimum of 0. A result of 95 or more will still that case using WIS instead of Arcane Arts.
result in a Miscast, and in that case the scroll is
destroyed as well. Learning New Spells
New spells can be learned at the Wizards’ Guild
Example: A Magic Bolt Spell requires the caster in Silver City in between quests. See the
to be Level 3, and the CV of the spell is 10. A ‘Settlements’ chapter. Wizards can learn any
wizard with an Arcane Arts skill of 50 would spells equal to, or below their level, as long as
then need to roll 40 to succeed. However, if this they can afford it.
was a scroll, the Casting Value of the spell
would instead be 10-10 = 0. Thus, the caster
would only need to roll 50 or lower to succeed.

Magic Items
There are some items that are imbued with the Interestingly, the smaller the object, the bigger
raw power of magic, making them far better this effect becomes. A hero cannot wear more
than their ordinary counterparts. These items than 1 magic ring and 1 magic necklace at the
are very rare though, and finding one to buy is same time. This includes Legendary Items
nearly impossible. The best chance to get hold defined as rings or necklaces. The same hero
of one is to find it in some long-forgotten tomb. could carry several magic weapons or pieces of
armour, though. This includes all items not
Identifying easily identified as jewellery.
Before your hero can use a Magic Item, it
must be identified. This is done with a Dissipating Magic
successful Arcane Arts roll. If that fails, the Few are the things that last forever. Even Magic
item cannot be used. Only one attempt can be Items have their limit and after a time, they will
done per party and object. However, there is a lose their power. Whenever you roll 00 when
chance to identify the object in most attacking with a magic weapon, the power is
settlements. See the ‘Settlements’ chapter for suddenly gone, turning the weapon into an
details. ordinary weapon. This includes the durability
that drops its max value to 6, which could lead
Durability of Magic Items to the weapon suddenly breaking. Such are the
Magic enhances the structural integrity of most fickle ways of magic.
items, and magic items are less prone to
breaking. Weapons, armour, and shields have 8 If a magic weapon or armour should break, the
Points of Durability instead of the ordinary 6 structural integrity that keeps the magic in
points. Other Magic Objects kept in your Quick check will fail, and the magic is gone.
Slots do not take damage at all. Weapons and armour can be recharged again
(if not broken) at the Wizard’s Guild and will
Carrying Magic Items then regain all of its magical properties. If the
The power imbued in Magic Items makes it item is broken, it must first be repaired to at
impossible to carry very many, or the strain on least 1 Point of Durability.
the body of the bearer will be too much.

Alchemy is the art of making potions, draughts, adversaries. See table in Appendix III. If you roll
and powders from various ingredients supplied 01-10 when gathering, one of the parts
by nature. These potions may be common for becomes Exquisite (see note on next page).
the adventurer, but when it comes to making
Note that it is the species that matter, and not
them, it requires years of training. The Alchemy
the profession. A part from an Orc Berserker
Skill covers the collection of ingredients, mixing
will be the same as a part from an Orc
potions, and also identifying potions.
Identifying Potions Quality
Before using potions, they must be identified.
Potions come in 3 different strengths: Weak,
Even though you know its content through the
Standard, and Supreme potions. The effect of
rolls on tables, your heroes do not. They are
these will differ accordingly, and they will
not too eager to risk their lives by drinking
require a different amount of ingredients and
something they found in an old dungeon. A
parts to create.
successful Alchemy roll is all that is needed.
This can be done once per hero and potion. If Weak Potion
this fails, it can be identified in a settlement. A Weak Potion will require 1 part, 1 ingredient,
and 1 bottle to create.
Components for Potions
Standard Potion
There are two different kinds of components
A Standard Potion will require either 1 part and
for potions. Ingredients come from plants,
2 ingredients, or 2 parts and 1 ingredient to
whereas parts come from defeated monsters.
create. You will, of course, need an empty
Gathering Ingredients bottle as well.
Ingredients can either be harvested from
Supreme Potion
nature, or they may be taken from the various
A Supreme Potion requires 4 components, and
inhabitants in the world. Once they are dead,
it must be a mix of ingredients and parts. An
that is. During Overland Travel on their way to
empty bottle is also needed.
and from a quest, the party may try to gather
ingredients once per day, using the hero with Making a recipe
the highest Alchemical Skill Value. A success
At certain points, you will be asked to create a
will let you roll 2 times on the Ingredients
recipe. This procedure is different to the usual
Table. If you roll 01-10 when gathering, one of mixing of potions where you often don’t know
the ingredients becomes Exquisite. what the result will be.
Harvesting Parts First, decide what kind of potion the recipe will
Parts from animals, monsters, and even result in. Then, decide what ingredients and
humans can be used as parts of various parts should be part of the recipe. Make sure
concoctions. After a battle, a hero with to follow the rules for weak, standard, and
Alchemist Tools may attempt to harvest parts supreme potions.
from enemies they have slayed. This takes one
action. A successful Alchemy Skill Test will let
you roll for one part from each of up to three

Mixing Potions Alchemist Belt
Mixing potions can be done while travelling (in Clever alchemists have devised a special belt
the evening), in a settlement, or while resting that they can sling across their shoulder which
in a dungeon. has enough room for 6 bottles. These slots
expand the standard 3 Quick Slots to 9, but
Using your Alchemical Tools and an empty
they can only carry potions or vials.
bottle, you can mix components together. First,
you must decide the quality of the potion you Drinking Potions
want to mix. Then make your Alchemy Skill roll. Drinking a potion requires 1 action. Potions
If you do not have a recipe and the skill roll is that increase your heroes’ stats last for 5 turns,
successful, roll on the Potions Table in the unless stated otherwise. The empty bottle may
‘Treasure’ chapter to see what you have be kept and used when making new potions.
created. Potions that temporarily increases a stat of
your hero do not stack. That is, drinking 2
If you have followed a recipe, you may add a potions of dexterity will not give you double
+10 modifier to your Alchemy Skill. If the roll is effect, but you could drink one potion of
successful, you have created the intended strength, and also one potion of dexterity, and
potion. acquire both bonuses.
Exquisite Ingredients and Parts
Whenever you use an Exquisite component
Throwing Potions
when mixing, the chance of success is A (Tr) behind the name of the potion indicates
increased with +10. that the potion is used as a thrown weapon.
This is described in the ‘Combat’ chapter.

Different Potions
These are the potions available:
Acidic Bomb (Tr)
This highly volatile fluid can be Elixir of the Archer
thrown at an enemy or a square. This ointment has borderline magical
When it lands, it will explode properties. Designed to be used on
causing acidic damage to the square it hits, and Ranged Weapons, any such weapon
also half that damage to all the surrounding coated in this will get +1 DMG until next time
squares at a rate of: Weak: 1d6 DMG; Standard you leave a dungeon. Any Ranged Weapon may
1d10 DMG; Supreme: 1d12 DMG. be coated with this either during the travel or
in the dungeon. It is enough for one weapon.
Alchemical Dust
Not actually a potion at all, but Firebomb (Tr)
rather more like a fine sand, This highly volatile fluid can be
this can be used to highlight thrown at an enemy or a square.
traces of activity from others. A When it lands, it will explode
handful is enough to cover a room. By simply causing Fire Damage to the square it hits, and
blowing this into the air, it will adhere to places half that damage to all the surrounding squares
of activity and shine faintly. If you use this at a rate of: Weak 1d6 DMG; Standard 1d10
before rolling to search a room or corridor, you DMG; Supreme 1d12 DMG.
are allowed to reroll and choose the best
Liquid Fire
result. It is enough for one use.
This potion can be poured on a
Bottle of Experience close-combat weapon, setting it
Any hero that consumes this potion on fire. The weapon will cause Fire
will instantly gain the wisdom of Damage for the rest of the battle.
generations past. The potion comes in
a Weak, Standard, and Supreme versions, each
This poison can be applied to a
granting +100 XP, +200 XP, and +300 XP
weapon at any time. It will last until
respectively. A hero can only consume one of
the next end of a battle. Even if you do
these in between each dungeon.
not strike anything, the poison will evaporate
Bottle of the Void after the battle. The poison could also be used
This potion is not meant to be to poison 5 projectiles. Since these are dipped
consumed. In fact, it is not a liquid in before firing, there is no time limitation and is
the usual sense, but rather a considered part of reloading (no extra AP
manifestation of the void. When the bottle is needed). Enemies loosing HP to such a weapon
opened, it absorbs all magic. Any spell cast will lose 1HP every turn for the rest of the
during the battle will suffer a -20 modifier on battle.
top of the CL modifier.
Potion of Constitution
Elixir of Speed This will temporarily increase the
Drinking this will grant the hero a Constitution of your hero. It
Movement Bonus of +1 for the rest of comes in the Weak, Standard, and
the dungeon or until end of a skirmish. Supreme dilutions, granting +10, +15 and +20
It has no effect on the Overland Map. Constitution, respectively. It will last until the
end of the next battle.


Potion of Courage square adjacent to the hero, or 1d4 Fire
This potion will temporarily Damage in the adjacent square and one square
increase the resolve of your hero. adjacent to that square. That means the jet can
It comes in Weak, Standard, and be either a spot, a straight line away from the
Supreme mixtures, granting +10, hero, or two connected squares adjacent from
+15, and +20 Resolve, respectively. It will last the hero as he turns his head while breathing
until the end of the next battle. from side to side.
Potion of Cure Disease
Once consumed, the hero is cured, 3 2
and all negative effects of a disease is
removed. A Weak potion has 75% 1
chance of success, a Standard and Superior has
100% chance. Further, a Superior will also heal
1d3 HP. 4

Potion of Cure Poison (Antidote)

Once consumed, the effect of poison
is removed. A Weak potion has 75%
chance of success, a Standard and
Superior has 100% chance. The Superior potion
will also heal 1d3 HP.
Potion of Disorientation (Tr)
The fume from this potion numbs
The Fire Breath can be used in 4 different ways. 1: Flaming
the mind of anyone inhaling it. Any two squares sideways (2x1d4 fire damage). 2: Two
model in the square hit will have to squares in a line (2x1d4 fire damage). 3: Two squares
make a RES test or forfeit the next turn. Any diagonally (2d1d4 fire damage). 4: One square with 1d8
fire damage. Ignore the facing to the North Star Military
model standing next to this square must pass a Figure as he would, of course, turn in the direction the fire
RES test with +20 RES. This does not work on is going.
Potion of Dragon Skin
Potion of Dexterity This potion will make the drinker's
This potion will temporarily skin as hard as a Dragon’s. No
increase the Dexterity power of weapon is able to penetrate it. Apart
your hero. It comes in Weak, from damage caused by spells or poison, the
Standard, and Supreme versions, hero ignores all damage for 3 turns. Please
granting +5, +10, and +15 Dexterity, note, the armour of the hero can still be
respectively. It will last until the end of the next damaged in the normal way, but no HP are
battle. deducted from the hero.
Potion of Dragon’s Breath Potion of Energy
Anyone who drinks this gains the This will increase the energy of
ability to breathe fire once. your hero until the end of the
Admittedly, not as powerfully as a dungeon or the end of a skirmish. It
Dragon, but still impressive and scary at the comes in Weak, Standard, and
same time. The fire jet has a range of 2 squares Supreme forms, which grants +1, +2, and +3
and can either cause 1d8 Fire Damage in the amounts of energy respectively.

Potion of Fire Protection Standard, and Supreme types, granting +10,
Any hero that drinks this becomes +15, and +20 Strength, respectively. It will last
impervious to Fire Damage. The hero until the end of the next battle. That means it
will still take damage, but the 50% can be drunk in between battles. It lasts until
chance of damage on the 2nd turn is ignored. the end of the next upcoming battle (or end of
This protection lasts until the end of the battle. dungeon if there are no more battles).
Potion of Health Potion of Wisdom
This is the classic potion to heal This potion will temporarily increase
your heroes. It comes in Weak, Wisdom of your hero. It comes in
Standard, and Supreme formulas, Weak, Standard, and Supreme forms,
which heal 1d4, 1d6, and 1d10 Hit Points granting +10, +15, and +20 Wisdom,
respectively. respectively. It will last until the end of the next
Potion of Mana battle. That means it can be drunk in between
This potion will refill your wizard’s battles. It lasts until the end of the next
Mana level. It comes in Weak, upcoming battle (or end of the dungeon if
Standard, and Supreme versions, there are no more battles).
which restore 1d20, 2d20, and 3d20 Mana Vial of Corrosion
respectively. This is a very powerful corrosive
fluid that is used by alchemists to
Vial of Invisibility
This potion will make the drinker dissolve metal. It is primarily used
invisible during one battle. by questing alchemists to open
Unfortunately, this makes the hero locks. This fluid only comes in one quality and
invisible to himself as well, making fighting one vial contains enough to open one lock. The
impossible. Remove the hero from the table hero must spend one action adjacent to the
until the battle is over. When the battle is over, door to use this potion and the lock will
return the hero to any chosen square in the automatically open.
original room or corridor. Potion of Smoke (Tr)
Potion of Rage This vial creates a thick white
This potion will grant the effect of the smoke, obscuring LOS in the hit
Frenzy Perk, without paying with square and all surrounding 9
energy. It is enough to last for one squares. Any fighting within the smoke is at -20
battle. CS and shooting through the smoke is
impossible. It lasts for 4 turns.
Potion of Restoration
This potion is a truly powerful form of Weapon Oil
the Potion of Health. It will restore a This ointment works wonders with
hero to full health and remove any metal, making them cut through flesh
disease or poison. like nothing. Any edged weapon can
be coated with this either during travel or in
Potion of Strength the dungeon. This will grant a +1 DMG modifier
A Potion of Strength will increase until the next time you leave a dungeon. One
the strength of your hero potion is enough for one weapon.
temporarily. It comes in Weak,

About the Prayers
The Warrior Priest can call on boons from the between battles, it will last for 4 turns. Only
gods. This is done through prayers. A prayer one prayer can be active at once.
can be offered as a free action, parallel to
moving or fighting. These are no bedside silent
A priest that is either stunned, falls over,
prayers though, but powerful verses read at
reaches 0 HP, or fails a Terror Test, will stop
top the priest’s lungs, echoing through the halls
chanting and the prayer will be cancelled.
of the dungeons. This is done with such
intensity that it costs 1 Point of Energy. Each Learning New Prayers
prayer lasts until the end of the next battle. A priest may learn all prayers that are the same
level or lower as the priest him or herself,
Will the Gods Listen? provided they can pay for it. This is done in the
The Warrior Priest must roll equal to or below
Inner Sanctum in Silver City.
his Battle Prayer Skill to succeed. If successful,
the prayer will take its effect and last until the Relics
end of the battle, or as otherwise stated. In
Relics are religious symbols in the form of a ring
certain cases, there will be an opposed Resolve or necklace said to contain parts of one of the
Test from the enemies to avoid the effect. High Priests of the religious orders that have
passed away and been declared a Saint. Only
Duration Warrior Priests can benefit from these
A prayer will last until the end of the battle,
symbols, and they can only have one ring and
unless otherwise noted. If a prayer is used
one necklace at a time.

Level 1 prayers
Bringer of Light Note that this only affects energy, not the
The light of the gods shines through the priest, other options you have if you roll 01-05.
causing the Undead to waver. Any Undead However, the priest will be too busy with the
trying to attack the Warrior Priest suffers -10 prayer to benefit from this.
Metheia’s Ward
The Power of Iphy Under the protection of Metheia, the priest
This empowering psalm strengthens your regains 1 lost HP at the start of his activation,
resolve. The party gets +10 RES on any Fear or for the rest of the battle.
Terror Test during the battle. If they already
Power of the Gods
have failed these tests, they may retake them
By channelling the power of the gods and
with this bonus.
diverting it to a wizard, the priest can help
Charus, Walk with Us conjure a spell. As long as the prayer is active,
This prayer goes to Charus and as long as he any hero wizard gains +10 Arcane Arts.
listens, all heroes regain an Energy Point on any
skill roll of 01-10, instead of the normal 01-05.

Level 2 prayers Stay Thy Hand!
The enemies seem to slow down, as if
Litany of Metheia
questioning whether to fight or not. All
Metheia watches over the heroes and grants
enemies within 4 squares of the priest must
them her power of life. Every hero that passes
pass a Resolve Test or they will lose 1 Action
a RES test at the start of their activation regains
Point during that turn. Test at the start of every
1 HP.
turn. This effect is not cumulative with any
Power of Faith other effect causing an enemy to lose an
The gods grant your party inner strength, action. For instance, a wounded enemy will not
making them immune to fear, and treating be affected by this prayer.
terror as fear. Heroes already scared will regain
Be Gone!
their courage if this prayer succeeds.
This litany helps the lost spirits find their way
Smite The Heretics! to the afterlife. Any ethereal creature within 4
The wrath of the gods renders the flesh of your squares must make a successful RES test at
enemies. At the start of each turn, the enemies the start of their turn or lose 1d3 HP.
within 4 squares of the priest must pass a RES
test or lose 1 HP. Providence of Metheia
Verse of The Sane Metheia will shield its children and protect
As long as this verse is read, the heroes are less them from harm. While this prayer is active, all
prone to mental scars. Each event that would heroes get +10 CON when rolling to resist
trigger a loss of a Sanity Point is negated by a disease or poison.
RES test. If the test succeeds, the Sanity Point
is not lost.
Shield of the Gods Level 4 prayers
The gods will protect the pious, and as long as We Shalt Not Falter
this prayer is active, any wizard will be The power of the gods strengthens the party,
protected from miscast. Any Miscast roll can be making them more resilient than ever. All
ignored, although the priest will instead have members of the party gain +5 HP that can
to pass a RES test, or suffer 1d4 DMG with no temporarily give a hero more HP than its
armour and NA. current max. After the battle, this goes back to
the normal max HP.
God’s Champion
Level 3 prayers The priest fights like a dervish, imbued by the
Strengths of Ohlnir power of his or her god. Combat Skill is
The party feels invigorated, and their weapons increased by +15 but after the battle, the priest
feel like feathers in their hands. All members of loses an additional Point of Energy. If there are
the party gain +10 Strength. not enough points, the Constitution of the
Warriors of Ramos priest is halved (RDD) until the next short rest
As if the gods guide the weapons of the heroes, or until the heroes leave the dungeon.
all seem to fight with renewed power. All
members of the party fight with +5 CS.

Wizards skilled in the Arts of Enchantments enchantment fails, the object is destroyed, but
may imbue some measure of magic into the stone may be used again.
mundane items. This is a complex and precise
There can only be one enchantment on an
art that takes time to hone. It cannot be done
while travelling.

Requirements for Magic Making a Magic Scroll

This activity only requires the knowledge of the
Items Magic Scribbles spell, the spell you want to
A wizard must know the Enchant Item Spell and write down and some fine parchments. Cast
have access to a Powerstone. These are rare the Magic Scribbles spell as usual, using focus if
stones with magical properties that can be you wish, and if you succeed the spell of your
found in the cairns and tombs of old. The choice has been copied down on the scroll. If
wizard also needs an item into which to imbue you fail, the parchment has been destroyed
the magic. The stone will dictate what kind of and you must use a new one.
magic the item will receive, and the item must
be suitable for the magic as well. For example, Enchantments Take Time
there is no point in adding damage enhancing The act of creating items like this is very time -
magic to a necklace. consuming and tiring. Only one object or two
attempts (successful or not) to create scrolls
If the enchantment succeeds, the item gains
may be done between quests. Each Magic
the magical traits from the Powerstone. If the
Scroll takes 1 day to make.

Brothers in Arms. Design by Fireforge Games.

Brothers in arms. Design by Fireforge Games.

North of the Kingdom is the harsh Milwood tundra, named after the halfling botanist Panric Milwood, who
published extensive research on the flora in the area until he disappeared on one of his expeditions. This far-reaching
landscape turns into mountains and beyond them lies the Frozen Sea. The climate in this area is not for the weak,
and the summers are as cold as the winters in the south. The winters, though, are the main reason why this area is
sparsely populated by humans. Dwarfs who are not as sensitive to the cold have held several Keeps there for ages,
although most of these have been lost to marauding Orcs and Frost Giants.
Although the focus of the High King is to reclaim the previously explored land south of the Kingdom, he has clearly
stated that expeditions should be sent in all directions. Exploring and establishing settlements to the north is
encouraged as a means to increase the wealth and influence of humankind. The King has also ordered the preparation
of expeditions into the Grey Ocean. Courageous skippers have braved the ocean, but none have returned. New larger
ships have been ordered by the King in preparation for these expeditions, and after years of delays, the first ships
are taking their maiden voyages along the coast.
Then there is the frontier known as the Old Mountains to the east of the Kingdom. These mountains are well known
to the Dwarves who have had tunnels and mines in most parts of the mountains since before the founding of the
Kingdom. The land beyond these mountains is a different matter entirely as Dwarves have little interest in what
they call flat lands. What little information their rangers have acquired has been requested by the High King in
order to plan for coming expeditions.
Despite these preparations, the Ancient Lands may still prove an unbeatable obstacle, especially if the focus is
divided. Even in the early expeditions when the presence of the Undead was rare, the harsh landscape took its toll.
There is no telling how large this inhospitable land is, but judging by the journals of those expeditions who made it
back, it is likely to be as large as the Kingdom itself, with even more ruins and old settlements further into the

In this section, we go through how to create the
Dungeon and how Combat works.

Into the Dungeons
General Dungeon Layout
As described in the beginning of the rules, the that you can place a door between the tiles
dungeons are made up of tiles. When you start without interfering with furniture.
the quest, only one tile will be placed on the
Doors and Placement
table. As you move further into the dungeon,
Most tiles will have more doors than the one
more and more tiles will be revealed.
you came through, and this is noted on the
Rooms and Corridors Exploration Card. Doors should be placed on
There are two different kinds of tiles, and these the black border of the tile and in such way that
are rooms and corridors. These are easily no furniture is obscuring the door.
distinguishable by their appearance, but it is
There are 3 different kinds of Door Tokens
also noted on the Exploration Cards. Apart
supplied in the game. Unless stated otherwise
from looking different, there are some
in the Quest Description you should always
differences in rules regarding these as well. The
place a standard door (token with a door
risk of encountering monsters is higher in
depicted). Once the door is opened, you
rooms, and the chance of finding treasure in a
replace this with an opening without a door.
corridor is less for instance. More on this on the
The cobweb covered openings are used only
pages that follow.
when dictated by the Quest Descriptions, but
Placing Tiles are otherwise placed the same way. A cleared
When you are requested to place a tile, you are cobweb opening is replaced by a standard
free to do this as you see fit unless noted opening.
otherwise in the Quest Description. All you
need to consider is that the squares line up and

Both upper placements

work. The small debris
in the upper right does
not affect movement.
Therefore, it does not
affect door placement.

The lower example does

not work, as there is no
way to place a door that
is not obscured by

Reading the Exploration Cards
There are two decks available to use when randomising the dungeon. Normally, you would use the
detailed Exploration Cards, but you can use a standard deck of playing cards when playing with your
own tiles.
Details of Exploration Cards

Number of doors, including the

Tile ID. Name of tile. one you just entered through.

Visual presentation
the tile. playing cards

Description of
the tile.

Special Rules
regarding this

Dungeoneers Playing Cards

These are not normally used with the supplied tiles of the game, but are a simple way to introduce
your own tiles to the game. When using standard playing cards, you simply cross-reference the value
of the card with a table with rooms. A template for such a table is available at
To symbolize the objective room, you can use any of the dressed cards or the Joker. The same guide
applies to the Side Quest Card.

What cards to include

Normally, you would include all cards, except cards with a B in their ID. This is a thematic decision, but
if you feel like adding them for more variety, it will not affect gameplay in any negative way. The quest
description might also give specific instructions to remove certain cards.

Generating the Dungeon
The layout of the dungeon is determined using Total Dead End
the Exploration Cards. The Quest Description If, for some reason, there is no way for the
shows how many rooms and corridors you will party to explore further, a secret door may be
need. It will also detail if there are any specific placed in an appropriate room chosen by the
cards that should be added or removed. Rooms party, and all unturned cards remaining in the
with a ‘B’ should only be used when specified. deck are moved to this door.

1. Pick out the Objective room Card Running out of Cards

according to the Quest Description. If the route you have chosen runs out of cards,
2. Shuffle the room and corridor cards in ignore all unopened doors (they are impossible
separate piles and take as many as to open or simply not there) and turn back and
detailed of each. For example, 4 Room chose another route.
Cards and 4 Corridor Cards. Abandoning your Quest
3. Shuffle the cards you have taken If you must abandon your quest, note down the
together in one pile. layout so that you can come back and finish
4. Divide the cards in two equal piles. what you have started. Just remember that the
Add the Objective Card to one of the piles, dungeon will be repopulated when you return,
shuffle it and add it to the bottom of the other and that you must check for locked doors and
pile. With our example of 8 cards above, this encounters once again.
ensures that you will have to pass through at Finishing your Quest
least 4 tiles before reaching the Objective Once you have accomplished that which you
Room. were tasked to do, you may leave the dungeon.
Now the Dungeon Deck is set. This deck should There is no need to trace your way back to the
be placed behind the first door. Once you enter entrance.
a room, flip the top card and place that tile.
Move the deck of Exploration Cards to the next
Initial Setup
Place the starting tile as the first tile. This tile
door. If there are two or more doors, divide the
has one side with grass and one side with
deck to get near equal amounts of cards at
flagstones. On the stone side of the tile, you
each door. Make sure you deal from the
will find a door leading into the dungeon. This
bottom, so that you do not change the order of
door is always unlocked and does not increase
them. You still want the Objective Room to be
the Threat Level. The party will not roll the
amongst the last cards you draw.
Scenario Dice until they have passed this door.
Partial Dead End If the party decides to move off the tile and
If the route you have chosen in the dungeon onto the grass side, the
turns out to be a dead end, and not all cards in party will leave the
that route have been turned, these cards are dungeon and go to the
moved to (and divided between) other possible World Map instead. The Starting Tile.
routes. Place these cards at the very bottom of
the existing pile(s).

The Turn
During a turn, all models on the table will reduce the Threat Level by 5. If the result is
move. Normally, this starts with the heroes. equal to or below the Threat Level, it means
The player may choose in which order to act. that something bad just happened. This is the
only dice roll where a high result is a good
Each hero has two Action Points (AP) to spend
on actions. They may be used in any
combination, such as two Standard Attacks, or Decreasing Threat Level
one move and one attack. Each action must be Once something bad has happened, the Threat
completed before starting another. One hero Level is decreased by the appropriate number
must complete their actions before another listed in the tables on page 77. The Threat Level
can act. can also be lowered by certain Perks or certain
events. The Threat Level can never go below 2,
Once all heroes have acted, the enemies will or the minimum level set by the quest.
act. They will act in such an order as to avoid
blocking each other as much as possible. Max Threat Level
Sometimes, the enemies will interrupt the Some quests will dictate a max level for the
hero’s turn and start acting. All remaining threat. If the threat ever equals that value, it
actions for the heroes are then lost. will trigger a Wandering Monster.
Increasing Threat Level
The Scenario Die The Threat Level is increased by a multitude of
The Scenario die is a d10 that is used to see if different things, including certain events.
something out of the ordinary happens. This
die should be rolled at the start of a new turn Increase Threat Level by 1:
(after the party have passed the first door), or
- The party wins a battle.
if they take a short rest. On a roll of 9 or 0, a
Threat Level roll must be done. Some quests - The instant a door or chest is opened,
may change this level, so be sure to read the or a cobweb opening is cleared.
quest details carefully.
- If a Threat Level roll exceeds the
The Threat Level current Threat Level.
The Threat Level indicates the risk for Increase Threat Level by 2:
something bad to happen to the party. As the
quest progresses, the Threat Level will - Attempting to force open a door or
increase. The quest starts at a given Threat chest (unless using a crowbar in which
Level which is then adjusted depending on case the Threat Level is increased by 1).
what happens in the dungeon. In a multilevel Effect of Triggering the Threat Level
dungeon the Threat level is always reset on a Whenever the threat roll is done and ends up
new level. equal to or below the Threat Level, something
When to Roll? out of the ordinary has happened. Depending
Rolling on the Threat Level is done if the on whether the party is in battle or not, this will
Scenario die ends up equal to, or higher than, vary. Roll on the tables on page 77, execute the
the level stipulated in the Quest Description. events, and then reduce the Threat Level
When instructed to roll against the Threat
Level, the player rolls 1d20. If the result is 20,

Example: At the start of the turn, the player
rolls the Scenario die, 1d10. It ends up a 9, and
thus, a roll against the Threat Level must be
done. The player then rolls 1d20, resulting in a
78 7, which happens to be below the Threat Level
of 9. Since the party is not in battle, the player
rolls on the corresponding table and gets a 16.
That means the risk of encounters will go up for
the rest of the quest. At the same time, the
Threat Level is now reduced with 6 points down
to 3. The risk for something bad to happen is
considerably lower for a while.

Had the party been in battle, the player would

instead roll on the other table, giving the
enemies a boon during that battle.

Had the result of the Threat Level roll been

above 9, nothing would have happened except Flow chart of the start of turn sequence.
that the Threat Level would have been
increased to 10.

The Brotherhood of Ohlnir

The Brotherhood of Ohlnir was formed after the Great War against the
Undead. Primarily consisting of veterans from the war and the Warrior
Priests of Ohlnir, the Brotherhood was one of the major factions seeking
out the enclaves of Undead that remained. Their political power grew over
time, and High Kings that ignored their counsel soon learned the hard way
of their power. However, as time passed and the horrors of the war turned
into nothing more than bedtime stories to scare the younglings, their
influence and numbers dwindled. Today, ordinary people regard them with
a mixture of suspicion and fear, but few are those who dare to cross or
directly confront them. With the current High King’s ambition, the power
of the Brotherhood is likely to rise again.

If the party is not in battle:

1d20 Result
1-12 A Wandering Monster has appeared. -5
13-15 Add one extra Exploration Card on top of each pile on the table. -5
The risk of encounters goes up by 10 in all rooms and corridors for the -6
rest of the quest. This is cumulative, but max is 70%.
18-19 A hero has sprung a trap! -7
Add +1 on all Scenario die roll for the remainder of the dungeon. This -10
can only happen once.

If the party is in battle:

1d10 Result
A disturbance in the Void. There is sudden shift in the Void, and this
1 sudden shift leaves any Spell Caster in shock. Spell Casters may do -2
nothing during the coming turn, not even dodge or parry.
Greenish tint. It suddenly dawns on the heroes that the greenish tint
2 on the blade or claw of the enemies is some kind of poison. The -2
enemy gains the Poisonous Special Rule.
Forged under pressure. While under pressure, some will break, and
3 -3
some will harden. One enemy gains +15 CS until dead.
Healing. One wounded enemy on the table (the one with the highest
XP level, or random) will heal 1d10 points of Hit Points. This may occur
4-5 -3
through use of a healing potion, by some divine intervention from the
gods, or through sheer will.
Frenzy. One enemy starts roaring with rage and attacks with renewed
6 -3
strength. The enemy gains the Frenzy Special Rule until dead.
Disarmed! Whether by a disarming move from one of the enemies or
due to clumsiness, one random hero drops his weapon. The hero
7 must manage a DEX Test to retrieve his weapon, spending 1 Action -3
doing so. If he fails, he will have no weapon and cannot fight. He may
continue to try to pick it up, spending one AP per try.
Fearsome! One enemy seems to grow in its presence, becoming more
8 fearsome by the minute. The enemy gains the Fear Special Rule. There -4
is no level cap for this fear, but Talents for ignoring fear still work.
Reinforcements. Roll on the Encounter Table and place the new
encounter just outside a random door, open or not, ready to enter a
9 tile where there are heroes. They will act last in the current turn. If -4
the door was previously unopened, it will henceforth be considered
unlocked and not trapped.
Onwards! One enemy breaks out in a fierce roar, boosting his fellows
10 and making them fight with renewed energy. All enemies gain +10 CS -6
until end of battle.

Wandering Monsters
A threat roll or dungeon event may trigger a the token as possible. Then set up the initiative
Wandering Monster. This will be represented tokens to determine who acts first.
by a token as the exact nature of these
A closed door will stop the token’s movement
monsters are still unknown. Place the token on
for that turn. It also blocks LOS and delays the
the start tile, just outside the door. When the
reveal of a token. If it rolls 2-6 next turn, the
heroes have performed all of their actions, this
door is opened, and the token may pass
token will move into the first room of the
through. A magically sealed door will stop the
dungeon. The token always moves 4 squares.
token for that turn, and it has to roll 5-6 to
Once in the new room, it will randomise the
continue through the door next turn, instead of
direction of its new move. To decide this, roll
the normal 2-6. The seal is then broken, and the
1d6. On a result of 1 it will move back to where
token may pass through. A wandering monster
it came from or towards/through a random
will remain at a closed door until it manages to
door leading away from the heroes, on 2-6 it
pass through.
moves towards the heroes. This roll will be
repeated every turn, meaning that the token A Wandering Monster that reaches a chasm
could theoretically move back and forth. If it will stop. If it rolls to continue across the chasm
enters a room from where it has line of sight to during the following turn, it will end up on the
the characters and they are within 10 squares, other side, but may not continue its move. On
roll on the quest-specific Monster Table and the turn after that, it will continue, and it will
place the corresponding monsters as close to never go back across the chasm again.

Triggering a Trap
Most dungeons are riddled with all manner of with a trap token. Anyone entering that square
devices designed to harm or kill the unwary will trigger the trap. All enemies will avoid the
adventurer. Whenever a trap has been sprung traps except Lower Undead who will behave as
through a Threat Roll or a Search Roll, draw a though the square was a normal square.
trap card. Then randomise who has triggered Enemies and heroes can also be shoved into
the trap. The poor adventurer still has a chance traps if they are standing next to them. There
to avoid the trap by rolling a successful are also other monster special rules that could
Perception Roll with all applicable modifiers. If force a hero to enter a trapped square. The
unsuccessful, the trap is triggered and damage enemies suffer damage just as a hero would.
is dealt. The door or chest can then be opened,
Mimics as Traps
or the square can be traversed as normal. If the
Mimics that are detected with Perception are
perception roll is successful, the trap will not be
not able to attack unless a hero attacks first.
triggered. It will remain where it is until
triggered or disarmed. That means that a Disarming a Trap
trapped door or chest cannot be opened until Disarming a trap takes 2 AP and is done using
the trap has been dealt with. If the trap is in a the Pick Lock Skill. A success will remove the
square, the hero may leave the square. Mark it trap, but a failure will set the trap off.

Moving and Facing
A model (enemy or hero) must be facing one of Climbing Furniture
the sides in a square. This will be referred to as A model may try to cross a piece of furniture by
the model’s facing. Changing facing is a free paying one extra movement point. This will
action. A model can move up to its allotted place the model on top of the furniture, and
movement in straight lines, or diagonally. It movement may then continue as usual.
may only move between two other models
Climbing Pits
diagonally if both are friendly. A model may Sometimes you may find your hero at the
never move straight through a square occupied bottom of a pit with a need to climb up. This is
by another model. done in the same way as when climbing
furniture. However, if your hero or any friend
Obstacles adjacent to the pit has a rope, this is done
Throughout the tiles, you will find various
without the need of a DEX Test. It takes 1
objects. Some of these can be interacted with
Action. Place the hero anywhere adjacent to
as outlined in the Room Description. Some will
the pit. In some odd cases, you may actually
affect the LOS and some will prevent you from
want your hero to climb down into a pit. In that
entering that square. There is a lot of different
case, there is no need of a DEX Test. It still takes
tiles and the same obstacle might look different
one AP though, from standing on the ledge
from tile to tile to create variety.
until the hero is on the bottom.
Terrain by Printable Scenery
and mini by Northstar
Military Miniatures.

List of Obstacles
This is a list over different obstacles you may encounter inside a dungeon. The images below are just
examples and they make look differently, but the Exploration card will help you identify them.
The rule of 50%
Sometimes an object will affect movement if it occupies more than 50% of a
square. In the example to the right, that means that only the white square
is blocked, and the other squares allow normal movement. However, the
art of the entire torture rack will affect LOS.

SSquare Height
Example Moving LOS/Shooting Special
-10 when
shooting Can be searched. 2x
through the movement when climbed.
Altar 1x/2x square and Yes If it covers more than 50%
passing of the square, it must be
through the climbed at 2xM.
-10 when
through the
1x square and No Can be searched.
through the
-10 when
through the
Armour rack 1x square and No Can be searched.
through the
-10 when
through the
Must always be climbed.
Barrels 2x square and Yes
Can be searched.
through the

Square Example Moving LOS/Shooting Special

Can be
Bed 2x No effect. Yes

Can be
Bedroll 1x No effect. No

-10 when shooting

through the Can be
Bookshelf 1x No
square and passing searched.
through the art.
-10 when shooting Must always
through the be climbed.
Boxes 2x Yes
square and passing Can be
through the art. searched.
-10 when shooting
through the
Brazier No Entry N/A -
square and passing
through the art.

Bridge 1x No effect. No -

Chair 1x No effect No -

Can be
Chest 1x. No effect. No

Can be
Coffin 1x No
No effect. searched.

Square Height
Example Moving LOS/Shooting Special

Corpse 1x No effect. No Can be searched.


1x No effect. No -

-10 when
through the
Drawer 1x No Can be searched.
square and
passing through
the art.
-10 when
through the
Fountain No entry N/A Can be searched.
square and
passing through
the art.
-10 when
through the
Hearth No entry N/A Can be searched.
square and
passing through
the art.

Instant death for any

Lava No entry No effect. N/A

Comes in different
colours. All squares
are considered open
Open 1x No effect No
unless they fit into
any other
-10 when
shooting into.
If pillar covers more
-10 when
than 50% of the
Pillar 1x shooting No
square, the square
through if LOS
cannot be entered.
passes the
actual art.

Square Example Moving LOS/Shooting Special

No See Exploration card

Pit No effect. No
Entry or rules.

Pottery 1x No effect. No Can be searched.

Rubble 1x No effect. No -

-10 when Can be searched. 2x

shooting movement when
through the climbed. If it covers
Sarcophagus 1x/2x Yes
square and more than 50% of
passing through the square, it has to
the art. be climbed at 2xM.
Height advantage
only against
Stairs 1x No effect Yes
characters at lower
-10 when
Can’t be entered if
through the
Statue 1x No larger than 50% of
square and
passing through
the art.
-10 when Can be searched. 2x
shooting movement when
through the climbed. If it covers
Table 1x/2x Yes
square and more than 50% of
passing through the square, it has to
the art. be climbed at 2xM.
-10 when
Must always be
through the
Throne 2x Yes climbed. Can be
square and
passing through
the art.

Square Example Moving LOS/Shooting Special
-10 when shooting
This have several
No through the square
Torture tools No different
entry and passing through
the art.

Treasure pile 1x No effect. No Can be searched.

Water No effect. N/A -

-10 when shooting

No through the square
Water basin N/A Can be searched.
entry and passing through
the art.

Weapon rack 1x No effect. No Can be searched.

-10 when shooting

No through the square
Well N/A Can be searched.
entry. and passing through
the art.

Picking Things Up Streamlined Mode
Simply roll for loot from each defeated enemy
Whenever you search corpses, rooms or
after the battle and divide it between the
furniture, you may find things you would like to
heroes as you see fit without moving any
keep. Arranging these things as you like (in
heroes or spending any Action Points.
Quick Slots, Backpacks, or Equipping it) is
Equipment may be placed in Quick Slots,
included in the AP spent to search. Dropped
Backpack, or be Equipped for free.
weapons can be picked up outside of combat
without a DEX roll by spending 1 AP. Searching Furniture
Example: Belleck spends 1 AP examining a The rooms will have many kinds of objects in
fallen enemy and finds a leather cap that he them as described by the Exploration Cards.
thinks is better than the padded cap he is These are referred to as furniture. A character
currently wearing. He may then put the leather standing next to a piece of furniture may spend
cap on and move the padded cap to his one action searching that furniture. No search
backpack without spending any extra AP. roll is necessary in this case, just go to chapter
III: ‘Treasures’ and roll on the Furniture Table.
Searching through a Room or Furniture can only be searched once, and not
Corridor when there are enemies in LOS to any party
A hero may try to search a room or corridor for member.
hidden treasures. This takes the entire turn and
requires a successful Perception Roll. If there is
Rearranging your Gear
In between battles, the professional will make
one more hero searching as well, add a +10
sure to prepare for the next battle. That may
modifier. Any further members of the party
include rearranging your gear. Moving things
give a +5 modifier. Roll on the highest PER
from the Backpack to a Quick Slot or to your
value for the heroes searching. The party may
hands costs 2 AP. Trading gear between
only search each room once, no matter how
characters takes 1 AP for each character, and
many heroes participated in the search.
they need to be in LOS of each other. No need
Searching Corpses to be adjacent as we imagine they are tossing
Once you have defeated an enemy and the the gear to each other.
battle is over, you can search the corpses of the
enemies for loot. This may be done in two
ways, and this should be agreed upon by the
players beforehand.
Hardcore Mode
You can only search corpses that are adjacent
to the hero. Searching one corpse and
arranging that loot anyway you like (Backpack,
Quick Slot, or Equipped) takes 1 AP. The benefit
of this mode is that it is thematic and takes
time, which means you risk triggering more

Identifying Items and Potions
Magic Items and Potions must be identified heroes may freely rearrange their equipment
before use. This may be done as soon as an during the rest and alchemists may mix
item is found by the person with the highest potions. Party Morale is increased with +2.
skill. No need to pass the items around. It does
Bleeding Out and Poisoned Characters
not require an action.
An untreated bleeding-out hero must pass a
Healing CON+10 test during the rest or die. If
successful, the hero regains 1d4 HP (regardless
By spending 1 AP with a bandage equipped in a
of equipment and talents). A poisoned hero will
Quick Slot, you can use Heal on an adjacent
have to make the remaining Poison Tests
hero. This cannot be done with enemies
during the rest.
adjacent. The wounded hero loses 1 AP as well.
If there are no visible enemies, a hero may Checklist when Resting
apply a bandage themselves by spending 2 AP. This list gives the details of resting in a more
The bandage can only be used once, regardless compressed format. The points in bold are
of whether the healing attempt succeeds or done even if the heroes are detected by a
not. Wandering Monster:

Rest - Arrange heroes on the tile as you see fit.

If there are no enemies in the same tile as the
heroes, or in any adjacent tiles, the party may
- Lower Threat Level by 5.
take a short rest. All heroes must be on the - Make a threat roll and apply the result (if
same tile. This will cost one ration of food, and any).
it will also lower the Threat Level by 5 as things
go quiet in the dungeon. You may freely
- Deduct 1 ration of food from the party.

arrange the heroes as you see fit on the tile - Re-arrange your gear on each of your
before the rest begins. heroes if needed, and maybe also
exchange gear between heroes.
Then, make a threat roll and if needed, apply
the result. Any Wandering Monster on the map - Move Wandering Monsters 3 times.
may then make 3 consecutive moves. If any - Increase Party Moral +2.
Wandering Monster spots the party, the rest is
interrupted, and battle ensues. However,
- Increase HP with 1d6 for each character
(this may vary with equipment and
before the monsters show up, the party has
had time to do at least some things. The food is
still consumed, and the party may make free - Roll for each lost Energy Point. 50%
adjustments to their equipment before the chance to regain each point (This may vary
battle. with Talents and Equipment).

If the rest is not interrupted, the heroes regain - Wizards regain all Mana.
all Mana, 1D6 Hit Points and possibly some - Brew potions if you wish.
energy. Roll 1d6 per Energy Point and a result
of 1-3 will replenish that Energy Point. All

Opening a Door or Chest
Opening a door or chest costs 1 Action Point Locked
and requires the model to be adjacent to the If the door or chest is locked, you can try to
door or chest. Perform the following steps: force it open. It takes 1 Action Point, and you
automatically damage the door/chest with
1. Increase the Threat Level by 1. whatever attack you make. Once the
2. Roll 1d10 and 1d6 simultaneously. If door/chest reaches 0 HP it is opened. However,
the d6 ends up a 6, the door or chest is every try you make will reverberate
trapped. Draw a trap card. Resolve the throughout the dungeon, making your
trap (if any), then check the Door Table presence known to those who are listening.
to see if it is locked. See ‘Locked’ Add +2 Threat Level for each attempt. Another
below. option is to use a crowbar. A crowbar will
increase the Threat Level +1, but only inflicts
3. Once a door is unlocked, flip the top
8+DB Damage every turn.
card, and place the corresponding new
section. If it is a chest, roll on the You could also try to pick the lock which takes
Furniture Treasure Table to learn what 2 AP but does not increase the threat any
it contains. further. If the attempt succeeds, the door is
4. In case of a door, roll to see if there are opened as a part of those 2 Action Points.
any enemies inside the room. See
‘Encounters’ and ‘Placing Enemies’ on
page 92. 1d10 Door/chest Difficulty
1-6 Open -
Traps in Doors and Chests 7 Locked Pick lock: 0, HP 10
If the door or chest is trapped, the hero 8 Locked Pick lock: -10, HP 15
attempting to open must make a Perception 9 Locked Pick lock: -15, HP 20
Roll (modified by applicable Talents and the 0 Locked Pick lock: -20, HP 25
modifier mentioned on the card next to the
eye). If you succeed, the trap has been
discovered without setting it off. It can now be
disarmed or deliberately set off (2AP). The
modifier next to the cogs is applied to the
disarm roll. The door/chest is opened as part of
the action. If you fail to disarm the trap or
deliberately set if off, you suffer the
consequences. A detected Mimic left alone will
not fight. Some traps might affect others than
the individual setting it off. Unless otherwise
noted, there are no saving throws of any kind
for those affected.

Remember that setting a trap off this will affect

the psychology of the group and the individual.

Opening a Portcullis
To open a portcullis, a character must stand Activating the correct lever may end up
adjacent to the portcullis and succeed with a benefiting the party, but then, activating the
STR Test. By placing a hero in the other slot wrong one may cause some trouble.
adjacent to the portcullis, you may add +10 to
Preparing the Lever Deck
the STR value for the test. Two more heroes
If you decide to interact with the levers, you
may chime in from the other side of the
must first decide how many levers there are
opening, should the party be separated with
clustered together. Shuffle a deck with
+10 STR per hero. It takes 1AP to try, and it may
standard playing cards containing 1 black card
be retried any number of times. A failure will
and 1d4+1 red cards. The black cards represent
raise the Threat Level +1 due to the noise made
the lever that triggers mostly positive events,
when the heroes drop the portcullis.
whereas the red ones tend to cause more
Cobweb Covered Openings trouble. If there is a quest-specific Event
These work a little differently to standard connected to the levers, this will be triggered
doors, although they are placed and block by the black card.
movement just like a door. The only way to
Activating a Lever
pass through these is by attacking it with a
Activating a lever costs 1AP and cannot be
weapon or a torch. It takes 2 AP and
done when there are known enemies on the
automatically succeeds. However, when you
table. Draw a card and then roll on the
do this, you must raise the Threat Level with
corresponding tables below. Once any event
+1, and roll 1d10. A result of 9-10 will alert the
has been dealt with, you are free to pull
spiders and you must randomly place 1d2 Giant
another lever.
Spiders in the tile you are trying to leave or the
tile you try to enter. Roll individually for Using a Clue
placement of each spider. Sometimes you may find a treasure card that
provides a clue as to how to operate the levers.
Levers For each clue you may discard one red card
Some rooms are equipped with levers. that has been drawn without rolling on the
Activating these levers is, unless specified table. The clues can only be used in the
otherwise in the quest, purely optional. dungeon in which they have been found.

Red Levers

1d20 Event
A rumble can be heard far off in the dungeon. Then everything goes quiet again. Nothing
With a metallic sound, one of the doors in the room is closed and locked. If there is a door
that the heroes have not yet opened, that door is now automatically locked (as if rolling a
12 10). The party must still roll for a trap as usual. If there are no unopened doors, randomise
one door in the room that closes and becomes locked as above. There are no traps on such
a door.
The sound of grinding cogs can be heard, but apart from that, everything seems normal.
13 Raise the Threat Level by 2.
Screeching noises echo through the hallways and a slight tremor can be felt. Something is
14 shifting. Add 2 random Exploration Cards on top of every Exploration Card pile without
looking at them.
The lever seems to trigger an eerie scream echoing through the dungeon, sending a chill
down the spines of the heroes. Lower Party Morale by 4 and Sanity for each character by 1.
With a loud bang, a portcullis falls down in front of all doors. All doors on the tile are now
covered with a portcullis. This must be lifted in order to reach the door. See page 89.
A foul draft goes through the dungeon after activating the lever. The lever has opened a
secret passage and released a Wandering Monster into the dungeon. The monster is placed
on a random tile, leaving at least one empty tile between it and the heroes. If there are no
such tiles, the monster is placed behind one random unopened door. It will not move, but
17 the move roll should be done as usual and on a roll of 1 it is removed from the table.
Whenever the door is opened, the monster is placed on the table (together with any other
Enemies encountered in the normal way). To determine what the wandering monster is, roll
on the dungeon's normal Encounter Table, but add a further +20 to the roll. Add one of the
enemies from that entry, taking the one with the highest XP.
Not a sound is heard. The heroes look at each other, listening carefully, but nothing seems
18 to have happened. Alas, the party has triggered the defence system of the dungeon and
every door is now trapped on a 1d6 of 5-6 instead of the normal 6.
Suddenly, the floor gives way under one of the heroes. Randomise which hero, except for
the one pulling the lever. They must make a DEX Test or fall into a pit trap. If the test is
successful, place a pit token on that square and move the hero to an adjacent square. If it
fails, the hero takes 1d10 Points of Damage without armour but with NA. To get up, the hero
must use a rope or succeed with a DEX Test. Both alternatives take 1AP. Lower PM by 1, and
if the hero falls into the pit, lower his Sanity by 2.
A rattling noise makes the hero look up, only to realise that an iron cage is descending from
the roof. The cage encloses the hero that pulled the lever. At the same time, enemies appear
at all doorways in the room. Roll once on the Encounter Table for each door in the room and
20 place the enemies piled up just outside the doors. Any unopened door is now treated as
unlocked and not trapped. End the turn and setup the initiative tokens. The hero trapped in
the cage can do nothing until after the fight. Once the fight is over, the cage retracts. PM is
reduced by 1, and the Sanity of the caged hero by 2.

Black Levers

1d8 Event
A squeaking sound followed by a loud bang comes from the passages already traversed by
the party.
The party has closed the entrance to the dungeon, effectively hindering any Wandering
1 Monsters from entering. Whenever you trigger a Wandering Monster that should be placed
on the start tile, you may ignore this. If it is triggered through a threat roll, decrease the
threat as usual, but don’t place a monster. If the spawn point of wandering monsters have
been changed, this event will have no effect.
With a grinding noise, one section of the walls slowly retracts to reveal a hidden passageway.
Place the Treasure Chamber adjacent to the current tile. The 3 chests may be searched. If
2 this tile has already been placed somewhere else, you may move it (temporarily) to this new
location. Once the heroes leave the chamber, the door closes, and the tile can either be
removed from the table, or returned to its previous position.
A small compartment opens next to the levers, revealing precious items.
The hero may take 1 Wonderful Treasure without spending any further APs.
A metallic sound can be heard from far away in the dungeon. Clearly, this lever did operate
The first locked door the heroes encounter outside the current tile will be treated as
There is no immediate feedback from activating the lever, but you have strong feeling that
5 this is a good sign.
The first trap triggered outside this tile may be ignored.
With a screeching sound, one of the doors in the tile opens.
If there are any unopened doors in the room, one of them will open slightly. The heroes
must still spend 1AP to open it fully to reveal what lies behind it, but there is no need or
raise the Threat Level or roll for traps or whether the door is locked or not.
A hidden compartment opens, revealing a couple of dusty bottles.
7 There are 1d3 potions in the compartment that may be picked up in the same action as
activating the lever.
There is no immediate feedback from activating the lever, but you have strong feeling that
this is a good sign.
The party receives a blessing in the form of Point of Luck that will be held by the party
collectively throughout the dungeon. It may be used any of the heroes, but if not used before
the party leaves the dungeon, it is lost.

The risk of Encounters differs depending on the replacing the Wandering Monster token with
type of tile the party is entering. The base actual enemies.
chance of an Encounter is:
A room has a 50% chance of enemies (01-50). As soon as enemies are placed on the table, put
all the tokens representing the heroes in the
A corridor has a 30% chance of enemies (01- bag together with the same number of tokens
30). as there are enemies.
If 4 consecutive tiles have been placed 92
Bashing Down Doors
without encounters, the above chance is Whenever you encounter enemies in a room
increased with +10 until an encounter is after you bashed down the door, the enemy
triggered. will get 2 more tokens than there are enemies.
Before rolling (1d00), be sure to check the This will increase the likelihood that the enemy
room description for any possible will act before the heroes. Once all enemies
modifications to these chances. have acted once, these extra tokens are
ignored, and they are not returned to the bag
If enemies are present, immediately place on the second turn.
them in the room, following this rule:
Perfect Hearing
Placing Enemies If enemies or heroes have perfect hearing, one
Enemies with close-combat weapons must be extra token of the corresponding type may be
placed at least 1 square away from the added to the bag on the first turn of combat
characters, with a random placement. If after opening a door and encountering
characters are in the doorway, then simply enemies. This token is only used to increase the
ignore the closest square(s) to the door. Use chance of activation and once all characters
dice to randomise the tiles as best you can, and have been activated once, it is discarded. It is
then place your enemies. Archers and magic- only used during the first turn. If BOTH the
users will not be randomised, but rather placed heroes and the enemies have this talent, then
as far away from characters as possible, but still no extra tokens are added.
within LOS. Unless otherwise noted, enemies
will be placed facing the characters. Named Monsters
If you are facing a monster that has been given
Initiative a name in the Quest Description, you must add
Initiative is decided upon using tokens. These another token per named monster, as long as
are referred to as Initiative tokens. There are that named monster is alive. It does not
two sets of tokens, one for heroes and one for provide any extra actions, but only serves to
monsters. If you lack tokens, this could be done increase the risk of monster activation.
using the LoD deck of cards instead. You also Activation
need to prepare a bag or cup to store the Draw a token out of the bag without looking (or
tokens out of sight. turn the top card of the pile). If this is a hero
Initiation token, choose which hero you would like to
As soon as enemies are placed on the board activate. Perform all actions with that hero.
these rules are activated. It could be either by Once done, draw the next token. If this is an
a Standard Encounter on a new tile, or when enemy token, activate that enemy according to
the section below. Continue to draw tokens

until all have been taken and all models have Overwatch with Close-Combat Weapon
been activated. Each model may only receive A hero armed with a Close-Combat Weapon
one token and be activated once. Once they may strike any enemy entering or moving
have all acted, put the tokens for those models within the hero’s ZOC. The hero will make a
alive/not knocked out back in the bag (re- Standard Strike before the enemy may strike. If
shuffle the pile of cards) and repeat. the enemy is charging, a successful Overwatch
strike will cancel the enemy charge and it will
Activation of Enemies
automatically miss. However, if the Overwatch
Enemies will be activated in a certain order as
strike misses, it will leave the hero in an
described in the combat chapter.
exposed situation, and the charge will
Overwatch automatically hit. The strike costs 1 Energy
After the first battle turn when all tokens have Point.
been drawn, you may place a hero on
Overwatch. That requires the hero to be armed Dungeon events (optional rule)
with a loaded Ranged Weapon or to have a Dungeon events can only be triggered in rooms
Hand Weapon ready. A hero on Overwatch will where there are no encounters, and never in an
not contribute with a token to the bag. Objective Room. The first activation a hero
does, starting in a new room (not corridor), roll
Overwatch with Ranged Weapons
1d10. On a result of 9-10, you have triggered a
Whenever an enemy moves within LOS, a hero
dungeon event. Roll on the table and resolve
on Overwatch may intervene and pause the
the event. Roll 1d6 to determine column for
enemy movement at any time and fire at the
the d12. Only one event can be triggered in
cost of 1 Energy Point. Once the effect of the
each room.
shot has been worked out, the enemy will
continue its movement. Perks and Talents may
Spiders have the nasty ability to climb
be used during this shot, but not for aiming. walls and attack from unexpected angles.
Once this shot has been taken, the hero will Models from Schlossbauer and North Star
spend its second action reloading, or be idle. Military Figures. Terrain is designed by
Printable Scenery.

There are different ways of finding loot and will instead show: ‘Part’. This indicates that the
treasure in the dungeons. One way is to claim monster does not have any other loot, but can
it from your defeated enemies, and the other is be harvested for parts. In some cases, it may
to look around the rooms you pass through. show: ‘-‘. This means that you get absolutely
Most rooms will have furniture of some sort nothing.
which may contain some goodies. Finally, you
can make a general search of the room, hoping Searching Furniture
to find something tucked away. Furniture is a collective name for all sorts of
features in the dungeons. It does not have to
How searching is done is described in detail in be furniture per se, but we will refer to all such
the ‘Into the Dungeons’ chapter on page 72. points of interest as furniture. The Room
Looting the Corpses of Your Description will inform you if this is searchable.
Enemies. Simply stand next to the furniture and roll on
On the Monster Card you can the Furniture Treasure Table in Appendix III to
see what table to roll on (T1-T5) see what can be found. Searching one piece of
to determine any loot. Roll on the appropriate furniture will cost 1 AP as described in the ‘Into
table and if instructed to, draw a card as the Dungeon’ chapter.
instructed. In some cases, the Monster Card

Example of Treasure Card Type of Treasure


description and
Special Rules

*This value must be adjusted

Weight depending on the state of the
Item Damage Value* equipment. See: ‘Selling Equipment’.

Who Can Fight?
Models that are adjacent may strike at each 1AP:
other. Models equipped with a weapon with
- Move.
the Reach Special Rule, can strike at an enemy - Open a door.
1 square away, even if there is a friendly (not - Standard Attack.
enemy) model in between. Models equipped - Parry Stance.
with Missile Weapons have a maximum reach - Change gear.
of 10 squares in a dungeon, and unlimited - Shove.
range outdoors. Long Range Weapons may - Aim.
normally not be fired if an enemy is standing - Load/reload Ranged Weapons.
adjacent to the fire. - Stand up (if lying down).
- Pick up a dropped weapon.
Zone of Control (ZOC) -
Exchange gear between two Heroes.
Cast a Quick Spell.
A model’s ZOC includes any squares directly to
- Apply bandages.
its side, diagonally in front, and in front of it. A - Break down a door.
model moving through a non-friendly model
ZOC must use 2 Points of Movement in every 2AP:
square. - Pick a lock.
- Power Attack.
- Charge Attack.
- Cast a Standard Spell.
- Search through furniture or a corpse.

By spending 1 AP to aim with a Ranged Weapon
at a specific target, a model will gain a +10
modifier in the next action when shooting at
that target. If the arrow is not fired in the next
action, this bonus is lost. If the target moves
out of sight, the bonus is lost. If another model
moves through the LOS between the shooter
End of Battle and the target, even if it does not stop to block
Once all enemies are dead, you continue the LOS, the bonus is lost. If an aiming model loses
turn with the actions your heroes have left. HP for some reason, the bonus is lost. An
aiming model may not dodge, and it loses its
Different Combat Actions ‘To Hit’ modifier.
A model may choose any of these actions, in Apply Bandage
any combination during their turn: If you have a bandage equipped in a Quick Slot
0AP: you can apply that to an adjacent hero if you
succeed with a Healing Roll. This cannot be
- Change facing. done if any of the two heroes have enemies
- Praying. adjacent. The wounded hero loses 1 AP as well.

A hero may apply a bandage to themselves if Exchanging Gear
there are no enemies in LOS by spending 2 AP. This can only be done by player-controlled
models, and only models that are not adjacent
Change Gear (Quick Slots Only)
to an enemy. Only equipment from a Quick Slot
You can equip anything from one of your ready
may be exchanged and it costs 1 AP for both
slots into your hand. For instance, you could
models. They must be within 4 squares of each
grab and drink a Healing Potion using this
other, and if you draw a straight line between
action. This also includes getting back to
them, there may be no other models in the
fighting stance afterwards. This could also be
square passed by that line. Potions and beef
used to change weapons or toss an alchemical
jerky may be consumed as part of that action.
Loading/Reloading a Ranged Weapon
Break Down a Door
As long as a model has arrows/bolts in a quiver,
A hero may try to break down a door if there
a model can reload a bow or crossbow.
are no enemies adjacent. More details on this
Enemies have an unlimited supply of arrows. A
are given in the ‘Into the Dungeon’ chapter.
sling can also be reloaded this way.
Cast a Spell
Bows and slings can also be reloaded freely
This may require both 1 or 2 AP. Details for
while moving as long as the model is not
this are described in the ‘Magic’ chapter.
Change Facing
This can be done freely at the start of a model’s
A model may move up to its full M. If a model
actions or when all its actions are done. Once
decides to move in their second action as well,
you are finished with a model and start moving
they only move half their movement (Rounded
another, you may not go back and change the
down) in the 2nd action. A model may move
facing of the first model.
diagonally, even diagonally between friendly
Charge Attack models but may not move through certain
In order to charge your enemy just have at least obstacles or other models.
1 empty square between you and the enemy. A
Open a Door
charge must be also done in a straight or strict
This is described in detail in the ‘Into the
diagonal line and may not pass a square
Dungeon’ chapter.
covered more than 50% by an obstacle.
You must move (up to your max M) adjacent to
This is a special action used with the alternative
the enemy (any of the 3 squares in front of the
activation. See that chapter.
you) and perform a standard attack. Your
momentum will give you +10 CS. A successful Parry Stance
Charge Attack will stagger the target even if it When adopting the Parry Stance, the model
does not lose HP (and manages to parry or prepares for impact. Raising a shield if possible,
dodge) and it will be considered to be shoved and carefully monitoring the enemy for
in all respects and must be moved away from potential movements. A Parry Stance will give
the charger following the direction of the a hero a bonus to parrying as described in the
charge when possible. You may then enter the ‘Acting with Enemies’ paragraph later in this
square of its target if no other factors limit this. chapter. An enemy taking a Parry Stance will
also be harder to hit.

Pick a Lock
A hero may try to pick a lock if there are no
enemies adjacent. If this succeeds, the door is
also opened as part of this action.
This can be done at any time during a priest's
turn, but once you have finished acting with
the priest and acted with someone else, you
may not go back to pray.
Power Attack
This attack gives the model +20 bonus to CS. A
hero performing this may not dodge or parry
until it is the hero's turn to act again.
Furthermore, this will give the enemy a +10
chance to hit a hero. An enemy making a Power Shoving. In the lower example, the Wizard shoves the
Attack will lose its ‘To Hit’ bonus. Gnoll. Since there is an object behind the Gnoll, it is
instead moved diagonally back to a free square. Had
Searching Furniture or a Corpse there been two possible diagonal squares, the Wizard
would decide which one the Gnoll would end up in.
A hero may try to do this if it is not adjacent to
an enemy. It will cost 2 AP instead of the The fighter in the top example also tries to push a
Gnoll. The table is once again in the way. In this case
normal 1 AP though, as the hero must keep an any movement diagonally is also blocked (by the table
eye on the enemies at the same time. and another Gnoll). However, the Gnoll at the back
would move one square straight back so as to avoid
Shove his stumbling companion and, therefore, create space
A model may try to shove another adjacent for the pushed Gnoll. If the Gnoll at the back could not
be moved, or if was some other obstacle instead of a
model that does not have the large Special Rule Gnoll, the shoved Gnoll would fall over.
by rolling higher than the target’s DEX. A
character with DB may add DBx10 to the roll. If Shoving into Lava or a Chasm
successful, the shoving model may move the There are tiles that have lava or deep chasms
targeted model one space straight back, and if depicted on them. If a model is pushed into
it is blocked, diagonally back. If there is another these, it will immediately be removed as a
model behind the target, it will also be moved casualty. XP will be gained, but no loot.
straight back. It can never affect more than
Shoving into a Trap
two models and if the shoved model cannot
If there is a trap in the square entered by a
move, it will fall over instead. The shoving
shoved model, it will trigger the trap without
model may enter any space vacated by the
any chance to detect or avoid it.
targeted model. A fumble (00) will cause the
shoving model to fall over. Stand Up
If a model is lying down it can spend 1 AP to
Example: A hero with DB 1 is pushing an enemy
stand up in the same square.
with DEX 35. The hero may then add DBx10
(1x10=10) to the roll, making everything from Picking Up a Dropped Weapon.
26 and up a success. If a model has dropped its weapon it can try to
pick it up. If there are no adjacent enemies, it
succeeds automatically. If there are enemies
adjacent, it succeeds by passing a DEX Test. If a

model moves away from that square for some Obstacles and LOS When Shooting
reason, the weapon is still in that square but Shooting can only be done if you can trace a
can be picked up from any adjacent squares to LOS from the centre of the shooter's square to
the weapon. the centre of the target's square. If there are
any half-height obstacles or models in the LOS
Standard Attack
when shooting, there is a -10 chance of hitting
This is the normal attack (with melee or Ranged
your target. This is cumulative. Note that it
Weapon) without any special modifiers. As it
must be the actual object that interferes with
only costs 1 AP, this can be done twice during a
the LOS line, not just the square with an object.
Details on objects are given in the dungeon
General Principles of Combat objects table. If shooting past a friendly model,
a unmodified result of >=90 hits the friendly
Rolling below or equal to the CS or RS means
model. You cannot shoot through a model if
that the weapon or projectile has a chance to
the shoot is done along a straight line.
hit its intended target. However, there are
certain things that may affect the chance of Shooting at Large-Sized Monsters
hitting your target. A hero also has the When shooting at Large-Sized or X-Large
possibility to dodge or parry an enemy’s attack. Monsters, your heroes gain a RS +10 bonus.
These Monsters can always be targeted if they
are in LOS, even if there are other models in the
A hero rolling 100 when attacking will damage
way. They do have the benefit of cover from
his weapon. Deduct 1 point of durability. An
half-height obstacles though, and models in
enemy that fumbles will fall over and stay
between do count as such obstacles.
prone for the rest of the turn.
Shooting in Melee
Fighting in Doorways
Both heroes and enemies can shoot at targets
Often the heroes will find themselves fighting
that are in melee with other models.
in a doorway, striking at the enemy on the
However, a Ranged Weapon cannot be used
other side. Any character standing next to a
while adjacent to an enemy, unless specified
doorway can attack or shove an enemy
otherwise by other rules.
standing on any of the opposite two squares on
the other side of the doorway. Shooting Through Doorways
When shooting through doorways, consider
Attacking from Behind
the opening to be as wide as the 2 squares in
Striking a target from behind will add +20 to the
front of it. Even though the door in reality
CS of the attacker.
would be much smaller, we expect that the
Height Advantage movement in battle will at some point make a
A character attacking from above will do so at shot possible.
+10 CS or RS. This symbolises the improved
overview you have of the situation. This bonus
is not cumulative with Large-Sized Monsters. 93

Dual Wielding
Some heroes may learn how to wield two
weapons at the same time. This will give a small
bonus to DMG but also add +5 when parrying Anyone in a green square would be able to attack
another green square. A shot from A to B would also
with weapons. be possible since you could trace centre of A to
centre of B without touching the wall.

Hero Attacking
An enemy will never roll to dodge or parry. the hero’s CS/RS before attacking. If the enemy
Instead, there is a ‘To Hit’ modifier noted in the performed a Power Attack last turn, this
Enemies’ stats, which symbolises its evasive subtraction is ignored since that all-out attack
moves. This number should be subtracted from has left the enemy vulnerable.

Factor in close combat Mod Factor when shooting Mod

Attacking an enemy lying down (also Attacking from the back +20
loses its ‘To Hit’ value) Height Advantage +10
Attacking from Behind +20 Large-Sized Monster +10
Height Advantage +10 Shooter has aimed at the target +10
Enemy has a Rapier -5 Enemy has a shield and did not
Enemy has Weapon with Slow Rule +5 -5
make a Power Attack last turn.
Enemy has Weapon with BFO Rule +5 Enemy has taken a Parry Stance -10
Enemy has a Staff -5 Per half-height object -10
Enemy has a shield and did not make Enemy Defence Value -X
a Power Attack last turn.
Enemy has taken a Parry Stance -10
Enemy ‘To Hit’ value (unless enemy
performed a Power Attack last action)

All modifiers are cumulative. The value for X can be found on the Monster Card or in the table in the Bestiary.

Throwing Potions
A (Tr) behind the name of the potion indicates Throwing Through a Door Opening
that the potion is used as a thrown weapon. If your hero decides to throw the potion
These can be aimed at an enemy, or at any through a door opening, it will incur a -10 RS
other square within LOS. Contrary to ordinary modifier, unless you are standing in one of the
missile weapons, you can lob your potion over two squares directly in front of the door. This is
friends, foes and obstacles, hitting someone not cumulative with lobbying over a friendly
further away. A successful RS is required to hit, model as long as they are standing next to each
and if you miss, the potion will instead hit a other. This is to simulate that they are actually
random square adjacent to the target. communicating and the model in front will lean
away enough to let the potion slip through.
Lobbing Over a Model or Obstacle
If your hero tosses the potion over an obstacle If not adjacent to the door, and the toss is a
or a model, it incurs a -10 RS modifier. This is a failure, it will hit one of the two squares in front
single modifier no matter how many models or of the door randomly. See diagram for
obstacles there are between the hero and the explanation.

A failed throw will have the bottle land randomly in one of these squares.

Acting with Enemies
The enemy will act according to a Behaviour Basic Rules
Roll. Depending on the type of enemy, actions There are some basic rules that apply to all
will vary. The behaviour type of the enemy is enemies:
described in the Bestiary as well as in the
- An enemy will always end its turn with as
Behaviour Tables. You can roll the Behaviour
few heroes as possible behind it. Turn the
Roll at the same time as the Attack Dice to save
enemy to the most favourable position. If
it has to choose between turning its back
Activation of Enemies to an adjacent hero or a hero further away
Enemies will be activated in a certain order so with missile weapons, it will turn the back
that they do not block each other. Whenever towards the missile weapon.
you draw an enemy token, activate enemies in - An enemy cannot attack heroes that have
the order described below. Consult their fallen into a pit. Therefore, they ignore
Behaviour Card to see where they fit. that hero when choosing action.
Randomise if there are two or more enemies - Normal sized enemies that fall into pits
that could possibly act at the same time. disappears without XP or loot. Large
creatures end their turn if they end up in
1- Magic User or enemy armed with
pit. The next activation they act as if they
Ranged Weapon.
were standing on normal ground and can
2- An enemy adjacent to a hero that could
fight and move without restrictions. X-
make room for more enemies.
Large creatures ignores pit completely.
3- Enemy adjacent to hero.
- There may be situations in which the rules
4- Enemy closest to a hero and that could
do not provide a clear answer. In such
cases, move the model in the most
5- Enemy that has enough space to move
favourable way for the enemy. No
its full movement.
cheating! If there are several equal
6- Random enemy.
possibilities, randomise!

Looking for treasures. Printable Scenery and Northstar Military Figures.

As an example, we will look at a humanoid action is performed, and the enemy still has
enemy armed with a Close-combat Weapon. Action Points, start over from the top again.
The enemy will follow the numbered options
The italic text provides an in-depth explanation
from top down, stopping and performing the
specifically for this example.
first action that fits the situation. Once that

Humanoid with Close-Combat Weapon

Basic rules:
4. If adjacent, attack according to the
1. If more than M spaces away from a
hero, move towards the closest hero.
Roll on the table to see what kind of
That is, if the enemy is further away
attack the enemy will perform. First
than it can move, it will walk towards
you roll 1d6 if it will make an attack or
the closest hero.
use a Special Skill or Talent. Check the
Bestiary to see if the enemy has any
2. If within M spaces of a hero, but not
such abilities. If you roll Parry in the
adjacent, roll 1d6:
first action, treat that as the second
1: Parry Stance (forfeits 2nd action).
action and perform a Standard Attack
2-4: Move into CC
first. You will quickly learn to roll these
5-6: Charge Attack closest hero.
two d6 together to speed things up.
In this case, the enemy is close enough
to reach a hero with one move. If you 1d6 Action
roll for a Parry Stance on the enemy's Attack (1d6):
first action, the enemy will simply go 1: Parry Stance
into that stance without moving. A 2-5: Standard Attack
coward maybe? 6: Power Attack
Use Skill/Special Talent. If N/A,
3. If adjacent to the hero, make room for attack.
more enemies to attack if possible.
Shove if necessary. Only shove once - Will always avoid traps.
per turn, then attack. This means that the enemy will walk
Here, the enemy is adjacent to a hero. the shortest way around any traps.
It will spend its first action trying to - Will climb obstacles to attack heroes if
make room for more enemies, either by no other route is available. Just like
moving or shoving. It will, however, heroes, the enemy will take a DEX Test
and if it fails, its current action is spent.
only try to shove once. The next action
must be an attack (see nr 4 below),
whether the shove succeeded or not.

Choosing Targets
If the enemy has a choice between adjacent If in Parry Stance
targets, target one that has not been targeted If the hero has taken up a Parry Stance, then
by another enemy. Once the target has been one of the following actions is permissible:
decided, the enemy will stick with that target
for that turn. Next turn, it will once again As long as the hero has an unused dodge, one
evaluate who to strike. incoming strike or arrow may be dodged with a
Enemy Fumbles +15 modifier on the Dodge Skill.
An enemy that rolls 100 when attacking will Parry with a Weapon
drop its weapon, if it has one, or fall over. A successful parry with a weapon will negate all
Picking up the weapon requires one Action and damage since a well performed parry will divert
a successful DEX roll. Standing up costs one the force away from the target. To manage this,
Action. It will continue until it succeeds. you must succeed with a CS test. However, if
Parrying or Dodging you roll 95-00 you will not only fail, but the
The difference between these moves is that weapon will also take 1 Point of Damage.
when dodging, you are trying to avoid contact
Parry with a Shield
with the enemy. When parrying you are trying A shield is somewhat easier to parry with,
to deflect the strike away from your body with especially if you are prepared. To succeed, you
your shield or weapon. must roll below CS +15. A successful parry with
Dodging and parrying can only be done if the a shield will subtract the shield’s DEF from the
attack comes through the hero’s ZOC. They can damage. If the damage is higher than the
be done against arrows or strikes, unless a shield’s DEF, the shield will take 1 Point of
Talent or Perk states otherwise. Damage. The rest of the damage will spill onto
the arm of the hero which will still be protected
Dodging can only be done ONCE during a by any armour.
battle by each character, unless a Talent or
Perk specifies otherwise. Example: Berthram manages to parry an
incoming strike causing 8 Points of Damage. His
If Not in a Parry Stance shield's DEF is 6, reducing Damage to 2. Since
If your hero performed a Power Attack in its the shield fails to negate all damage, it will
last action, dodging or parrying is not allowed. incur 1 Point of Damage. The remaining 2
If not, the hero may try to dodge an attack by Points of Damage are transferred to Berthram’s
making a Dodge Skill Check. If successful, that arm. However, as he is using a padded jacket,
attack fails to hit. If the hero is equipped with a the armour absorbs the rest of the damage.
shield, he may also parry 1 attack per turn with Had the damage been higher than the DEF
CS -15. value of the armour, it would take 1 Point of
Damage, and break if it reached 6 points.

If not in Parry Stance, you can dodge one blow and

parry with a shield ( -15), or
If in Parry Stance, you may avoid 1 Attack using
either dodge (+15), a shield (+15), or a weapon.

Dealing Damage
Roll damage according to the weapon or Wounded
monster damage noted in the Monster Table. A hero or enemy that loses 50% of their HP
Add damage bonus if your hero or the monster (RDU) is considered to be wounded. As long as
is strong enough for that. Subtract the target’s that condition is met, they may only use 1
Natural Armour and any other armour. This is Action Point per turn.
the number of Hit Points to subtract from the
target. An enemy will die when it is reduced to Different Kinds of Damage
0 Hit Points. A hero that reaches 0 will be Apart from weapons there are a few other
knocked out and start bleeding out. things that may damage your heroes.

Damage taken = Wpn DMG + DB – NA - Armour Fire Damage

Magic, alchemy and some creatures can cause
Bloodlust Fire Damage. This kind of damage will ignore
If your hero's hit roll is 01-05, you may roll both NA and armour. Once damage has been
Damage twice and choose the highest roll. resolved, roll 1d6. On a roll of 1-3 the fire has
Luckily, enemies ignore bloodlust. been extinguished. On a roll of 4-6, the fire will
Hit Area (When Hitting Heroes Only) continue to damage the character next turn,
When striking enemies, we ignore where the but the damage is halved (rounded down) to a
blow lands. However, when the enemy strikes minimum of 1. The fire is then extinguished.
a hero, we must check where this strike lands. Acidic Damage
This is done according to the table below. Acidic Damage may also be caused by magic
Rolling 1d6 together with the two Hit Dice and alchemy. This kind of damage will ignore
helps speed things up. NA. Once damage has been resolved, roll 1d6.
1d6 Hit location On a roll of 1-3 the acid has been negated. On
1 Head a roll of 4-6, the acid will continue to damage
2 Arms the character next turn, but the damage is
3-5 Torso (check gear) halved (rounded down) to a minimum of 1. The
6 Legs acid is then negated.
Frost Damage
Quick Slots and Damage Frost Damage has a 50% chance of causing
The drawback of having things in the Quick stun, that is, the target loses one of its APs next
Slots is that they are placed in harm’s way. Any turn.
hit to the torso may damage your equipment.
Roll 1d10 to determine if any of the Quick Slots
If a hero or enemy is hit by poison and takes
have been struck. For example, a roll of 1 will
damage, then the effect of poison may kick in.
damage the item in slot 1, a roll of 2 will
Make a CON test, applying any modifier for the
damage the item in slot 2. A roll higher than the
poison. If this fails, the target is poisoned and,
number of slots available will have no effect.
at the start of its next turn, and 1d10 turn after
Any item in that slot will lose 1 Point of
that, the hero will have to make another CON
Durability. If a potion with any liquid designed
test. Each time the hero fails, he will lose 1 HP.
to cause damage is struck, that damage will
Poison can be cured by consuming a Cure
instead be inflicted on the hero.
Poison potion, or by visiting the Chapel of
Metheia back in the city. A CON test of 01-05
means that immune system has beaten the

poison. The effect of it is gone and any Bleeding out
remaining rolls are ignored. A hero reaching 0 When the heroes reach 0 Hit Points, they will
HP will continue to lose HP from poison, giving be knocked down and start bleeding out. They
the hero a negative HP that must be healed are unable to do anything. To get back on their
before the hero wakes up. If the party takes a feet during the fight they will need:
rest (in a dungeon, while traveling, or at an
inn), roll all the remaining rolls. If the hero - A Healing Spell from a companion.
reaches 0 Hit Points during a rest, the hero dies. - A Healing Potion in one of the ready
A poisoned hero cannot be poisoned again slots (they may drink it themselves).
until cured. - A Healing Potion from a companion
standing adjacent (who has the potion
in a ready slot).
Heroes may contract diseases either from
enemies or various events. If wounded by a Once the battle is over, and there are
creature that causes disease, or if there is any companions left standing, one of these may
other indication that a hero may contract a apply a bandage to a fallen friend. Bandages
disease, make a CON roll, applying any modifier can never be applied by a knocked-out hero. If
from the disease. If successful, there is no all heroes are bleeding out at the same time,
effect, and the hero manages to avoid the the quest is lost and the heroes die. If there are
sickness. If it fails however, the hero loses half still heroes standing, but they have no means
its CON and STR (RDD) after any ongoing battle to help the one bleeding out, that hero will die.
is over until cured. Disease can be cured by
A hero that reaches 0 Hit Points also suffers 1d4
consuming a potion to cure disease or by
permanent reduction of a basic stat or HP.
visiting the sick wards. Whenever the party
Randomize which one.
takes a rest, in a dungeon, during travel, or at
an inn, the hero may make a CON test. On a Advanced Rule
result of 01-05, the immune system finally If questing seems too easy, you can apply a
beats the disease, and the hero is cured. time limitation for bleeding out. A suitable time
would be 1d6+1 turns before the hero dies.
Some weapons or special rules will stun a hero
or an enemy. A stunned model loses 1 AP
The heroes go head-to-head with a Gnoll Shaman and his
during its next turn. cohort of bodyguards. Models by North Star Military
Figures and terrain by Printable Scenery. Some pieces of
terrain are heavily modified by author. Statue by Ziterdes.

Combat Example
Round 1. Variya the Barbarian is facing two
ferocious Gnolls. It is her turn to act and, since
she has 2 squares between her and the Gnolls,
she does what every self-respecting Berserker
would do, and charges them. She decides to
target the one on the left with the two-handed
axe. She spends 2 Action Points to move up to
the Gnoll and strike with her own Great Axe.
With a CS of 45, she ends up with having to roll
below 50. (+10 for charging, -10 for the Gnoll’s
defence, +5 CS since the Gnoll has a Great
Weapon. She rolls a 22 which is a hit. The Gnoll
staggers back one square and Variya moves its second Behaviour Roll it rolls a 1, and
forward one square. Next, she rolls 1d12+2 for chooses to go into Parry Stance.
damage which results in 6 Points of Damage.
The Gnoll has Armour 2, which gives a total Round 2. Variya decides to spend one Energy
damage of 4. Not the best of strikes, but it will Point to activate her Frenzy Perk. This will allow
do. her to strike again, should she draw blood with
her first strike. Working herself into frenzy uses
Now it is time for the Gnolls to act. The one up her first Action Point, and she strikes the
Variya struck rolls a 6 on its Behaviour Roll wounded Gnoll with a Standard Attack using
which means it will make a Power Attack. (It her second action. The Gnoll, having made a
has no Special Talents so that roll is skipped). Power Attack may not dodge or parry. Variya
With its CS of 40, and the Power Bonus of +20, hits and proceeds to roll 7+2 on her damage.
it easily lands a hit with a result of 37. As Variya Since the Gnoll only has 6 Hit Points left, it dies
did not take a Parry Stance, she cannot parry, from the first strike. Variya, in her frenzy, is now
but she may dodge. She rolls 27, which is below allowed to strike again and strikes at the
her Dodge Skill Level and she avoids the axe. defending Gnoll. To hit it, she needs to roll 20 or
Next up is the other Gnoll, who rolls 2 on its less (CS 45, -10 Gnoll defence, and -10 for Parry
behaviour, which means a Standard Attack. The Stance and -5 for the shield). May her axe strike
first roll is 54, which, luckily, is a miss. Now, on true!
Variya fighting the Gnolls. All models from North Star Miniatures and terrain from Printable Scenery.

Life in the Kingdom
The Undead War was not only the first real defeat for the Kingdom, but it
was also a turning point for its prosperity. Not only did the steady flow of gold
and valuables from the south stop, but something more fundamental changed
as well. Bad harvests became more and more common, and winters became
increasingly harsh. With the Kingdom’s increasingly strained economy, poverty
became widespread. At the same time, tribes of Orcs, Goblins and unnamed
beasts became increasingly bold, attacking and pillaging villages with greater
frequency. With hunger and cold, citizens turn to other means to sustain
themselves and crime rates continue to rise with an alarming speed. There are
those saying that the High King’s decision is a clear indication of the
Kingdom’s predicament more than anything else.

Travel and

World Map, Travel, and Activities between Quests.

Travelling and Skirmishes
Most of the quests on which you embark will - A Desert Hex costs 2 Movement Points,
take place outside of the relative safety of the unless all heroes have camels. Then it
settlements. The Quest Book will provide all is 1,5 points per hex.
necessary directions. After the quest, you must
A walking party, or a party with a wagon or
travel back to the settlement to claim your
mule has 3 Movement Points. A party where all
award. You may also freely choose to move on
members are riding horses or camels have 6
the map, without a quest. This may be done to
Movement Points.
get to a better position, or to shop for special
All hexes below the white dotted line are in the
Ancient Land, and are Desert Hexes.
Reading the Map
There are some things on the map that carry 2p 2,5p
special importance:

Road Hex. All hexes without roads are

considered off-road.

Quest Site. White colour numbers refer to
Silver City when randomising quest 5p
locations. Other colours refer to towns

Town. When randomising a quest

location from a town, only Quest Sites Blue arrows would cost 5 points of movement and would
with corresponding colours are to be require a horse. The green arrows would cost 2,5 points
used. and could be done on foot.

Rations and Resting

Moving on the Map The party requires one ration per day to sustain
It is up to the party to decide which route to themselves. In lieu of rations, the party may try
take to their objective. There is, however, a the Foraging Skill once per day. If they succeed,
difference in travelling speed depending on each character will have enough food for the
whether the party chooses to go by road or off- day. However, if they fail, they are left without
road. The Movement Points that you spend food. They go hungry and temporarily lose half
when moving are decided by the hex that you their Constitution (RDD). This leaves them
enter: vulnerable to disease, poison and physical
- A Road Hex costs 1 Movement Point to damage. Party Morale is also lowered by 4. This
enter. lasts until they eat again. This is not cumulative,
- An Off-road Hex cost 1,5 Movement so it does not matter how many days you go
Points to enter. hungry. When travelling in the Ancient Lands,
each hero requires 2 rations per day

(simulating the need for water), and Foraging is Staying at the Inns
not possible in that barren land. If the party decide to end their movement in a
settlement or the City Hex, they have to pay to
Once per day the party will rest. During that stay at the inn overnight. Go to the chapter on
rest they regain 1D6 Hit Points and possibly ‘Settlements’ for more information. If they only
some energy. Roll 1d6 per Energy Point and a plan to stay for the night, you have only to pay
result of 1-3 will replenish that Energy Point. the inn fee.
Note that the use of a bedroll will increase the
effect of resting. Skirmishes
Sometimes the Event Cards or mini-quests will
Events initiate a skirmish. In that case, follow the
At the start of each day before moving, the instructions for how to set up the party and
party must roll 1d12. the adversaries. There are four kinds of
outdoor tiles.
While being off-road, a result of 12 will result
in an Event. Draw a Wilderness Event Card.
Use these when a skirmish is initiated from a
While on a road or in the desert, a result of 11- road event.
12 will result in an Event. Draw a Road Event or Wilderness
Desert Event Card. These are the tiles with open ground. They
should be used when a skirmish is initiated by
Visiting Settlements a wilderness event.
The party may visit settlements as they pass Village, Camp, Standing Stones, Quest site
them by. There are subtle differences between entrance, City street
each settlement, so they may all be worth a These should be used when specifically called
Fighting outdoors. Houses from Printable Scenery and 3dLayeredscenery.
Miniatures from Fireforge Games and North Star Military Figures.

These are used when a skirmish is triggered by a desert event.

Normally, the party is placed as close to the centre as possible, and the enemies are placed randomly
1dX squares in from the edges. Combat is enacted as described in the ‘Combat’ chapter. See the
Obstacles Table to determine what effect the terrain has on movement, shooting and LOS.
Threat level and scenario dice are not in effect during skirmishes.
If you are using 3d terrain, place suitable scatter such as walls, hedges, bushes, and trees without giving
the party any benefits, and treat squares as inches. You also need to define which areas are dense
forest, and therefore require double movement points.
Square Example Moving LOS/Shooting Special

Barrels 2x No effect. Yes Searchable.

-10 when shooting

into. 50% or more of the
square must be
Boulder 2x -10 when shooting Yes
covered to count as
through if LOS passes boulders.
through the actual art.

2x No effect. Yes Searchable.


Square with boxes may

Broken cart 2x. No effect. No be searched. Counts as
2 sets of boxes.

Campfire 1X No effect. No

-10 when shooting

Cart 2x -10 when shooting Yes
through if LOS passes
through the actual art.

Square Example Moving LOS/Shooting Special

-10 when shooting

Completely into, through or out
2x No
forested from such as square.
It’s cumulative.

Only squares with

more than 50% pier
Fishing pier 1x No effect. No
and/or land art can be

-10 when shooting

Haystacks 2x -10 when shooting Yes
through if LOS passes
the actual art.

No Blocks LOS if it passes

Entry. through the actual art.

If more than 50% of a

Huge boulder No Blocks LOS if it passes square is covered by a
(>1 square) entry. through the actual art. huge boulder, it cannot
be entered.

-10 when shooting

into. 50% or more of the
square must be
Large log 2x -10 when shooting Yes
covered to count as
through if LOS passes large log.
through the actual art.

Log 1x No effect. No

-10 when shooting

1x -10 when shooting No
through if LOS passes
through the actual art.

Square Example Moving LOS/Shooting Special

Blocks LOS if it passes Can only be climbed

Pyramid 1x Yes
through the actual art. along the stairs.

No Blocks LOS if it passes

Statues No
entry. through the actual art.

Stump 1x No effect. No

May be searched from

No Blocks LOS if it passes
Tent N/A adjacent tiles. Counts a
entry. through the actual art.

Heroes that are not

-10 when shooting
fully covered in armour
into, through or out
Thorns 2x No suffers 1 point of DMG
from such as square.
when entering.
It’s cumulative.

Water No effect. N/A

-10 when shooting

2x to into across wall.
Walls pass -10 when shooting No
over. through if LOS passes
through the actual art.

-10 when shooting

Well through if LOS passes N/A
through the actual art.

Kredelia, the Goddess of Travellers
Kredelia is the Goddess and protector of travellers. It is
common practice to make an offering to Kredelia before
commencing any long journey in the hope of warding off
Bandits, or any other misfortune. If she smiles your way,
you may receive a boon which will make your travels easier.

Settlements allow the heroes to rest, buy and Settlement Quest dice Colour
sell gear, and many other things. This is also Caelkirk 1d4 Red
where the party will find new quests. Coalfell 1d6 Green
Freyfell 1d6 Pink
Settlement Events Irondale 1d6 Turqois
Whenever the party enters a settlement, they
Rochdale 1d6 Purple
must roll for a random Event. Roll 1d12 and Silver City 2d20 White
consult the table to see if you have triggered an The Outpost 1d12 Yellow
Event. If that is the case, roll on the Events Windfair 1d6 Blue
Table and follow the instructions. Whiteport 1d6 Black
Settlement Event on
Example: The party is in Irondale and has
Birnheim 12
decided to take on the quest: ‘Rescuing the
Caelkirk 11-12
Coalfell 12 Prisoners’. This campaign requires that the
Durburim 12 Quest Site should be randomised from the map.
Freyfell 11-12 Looking at the previous table we can tell that
Irondale 12 we should roll 1d6 and cross-reference with the
Rochdale 12 map. The result is 1, and since Irondale is
Silver City 8-12 turquoise, we read those numbers on the map,
Whiteport 10-12 noting with pleasure that the Quest Site is a
The Outpost 9-12 mere two-day trek from the village.
Windfair 12

Taking on Quests
Whenever the party is in a
settlement, they may either start
an available campaign or
roll/choose a random quest. The
Quest Site is determined by rolling
a dice and cross-referencing this to
the numbers written on the map. The smaller
settlements will have quests in close proximity,
since their inhabitants seldom have business
across the Kingdom. The largest city in the area,
Silver City, attracts visitors from all over the Rejecting a Quest
Kingdom. Therefore, the Quest Sites are far The party may reject 2 quests in a village and 3
more dispersed. The only settlement to offer quests in Silver City before they must move to
quests in the Ancient Lands is The Outpost. another settlement to find a new quest.

Leaving on a Quest
Taking on deadly quests requires careful planning and preparation. Therefore, leaving on a quest is
always done early in the morning. No other settlement activities are allowed on that day.

Activities in a Settlement
In a settlement you can perform different activities. Each hero may perform activities worth one
Activity Point per day, but performing an activity also means that you must stay for the night at the
inn. Note that the price for staying at the inn is for the entire party, regardless of its size. Not all
activities are available at all settlements, and to know what is available, check the ‘Settlement
Descriptions’ on page 120 onwards. It is perfectly fine to pool the party’s excess gear to the hero that
goes to a certain shop or similar. In the same way, a hero may purchase gear for another hero.

Example: This party has just arrived at the settlement (Silver City in this case) after a challenging
quest. They are weary and in need of rest and replenishment. The table below will show you how the
heroes decide to spend their time.

Day/Night Thief Warrior Priest Wizard

Collects Quest
Collects Quest Collects Quest
reward. reward. Collects Quest reward.
Visits General
D1 Visits blacksmith to Visits temple Visits Wizards’ Guild to
Store to sell
sell excess weapons grounds to learn learn a new spell.
and armours. a new prayer.
Inn (regains 2d6 Inn (regains 2d6 HP Inn (regains 2d6 Inn (regains 2d6 HP
N1 HP and all Mana, and all Mana, luck HP and all Mana, and all Mana, luck and
luck, and energy). and energy). luck and energy). energy).
Goes back to the
Visits The Dark Visits blacksmith to Goes back to the
temple grounds
Guild to buy repair the party’s Wizards’ Guild to
D2 to continue
special weapons and continue learning the
learning the
equipment. armour. spell.
N2 Inn (Gambles). Inn. Inn. Inn.
Goes back to the
Visits temples for Wizards’ Guild to
D3 Does nothing. Fights in the Arena.
prayers. continue learning the
N3 Inn. Inn (Gambles). Inn. Inn.
D4 Leaves on a Quest Leaves on a Quest Leaves on a Quest Leaves on a Quest

Available Actions
The heroes may choose from the activities listed in the table below, as long as the settlement offers
that specific service. Some activities cost 0 Action Points which means they can be done for free. Those
which cost more than 1 Activity Point take longer than a day to perform. During those days nothing
else can be done. If one member of the party decides to do something that takes a long time, and the
other party members are done, they must also stay at the inn.

What Where Activity Point cost

Arena Fighting Arena 1
Banking Banks 1
Buy a Dog Kennel 1
Buy a Familiar Alberta’s Magnificent Animals 1
Buy or Sell Armour Blacksmith 1
Buy or Sell Equipment General Store, The Magic Brewery, 1
Mervin’s Magical Oddities
Buy Ingredients Herbalist, Alchemists’ Guild 1
Buy or Sell Weapons Blacksmith 1
Charge a Magic Item Wizards’ Guild 1
Collect Quest Reward Start Settlement of Quest 0
Create a Scroll Inn 1 per Scroll. Max 2.
Cure Disease Sick Wards 1
Cure Poison Sick Wards 1
Enchant Objects Inn 1. Max once.
Gamble Inn 0 (but requires stay at inn)
Guild Business Guilds 1
Horse Racing Horse tracks 1
Identify a Magic Item Scryer or Wizards’ Guild 1
Identify a Potion Alchemist Guild, The Magic Brewery, 1
General Store
Learn a Prayer Temple Grounds 2
Learn a Spell Wizards’ Guild 3
Level Up Any Settlement 0
Pray Temple 1
Read your Fortune Fortune Teller 1
Repair Equipment Blacksmith 1
Rest and Recuperation Inn 0 (but requires stay at inn)
Skill Training Guilds 1
Tend to those Memories Inn 0 (but requires stay at inn)
Treat Mental Conditions The Asylum 5

Settlement Events
1d12 Event
Stray dog. The party is followed through the streets by a stray dog after receiving a small treat
from one of the heroes. It seems that you now are the proud owners of a dog. Randomise what
kind of dog, using the Companions’ Compendium. If you do not own this compendium, or if
you already have a dog, treat this result as: ‘Nothing special happens’.
Scrolls Salesman. The heroes are approached by a man who sells magic scrolls. Randomise
three spells that are available. Each scroll cost 100 c.
Potion Salesman. A man clad in purple robes informs the party that he sells premium potions.
3 Use the Potions Table with an availability of 4 for every potion regardless of class, and -20 c as
a price modifier.
Trinket Salesman. This old man claims to be selling magic trinkets. Most of the things he carries
around seem quite plain and ordinary, but some of them do have a special feel to them. He
charges 100 c for each trinket, but you are only allowed to buy 1 per hero. For each trinket
bought, roll 1d12. On a result of 1-5, it is magic. A result of 5-11 means the trinket is useless
and cannot even be sold. A result of 12 means you have bought a cursed item. For any magic
trinkets, roll on the Magic Items Table. For cursed trinkets, roll on the Curses Table. The
unaware hero must wear the trinket until he or she exits the next dungeon before it can be
thrown away. In all cases, decide whether the trinket is a ring or necklace.
Sale! There seems to be a settlement-wide sale going on. All stores sell their items at a 20%
Fresh Stocks. All stores have just received their refill and there is plenty to choose from. All
availabilities are modified by +2. If this results in 6, the item is automatically in stock.
Settlement Feast. There is a celebration in the settlement and there are people everywhere. If
you stay the night, the good mood of the citizens will boost Party Morale temporarily by +2
(which can go above PM max). It will stay at +2 until lowered by natural means and can then
7 only be raised back to the standard level. However, the huge amount of people means that
most beds at the inns are taken. On a result of 9-12 on 1d12, there are no beds, and the party
must continue their travel without doing any business (you may claim any quest reward before
Side Quest. The party is approached by a citizen, urgently requesting their help. Roll on the
Side Quest Table and decide if you wish to add this to your current quest.
Shortage of Goods. The settlement has not had any trade caravans passing by for weeks, and
the stores are nearly empty. All abilities are modified by -2. If this results in 0, the item is
automatically out of stock. As a result, prices have also gone up, resulting in a +10% price
modifier on all items.
Thief. The party realizes that a pickpocket has managed to get too close. 1d100 c have been
Assassination attempt. It seems someone is holding a grudge against the heroes. Randomize
one hero that is attacked by 1d4 bandits. All other heroes that has done the same activity that
day may join the fight (i.e. been to the same guild, been to the same store etc). Randomize
each bandits’ weapon by using the enemy equipment cards. Bandits with ranged weapons will
also have daggers. Use the city tile and place the heroes along one board edge and the bandits
along the opposite edge. The battle ends when all bandits are dead or all heroes have dropped
to 0 HP. The heroes will not die, but instead be nursed back to 1 HP by the locals. The bandits
may be searched.
Curse! While walking down the street, a gnarly old woman suddenly points her finger at the
12 party and screams: “Heretics! I curse thee!”. Roll on the Curses Table once and apply the curse
to all heroes until they exit the next dungeon.

The Settlements of the Southern Part of the Kingdom
These are the settlements you can visit. All services available in each settlement are listed here.
Unless noted otherwise, prices and availability are unchanged. The following pages give a detailed
description of the services offered.

Caelkirk Freyfell
This small village on This is the largest
the western coast port in the
primarily sustains southern part of
itself with fishing the kingdom. For
and small-scale those not up to a
forestry. carriage ride all the
Available Services way from the north to Silver City, the natural
Blacksmith: way to travel south is to go by boat to Freyfell.
- Equipment availability -2, price +10% Available Services
General Store: Arena
- Fishing gear 50 c, availability 6 Blacksmith
- Equipment availability -2, price +10% General Store:
Inn: 35c per party, per night. - Equipment availability +1, price -10%
Inn: 25 c per party, per night.
Sick Ward

Coalfell This settlement has
This small village some farms and is
relies like most the main supplier of
other villages wood in the area.
heavily on hunting Situated on the road
and farming, but it north to the capital,
is also where most the number of
metal work in these parts of the kingdom is travellers passing by is quite high.
done. Nonetheless, visitors are few and far Consequently, there is an unusual number of
between, and supplies tend to be scarce. shops and inns for such a small village.
Available Services Available Services
Blacksmith: Blacksmith
- Weapons and weapons availability +1, General Store
Price -10% Inn: 15c per party, per night.
General Store: Temples:
- Equipment availability -2, price +20% - Rhidnir, Iphy, and Metheia.
Inn: 35c per party, per night.
Temples: Ohlnir.

Whiteport Rochdale
Whiteport is one of Rochdale is a small
two ports in the village with
southern parts of the predominantly
Kingdom. Not quite as populated by
large as Freyfell, they farmers. Apart from
still see their fair share farming, however,
of travellers and goods
it is also famous as
passing by. Fishing is,
the unofficial centre
of course, an important part of the local
income as well. of Alchemy in the kingdom.
Available Services Available Services
Alberta’s Magnificent Animals General Store
General Store: Herbalist
- Fishing gear 50 c, availability 6 Inn: 20c per party, per night.
- Equipment availability +1, price -10% Sick Ward
Inn: 15c per party, per night. There are also The Magic Brewery
gambling opportunities.
Temples: Rhidnir, Iphy, Ohlnir, and Metheia.

Situated by the largest
lake in the Kingdom,
the Silver Mines and
close to the Dwarven
city of Durburim, this
village once thrived.
Since the mines closed, the villagers now rely
solely on fishing and trading with their
neighbouring Dwarfs. Luckily, fish are highly
sought after by the Dwarfs.
Available Services
General Store:
- Fishing gear 50 c, availability 6
- Equipment availability -1, price +10%
Inn: 35c per party, per night.
Temples: Ohlnir and Charus.

Silver City The Outpost
This is the capital of This outpost is as far
the South. Being the south as you can get
third largest city in before entering the
the kingdom, it is Ancient Lands. All
bustling with expeditions into
activities, travellers, these lands must
and opportunities. start from the
Not only are there outpost by law.
good prospects to make money for those brave Those heading out into the Ancient Lands
enough to try their luck, but this is also the only should be well prepared!
place where the Guilds have settled in these
Available Services
parts of the kingdom.
Available Services - Weapon and armour price +20%
Arena General Store:
Banks - Equipment availability -2, price +20%
Blacksmith Special:
Fortune Teller - Toll. If you are to head out to a Quest
General Store Site in the Ancient Lands (yellow 1-12),
Guilds you will have to pay a toll to the King of
Horse Racing Track 100 c per hero first. You must be a
Inn: 25 c per party, per night. member of the league to be allowed to
Inner Sanctum pass.
Temples: All.

The Silver City

The Silver City is the third largest city in the Kingdom and is the city
that is located closest to the southern border. Its original name long
forgotten, the city has long been called the Silver City due to its many
surrounding silver mines. Most of these mines are have been closed for
many years, yet the name has remained. With the lack of income, the
once beautiful city is slowly decaying, and the picturesque miners’
quarters are slowly turning into shantytowns. Pickpockets, thieves and
other criminals are becoming increasingly common, and the Jarl responds
with harsher and harsher punishment. These days, it is more common
than not to see condemned criminals hanging in the wind from the palace

Durburim Birnheim
The Dwarven city of Birnheim is not as
Durburim is famous grandiose as
for its skilled Durburim and
weapon smiths. But although its
even though architecture would
Humans and Dwarfs be considered
are on a very friendly terms, the number of magnificent by most races, it is considered
human visitors is surprisingly low. more of a mine than a city by most dwarfs.
Nevertheless, its halls are open to all citizens That said, it is still the home for the finest
of the kingdom. armour smiths in the entire Kingdom.
Available Services Available Services
Blacksmith: Blacksmith:
- Weapons availability +1, Price +20% - Weapons availability -1, Price +20%
- Armour availability ±0, Price +10% - Armour availability +1, Price +20%
- Weapons purchased in Durburim are - Armours purchased in Birnheim are
Dwarven-made and gain an additional Dwarven-made and gain an additional
+2 Durability. This is cumulative with +2 durability. This is cumulative with
any other modifiers. any other modifiers.
General store: General store:
- Equipment availability -1, price +20% - Equipment availability -2, price +20%
Inn: 65 c per party, per night. Inn: 65 c per party, per night.

Temples: All Temples: All

The Ancient Lands

The lands south of the Kingdom are known as the Ancient Lands. This
place is a mix of desert and lush green areas, and it is littered with the
tombs and ruins of old cities. Little is known of the civilisation that once
ruled these lands; however, treasures found there indicate that it was once
prosperous indeed. Effigies discovered suggest that their gods were akin
the Dark Gods, and their tombs are often guarded by statues of large
creatures very similar to those gods. The lands are now almost devoid of
any life other than animals, but there are a few tribes of humans making
their living there, their origins unknown. All attempts by expeditions to
approach these tribes have ended in the demise of the outlanders.

Arena Fighting
Those confident enough can
participate in the popular
Hero Hit Points Modifier
arena fights in the city. Even
<10 -5
though these fights are
10-15 0
conducted with dull weapons, wounds are
>15 +5
common, and the occasional death is not
unheard of. Nevertheless, there is no lack of
participants, and those who perform well can Hero STR Modifier
make quite a lot of money. <40 -5
40-50 0
Participating >50 +5
Any hero can choose to participate in the arena
fights and doing so will take a complete day.
There is also a modifier depending on the level
The minimum fee for joining is 50 c, but you can
of the fight:
pay up to 200 c if you want to gamble more
money. You will then first fight in the group
fights. If you win, you may go on to fight in a
Level Modifier
semi-final. If you win that, you will fight in the
Group -10
final. You pay once to attend all three levels.
Semi -15
Calculating the Chance of Victory Final -20
As the bouts are fought with blunted weapons,
the strong and enduring competitor will have
an advantage in the arena fights. The difficulty
will also increase as the participants go from
group fights to semi-final and the final, fighting
tougher and tougher opponents. Roll once on Semi-final Semi-final
your CS for each level. The following modifiers 1 2

are applied based on the participant’s stats:

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Betting, Odds, and Winning If you win the final, there is also a chance that
The money outlaid to enter the arena fight may you receive an extra award:
return some profit, should you manage to win
some fights. The earnings are based on what 1d10 Extra Award
you paid to enter the fight and the odds of you 1 1 Wonderful
winning. After each level, if the hero won,
2-4 1 Fine Treasure
multiply the amount you paid to enter the fight
5-10 Nothing extra
with the following modifiers (RDD):

Hero lvl Group Semi Final

You (not the party) will also gain 50, 100, and
10 1,1 1,3 1,5
150 XP for each level you win.
9 1,2 1,4 1,6
8 1,3 1,5 1,7 Losing
7 1,4 1,6 1,8 If you lose the fight, you will lose 2 HP (group),
6 1,5 1,7 1,9 4 HP (semi), or 6 HP (final). You will also lose 2
5 1,6 1,8 2,0 Points of Sanity.
4 1,7 1,9 2,1
3 1,8 2,0 2,2
2 1,9 2,1 2,3
1 2,0 2,2 2,4

If you feel that you are carrying around enough Chamberlings Reserve
coins, you can always deposit extra funds in This is the go-to bank for the noble people in
one of the city banks. There are two larger the city. They have good security, but rather
banks in the city. There is also a small, aggressive investment plans for your deposits.
somewhat shady institution that claims to be a After all, most people who utilise this bank can
bank, but rumour has it that it is really a front afford to lose some money now and then. It is
for other activities. Still, they may provide an acceptable for the long-term win.
option in the end. If your hero already has
Smartfall Bank
money in the bank, the first thing to do is to Most commoners in the city use this bank, and
determine how the balance has developed. See indeed throughout the kingdom, as it exists in
Profit or Loss below. most of the larger cities. Security is somewhat
Depositing Money lax; however, they make careful investments.
The hero must choose which bank to deposit Typically, deposits grow slowly but surely.
his or her money in, based on risk and chance The Vault
of profit. It is perfectly fine to have money in This bank invests your money in more dubious
several banks. areas, with a high risk but also with a good
profit, should the investments succeed. The
security is moderately good.

Determining the Profit…or Loss

Each time you visit Silver City (and the bank), roll on the table below (1d20) and adjust the account
balance. Then decide whether you want to deposit more money or withdraw money.

Chamberlings Smartfall The Vault Result

Reserve Bank
- - 1-2 30% profit
1-4 - 3-4 20% profit
5-7 1-2 5 15% profit
8-10 3-4 6 10% profit
11 5-9 7 5% profit
12 10-14 8-10 No change
13-14 15-16 11-14 5 % loss
15-17 17 15-16 10% loss
18-19 - 17 20% loss
- - 18 30% loss
20 18-20 19-20 Robbed!

The bank has been robbed and all your deposits are gone! Tough luck.

Buying and Selling You can buy a dog to accompany you on your
Equipment can be bought and sold at the
journeys in a kennel. Dogs require the
various shops in the market. Depending on
Companion’s expansion.
what you need, you must visit different shops.
Once there, locate what you want to buy and The Magic Brewery
roll for its availability (1d6). You may buy one This brewery is far from any standard ale or
piece for each successful roll, but as soon as mead brewery. Instead, this is one of the
you fail a roll, you or any other hero may not largest creators of magic potions in the
buy that specific piece of equipment until you kingdom. Here you can buy and sell potions. All
return to the settlement at a later time. Selling weak potions are always available, standard
equipment is always done using the Sell Table potions have availability of 5 and superior 4.
in the Equipment Appendix, or by using the
price noted on Treasure Cards. The selling price Charge Magic Items
is not affected by local price variations, except This can only be done at the Wizards’ Guild in
if they are triggered by an event. Silver City.

Alberta's Magnificent Animals Collect Your Reward

Alberta's store has been around for a long time, If the party is back after a finished quest the
and is the only store in the entire kingdom that party will first receive their reward, if any was
deals with familiars. These are no mere pets, promised. This can only be done in the
but animals carefully chosen by Alberta settlement where you accepted the quest.
because they have shown signs of magical
aptitude. Familiars require the Companion’s Create Magic Scrolls
Expansion. This can be done while in any settlement. See
Blacksmith separate chapter ‘Enchanting’.
Most settlements have a blacksmith. This is
where you can sell and buy weapons and
Cure Disease and Poison
This is where the sick
and poisoned come to
General Store seek treatment. The
This store carries a little bit of this and that. monks in a Sick Ward or
Anything listed on the general equipment list in at a Temple of Metheia
Appendix III can be bought and sold here, as are able to treat most
long as you pass the Availability Roll. Treasures illnesses, but it will cost
found can also be sold here, as long as the you 100 c. It will take
items do not fit better with the blacksmith, one day.
even things normally bought at a Guild. You can
also identify potions here for a cost of 25 c. Enchant Items
If you have access to a Powerstone and have
the Enchant Objects Spell, you can try to
Here you can buy ingredients for potions. You
enchant items during your stay in a settlement.
cannot sell ingredients.
For details on this, see the ‘Enchant Items’
chapter in the Academical Skills section.

Fortune Teller
The hero may choose to visit a Fortune Teller
during their stay in the city. While by no means
1d10 Result
a trusty source of information, their predictions
<=1 Grand slam! You win 2 times your
are known to come true from time to time. A
hero who decides to have their future read
2-3 Win! You go home with 1,5 times
must pay 50 c. the bet (RDU)
1d6 Result 4-9 You lose all your bets.
The Fortune Teller describes an 10 The others around the table are
upcoming battle in such detail that certain you have cheated, and you
during the next quest, the hero end up getting a good beating and
1 recognises the situation and manages being robbed of a further 100 c.
to avoid being harmed. The hero may
treat one successful attack by an
enemy during the next quest as a miss. Guilds
The Fortune Teller talks about great There are several Guilds available, and these
fortune being made through gambling. are all in Silver City. They are described at the
The hero gets -2 at a gambling dice roll end of this chapter. The Guilds are very
during this stay in the city. protective of their skills and services, and they
The old lady talks about lots of things, will only allow heroes of the appropriate
but nothing that is of any importance. professions to enter.
You are cursed! The lady staggers back
in shock after reading the hero’s hand. Horse Racing
6 The hero will suffer a curse during the Horse Racing is very popular in Silver City, and
next quest (roll on Curses Table to see there are races almost every day. Anyone
what curse).
owning a horse may join the race if they pay a
fee of 50 c. If you feel lucky, or that the odds
for winning are in your favour, you can bet up
Gambling to 300 c including the 50 c entry fee. Winners
Some say gambling is an easy
and second runner ups will win some money
way to make good money.
for their performance. The winnings are based
Others may disagree.
on the odds, and a low-level underdog hero will
Nevertheless, your heroes are win more than a high-level veteran.
free to try their luck once
If you decide to compete, you will need to
during each stay in a
make a DEX Test.
settlement. The hero is
allowed to bet between 50 DEX roll result Placement
and 500 coins before rolling <= DEX/2 (RDD) Win!
on the table below. You <=DEX-10 2nd place!
may subtract -1 for each >DEX-10 You lose…
Point of Luck the hero >=95 Catastrophe strikes!
has for the moment, without actually spending
them. However, a natural result of 10 cannot
be modified.

Win and Second Place Learn a Spell or Prayer
You manage to cross the finish line first! Your
During their time off, wizards and priests may
hero will win money based on how much he or
learn a new spell and prayer. The price for
she betted, but also based on the odds. Check
learning a spell/prayer is 400 c + 100 c for each
the table below and multiply the amount you
spell level above 1. If the wizard found a
did bet including the entry fee (RDD).
Grimoire, learning that spell will not cost
Hero level Multiplier for 1st Multiplier for anything. It takes 3 days to learn a new spell.
place 2nd place. This can only be done at the Wizards’ Guild in
1 3 2,5
Silver City. Likewise, a prayer can be learnt in
2 2,9 2,4
the Inner Sanctum in Silver City, but this only
3 2,8 2,3
4 2,7 2,2 takes 1 day as it is not as complex as a spell.
5 2,6 2,1
6 2,5 2,0 Level Up
7 2,4 1,9 When the heroes get some rest, they can
8 2,3 1,8 reflect upon their recent adventures. One
9 2,2 1,7 obvious effect of this may be that they will level
10 2,1 1,6
up if they have enough experience. Check the
‘Levelling Up’ chapter in the Party
There is also a chance to win an extra prize. Management section.

1st place
2nd place
Extra award Pray at the Local Temples
1-2 1 1 Wonderful Treasure It may be a good idea for your heroes to visit
3-4 2-3 1 Fine Treasure one of the local temples to pray for a small
5-10 4-10 Nothing extra boon before they set off on the next quest.
Warrior Priests will not use the temples but
instead go to the Inner Sanctum. The gods are
Catastrophe Strikes! proud beings, however, and they will not
Pushing your horse to its very limit, it suddenly accept that your heroes show allegiance to
collapses underneath you. After the violent more than one god at a time. Therefore, each
crash you take a few seconds to decide hero may choose only one temple before each
whether you are still alive or not, and based on quest. Praying at the temple cost 50 c. Roll 1d6
the pain, you decide on the first. The horse and on a result 1-3 the god listens and grants
however did not fare that well and you are now you a boon. This takes one day. The effect will
without a mount. Limping off the track, you last until you leave the next dungeon.
realise it will take a few days to fully recover.
Temple of Charus
Remove the horse from your Character Sheet At the temple of Charus, your heroes may pray
and subtract 1d6 HP and 1 Point of Sanity. for increased endurance so that they can
endure the physical challenges ahead. If Charus
Identifying Items and Potions listens, he will grant your hero 1 extra Energy
Identifying Magic Items can be done by a Scryer Point that cannot be regained through resting.
or at the Wizards’ Guild in Silver City. The price
for this is 300 c. Identifying potions can be done Temple of Iphy
at the General Store or the Alchemist Guild for At the temple of Iphy, your heroes may pray
25 c. for increased mental strength, which will grant
you the Resolve it takes to face the horrors of

the dungeons. If Iphy listens, she will grant only half (RDD) of each stat is regained and 1d6
your hero +5 Resolve. HP as you will sleep in the inn's stable instead.
You will then need to leave the settlement in
Temple of Metheia
the morning, either on a quest or to travel to
At the temple of Metheia, you may pray for
another settlement.
health and a long life. If she answers your
hero’s prayers, they will get +1 HP until the Disease and poison needs tending to at the Sick
next time the hero leaves a dungeon. Wards.
Temple of Ohlnir
At the temple of Charus, your heroes may pray
Repair Equipment
Repairing equipment is done by paying the
for guidance of their weapons, so that they will
amount of money listed in the ‘Repair Column’
always strike true. If Ohlnir hears their prayer,
in the Sell Table (See Appendix III: Equipment,
they will get +5 CS/RS (either 1h or RS – player’s
page 157). This can be done while shopping or
selling at the General Store for gear, and at the
Temple of Rhidnir Blacksmith for weapons and armour.
At the temple of the Great Trickster, your hero
may pray for increased luck, but it is risky Skills Training
indeed as the jester may just as easily answer This can be done in the Guilds.
the prayer with what he sees as a funny
surprise! If he listens and is feeling generous, Tending to those Memories
he will grant your hero +1 Luck. If the heroes spend at least one night in an inn,
each hero regains 1d3 Points of Sanity. If that is
Temple of Ramos
not enough, the hero can try to drown their
At the temple of Ramos, your hero may pray for
memories in ale or other pleasures. This will
increased strength. If he decides to listen to the
increase the hero’s sanity by a further 1d6, but
prayer, the hero will be granted +5 STR.
will at the same time cost the hero 1d3*100 c.

Rest and Recuperation Treat Mental Conditions

For some coins, the members of the party may A hero can reach out to the monks at the
regain their health, luck and energy, by Asylum when mental burdens become too
sleeping in the relative comfort of the beds at heavy to bear. At a cost of 1000 c, they will try
one of the city inns, or in their own home. to cure one disorder. However, each hero can
Mana, Luck and energy are automatically only attempt to cure one of their disorders in
restored, and each hero regains 2d6 HP per between each quest, and the attempt only
night. Once luck has been restored, any use of succeeds on a roll of 1-5 on 1d6. The treatment
luck after this will not be restored until the next takes 5 days.
visit to a settlement. If you cannot afford this,

The Dark Guild
Located in the shadier parts of the city, this ointments to ensure that you can move in
Guild is for Thieves and Rogues. Here you can perfect secrecy. Uncommon indeed, this kind
practice skills that would not impress the city of armour is normally only worn by those who
guards. are up to no good. But, for a Thief or Rogue
turned Dungeoneer, this is a great way to save
Skill training your skin. It’s considered a leather armour out
You can practice CS, RS, Pick Locks, and of restrictions perspective.
Perception here. Increasing your skill with +3
Dark as the Night
will cost 300 c. Only one training session per
By wearing a part of armour that has this
skill may be undertaken between two
Special Rule, the hero becomes more difficult
to hit. Any enemy trying to strike or shoot at
Buying Special Equipment the hero suffers a -5 modifier. This is not
There is certain equipment for sale at the Dark cumulative if the hero has two or three parts,
Guild that can be of use during the quest: but if the hero wears a complete set, this
becomes a -10 modifier.
Nightstalker Armour
This armour is made of high-quality leather High Quality
reinforced with metal in strategic places. The This armour is really a masterpiece. It is of such
metal and leather are as black as soot, and the superior quality that the armour has a
entire armour is carefully treated with oils and Durability of 8 instead of 6.

Armour Def Enc Covers Special Cost Availability

Nightstalker Cap 4 1 Head High Quality 230 c 3
Dark as the night, High
Nightstalker Vest 4 3 Torso 650 c 3
Dark as the night, High
Nightstalker Jacket 4 4 Arms, Torso 1000 c 3
Dark as the night, High
Nightstalker Pants 4 3 Legs 900 c 3
Nightstalker Bracers 4 3 Arms High Quality 150 c 3

Equipment Enc Durability Special Cost
Bear Trap 5 2 See Special Note. 200
Caltrops Trap - - See Special Note. 50
By spending 1 turn before opening a door,
you can slide the mirror underneath the
door and get a grip of the room on the
other side. You may draw the Exploration
Door Mirror - 1 300
Card and roll for an Encounter before
opening the door. The party may add 2
hero initiative tokens to the bag if there is
an encounter behind the door.
These lock picks are Dwarven-made with
Superior Lock Picks (5) - 1 extreme precision. They give +5 Lock 75
picking skill.
This ammo is cast metal bullets rather
Superior Sling Stones (10) - - than the normal stones. Gives +5 RS with 25
slings and +1 DMG.
A Dwarven-made kit with perfect
tolerances and smooth surfaces. Gives a
Superior Trap Disarming Kit 4 6 250
+15 modifier to any attempt to disarm a
Tripwire with Darts Trap 2 1 See Special Note. 150

These traps can be used by a Rogue or Thief since they know they are there and can avoid
and placed in the dungeon to cause trouble for setting them off.
their enemies. Use the trap tokens to indicate
where you have placed the traps. When
These small metal pyramids can be thrown on
moving enemies, they will always take the
the floor and the unsuspecting enemy will walk
most direct route towards its targets, and if
on them. They cause immense pain and will
there are dual options for the path, randomise
disrupt the movement for anyone walking over
the path. If they enter a trapped square, take
them. (Almost like Lego).
notes of any wounds caused to a Wandering
Monster token and when the monsters are The Caltrops can be thrown in a square up to 2
revealed, each individual enemy will have squares away from the hero. Throwing them
suffered the wounds written down (unless takes 1 AP and this can be done as long as there
noted otherwise below). is no enemy adjacent to the thrower. Any
enemy walking over the square with no armour
Two of the traps below are primarily meant for
will suffer 1d4 Points of Damage and will stop
Wandering Monsters, but there are ways to set
its turn immediately.
them so they can hurt encounters as well (place
them before opening a door and let the enemy Tripwire with Darts
approach). This trap is primarily meant to stop Wandering
Monsters. The tripwire can be set up only if
Once placed, traps may not be picked up, and there is no ongoing battle. It takes one full turn
once a monster triggers the trap, it is removed. to set up if it is placed in a Quick Slot, and can
Heroes can walk through squares with traps span 4 squares in a straight line (not diagonal).

Use tokens to indicate which squares are square. It cannot be placed while there is an
covered by the tripwire, and any enemy ongoing battle. It takes 1 AP to set the trap. It
entering one of those squares will trigger the causes 1d12 wounds with no armour, but will
trap. The darts cause 1d8 damage. Account for only affect one enemy within a Wandering
Armour and NA once the enemy is revealed. Monster group. Randomise which one.
Bear Trap
This trap is primarily meant to stop Wandering
Monsters. The Bear Trap only covers one

Fighters’ Guild
This is the guild for Warriors and Barbarians. Bounty Hunt
There is always a list of wanted enemies at the
Skill Training
Fighters’ Guild. If you find and kill any of these
You can practice CS, Heal and Dodge here.
on your next quest, you can return to receive a
Increasing one skill with +3 will cost 300 c. Only
reward. Roll on the table 5 times and note
one training session per skill can be undertaken
down which enemies to hunt until the next
between two dungeons.
time you visit the city. Each creature killed will
earn you 250 gold. You can only claim one
reward for each kind of enemy.

1d00 Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy

1 Bandit 26 Fire Elemental 51 Greater Demon 76 River Troll
2 Bandit Leader 27 Frogling 52 Griffon 77 Salamander
3 Banshee 28 Gargoyle 53 Harpy 78 Satyr
4 Beastman 29 Gecko 54 Hydra 79 Saurian
5 Beastman Chieftain 30 Gecko Assassin 55 Lesser Plague Demon 80 Saurian Elite
6 Beastman Guard 31 Ghost 56 Lurker 81 Saurian Priest
7 Berserker 32 Ghoul 57 Medusa 82 Saurian Warchief
8 Bloated Demon 33 Giant 58 Mimic 83 Shambler
9 Blood Demon 34 Giant Bat 59 Mind Flayer 84 Skeleton
10 Cave Bear 35 Giant Centipede 60 Minotaur 85 Slime
11 Cave Goblin 36 Giant Leach 61 Minotaur Skeleton 86 Sphinx
12 Centaur 37 Giant Pox Rat 62 Mummy 87 Stone Golem
13 Cockatrice 38 Giant Rat 63 Mummy Priest 88 Stone Troll
14 Common Troll 39 Giant Scorpion 64 Mummy Queen 89 Tomb Guardian
15 Dark Elf 40 Giant Snake 65 Naga 90 Vampire
16 Dark Elf Assassin 41 Giant Spider 66 Necromancer 91 Vampire Fledgling
17 Dark Elf Captain 42 Giant Toad 67 Ogre 92 Warlock
18 Dark Elf Sniper 43 Giant Wolf 68 Ogre Berserker 93 Water Elemental
19 Dark Elf Warlock 44 Gigantic Snake 69 Ogre Chieftain 94 Werewolf
20 Dire Wolf 45 Gigantic Spider 70 Orc 95 Wight
21 Dragon 46 Gnoll 71 Orc Brute 96 Wind Elemental
22 Drider 47 Gnoll Sergeant 72 Orc Chieftain 97 Wraiths
23 Earth Elemental 48 Gnoll Shaman 73 Orc Shaman 98 Wyvern
24 Ettin 49 Goblin 74 Plague Demon 99 Zombie
25 Fallen Knight 50 Goblin Shaman 75 Raptor 00 Zombie Ogre

Buying Special Equipment
Some specialised equipment is only sold at the Fighters’ Guild.

Equipment Enc Durability Special Cost

Gauntlets 1 - Increases arm armour +1 50 c
Gorget 1 - Increases head armour +1 50 c
Pain Killer - 1 Remove wound marker until end of battle 50 c
Poleyns (metal knee pads) 1 Increases leg armour +1 50 c
Shield Padding 1 - Increases the durability of a shield with +1 15 c
Shoulder Pads 1 - Increases torso armour +1 50 c
Slayer Weapon Treatment - - Increases sharpness of an edged weapon. 100 c

Pain Killer Slayer Weapons

This is a fine powder, made from a mix of herbs. The Weapon Smith at the Guild has a special
The recipe is a heavily guarded secret, and is way of heat-treating weapons, giving them a
only known by the top tier of the Fighters’ razor-sharp edge which is able to cut through
Guild. By snorting this power, a wounded even the thickest armour. The weapon gets +1
fighter will receive considerable pain relief. DMG that is cumulative with any other
However, the powder does not remedy the modifiers. The hero may have any edged
actual wound. A hero snorting this powder may weapon treated as long as it is at full durability.
remove any wound status marker and regain Once treated, the effect will last until the
his or her lost AP. It will last for the entire weapon breaks.
battle, and after the battle the wound status
will once again take affect if still applicable.
Using it requires 1 AP and immediately gives Gorget Pauldron
you back the lost AP, meaning you can move or
attack in the same turn.
Shield Padding
This padding increases the structural integrity
of any shield (regardless of size) giving it a total
Durability of 7. A magic shield would thus have Gauntlet
a Durability of 9. Pauldron

Gauntlets, Gorget, Shoulder Pads, and

These can be added to padded, leather, or mail
armours that already have a DEF value in the
indicated area. They will increase the Defence
Value of that armour and the Encumbrance Pauldron
permanently with +1 and cannot be separated
from that armour once combined. If the
armour is destroyed, any add-ons are
destroyed as well.

Wizards’ Guild
As the name implies, this is the guild for Charging Magic Items
Wizards. Apart from visitors recharging magic A broken Magic Item that has been repaired
items, only Wizards are allowed here. can be recharged for 250 coins.

Skill Training Buying Wizard’s Staffs

You can practice your Arcane Arts, Perception, Magical Items are rare, therefore, they are
and Heal here. Increasing your skill with +3 will difficult to purchase. However, magical staffs
cost 300 c. Only one training session per skill are comparably common, and they have
can be undertaken between two dungeons. 139 magical abilities which strengthen wizards,
whilst also doubling as close-combat weapons.
Learning New Spells
During their time off, wizards may learn a new Charges and Recharges
spell. Each hero may learn one spell in between Staffs have three charges unless noted
each quest. otherwise. This means that the spell bound in
the staff can be cast three times before it needs
The price for learning a spell is 400 c + 100 c for to be recharged. Recharging a staff costs half of
each spell level above 1. If the wizard found a the purchase price of the staff.
Grimoire, learning that spell is free. It takes 3
days to learn a new spell. Casting a Spell with a Staff
Casting a spell with a staff will automatically
succeed and normally requires 2AP.

Staff Effect Availability Cost

This staff will lend some of its power to the wizard. It will give
a +5 modifier to the Arcane Arts Skill. When leaving a
Arcane Staff dungeon, roll 1d10. On a result of 9-10, the magic has 4 400 c
dissipated and must be recharged. Until recharged, it is
considered a normal staff.
Fire Staff This staff contains the Magic Flare spell. 3 400 c
This staff may be used to store Mana between quests. Storing
Major Mana Staff Mana does not take any time and can be done in a settlement 2 800 c
while resting at the inn. This stores 30 points of Mana.
This staff may be used to store Mana between quests. Storing
Mana Staff Mana does not take any time and can be done in a settlement 3 500 c
while resting at the inn. This stores 20 points of Mana.
This staff may be used to store Mana between quests. Storing
Minor Mana Staff Mana does not take any time and can be done in a settlement 4 300 c
while resting at the inn. This stores 10 points of Mana.
This staff works just like a lantern. If the wizard makes a
miscast, the flame goes out. It will not go out due to any other
Staff of Illumination 4 300 c
reason. To rekindle the flame, the wizard must simply spend
one Action.
Staff of Slow This staff contains the magic spell: Slow. 3 400 c
Staff of the Bolt This staff contains the spell: Magic Bolt. 3 500 c
This staff strengthens the body of the wizard, giving +3 HP
while the staff is carried. Between each quest, roll 1d10. On a
Staff of the Heart 4 350 c
result of 10, the magic has dissipated and must be recharged.
Until recharged, it is considered a normal staff.

Alchemists’ Guild
Skill Training
You can practice Alchemy, Heal, and ingredient cost 25 c. There are some parts that
Perception. Increasing your skill with +3 will are not sold, as dealing with human body parts
cost 300 c. Only one training session per skill is illegal.
can be done between two dungeons.
Potions can be bought here. Normally, with a
Purchasing Ingredients, Parts, and Potions lot more to choose from than the General
At the Alchemists’ Guild, you can purchase Store. The supply is much better as well. All
both parts and ingredients, when they are Standard Potions have an availability of 5,
available. To purchase a part, check the whereas Weak Potions are always in stock.
availability in the table below. If you succeed Supreme versions have an availability of 4.
with the Availability Roll, you may choose any Prices are listed in the Potions Table at p.174.
kind of part from that enemy. A part or

Type Availability Type Availability Type Availability

Banshee 2 Giant Pox Rat 3 Ogre 3

Beastman 5 Giant Rat 5 Orc 5

Cave Bear 4 Giant Scorpion 2 Raptor 4

Cave Goblin 5 Giant Snake 4 River Troll 3

Cockatrice 3 Giant Spider 4 Salamander 5

Centaur 3 Giant Toad 3 Satyr 4

Common Troll 4 Giant Wolf 4 Saurian 3

Dire Wolves 4 Gigantic Snake 2 Shambler 4

Dark Elf 3 Gigantic Spider 2 Skeleton 2

Dragon 1 Gnoll 5 Slime 3

Dryder 1 Goblin 5 Sphinx 2

Ettin 2 Griffon 2 Stone Golem 2

Frogling 3 Harpy 3 Stone Troll 4

Gargoyle 4 Hydra 2 Tomb Guardian 3

Gecko 4 Lurker 3 Vampire 3

Ghost 3 Medusa 2 Werewolf 5

Ghouls 4 Mimic 2 Wights 3

Giant 2 Minotaur 3 Wraiths 3

Giant Bat 5 Minotaur Skeleton 3 Wyvern 2

Giant Centipede 4 Mummy 3 Zombie 1

Giant Leech 4 Naga 3 Zombie Ogre 5

Ingredient Availability
Lunarberry 5
Arching Pokeroot 4
Ashen Ginger 5
Barbed Wormwood 1
Bitterweed 4
Blue Coneflower 5
Bright Gallberry 3
Dragon Stalk 4
Ember Bark 5
Giant Raspberry 5
Monk’s Laurel 1
Mountain Barberry 3
Nightshade 5
Salty Wyrmwood 2
Snakeberry 3
Spicy Windroot 5
Sweet Ivy 3
Toxic Hogweed 3
Weeping Clover 4
Wintercress 4

Rangers’ Guild
This is where the Rangers get together, sharing Whenever you roll a Foraging roll, consult the
stories and exchanging experience. table below.
Skill Training Roll Result
You can practice CS, RS, Dodge, Heal, and >Foraging skill No animal found
Foraging. Increasing your skill with +3 will cost <=Foraging skill Small game
300 c. Only one training session per skill can be <Foraging skill/2 (RDD) Large game
undertaken between two dungeons.

Advanced Foraging A small animal will provide the party with food
for the day, whereas a large animal will provide
A large part of foraging for food involves wild
food for two days (2 Rations). If you manage to
game hunting. Prey may range from a wild hare
catch an animal, and have a skinning knife, you
to deer depending on the opportunities that
may make another Foraging Skill roll. A success
present themselves. A seasoned Ranger will, of
on that roll will give you furs to sell. Small game
course, have more success in finding better
will give you one fur, and large game will give
game. An experienced Ranger will also make
you two. Each fur weighs 2 ENC.
sure not to spoil the fur of the animal since it
fetches a value back in the settlements. A fur can be sold at the General Store for 50 c
(no need to use the sell table).

Miniatures by Reaper Miniatures and EmanG.

Buying Special Equipment
Some equipment is only sold in the Rangers’ Guild.

Equipment Enc Health Special Availability Cost

This can be added to a shortbow, bow,
or any form of crossbow to make it
Aim Attachment - - 3 200 c
easier to aim. When using an Aim Action,
you get +15 instead of +10.
Barbed Arrows (5) 1 - Increased DMG + 1 4 25 c
Barbed Bolts (5) 1 - Increased DMG + 1 4 25 c
This rather unique item will allow the
Compass - 1 party to reroll one Travel Event per 3 300 c
travel. It must be carried in a Quick Slot.
This slender blade is razor sharp and will
make the skinning process much easier.
Elven Skinning
1 - It grants a +10 modifier to Foraging 3 250 c
whilst skinning only. Can be kept in the
backpack all the time.
This will allow a Ranger to skin animals.
Skinning Knife 1 - 5 100 c
Can be kept in the backpack all the time.
These traps will make catching animals
much easier and confers a +10 modifier
Wild game traps 3 - when rolling a Foraging roll to catch 5 150 c
animals. Can be kept in the backpack all
the time.

The Inner Sanctum
Only a Warrior Priest may enter the Inner between each visit to a dungeon. The price for
Sanctum and consult with the High Priests. learning a prayer is 400 c +100 c per prayer
Here, priests can practice in their ways, learn level above 1. It takes 1 day.
new prayers, and find the religious relics that
they need to perform their work. Blessing Your Armour and
Praying in the Inner The Warrior Priests may seek to have their
Sanctum. armour or weapon blessed by one of the High
Just like the dedicated temples, the Inner Priests.
Sanctum has areas dedicated to each God. The
Blessed Armours
Warrior Priest can choose to pray at one of
Each piece of armour must be individually
these, and will receive the same blessing as are
blessed to give the proper protection. As this is
granted to the other heroes in the temples. The
tedious work, the High Priests have decided to
difference is that the gods are more likely to
take a fee of 25 c per piece to make this
listen, and a result of 1-5 will grant this boon.
feasible. Blessed Armour will benefit from +1
While praying to the Trickster God, a result of 6
durability, and it will last until the heroes leave
will still give the deduction of luck as described
the next dungeon.
in the ‘Temple’ section.
Blessed Weapons
Practicing Skills A Blessed Weapon will work wonders against
You can practice CS, Dodge, and Battle Prayers Undead beings and creatures of the void. Any
here. Increasing your skill with +3 will cost 300 Undead or Demon struck by such a weapon
c and take 1 day. Only one training session per suffers a further 2 points of DMG. Blessing a
skill can be taken between two dungeons. weapon costs 75 c and lasts until the heroes
leave the next dungeon.
Learning a New Prayer
Priests may learn a prayer from one of the High
Priests. Each hero may learn one prayer in

Buying Special Equipment

Here you can buy special things that are usually only available to the Warrior Priests.

Item Enc Durability Special Cost Availability

Religious Relic See table under ‘Treasures’ chapter for
- 1 500 c 4
(Necklace) variants.
Religious Relic See table under ‘Treasures’ chapter for
- 1 500 c 4
(Ring) variants.
Increases the Prayer skill with +5.
Enough for 1 skirmish or 1 dungeon.
Incense - 1 40 c 4
May be lit in a quick slot during skirmish
setup or before entering a dungeon.

The High Priests constantly proclaim crusades against the evils of the world. Based on reports from
around the kingdom, the priests decide where their forces need to focus. Roll on the table below to
decide what has been declared a crusade against.

1d4 Crusade against…

1 Undead
2 Bandits
3 Orcs and Goblins
4 Beasts
5 Dark Elves
6 Reptiles

For every enemy the Warrior Priest kills and brings a trophy from, the priest will receive 25 c. Now,
there is no real way for the High Priests to determine who actually killed the enemy, so it does not
matter who in the party landed the killing blow. The crusade only lasts until the heroes leave the next
dungeon. The trophies are considered to be collected automatically and the money is paid the next
time the Warrior Priest visits the Sanctum.

Some passages require more effort than other to pass through. Walls
and floor by Printable Scenery. Rubble scratch built using foam board.

Buying an Estate
Once that money starts to pile up, it may be a The main house has more rooms than you
good idea to find somewhere safe to stay could possibly need, and there is also quite a
besides the inns. Investing your money in an sizable bit of land that comes with the house.
estate will be costly, but in the end the To get the key to the house, the heroes must
investment will pay as you will be able to part with 6000 c when they are in Silver City.
furnish your rooms to suit your party.
Staying at the House
Buying the House Once the heroes have the key, they are free to
The old Bergmeister Estate on the outskirts of stay at the house in between quests. Now they
Silver City has been empty for many years. It do not have to pay the daily cost of at the inns.
was once the residence of the silver mine's All the normal rules for resting between quests
current Bergmeister. The Bergmeister held the apply. The house has enough room to store any
title of the Chief of all mining operations excess equipment the party chooses to not
around the Silver City. The house is now owned bring on their quests.
by a distant relative to the Bergmeister who
The Ghosts of Past Generations
lived there before the last silver mine closed.
The talk of ghosts and other apparitions is not
Being notoriously haunted, no one has dared
just a fable. The house is indeed haunted, and
purchase it, even though it has been up for sale
not by just a single ghost, but rather by a full
for many years. The High Priests have
host of them. Generations of previous owners
performed several exorcism rituals with little to
and servants roam the large halls and corridors
no success. They have even gone so far as to
at night. Contrary to the rumours though, these
invite The Brotherhood of Ohlnir, but again, to
are not malign spirits, and they seem content
no avail. It is as if the ghosts of old simply
to share their house with the party.
disappear as soon as someone tries to find
them. With that history in mind, the house is
fairly cheap for its size.

However, from time to time they decide to them. This requires the Companion’s
meddle with the living, coming with ill omens Expansion.
or predictions from beyond the veil of death.
Training Grounds 500 c
Between every quest, the party must roll 1d10.
Every adventurer’s dream would be to have
This is done the night before the planned
their own training grounds where they can
departure. On a result of 7-10, the ghosts have
hone their fighting skills.
seen fit to make contact. Roll on the Ghostly
Events Table. Any hero who spends time at the training
grounds may choose to increase either CS or
Furnishing the Manor Dodge with +1d2. May be done once between
When staying at the manor, the heroes may each visit to a dungeon.
decide to furnish rooms, or build new areas for
Wizard’s Study 500 c
use. Only one thing may be bought in between
This room is equipped with everything a wizard
every quest, and it cannot be used until after
could possibly need. There is an enchanting
the leaving the next dungeon.
table, pens for Familiars (see the Companion’s
Alchemist Lab 500 c Expansion), numerous bookshelves, and a
This room is specially tailored to fit every need comfy armchair to sit in and ponder the
of an alchemist. Here you can experiment with mysteries of the void.
new potions and recipes night after night.
A wizard may store any number of Familiars
An alchemist making a recipe in this lab may here for free. Furthermore, any Enchantment or
choose what kind of potion the recipe will yield. Magic Scribble cast here is done with a +10
Only one recipe may be made between each modifier.
visit to a dungeon.
Shrine 350 c
Archery Range 500 c There is the possibility to turn a room into a
With all this land, there is plenty of space for a dedicated shrine to one of the gods. Due to the
fully-fledged archery range where your heroes ongoing rivalry between the gods, only one
can practice their skills. You can only train shrine can be built, dedicated to a god of the
either at archery range OR at the training hero’s choice.
grounds with each hero.
Any hero may pray at the shrine in between
Heroes staying at the manor may increase their quests and get the standard boon, but for free
RS with +1d2 between each visit to a dungeon. and with a success on 1-4 on 1d6.
Crops, Hen House, and Pigsty 200 c Smithy 350 c
Being self-sufficient is always good, and when There is already an old Smithy on the estate,
you are in constant need of rations for your but it was in miserable condition. With a bit of
travels, this could indeed be a wise investment. love, it can be turned into a fully functioning
As long as one of the heroes spends at least a workshop.
full day tending to these, the party will receive
a number of rations for free. These are All heroes may automatically repair 1d3
calculated as 1d8+the number of spent days. Durability Points on all weapons and armour.

Kennel 75 c
With a kennel, you can leave any dogs you own
between quests, if you decide not to bring

Ghostly Events Table
Roll 1d10 to see what Ghostly Events have Add a Side Quest Card to the first half of the pile
passed during the last evening or night before when setting up the Dungeon Cards. When you
the departure. There is no time to change the draw the Side Quest Card, you remove it and
plans even after this, and you must head immediately draw the next card. On this card,
straight to the World Map. you add 1 extra door leading to the R10 tile.
This door is considered a normal door in all
1 The Family Heirlooms
aspects as the ghost’s explanation makes it
The last Bergmeister to ever reside in the
easy to find. It can still be locked and trapped
estate approaches the heroes. He tells a long
but there are no encounters inside.
(and honestly quite dull) story of the family’s
history, achievements, and final end. The 4 Spiritual Guides
interesting part comes at the end though, The Spirits of the Manor have decided to
when he talks about a secret room in the cellar intervene and help the heroes. It is as if they
that has been bricked closed. He says the manage to guide the weapons of the heroes to
family things hidden there would benefit the always strike true.
heroes and he is willing to part with them as a
All Heroes get +5 CS/+5 RS during the quest.
token of gratitude since the heroes are slowly
bringing the former glory of the estate back. 5 Protector
The heroes spend the night breaking the wall Apparently, one of the restless spirits has a soft
down. Finally, after hours of hard labour there spot for wizards. Maybe through own
is a hole large enough for one of the heroes to experience in the Arcane Arts or for some other
pass through. unknown reason. Nonetheless, it seems to be
lending the wizard a helping hand.
The heroes may roll twice on the Wonderful
Treasure Chart. However, the lack of sleep will Any wizard in the party will only miscast on 97-
deprive each hero of 1 Point of Energy. 00 during the coming quest. If there are no
wizards in the party, ignore this and head out
2 Guardian Spirits
on your quest without any ghostly events.
A spirit has for some unknown reason decided
to keep a watchful eye over the heroes during 6 The Grieving Mother
their quest, intervening when necessary to While going through their gear the evening
keep them safe. before departure, the air grows cold, and an
elderly lady enters the room.
+1 Luck for all heroes during the coming quest.
See the Grieving mother Side Quest. If you
3 The Hidden Treasure
already have succeeded in this quest, ignore
One of the heroes is told by a young and strong
this and treat it as if you rolled nr 2. If you have
looking lad (although clearly long-since dead)
tried it and failed, you may try again.
that the dungeon they are heading to has a
hidden treasure chamber. He carefully explains 7 Angered Ghost
how to locate the secret door and then the Possibly the heroes have done something to
hero wakes from his or her sleep. Realising that enrage the spirits, or there is some previously
it was a dream, they drift back to sleep. But unknown ghost at work, but one morning as
before they slumber, they can't help thinking the heroes leave the Manor, they notice that all
that it seemed all too real to be an ordinary crops have withered as if the temperature had
dream. suddenly dropped during the night.

Any rations from the crops, hen house, and First randomise which hero is affected. Then
pigsty are lost. randomise between all weapons, all pieces of
armour and all rations (All rations are
8 Restless Night
considered a single item for this purpose). This
On a particularly stormy night, it seems like all
item is left back at the estate and cannot be
the resident ghosts have gone mad. The heroes
used until you have left the next dungeon.
wake up several times as doors slam shut,
chairs topple, and screams echo through the 10 The Curse
A truly vengeful spirit does not share the
The heroes have a tough time getting a good others’ happiness about the new residents.
night’s sleep. All heroes start the next quest They utter a curse on the party.
with -2 Energy (minimum 0). This can be
Every hero suffers an individual curse from the
regained as usual after the quest has started
Curse Table in the Rulebook that cannot be
through the usual means.
lifted until they are back in the city again.
9 Lost Item
Once the party have left the Manor and they
are on their way to their quest, one hero
realises that a piece of important gear is
missing. Certain that this was packed
yesterday, this must be the work of an unhappy
spirit or poltergeist.

Do not read this until you have triggered the quest!

Side Quest: The Grieving Mother

The old lady is barely visible and flickers like a Reward: As told in the aftermath – wait and
flame about to go out. She stands silent for see.
some time before she starts telling a story of
Encounters: As defined by the main quest.
how her son left for the very dungeon the
heroes are heading to, but he never came back. Objective Room: As explained below. Do not
She had to live out the rest of her life, knowing read more than one section at a time.
that he would never return. Even now, some
hundred years after her own passing, she still
longs for him and begs the heroes to bring back
her son to be buried in the family grave on the
estate, so that they may finally rest together.

Location: In the same dungeon as the next


Special Rules: Add one Side Quest Card to the

pile. When you draw this card, put it aside and
pull the next card. This card will now lead you
to the side Objective Room. There is a hidden
door in one of the walls. Once in the room, read
the paragraph: ‘The Hidden Door’.

If the quest is finished before this card is drawn, Secret door! Printable Scenery, modified by author.
the heroes may continue to try to find it or end
the quest, in which case this side quest will fail.

The Hidden Door

By chance, or perhaps by the will of some
other force, one of the adventurers notices a Roll if locked or trapped as usual, but apart
crack in the wall. Looking closely, they notice a from that, treat it as a regular door.
hidden door.

Entering the Side Objective Room
The room they enter is dark, but from the other Place the R17 tile. There is an opening on the
side of the room a small beam of light can be opposite side of the room leading out. If the
seen. The beam lands straight on the dust heroes so wish, they can leave the dungeon
covered skeletal remains of a young that way. The remains are in one of the squares
adventurer. Beside him lies a broken shield and in front of the door.
a rusty longsword. Taking in the rest of the
A creaking noise is suddenly heard in the
room, the party realises that this door probably
otherwise total silence. Emerging from the
has not been opened in decades. The beam of
opposite corners are two giant spiders slowly
light seems to be coming from an opening
walking towards the heroes.
leading to the outside.

Read the next paragraph only after the first turn of combat!

Without warning, the hidden door suddenly Once the spiders have been beaten, the heroes
slams shut with a loud bang. Those heroes can spend one action to place the skeletal
inside the secret chamber are trapped with the remains in one of the backpacks (ENC 8).
spiders. Possibly this is the same fate that the
Any Wandering Monster from this point and
young adventurer experienced during his last
forward will originate from the opening from
where the light comes. Each Wandering
The door is now locked as though you had rolled Monster will be 1d2 Giant spiders.
10 on the Door Table and cannot be opened
from the inside until the spiders are dead. It can
be opened from the outside, if the heroes
manage to open the lock, or beat down the

Aftermath – If You Fail

There will automatically be a Ghostly Event before the next quest, and that will be nr 8.

Aftermath – If You Bring Back the Remains

Once back at the estate, the party holds a short ceremony and buries the remains in the old family
cemetery. The old lady is never seen again, but the next morning an exquisite sword is found on the
dining table. The Longsword is considered magical and has +2 DMG.

The Dark Gods
There are several gods that are collectively referred to as the
Dark Gods. This is mostly because of superstition, and the fear
of invoking them by speaking their real names. Worshipping
these gods is forbidden in the Kingdom. Nonetheless, there are
people who defy the law and pledge their allegiance to them in
secret. The god that attracts the most followers is probably
Kheros, the God of Death, to whom all necromancers turn to
for boons and power.


Appendix I: Perks
Using these Perks always costs 1 Point of Energy, but no AP unless noted otherwise. Perks can only be
used one at a time (one Perk per Action).

Leader Perks
Perk Effect Comment
Your hero lets out a battle shout that gives
another hero a chance to spring into
immediate action.
You may use this Perk when activating the
Call to Action hero. Once the 2 AP has been spent, you may
take a hero token from the bag and activate
another hero within LOS of the hero using
this Perk.

Your hero’s encouragement strengthens the May be used outside of the

Encouragement hearts of his comrades, giving them +10 on ordinary acting order whenever
an upcoming Fear or Terror Test. a fear or test is necessary.
Your hero’s Resolve keeps the party This may not increase morale
Keep Calm and
together. You may increase Party Morale above starting morale.
Carry On!
with +2.
The hero tries to encourage a comrade to May be used outside of the
Rally action! A hero that has failed a Fear or Terror ordinary acting order whenever
Test may immediately retake that test. a fear or test is necessary.

Common Perks
Perk Effect Comment
Ignore Wounds Hero gains Natural Armour 2 Lasts for one battle.
May add +20 to a dodge result when attacked
Sixth Sense or +20 to a Perception Test when avoiding a
triggered trap.
Your hero may use one Point of Energy to
move up to 6 squares with the first
Sprint movement. A second movement is still
allowed but with the standard half
Your hero knows exactly how to trigger the Chose which enemy to taunt
enemy. Your hero can force an enemy, that is before rolling.
not locked in close combat, to attack him
ignoring normal targeting procedure.
Character evokes Bloodlust on a ‘To Hit’ roll Must be used before Damage
Taste for Blood
of 01-10 instead of 01-05 for an entire battle. Roll but lasts the entire battle.

Combat Perks
Perk Effect Comment
Using his inner energy, your hero may perform 2
Battle Fury
Power Attacks in one turn as if they only cost 1 AP.
Deadly Strike Adds +25 CS to your next attack.
Working herself into a frenzy, your hero flails wildly Barbarians only. Takes 1
at her enemies. For every attack that damages the AP to activate. Lasts for
enemy, she may attack again. This attack does not one battle.
have to be at the same target. While frenzied, the
hero may only move or attack and may do nothing
else, including parrying or dodging.
Your hero may shoot two arrows when performing a Can only be activated
Hunter’s Eye Ranged Attack with a bow. Both arrows must target when using a bow or a
the same enemy. Roll for each attack separately. sling.
Your hero’s aim is spot on. Add +25 to RS to your
Perfect Aim
next Ranged Attack.
Your hero attacks with all her strength, causing 1d6 Must be decided before
Powerful Blow
extra damage. the attack is made.
Pushes one enemy of the same size or smaller one Flyers are immune.
square. Target must make a Dexterity Test or fall Requires a Heater or
Shield Bash
over, spending its next action to stand again. Hero Tower shield.
may occupy target’s square afterwards.
Years of training lets your hero handle that shield May be used when
Shield Wall like a pro. You may parry twice during one turn while attacked.
in Parry Stance.
Your hero may choose to stun the enemy instead of Only melee weapons.
inflicting wounds. Your hero performs a Standard Does not work on X-Large
Attack with a -10 CS penalty and if the attack is creatures and Large
successful, the enemy must pass a RES test or it may creatures only lose 1 AP.
perform NO actions during its next turn.

Metheia, the God of Life

Being the God of Life, Metheia has many devoted followers.
It is a common practice for most citizens of the Kingdom to
offer a short prayer to her every morning, to give thanks for
waking up to yet another day. All major cities have chapels
devoted to her honour, and the priests tend to the sick and
wounded in the wards that are often present within the
temple compounds.

Sneaky Perks
Perk Effect Comment
Relying on her experience, her fingers dance across the
Clever Fingers mechanism. Add +25 bonus to a single pick lock or Use before rolling.
disarming trap attempt.
Your hero finds that perfect spot to avoid drawing
attention. No enemy will target him if they are more
Hide in the than 2 squares away when they start their turn. If your
Shadows model is adjacent to an enemy, that enemy will always
attack another adjacent model if there is one. If not,
the Perk will not work.
Accustomed to hardship, your hero can sustain The Energy Point
themselves on almost nothing. Spending an Energy cannot be regained
Living on Nothing
Point to activate this Perk is considered the same as in the same rest in
consuming a ration. which it was spent.
The decision to use
this Perk is done
Whenever told to roll for an amount of gold, your hero
Loot Goblin after the first dice
may decide to re-roll the result once.
roll. Second result
will stand.
As always, lady fortune is smiling at your hero. Reduce
Lucky Git
the Threat Level by 2.
Quick reflexes may make all the difference. Hero may May be used when
Quick Dodge
dodge, even if the normal dodge is expended. attacked.
Your hero targets the enemy with extreme precision,
Strike to Injure Must be declared
striking the most vulnerable area. Ignore the enemy’s
before attacking.
armour for all your attacks this turn.

Faith Perks
Perk Effect Comment
Your hero is well attuned to the gods, and they always
seem to listen to him. Once again, his prayer is heard,
God’s Favourite
and all problems seem smaller. Decrease the Threat
Level by 1d6.
Used as soon as the
By spending an Energy Point, the priest can force a
Fate Forger Scenario die has
reroll of the Scenario die.
been rolled.
Putting that extra effort into tending a wound can Used at the same
Healer make such a difference. When applying a bandage, this time as the Healing
Perk adds +3 HP to the result. Skill.
Using his inner strength, the priest manifests Lasts until end of
My Will Be Done
tremendous Resolve. Add +10 RES. next battle

Arcane Perks
Perk Effect Comment
The wizard gets +10 when
The wizard is very skilled in the art of
Dispel Master rolling to dispel when this Perk
countering enemy magic.
is used.
The wizard has the ability to turn energy The wizard may spend any
Energy to Mana into Mana. For each Energy Point spent, the number of Energy Points in
wizard gains 5 Mana. one go.
The wizard increases the power of his magic Must be declared before the
Inner Power
missiles, causing an extra 1d6 Damage. spell is cast.
Works just as if casting a spell
Caster may use Focus before trying to but introduces miscast to the
In Tune with the identify a Magic Item. However, when roll as well. 1 Action of Focus
Magic attuning herself to the magic that way, she will give a miscast on 95-00.
opens the mind enough to risk her Sanity. Increase the risk with 5 for
each action.
The wizard has the ability of extreme Focus, Used at the same time as
increasing the chance to succeed with a spell. casting a spell. Only lasts for
Quick Focus Add +10 Arcane Arts Skill without spending that spell.
an action on focus. Risk for miscast is still

Alchemist Perks
Perk Effect Comment
By taking a little extra time, that specific
Declare before harvesting or
Careful Touch specimen can be perfect. Chance of getting an
Exquisite Ingredient or Part is increased to 20.
The alchemist has a knack for identifying
Energy Point is spent at the
potions brewed by others. Grants a +10 bonus
Connoisseur same time as you try to
to the Alchemy roll on your next attempt to
identify the potion.
identify a potion (only one per Energy Point).
Your hero's perfect mixing increases the
Used at the same time as the
Perfect Healer potency of her potions. The Healing Potion heals
potion is mixed.
+3 HP.
With that extra second to aim, your alchemist
Only lasts for one potion and
can throw a bottle with a perfect arc. Grants a
Pitcher must be declared before
+10 RS bonus to your next attempt to throw a
Good mixing skills make all the difference. The Energy may be spent after the
Precise Mixing alchemist may choose to reroll the result when first dice roll. The second result
rolling to see what potions have been created. stands.
Taking a deep breath to calm the nerves, the
Only works on one enemy per
Surgeon alchemist can remove most parts with precision.
Energy Point spent.
The alchemist may choose what part to harvest.

Appendix II: Talents
Talents are specific skills that your heroes possess. They are always active, and do not need a successful
die roll to confer benefit. You may choose a Talent from the category listed on the Level Up Table.

Physical Talents
These Talents govern the physical attributes of your heroes.

Talent Description
Your hero moves with grace and has almost supernatural balance. Your
hero gains +5 DEX.
Your hero moves unusually fast and gains a permanent +1 bonus to their
Movement stat.
Your hero’s species has the natural ability to see in the dark and is not
affected by darkness. A hero with Night Vision gets +10 on Perception.
Night Vision
This talent can only be given to a newly-created character that has this
talent listed in the Species Description.
Your hero’s hearing is exceptionally good, and and you may add 1 hero
initiative token to the first round of battle after opening a door and
Perfect Hearing encountering enemies. This cannot be used if the door was broken down.
This talent can only be given to a newly created character that has this
Talent listed in the Species Description.
Resilient Your hero’s brawny physique grants a +5 bonus to the Constitution stat.
Your hero seems to have a natural ability to resist diseases. Your hero gets
Resistance to Disease
a +10 bonus on Constitution Tests to resist disease.
Your hero seems to have a natural ability to resist poison. Your hero gets a
Resistance to Poison
+10 bonus on Constitution Tests to resist poison.
Your hero’s exercises have paid off and your hero gains a +5 bonus to her
Strength stat.
Strong Build Your hero gains a +2 bonus to her Hit Points stat.
Wearing heavy armour has little effect on your hero’s ability to move. The
hero ignores the Clunky Special Rule.

Figure SEQ Zombie
Figure \* by
from FireForge
ARABIC Miniatures
3 Zombie peasant by Fireforge

Combat Talents
These talents govern your efficiency in combat.

Talent Description
Preferring the balance of a good axe, this hero has become a master of using this
weapon. He gains +5 CS when using all kinds of axes.
The hero excels at fighting with blunt weapons and gains +5 CS with all
hammers, flails, staffs, and morning stars.
When others fall, this hero still stands, refusing to give in. Each time your hero is
Death Lament
reduced to 0 Hit Points, roll 1d6: on a result of 1-3, the hero regains 1 Hit Point.
This is a special attack, using the target's DEX as a negative modifier to the
attack. If the attack succeeds it inflicts no damage, but causes the enemy to drop
Disarm his weapon. The enemy must spend his next action trying to pick it up. In order
to do so, the enemy will have to succeed with an DEX Test. The enemy will
continue until successful. If the hero’s attack fails, nothing happens. This can
only be used on enemies that are carrying weapons.
This talent requires a DEX of 60. Any hero with this talent may use a weapon
with the Dual Wield Special Rule in its offhand. The attacks are still done as usual
Dual Wield with the main weapon, but any hit will add +X DMG to the target. The X is
defined in the Weapon Table. Parrying with two weapons is also easier, and any
parry while using two weapons has a +5 modifier.
Years of practice makes your hero faster than most and she can reload in the
blink of an eye. She may reload bows and sling in the same action as she shoots
Fast Reload
once per turn. Crossbows may be reloaded in 1 action and fired in the next. An
Arbalest can be reloaded in 2 actions, and fired in the next turn.
Marksman Fighting from afar comes naturally to your hero. The hero gains +5 RS.
Your hero is an expert at finding the weak spots of the enemy. Your hero gets a
Mighty Blow
+1 bonus on Damage Rolls with melee weapons.
Your hero is adept at protecting himself with a weapon. If the hero has taken the
Parry Master
Parry Stance, he may parry twice with a weapon during one turn.
Identifying the weak spots in enemy armour can sometimes make the difference
Perfect Shot when firing an arrow or bolt from afar. If the Damage Roll is odd, your hero ignores
armour (But not NA).
When successfully parrying a strike with her weapon, the hero may automatically
Riposte Master cause 2 Points of Damage to that Enemy. May only be done with weapons of class
3 or lower.
With practised ease, your hero cannot seem to miss when taking careful aim. The
aim action gives your hero a +15 modifier instead of +10.
Swordsman This hero is very skilled with a blade and gains +5 CS with all types of swords.
With unusually strong hands, the hero may add +5 STR when calculating what
Tight Grip
weapon class he or she can use.
Your hero is accustomed to fighting in tight spaces. +10 CS when fighting in a
Tunnel Fighter

Faith Talents
These are the Talents of the Warrior Priests.

Talent Description
Devoted The hero gains an extra Energy Point that can only be used for praying.
God’s As if by the will of the gods, nothing seems to hurt this priest. +1 Luck.
This priest has tended many wounds and applies bandages with practiced hands. A
bandage applied by this priest will heal +1 HP
With a confidence that radiates through the room, no one can help but be inspired.
All heroes within LOS of the priest gain +5 Resolve.
The radiance of this priest hurts the eyes of all demons. Any demon trying to attack
the priest does so at -10 CS.
So strong is their faith in the holy relics, that this priest can channel the power of 3
relics, rather than the standard two.

Alchemist Talents
These Talents are only available to the Alchemist and governs special abilities regarding potions.

Talent Description
Gatherer Finding good ingredients in the wild comes naturally to the hero. +10 Alchemy
when searching for ingredients in the wild.
With precise incisions, the hero can harvest good quality components from
fallen enemies. +10 Alchemy when harvesting parts.
The Alchemist has a keen eye when it comes to finding ingredients. The hero
Keen Eye may reroll the result when rolling to see what has been gathered. The second
result stands.
This hero has perfected the art of making Healing Potions. All potions brewed
Master Healer
heal +2 Hit Points more than normal.
Perfect Toss The hero has a knack for lobbying bottles in a perfect arc over friends and foes
alike. +10 RS when lobbying a potion over the heads of others.
The hero is very adept at making all sorts of poisons. Poisons created by this
hero always inflict 1 additional Hit Point per turn.
The strength of these heroes’ potions is remarkable. All basic stat (Not M)
Powerful Potions
enhancing potions grants an additional +5 bonus.

Common Talents
These are everyday Talents that anyone can obtain regardless of profession.

Talent Description
This hero seems to get along with everyone and always draws a smile from those
Charming to whom he talks. Well aware of this, the party lets this hero negotiate all
rewards and gains +5% Reward Bonus on all quests.
Thanks to a military background, this hero has an increased degree of calmness
under pressure. This also spreads to the rest of the party.The hero gains +10 RES
and the other members of the party gain +5 RES as long as the hero is not
knocked out. The effect on the party is not cumulative if other heroes have the
same talent. Furthermore, a hero with this talent will not benefit from the effect
of this talent from another hero.
The hero has a knack for finding wild game and knows how best to hunt them.
The hero gains +10 to Foraging.
Some are just luckier than others. Everything seems to go your way. You gain +1
Luck Point.
During a rest, the party members will regain +2 extra HP if they have rations, due
Master Cook to your hero’s expert cooking skills. This is not cumulative if more than one hero
has this Talent.
The hero’s natural ability to lead will add +2 to the Party Moral permanently. This
Natural Leader
is not cumulative if more than one hero has this talent.
Somehow, this hero has managed to tame the effect of magic imbued items.
Ringbearer Instead of being limited to one ring, your hero can now use two rings
This talent lets your hero forage one ration from any monster in the Beast
Survivalist category (in a dungeon or after a skirmish), as long as the Forage roll is
The party may always add one initiative token to the bag. This is only used to
increase chance of activation and all heroes may still only act once per turn. This
Swift Leader is not a cumulative effect so only 1 token will be added even if more than one hero
has this talent.

You have your gear in perfect order, making changes in equipment very easy. You
Veteran can use equipment from a Quick Slot without spending an Action Point (once per
turn). 161

Magic Talents
Magic Talents are exclusive to Wizards.

Talent Description
The wizard can spend his own life blood to create Mana. For every 2 HP spent,
Blood Magic the wizard gains 5 Mana. This transformation can be done for free during the
wizard’s turn.
The wizard is an expert conjurer and gains +5 Arcane Arts whenever casting a
Conjurer Conjuration Spell. Furthermore, the Mana cost for such a spell is reduced with
The wizard gets +5 Arcane Arts whenever casting a Divination Spell.
Furthermore, the Mana cost for such a spell is reduced with 5.
With lightning-fast reflexes, your hero can reach out and touch your enemies
Fast Reflexes
when casting spells. Your hero gains a +15 Combat Skill Bonus when casting
Touch Spells.
Well attuned to the void, your hero is adept at tapping into it to gain maximum
power. Your hero gets +15 Arcane Arts when focusing.
Restoration spells are the favourite spells of your hero, and this results in all
Restorer Healing Spells healing +2 Hit Points in addition to the spell’s normal result. You
cannot have this talent at the same time as you have the Necromancer Talent.
The wizard is truly skilled with Mysticism Spells and gets +5 Arcane Arts
Mystic whenever casting a Mysticism Spell. Furthermore, the Mana cost for such a
spell is reduced with 5.
The hero gets +5 Arcane Arts whenever casting a Necromantic Spell.
Necromancer Furthermore, the Mana cost for such a spell is reduced with 5. You cannot have
this Talent at the same time as you have the Restorer Talent.
Your hero has perfected the use of Magic Missiles, knowing where to aim for
Powerful Missiles
maximum effect. Magic Missile Spells do +1 Damage.
Reaching into other realms and bringing other beings to his aid has become
Summoner easier with years of practice. All creatures successfully conjured by the Wizard
starts with +5 HP extra.
Sustainer Upkeep for the wizard’s spells is reduced by 1.
Thrifty The wizard requires 2 Mana less on every spell cast.


Sneaky Talents
These are the Talents that no one brags about (but they come in very handy down in the dungeons).

Talent Description
With uncanny precision, the hero will automatically hit any target from
behind with a class 1 or 2 weapon.
Accustomed to optimising the odds, your hero ignores enemy armour and
NA when attacking from behind.
Once per visit in a settlement, your hero may try to steal the purse from
some unsuspecting victim. This must be done as the first thing when
entering a settlement. Roll 1d6. On a result of 1-2 the hero gains 1d100
coins. On a result of 6, the attempt is detected, and the hero is immediately
chased out of the settlement. The hero may do nothing until the rest of the
party decides to leave the settlement. Rations must be used as normal, and
if rations are lacking, the hero becomes hungry. Foraging is allowed while
Your hero has a good sense for the value of things. A successful Barter Roll
will give your hero +15% instead of the usual +10%.
Lockpicker No lock seems to hinder this hero from beating them. +5 Pick Locks skill.
Your hero is a master at understanding mechanical contraptions and gain +10
Mechanical Genius
when disarming traps.
Nimble The hero may dodge twice per battle instead of only once.
Accustomed to working under pressure, your hero has mastered the skill of
Quick Fingers
reading a lock and picking it. Picking a lock now takes 1AP instead of 2.
Your hero has an extreme sense for details and can easily notice anything out
of the ordinary. Your hero gains a +10 bonus on Perception Tests.
It seems this hero can almost smell his way to treasures. When rolling on the
Sense for Gold
Furniture Table for treasures, the hero may subtract -1 to the roll.
Your hero knows who to turn to in order to acquire the gear he is searching
Streetwise for. Every roll this hero makes for availability may be modified with -1. This
Talent can only be taken by a Rogue.
Your hero is an expert at dealing with traps. Your hero gains a +10 PER bonus
when detecting traps. This is cumulative with Sharp-eyed.

Mental Talents
These Talents govern the strength of your heroes’ minds.

Talent Description
Braveheart Your hero is braver than most. +10 bonus on Fear and Terror Tests.
Confident No enemy or task is too difficult. Your hero gains a +5 bonus to the Resolve stat.
Your hero is completely immune to the effects of fear and treats terror as fear.
This talent requires that the hero already has the Braveheart Mental Talent.
Be it through personal experience, or through the history of his kin, but your hero
has grown to hate certain enemies. This hate fuels his fighting, and he gains a +5
bonus to CS when attacking them. However, so blind is his hatred that his focus
on parrying and dodging diminishes (-5 parry/dodge) when struck by them. The
hero may choose one enemy that he hates. If your hero hates goblins for
instance, he will hate every enemy with the word ‘Goblin’ in it. This Talent may
be taken several times making the hero hate different enemies.
Your hero is less affected by the horrors he faces in the dungeons than his
comrades. He gains +1 Sanity Point.
Wise Your hero gains a permanent +5 bonus to the Wisdom stat.


Appendix III: Equipment

Name Damage Enc Class Special Cost Avail. Reload

Dagger 1d6 5 1 Dual Wield +1 10 c 4

Rapier 1d6+1 5 1 Fast, Dual Wield +2 130 c 3
Javelin 1d10 10 2 Reach, BFO, AP (1) 100 c 4
Shortsword 1d6+2 7 2 Dual Wield +2 70 c 4
Staff 1d8 5 2 Defensive 5c 5
Battle Hammer 1d10 10 3 Stun, BFO 100 c 4
Broadsword 1d8+2 8 3 90 c 5
Battleaxe 1d10+1 10 4 BFO, AP (1) 100 c 4
Longsword 1d12 10 4 100 c 4
Morning Star 1d8+4 10 4 Unwieldy, BFO, Stun 150 c 2
Flail 1d10+4 20 5 Unwieldy, BFO, Stun 150 c 2
Greataxe 1d12+2 20 5 Slow, BFO, AP (2) 200 c 3
Greatsword 2d6 20 5 Slow 200 c 3
Halberd 1d12 20 5 Reach, AP (1) 150 c 4
Warhammer 2d6 20 5 Slow, BFO, Stun 200 c 3
Arbalest 3d6 20 6 Requires STR 55, AP (2) 400 c 2 3
Crossbow 1d10+3 15 6 AP (1) 250 c 3 2
Crossbow Pistol 1d8+1 5 2 Secondary Weapon 350 c 2 2
Elven bow 1d10+2 7 6 AP (1) 700 c 2 1
Longbow 1d10 10 6 AP (1) 100 c 4 1
Shortbow 1d8 5 6 100 c 4 1
Sling 1d8 1 6 Unlimited Ammo 40 c 4 1

Arrow/Bolt (5) - - - - 5c 4 -
Net - 2 2 Ensnare, Dual Wield +0 100 c 3 -

AP (X): Armour piercing. Ignores X points of armour. Fast: Weapon may be used to parry once per turn even though the hero
did not choose the Parry Stance, but the weapon will be damaged on 90-
BFO (Built for offence): These are not optimal to parry with and suffers a 00.
-5 to CS while parrying. This is cumulative with the Slow Special Rule.
Reach: May attack at a range of 2 squares, even if there is a friendly
Defensive: This weapon is easy to use defensively and receives +10 when character in the square in between.
parrying. However, it cannot withstand as much punishment as a good
sword, and therefore can only take 4 Points of Damage before it breaks. Secondary Weapon: This weapon may be used in your hero’s offhand
while carrying a hand weapon in the primary hand. Firing this weapon may
Dual wield +X: These weapons can be used in the offhand if your hero has be done in the same action as moving (-10) or at a target adjacent to the
the Dual Wielding Skill. The X indicates the extra DMG caused during a firer. It cannot be reloaded while wielded as a secondary weapon.
successful attack.
Slow: Weapon is heavy and difficult to parry with. -5 chance to parry.
Ensnare: If this weapon hits, the target is trapped in the net and must
spend 1 action to get free with a successful STR Test. Until freed, this is the Stun: This weapon has a chance to put the enemy out of balance. If you
only action it can do. A net can be used once per battle and is retrieved roll an even number when rolling to damage, the enemy loses one action
automatically after the battle. next turn. This does not stack.

Unwieldy: Wielding these weapons is tiring and the +X damage only

applies to the first hit in every battle.

Armour and Shields
Armour Def Enc Covers Special Cost Availability
Tier 1:
Padded Cap 2 1 Head 30 c 4
Padded Vest 2 3 Torso Stackable 60 c 4
Padded Jacket 2 5 Arms, Torso Stackable 120 c 4
Padded Pants 2 4 Legs Stackable 100 c 4
Padded Coat 2 6 Arms, Torso, Legs 200 c 3
Cloak 1 1 Torso (only back) Stackable 50 c 4

Padded Dog Armour 2 1 Dog 60 c 3

Tier 2:
Leather Cap 3 1 Head 50 c 4
Leather Vest 3 3 Torso 80 c 4
Leather Jacket 3 4 Torso, Arms 140 c 4
Leather Leggings 3 3 Legs 120 c 4
Leather Bracers 3 3 Arms Stackable 120 c 3

Leather Dog Armour 3 3 Dog 120 c 3

Tier 3:
Mail Coif 4 4 Head Stackable 200 c 3
Mail Shirt 4 6 Torso Stackable 600 c 3
Sleeved Mail Shirt 4 7 Arms, Torso Stackable 950 c 3
Mail Coat 4 8 Torso, Legs Stackable 750 c 3
Sleeved Mail Coat 4 10 Arms, Torso, Legs Stackable 1300 c 3
Mail Leggings 4 5 Legs Stackable 200 c 2
Tier 4:
Helmet 5 5 Head Clunky, Stackable 300 c 3
Breastplate 5 7 Torso Clunky, Stackable 700 c 3
Plate Bracers 5 4 Arms Stackable 600 c 3
Plate Leggings 5 6 Legs Clunky, Stackable 700 c 3

Stackable: This armour can be combined with ONE armour of different types. However, this impedes
your Dexterity (-10 DEX). This effect on DEX is not cumulative.

Clunky: This armour offers good protection, but moving in this effectively is difficult, giving your hero
a -10 DEX. This is not cumulative with other pieces of armour that are also clunky.

Shield Def Class Enc Special Cost Availability

Buckler 4 1 4 - 20 c 4
Heater Shield 6 3 10 - 100 c 3
Tower Shield 8 5 15 Huge 200 c 2

Huge: This shield is so huge, that it is almost impossible to strike someone behind it. It gives +10 CS
when parrying with it against strikes and missiles from Ranged Weapons.

General Equipment
Equipment Enc Durability Special Cost Avail.
This lets you store 6 potions or vials in ready
slots, on top of the ordinary ready slots. Any
Alchemist Belt - 6 300 c 3
hit that strikes a potion in the belt will also
damage the belt with 1 point.
Alchemist Necessary to harvest parts and ingredients.
5 6 200 c 3
This kit can be used to repair armour during
a short rest. It will repair 1d3 durability of
5 - each of your hero’s equipped pieces of 200 c 4
Repair Kit
armour. Roll separately. Once done, the kit
is exhausted and removed.
This backpack increases the carrying
Backpack -
- - capacity of a hero with 10 ENC points, but 350 c 4
decreases DEX with -5.
This backpack increases the carrying
Backpack -
- - capacity of a hero with 25 ENC points, but 600 c 3
decreases DEX with -10.
Necessary when using the Heal Skill. Heals
Bandage (old
1 1 1d4 Hit Points. This is a bundle with enough 15 c 5
rags to bandage 3 times.
Bandage Necessary when using the Heal Skill. Heals
1 1 25 c 4
(linen) 1d8 Hit Points.
Bandage Necessary when using the Heal Skill. Gives
1 1 50 c 4
(Herbal wrap) Heal skill +15 and heals 1d10 Hit Points.
The short rests you take are way more
Bed Roll 5 - comfortable with a bed roll. You 200 c 3
automatically regain all Energy Points.
Eating a snack like this takes 1 AP and will
Beef Jerky - 1 10 c 5
heal 1 HP.
Cooking gear will help make those rations a
bit tastier. Rations cooked using this will
Cooking Gear 3 - 100 c 4
heal a further +3 HP. One set of cooking
gear is enough for the entire party.
Inflicts 8+DB Hit Points when breaking down
Crowbar 10 6 55 c 3
a door, and only increases Threat Level +1.
This increases your Quick Slots from 3 to 5.
- 6 Any hit that damages a piece of equipment 500 c 2
in the harness will also damage the harness.
Famous liquid courage. If your hero drinks
Dwarven Ale 2 1 this, all stat and skill tests are at -10, except 100 c 2
RES that are at +20 for the rest of the quest.
Dwarven A finely crafted pickaxe. Lighter, yet
8 6 225 c 2
Pickaxe stronger than ordinary pickaxes.

Equipment Enc Durability Special Cost Avail.
Empty Bottle - 1 Necessary if you want to mix new potions. 25 c 5
This increases your Quick Slots from 3 to
Extended 4. Any hit that damages a piece of
- 6 300 c 3
Battle Belt equipment in the belt will also damage the
A good fishing rod always makes life
3 - better. With this, a hero’s Foraging Skill 40 c 5
Fishing Gear
increases with +5.
Healing Its available at Weak or Standard level
- 1 75/100 c 4
Potion (1d4/1d6 healing)
This can be thrown in the same way as
throwing a potion, but you can also dip 5
arrows into it. If thrown, it causes 1d3 Hit
Holy Water - 1 Points to any undead, but only in the 25 c 3
square it hits. Projectiles dipped add +1
DMG to all Undead (treated as non-
mundane weapons as well).
These can be used to block a door and
takes 1AP plus 1AP for closing the door to
Iron Wedges 4 6 use. Any enemy (wandering monster or 50 c 4
monster already on the table) will need 3
turns to pass the door. Enough for 2 doors.

Lamp Oil - 1 Enough oil to refill a lantern once. 15 c 5

Lantern The light projected by the lantern helps
(filled with 1 1 strengthen the resolve of your party. See 100 c 3
oil) separate note on lantern.
Necessary to use the Pick Lock Skill, but
Lockpicks (5) - 1 can also be used to disarm traps. If 30 c 3
damaged, only 1 pick will be destroyed.
Necklace - - Can be enchanted. 150 c 4
Parchment - - Necessary to make magic scrolls. 50 c 4
Partial Map - - See separate description. 75 c 4
Pickaxe 10 - Can be used to remove rubble. 175 c 3
Potion of
- 1 Removes all effects of disease. 125 c 3
Cure Disease
Potion of
75% chance to remove all effects of
Cure Disease - 1 90 c 3
Potion of
- 1 Removes all effects of poison 125 c 3
Cure Poison
Potion of
Cure Poison - 1 75% chance to remove all effects of poison 90 c 3

Equipment Enc Durability Special Cost Avail.
Rations are used during overland travel and
Ration 1 1 during short rests. 1 Ration can sustain the 5c 5
entire party for one day or one rest.
Religious Can be used by a Warrior Priest. See table
Relic - - under ‘Treasures’ chapter for variants. 500 c 2
Religious Can be used by a Warrior Priest. See table
- - 500 c 2
Relic (Ring) under ‘Treasures’ chapter for variants.
Ring - - Can be enchanted. 150 c 4
A piece of rope may help you out of that pit
you happened to trip into. When used, roll
Rope (old) 2 1 20 c 5
1d6. On a result of 5-6, the rope breaks and
the hero falls down taking 1d6 wounds.
A piece of rope may help you out of that pit
Rope 2 1 50 c 4
you happened to trip into.
Tobacco will help calm the nerves, but there
Tobacco - - is always the risk of becoming addicted. See 50 c 4
separate note on tobacco.
The light projected by a torch helps
Torch 1 1 strengthen the resolve of your party. See 15 c 5
separate note on torch.
5 6 +10 when disarming traps. 200 c 3
Disarming Kit
During a short rest, you will be able to touch
up your weapon. Repair close-combat
Whetstone 1 - 100 c 4
weapons with 1d3 Points of Durability. 3 uses
per stone.
A horse will increase the travel speed for the
Horse - - party if all heroes have one. See ‘Travelling 1000 c 4
and Skirmishes’.
A camel provides the same advantages as a
horse, but with increased speed in the desert.
Camel - - Can only be bought in the outpost. Price and 1250 c 3
availability listed here is not changed by the
Outpost modifiers.
Saddlebags will let you store 10 Encumbrance
Points on your horse or camel This equipment
Saddlebags - - 250 c 4
may be left on the mount during quests, but
cannot be accessed until after the quest.
A mule will let you store 100 Encumbrance
Points. This equipment can be left on the
Mule - - 800 c 4
mule during quests, but cannot be accessed
until after the dungeon.
Requires a horse. It lets you store 500
Encumbrance Points. This equipment can be
Wagon - - 1500 c 3
left in the wagon during quests, but cannot be
accessed until after the dungeon.

A lantern will light up the dungeon and with Night Vision. As long as the torch is lit, the
strengthen the resolve of all heroes, even those party will gain +5 when making Fear or Terror
with Night Vision. As long as the lantern is lit, Tests and the hero carrying the torch gets +5
the party will gain +5 when making Fear or Perception. To use the torch, it must be held in
Terror Tests, and the hero carrying the lantern one hand, which means you cannot equip a
gets +10 Perception. To use the lantern, it must shield, bow, crossbow, or two-handed weapon
be held in one hand, which means you cannot (class 5).
equip a shield, bow, crossbow, or two-handed
While equipped, a torch can be swung at an
weapon (class 5).
enemy using CS +15. A successful attack will
Trolls must pass a RES test to attack a hero force the enemy back 1 square just like the
carrying a lantern. If they fail, they will shoving rules, except the hero may not follow
automatically use that action to Bellow instead the enemy and occupy the enemy’s square. In
of attacking. Once the RES test succeeds, there the case of an unmodified result of >=90, the
is no need to test for future attacks. Bat torch goes out and must be discarded.
swarms only do half damage (RDU) when
Trolls, Bears and Giant Wolves (Not Dire
attacking a hero carrying a lit lantern.
Wolves) must pass a RES test to attack a hero
If you roll below the Threat Level on the Threat carrying a torch. If they fail, the action point is
Roll, the lamp is out of half its oil. The second spent. Trolls that fail their test will
time this happens, the flame goes out. Until automatically use that action to Bellow instead
you refill the lantern, the above-mentioned of attacking. Once the RES test succeeds, there
bonus is no longer active. Refilling the lamp is no need to test for future attacks. Bat
takes 1 action from a Quick Slot. swarms only do half damage (RDU) when
attacking a hero carrying a lit torch.
Tobacco has been known to calm the nerves of If you roll below the Threat Level on the Threat
stressed-out adventurers. A hero may only Roll, the Torch is spent, and the above-
purchase one kit of tobacco between quests mentioned bonus is no longer active. Lighting a
and that purchase will be enough for the new torch takes 1 action from a Quick Slot but
coming quest. Whenever equipped with it cannot be done adjacent to an enemy.
tobacco, a hero will get +10 RES.
Partial Map
After the quest, the hero must make a RES test If your heroes manage to get hold of a partial
(without Tobacco Bonus). If it fails, the hero has map, they will be able to see a little of what lies
become addicted. If addicted, the hero must ahead. If found in a dungeon, it can only be
bring a kit of tobacco on every quest or suffer a used in that dungeon. If bought, it may be used
-10 modifier to RES instead. It will take two in a dungeon of choice. Once used, it is
complete quests without tobacco to get rid of discarded.
the addiction.
You may look at any 2 cards in the pile of
Torch Exploration Cards, and then return them to the
A torch will light up the dungeon and exact same position.
strengthen the resolve of all heroes, even those

0 1
Lost points of durability
2 3 4 5+/Repair Sell and Repair Table
10 7 6 5 4 3 2 Locate the value of the item on the left,
20 14 12 10 8 6 4
and then the Points of Damage it has
30 21 18 15 12 9 6
40 28 24 20 16 12 8 received on the top row. The intersecting
50 35 30 25 20 15 10 square is how much you will receive for
60 42 36 30 24 18 12
70 49 42 35 28 21 14
selling an item. You cannot sell an item
80 56 48 40 32 24 16 that has lost all its durability. All items
90 63 54 45 36 27 18 sold should be sold via this table unless
100 70 60 50 40 30 20
110 77 66 55 44 33 22 noted otherwise.
120 84 72 60 48 36 24
130 91 78 65 52 39 26 To pay for the repair of an item, look up
140 98 84 70 56 42 28 the price under the ‘Repair’ column. The
150 105 90 75 60 45 30
160 112 96 80 64 48 32 item will then regain all durability points.
170 119 102 85 68 51 34
180 126 108 90 72 54 36 If, when selling or repairing, your item is
190 133 114 95 76 57 38 worth more than 500 c, simply add
200 140 120 100 80 60 40
210 147 126 105 84 63 42 several rows together until you get the
220 154 132 110 88 66 44 correct value. Items worth less than 10 c
230 161 138 115 92 69 46
cannot be sold.
Purchase price

240 168 144 120 96 72 48

250 175 150 125 100 75 50
260 182 156 130 104 78 52
270 189 162 135 108 81 54
280 196 168 140 112 84 56
290 203 174 145 116 87 58
300 210 180 150 120 90 60
310 217 186 155 124 93 62
320 224 192 160 128 96 64
330 231 198 165 132 99 66
340 238 204 170 136 102 68
350 245 210 175 140 105 70
360 252 216 180 144 108 72
370 259 222 185 148 111 74
380 266 228 190 152 114 76
390 273 234 195 156 117 78
400 280 240 200 160 120 80
410 287 246 205 164 123 82
420 294 252 210 168 126 84
430 301 258 215 172 129 86
440 308 264 220 176 132 88
450 315 270 225 180 135 90
460 322 276 230 184 138 92
470 329 282 235 188 141 94
480 336 288 240 192 144 96
490 343 294 245 196 147 98
500 350 300 250 200 150 100

Appendix IV: Spells

Level 1 Magic

Name CV Mana Upkeep Special School Description and effect

Causes the caster to fall to the ground,
appearing dead to all around. Enemies will
Fake Death 7 8 0 Necromancy not target the caster for the rest of the battle.
The caster may do nothing until the end of the
A bright flare shoots from the caster’s hand,
Flare 8 15 0 Q, MM Destruction hissing through the air to strike the target
with a large bang. DMG is 1D8.
Suddenly a powerful wind blows through the
dungeon, making arrows fly astray. All Missile
Weapons now have a -15 modifier to hit if the
Gust of Wind 12 8 1 Alteration
arrows pass the room the Wizard is in. The
wind lasts for Caster level turns. Upkeep is 1
point of Mana.
This is a close combat spell, where the caster
Hand of touches his enemy and causes him harm
7 8 0 Q, T Necromancy
Death through magical energy. The target loses
1d10 Hit Points which ignores armour.

The caster lays his hand on a comrade and

Healing Hand 6 12 0 Q, T Restoration
heals 1d10 Hit Points.

The caster can heal one hero within 4 squares

Light Healing 5 10 0 Q Restoration and in LOS (intervening models does not
matter). It heals 1d6 Hit Points.

The caster summons a translucent sphere of

blue light around himself or the target (which
must be in LOS), protecting it from physical
harm. The shield absorbs 1 Point of Damage
10 10 1 Mysticism per Caster level to a maximum of 3. You can
cast the spell twice (but not more) on each
target, adding together the effect of the spell.
The spell lasts the entire battle but costs 1
point of Mana in upkeep per turn.
Causes the target to slip and fall. The target
Slip 10 10 0 Hex will remain prone until its next activation
when it will spend its first action standing up.

Level 2 Magic

Name CV Mana Upkeep Special School Description and effect

May target self or hero in LOS. Target
becomes blurry and any attacks against
Blur 15 10 1 Illusion
the target is at -15. The effect lasts for 1d4
The target is struck from above by a
powerful blow, causing 2d6+Caster Level
Fist of Iron 8 14 0 Destruction
points of DMG. Armour and NA protects
as normal. Target must be in LOS.
This spell is used to create scrolls. As long
as the wizard knows the spell he wants to
Magic Scribbles 20 - 0 I Enchantment use as the basis for the scroll, and has a
good quality parchment, this is quite easy
although time consuming.
This spell can be used to magically open
locked doors or chests. The caster must
Open Lock 0 8 0 T Alteration stand close enough to touch the lock, and
the locks hit points is used as the CV of the
The Spell Caster can magically seal a door.
Any monster outside trying to pass
through will take 1d3 turns in doing so.
Seal Door 13 12 0 Alteration Doors that have been broken down
cannot be sealed. This can be cast on any
door, even if there are monsters present.
It can only be cast once per door.
The spell can be cast on an enemy Magic
Caster. If the spell is successfully cast, the
target must make a RES test when casting
a spell. A failure means that the target
Silence 10 12 0 Hex cannot cast magic that turn, but may
otherwise act as normal. Making this test
does not cost an AP. If successful, the
target may cast the spell as planned and
the spell ceases to have any effect.

Caster may strengthen a hero in LOS with

Strengthen Body 10 8 2 Mysticism +10 in either STR or CON. The spell lasts
for 1d6 turns.

The caster reaches into the Void and

summons a Lesser Plague Demon. Place
the demon in a random free square in the
room. The demon may act as part of the
hero’s next turn. It will fight for the caster,
Summon Lesser but also try to break free at every turn. At
15 10 4 Conjuration
Demon the start of each turn, the caster must use
4 Mana as upkeep, and then pass a
Resolve Test. If the caster fails, the demon
breaks free and escapes back to its own
dimension. Add one hero initiative token
to the bag.

Level 3 Magic

Name CV Mana Upkeep Special School Description and Effect

If successfully cast at a target in LOS, the target must
pass RES or be unable to use that action. If the target
Confuse 15 18 0 Illusion
fails, it may try again for Action Point number 2. Once it
succeeds, the effect of the spell is gone.
The caster may try to take control of a lower undead in
LOS. If the caster succeeds with the RES+Caster Level
test, the wizard may control the Undead until next turn.
It still retains its monster activation token. Make
20 12 0 Necromancy another Resolve test every time you activate the
creature. As long as the test succeeds, the caster may
control the Undead creature. There is no upkeep since
the Undead has been brought back by something else
than the caster’s magic.
A storm of flies soars from the gaping mouth of the
caster, surrounding the target. The cloud of flies will
Corruption 18 16 1 MM Necromancy
make it harder for the enemy to fight by reducing its CS
by 10. The spell lasts for 1d3 turns.
This spell can only be cast between quests and requires
a powerstone. The power of the stone will then be fused
Enchant Item 25 - 0 I Enchantment
with an object such as a weapon, an armour or a piece
of jewellery. See chapter on Crafting.

The caster may heal a hero within 4 squares and in LOS.

Healing 15 16 0 Restoration
The target regains 1d10 Hit Points.

A series of razor-sharp Ice spikes shoot from the floor,

Ice Pikes 10 16 0 Destruction striking the target from below. It causes 1d12 Frost
DMG. Target must be in LOS.
A crackling bolt leaps from the hand of the wizard,
striking a victim within LOS, dealing 1d10 DMG, ignoring
armour. The bolt will then jump to the nearest model
(random if equal) and deal 1d8 DMG, ignoring armour.
Lightning Bolt 16 18 0 MM Destruction
Finally, it will make its last jump, dealing 1d6 DMG,
ignoring armour. It will always jump to the nearest
model, and will never strike the same model twice. It
will never jump more than 3 squares.
The caster may bolster the armour of any target within
15 15 2 Mysticism LOS with +2 for all parts of the body. The spell lasts for
Caster Level+2 turns.
A bolt of pure energy lashes from the caster to a target
Magic Bolt 10 14 0 Q, MM Destruction within LOS. Target loses 1D10 Hit Points, ignoring any
A target within LOS of the caster must pass a Resolve
test or lose one Action Point. Test again at the start of
Slow 14 12 2 Hex
each enemy turn. The effect will last until the enemy
test succeeds.
The caster summons one of the four Elementals to aid
him in the battle. The Elemental will fight for Caster
Water 18 15 5 Conjuration
Level number of turns. Immediately add one hero
initiative token to the bag.
The caster summons one of the four Elementals to aid
him in the battle. The Elemental will fight for Caster
Wind 20 18 5 Conjuration
Level number of turns. Immediately add one hero
initiative token to the bag.
Caster causes 1d6 DMG with no armour or NA, and the
15 14 0 T Necromancy caster may heal with the same amount of HP up to his
maximum Hit Points.

Level 4 Magic

Name CV Mana Upkeep Special School Description and Effect

This spell only hurts Undead with the Ethereal Rule. A
20 20 0 Necromancy successful spell will damage the Undead creature with
The caster infuses all members of the party with magical
12 15 0 Q Mysticism courage. Each hero gains +10 Resolve and may try to re-
roll any failed fear test once. Lasts until end of turn.
A beam of frost shoots from the hands of the caster
Frost Beam 15 16 0 MM Destruction towards the target, which must be in LOS. The target
takes 2d8 Frost DMG.
The wizard holds an enemy in LOS in its place, making it
impossible to move or fight. The enemy will make a RES
Test at the start of their turn, and if successful, it will
Hold Creature 20 20 6 Q Hex
break free and act as normal. The activation token
should be added to the bag as usual, and the enemy will
try to act in the normal order of activation.
Caster may trap a target in LOS in ice, forcing it to break
free before being able to do anything else. The caster
may roll Caster Level d10 to determine how strong the
Ice Tomb 20 25 0 Destruction tomb is, and the target does its maximum damage (incl
weapon) once per turn until the tomb breaks. It may act
with both its actions on the turn the tomb breaks. For
every turn, the target takes 1d4 points of Frost DMG.
The caster may shift the place of two heroes that are in
Transpose 15 25 0 Alteration LOS. If the spell fails, both heroes suffer 2 Sanity Points
for the ordeal. The caster may not transpose himself.
Caster can tell what is on the other side of a door. Place
the tile and roll for Encounter before opening a door.
Second Sight 15 25 0 Divination
The heroes gain 2 activation tokens if there is an
encounter on the other side of the door.
The caster lures a demon from its dimension over to this
world. It will randomly be either a Blood Demon or a
Plague Demon. The demon is placed in a random place
in the same tile as the wizard and fights for the caster.
Once summoned, immediately add a hero activation
token to the bag and activate the demon just like a hero.
Summon However, at the start of the wizard's activation following
25 15 0 Conjuration
Demon the summoning, the caster must pass a Resolve Test. If
the caster fails, the demon breaks free and escapes back
to its own dimension. When it breaks free, it will make a
Resolve Test of its own and if it succeeds, it takes part of
the caster's mind with it. Deduct 1d3 Sanity Points from
the caster. Once in our plane, the demon will relish the
fighting, so no upkeep is needed.
The caster summons one of the four Elementals to aid
him in the battle. The Elemental will fight for ML number
Earth 20 15 5 Conjuration
of turns. Immediately add one hero initiative token to
the bag.
The caster summons one of the four Elementals to aid
Summon Fire him in the battle. The Elemental will fight for Caster level
25 15 5 Conjuration
Elemental number of turns. Immediately add one hero initiative
token to the bag.
This spell conjures a host of restless spirits to torment
Summon your enemies. Each enemy on the tile takes 1d4 points
12 15 0 Necromancy
Souls of DMG with no armour and NA. Undead enemies are
The caster can choose to lower the Strength or
Constitution of a chosen target if the target fails a
Weakness 18 18 0 T Hex Resolve Test. If the target fails, it loses its NA armour or
DMG bonus for 1d4 turns, depending on what the wizard

Level 5 Magic

Name CV Mana Upkeep Special School Description and Effect

May target any enemy in sight. Target must pass RES or
18 18 0 Illusion attack the closest enemy during its next activation. Once
that activation is over, the effect is gone.

A hail of sparks rains down over the target and any

adjacent squares. The target takes 1d8+Caster Level Fire
Fire Rain 23 25 0 Destruction
DMG and the adjacent square takes 1d4+Caster Level
points of Fire DMG.
This spell creates a Fire Wall, up to 3 squares long. It may
only be placed in a straight line and not in a square that
contains an enemy. All except lower Undead and Fire
Fire Wall 20 20 4 Destruction
Elementals will avoid or try to walk around. Spell lasts
for 1d4+1 turns. Any Lower Undead walking through
takes 1d6 Fire DMG. Fire Elementals are immune.
May target self or hero in LOS. Target may levitate for
the entire turn. That means the character moves above
the ground, not touching any traps or similar. It may be
Levitate 15 20 0 Alteration
used to leave a pit and to traverse a pit. You cannot
levitate through a square which contains a model or
over lava.
The caster makes a copy of herself which may be placed
anywhere within 4 squares of the caster. Enemies will
Mirrored Self 20 15 2 Q Illusion treat this mirrored image as a target just like any other
hero, even though it cannot take DMG. The mirrored
self cannot move or attack. It will last for 1d4 turns.

May target self or any friendly character in LOS.

Speed 15 15 0 Mysticism Character gains +1M. The spell lasts until a Scenario die
roll of 9-10.

All heroes that have acted may immediately put

activation tokens back in the bag. They may act again as
Time Freeze 20 30 0 Divination
if it is a new turn. This spell may only be cast once during
a battle.

Into the dungeon. Miniature by North Star

miniatures. Terrain by Printable Scenery.

Carefully advancing through the dungeon. North star Military Figures and Printable
Level 6 Magic

Name CV Mana Upkeep Special School Description and Effect

The caster shoots a fireball at a square or an enemy.
Fireball 32 30 0 MM Destruction The target square suffers 1d20 Fire Damage.
Adjacent squares suffer 1d10 Fire Damage.
The caster conjures a large opening in the ground,
swallowing any who happens to be standing there.
The wizard must have LOS to at least 1 of the
squares. The hole covers 4 squares and any model
with their whole base inside that range must make
Into The Void 30 40 0 Mysticism
a DEX Test or perish. That also means an X-Large
creature will not be affected by this spell. The party
gets the XP for any creatures that perish. Any
furniture or traps in these squares also disappears.
The hole then immediately closes up.
Life Force 20 30 0 Restoration This spell restores all of a hero's Hit Points.
The caster may try to raise a defeated Lower
Undead or dead human in LOS. Add one hero
activation token to the bag immediately. Any
Raise Dead 25 15 5 Necromancy Zombie or Skeleton raised will retain its stats and
equipment. Any raised human will gain the stats of
a zombie and retain its weapon, but armour will be
The caster draws a demon from its dimension to do
his biddings. The demon is placed in a random place
on the same tile as the wizard and fights for the
Summon caster for 1d3 + Caster Level turns. Once in our
Greater 30 25 0 Conjuration plane, the demon will relish fighting, so no upkeep
Demon is needed. However, making a pact with a Greater
Demon comes at a price, no matter how skilled a
wizard you may be. Deduct 1d6 Sanity Points from
the caster.

The wizard may teleport one of his companions

within LOS or himself up to 4 squares. This is risky
Teleportation 14 20 0 Alteration business though, and a failed spell will cost the
target one Sanity Point as he is partly in the void
before coming back.

Appendix V: Treasures

Treasure found in Rooms and Corridors

Roll on this table to see if the party has discovered anything of interest when searching a tile. When
searching corridors, you get a +10 modifier on this table.

1d100 Finding
Secret door leading to a small Treasure Chamber. Place room R10 adjacent to the
01-15 current tile and add a door as usual. Re-roll if tile is in use. Once the heroes leave the
treasure chamber, the door closes up and the tile can be removed.
16-25 A Fine Treasure.
26-40 A mundane treasure.
41-45 A set of levers are intricately hidden in the wall. They may be operated.
46-50 4d20 c.
51-90 Nothing.
91-00 You’ve sprung a trap! Draw a trap card.

Treasure found in Furniture

Check the tables on the following pages for the specific furniture you are searching, and then roll 1d10
to see if there is anything of any value.

Furniture Special rules
Alchemist Table 1-3: 1d3 Potions.
4-7: 1d10 Ingredients.
8-10: Nothing of any value.
1-3: 1d3 Potions.
Altar 4-7: 1d6x10 c
8-10: Nothing of any value.
1-4: 1d10 arrows or bolts (you chose).
Archery Target
5-10: Nothing.
1-4: 1d3 random armour parts, with 1d4 lost Durability Points.
Armour Rack
5-10: Nothing.
1-5: 1 Mundane Treasure.
Backpack 6-7: 1d100 c.
8-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1 Mundane Treasure.
3-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1 Mundane Treasure.
Bed 3-4: 1d100 c.
5-10: Nothing.
1-3: 1 Mundane Treasure.
Bedroll with pack 4-5: 1d100 c.
6-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1 Fine Treasure.
Bookshelf 3-5: A Scroll. Randomize what spell it contains using the Spell Tables.
6-10: Nothing.
1-5: A Grimoire with 1 random spell.
6-10: Nothing.
1-4: 1 Mundane Treasure.
5-10: Nothing.
1-4: 1d3 Rations.
5-10: Nothing.
1: 1 Wonderful Treasure.
2-4: 2 fine Treasures.
5-8: 1 Fine Treasure.
9-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1 Fine treasure.
Coffin 3-8: Nothing.
9-10: You awaken 1 zombie. Randomly place it next to the coffin.
1: Gemstones worth 1d100 c.
2-3: 1 Mundane Treasure.
4: 1 Pickaxe.
5-10: Nothing.
1-3: Fine Treasure.
4-7: Mundane Treasure.
Dead Adventurer
8-9: Nothing.
10: It’s a Zombie, armed with a longsword and armour 1.
1-4: 1 ration.
Dining Table
5-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1 Fine Treasure.
Drawer 3-8: A small bag of coins, 2d20 c.
9-10: Nothing.
1-2: Someone has seen fit to leave 1 Fine Treasure by the fountain.
3-8: There are 1d20 worth of coins sprinkled across the bottom of the fountain.
9-10: Nothing.
If you choose to drink from the fountain:
1-2: You feel invigorated. Heal 1d4+1 Hit Points and 1 Energy Point.
3-8: Nothing happens.
9-10: Make an Alchemical roll. If you fail, you have become diseased. If you pass an alchemical roll
before drinking, treat this as nothing happens. Only one roll is necessary for the entire party.

Grate (over a 1-4: 1d6 lockpicks.
hole) 5-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1d4 Rations.
3-10: Nothing.
1: Gemstones worth 2d100 c
2-3: 1d4 random Nuggets (all of the same kind).
Mine Cart
4: A Pickaxe.
5-10: Nothing.
1-3: 1 Fine treasure, 2 Wonderful Treasures.
Objective Chest 4-7: 2 Fine treasure, 1 Wonderful Treasure.
8-10: 3 Fine Treasures.
1-2: 1 Mundane Treasure
3-4: 1d20 coins.
5: 1 Ration.
6-10: Nothing.
1-2: 2d20 c.
3-10: Nothing.
1-3: 1 ration.
4-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1 wonderful treasure.
3-5: 2 fine treasures.
6-8: Nothing.
9-10: You awakened 1 Mummy! Randomly place it next to the sarcophagus.
1: Roll 1d6: 1-2 you have found a Wonderful Treasure, 3-6 a Fine Treasure.
2-3: There are 1d20 worth of coins left as offerings.
4-9: Nothing.
10: You awakened a Gargoyle! Place the Gargoyle on the statue.
1-4: 1 Mundane Treasure.
Study Table
5-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1 Fine Treasure.
3-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1d3 human parts for Alchemical use.
Torture Tools
3-10: Nothing.
1-2: 1d4*100 c, 1 Wonderful Treasure.
Treasure Pile 3-5: 1d3*100 c, 2 Fine Treasures.
6-10: 1d2*100 c, 1 Fine Treasure.
If you choose to drink from the fountain:
1-2: You feel invigorated. Heal 1d6+1 Hit Points and all Energy Points.
Water Basin 3-8: Nothing happens.
9-10: Make an Alchemical roll. If you fail, you have become diseased. Only one roll is necessary for
the entire party. If you pass, nothing happens.
1-4: Random weapon with 1d4 lost Durability Points.
Weapons Rack
5-10: Nothing.
1: At the bottom of the well is a small chest tied to a rope. You may roll on the Chest Table.
2: A Mundane Treasure is lying by the well.
3-9: Nothing.
10: You awake an angry Water Spirit residing in the well. Place a Water Elemental next to the well.

Treasure Found on Defeated Enemies
Based on what kind of enemy you have defeated, consult the tables below see what you have found.
Table T1 Table T4
1d10 Object 1d10 Object
1 A Random Weapon 1 A Grimoire with a random spell
2 20 c 2-3 1 Random Scroll
3 10 c 4 1d2 potions
4 1 bandage 5 150 c
5-10 Nothing but scrap 6 100 c
7-10 Nothing but scrap
Table T2
1d10 Object Table T5
1 A Fine Treasure 1d10 Object
2 A Mundane Treasure 1-2 1 Wonderful Treasure, 2 Fine
3 50 c Treasures
4 40 c 3-4 2 Fine Treasures, 1 Grimoire with
5 20 c 1 Spell
6-10 Nothing but scrap 5-7 3 Fine Treasures
8-10 500 c
Table T3
1d10 Object
1-2 A Fine Treasure
3-4 100 c
5 A Mundane Treasure
6 80 c
7 60 c
8-10 Nothing but scrap

Table of Relics
These are religious artefacts that can only be used by Warrior Priests.

1d6 Relic Effect

1 Relic of Charus Grants +1 Energy Point.
Adds +1d3 to any form of healing
2 Relic of Metheia
done by the Priest
3 Relic of Iphy Grants +5 Resolve
4 Relic of Rhidnir Grants +1 Luck during each quest
5 Relic of Ohlnir Grants +5 CS
6 Relic of Ramos Grants +5 STR

Tables of Potions
These tables are used to randomise what kind Standard Potions
of potion you have found or created. In order to randomise Standard Potions, you
Remember that potions must be identified if must roll 1d3 first to determine what column
found before drinking. That is not necessary if to roll next. If you roll 1 you will use 1d10 to
the potion is a result of your own mixing. randomise from the top 10 potions, and if you
roll 2, you will randomise from the lower
Weak or Supreme potions
potions (bold numbers) on the d10 column.
The cost should be read as Weak/Supreme.
1,2 3
1d12 Cost Potion Cost Potion
1d10 1d8
1 250/500 Bottle of Experience 1 350 Bottle of Experience
2 75/200 Potion of Constitution 2 100 Potion of Constitution
3 75/200 Potion of Courage 3 100 Potion of Courage
4 75/200 Potion of Dexterity 4 100 Potion of Dexterity
5 75/200 Potion of Energy 5 100 Potion of Energy
6 75/200 Potion of Health 6 100 Potion of Health
7 75/200 Potion of Mana 7 100 Potion of Mana
8 75/200 Potion of Strength 8 100 Potion of Strength
9 75/200 Potion of Wisdom 9 100 Potion of Wisdom
10 90 Acidic Bomb
10 60/180 Acidic Bomb
1 90 Potion of Disorientation
11 75/200 Potion of Cure Disease
2 90 Firebomb
12 75/200 Potion of Cure Poison
3 100 Vial of Invisibility
4 60 Vial of Corrosion
5 100 Potion of Cure Disease
6 100 Potion of Cure Poison
7 80 Poison
8 80 Liquid Fire
9 80 Bottle of the Void
10 80 Weapons Oil
1 80 Elixir of Speed
2 60 Alchemical Dust
3 80 Elixir of the Archer
4 100 Potion of Rage
5 80 Potion of Fire protection
6 150 Potion of Dragon Skin
7 200 Potion of Restoration
8 100 Potion of Dragon Breath

Table of Powerstones
Powerstones are mighty magical artefacts that can be used to infuse mundane objects with magical

1d20 Powerstone
1 +2 Damage. This stone can be used to improve any weapon.
2 +3 Damage. This stone can be used to improve any weapon.
Poisonous. This stone gives a weapon a permanent poisonous ability. If a monster is
wounded by this weapon, it will lose 1HP every turn until end of battle.
Fire Damage. This stone makes this weapon cause Fire Damage. See ‘Fire Damage’
section in the ‘Combat’ chapter for more information.
+10 To Hit. This stone will make the weapon perfectly balanced, increasing chances to
+ 5 Strength bonus. This stone can be used on rings or amulets, enhancing the bearer's
+5 Constitution bonus. This stone can be used on rings or amulets, enhancing the
bearer's stat.
+5 Wisdom bonus. This stone can be used on rings or amulets, enhancing the bearer's
+5 Resolve bonus. This stone can be used on rings or amulets, enhancing the bearer's
+5 Dexterity bonus. This stone can be used on rings or amulets, enhancing the bearer's
Fast Reload. Reduces reload time with 1 Action. If the hero has Fast Reload, he or she
may fire twice in the first action (But only once in the second).
12 +2 DEF. This can be used to enhance a piece of armour or a shield.
+1 Energy Point per quest. This is applied to a ring or amulet. The hero starts with 1 more
Point of Energy than normally allowed.
+1 Luck Point. This is applied to a ring or amulet. The hero that wears this will have 1
more Point of Luck than usual.
+10 chance to detect traps. This is applied to a ring or amulet. When prompted to check
if the hero has detected a trap, this bonus will help.
16 +1 Initiative token on the first turn of combat. This is applied to a ring or amulet.
17 Hero may re-roll failed Fear or Terror Test. This is applied to a ring or amulet.
+2 Hit Points. This stone will raise the number of starting wounds before a quest. This is
applied to a ring or amulet.
+2 Party Morale. If one hero carries an object with this power, the Party Morale starts 2
points higher. This is applied to a ring or amulet.
+2 Sanity Points. This is applied to a ring or amulet. The hero will have 2 more Points of
Sanity than normally they would normally have.

Table of Ingredients
1d20 Ingredients
1 Lunarberry
2 Dragon Stalk
3 Ember bark
4 Mountain Barberry
5 Salty Wyrmwood
6 Ashen Ginger
7 Spicy Windroot
8 Wintercress
9 Sweet Ivy
10 Monk’s Laurel
11 Nightshade
12 Weeping Clover
13 Snakeberry
14 Bitterweed
15 Arching Pokeroot
16 Toxic Hogweed
17 Blue Coneflower
18 Giant Raspberry
19 Bright Gallberry
Tomb guardian by OnePageRules
20 Barbed Wormwood Tomb Guardian by

Table of Parts
When harvesting parts, roll on the table below. 1d10 Part
However, there may be instances where this 1 Brain
will not make sense. In such cases, simply roll 2 Kidney
again. Skeletons and Wights will always supply 3 Saliva
bone meal. Ethereal creatures will always 4 Blood
supply ectoplasm. 5 Skin
6 Nails
7 Hair
8 Eye
9 Tongue
10 Heart

Tables of Magic Powers for Items
When you find a Magic Item, roll on the table below to see what effect the magic has upon the item.
Please note that you have to identify its magical abilities using the Arcane Arts skill or pay for the
service in town before you can use it. For simplicity, it may be easier to roll on this table once you have
found it and then remember not to use it until identified. However, the diehard player would just note
down ‘Magic Weapon’, and then roll on the table once it has been identified. This may affect decisions
if you are carrying too much equipment and have to sacrifice something.

Magic Weapons
1d10 Description Effect
This weapon has a slight glow to it, as if radiating heat. Weapon DMG counts
as Fire.
When wielding this weapon, it is as if your hero can feel its thirst
2 +2 Damage.
for blood.
A slight humming sound can be heard when you wield this
3 +1 Damage
weapon, as if it is powered up and ready to kill.
This weapon feels as if it is one with your body, making every
4 +10 CS/RS.
move as simple and perfect as they can be.
The magic infused into this weapon causes every strike or shot to
5 +5 CS/RS.
be all but perfect.
The low weight of this weapon goes beyond your heroes'
-5 Enc and -1 Class
6 understanding. A weapon half the size would not even weigh this
(Min 1).
It is as if the magic in this weapon is unusually strong, binding it Item has +2 total
together in a way that your hero has never experienced before. Durability (total 10).
One look at this weapon reassures your hero that nothing can +10 on Fear and
stand between them and victory. Terror Tests.
+5 parrying for CC
Imbued with powerful spells, this weapon is designed to protect
9 weapons. +5 Dodge
its owner.
for Ranged Weapons.
Cursed! This weapon may lend its strength, but it comes at a
price. Roll again to see what positive effect it has, but know that Cursed. See Curses
while wielding this weapon, your hero also suffers the effects of Table.
the curse.

Magic Armours and Shields
1d10 Description Effect
1 This piece of armour simply radiates strength. +2 Defence.
2 It is as if this piece of armour can deflect any blow. +1 Defence.
3 This armour seems lighter than even Mithril. -50% Encumbrance (RDU).
Enchanted by a Master Enchanter, it will take tremendous +1 item max Durability
effort to break this armour. (Total 9).
From time to time, it almost looks as if this armour is on fire Ignores effect of Fire DMG
5 even though it is cool to the touch. Maybe this is the reason no matter where the strike
that it is not susceptible to fire. lands.
Improved resistance to
While forging this armour, powerful enchantments were
6 poison (+10 Constitution
imbued into it to thwart anyone trying to poison its wearer.
on those rolls).
The enchantment in this armour reaches out to its owner and
7 +5 Constitution.
strengthens his resilience.
As If the armour lends its strength, the owner of this piece of
8 +5 Strength.
armour becomes as strong as an ox.
Imbued with powerful spells, the armour gives a tingling
9 sensation to its owner when danger is afoot, giving her a split +5 Dodge.
of a second extra to dodge the threat.
Cursed! This armour may lend its strength, but it comes at a
price. Roll again to see what positive effect it has but know
10 Cursed. See Curses Table.
that while wearing this armour, your hero also suffers the
effects of the curse.
Magic Item
1d10 Description Effect
This item has been imbued by some of the life essence of the
1 +1 HP.
enchanter and lends it to the one wearing this item.
A Spell of Resilience has been cast upon this item, giving the
2 +5 Constitution.
wearer the power to resist damage and illness alike.
3 Using this item grants the hero the strength of several men. +5 Strength.
Bolstering the mind against the horrors, this item lends a bit
4 +5 Resolve.
of spine to its user.
5 This makes the user as nimble as a cat…almost. +5 Dexterity.
This is an extraordinary item for sure. Used as a vessel for
6 energy, it gives the user the endurance to perform that which +1 Point of Energy.
a normal man could not.
Clearly enchanted by a follower of Rhidnir, this item bestows
7 +1 Luck.
a little bit of luck to its user. Hopefully without a price.
Through this enchantment, the wizards who created this
8 +5 on a random skill.
lends some of his skills to its user.
A simple attempt to copy the Rings of Awareness, this item Add one Hero Initiative
still has its benefits. token.
Cursed! This item may lend its strength, but it comes at a
price. Roll again to see what positive effect it has but know
10 Cursed. See Curses Table.
that while wielding this item, your hero also suffers the
effects of the curse.

Roll to see what Curse the piece of equipment may carry. If the result is regarding the same magical
benefit it has, then reroll.

1d10 Curse
1 -2 Hit Points
2 -5 Wisdom
3 -5 Constitution
4 -5 Strength
5 -5 Dexterity
6 -3 Hit Points
7 -10 Resolve
8 -5 on a Random Skill
9 -1 Luck
10 -1 Energy

Legendary Items
Should you be so lucky as to find a Legendary Item, roll on the table below. Remember that each
object may only be found once, unless noted otherwise.
1-2 3-4 5-6
Legendary Item
1d10 1d10 1d10
1 Horn of Alfheim
2 Bow of Divine Twilight
3 Stone of Valheir
4 Gauntlets of Hraefnir
5 Belt of Oakenshield
6 Vial of Never Ending
7 Ring of the Hierophant
8 Amulet of Haamile
9 Boots of Stability
10 Ring of Awareness
1 Cloak of Elsewhyr
2 Priestly Dice
3 Legendary Elixir
4 Dagger of Vrunior
5 The Summoner's Staff
6 The Headsman's Axe
7 Sword of Lightning
8 Ohlnir’s Hammer
9 The Vampire’s Brooch
10 The Helmet of Golgorosh the Ram
1 The Breastplate of Rannulf
2 The Golden Kopesh
3 Ring of Regeneration
4 Crown of Resolve
5 Boots of Energy
6 The Goblin Scimitar
7 The Halfling Backpack
8 Trap-sensing Ring
9 Necklace of Flight
10 Necklace of Deflection

Legendary Items
There are objects in the world of unfathomable power that make ordinary magical items seem like
petty toys. Some were forged with long lost skills by Man, Dwarf, or Elf alike and some are said to be
given to this world by the Ancient Gods themselves. Either way, these objects can give an adventurer
a place next to the heroes of Old.

Legendary items are unique, and unless otherwise noted may only be found once. These items can
never be sold, as their price is immeasurable. Unlike ordinary magic items, these items can never run
out of magic or be damaged, but they need to be identified before use.

Horn of Alfheim
This ancient horn was forged by the Old Gods ready slot and takes a full turn. It will
and given to man to help stave off the hordes temporarily increase Damage of all heroes by
of Orcs and Goblins that harassed the Tribes of +3 until the end of the battle (Both magical and
Men. Sound the Horn of Alfheim, and let the physical). It will also consume 2 Points of
powers of the ancient gods drive back the foul Energy because the power required to sound
hoard! Sounding the horn requires it to be in a this horn is considerable.

Bow of Divine Twilight

This shortbow is infused with the power of tearing the threads. A ‘To Hit’ roll <10 will
death itself. A strand of Death's cloak was trigger its power, and that shot will do +5
forged into the bow itself by Elven mages. Thus, Damage (on top of bloodlust).
it taps into the very fabric of life, rupturing and

Stone of Valheir
One of three stones found by the Dwarven King needing to focus. This bonus does not increase
Valheir over a thousand years ago. These the risk of miscast. What is more, this can also
stones glow in a mesmerising way, constantly be combined with a normal Focus Action,
changing colours. Legend has it Valheir turned following the normal rules for focusing. Storing
mad after spending the remaining years of his can be done at any time and each Focus bonus
life staring into the stones. Long thought lost takes a full turn to store and requires a
for all eternity, these stones have the power to successful Arcane Arts roll. Alternatively, it can
store the raw essence of magic itself. A wizard be filled in between quests without any need
may store up to 3 Focus bonuses in the stone for rolls. However, the mesmerising glow of
which can then be drawn upon at any time. these stones is not without risk, and every time
That means the wizard may cast a spell and get the wizard draws a Focus bonus from it, he or
the 10-30 Focus bonus without actually she must pass a RES Test, or lose 1 Sanity Point.

Gauntlets of Hraefnir
These gauntlets were once worn by Hraefnir that he acquired the now famous gauntlets. He
the Fierce, a Berserker who was the greatest finally met his match and ended in a battle with
champion alive at the time. Originally taught to the ogre, Gorag Halfhand. With his demise, he
fight as a gladiator in the heart of the kingdom, passed into legend and to many Berserkers he
he was eventually pardoned and released after has evolved into a half-god. The gauntlets he
a record-breaking streak of wins. Living for the wore grant the wearer immense Strength
thrill of battle, he continued his search for (+15). They do not take up any armour slots and
tougher opponents in the frontiers of the should just be noted in the inventory.
kingdom. It was probably during these travels

Belt of Copperbane
Thane Copperbane, Dwarf of the High proven, as the belt was missing then the great
Mountains, was famous for his remarkable Thane’s body was recovered. Whether the
resilience. He shrugged off wound after wound, cave-in was natural or a cunning scheme by the
seemingly able to defy anything the goblins Cave Goblins remains a debate to this day. No
could throw at him. His demise came as a Dwarf would ever admit that a tunnel
tunnel collapsed over him during a visit to the constructed by them could collapse by natural
frontier mining shafts deep within the causes, but no proof of goblin interference has
mountains. After his death, the Runesmith of ever been found. The belt will grant the wearer
the hold claimed his resilience came from a belt +20 Constitution but all goblins fighting the
he had helped design. This could never be wearer gain the Hate Special Rule.

Vial of Never Ending
Crafted by the great Alchemist, Akh-Zum, to full health. Note that it must be originally
famous for his life-instilling elixirs, this vial has mixed in this vial, and not poured from another
magical properties that strengthen any healing bottle. You may find this several times, and the
potion that is tapped into it. Any healing potion vial can be reused as well. However, if it is hit
that is mixed in this vial will restore the drinker during battle it will be destroyed.

Ring of the Hierophant

This mighty magical ring was created by the It emits a bright light, barely visible to the
now extinct Hierophant Order. This order was human eye, but most unpleasant for undead
formed after the Undead Wars and was beings from beyond the grave. Any Undead
designed to help hunters track down and trying to strike the bearer of this ring does so at
defeat the Undead who lingered in the world. -15 CS.

Amulet of Haamile
Haamile was steward at the great magical sharp as ever. His great power aside, even he
college of Martslock during the reign of King could not halt time, and eventually, he passed.
Belleck IV and the greatest sorcerer alive at The amulet was stored at the college for
that time. As age took its toll, his wit began to several hundred years before it was forgotten
diminish. Fearing the loss of his position, had and eventually lost. The bearer of this amulet
this decline been known, he created an amulet gains +15 Wisdom.
of immense power, which kept his mind as

Boots of Stability
This pair of leather boots looks way fancier resolved a mystery that always surrounded the
than most adventurers’ boots would do. They Lord: he always remained remarkably stable on
would probably better suit a noble attending a his feet, no matter his drunken state. When he
party. Nonetheless, the magic imbued in them passed, the boots disappeared, and their
is quite remarkable. They were actually worn current whereabouts are unknown. A hero
by Lord Fouquet who was an infamous wearing these boots can never fall down, and
drunkard, constantly causing scenes at they could ignore any destabilising effects.
whatever reception he would attend. Who
made these boots remains unknown, but they

Ring of Awareness
This golden ring is quite simple in its pulsate with light, increasing as the threat
appearance, apart from the purple round stone comes closer. How many of these rings were
set in it. The stone seems dull and a bit out of made is unclear, but attempts to copy the
place as a decoration on a piece of jewellery. design and magical properties have failed by all
There are no markings on the ring and nothing who have tried. The ring will add +1 initiative
that hints as to who made it, but those versed token on the first round of battle, and it will
in magical artefacts and trinkets would know add +15 to a hero’s Perception when it comes
that this is a Ring of Awareness. Popular to detecting traps.
amongst nobles and the warlords alike, this
The party may find more than 1 of these rings
ring warns the wearer of imminent threat, and
and the effect on initiative is cumulative up to
perhaps thwarts the plans of that hidden
a maximum of +3.
assassin. The normally dull stone will start to

Cloak of Elsewhyr
There is no mistaking the Elven craftsmanship before the founding of the kingdom, and were
in this cloak. Woven in fabric as light and worn by the Elven scouts guarding the forest's
smooth as silk, yet almost as tough and resilient outskirts. That one of these cloaks is still in this
as leather. The cloak is dyed in a forest green remarkable shape, and let alone, not in Elven
tone and the edges are decorated with possession is truly a wonder. The fluid motions
intricate patterns of gold, which seem to shift of the cloak as its wearer moves is almost
as the cloak moves. These cloaks were woven hypnotising, which makes it difficult to get a
by the Elven Queen Elsewhyr herself, long good aim. The wearer gets +15 Dodge.

Priestly Dice
This is a pair of golden dice said to be handed
down to men by the demi-god Rick at the
founding of the kingdom. It is said that anyone
who carries them benefits from tremendous
luck. The hero gets 2 points of extra luck.

Legendary Elixir
There are certain potions that are brewed with of Wisdom. Obsessed with increasing the
such precision and craftsmanship that the capacity of his mind, he passed from brilliance
effect will last almost forever. Throughout into madness. Speaking incomprehensibly in
history, there have only been two alchemists some unknown language, and spending his
who have perfected their craftsmanship to days making strange diagrams and images, he
such a level that they could create these finally passed away as an elderly hermit. The
marvellous brews. Akh-Zum, also famous for party may find more than one of these potions.
his vials, was one of them. The other was Randomise what basic stat it will increase and
Cebarin the Mad, who got his name based on increase that stat by +10.
the side effects of consuming too many Elixirs

Dagger of Vrunior
This dagger once belonged to the infamous after years at the top of the ‘Most Wanted’ list
assassin Vrunior. Famous for never failing to kill in the kingdom he was finally tracked down and
his mark, the villain was armed with a vicious brought to swift justice. His dagger was
looking curved dagger. Few were those who unfound until this day. This dagger treats all its
ever saw him coming, and fewer were those attacks as being from behind.
that managed to put up a fight. Nonetheless,

The Summoner’s Staff

Parts of this staff are said to originate from the the High Mage, Ibeus Aldor, during the Undead
void itself, and the mere look of it makes you Wars. Other sources suggest that it was used
wonder. It is a gnarly wooden staff, but its by a shaman, back in the days when humans
colour is as black as the night. It weighs more still lived in tribes. No matter the truth, the
than any wood known to man and it is staff is powerful indeed, and it seems to have a
noticeably cool to the touch. No one has special bond with the void. Any Conjuring Spell
claimed to be the artisan behind the staff, and cast while wielding the staff is done at +20
its first appearance is a subject for debate. Arcane Arts.
Some sources claim that it was first wielded by

The Headsman’s Axe

This axe is the heirloom of the Cragward family. eventually handed over to his eldest son. And
Inheriting your profession from your father or so continued the tradition of the Cragward
mother is a quite common practice in the family, handing the axe from generation to
kingdom. This tradition was something the generation. With so many heads severed with
King’s Headsman, Ogrus Cragward, held in high this axe over the centuries, it somehow
regard. While normally a tradition for artisans changed. Maybe tainted by the blood of all
and farmers, he insisted that his son would those who lost their lives to its keen edge, it
continue his bloody work and his axe was seemed as though the axe itself had developed

a lust for blood. The Cragward family finally lost or not causing damage will return the bonus to
possession of the axe as the last headsman was 0. The bonus is also removed after each battle.
left without any heirs. The axe will add +2 The axe is in all other respects considered a
Damage for every consecutive hit that Greataxe.
succeeds in dealing damage. Any strike missing

Sword of Lightning
The Sword of Lightning is the archetype of a strike at the right moment, but none has been
magical weapon. With sparks dancing up and successful. Some enchanters claim that a part
down the blade there is no doubting its power. of Olius’ soul was transferred to the blade at
This weapon is a result of an unusually the same moment, and that this is the magic
successful enchantment in combination with which binds it all together. Any hit with this
curious circumstances. At the precise moment blade that was with an odd number will cause
that the wizard, Olius Hellbrand, finished the lightning to pass from the blade to the target
enchantment and lifted the sword aloft, he was causing a further 1d6 wounds with no armour
struck by lightning. Olius succumbed to the save. However, half that roll, RDD will pass on
flash, but it seems that somehow the lightning the closest character from the target (not the
became permanently trapped within the blade. one holding the sword). If equal distance,
Many attempts have been made to recreate randomise. The sword is in all other respects
the enchantment by producing a lightning considered a Longsword.

Ohlnir’s Hammer
This hammer is said to have been passed down hammer seems to have disappeared from the
by the god himself. Marked with strange runes, history books. Scholars entertain the idea that
the hammer packs a hefty punch. If there is any the hammer may actually be a divine artefact,
merit to the myth it is hard to tell, and there is but at the same time, they find the idea that he
no way of telling which god would have given would have gifted a brutish orc with this
his hammer. The first mention of the weapon blessing rather preposterous. The hammer
in human literature, is related to the Orc stuns the enemy every time it hits, without any
Chieftain, Braugh Skullcracker. Apparently, he tests needed. However, the effect of stun is not
wielded the hammer like a dervish, striking left cumulative, so the enemy can never lose more
and right, cracking a skull with each mighty than 1 Action per turn. The hammer is in all
blow. Once his reign was finally over, the other respects considered a Battlehammer.

The Vampire’s Brooch
Esmeralda Rosepike is probably the most courting her also tended to disappear at an
famous vampire in the history of men. Whilst alarming rate. Finally, the High King issued an
most vampires shun the company of humans arrest order. During the attempt to seize
and treat them like mere cattle, Esmeralda Esmeralda, she revealed the beast within her,
thrived amongst the aristocracy of the capitol. and it is said a hundred royal guards were killed
As popular as she was beautiful, she was always before she was slain. This brooch is said to have
invited to the most lavish dinners and parties. been her favourite piece of jewellery, and one
She also arranged outrageously decadent that she wore almost every night. The brooch
parties that were hugely popular amongst the is treated as a necklace, and every time its
nobles. She was known for her taste in young, owner wounds an enemy, it will restore 1d6 Hit
handsome men and her list of lovers grew Points to the owner (up to the amount of
constantly longer until finally her true nature damage dealt). However, on a roll of 6 the
was discovered. When the nobles carousing brooch will instead drain 1d6 Hit Points from
with her realised that they were twice as old as the closest hero. This brooch is worn as a
they used to be, while she had not aged a day, necklace.
rumours began circling. The young men

The Helmet of Golgorosh the Ram

Golgorosh was a human tribal warrior of mending the mind of the one wearing the
mighty renown. When in battle, he would lose helmet. Every time the helmet is struck, the
himself and all self-control, charging literally sweet voices of a thousand fairies can be heard
headfirst into his enemies. Towering a head singing inside the helmet. The helmet is quite
above most men, and powerfully built, he effective and any hit against the head will no
rendered his opponents unconscious through longer cause the -1 loss of Sanity even if the
the use of vicious head butts. This led him to be helmet fails to absorb all damage. However,
known as the Ram. However, his practice did the voices are so calming that they have been
come at a cost. The constant pounding to his known to pacify the user. If hit in the head, the
head slowly changed the warrior. Fearing that user must pass a RES Test or spend the next
Golgorosh would turn crazy or worse, the Action point passively enjoying the
chieftain of the tribe ordered his shaman to mesmerising voices of the fairies (stunned).
find a solution. Together with the smith, the Furthermore, in true ram fashion, shoving
shaman crafted a large helmet, which sported while wearing the helmet has a +15. This is
the horns of a ram. Furthermore, the shaman considered a metal helmet in all other aspects.
imbued it with a soothing enchantment, The helmet has DEF 6, Enc 5.

The Breastplate of Rannulf
The first High King, Rannulf Moarnoak, used a masterpiece, and has a shine to it as if just
this plate as he forged the Tribes of Humans polished even though it is over 500 years old.
together into the Kingdom. Forged from Rannulf wore the armour every day until his
meteoric iron, found deep within the Dwarven death and it was so dear to him that he was
mountains, the breastplate is said to withstand buried in the armour. How this armour was
even the fiercest of strikes. Rannulf himself is removed from the ancient king’s tomb remains
said to have been struck by a mighty minotaur’s a mystery. This armour has a DEF value of 8 and
huge axe straight in the chest which sent him denies the Double Damage roll made by Large
flying, but left him unharmed. Whether this is Creatures. ENC 7.
true or not matters little, as the plate is clearly

The Golden Khopesh

When the Undead marched against Humanity, the old prince a joke, or maybe this was just a
they were led by their mummified Kings, freak coincidence, but the prince proved to be
Princes, and Queens of old. One such nameless mortal (or least possible to kill again) in the
prince wielded a golden khopesh that seemed end. The Khopesh was gifted to the Captain of
to cut through armour as though it was mere the Artillery who wore it with great pride.
cloth. Though many tried, none could best him However, not long after the war he was found
in combat and soon no one would dare try. dead in his bed, dried up to a mere husk and
However, in the final days of the war, the with a wild stare in his eyes. The Khopesh was
prince was finally killed. Not by a skilled never found. This weapon ignores all armour
swordsman or an accomplished archer, but and natural armour saves, but at the same
through sheer luck. As the prince advanced time, all Higher Undead will always attempt to
with his cohort of mummies, he was crushed attack the wielder, forgoing the normal
under a massive rock lobbed from a human targeting priority. DMG 1d12+1, Class 4,
trebuchet. Maybe Rhidnir had decided to play Encumberance 10.

Ring of Regeneration
Crafted from the femur of a huge Troll, the look lasted for over a hundred years until he was
of this ring sends chills down the spines of finally located. Possibly the ring had worked, or
those who lay their eyes upon it. Most would maybe he had found another way to prolong
say that this ring is evil, and it was, in fact, his unnatural life, but he was finally chased into
crafted by the infamous Necromancer, Semias the eastern mountains. He left most of his
Blackwood, as an attempt to prolong his life. All belongings, including the ring, behind him.
Necromancers are shunned by society and Whether the loss of the ring caused his demise,
hunted by the Brotherhood. As soon as they or if he still clings to this world by other means
are identified, they are brought to justice. is unknown. The ring will grant its owner the
Semias' existence, however, could never be Regeneration Special Rule, but with 1d3 HP
quite proven, and the rumour of his existence instead of the normal 1d6 HP.

Crown of Resolve
Long before the Kingdom was forged, this Dwarven stubbornness seems somehow
crown was once worn by the Dwarf Thanes in imbued in the crown. Soon after the Kingdom
the keep of Morndihr. Once a sprawling was born, the keep of Morndihr was overrun by
Dwarven city, Morndihr had put its name on Goblins and Trolls, and not a single Dwarf
the map due to the vast riches mined from the managed to escape the tragedy. How much of
bowels of the mountain far beneath the keep. the city's mythical treasures still remain is
At its peak, the crown was crafted as a gift from unknown, since few are those who have
the Miner’s Guild to the City’s Thane. It was managed to enter the keep, and fewer are
later passed on from father to son for three those who survived to tell the tale. The crown
generations. The Crown is an epitome of will grant the wearer +15 RES, but will prevent
Dwarven artisan skills, and a part of the the use of a helmet or cap.

Boots of Energy
During the Undead War, the Kingdom’s army impressive was the fact that this run was done
was stretched all along the border in its almost without pause. Thanks to his deed, the
attempt to stop the walking dead from pushing troops could respond to the collapse and avoid
north. Communication between the encirclement. When asked how he could make
detachments were often done through tamed this run he said that it was all down to having a
birds, but the more important messages were good pair of boots. And so was the myth about
often sent with runners. This was a dangerous the Boots of Energy born, and apparently,
task indeed, and most of these runners would there was more to the myth than most would
eventually go missing. One of the most well- think. These boots will grant the wearer 2
known runners was Phineas Belmont, who ran additional Points of Energy.
from the eastern border all the way to the great
southern road from the Silver City to inform the
King that the frontline was collapsing. More

The Goblin Scimitar
This scimitar once belonged to the Goblin King, from his withered corpse will never be known,
Teezmeald. He wielded it in his famous last but this artifact continues to crave blood, no
fight against the great elf princess, Aelynthi matter who wields it. The wielder of this
Bihorn. As elves despise all things of goblin weapon gains the Frenzy Perk. The weapon has
making, Bihorn left the blade where the king the same stats as a broadsword.
fell. Whoever, or whatever, snatched the blade

The Halfling Backpack

A successful dungeoneer has the happy made. The backpack seems to mock gravity, as
problem of hauling quite a lot of loot home. anything tucked into it instantly becomes as
One famous, although unlikely, dungeoneer light as a feather. Dustmouse himself
was Elyas Dustmouse. As he stood no more disappeared during his last expedition, and the
than 120 cm (3ft), you would expect that his backpack was lost along with him. The creator
stature would limit his carrying capacity. In of the bag is still unknown, and all attempts to
truth, that was initially the case. However, replicate it have failed. All objects carried in the
Dustmouse had strong contacts within the bag have its ENC halved (RDD).
Wizards’ Guild, and he had a special backpack

Trap-sensing Ring
A magical artifact of cunning design, this ring extensive investigation by the High Wizards of
gives a slight squeeze every time a trap is the Golden College. They deemed the ring safe
nearby. Most artifacts with magical properties to use, and handed it back to Alad. On his very
tend to be plain and simple; however, this ring next expedition, Alad disappeared, and the ring
is quite the opposite. It is designed to look like was lost once more. The ring will increase the
a series of intertwined snakes, and when its PER of any member in the party with +10 when
magic effect is triggered, the snakes twist and rolling to detect traps. The hero wearing the
wind which causes the ring itself to contract. ring will feel the squeeze and warn everyone in
The artifact was found in the Ancient Lands by the party of the impending danger. This is
Alad Bostan. As with all magical trinkets found treated as a magic item and uses the Ring Slot.
south of the border, the ring underwent

Necklace of Flight
This necklace once belonged to the elven light that he or she could walk on thin air. This
princess, Aelynthi Bihorn, but it was necklace allows you to walk across water,
subsequently gifted to the dwarf Thane, chasms and pits. You may even stay in such a
Lorheas Oarcloak, to aid him in his fight against square. It also makes the wearer immune to pit
the goblin tribes. As the thane was lost to the traps. You cannot walk across lava though, as
ravaging hordes, so too was the necklace. This the heat would consume you.
necklace makes the footsteps of the wearer so

Armour of the Father
This armour was once used by your father some small adjustments, this fine armour will
during his years in the Royal Army. Although he fit you like a glove, and hopefully serve you as
never rose above the Centurion rank, this well as it did your father.
armour would make you think otherwise. With
The hero may choose whether this is a Padded
exquisite details, state of the art buckles, and
Vest, Leather Vest, Chainmail Shirt, or
straps for that perfect fit, it really signals the
Breastplate depending on what best suits their
authority you would expect from a higher
profession. It will have the same stats, but with
ranking officer. It does have a few nicks here
a +1 DEF modifier. Furthermore, the pride of
and there which indicate that the armour was
wearing this armour will give the hero a +15
worn in battle, and not merely for show. With
modifier to his or her RES value.

Necklace of Deflection
Another powerful object of unknown origin, deflect it from the intended target. Whenever
this necklace magically creates an invisible hit by a projectile from ranged weapons or
force field around its owner. It is not strong traps (arrows, darts and sling stones), you may
enough to completely ward off an incoming roll on the table below. This object is treated as
blow, but the protective barrier will disrupt the a magic item and uses the Necklace Slot.
path of an incoming projectile ever so slightly.
Depending on the velocity and weight of a
projectile, the necklace may be enough to

1d6 Result
1-3 Projectile misses completely
4 Hits an arm
5 Hits a leg
6 Hits the head

Quest Book I

Welcome to Quest Book I. In this book you will find two campaigns and several single quests grouped
together based on which objective room it uses. In Quest Book II you will find more campaigns and
single quests, and most importantly tables to randomize which single quest to play.

Reading the Quests

Within each quest there are border lines dividing the information. Do not read further than the first
border line, or you will encounter spoilers. Once you reach the Quest Room, you may read until the
second line and, once the quest is complete, you can read the last part. In some cases, the aftermath
will include some findings, such as treasure chests found by the party. These may be in excess of those
drawn on the tiles, and everything found in the aftermath can be looted ‘off table’, with no traps or
locks. Single quests can generally be played several times with the same party.
Triggering Wandering Monsters
Some quests will say that when the Threat Level reaches ‘XX’, a Wandering Monster will appear. This
will happen every time the Threat Level is increased to XX and the Threat Level will not be decreased
when the Wandering Monster is placed.

Ex: Quest 1 dictates a Wandering Monster will appear when the Threat Level reaches 12. The
Wandering Monster is placed, and later the Threat Level is increased further and then reduced to 12
again. This time no monster will be placed since the Threat Level was decreased to 12. If the Threat
Level is decreased below 12 and then increased again back up to 12, a Wandering Monster will appear.

Reaper miniatures: Barbarian exploring the ancient

Dwarven halls. Terrain by Printable Scenery,
Devonjones, Wargaming miniatures showcase and

First Blood – Introductory quest
The heroes have travelled for days and are finally nearing their destination in the village. After so
long on the road, the idea of sleeping in a real bed at the inn is alluring. However, with the sun
setting you realise you must spend one more night out in the open. You find a suitable spot and
make camp. You take turns to keep watch, and as usual, nothing much happens during the night. Just
before dawn though, the hero on watch is suddenly snapped into high alert by the faint sound of
stealthy footsteps. Realising the potential peril, he quickly tries to wake the rest of the party. As they
fumble to rise, a gang of bandits charge out of the darkness.
The party has been attacked by three bandits and one bandit leader.
• The bandit leader is equipped with a longsword, a shield and has armour 1.
• Two bandits are armed with shortswords and have armour 0.
• One bandit is armed with a shortbow, dagger and has armour 0.
Locate the corresponding monster cards and monster equipment cards and combine them to
represent the above-mentioned adversaries.
Use four wilderness outdoor tiles (open ground tiles) and place the heroes in the centre, adjacent to
each other. Then randomise which board edge each bandit approaches from, placing them 1d10
squares from the edge.
Special rules
• The bandits gain +2 initiative tokens on the first turn as they surprise the sleeping heroes.
• Due to the darkness, no one can see or shoot further than 10 squares.
• The Scenario die is not in use.

With the bandits dead, the party decides to gather their gear and continue their travel. They arrive at
the settlement without further issues. Head to the settlement chapter and start by rolling for a
settlement event. Then decide where this adventure will take your heroes!

The Dead Rising

The dead never rest easy in the Kingdom, but lately the reports of stirring bodies have been alarmingly
high. The reason why some dead refuse to stay dead is a mystery. Perhaps it is due to some unfinished
business that denies the person its eternal rest, or possibly the soil of the grave is tainted by the Void.
However, as this repeatedly occurs, it seems likely that there is a definite reason behind the stirring.
Maybe the King's decision to allow expeditions south once again has triggered the Undead curse, or
perhaps there is something else behind this.

This campaign starts wherever the heroes are, but the second quest must be started in Silver City.

Quest 1: Spring Cleaning

You have been tasked by the local Town Elder Quest Location: In any town.
to clear out the basement of the Town Hall.
Special Rules: When the Threat Level reaches
This basement has been closed off for several
12, a Wandering Monster will appear
years, but a recent invasion of large rats in the
regardless of the Scenario dice result.
village has led the local rat catcher to think that
their nest is in this building. However, the size For this quest only, the party may gain the
of the rats is somewhat on the larger side, and benefits of the ‘Rest’ rule (p. 86) without
he has refused to enter the basement, consuming any food rations. But learn from
exclaiming: your experience and
remember to bring
“Tis’ ain’t normal with them bastards growing
rations, because the
that size! Devilry, I tell ya!”
gods will not be so
Large-sized rats or not, this should be an easy friendly next time!
task for your hardy heroes! The Jarl says that
Number of Tiles: 4 Zombie rat by
there is nothing of value down there, but that Schlossbauer.
corridors (not C16), 4
you are free to take anything you find.
rooms (Not R17).
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
Reward: 100 c per hero.
Level Level Level
Encounters: Quest Specific.
2 2 18
Objective Room: R5B.

Quest-Specific Encounter Table
Johann, the Gardener
1d100 Encounter Stumbling around down the basement is
01-30 1d4 Giant rats Johann, the old town hall gardener.
31-45 Johann the gardener Unfortunately, he is no longer alive, and the
46-55 Bat swarm zombie remnant of his body walks aimlessly
56-65 1d6 Giant rats through the corridors. Possibly animated by
66-75 1d3 Pox rats some foul magic, or perhaps the ground itself
76-85 1d2 Giant snakes is tainted, denying him his eternal rest.
86-00 1 Giant spider
Johann uses the standard Zombie stats, and is
Johann can only appear once. If you end up unarmed.
with 31-45 again then place 1d4 Giant Rats
and 1 Batswarm.

Objective Room
The heroes enter what seems to be a large The Brood Mother
storage room. The room is filled with huge The Brood Mother is an obscenely large rat,
piles of crates and barrels and everywhere they almost the size of a small horse. She is the
look, the heroes can see the beady red eyes of mother of the rats and will fight to the end to
large rodents staring at them malevolently. protect her prodigy.
Everything is covered in cobwebs and seems to
have been untouched for many years. In the far
45 - 1d10 1 35
back, a huge creature can be seen. Much larger
To hit RES M HP
than the rest, and heavily deformed, it is
-5 25 4 15
questionable whether this rat is living or
XP: 115
The party enters a large dusty room filled with The Brood Mother is such an abomination that
old crates and barrels. There are 1d10 Rats in she causes Fear. Furthermore, her bite which
the room (placed randomly), and as far away as causes a wound might infect the bitten with a
possible from the player is the Brood Mother. disease.
If the party has not encountered Johann yet, he
will also be in the far end of the room.

The Town Elder is pleased with the hero’s efforts. The rats in the village have already become less
common and they act less confident. Surely, they will disappear completely soon. The news of Johann
came as a bit of a shock though, and he seems troubled, telling the group:
“I was quite fond of him…hard worker indeed. Figured he upped left the city. Maybe ran off with some
local lass…but this is troubling indeed. The dead do not rest easy, but here? In the middle of my town?”

Before parting, the party is offered 50 c extra per hero as gratitude for finding Johann. The Town Elder
recommends the party to head to Silver City. He tells them: “Skills such as yours are highly sought after
in the big city”. To further help the party on their journey, he offers them 10 rations to use on the

Head to Silver City to continue the campaign.

Wizard in action. Miniature by North Star

miniatures. Terrain by Ziterdes and Hirst Arts.

Quest 2: The Dead Rising
Apparently, it is not only the villages that are Brothers. Once prepared, they start their
visited by the occasional Undead. Just like poor descent down the dusty stone stairwell,
Johann, the dead seem to be stirring in Silver torches in hand and weapons at the ready.
City as well. Before long, members from the
Brotherhood of Ohlnir were sighted in the city,
apparently requested by the Jarl himself. Their
leader was a towering man, a battle-seasoned
Warrior Priest and with him he had an old
soldier and an alchemist. The three Brothers
carried themselves with confidence and power,
and their appearance proved they could back
this with action. They conducted their
investigations thoroughly, and the Warrior
Priest, Ulfric, declared that the root of evil
seemed to be within the old mausoleum in the
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
city’s cemetery. Together with his brothers-in- Level Level Level
arms, he entered the Mausoleum. 4 4 18
That was five nights ago, and not a sound has
been heard from the Mausoleum. The Jarl of Quest Location: Silver City.
Silver City reaches out to the party, requesting
their help: Special Rules: When the Threat Level reaches
10, a Wandering Monster will appear
“My cousin told me you proved you could regardless of the Scenario dice result.
handle yourself with that horrendous rat and
that poor soul Johann. Would you consider Number of tiles: 5 corridors (not C16), 5 rooms
heading down the Mausoleum to get in contact (randomised from R2B-R8B only). See Rooms
with Ulfric? I know that what I ask will not be List on next page.
easy. The Mausoleum is hundreds of years old
Reward: 150 c per hero.
and it is like a maze down there. But I’m
starting to fear that the Brotherhood may have Encounters: Undead.
Objective Room: The Great Crypt.
Accepting the quest, the adventures are now
tasked with making contact with Ulfric and his

The Objective Room

The Crypt that the heroes enter is a large room chest is an ancient bronze blade. As he notices
with six sarcophagi. In the middle stands Ulfric, the party, he lunges forward, with his Hammer
unmistakably changed. Flanking him are two held high.
skeletons, both armed with bronze swords and
shields. Ulfric’s stern gaze has been replaced by
an icy blue sheen, his cheeks are now sunken,
and his face looks like ash. Protruding from his

Place Ulfric in the middle and the two skeletons
on either side of him. They are considered
45 - 1 1 30
ordinary skeletons with longswords and
-10 35 4 12
Ulfric is armed with a Warhammer and has
Ulfric the Warrior Priest Armour 2, meaning that his ‘To Hit’ in practice
Once fuelled by his hate against the Undead, will be -5. He has the Frenzy and Cause Fear 3
the Warrior Priest has now joined their ranks. special rules.
Fighting in complete silence, he still seems to
have the same ferocity. XP: 140, T2 Treasure Table

The Jarl listens carefully to the story told by the appraises their skills and begs them not to
adventurers, enquiring especially around Ulfric spread word of what happened, as it may cause
and his reanimation as an Undead. Yet, there panic in the city. He also promises to put in a
seemed to be no evidence as to why he had good word for the party, should they ever need
come back. Once he has heard it all, he it.

Quest 3: Highwaymen
A couple of days after the descent into the old into the air and smashed against the ground.
mausoleum, the adventurers are relaxing at Furthermore, no trace has been found of the as
one of the city taverns when they overhear an wagons’ crew. No further details seemed to
upset burly man, complaining about the state explain this oddity, but perhaps time will tell.
of things: Checking their gear, they prepare for the trek
to the ruins.
“One can’t travel these roads no more…not a
single one of my caravans have come through Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
during the last fortnight!” Level Level Level
3 3 18
After listening a while to the merchant, it
becomes clear that the caravans have all been
raided by Highwaymen. One of the heroes Quest Location: White 34.
walks over to the merchant a strikes up a
Special Rules: When the Threat Level reaches
conversation. A few minutes later, the deal is
10, a Wandering Monster will appear
settled. The party will deal with the bandits, in
regardless of the Scenario dice result.
exchange for coins. Digging around for more
information in the merchant’s quarters, it Number of tiles: 6 corridors, 6 rooms.
becomes clear that all attacks have happened
Reward: 200 c per hero.
close to the old ruined fort, which is located a
few days southwest of the city. One curious Encounters: Bandits and Brigands.
detail recurs in the merchant’s stories.
Objective room: The Dwarven hall.
When found, all wagons were completely
smashed up, as though they had been tossed

The Objective Room

The party enters a room which seems to be the as possible. The heroes enter along the short
former great hall of the Commandant at the side of the room. Bandits move first.
fort. Along one of the walls, is a magnificent
Graup is an ordinary Ogre and is armed with a
chair. This Commandant must have thought
longsword and has Armour 1.
highly of himself. Close to the throne stands
the leader of the bandits together with his
bodyguards. It suddenly dawns on the Aftermath
adventurers what caused the carts to be totally Finally, the room goes silent as the last bandit
demolished. The bandit leader is no ordinary falls. Taking a look around the room the party
man, but a towering, muscular Ogre. Spotting notices two chests filled with loot from the
the adventurers, he points a chubby finger at bandits’ plunder. There is also a thick ledger,
detailing the plunder taken at every raid.
them and bellows for his guards to attack.
Curiously, the last raids have listed the wagons’
Setup crew as plunder as well.
Place Graup, the Ogre, by the throne. Roll twice
on the Bandits and Brigands Table and
randomly place them around the Ogre, as close

There is apparently no hope of finding the
crews alive. Indeed, it appears that their bodies
have been sold for coin. Trading with corpses is
both illegal and most uncommon. More often
12/6 than not there is a Necromancer involved.
Getting hold of corpses can sometimes be a
2 rolls of linen (~350 c) chore.

2 kegs of Dwarven Ale (~400 c) Taking what they can, the heroes start their
journey back to the city. They manage to gather
1 bag of spice (~500 c) rations for two days from the bandits' stash
and head north. They decide to trek through
373 c the forest to the north to reach Rochdale
within two days. From there, they can follow
3 bodies -150 c (Delivery 13/6) the road back to the city. About mid-day on the
second day, the party suddenly notices a
16/6 smoke plume rising over the forest in front of
3 sacks of potatoes (~50 c) them. Curious, they pick up the pace.

The party travels to Rochdale without events,

and using the rations found at the bandit’s

Quest 4: The Burning Village
After about half an hour walking through - No Threat Level is used during this
difficult terrain, the forest abruptly gives way quest. The Scenario dice should still be
to open fields, and just a short distance ahead rolled and a result of 9-0 triggers
lies Rochdale. One of the small houses on the reinforcements for the Goblinoids. In
outskirts is ablaze and violent screams are that case, roll once more on the OaG
emanating from the village. The adventurers Table and place them cantered along a
rush across the field as they realize that the random table edge.
village is beset by a band of Orcs and Goblins.
Setup: Set up the outdoor tiles. Roll twice on
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat the Orcs and Goblins Encounter Chart and
Level Level Level randomise their placement along 1 board edge.
N/A N/A N/A Place 1 Orc Chieftain in the same way.

Reward: Special.
Quest Location: Rochdale.
Encounters: Orcs and Goblins.
Special Rules:
Victory Condition: If at any time, there are no
- The heroes are allowed one rest before living enemies on the table, the heroes win. If
the battle, but no roll on the Travel at any time the heroes feel like running away,
Events Table is necessary. they can do so by simply leaving the map, in
which case the quest is over.

If The Heroes Won… attacking villages are not unheard of, but not
As the last Orc falls to the ground the villagers usually this close to a major city. Maybe they
start to emerge from their houses. Realising saw it as an easy way to collect corpses for this
that the threat is over, they immediately start Imgrahil, whomever he might be.
to put out the fire in the burning house. The
Continue your travel to the city.
Village Elder approaches the heroes, shaking
each and every one’s hand and praising their If The Heroes Fled…
efforts. After a short conversation, he offers Realising they were in for more than they
the party a small token of their gratitude: could handle, the heroes decide it is better to
live another day and head back to the forest.
- 3 random potions
The orcs follow a short distance before they
- 1 Fine Treasure
turn back to set the rest of the village ablaze.
Rummaging through the belongings of the As the party heads towards the road, they can
chieftain, the party discovers yet another note clearly hear the villagers' screams.
on payment for bodies. This one seems to be
Continue your travel to the city.
from the buyer and is signed: Imgrahil. Orcs

Quest 5: The Apprentice
Once back in the city, it does not take long until Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
the adventurers are summoned by the Jarl. He Level Level Level
has heard of the party’s further exploits and is 4 4 18
once again in need of their services. He explains
that since the heroes left south, there have
Quest Location: White 22.
been two more incidents at the cemeteries in
the city: Special Rules:

“I have conducted some more - When the Threat Level reaches 10, a
investigations after the mausoleum Wandering Monster will appear
incident and the two other debacles, regardless of the Scenario dice result.
and the information I’ve managed to - Any Encounter Table roll of 15-20
retrieve points towards this being the results in an encounter with the
work of some foul Necromancer or caretaker, plus the ordinary encounter.
follower of the Dark Gods”.
Number of tiles: 6 corridors, 6 rooms.
Apparently, some information retrieved was
Reward: 200 c per hero.
from one of the Undead corpses that points
towards an old ruin due east of the city. Maybe Encounters: Undead.
this is where Imgrahil resides? He kindly asks
the heroes to investigate these ruins more Objective room: The Chamber of Reverence.
closely, and to find and kill whoever is
collecting corpses from all over the area.

Emil the Caretaker where he stands, there is some kind of magical

CS RS DMG NA DEX circle, drawn out on the stone slabs with chalk.
45 - 0 1 30 Close to his feet lies the body of a peasant girl,
To hit RES M HP who has clearly been dead for days. Not yet
-10 40 4 14 detected, the heroes silently watch as the girl
Emil is a dirty, gnarled man, clad in rags and starts to twitch and then awkwardly stands up,
carrying a sharpened shovel which he swings as her neck in a very unnatural position. Finally
an axe. It counts as a Greataxe in all aspects. deciding that they have seen enough, they start
Once Emil is killed, the heroes find a bronze key to advance. As the they do, more bodies
hanging around his neck. Better hold on to this. appear out of the darkness in the chamber,
XP: 110, T2 Treasure Table obviously intent on stopping the intruders.

The Objective Room Setup

The heroes carefully enter the huge chamber. Place Imgrahil, the Apprentice, in the centre of
In the middle of the chamber stands a man with the circle. Place one Zombie next to him
jet black hair with his hand held high, (unarmed and armour 0). Place 2d6 unarmed
apparently performing some kind of Zombies along the long walls, starting as far
incantation. He is dressed in what once must away as possible from the heroes and dividing
have been an elegant, classic wizard’s robe, but them evenly between the walls. Place the
it is now stained and in tatters. On the floor heroes as close to the door as possible inside

the chamber (on the short end opposite the is someone he refers to as the Master to whom
idol). Imgrahil apparently answers, but also a third
culprit called the Apostle. From what they can
Imgrahil the Apprentice
tell, the Master’s army of the Undead is
growing by the minute. He also mentions that
55 55 0 0 30
it is time for the Apostle to make her sacrifice
To hit RES M HP
-10 50 4 13 to Melkhior, probably to strengthen their
Imgrahil is an apprentice Necromancer armed power over the dead even more. Luckily, there
with a poisoned dagger, Armour 1, and has is a map with marked locations, which gives the
mastered Raise Dead, Healing, Vampiric Touch, heroes a better view of the situation. Putting
and Mirrored Self. Any hit with the dagger may the pieces together, the heroes slowly realise
poison the heroes. See rules for Poison. that they have a choice to make. Should they
try to stop the human sacrifice by the Apostle
XP: 140, T2 Treasure Table and run the risk that the Master’s army will
Aftermath become too strong by the time they get there,
Once all the Zombies are down and Imgrahil is or should they let the sacrifice have its course
dead, the heroes take a look around the and cut the snake’s head off right away? Either
chamber. Rummaging through the pockets of way, there is no time to head back to the Silver
the Necromancer they discover a notebook City. They must press on.
that is filled with mostly incoherent scribblings, If they choose to go for the Apostle, play quest
but some of the passages do make sense. There 6A. If they choose to go for the Master, Play 6B.
Fighting outdoors. Houses from Printable Scenery and 3dLayeredscenery.
Miniatures from Fireforge Games and North Star Military Figures.

Quest 6A: Sacrifice
Deciding to intervene with the sacrifice, the Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
heroes hurriedly leave the ruins and head for Level Level Level
the spot where the Apostle is said to be. 6 6 18
Arriving at nightfall, they stand in front of an
old tower, partly in ruins. After a short
Quest Location: White 36.
reconnaissance, they choose to enter the
tower. Everything seems quiet and they Special Rules: -
carefully examine the interior, noting that the
Number of tiles: 7 corridors (not C16), 7 rooms.
stairs upwards are blocked by a tumbled down
wall. There is, however, a trapdoor in the floor, Reward: -
leading down into the darkness. Deciding that
nobody could have passed the stairs, they Encounters: Undead.
choose to climb down the hatch. Objective room: The Lava River.

The Objective Room

Upon entering the large hall, the heroes spot the dais. The heroes go first. There are 2
group of civilians huddled up on the bank of the objective chests next to the altar that are
lava river. A number of skeletons, clad in rusty unlocked, non-trapped.
old armour, surround them. The skeletons
The Apostle
stand completely still as though waiting for the
The Apostle is a Vampire Fledgling armed with
next command. Further back, on a dais stands
a longsword and Armour 2.
the Apostle, her eyes firmly fixed on the
heroes. Aftermath
After the heroes liberate the civilians from their
Setup bonds, they quickly head back to the surface.
The heroes enter along the short side opposite With no time to lose, they send the civilians on
the altar. On their side, place 4 Wights as close their way while heading straight towards the
to the river as possible. Place the Apostle on Master themselves.

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4

Zombie by Fireforge Games.
Zombie from FireForge Miniatures

Quest 6B: The Master
After a couple of rainy days on the road, the Special Rules:
heroes once again dive into the ruins of a
- The Scenario dice triggers an event on
forgotten castle. According to the map Imgrahil
carried, this should be where they can locate
the one he calls his master. - If the heroes chose to stop the
sacrifice, roll twice on the Encounter
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
Table for every encounter, choosing
Level Level Level
6 6 18 the higher result.
- The middle chest in R10 is locked and
can only be opened with the bronze
Quest Location: White 39. key from Quest 5. It contains the
Number of Tiles: 7 corridors, 7 rooms. Make
sure R10 is mixed in among the top 7 cards. Reward: 1000 c.

Encounters: Undead.

Objective Room: The Great Crypt.

The Vanquisher Setup

This sword has a pale blueish shine around a The heroes enter along a short side. Place the
blade made of pure silver. There are runes two Ogres in the far end of the room, and the
inscribed along the blade from the hilt to the Master in between them. The heroes remain
tip. This is without a doubt the handiwork of a where they were when they opened the door.
dwarf. The blade is magical and inflicts +2 The heroes go first. There are 6 tombs in the
damage to all Undead creatures. It is in perfect room, all of which can be looted. This looting
condition. Apart from these special qualities must be done on the table as usual.
and its condition of 8, it has the same stats as a
standard longsword. It can be sold for 400 c.
The Objective Room
The heroes finally enter the room where the
Master resides. In the far end of the room a
figure stands, dressed, as was his apprentice, in
tattered robes. The difference is that the cowl
of his robe covers his head to such an extent
that his face is completely hidden in darkness.
On either side of him stand two lumbering
Zombie Ogres, staring mindlessly into the dark.
After a few seconds of hesitation, the Master
gestures his thralls forward. As the Ogres
lumber forward, the Master starts his

The Master
CS RS DMG NA DEX Campaign aftermath
55 70 0 0 30
The Jarl greets them in the city, commending
To hit RES M HP
their actions and invites them to dine with him.
-10 60 4 18
The High Wizard of the city recognises the
The Master is a Necromancer with a poisoned
engravings on the dagger as symbols from the
dagger and Armour 1. He knows Raise Dead, 3
Ancient Lands and takes it away for further
Close-combat Spells, and 4 Ranged Spells.
investigation. Whomever this Master was, he
XP: 200, T4 Treasure Table must have had connections to the Ancient
Lands and their undead masters. During the
dinner, the Jarl presents them each with a small
As the Master falls, it is as if his body just
box containing 1000 c. He also informs them
disappears. Carefully poking through his robes
that their exploits have been noticed and that
with a sword verifies that he is truly gone, but
High King Logan III himself has requested him
on the ground is a Grimoire. It has fallen open
to enlist them into the League of Dungeoneers.
to reveal one spell, and they also find his
They are to head into the Ancient Lands on
dagger which is engraved with strange
some of the first Royal expeditions south in 500
markings. (Randomise which spell you can
years. Possibly more answers regarding these
learn from this book). Taking what they want
happenings may be uncovered there. The
from the crypt, the party heads back to the city.
heroes had better prepare themselves…
Travel to Silver City.

A Lurker guarding the treasure. North Star Military Figures and Pyrokahd.

Lair of the Spider Queen

Campaign start: Whiteport

In the times when men still lived in tribes, there was one tribe who was feared by all. Led by their
Queen Araneae and with their elite soldiers mounted on top of large spiders they quickly expanded
their territory and laid waste to any tribe who opposed them. The reign of Queen Araneae would not
last for long though, as she suddenly passed away. She was buried deep down in the tribe’s
underground temple and with her demise, the spider riders disappeared, and the tribe's land was
quickly divided amongst the other tribes. Several hundred years later, her reign is all but forgotten and
few are those who know her name.

The party has been contacted by an elderly wizard who tells them the story of the Queen. He has
studied everything known about her for several years and has come to the conclusion that the Queen's
control over the spiders must have been magical and most likely related to the sceptre that she was
always pictured with. That sceptre would logically be buried with her, which would also explain the
army’s disintegration after her death. If the party would enter the tomb and locate the sceptre, the
wizard would reward them handsomely. According to his calculations, the tomb is located not far north
of the Ancient Lands. He also explains that over the years, other tribes and cultures have built further
structures above the tomb.

Quest Location: White 40.

Reward: 1200 c per hero.

Travel to White 40 to accept the quest and continue the campaign.

Level 1:The Entrance
Upon arrival, the adventurers find themselves Number of Tiles: 7 rooms, 7 corridors. Do not
by the ruins of an old temple. As predicted by include C16, R17 or R1.
the old wizard, the temple seems to be
Special Rules: The Secondary Quest card 1
occupied. The sharpened poles adorned with
should be mixed in with the first half of the pile.
severed heads strategically placed around the
temples send a clear message to anyone Encounters: Orcs and Goblins.
interested to stay out. Somewhere in those
dark halls there must be a hidden passageway Objective Room: The Chamber of Reverence.
that leads deeper down underground.

Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat

Level Level Level
4 4 18

The Secondary Objective And with that, all three lumber forwards
The heroes enter a dimly lit hall, apparently towards the heroes.
devoid of any furniture. Standing at the far
back of the hall is a large, two-headed creature
Once you draw the Secondary Objective, you
clad in tattered rags. It wields a sinister-looking
will immediately place R17. The room foregoes
club adorned with rusty nails. Flanking the
its normal rules, but is instead an empty hall.
creature on either side are two large, armoured
The Treasure Pile is not in play. There are 2
Orcs. Everything is quiet as the two heads fix
doors that lead out of this hall. Place the Ettin
their eyes on the hero standing in the doorway
on the far side against the wall, and the 2 Orcs
until one of the head shouts:
on either side.
“Aaaargh! Go get ‘em!”
Amburr, The Ettin, is a standard Ettin armed
The other head turns and looks at the first with with a filthy Warhammer. Any wound from the
obvious contempt, and screams: warhammer may give the target a disease. See
the Disease Special Rule in the Bestiary. The
“Oi, that’s not your call to make! I say…go kill
Orcs, Grop and Digg, are two orc brutes with
Armour 2, battleaxes and shields.

Secondary Objective: Aftermath

While examining the bodies of the fallen creatures the heroes notice a strange necklace on Amburr.
The amulet is in the shape of a spider made from some kind of dark metal. Deciding that this is too
strange to be a coincidence, they decide to take it along.

The Objective Room

The large chamber the party enters appears to features are all but gone. Nonetheless, the Orc
have been the inner sanctum of the temple. tribe residing in the temple seem to have
The large statue depicting some forgotten deity adopted this old god as their own, judging by
has decayed over the years and the facial the Orcs kneeling around the statue.

The heroes enter along the short side opposite Chieftain Grotto is armed with a Greataxe and
the statue. 2 squares away from the statue are has Armour 3.
5 Orcs and 1 Orc Chieftain. All of them are
The Orcs are armed with Battlehammers,
standing with their backs towards the heroes.
Shields, and Armour 1.
The heroes may continue their turn. The table
and statue may be searched as normal.

Once everything is quiet, the party carefully examines the chamber. After a while, one of the heroes
finds a small imprint at the base of the statue. It matches the spider amulet perfectly, and as the amulet
is pressed into the imprint, the statue slowly slides away with a horrendous screeching sound,
revealing a dusty stair leading down into the darkness.

Level 2:The Basement

The adventurers continue their journey down Number of Tiles: 7 rooms, 7 corridors. Not C16,
the stairs. There is a pungent smell in the air or R17. (All cards from the previous level are
and the stairs are covered in dust. Clearly, no mixed in when dealing the new deck).
one has walked these stairs in a long time. The
Special Rules:
stair ends in a long corridor with a closed door
at the end. Carefully walking up to the door, - The Secondary Quest card 1 should be
they prepare themselves for what the temple's mixed in with the stack before dividing
basement could have in store for them. In the it to add the normal objective card.
distance they suddenly hear a terrifying roar. It That means the Secondary Quest card
seems like their presence is known and that can be anywhere, including last.
finding that stair going further down may be a - A Wandering Monster will appear
dangerous endeavour. when the Threat Level reaches 10 and
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
Level Level Level Encounters: Beasts.
4 4 18
Objective Room: The stairs, C16. This will take
the heroes down to the next level.
Starting Tile: C18. Place a door at the far end
and place the heroes as you see fit.

The Secondary Objective
If this card is drawn, the room about to be well. As with many of his brethren, he carries a
placed is occupied by Kraghul the Mighty. Roll huge axe which could easily cleave a man in
as usual for any other Encounters and add two.
these if applicable.
Kraghul the Mighty 60 0 4 3 40
The size of this Minotaur is quite unbelievable. To hit RES M HP
He walks slightly bent forward so as not to -5 55 6 30
scrape his horns on the ceiling. The pungent Kraghul is armed with a Greataxe and has
smell that the heroes noticed at the top of the armour 3.
stairs clearly comes from this beast, and the
XP: 450, T4.
mighty roar came without a doubt from him as

The mighty beast is finally dead, and the heroes lucky. Judging by the smell and looks of the
go through his remains. Packed tight in a fluid, it seems to match the label.
satchel around his waist are two potions,
The party may search Kraghul as usual as well,
clearly marked Antidote. Clearly not written by
and the potions may be used without rolling for
this foul beast, he must have obtained it from
some other adventurer not quite as skilled or

The Objective Room

Finally, the heroes locate the stairs. They carefully approach them, expecting traps or monsters to be
guarding it, but they safely reach the top of the stairs. The darkness prevents any possibility to spy
what lies ahead. Instead, they carefully start their descent further into the bowels of the temple.

Level 3: The Tomb of the
Spider Queen
Reaching the end of the stairs, the party stops Starting Tile: C8. Place a Cobweb Opening at
to take a look around. They are once again in a
the far end and place The heroes as you see
corridor, but the end of the corridor is still fit.
hidden in darkness. The air is still and it is
completely silent. Though this floor is covered Number of Tiles: 7 rooms except R1, R9 and
in dust just as the basement, the dust seems to R17. Corridors: 7 (except C16).
have been disturbed. However, the pattern
Special Rules:
fails to make much sense. Satisfied with the
information retrieved so far, they slowly - Whenever you have an encounter, roll
advance towards the end of the corridor. a die. An odd number will result in 1d3
Expecting a door, they are at first confused as Giant Spiders. An even number will
to what they are looking at, but then it dawns result in an encounter from the
upon them that the opening is covered in a Undead Encounter List.
tight weave of cobweb. This web is clearly not - All doors are considered cobweb
the work of some petty house spider. covered openings. See the rules on
Whatever power the Queen held over the page 89.
spiders, it is clear that the bond seems to - A Threat Level of 12 will trigger a
transgress the borders between life and death. Wandering Monster.

Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat Encounters: See Special Rules.
Level Level Level
6 6 20 Objective Room: The Great Crypt.

The Objective Room

The heroes have finally reached the resting Belua
place of the Queen. Cleverly constructed shafts CS RS DMG NA DEX
let sunbeams shoot from holes in the roof, 55 0 1d10+3 3 45
creating a spotlight effect on the sarcophagus To hit RES M HP
resting at the far end of the room. Standing -10 55 6 45
next to the sarcophagus is a huge black spider, Causes Terror 5, Poison, Large (not wall-
seemingly motionless. Then suddenly, as if climbing)
turning on a lantern, one eye opens on the XP 900, Part
horrendous creature. Then another and a third.
Soon all eight eyes are gleaming, and the spider Special Rules
seems to rise as if woken from its slumber. Belua has a Special Ability. Whenever you roll
There is no way of getting to the sarcophagus 5-6 on her behaviour, she will try to summon a
without killing that beast. child of hers. Make a CS test for her, and if she
succeeds, place a Giant Spider randomly in the
Setup room. That spider may not act on the turn it
The Gigantic Spider, Belua, should be placed arrives at (it spends its time descending from
next to the sarcophagus. The heroes enter on the roof in a string of cobwebs).
the short side of the room. They may continue
their turn.

With Belua and her children slain, the heroes confidence they start rummaging through the
can carefully examine the sarcophagus. After other valuables.
meticulously examining the construction, the
There is 4d100 c and 3 Wonderful Treasures in
heroes finally dare move the heavy lid aside. At
the sarcophagus.
the bottom lies the dried husk of Queen
Araneae, clutching a long black sceptre with a Once done, the heroes may leave the dungeon
golden head, shaped like pouncing spider. On and head back. There is no need to walk all the
each side of her are piles of gold and valuables, way through the dungeon as their trek back to
possibly intended to help her in the afterlife. the surface is eventless. The Overland Travel
Carefully prying the sceptre free, the heroes must of course be done. Once back in
hold their breath, expecting the worst, but the Whiteport, the heroes will get their reward.
seconds pass without disaster. With greater

Random Quests

To embark on a Random Quest, you must first roll on the table below to determine the Objective
Room. Once that is determined, consult the corresponding chapter and roll which quest to embark
upon. These quests can be played over and over as the layout of the dungeons will shift and the
difficulty will increase as the heroes gain levels.

1d6 Objective room

1 The Lava River
2 The Bandits’ Hideout
3 The Fountain Room
4 The Great Crypt
5 The Chamber of Reverence
6 Roll Again

Just one more obstacle. Models by HeroForge and Otherworld Miniatures.

Terrain by Printable Scenery (some heavily modified by author).

The Lava River
Quest 1: Stop the Heretics
The heroes are confronted by a High Wizard Quest Location: Random.
that has felt disturbances from the Void, and
Special Rules: When the Threat Level reaches
through arcane rituals determined that
10, a Wandering Monster will appear
someone is performing a powerful Ritual of
regardless of the Scenario dice result.
Summoning. Through offerings to the Dark
Gods, the veils to another dimension will be Number of Tiles: 6 corridors, 6 rooms.
parted, and powerful demons will be let into
this world. But it is not too late, and if the Reward: 250 c per hero.
heroes can interrupt the ritual, then the veil Encounters:
will remain closed.
1d6 Dungeon dwellers
By tracking the disturbances, the wizard has 1 Bandits and Brigands
located the place for the rituals in a dungeon. 2 Orcs and Goblins
Enter the dungeon and slay the heretic 3 Undead
conjurer before it is too late! 4 Beast
5 Dark Elves
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
6 Reptiles
Level Level Level
Same as start
1d4 18

The Objective Room

The party will enter the room on the short side performing the ritual, and is so occupied with
opposite the altar. The heat from the lava is this, that he does not even notice the ongoing
almost unbearable, even though the river is battle, even if attacked.
some distance away. There are several guards
Special Rules
in the room, some on each side of the river,
The heroes have 10 turns to kill the caster, or
apparently protecting the caster who is busy
the Demons will be summoned. If the ritual
performing his ritual at the altar on the dais in
succeeds, the Spellcaster will collapse from the
the far end of the room.
exertion, and be out of the battle. Roll on the
Setup table to see what emerges and place these on
Roll 2 times on the Encounter Table to random squares along the river as they climb
determine how many guards stand on the out of the lava.
heroes side of the river. Place these as close to
1d6 Demon
the lava river as possible. On the other side of
1-2 1d6 Lesser Plague Demons
the river, by the altar, stands a Magic User from
3-5 1d6 Blood Demons
the encountered race. Randomise between
6 1 Greater Demon
those available on the encounter list. He is busy

Once all creatures in the Objective Room are opens the portal, they get the reward as
defeated, the heroes find an alternative exit promised. If they fail, they only get half as the
and may leave the dungeon immediately. If the portal is still now open and more demons can
heroes manage to kill the Spellcaster before he pour through.

Quest 2: The Master Quest Location: Random.

Alchemist Special Rules: When the Threat Level reaches

The heroes have been contacted by the 12, a Wandering Monster will appear
settlement's leading alchemist. He is working regardless of the Scenario dice result.
on a new formula that he believes will come Number of Tiles: 7 corridors, 7 rooms.
close to the power of the legendary elixirs of
old. However, to finish the formula he needs Reward: 300 c per hero.
liquid lava and the only place he knows where
this can be found is unfortunately in a monster-
infested dungeon. Not being the adventurous 1d6 Dungeon dwellers
type himself, he needs the help of the heroes. 1 Bandits and Brigands
2 Orcs and Goblins
To be able to bring the lava back in liquid form,
3 Undead
he has, with the help of a wizard friend, 4 Beast
constructed a special vial that will magically 5 Dark Elves
prevent the lava from cooling, but at the same 6 Reptiles
time keep the vial cool to the touch. With the
vial in their backpacks, the heroes set off.

Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat

Level Level Level
5 3 18

The Objective Room

With the river clearly in view, the heroes
Roll Result
prepare to advance. Unfortunately, they are After a minute of struggle, the
not alone in the chamber. After a brief Less or equal to DEX vial is finally filled with its cork
deliberation, they head into the fray with the back in place.
In the struggle to dip the vial
into the river, the hero
Less or equal to
Setup reaches too far and burns his
hand for 1d4 points of Fire
Once in the Objective Room, roll twice on the Damage.
Encounter Table. The result of the first roll will The searing heat is too much
be placed on the same side of the river as the to handle and the hero drops
Above DEX+20
the vial which sinks into the
heroes, and the second result will be placed on lava with a hissing sound.
the far side. The heroes enter along the short
side. Aftermath
Special Rules Once all creatures in the Objective Room are
To fill the vial, the hero carrying it must spend defeated, the heroes find an alternative exit
2 actions next to the river trying to reach down. and may leave the dungeon immediately. If the
Make a DEX Test and consult the table below: heroes return with the lava, they will receive
the reward. If they drop the vial into the river,
they receive nothing but a scolding from the
upset alchemist.

incantation is so powerful, that even if the
Quest 3: Preventing a Spellcaster fails, the scroll will crumble to dust.
The lava river flows beneath the local temple of Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
Rhidnir which has been there for as long as Level Level Level
6 5 20
anyone can remember. Lately though, the
Priests of the temple have noticed unusual
trembles and they fear the seismic activities Quest Location: In Silver City.
may cause the river to flood. This would cause
considerable damage to the temple. To stop Special Rules: When the Threat Level reaches
the tremors, a powerful incantation must be 12, a Wandering Monster will appear
cast at the old shrine located next to the river. regardless of the Scenario dice result.
The only problem is that the grounds Number of Tiles: 7 corridors, 7 rooms using the
underneath the temple used to be the old tiles R1B-8B.
burial grounds for the followers of Rhidnir
before they were sealed during the Undead Special Rules: Ignore any Special Rules for the
War. The priests dare not enter the halls below dead members of the Brotherhood. Instead,
the temple as they fear that the Undead may treat these corpses as dead adventurers and
still walk there. The priests have hired the search for them accordingly.
heroes and provided them with 2 scrolls that Reward: 300 c per hero.
must be read at the altar. Well, actually only
one needs to be read, but they have provided Encounters: Undead.
an extra, should the first one fail. The

The Objective Room

The heroes enter along the wall opposite the Each character must make a test for DEX. Any
altar. The room is filled with the Undead, hero that fails the test will be toppled by the
mindlessly walking around until they notice the shaking ground. That hero must spend its next
heroes. Bracing themselves against the action standing up which also requires a DEX
tremors, the heroes slowly advance towards Test. The hero may try once per action (that is
the altar. twice per turn). If still lying down when the
Undead attack, the Undead receive the
Standard Bonus for attacking someone lying
Roll 3 times on the Undead Encounter Table,
down. The Undead are so used to the tremors
and place them randomly in the room.
that they are unaffected.
Special Rules
The tremors are very noticeable in this room. If The hero with the scrolls must try to cast the
the Scenario dice ends up 1-2, ignore the incantation whilst standing adjacent to the
normal rules for this and instead do the altar. If it fails, the scroll crumbles. Luckily, the
following: party has two scrolls. If successful, the tremors
stop, and the heroes can easily escape to the
surface to receive their rewards. If both scrolls
fail, the river starts flooding causing lava to spill
out onto the floors.

The heroes have 3 turns to leave the chamber they refuse to pay the reward. Rhidnir himself,
and each turn after that, if they remain in the however, had a good laugh enjoying the
chamber, they lose 1d6 Hit Points to Fire spectacle and decides to grant the heroes +1
Damage. The priests are far from happy, and luck on their next quest.

The Bandits’ Hideout
19-20 means they have met Gorm.
Quest 1: Rescuing the Briggo and Gorm are Golfrid’s personal
Prisoners ogre bodyguards. Ignore the result of
One of the caravans to the settlement has been the table and place the ogre on the
ambushed and ransacked by local bandits. table instead.
However, none of its passengers were found
amongst the remains of the wagons and the Number of Tiles: 8 corridors, 8 rooms.
Jarl has come to the conclusion that they must Reward: 250 c per hero.
have been kidnapped. As always, he turns to
his trusted heroes, to ask for their help. The Encounters: Bandits and Brigands.
attack was most likely executed by a local Briggo
menace known as Golfrid the Short. The CS RS DMG NA DEX
adventurers don their gear and head off to the 35 - 2 1 25
bandits’ lair. To hit RES M HP
-10 35 6 24
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
Briggo is armed with a large club (Warhammer)
Level Level Level
Same as start and has Armour 2.
1d4+1 20
lvl XP 350, T2
Quest Location: Random. CS RS DMG NA DEX
Special Rules: 45 - 1 1 25
To hit RES M HP
- When the Threat Level reaches 14, a 0 35 4 24
Wandering Monster will appear Gorm is an Ogre Berserker with the Frenzy Rule
regardless of the Scenario dice result. is equipped with a large club (Warhammer) and
- An unmodified result of 17-18 on the Armour 1.
Encounter roll means that the heroes
XP 350, T2
have run into Briggo, and a result of

The Objective Room Setup

When the heroes enter the hideout, they easily Place Golfrid by the bed. Place the ogres next
locate Golfrid. The find him standing at the far to him unless they already have been killed.
end of the room, by a bed. Along one of the Roll twice on the Encounter Table and place the
walls sit the prisoners. The Halfling, Golfrid, is result evenly along the walls.
not amused by the company and orders his Special Rules
bandits to take care of them. As battle ensues Every time the Scenario dice ends up 1-3, a
the prisoners seize the opportunity and try to prisoner is caught in the battle and killed. There
escape, running around in the room, screaming are 10 prisoners in total.
with panic.

Golfrid the Short
Golfrid is a halfling with fiery red hair and a always try to move out of close combat in
patch over his left eye. Nonetheless, he fires his favour of using his shortbow.
shortbow with uncanny accuracy. He is as
XP: 120, T4
nimble as you would expect from a Halfling
Thief. Aftermath
Once the battle is over, the heroes take a
headcount of the prisoners, and escort any
35 55 0 0 50
survivors back to the city. If all prisoners are
To hit RES M HP
alive, the Jarl unexpectedly pays an extra 100c
-15 50 4 12
to each hero. However, for each prisoner dead,
Golfrid has a shortbow with unlimited arrows,
he deducts 50 c from the initial promised 300
a shortsword, and Armour 1. Golfrid will not
c. This means that the heroes may end up
engage in close combat until cornered and will
without a reward.

Battle on the bridge. Models by North Star Military Figures and Fireforge games.

Quest 2: The Pleasure House
It has come to the High Priests’ knowledge that, of the pleasure house, encountering lowlife
contrary to the city rules, there has been a and thugs around every corner.
Pleasure House established in the old
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
catacombs below the city. This establishment is
Level Level Level
under the management of the brothel-keeper
Same as start
and Brigand, Madame Isabelle. She has a 1d4+1 20
reputation for being as cruel as she is beautiful,
and many are those who have been cut down
by her while lost in her mesmerising green Quest Location: In Silver City.
eyes. Not willing to trust the will power of the
Special Rules: -
city guard, the priests reached out to the
adventurers and requested their help to rid the Number of Tiles: 8 corridors, 6 rooms.
city of this abomination of an establishment.
Special Rules: The Scenario dice is triggered on
Entering through a manhole, the party a result of 8-0.
eventually reaches the catacombs via the
Reward: 250 c per hero.
sewers. They start making their way through
the catacombs towards the indicated location Encounters: Bandits and Brigands.

The Objective Room Setup

When the heroes enter the Pleasure House, the Roll twice on the Bandits and Brigands
entire room falls silent. The room is filled with Encounter Chart and place them evenly spread
men and women, all more or less dressed, and out along the walls, starting in the far end of
along the walls are the guards of the the room with any Archers. Place Madame
establishment. In the far end of the room sits Isabelle in the far end of the room by the bed.
Madame Isabelle, apparently enjoying a glass
Madame Isabelle
of wine. Even from this distance, the heroes
can sense her unnatural charisma. After what
45 - 0 0 50
feels like an eternity, the silence is interrupted
To hit RES M HP
by the sound of the guards rushing towards the -10 50 4 14
intruders. Isabelle has the Seduction Special Rule, and is
armed with a Longsword. She has Armour 1.

XP: 140, T3

Aftermath 1d6 Result
Once the guards and Isabelle are defeated, the The girl holds fast to her word and
heroes tend to any wounded member of the the party gains 400 c. Furthermore,
staff and visitors. Whilst in the midst of this, the 1 Metheia smiles upon your action
adventurers recognise one of the visitors as a and you gain +1 Max HP wounds
daughter of the High Priest of Metheia. She until the end of the next quest.
urges the heroes to not tell her father and The girl holds fast to her word and
promises to pay them 400 c should they keep the party can gain 400 c.
their promise. The priest manages to find out that
you have withheld information and
If they choose to do so, roll on the following refuses to pay. Gaining the
table: sympathy of the other priests, they
collectively decide not to pay any
rewards to the hero.
The priest manages to find out that
you have withheld information and
refuses to pay. Gaining the
sympathy of the other priests, they
collectively decide not to pay any
rewards at all to the heroes.
Furthermore, Metheia is not
pleased with the hero’s actions and
reduces your max Hit Points by 1,
until the end of the next quest.

The Fountain Room
years though, so who can tell what resides
Quest 1: Cleansing the Water within the bowels of the temple?
The Temple of Meredith has always provided
visitors with the sacred water that flows there. Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
It is said that it has healing properties, and that Level Level Level
it can even be used to keep the Undead away. 2 2 18
The last few days, however, the water has
turned from clear to a muddy green, and the Quest Location: No travel necessary.
smell is less than pleasant. The High Priest of
Special Rules: A Wandering Monster will
Meredith has reached out to adventurers,
appear when the Threat Level reaches 14.
begging them to investigate the source of the
problem. Upon their arrival, the priest Number of Tiles: 7 corridors, 7 rooms.
unlocked the gate to the basement of the
Reward: 300 c per hero.
temple, explaining that the fountain found
down there is the origin of the temple's water Encounters: Reptiles.
supply. Nobody had been down there for many

The Objective Room

The room is filled with the hissing of dozens of Gecko Assassins close to the fountain, armed
reptiles moving around. Standing next to the with shortwords and Armour 0.
fountain are two exceptionally unhealthy-
looking lizards, pouring something from a large
Once all the reptiles are dead, the heroes
vase into the fountain. The smell in the room
prepare to return to the surface. With the
makes every breath a struggle, and the heroes
Assassins dead, they can already tell that the
must gather all their will-power to push
colour of the water is slowly returning to its
forward into battle.
normal hue. Back in the temple, the heroes are
Setup greeted by the High Priest who presents them
Roll 3 times on the Reptile Table and place with their reward as well as a Potion of Healing
them randomly in the chamber. Place two for each hero.

Quest 2: Baptising
There is an old ritual of baptising weapons
meant to fight evil. It is said that a weapon that
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
has undergone the ritual is superior to any
Level Level Level
other of its kind. Unfortunately, this ritual
4 4 18
cannot be done with just any water, but
requires water from one of the sacred
fountains of Ramos. The heroes have been Quest Location: Random.
tasked with retrieving some of the water for
Special Rules: -
the local garrison. However, the closest
fountain to the heroes is overrun by a tribe of Number of Tiles: 7 corridors, 7 rooms.
Orcs and Goblins. Determined to succeed with
their quest, they make their way into the Reward: 300 c per hero.
abandoned castle which contains the fountain. Encounters: Orcs and Goblins.

The Objective Room Gaul the Mauler

The glittering from the fountain sends rays of
light along the walls and ceiling of the great
45 - 2 1 25
chamber. Apparently, the heroes and garrison
To hit RES M HP
are not the only ones who have heard the story
-10 40 4 22
about the fountain. A huge orc is just about to
Gaul is a huge Orc, armed with a Longsword, a
dip his sword into the water when he spots the
Shield, and Armour 2. Before charging into the
fray, he dips his weapon in the fountain, giving
Setup it an extra +1 Damage for the rest of the battle
Roll 2 times on the Orcs and Goblins Table and (Included in the DMG above).
place them randomly in the chamber. Place
XP: 150, T4
Gaul the Mauler next to the fountain, on the far
side. Aftermath
After the fight, the heroes have more time to
investigate the chamber. Stacked up against a
wall are two large chests (objective type) which
are unlocked and not trapped. The heroes take
turns to dip their weapons into the water,
giving them +1 Damage until the end of the
next quest.

Then they fill the bottle for the garrison and

head back to Silver City.

Gnoll by North Star Military Figures.

The Chamber of Reverence
Quest 1: Returning the Relic
The adventurers have been contracted by a Quest Location: Random.
local nobleman who needs their help.
Special Rules: Due to the curse of the stone, all
Apparently, he had, with the help of another
of their Luck Points are nullified until they have
team of adventurers, retrieved a polished black
returned the stone. The Scenario dice is
stone from a long-forgotten temple in the
triggered on a result of 8-0.
belief that it was valuable. Ever since, he has
suffered bad luck, and he is certain the stone is Number of Tiles: 8 corridors, 8 rooms.
to blame. Maybe he unleashed some kind of
curse when he took it. He now wants the Reward: 300 c per hero.
heroes to return the stone in the hope of Encounters:
breaking the curse.
1d6 Dungeon dwellers
The heroes embark on their quest to replace 1 Bandits and Brigands
the stone in the statue from whence it was 2 Orcs and Goblins
pried. 3 Undead
4 Beast
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
5 Dark Elves
Level Level Level
6 Reptiles
Same as
1d4+1 20
start lvl

The Objective Room

The heroes enter the room along its short side, in front of the statue and taking a DEX Test. A
and in the far end of the chamber is the great success means the stone is back in its place, a
statue with an obvious place for the stone. The failure means the Threat Level goes up 1 level.
only problem is the horde of enemies between
them and the statue.
Once the stone is in place, absolutely nothing
Setup happens. The heroes wait a while for some sign
Roll twice on the Encounter Table and that their task has been completed, but
randomise the placement of enemies. nothing happens. They decide to head home.
Once home, the nobleman pays the heroes
Special Rules
their reward, saying that his luck seems to have
Once all enemies are dead, the heroes may try
turned as soon as they took the stone.
to refit the stone once per turn by standing in

Quest 2: Slaying the Fiend
The heroes have had news of some interesting in the chamber. Curious, they set out to
events. A wounded knight is telling his story to investigate if the gold may be liberated from
a crowd of people, explaining how he valiantly the hands of this fiend.
held his ground against overwhelming odds. All
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
manner of beasts had beset him from all
Level Level Level
directions. Cleaving them apart one by one he
Same as
killed them by the dozens until meeting a huge 1d4+2 20
start lvl
beast that towered above them all. Mustering
his remaining power, he lashed out at the
fiend, wounding it several times before he was Quest Location: Random.
forced to retreat. Once the crowd disperses,
Special Rules: -
the heroes ask for some more details from the
knight. They figure out that the battle took Number of Tiles: 8 corridors, 8 rooms.
place in the ruins of Fort Summerhall. The
Reward: None.
knight even hinted that he had seen the
glimmering of gold further down Encounters: Beast.

The Objective Room Roll on the table to see how many wounds the
The room they enter is a large hall with its roof knight caused to Molgor:
barely visible high above them. In the far end
of the room is a huge idol, presumably Wounds to subtract from
Molgor’s starting wounds
portraying one of the Dark Gods. Who has
1 2d6+6
raised it here in the old fort, once belonging to
2 2d6
the High King’s army, is itself a mystery.
3 1d10
Splayed across the floor are several Beastmen
4 1d6+1
in various sizes. The knight was not lying…the
5 1d4
number of beasts he had killed is impressive. 6 1
Carefully, the heroes enter the hall, weapons at
the ready. Slowly walking towards the idol,
they are startled by a deep roar, and from the Setup
shadows comes Molgor charging towards the Place the heroes 1d3 squares from the door on
party. the short side of the room. Place Molgor 1d6
squares from the idol towards the heroes.
Molgor, the Fiend of Summerhall
CS RS DMG NA DEX Aftermath
60 - 3 3 40 Once the fiend is down, the heroes venture
To hit RES M HP further into the chamber looking for treasures.
-10 55 6 35 Once again, the story of the knight holds true,
Molgor is a huge Minotaur, armed with a and they find a pile of gold and two objective
Greataxe and Armour 2. He has the Frenzy and chests (Unlocked, no traps. Just roll on the
Ferocious Charge Rule. He is much larger than Treasure Tables).
any Minotaur seen by the heroes before, but
luckily, the knight did manage to weaken him.

Quest 3: Closing the Portal
Apparently, foul things are going on in the Quest Location: In Silver City.
catacombs below the city. Demons have been
Special Rules: All encounter results of even 10s
spotted in the sewers, and it will not take long
(10, 20, 30…) results in an encounter with
before they will be walking the streets.
random demons.
According to the High Wizard, everything
points towards an open portal between the 1d6 Demons
dimensions somewhere under the city. The Jarl 1d6 Lesser Plague Demons, no
turns to his trusted adventurers as he has so weapon, Armour 0.
many times before, urging them to enter the 1d3 Blood Demons with Cursed
catacombs and seal shut the dreaded gate. The Weapons, Armour 0.
wizard provides the team with a scroll, which 1d3 Plague Demons with Cursed
could be cast by one with very limited skills in Weapons, Armour 0.
the Arcane Arts. This should be read at the gate
to seal it. The drawback is that it is a very long Number of Tiles: 8 corridors, 8 rooms.
scroll indeed and it will take time to perform
the ritual. Reward: 300 c per hero.

With all gear checked and double-checked, the Encounters:

heroes begin the long trek down through the
1d6 Dungeon dwellers
1 Bandits and Brigands
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat 2 Orcs and Goblins
Level Level Level 3 Undead
Same as 4 Beast
1d6 20 5 Dark Elves
start lvl
6 Reptiles

The Objective Room

A humming sound from the portal can be heard Special Rules
long before the heroes enter its room. In the Reading the scroll can be done from anywhere
centre of the room over a large summoning in the room, but as expected, it takes time. Roll
circle is a large shimmering bubble suspended 1d6+1 to see how many turns it takes. If the
in the air. Now and then it crackles like character is interrupted in any way (wounded,
electricity and spews out a demon before going dodges, or parries), he will have to start over.
silent again. There is already a large number of He must hold still while reading it. Every other
demons in the room, all with their eyes fixed on turn, 1 more demon pops out of the bubble.
the adventurers. Use the same table to randomise what kind it
is. Once the portal is closed, all demons must
be killed.
Roll twice on the special rules Encounter Table
and place them randomly in the room. The
heroes enter centred along the long side of the

As the final demon is slayed, the party can the Treasure Tables). Once back in the fresh air
finally take a short breather. Looking around again, they are greeted by the wizard and the
the chamber they notice 2 objective chests that Jarl, both thankful for their effort. They receive
they loot (unlocked, not trapped, just roll on the promised reward.

Using 3D terrain can greatly enhance the experience of dungeon crawling. Tiles are from
Printable Scenery, furniture from Mantic Games and Hirst arts. Model from North Star Military

The Great Crypt
Quest 1: Retrieving the Family Start Threat
Min Threat
Max Threat
Heirloom Same as
1d4+1 18
The heroes have been asked to retrieve an start lvl
ancient family heirloom belonging to a young
knight. Apparently, his great-great-grandfather
Quest Location: In the settlement.
wielded a sword of immense beauty and power
and the young man thinks it would bolster him Special Rules: Ignore any special rules for the
in his new role as Knight of the Realm. dead members of the Brotherhood. Instead,
Unfortunately, he has caught a flu and treat these corpses as dead adventurers and
therefore he cannot bravely embark on this search for them accordingly. The Scenario dice
glorious quest himself. Furthermore, since it is is triggered on 8-0.
located in one of the settlement's mausoleums,
Number of Tiles: 8 corridors, 8 rooms using the
it should not really be that hard to retrieve. He
tiles R1B-8B.
tells the adventurers that the sword should
have been placed in the tomb together with Reward: 300 c per hero.
the remains of the old knight.
Encounters: Undead.
With all the information they need, they head
down into the dark passageways…

The Objective Room

The heroes enter the Great Crypt where the Setup
ancestor is entombed. They stop to pause and There are no enemies in the room. Your heroes
try to figure out what they are looking at. The are where they were when the door was
room is larger than expected, with cobwebs opened (on the short side of the room)
covering most surfaces. The floor has a thick Special Rules
layer of dust, indicating that no one has been Take 6 playing cards (3 black, 1 red and 2
here for probably hundreds of years. That is a dressed cards). Shuffle them and place them
good sign. However, the fact that there are six with their backs up. Opening a tomb will take a
tombs, and not just the one they had been told complete turn for 2 heroes working together
of, makes things more troublesome. Which (the lids are really heavy). Once the lid is off,
tomb contains the grandfather? Torch in hand draw one of the cards.
they slowly approach each tomb and carefully
remove the webs and dust, trying to find any Black: There is a mummified corpse in the
information about whom it contains. Alas, the bottom of the tomb, but nothing else.
delicate engravings in the stone have crumbled
Red: Lying on top of a mummified corpse is a
away and there is only one way to find out.
shining sword with intricate details. The
They must open them one by one. Sending up
mummy has been placed with its hands on the
a prayer to Rhidnir that they choose the right
sword’s hilt, and it is as if it took grip after its
one, the heroes make a start.
demise. With a crunching sound, the heroes
break the mummy’s fingers, slowly forcing the
sword from its grip.

Dressed Card: The heroes stumble backwards Aftermath
as the mummy in the tomb opens his eyes, Once the sword had been retrieved, the heroes
staring at them with malice in the completely head back up to the surface. The young knight
black eyes. Before the heroes react, the yanks the sword from the hands of the
mummy has climbed out of the tomb. Place the adventurer presenting the sword, complaining
mummy next to the tomb and commence that it had taken much longer than expected.
combat. Nonetheless, he pays them the reward they
had agreed upon.

Leeches only needs to hit once and then they latch on to their targets, causing wounds every
turn automatically. Models my North Star Military Figures, Mrmcangry, Artec and Schlossbauer.

Quest 2: Stopping the
The heroes have been tasked with finding and Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
killing a Necromancer by the name of Ragnalf Level Level Level
the Mad, who has been causing problems Same as
1d6 20
lately. Raiding the local cemeteries at night, his start lvl
minions have been supplying him with corpses Quest Location: No travel necessary.
in all possible states of decomposition. Secretly Special rules: -
tracing his minions, the heroes are standing by
an old, ruined fort, not far from the settlement. Number of tiles: 7 corridors, 7 rooms.
Now it is just a matter of locating the evil
Reward: 300 c per hero.
Encounters: Undead.

The Objective Room Special Rules

As the heroes enter the room, they are Moving across the corpses and fighting at the
appalled by the stench of death. The floor is same time is very difficult. All CS and RS are
literally filled with corpses. Most lie still, but reduced by 10% for the heroes. Any ‘To Hit’ roll
some are twitching or even slowly flaying with of 90 or more means that hero loses his
their arms. In the far end of the room stands an balance and falls. The hero must spend the next
old man, clad in a tattered brown robe. action getting up. However, the corpses on the
Surrounding him is a host of zombies, ground do their best to pull them down again,
mindlessly staring into the darkness. Carefully, and a DEX Test is required to succeed. The
trying not to trip over the bodies, the heroes zombies standing next to Ragnalf will not move
start to advance on the wizard. towards the heroes, but instead form a circle
around him to protect him. If Ragnalf dies, all
zombies die as well.
Place the Necromancer in the far end of the
room. Place 6 Zombies armed with longswords Aftermath
close to him. Heroes enter along a short side. When the Necromancer dies, all zombies
Ragnalf the Mad topple over and all movement on the floor
CS RS DMG NA DEX stops. An eerie silence replaces the previous
45 60 0 0 50 moaning from the walking dead. Not staying a
To hit RES M HP minute longer than necessary, the heroes head
-5 50 4 16 back to town to collect their reward.
Ragnalf knows Raise Dead, 3 Ranged Spells
and 2 Close-combat spells.

XP 200, T4


Quest 3: Tomb Raiders
Far to the south of Silver City, almost at the old Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
border, an old tomb has been discovered. Level Level Level
Unlike anything else seen, nobody has dared Same as
1d6 20
enter it for fear of unleashing the Undead start lvl
Curse. High King Logan III, however, is not
overly concerned with such superstition and Quest Location: White 38.
has requested that the tomb to be opened and
examined. When no one dares answer the call, Special rules: -
he starts looking for other solutions. Not
Number of tiles: 7 corridors, 5 rooms, using the
before long, the Jarl who has had help from the
tiles R1B-8B.
heroes several times, suggests them as the
solution for the problem. With the deal that Reward: Any loot found.
they may keep anything they find, the heroes
Encounters: Undead.
begin prying up the entrance to the tomb.

The Objective Room

The heroes enter a vast chamber filled with heavy). Follow the standard Treasure Rules for
tombs. The air is dead silent and there is no sarcophagi. While in the room, the Scenario
movement. Maybe there is some ancient dice will trigger an event on 1-4. Treat all
treasure in those graves? results where the Threat Level should be
increased as Wandering Monster instead.
The heroes remain were they stood when the Aftermath
door was opened. Coming back out into the sunlight, the heroes
enjoy the fresh air and sound of birds chirping.
Special Rules
This was not so bad after all. Maybe there are
Opening a tomb will take a complete turn for 2
more tombs further to the south?
heroes working together (the lids are really

Quests into the Ancient Lands
Searching the old ruins of this land is rumoured to be the most lucrative dungeon diving you could do.
On the other hand, it is probably the most dangerous expeditions you could do as well. Make sure to
be well prepared, as the desert surrounding the sites is as unforgiving as the old ruins themselves. The
Undead roaming these sites have a great thirst for the blood of the living; almost as though it would
give them their life force back.
Travelling in the Ancient lands
To enter these lands via the Outpost you need to be a member of the League of Dungeoneers (Play
the first campaign to become this). As described in the main rules, travelling in the Ancient Lands is
difficult. Not only does each hex require 2 Movement Points, but each day also requires 2 Rations to
accommodate for the extra water supplies needed. Using a camel is preferable when traversing these
deserts as it at least reduces the travel time. Furthermore, a Travel Event die roll of 11-12 will result in
an Event. Use the Desert Event Cards.
Reading these quests
These 5 quests each have 2 different objective rooms, depending on if you have access to the Ancient
lands tiles or not. Make sure to read the correct one.

The Pyramid of Xánthu Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat
Level Level Level
This dark and ominous pyramid is the only
Same as
landmark within a radius of several miles. This 1d6 20
start lvl
is the final resting place of Xánthu, one of the
last rulers over these lands. His reign was as
prosperous as he was cruel, and he must have Quest Location: Ancient Lands, random.
most assuredly brought some of his treasure
Special Rules: Due to the abundance of
with him to his eternal rest.
treasure, you may re-roll 4 rolls on the
Word of this resting place has reached the Furniture Chart during the quest. A re-roll may
heroes, and they deem it to be a good target never be re-rolled.
for dungeoneering. Number of Tiles: 7 corridors, 7 rooms. If not
Who knows what riches they can find? using the Ancient Lands tiles, randomise using
the tiles R1B, R2B, R4B-8B, R1, R4-R6, R9-R11,
R14, R16, R17.
Reward: Any loot found.
Encounters: Ancient Lands.

The Objective Room (Ancient Land tiles)

The heroes enter a vast, mostly empty Mummy Priest next to one of the sarcophagi.
chamber. In the centre of the chamber stands He is armed with a dagger and has 2 support, 2
two intricately carved stone sarcophagi. On the Ranged and 2 Close Combat spells. This
floor surrounding them is an intricate pattern sarcophagus cannot spawn another mummy
of painted glyphs. The chamber is not empty, during searching (just treat such a result as
however, and the undead walking this hall “nothing”).
must be dispatched before the chamber can be
thoroughly examined.
Use the Large Tomb tile. The heroes enter
Special Rule along one of the short edges. Make 2 rolls on
If you trigger the scenario roll during your stay the Encounter Table and place them randomly
in the objective room, Xánthu will rise from his in the room.
eternal slumber and join the fight. Place a

Once the chamber goes quiet, the heroes begin their search for treasure. They carefully scour the
entire room, making sure not to step on the glyphs. After all, you never know if this would be
safe. After a long time of searching, they notice a set of stones that can be moved. Behind them is a
beautiful chest (this may be searched as an objective chest).

The Objective Room (Standard tiles)
The heroes enter a vast, mostly empty the Encounter Table and place them randomly
chamber. In the far end the chamber on a dais in the room.
stands an intricately carved stone sarcophagus.
Special Rule
The chamber is not empty however, and the
If you trigger the scenario roll during your stay
undead walking the hall must be dispatched
in the objective room, Xánthu will rise from his
before the chamber can be thoroughly
eternal slumber and join the fight. Place a
Mummy Prince next to the sarcophagus. The
Setup sarcophagus cannot spawn another mummy
Use The Lone Tomb tile. The heroes enter during searching (just treat such a result as
along one of the short edges. Make 2 rolls on “nothing”).

Once the chamber goes quiet, the heroes begin their search for treasure. They carefully scour the
entire room. After a long time of searching, they notice a set of stones that can be moved. Behind
them is a beautiful chest (this may be searched as an objective chest).

Tomb of the Hierophant
Djet was far from the only Hierophant to have Quest Location: Ancient Lands, random.
walked these lands, but he was one of the most
Special Rules:
influential persons during their glory days. He
is said to have arranged the murder of the • Due to the abundance of treasure, you
rightful ruler in order to ascend the throne may re-roll 4 rolls on the furniture
himself. Trough dark arts and pacts with unholy chart during the quest. A re-roll may
gods he lived an unnaturally long life until he never be re-rolled.
was finally overthrown. Fearful that he would • Mix a deck of 14 playing cards. Make
sure that they are all red, except for
return from beyond the vail, his body was
the Ace of Spades, 2 of Spades and 3 of
placed in a tomb protected with powerful
Spades. Every time you enter a new
magical glyphs. tile, flip a card. If any of the three
This quest has been requested by the Golden spades show up, consult the
College of Magic. There must be artefacts that corresponding paragraph below.
belonged to Djet still present in his tomb. Number of tiles: 7 corridors, 7 rooms (not
Investigating his artefacts would add more R22).
pieces to the puzzle about this civilization.
If not using the Ancient Lands tiles, randomise
the rooms using the tiles R2B, R4B-8B, R1, R4-
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat R6, R9-R11, R14, R16, R17. All corridors can be
Level Level Level part of the mix.
Same as Reward: 300 c per hero. Extra may be paid
1d6 20
start lvl depending on what you bring back.
Encounters: Ancient Lands.

Ace of Spades
There is a small niche in the wall of this chamber. In the niche is a small golden statue. This is probably
something the college is looking for. If the party clears out any monsters in the room, they will
automatically acquire the statue.

2 of Spades
Once the door is opened, a trap is triggered. A jet of fire shoots towards the heroes and passes through
the doorway. Each hero must make a successful Dodge roll or suffer 1d12 fire DMG.

3 of Spades
On one of the walls there is a stone tablet filled with lines of glyphs. This is likely to pay good money.
If the party clears out any monsters in the room, they will automatically acquire the tablet.

Objective Room (Ancient Land tiles) Setup
The heroes enter a surprisingly small chamber. Place R22. Place a Mummy Priest next to the
Maybe this is what you get for being a usurper. sarcophagus. Then roll twice on the Encounter
In the centre of the room, the Hierophant lies Table and place the enemies in the tile the
as a dried husk on a stone sarcophagus. As the heroes vacated before moving to the tile that
heroes carefully observe the room before they currently occupy. The sarcophagus can be
entering, Djet slowly starts moving and rises searched without risk of awakening another
from his resting place. At the same time, the mummy (just ignore that result).
sound of approaching footsteps can be heard
from behind.

As silence settles, the party carefully goes through the chamber. Lying in the sarcophagus is an ancient
rune-covered tome which is definitely something the college would want. It is automatically collected,
but you may search the sarcophagus for treasures too.
When back at the outpost:
• You get 100 c extra per hero if you bring back the tablet.
• You get 100 c extra per hero if you bring back the statue.

The Objective Room (Standard tiles) Setup

The heroes enter a surprisingly small chamber. Place R1B. Place a Mummy Priest next to the
Maybe this is what you get for being a usurper. sarcophagus. Then roll twice on the encounter
In the centre of the room, the Hierophant lies table and place the enemies in the tile the
as a dried husk on a stone sarcophagus. As the heroes vacated before moving to the tile that
heroes carefully observe the room before they currently occupy. The sarcophagus can be
entering, Djet slowly starts moving and rises searched without risk of awakening another
from his resting place. At the same time, the mummy (just ignore that result). Ignore the
sound of approaching footsteps can be heard dead adventurer. He is not there and cannot be
from behind. searched.

As silence settles, the party carefully goes through the chamber. Lying in the sarcophagus is an ancient
rune-covered tome.
When back at the outpost:
• You get 100 c extra per hero if you bring back the tablet.
• You get 100 c extra per hero if you bring back the statue.
• The tome is a grimoire and can be used by a wizard to learn a spell or be handed in with the
rest of the treasures for an extra 200 c per hero.

Temple of Despair
For the most part, knowledge about the Quest Location: Ancient Lands, random.
religions of the Ancients is scarce. Scholars
Special rules:
have managed to decipher parts of the glyphs
that cover the temples and tombs, but they • Due to the abundance of treasure, you
make little or no sense. It would seem, though, may re-roll 4 rolls on the furniture
that the gods worshipped were cruel and chart during the quest. A re-roll may
erratic. Some claim that the evidence of human never be re-rolled.
mass offerings to the gods indicates fear rather • Add a side quest card randomly to the
deck in such a way that it could be
than reverence. The Temple of Despair was
anywhere. If you draw this card, read
apparently one of the sites used for these
the paragraph below.
Number of tiles: 6 corridors, 6 rooms (Not
The High Priest has made an official request for R33). If not using the ancient lands tiles,
this site to be examined. Bring back any randomise using the tiles R1B, R2B, R4B-8B, R1,
artefacts related to the Ancient Gods. R4, R5, R9-R11, R14, R16, R17.
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat Reward: Any loot found.
Level Level Level
Same as Encounters: Ancient Lands.
1d6 20
start lvl

Secondary objective
Immediately draw the next exploration card. In this room the party encounters one of the old
hierophants that has been wandering these halls for centuries, making sure that no one may enter the
sacred halls. At his side are wraiths ready to do his every bidding. The Mummy Priest is armed with a
staff, armour 1 and has 3 close combat spells, 2 ranged spells, 1 support spell and raise dead. The
wraiths are armed with cursed greatswords. If this is the last card in a pile, remove it and ignore the

The Objective Room Setup (Ancient Land tiles)

The chamber in front of the heroes appears to Use the tile R33. Roll once on the Encounter
be some sort of chapel or a place of worship. Table and place them randomly in the room. If
This is probably a good spot to find what you the secondary objective was removed due to
are looking for. being the last card in a pile, the creatures from
that paragraph will in this room instead,
overriding the normal Encounter Table roll.

Setup (Standard tiles)
Use the tile R6. Roll once on the Encounter being the last card in a pile, the creatures from
Table and place them randomly in the room. If that paragraph will in this room instead,
the secondary objective was removed due to overriding the normal Encounter Table roll.

Aftermath (Both set of tiles)

There are several dusty, thick old books that could be of value for the High Priests. The heroes fill their
backpacks, and head out of the temple. The Ancient Gods are not overly happy with this trespass, and
place a curse on each hero. Randomise a curse for each character using the Curses Table. These curses
will be in effect until the heroes leave their next dungeon.

Halls of Amenhotep
Little is known of the ruler, Amenhotep. His Quest Location: Ancient Lands, random.
reign appears to have been more than 2,000
Special Rules:
years ago, but it seems that it did not last for
long. Where he was buried is yet to be • Due to the abundance of treasure, you
discovered, but the halls from where he may re-roll 4 rolls on the furniture
reigned have now been located, and they are chart during the quest. A re-roll may
bound to contain riches. never be re-rolled.

Said to be untouched for millennia, these halls Number of Tiles: 6 corridors, 6 rooms.
appear to be a perfect location for If not using the ancient lands tiles, randomise
dungeoneering. the rooms using the tiles R1B, R2B, R4B-R8B,
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat R1, R4-R6, R9-R11, R14, R16, R17. All corridors
Level Level Level can be part of the mix.
Same as Reward: 500 c per hero.
1d6 20
start lvl
Encounters: Ancient Land.

Objective tile (Ancient land tiles) Encounter Table and place them randomly in
The vast chamber in front of the party is the room. The fifth time the bag is reloaded
nothing short of inspiring and must have been with initiative tokens, add 2 more and add two
magnificent in its heyday. The walls are Tomb Guardians as the seated statues wake up
covered in intricate carvings and the seated and join the fray. Place them on top of the
statues have been rendered in painstaking seated statues’ art on the tile. If the party
detail. somehow manages to win the fight before
then, the statues will remain dormant.
Place: The Ancient Throne Room. The party
enters along the short edge. Roll twice on the

Objective tile (Standard tiles)

The vast chamber in front of the party is Table and place them randomly in the room.
nothing short of inspiring and must have been The fifth time the bag is reloaded with initiative
magnificent in its heyday. The walls are tokens, add 2 more and add two Tomb
covered in intricate carvings and the statues Guardians as the statues wake up and join the
flanking the hall are rendered in painstaking fray. Place them on top of the small statues
detail. flanking the hall. Once they move away from
that square, treat the squares with statues as
open. If the party somehow manages to win
Use The Throne room. The party enters along
the fight before then, the statues will remain
the long edge. Roll twice on the Encounter

Aftermath (Both set of halls)

This is the best part of dungeoneering. All the evil are dead, and there is lots of loot to go through.
Once done, your party is ready to move on.

Crypt of Khaba
Most evidence seem to indicate that the rulers Special Rules:
of this lands were often men. Queen Khaba was
• Due to the abundance of treasure, you
a fascinating exception. Although she appears
may re-roll 4 rolls on the furniture
to have been both a popular and competent chart during the quest. A re-roll may
ruler, she survived several assassination never be re-rolled.
attempts. Whether one of these attempts • Mix a deck of 12 playing cards. Make
eventually succeeded or not is unclear, but the sure they are all red, except Ace of
crypt where her remains were buried has at Spades. Every time you enter a new
last been identified. tile, flip a card. If the Ace of Spades
shows up, consult the corresponding
Said to be untouched for millennia, these halls paragraph below.
appear to be a perfect location for •
dungeoneering. When pictured, Queen Khaba
is always carrying a sceptre. Perhaps she took Number of tiles: 6 corridors, 6 rooms.
it with her to her eternal rest?
If not using the Ancient Lands tiles, randomise
Start Threat Min Threat Max Threat the rooms using the tiles R1B, R2B, R4B-R8B,
Level Level Level R1, R4-R6, R9-R11, R14, R16, R17. All corridors
Same as can be part of the mix.
1d6 20
start lvl
Reward: 500 c per hero.

Quest Location: Ancient Lands, random. Encounters: Ancient Lands.

Ace of Spades
Ignore the normal roll for encounters. Instead, eternal bodyguard, 4 Wights, are also in the
you have come face to face with the undead room. The Wights are armed with cursed
Queen Khaba and her retinue. Her face is longsword and shields, and have armour 2. The
nothing more than a dried husk, her decaying Queen is armed with a dagger, armour 0 and
body is carefully draped in linen wraps. can activate 3 close combat spells, 2 ranged
Nevertheless, she still carries herself with a spells, 2 support spells and the raise dead spell.
regal presence. Apart from the Queen, her

Objective tile (Ancient land tiles)

You have finally located the burial site of the room. If the party has not yet met Queen
Queen Khaba. In one of the two sarcophagi, the Khaba, she will be present in the room next to
sceptre may be awaiting your liberation. one of the sarcophagi (choose which one is
hers). Queen Khabas’ sarcophagus cannot
spawn another mummy (just ignore the result)
Place: The Large Tomb tile. The party enters
but can contain treasure. The other
along the long edge. Roll twice on the
sarcophagus works as usual when searched.
Encounter Table and place them randomly in

Objective tile (Standard tiles)
You have finally located the burial site of Encounter Table and place them randomly in
Queen Khaba. In the sarcophagus on top of the the room. If the party has not yet met Queen
dais, the sceptre may be awaiting your Khaba, she will be present in the room next to
liberation. the sarcophagus. Queen Khabas’ sarcophagus
cannot spawn another mummy (just ignore the
result) but can contain treasure. See Ace of
Use The Lone Tomb room. The party enters
Spades for details on the Queen Khaba.
along the short edge. Roll twice on the

Aftermath (Both set of tiles)

With all undead once again dead, the party starts rummaging through the chamber in search of
valuables. As expected, the sceptre could be found in the final resting place of the queen.
Sceptre of the Queen
This is a legendary item (cannot be sold). Almost nothing is known about this sceptre apart from the
fact that it is always depicted with Queen Khaba. Although made of metal, it is surprisingly light and
appears to be covered in gold. The Sceptre is considered a magic staff and contains the Fireball spell.
It can only be cast once during each dungeon or skirmish, but never needs to be recharged.

Side Quests

Side Quests are a little extra spice that can be

added to basically any other quest. The heroes
1d6 Quest
may choose to accept a Side Quest at any time
1 The Missing Brother
during their stay in the city, and it does not add
2 Slay the Beast
to the Day Count. This is something that they
3 The Mapmaker
arrange during the nights at the inn, or maybe
4 Go Fetch!
because they run into someone during the day
5 Manhunt
that requires their services. Either you roll on 6 Mushrooms
the table, or you work your way through them
one by one.

There it is! Room and benches by Printable Scenery, Fountain by Jpacek (3D print).

Side Quest 1: The missing brother
Spending an evening at The Screaming Hog Special Rules: Once the card pile is done, place
tavern, the heroes are discussing their one extra Room Card somewhere within reach,
upcoming quest and their preparations, when without looking at it. Next, add Side Quest 1 to
they are suddenly interrupted by a young lady. the pile. When you draw this, replace it with
She introduces herself and begs for forgiveness the extra Room Card. This is the Side Quest
for eavesdropping, and then goes on to explain Objective Room. If the main objective room is
her business. Apparently, her brother went to found before this one, the heroes must decide
the same dungeon as the one that the heroes whether to go home or continue searching for
are heading for, but he did not return. She now the Side Quest Room.
wonders if the party is willing to investigate his
Reward: 100 c per hero.
disappearance, since they are heading there
anyway. Encounters: As defined by the main quest.
Quest Location: In the same dungeon as the Objective room: As explained below. Do not
next quest. read more than one section at a time.

The Objective Room

When the heroes open the door, they realise place these as close to the survivor as possible.
there is already a fight going on. Some poor Any Archers are placed as far away from the
soul is desperately fighting several enemies. fighter as possible, but not in the 2 squares next
to the door where the heroes are. The heroes
Place the lone fighter in one of the far corners. may continue their turn. The enemies will
Then roll twice on the Encounter Table and target only the heroes from now on.

Aftermath: Found him! Aftermath: Didn’t find him!

Once the last enemy is dead, the heroes check As soon as the heroes set foot in the tavern,
on the fighter. He is slumped against the wall, they can see the sister looking at them
breathing heavily and bleeding, but he is not nervously. As one of the heroes shakes his
heavily wounded. He introduces himself and it head, she covers her face with her hands and
turns out he is the missing brother of the girl rushes out through the door.
they met at the inn. He thanks the heroes for
saving him and bids farewell as he limps
towards the exit and the way back to the city.
Once back in the city, the heroes receive their
promised coins from a very grateful sister.

Side Quest 2: Slay the beast!
Feeling ready for a change of pace, the heroes The party can always choose to back out, and
decide to go to the Flying Wheel Tavern instead then they will go on the quest without a side
of their usual waterhole, The Screaming Hog. quest. If they choose to accept the challenge,
An hour or so and a few ales later, they are they will either win the bet, or have to pay the
comparing their deeds with another set of bet when they come back, should they fail.
adventurers. One thing leads to another and
Quest Location: In the same dungeon as the
suddenly the party is facing a challenge:
next quest.
“I’d say these fellas are nothing more than
Special rules: Add Side Quest 1 card to the pile.
loudmouths! Prove me wrong and I’ll give you
When you draw this, put it aside and pull the
coins. If you fail, you either pay with your lives
next card. This card will now lead you to the
to the beast, or by coins to me!”
Objective Room. There is one more door than
The beast in question happens to be in the normal in that room. That door will lead to the
same dungeon the party is heading to in the Side Quest Objective Room.
Reward: See table to the left.
1d10 Monster Bet
Encounters: As defined by the main quest.
1-3 Giant spider 300 c
4-5 Cave Monster 400 c
6-7 Common Troll 500 c
Minotaur with 600 c
Greataxe, Armour 2
9 Gigantic Snake 700 c
10 Gigantic Spider 800 c

The Objective Room

The heroes enter a dimly lit room. Judging from Setup
the smell, this room is home to something way Place the R17 tile. The monster is in the far
more sinister than most of the other rooms in end of the room.
this dungeon.

Aftermath: Slayed the Beast!

The heroes walk triumphantly into the tavern, process. The silence is palpable. Then, the man
quickly locate the other party, and slam down who challenged you reaches inside his jacket
the decapitated head of the beast in the middle and takes out a bag of coins. Before you leave
of the table, spilling several flagons of ale in the the table, he gives you a slight nod, as if you
have proven to be more than he thought.

Aftermath: Failed to Slay the Beast!
The heroes try to enter the tavern without walking slowly up to you and making sure that
drawing too much attention, but word of the everyone can hear him ask where the trophy is.
deal has spread, and everyone turns silent and There is nothing to do but to pay up. If you
stares at the party who stop mid-step. The man cannot afford to, you must try to pay with what
behind the challenge makes a big scene of you got.

Side quest 3: The Mapmaker

One of the heroes happens upon a note on the within 2 squares of a hero, as that makes him
bulletin board at the market. Apparently, there feel safe. He may not fight or interact with the
is a mapmaker seeking escort to the very enemy, although he may try to dodge as usual.
dungeon to which you are heading. Why on
Reward: 500 c.
earth he plans to map the dungeon is beyond
your understanding, but the large bag of coins Encounters: As defined by the main quest.
he offers is quite easy to understand.
Objective room: None.
Quest Location: In the same dungeon as the
next quest. The Mapmaker
Skills: Dodge (45)
Special Rules: The party must keep the map
maker alive in the journey from the city, CS RS DEX RES DMG/NA
through the dungeon, and back again. He - - 25 35 -
should be represented with a model just like To hit Luck M HP Energy
the heroes, and the players may move him in -5 0 4 10 0
the way they see fit. He will always strive to be

Excess amounts of cobweb is never a good sign. Printable Scenery

modified by Author, pots and box by Hirst Arts, floor by Sablebadger.

Side Quest 4: Go Fetch! Special Rules: Make sure that R9 makes it into
The party has been contacted by another the pile of Exploration Cards. If you manage to
adventurer who is in desperate need of their find R9, you have also found the Objective
help. He was quite recently on a quest in the Room for this side quest.
very dungeon to which you are heading, but
Reward: 350 c.
had to make a hasty retreat. Wounded and
outnumbered he managed to leave the Encounters: As defined by the main quest.
dungeon. However, to make it out he had to
Objective room: The Sanctuary (R9).
leave his beloved shield behind:

“If the Gods are good, it’s still resting up against

that fountain!”

Quest Location: In the same dungeon as the

next quest.

The Objective Room 1d6 Result

You clearly recognise the fountain from the The shield is exactly where it was said
adventurer’s description. Before you see if the to be and seems untouched.
shield is there, you notice that you are not The shield is lying on the floor beside
alone. the fountain and is in a miserable
condition. Remove 1d4 points of
There is an automatic Encounter in this room. wear.
Roll on the quest-specific Encounter Table. There is no shield to be seen. It
Once the fight is over, you can try to locate the 6 seems you have been fighting for
shield. nothing.

The shield is a standard Heater Shield (DEF 6,

ENC 4) and can be used by the heroes if they
feel like it. Track its health as usual.

Aftermath: Back with the Shield Aftermath: Shield is Broken or was Not
The adventurer is overjoyed to see you, and Found
especially the old shield. He quickly hands the He sighs, lowers his head and walks away. No
heroes their agreed reward and limps away. shield – No money.

Side Quest 5: Manhunt
Apparently, one of the city guards was killed Reward: 250 c.
last night, and the streets are swarming with
Encounters: As defined by the main quest.
armed soldiers. They have been combing
through every nook and cranny of the city but Objective room: No specific Objective Room.
to no avail. Posters with sketches of the
perpetrator have been posted everywhere.
Apparently the man is missing both an eye and
an ear, so he should be easy to identify. It
seems anyone who kills the bandit, and can
prove it, will be handsomely rewarded.

Unbeknownst to the heroes, the bandit has

taken refuge in the very same dungeon to
which they are heading.

Quest Location: In the same dungeon as the

next quest.

Special Rules: Once the dungeon deck is done,

take the same number of cards from the
Figure by Northstar Military Miniatures
Dungeoneers Deck in a separate pile. Choose
one specific card that represents the bandit
and then mix that deck and place it next to the
ordinary deck. Once you open a door, draw one
card from this new deck. If you draw the card
representing the bandit, you have found him.
Roll for Encounters as usual, then place the
bandit in the far end of the room.

The Bandit
The Bandit is equipped with a battle-axe and a
shield. He has Armour 3.


60 - 45 35 -
To hit Luck M HP Energy
-10 0 4 15 0

If the heroes manage to kill the bandit, they get the reward once they are back in the city.

Side Quest 6: Mushrooms
According to an alchemist you have happened one specific card that represents the Side
upon, there is a mushroom that has very Quest Objective and then mix that deck and
special properties. This mushroom could place it next to the ordinary deck. Once you
apparently revolutionise the brewing of search a room or corridor, draw one card from
healing potions. At least according to this this new deck. It does not matter if you succeed
somewhat eccentric fellow. The mushroom the roll or not, because the mushrooms are not
only grows indoors in dark, damp areas and the really hidden. However, it does take some time
dungeon you are heading to fits the bill to look through each room. If the card you
perfectly. If you could bring a specimen back, draw is the Side Quest Objective Card, you have
he would reward you generously. found the mushrooms.

Quest Location: In the same dungeon as the Reward: 250 c.

next quest.
Encounters: As defined by the main quest.
Special Rules: Once the Dungeon Deck is done,
Objective room: No specific room.
take the same number of cards from the
Dungeoneers Deck in a separate deck. Choose

Aftermath: Found it!

The Alchemist is very satisfied, and happily pays the money he promised, exclaiming:

“You’ll see! The world will see!”

A day later a messenger boy catches up with you and hands you a package with a carefully wrapped
potion. There is a note from the Alchemist as well, saying that this is his new healing potion.

The potion is actually very potent and heals 2d6 HP once consumed.

Action Points 4, 19, 21, 44, 75, 85, 87, 102, 107, 118 Harvest 62

Background 20, 159 Identify 61, 62
Barter 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 54, 161 Initiative 92
Battle Prayers 25, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 54, 142
Bloodlust 104
C Lantern 168
Levelling Up 53
Charge Attack 95 Line of sight 78
Class 27 Luck 24
Combat Skill 26
Conditions 10, 48, 49
Constitution 24 M
Mana 24, 27
D Miscast 59
Mithril 46
Damage Bonus 14, 24, 27, 44
Dexterity 24
Disarm trap 26 N
Disease 105
Dispelling 59 Natural Armour 24
Dodge 26, 103
Durability 44
E Parry 96
Partial Map 168
Encumbrance 45 Perception 26
Energy 24 Perfect 19
Exquisite 62 Pick lock 26, 87
Poison 104
Power Attack 97
Fire 104 Q
Focus 59
Foraging 26, 110 Quick Slot 45
Frost Damage 104
Fumble 98
Ranged Skill 26

Recipe 62
Relic 67, 179
Reload 44
Threat Level 75
Repair 46, 131
Torch 168
Resolve 24
Traps 78, 87
Rest 86
Turn 18

Sanity 25
Upkeep 58
Scroll 59
Searching 85, 94
Selling 128
Shove 97, 98, 102
Standard Attack 98
Strength 24 Wandering Monster 78
Stun 105 Wisdom 24

Thank you!
I would like to say an extra thank you to the following backers who made this crowdfunding possible
by their generous donations! Without you this could not have been done. Thank you and happy

. Jacek Grzadzielski Randy Schaublin
Aaron Gearhart Jacob Watkins Rasmus MacDowall
Alex Armstrong James Scott - Board on the Bayou Rasmus "Raffe" Mellström
Alexander I. Bailey-Mathews Jason H. Rezorox
Alfedeas Jesse Dunnington Ricardo J Albertorio
Andreas Dold Joe Shane Richard Sanchez – d0k1ch1
Andrew Parsonson Joel Dyer Rob Turvey
Andrzej Tucholski Johan Lundqvist Mattsson Robert C. Parmenter
Archambault Damien Johannes Busch @jomungand Roman Deputatov
Art Mensing John Frederick Vaccaro Ron Howard
Bluewolf John TLC Yarbrough Ross Cook
Boyd McMurtrey Jon McKenny Ross Kubala
Brian Childress Jonas Nilsson Ryan Charles
Brown Jonathan Abesamis Sam Grund
Bruce Meyer Jonathan Wastring Samii Grasser
C. L. Werner Joseph Blackwood Savvas Rigas
Carmelo Quijano Joseph Capezza Sean, Thornapple, NeBlackwood,
Chad Joseph M. Nahas VH
Charlie Bingham Kai S Serra Fennell
Colton McCoy Kory Lorenz Setebos Caliban
Curtis Macek Kostas Karkalias Shawn Dumas
Damon English Leland Schaidle Shawn Fairbanks
Daniel Cramer Lutha Simon Brewer
Daniel Herbera Marc Sabino Steffen Wiesner
Daniel Tiecher Marco Artemisio Stein Vidar Sunnarvik
Danin Jackson Marcus McConnell Steven Sobotta
David Ruggiero Mark Aerts Sven Haben
David Schneider Martin GRANOUILLET aka Loryth The Goblin Chef
David Windhorst Martin Jonsson Thomas Silliman
Dazzor Mary & Robert Righter Tim Smith
Dieter Haas Max "Maximuscles" Schneider Tom Bohinc
Dmitrij Mizger Matthieu Pérusseau Tony Goddard
Drew R. Moeller Matthew Bottcher-Smith Tyler Hixon
E.D. Strange Matthew J. Luellen Tyson Wells Game Store
Edward Meadows Matthew Locke Unidice
Elzra Games Michael Gellar Vincenzo De Concilio
Enzo, The Lawyer Michael Malinka Vreeland Family
Erick Morin Michael Pritchard William A. McKay
Fantasy Adventures are around Michael Sievers William E. Staab
every corner (Simon Ainsworth} Mitchell Ross William Golden
Galactic Toast Morten Johannessen Zythum
George Adsett-Knutsen Paolo Passafaro
Gonçalo Viegas Patrick M. Demo Jr.
Happy Belated Paul J Czyzewski
Harper Hunter Hux Crowley of Paul Nowak
Somerset Peter
Helmut Fresl Peter Güttinger
Hux Peter Hörlin
Isabella Helm Peter McLellan
Ivan Wolley Petr Varta
J Paul Baker Jr. Randy Crockett


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