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Expectational Orderflow (EOF)

Expectational Orderflow (EOF)

This is a fairly simple concept based off of current timeframe movement (or orderflow, found in 📕
Liquidity Concept) and the
expectation of price to continue the same movements that it has previously undergone and target the same swing lows/highs that it
has been previously several times over.

Bearish EOF

If price is in a downtrend it is making lower lows (LLs) and lower highs (LHs). After a lower low is formed (i.e. internal structure
begins to shift), we expect to see a lower high form if the trend is to remain.
▫If price instead breaks the previous lower high and forms a higher high, that would then be a change of character (CHOCH) and
the trend has then shifted from bearish to bullish. We would then expect higher highs and higher lows to begin forming.

Bullish EOF

If price is in a uptrend it is making higher highs (HHs) and higher lows (HLs). After a higher high is formed (i.e. internal structure
begins to shift), we expect to see a higher low to form if the trend is to remain.

▫If price instead breaks the previous higher low and forms a lower low, that would then be a change of character (CHOCH) and the
trend has then shifted from bullish to bearish. We would then expect lower lows and lower highs to begin forming.



Expectational Orderflow (EOF) 1

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