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How Social Entrepreneurs Make Change Happen

Vision and the Social Entrepreneur
A lot has been said rightly about the need for a clear and compelling vision in any
Endeavor. A vision can provide direction, mobilize followers, coordinate activities,
and inspire the will necessary for individuals or teams to achieve meaningful things.
The successful objectives of social entrepreneurs must be framed within the
framework of revolutionary change. Instead of trying to improve the current
situation, the winning strategy for social entrepreneurs must aim towards
equilibrium change. It must address a constituency that cannot bring about the
change on its own while also taking the system as a whole into consideration. The
Colemans were able to achieve this because of their enormous and in-depth personal
experience, and which just so happened to be related to motorcycles. People believe
that the infrastructure is in place, but it wasn't - and how crucial transportation was
to keeping the system running as a whole. Racing also brought them to Africa.
Together with their friend, the legendary Grand Prix racer Randy Mamola, the
Colemans had spent years persuading their British racing peers to raise money for
Save the Children’s African programs. In 1988, Save the Children sent Mamola and
Barry to Somalia, to show them how these hard-won funds were being used. The
money was clearly being put to good use. Yet what the two men saw in Africa, and
what Andrea too saw on a subsequent trip, shocked them: haemorrhaging women
being carted in wheelbarrows to the nearest clinic; health workers covering distances
of twenty or more miles of tough terrain a day by foot; countless vehicles left to rust
by the side of the road or stacked up against buildings, vehicles that would still be
operating had they been serviced properly. What good, they asked themselves, was a
health-care system without reliable transport? And what good were expensive
vehicles that were as mobile as millstones? That, in a nutshell, was the status quo. It
became the starting point for the Colemans’ vision for what should change. Barry and
Andrea Colemans were drawn to Africa by the charity Save the Children's work in
Somalia. They witnessed women wheelbarrowed to clinics, health workers walking
miles a day and abandoned cars abandoned by the side of the road.
Some Important QUESTIONS are given below:

Q.1 What is Social Responsibility?

Social responsibility is an ethical framework in which an individual is obligated to work and
cooperate with other individuals and organizations for the benefit of the community that will
inherit the world that individual leaves behind.

Q.2 What is Social Entrepreneur? How it works?

Individuals who start their own business are motivated by many different things. Some
people want the freedom of being their own boss or want to pursue their true passion. Others
have dreams of making a lot of money and building an empire. However, in the past several
years, a new type of entrepreneur has emerged: the social entrepreneur.
Social entrepreneurship is the process by which individuals, start-ups and entrepreneurs
develop and fund solutions that directly address social issues. A social entrepreneur,
therefore, is a person who explores business opportunities that have a positive impact on
their community, in society or the world.
While sometimes confused with non-profit organizations, social entrepreneurship is a for-
profit Endeavor, even though a greater emphasis is placed on creating social or
environmental changes. Read on to learn more about five companies who practice social

Q.3 How to Capture Operation for Social Task?

A social entrepreneur is somebody who takes up a pressing social problem and meets it with
an innovative or path breaking solution. Since profit making is a secondary objective,
therefore they are people who are passionate and determined about what they do. They
possess a very high level of motivation and are visionaries who aim at bringing about a
change in the way things are.
By definition social entrepreneurs are great people recruiters who present their ideas or
solutions in a way that many people, who are either part of the problem or surrounding it,
recognize a need for change and get onboard the change bandwagon. Thus, mobilizing the
masses for bringing about change is a hallmark of a social entrepreneur.
Social entrepreneurs operate with an aim of changing the face of society. Be it health,
sanitation, education, they are present everywhere. There are people even who work on
bringing about change in the modern innovations because their impact has been detrimental
to human life. They thus work towards improving systems, creating new solutions, laying
down fair practices.
Some of the very famous people who inspire others to take up social entrepreneurship are:
Susan B Anthony: was the Co-Founder of the first women’s temperance movement and a
prominent American civil rights leader for women’s rights in the 19th century.
Vinobha Bhave: is a prominent figure in Indian modern history and was the founder and
leader of the Land gift movement that helped reallocate land to untouchables.
Maria Montessori: a pioneer in education. Developed the Montessori approach to early
education in children.
Florence nightingale: she laid the foundation for the first school of nurses and worked to
improve the hospital conditions.
Margaret Sanger: She was the founder and Leader of the planned parent hood federation
of America, championed the family planning system around the world.
These are examples of some people who fought for what they believed in and brought about
varying degrees of change in their respective spheres of work.
Social entrepreneurship has witnessed a boom in the past few years with more and more
people getting attracted to it. There is now a healthy competition and world class graduates
are giving up lucrative jobs to work and contribute in meaningful ways towards the society.
As Bill Drayton would say it aptly ‘Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or
teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the entire fishing
industry’. Such is the passion and the commitment required to be called a social
entrepreneur that it may not be misappropriate to say that it is more challenging that
traditional entrepreneurship.

BBA 7th eve-B

Roll No. 9598

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