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Research Log Example - Solutionary Project 2023

Date: 21 January 2023

Name: Mr. Lay
Central Question: Why aren’t more people commuting by bicycle in Honolulu?

Thesis: Although Honolulu has made strides towards becoming a cycling friendly city with the implementation of a 2-
mile protected bike lane on King Street, still few of the city's residents commute by bicycle due to poor bike
infrastructure and a lack of bicycle education, along with access to affordable bicycles.

Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits? Fundamentally, there
aren’t enough people on bikes in Oahu and this creates too much vehicular traffic in downtown Honolulu.

#2: What has been and is being done? protected bike lane, 3-foot passing law, public transportation systems
(bike accommodation), The Hawaii Cycling League BikeEd Program, Biki bike-share program

#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do? People for Bikes, Kalihi Valley
Instructional Bike Exchange (KVIBE), Bill SB2517

In which section will you use this source? #1

Excerpts: Green = Quote introduction, try introducing quotes in various ways (, : ; etc.)
Purple = Evidence, try using varied lengths, but make sure it is important regardless!
Red = Parenthetical Citation, (author’s last name, publication year) – if no author, use source title
1. Fleming gives the example of the KGP Design Studio's Bikestation in Washington D.C.: "The project
was funded completely by the District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) and carried a
$3M price tag. This elaborate glass and steel structure, located adjacent to the D.C. Union Train Station,
supplies 100 storage spaces for local cyclists" (Bike Plan Update, 2019).

2. Honolulu needs to confront the visibility, safety, and accessibility issues that plague the current cycling
infrastructure to realize bicycle commuting to its fullest potential. The Portland Bureau of
Transportation categorized four general groups and their differing needs; For example, “The strong and
fearless" (<1% of the total population), "The enthused and the confident" (7%), "The interested but
concerned" (60%), and "The no way, no how" (33%). After many surveys and polls, the primary
concern for cyclists who did not fall under the "strong and fearless" group, is the fear of being on the
road on a bicycle. The "interested but concerned" group represents the majority of Portland's residents”
(Bike Plan Update, 2019).

3. For example, in recent years, Hawaii has passed legislation in the form of a "3-foot passing law that
requires motorists to provide at least three feet of clear space when passing a cyclist. This new law
represents an important opportunity for DTS and the bicycling community to collaborate with HPD on
public education and enforcement campaign" (Bike Plan Update, 2019).

Commentary and Analysis:

Explanation: What does the quote mean
Analysis: Why is the quote important, why does it matter in the grand scheme of things?

1. Although costs were high in constructing the D.C. Bikestation, the DDOT speculates that the
structure will convert more than 100 D.C. drivers into cyclists. Converting drivers into cyclists is no
small task; the above Bikestation idea has potential, but the cost is high. A more cost-effective way
the state can tackle this issue is through education. Suppose the state requires all public schools to
include bicycle safety into their curricula. In that case, one can hope that more people will grow up
with the knowledge, appreciation, and awareness surrounding bikes. This can potentially shift the
negative connotation that often surrounds cycling, not to mention creating more "safety-first"
minded individuals, decreasing the likelihood of bike-related accidents on the road. 

2. Unfortunately, Honolulu has not conducted extensive studies related to Portland's four cyclist
groups, but by generalizing these group distributions and applying them to Honolulu, approximately
half of the population falls into the "interested but concerned" category. In Honolulu this would
consist of about 200,000 residents. This group and existing cyclists should be the target audience
moving forward as the city aims to get more cyclists on the road. 

3. The city is looking at many factors when promoting cycling in Honolulu. Nevertheless, it is most
beneficial to focus on what has been accomplished to promote the city's cycling goals. This further
dispels the myth that it is dangerous to cycle on Island. Most local cyclists find motorists
accommodating on the road, especially in similar cities on the mainland. 

MLA Work Cited:

“O'ahu Bike Plan Update.”, 2019, pp. 1–90.

This is a reputable and reliable article because is directly involved with the implementation of bike
infrastructure on Oahu. It is a government source, and the “Bike Plan Update” is a report that compiles cycling data
from the past serval years.
Research Log #1 - Solutionary Project 2023
Date: 2/21/23
Name: Marley Spencer
Central Question: Why doesn’t coaches want to coach youth kids?

Thesis: looking into youth sports something that I have been noticing about it is that there isn’t that many kids
coming out to play sports. I want to help these younger kids understand the game better and learn the basic

Essay Sections:
#1 how can I teach the kids?

#2: what type of drills can I teach the kids?

#3: who can I get involved to help me succeed?

In which section will you use this source? #1

1. Earlier in the article Blake harper explains that “Baseball is not a sport that kids naturally pick up and
even if you’ve got the basic throwing, catching, and hitting skill set, there’s a lot to keep in mind.” ( Little
League, 23 Sept. 2020)

2. Harper then say that “Many commonly used Little League drills have little efficacy. Others frustrate
players. The key, it turns out, is to find one that let kids practice not only specific skills, but success itself.”
which means that not all drills will be successful. (Little League, 23 Sept. 2020)

3. Finding the right drills is going to be hard to find but “the pair about the Little League drills makes
stronger players.” (Little League, 23 Sept. 2020)

Commentary and Analysis:

1. This article supports my point to prove “how can I teach the kids”. Teaching kids can be hard to do
without the right knowledge of coaching, not knowing what to work on with a kid, and what type of drills I
can use to teach them. The author suggests many drills in this article that I can use to help coach these kids,
starting with basic steps and drills I can use. Harper goes on about some drills suggested to use with
helping kids learn basic knowledge about the game. These drills can be taught to kids who are in the stages
of being to start the sport. It might be a hard working progress trying to teach these kids the basic step on
learning how to play the sport, but there always a first try to everything.
2. A drill that I like that was talked about in this article is “the bucket drill” fielding ground balls is one of the
most difficult things to teach a young player to properly handle a ground ball. It requires a high amount of
patience and focus, two things that young kids are not known for having. It might not be successful at the
first try we do this but we still have a lot of time to work on improvement with them. This drill will help
kids learn the fundamentals necessary to field any grounder that might come their way. Sometimes I get
frustrated trying to teach my siblings trying to get the right fundamentals on fielding a groundball
3. Another drill that caught my eye was the “squish the bug” this drill is used for hitting I was also taught this
drill when I was younger, I feel like teaching kids on how to swing the bat properly is the hardest thing to
teach a kid. Teaching a young kid to swing a bat is often difficult and frustrating and so plenty of coaches
will try to come up with creative ways to teach kids how to swing. However, Herbst says that there is no
secret to getting a kid comfortable with swinging.
MLA Work Cited:

Little League. “8 Helpful Tips for New Little League® Coaches.” Little League, 23 Sept. 2020,

This is a reputable and reliable article because is an article about youth baseball and shows the right
drill to be used for beginning coaches.

Research Log #2 - Solutionary Project 2023

Name: Marley Spencer
Central Question: Why doesn’t coaches want to coach youth kids?

Thesis: coaches find it hard coaching younger kids when it comes to sport, they don’t have the patience and
time to work with them.

Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits?

#2: What has been and is being done?

#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do?

In which section will you use this source?

1. In it states that “You should absolutely coach youth sports if you have a passion for
sports and enjoy mentoring kids. Coaching allows you to dive into a sport you love while positively
impacting the local youth.”
2. In the article it also says that “Your passion for the game will shine through in your coaching and the
kids will benefit.”
3. this article also states that “Kids are going to look up to you as a coach. For this reason, it’s important to
serve as a positive role model.”

Commentary and Analysis:

1. this proves my point that “why doesn’t coaches want to coach youth kids” because in the article it states
that “You should absolutely coach youth sports if you have a passion for sports and enjoy mentoring
kids. Coaching allows you to dive into a sport you love while positively impacting the local youth.” if
you want to start coaching kids you need to love kids. This is one of the biggest requirements, if kids
aren’t your thing, you should pass on coaching. Do not rob kids the opportunity of having a coach who
has a genuine interest in bringing the best out of his players. Your passion for the game will shine
through in your coaching and the kids will benefit.

2. this proves my point that “why doesn’t coaches want to coach youth kids” because in the article it states
that “Kids are going to look up to you as a coach. For this reason, it’s important to serve as a positive
role model.” This means no swearing, displaying poor sportsmanship or yelling at other adults. Players
are going to mimic your actions. If a kid drops a four letter word in the direction of another player or
coach. There’s a good chance that’s going to be on you. Show good sportsmanship, shake hands with
opposing players and coaches following each game and offer words of encouragement. Kids will take
notice and follow your lead. When I was growing up playing my coaches didn’t have the right temper
when coaching and I saw that other of my teammates would follow and do the same thing. So it is
important to watch what you do and say because kids are always watching.

3. this proves my point that “why doesn’t coaches want to coach youth kids” because in the article it states
that “Your passion for the game will shine through in your coaching and the kids will benefit.” Kids are
going to look up to you as a coach. For this reason, it’s important to serve as a positive role model. That
means no swearing, displaying poor sportsmanship or yelling at the officials. Players are going to mimic
your actions, whether consciously or subconsciously. If a kid drops a four letter word in the direction of
another player or coach…there’s a good chance that’s going to be on you. Show good sportsmanship.
Shake hands with opposing players and coaches following each game and offer words of
encouragement. Kids will take notice and follow your lead

MLA Work Cited: G., Steven. “Top 15 Reasons to Coach Youth Sports and Make a Difference.” Coaching
Kidz, 3 Oct. 2021,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it has the right information that I need about my solutionary project
Research Log #3 - Solutionary Project 2023
Central Question: : Why doesn’t coaches want to coach youth kids?

Thesis: coaches find it hard coaching younger kids when it comes to sport, they don’t have the patience and
time to work with them.

Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits?

#2: What has been and is being done?

#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do?

In which section will you use this source?

1. says “that they have Poor Fundamentals and Uninformed Coaches”
2. in this article it states “Let them feel that your love is not performance based.”
3. another thing that was interesting in this article “Parents”

Commentary and Analysis:

1. This prove my point “that they have Poor Fundamentals and Uninformed Coaches” So how come youth
teams don't value a good game of catch as a whole? using good mechanics when throwing and making
accurate throws. I’ve played against other teams that are my age their throwing mechanics surprised me
by how poorly they throw the ball after having played for so long. The majority of these boys have
played club softball for many years, often with professional coaches. Too frequently, the emphasis shifts
away from correctly playing the game and toward wins and losses.
2. This also proves my point that “Let them feel that your love is not performance based.” Most people say
that it is actually fathers but I think that it is more of both parents because I have seen plenty of out of
control mothers also. As a father of three, I understand emotions can take over at times and we say or do
thing we are not proud of.  Most mistakes by parents happen because they care too much, but we need to
find a way control ourselves. I always had to go through this and I still do go through this but parents
can ruin the love of the sport.
3. this proves my point that “parents” Most people say that it is actually fathers but I think that it is more
of both parents because I have seen plenty of out of control mothers also. As a father of three, I
understand emotions can take over at times and we say or do thing we are not proud of.  Most mistakes
by parents happen because they care too much, but we need to find a way control ourselves. I always
had to go through this and I still do go through this but parents can ruin the love of the sport.
MLA Work Cited:

This is a reputable and reliable article because the information in the article is enough information that I need for my
solutionary project on youth sports

Research Log #4 - Solutionary Project 2023

Name: Marley Spencer
Central Question: Why doesn’t coaches want to coach youth kids?

Thesis: coaches find it hard coaching younger kids when it comes to sport, they don’t have the patience and
time to work with them.

Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits?

#2: What has been and is being done?

#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do?

In which section will you use this source?

1. In this article it states that “The word “talent” gets thrown around quite often in youth sports circles”
2. It also states “Confidence cannot be Given, it Has to be earned.”
3. Another thing I found interesting “Can You Over-Sample in Youth Sports?”

Commentary and Analysis:

1. This point proves this statement in the article’s “word “talent” gets thrown around quite often in youth
sports circles “Many children who are classified as talented are so because of their aptitude, which is
frequently substantially influenced by their relative age at birth in relation to the arbitrary age cutoff
date. They occasionally are an early developer. On the other hand, a child who is identified as
"untalented" at a young age is frequently removed from the system of development, given a subpar
coach, and given fewer resources and opportunities. The early selection turns into a prediction that
comes true. This early segregation is frequently caused by relative age once more. However, it does
serve as a warning to ensure that we raise as many children as we can in the finest conditions for the
longest amount of time. Let them develop before making your choice. The more time we have to wait,
the better. It promotes a larger definition of talent that takes into account not just the abilities we can see
but also the psychological traits that allow for long-term development, along with the knowledge that
both nature and nurture play a role in talent development.
2. This point proves this statement in the article’s “Confidence cannot be Given, it Has to be earned.”
Confidence is a state of mind, a feeling inside that you are ready to perform, no matter what you
encounter. It is an overwhelming feeling of assurance and control that gives an athlete a positive outlook
no matter the circumstance. It is not something that can be purchased, faked, or even wished for.
Through skill development, mentoring from mentors who help build confidence, and other factors,
confidence is earned, honed, and developed. Your gain confidence as you becomes more proficient in a
sport. To put it another way, competence naturally results in confidence. From a young child to the best
athletes in the world, those who are confident are confident because they have attempted and failed
thousands of times. many times, before trying again and succeeding. They have confidence that their
acquired skills will help them win when the game starts. Instead of the fear of failure that many insecure
athletes experience, this belief is always at the forefront of their minds. They rarely doubt themselves,
and if they do, their confidence in themselves drowns it out.
3. This point proves this statement in the article’s “Can You Over-Sample in Youth Sports?” Every month,
members of our Changing the Game family send us interesting emails and messages. Occasionally, one
of these is worth sharing with the wider community. We received an email from a couple with three very
active young children who were both former NCAA Division I athletes. They have tried their best to get
their kids involved in a variety of sports as avid readers and listeners of the podcast, but they have run
into the youth sports industrial complex and need guidance.

MLA Work Cited:

This is a reputable and reliable article because it has the information that I need to use for my solutionary project
Research Log #5 - Solutionary Project 2023
Name: Marley Spencer
Central Question: Why doesn’t coaches want to coach youth kids?

Thesis: coaches find it hard coaching younger kids when it comes to sport, they don’t have the patience and
time to work with them.

Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits?

#2: What has been and is being done?

#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do?

In which section will you use this source?

1. In the article it states “youth sport is a journey not a destination’
2. It also states “They don’t see what’s simply in front of them; they see everything, and that is what makes
them great.”
3. The last point it say’s

Commentary and Analysis:

1. “youth sport is a journey not a destination” Youth sports, which typically last 10 to 14 years, are a big
part of that journey for many kids. But far too frequently, we become anchored and concentrate only on
the destination (scholarship, college, career, or higher-level sports). Sometimes, especially when
something goes wrong, we can only see the immediate surroundings and not the entire field. It is a
journey to grow as a person, not just as an athlete. And if we remain too focused on the “what ifs” and
the destination, we may blink and it’s over, with little to show for it.
2. “They don’t see what’s simply in front of them; they see everything, and that is what makes them great.”
Youth sports is an amazing journey, and not a destination kids need to cherish it. See what’s in front of
them, but then see the field from above. Feel what the role of sports in the big picture. Show that love
watching them play, even if it is a local league and not the big showcase tournament. Develop love of
the game, and help them focus on getting better, not simply getting noticed

MLA Work Cited:

This is a reputable and reliable article because

Research Log #6- Solutionary Project 2023
Central Question:


Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits?

#2: What has been and is being done?

#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do?

In which section will you use this source?


Commentary and Analysis:


MLA Work Cited:

This is a reputable and reliable article because

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