Revision Eye and Brain

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Figure 1 shows a reflex in the iris of the human eye in response to changes in light levels.

Figure 1

@ Gandee Vasan/Stone/Getty Images

(a)     Describe the changes in the pupil and iris going from A to B in Figure 1.

Explain how these changes occur.

Refer to the changes in light level in your answer.









(b)     Some people wear glasses to improve their vision.

Figure 2 shows light entering the eye in a person with blurred vision.

Figure 3 shows how this condition is corrected with glasses.

                           Figure 2                                                  Figure 3

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Compare Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Explain how the blurred vision is corrected.






(Total 6 marks)

This question is about the nervous system.

(a)     Describe the difference between the function of a receptor and the function of an effector.

In your answer you should give one example of a receptor and one example of an









(b)     Synapses are important in the nervous system.

(i)     What is a synapse?

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(ii)     Describe how information passes across a synapse.





(c)     Reflexes may be co-ordinated by the brain or by the spinal cord.

(i)     The reflexes from sense organs in the head are co-ordinated by the brain.

Name a sense organ involved in a reflex co-ordinated by the spinal cord.


(ii)     The table shows information about reflexes co-ordinated by the brain and reflexes
co-ordinated by the spinal cord.
Organ co- Mean length Mean time Mean speed
ordinating the of neurones taken for of impulse in
reflex involved in reflex in cm per
cm milliseconds millisecond

Brain 12   4 3

Spinal cord 80 50  

Calculate the mean speed of the impulse for the reflex co-ordinated by the spinal



Mean speed = ________ cm per millisecond


(iii)     In reflexes co-ordinated by the brain there are no relay neurones.

Suggest why there is a difference in the mean speed of the impulse for the two


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(Total 12 marks)

Diagram 1 shows cells from the light-sensitive layer in the eye.

Diagram 1

(a)     On Diagram 1, add labels to name part A and part B of the light-sensitive cell.

(b)     There is a junction between the connecting neurone and the neurone carrying the
impulse to the brain.

(i)      What name is given to the junction?


(ii)     In what form is information passed across the junction?



(c)     Diagram 2 shows a bee flying towards a man’s eye.

Diagram 2

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In the blink reflex , light from the bee reaches the light-sensitive cell in the eye.
The muscles in the eyelid shut the man’s eye before the bee hits the eye.

Describe the pathway taken by the nerve impulse in the blink reflex.










(Total 8 marks)

Describe how the brain is informed of the image detected by the retina.





(Total 3 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a)     pupils dilated (at B)
allow converse for A

in dim light / low light levels


because circular muscles (in iris) relax


(and) radial muscles contract


(b)     figure 2 shows myopia where light does not focus on the retina
allow refraction

in figure 3 the lens bends the light so that light focuses on the retina

(a)     receptors detect / sense stimuli / change in surroundings or convert stimulus into an
ignore send impulses to brain / spinal cord

example of a receptor
allow any appropriate organ or part of an organ, eg eye /
retina or named type of receptor eg light receptor

effectors allow / make response or convert an impulse to an action

ignore receive impulses from brain / spinal cord

(effector) muscle / gland

allow an example
ignore eg arm / leg

(b)     (i)      junction
allow idea of a (small) gap / space
do not allow if implication is that the neurones move

between neuron(e)s
allow named types of neurones

(ii)     chemical

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allow answers in terms of specific types of neurone
allow neurotransmitter / named neurotransmitter released

any one from:

•        (chemical released) from one neurone
ignore produced
•        (chemical) passes (across synapse) to next neurone to stimulate / cause
(electrical) impulse
allow diffuses for passes (across)

(c)     (i)      skin
ignore hand / leg

(ii)     1.6 (cm per millisecond)

allow 2 if evidence of rounding up of 1.6

(iii)     any two from:

ignore length of neurones
•        synapses slow down transmission / impulse
allow idea of movement of chemical being slower than
electrical impulse
•        fewer synapses (via brain)
allow one synapse compared to two or only one synapse
•        (therefore) fewer delays
allow impulse travels more slowly in relay neurones

(a)     A cytoplasm
in this order only

B (cell) membrane
do not accept (cell) wall

(b)     (i)      synapse

(ii)     (as) chemical
accept neurotransmitter or named
ignore references to how the chemical is passed
do not accept electrical

(c)     (from light-sensitive cell to connecting neurone) to sensory neurone

ignore references to synapses accept ‘nerve cell’ for
neuron(e) throughout penalise ‘nerve’ for neurone once only

(sensory neurone) to brain / CNS

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allow (sensory neurone) to relay neurone / spinal cord

(brain / CNS) to motor neurone

allow (relay neurone / spinal cord) to motor neurone

(motor neurone) to (eyelid) muscle

ignore effector

an impulse or electrical signal
accept electrical pulse do not credit message

          in receptor or neurone of retina

accept nerve or rod or cone

          sent along optic nerve

do not credit inverts the image

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