Electrical Installation

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Electrical Installation
Chapter one: Illumination

 Terminology in Illumination
 Basic of lighting
 Lighting Technology
 Lighting Design

1.1. Terminology in Illumination
i. Luminous Flux (Ø)
 The flow of light from the source.
 The total quantity of light energy radiated/
produced from a luminous body in the form of
light waves.
 It is measured in lumens.
 It is represented by symbol φ.
ii. luminous Intensity (I)
 The power or strength of source of light.
 The illuminating power of a light source.
 It is the amount of luminous flux emitted by a source per
unit solid angle. i.e. I = φ / ω,

1.1. Terminology in Illumination
Where, ω= the solid angle measured in Steradians.
 It is measured in candela or lumens per Steradians.
1Candela = 1 Lumen / Steradians
 Solid angle is given by the ratio of the area
of the surface to the square of the distance
between the area and the point. A / r2.
 Since the surface of a sphere has an area equal to 4πr2;
total angle of a sphere in Steradians will be 4πr2 / r2 = 4π
1.1. Terminology in Illumination
iii. Illuminance (E)
 When the light emitted by the source falling on
the surface, it is illuminated.
The Illuminance (E) is the light falling on the
The amount of light falling on a surface is
measured in lux or lumens per square meter.
Mathematically, E = φ/A
iv. Luminous efficacy (k):
 It is a measure of lumens per watt (lm/W).
It can be thought of as the ‘efficiency’ of the light source

1.1. Terminology in Illumination

Figure 1.1 depicts the three terminology in simple manner.

1.2. Basic of lighting

1.2.1. Light: Light is a form of energy or electromagnetic

wave w/c creates visible sensation to the eye. Or
 it is the radiant energy from hot body w/c produce the
visual sensation upon the human eye.
 The sensation of colour is due to the difference in
wavelength of the light radiations. V=fλ

1.1. Basic of lighting
We can classify electromagnetic waves as
 visible
Invisible waves.
Visible waves: daylight (sun), radiations from
candles and lamps
Invisible waves: x-rays, gamma rays, IR rays,
radio waves, micro waves.

1.2. Basic of lighting

 Visible light is composed of different colors each having

different wavelengths (in Micrometer unit ).
These are:

1.2. Basic of lighting

Those colors of white light having wave lengths

of less than 0.3 µm belongs to the ultra violet range
and those with wave lengths greater than 0.8 µm belong
to the infrared range.
The visible spectrum ranges is from 0.4 to 0.7 µm
 Human eye is most sensitive to light having wavelengths
of about 0.555 µm in the green portion of the spectrum.

1.2. Basic of lighting

1.2.2. Eye and Vision

 Vision is the most important sense accounting for 80%
information acquisition for humans.
 As already mentioned eye acquires > 80% information
acquired by human.
 We look at the structure and function of eye here.
 An Eye comprises of Iris, Focusing Lens and Retina.
 It Resembles – a Camera in general structure and action.
1.2. Basic of lighting
Table I shows the similarity between Eye and Camera.
Eye Camera
Iris Shutter
Lens Lens
Retina Film
Iris- a diaphragm that regulates amount of light by
expanding contracting also know as (Pupil).
 lens that focuses under the control of ciliary muscles forms
image on to the retina.
The lens is crystalline in nature. 12
1.1. Basic of lighting
Lastly there is a screen like structure called retina that is
holding a lot of -optic nerves – that communicate with the
 The central region has the greatest sensitivity
and is called Fovea. Fovea is the most acute spot of vision
where fine details are formed. Rest of the retina is responsible
for orientation.
The eye communicates through optic nerves located on the
retina. 13
1.2. Basic of lighting
 They are a system of double nerves called Rods and Cones.
 Rods are responsible for Dim light / Night vision and
 Cones are mainly concentrated around or at Fovea and are
responsible for form/color sensitivity.
As a result vision is of two types;
(i) Photopic and (ii) Scotopic
(i) Photopic vision
 involving cone cells and is used for discrimination of fine
details for critical observation.
 They are densely packed and transmits sharp images.
(ii) Scotopic vision involving Rods takes over when brightness
< 0.01 ft lambert
1.1. Basic of lighting

This vision has no color discrimination ability.

 As conclusion Eyes have good ability to change from one to
other. This shift in Luminosity and ability of eye to adjust is
known as Purkinjee.
 Pupil diameter varies in the range of 1.2 – 2 mm.
1.2.3. Lighting measurements:
Quantitatively, the measurement of light can be quite
confusing as there are different ways to describe the amount of
light emitted from a source and the amount of light received
by a surface.
Beyond this, light can be measured either photo-metrically or
1.2. Basic of lighting

A. Radiometry
 Radiometry is a measurement of electromagnetic radiation
(or radiant energy) emitted by source, often defined in terms
of power.
 Radiometric measurements extend past the visible region
of the electromagnetic spectrum, into the infrared and
 Radiometry is typically used to measure the total power
output of an object in the infrared, visible, or ultraviolet
spectrum, or to measure the spectral power distribution of a

1.2. Basic of lighting

Radiometric measurements involve recording absolute

properties of electromagnetic radiation, most commonly
measurements of power. They can cover all, or specified parts,
of the electromagnetic spectrum, from gamma rays to radio
waves. Optical radiometry covers the optical region, generally
between 100 nm (extreme UV) to 1 mm (extreme infrared).
Absolute radiometric measurements are needed for example
when working out the efficiency of solar cells, where the
generated electrical power is compared to the incident optical

1.2. Basic of lighting

B. Photometry:
 Photometry is a measurement of light in relation to its
brightness as detected by the human eye.
 This measurement is only concerned with light in the visible
region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which can be seen by
the human eye.
 Photometry is typically used to measure the intensity,
spectral distribution and colour of light sources.

1.2. Basic of lighting

1.3. Lighting Technology
1.3.1. Lighting systems:
Lighting systems used in residential, commercial and
industrial can be sub divided in to three major categories.
a. General lighting
b. localized lighting and
c. local lighting
a. General lighting
 General lighting installation typically provide
approximately uniform illuminance over the whole of the
working area.
 Such systems are often based on the lumen methods of
1.3. Lighting Technology
b. Localized lighting systems:
 it provide illuminance on general work areas with a
simultaneous reduced level of illuminance in adjacent areas.
c. Local lighting systems:
It provide illuminance for relativly small areas incorporating
visual tasks.
 Such systems are normally complemented by specific level
of general lighting.

1.3. Lighting Technology
1.3.2. Light source and Lighting control:
 One of the first steps in designing a lighting installation is to
decide on the kind of lamp.
 The primary purpose of light source is the production of
 The main target of light is
 To assist in providing a safe working environment.
 To assist in the performance of visual tasks
 To develop an appropriate visual environment.
Generally the light source grouped in to two. These are
Natural light source and Artificial light source.
The sun and moon are under natural light and lamp and candel
are under the artificial light.
1.3. Lighting Technology
 But in this case only focused on artificial light
(Electrical)light source.
 The artificial light sources are other source of light w/c
developed to compensate for or assist the natural light.
 The artificial light source will have d/t frequency and wave
length that determine the light colour.
 Artificial light sources are categorised by the technology
used to provide the light.
 Among the some are listed as follows.
a) Incandescent lamps
b) Discharge lamps

1.3. Basic ofTechnology
Lighting lighting

a) Incandescent Lamps (GLS)

This is the most common electric light source. But now a day
it is replacement by others more efficient lamps.
 Filament:- constructed from tungsten wire which is
 When a tungsten filament is heated to a high temperature
by permitting a very large current to flow , it emits light
 At temperature above 2800K, the rate of evaporation
increases so the life span is drastically reduced.
 Gas Filling :- rate of filament evaporation can be reduced
by raising the vapor pressure in the lamp by introducing
1.3. Lighting Technology
chemically inactive with hot tungsten gasses. W/c are
Nitrogen & Argon
 Glass Envelopes:-
Spherical or mush room
Can be clear, pearl(etched on the inside surface ) or inside
white coated with silica, titania or similar substances.
 The materials, which can be used as a filament are;
–tantalum and
These metals are selected due to their high melting points.
1.3. Lighting Technology

1.3. Lighting Technology
There are two types of incandescent lamps:

1.3. Lighting Technology

 Use of inert gas in incandescent lamps helps in decreasing

the rate of evaporation of tungsten & improves efficiency

 Higher efficiency is obtained when incandescent lamps are

operated at low voltages.
1.3. Lighting Technology
The filament characteristics depend on:
o filament length and filament diameter
o coil spacing and lead wires
o method of mounting and no. of supports
o properties of gas employed and gas pressure
o bulb size and shape of bulb
b) discharge Lamps
Lamps which produce light due to the passage of electricity
through a gas are termed discharge lamps.

1.3. Lighting Technology

Fluorescent Lamp (Low Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamps)

 Sodium lamp
High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamp
High and Low Pressure Lamps
Low Pressure Lamps
 Long distance between collisions and cause excitation
High Pressure Lamps
 Distance between collision decreased

1.3. Lighting Technology

1.3. Lighting Technology
Certain materials, such as calcium phosphate, emit
visible light whenever they absorb ultra-violet light.
 This phenomenon is known as fluorescence and may
be used to produce a very efficient type of lamp.
 If a tube of a discharge lamp containing mercury Vapour is
coated internally with an even layer of fluorescent
material, a considerable proportion of the ultra-violet
light caused by the discharge is converted into useful
visible light.
 Low- pressure mercury Vapour lamp consists of glass tube
filled with mercury vapour at low pressure.
 Is provided with two electrodes coated with electron
emissive material
1.3. Lighting Technology

 The inner wall of the tube is coated with fluorescent

powder which transforms ultraviolet radiation in to visible
radiation or light.
 The light output of a fluorescent lamp is 40- 70 lm/w and
has an average life of about 7500 hrs.
 The application includes: lighting of shops, homes,
factories, streets, ships, transport (buses and trains), etc
 Using these tubes to achieve high lighting intensity
without excessive temperature rise and, the danger of
glare is minimized

1.3. Lighting Technology

1.3. Lighting Technology
 During starting it is necessary to introduce a higher than
normal voltage to the lamp to assist ionization.
 Achieved by using a ballast (choke) in series with a
discharge lamp circuit.
 when the current through the ballast interrupts, a high
voltage pulse will appear in the electrodes of the respective
discharge lamp bulb. Facilitates ionization and conduction
there after through the gas.
 Once the gas has began to conduct, its resistance will
progressively fall( as more and more atoms ionized )
 The ballast Assist ionization and used as a current limiting
1.3. Lighting Technology
Three methods are commonly available for starting the
discharge in a fluorescent tube:
o Thermal Start,
o Glow Start And
o Quick Start
Read each methods in detail by yourselves
Sodium Lamp
 it is a double glass container
the inner glass tube filled with neon gas and
 some sodium drops.

1.3. Lighting Technology

1.3. Lighting Technology

 When the supply is switched on the lamp would not start

as the supply voltage is too low to start the discharge.
 The leak transformer connected across the main produces
a starting voltage of about 400V.
 The neon gas stars the discharge, and afterwards sodium
vaporizes and discharge continuous.
 The power factor is very low, about 0.3, hence a capacitor
is used to raise it.
 The efficiency is approximately 75 lumens per watt and
the lamp has an average life of 6000hrs.

1.3. Lighting Technology
High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamp
 Such lamps consist of an inner discharge tube and an outer
evacuated tube.
 The inner tube is provided with two main electrodes and an
auxiliary electrode.
 The wiring diagram of mercury vapour lamps is shown in

1.3. Lighting Technology

1.4. Laws of Illumination
There are two major laws.
I. Inverse Square Law
II. Cosine Law
I. Inverse Square law
This law said that:
 The illumination of a surface is inversely proportional to
the distance between source & surface provided that the
distance between the surface & the source is sufficiently large
so that source can be regarded as a point source. Or the
amount of light falling on the surface area is proportional

1.4. Laws of Illumination

1.4. Laws of Illumination

1.4. Laws of Illumination
II. Cosine Law

1.4. Laws of Illumination

1.4. Laws of Illumination
1. A standard incandescent lamp having a luminous intensity
of 100 cd in all directions gives an Illuminance of 40 lux at
the surface of a bench vertically below the lamp.
What distance is the lamp above the bench?

1.4. Laws of Illumination

2. A 250W sodium-vapor street lamp emits a light of 22,500

cd and is situated 8m above the road. Calculate the
a) Directly below the lamp
b) b) At a horizontal distance along the road of 6m

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

 A good lighting system should produce uniform

illumination of not less than the required value.
 It should be free from glare and hard shadows.
 In fact attempt should be made to have quality of light as
close to day light as possible.
1.5.1. The interior lighting schemes may be classified as:
A. Direct light:-
o the most commonly used type of lighting scheme.
o In this scheme more than 90% of total light flux is made to
fall directly on the working plane
o Though it is more efficient but causes hard shadows and
1.5. PracticalCont’d
Lighting Schemes
o It is mainly used for industrial and general out-door lighting
B. Semi-direct lighting: -
o 60-90% of the total light flux is made to fall down wards
directly with the help of semi-direct reflectors.
o The remaining light is used to illuminate the ceiling and
o Besides, this scheme avoids glare, it also improves the
efficiency of the system with reference to the working
C. Semi indirect lighting: -
o In this scheme 60-90% of total light flux is thrown up wards

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
to the ceiling for reflection and the rest reaches the working
plane directly except for some absorption by the bowl.
o This lighting scheme has soft shadows and is glare free.
o It is mainly used for indoor decoration purpose.
D. Indirect lighting scheme: -
o in this scheme more than 90% of total light flux is thrown
upwards the ceiling for diffuse reflection by using inverted or
bowl reflector.
o In this scheme the glare is reduced to minimum.
o The resulting illumination is soft and more diffused.
o The shadows are less prominent and the appearance of the
room is much improved.

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

o It is used for decoration purpose in cinemas, theatres

and hotels etc.
o and in areas where troublesome shadows are produced if
direct light in lighting is employed.

E. General lighting: -
o In this scheme lamps made of diffusing glass are used,
which gives nearly equal illumination in all directions.
o All fittings may be reduced to five basic types
according to their light distribution.

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
1.5.2. Design of lighting scheme
The lighting scheme should be provide.
a. Adequate illumination
b. Light distribution all over the working plane as uniform as
c. Light of suitable colour.
d. avoid glare and hard shadows as far as possible
a. Illumination level: -
In order to see the details of the things that surround us the
source has to illuminate them very well in order the objects
take the necessary brightness. For each type of work there is a
range of brightness most favorable to output in terms of
quality and quantity.
1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
Degree of illumination, to give necessary brightness to objects,
depends upon:
 the size of the object and distance of the observer.
 contrast between the object and background. Greater the
contrast great will be the illumination required to distinguish
the object properly.
 speed of object - Speedy object require more illumination.
duration of gazing - Object seen for long duration of time
require more illumination.
b. Uniformity of Illumination: -
oIt has been found that visual performance is best if the
range of brightness within the field of vision is not greater
than 3:1, w/c can be achieved by employing general lighting-
1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
in addition to localized lighting.
oOtherwise due to the frequent accommodation of pupil or iris
of the eye, fatigue is caused and it creates psychological
felling of loneliness, gloom and unfriendliness.
c. Colour of light: -
o The appearance of the body colour entirely depends upon
the colour of the incident light.
o In general the composition of the light should be such that
the colour appears natural.
d. Shadows: -
o In lighting installation, formation of long and hard shadows
causes fatigue and are undesirable.
1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
oHowever a certain amount of shadow is desired as it helps to
give shapes to solid objects and make them easily recognised.
o But there is one exception to this i.e. in drawing offices,
where we are to see flat surfaces.
 Hard and long shadow can be avoided by:
 Rising a large number of luminaries mounted at a height not
less than 2.5m.
 By using wide surface of light - using globes or indirect
lighting system.
e. Glare:-
o It is generally produced by very bright sources of light,
which emit light directly or at very low angle towards the-
1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

o This causes the person to neglect the other surrounding
objects, as they appear darker and is a major cause of road
o The glare is also caused by highly polished surfaces when
the angles are incorrect. This also tends to damage retina of
the eye.
o Glare may be direct or indirect. Motor car head
lights produces direct glare.
 In designing a good lighting scheme which fulfills the
above requirements, we have to consider,

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

The Intensity of Illumination Required

 The Selection of the Required Lamps and Fittings
 The Size of the Room
The Conditions Under Which the Illumination is used etc.
1.5.3. Calculations of Number of Light Points for Interior
In order to estimate the number and the type of light
fittings required to suit a particular environment, it is
necessary to know,
What level of illuminance is required, the area to be
the maintenance factor and the coefficient of utilization,
1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
and the efficiency of the lamps to be used.
A number of methods have been employed for lighting
calculations among them some are listed as follows:
1) Cosine law and Inverse square law method
2) Watts per square meter method
3) Lumen or Light flux method
2) Watts per square meter method:-
• This is applicable for rough calculations.
• It consists in making an allowance of watts per square
meter of area to be illuminated.
• According to NEC 220-3(d) standard illumination is about
3 watt per ft2

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
Example: -
A house has an external dimension of 30ft by 50ft. If an 80w
fluorescent lamps, and 220V supply is used, determine the
number of lamps required and the current caring capacity
i. A= 30ft*50ft = 1500ft2,
Then the total wattage = 1500ft2*3w/ft2 =4500W
No lamps =total wattage/watt per lamp= 4500W/80W= 56
ii. I = Power/voltage= 4500W/220V = 20.6A
3) Lumen or Light flux method:
 It is also called efficiency method
 it is the most advisable method to be used.

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
 Lumens reaching the working plane is calculated as:
Lumen (E) = No of lamps x Wattage of each lamp x efficiency
of each lamp x(coefficient of utilisation/depreciation factor)
E = No of lamps x wattage of each lamp x efficiency of each
lamp (1m/w) x coefficient of utilization x maintenance factor.
φ = Illumination on working plane X Area to be illuminated
= E x A but it is adopted to multiply this factor by 1.25 to
increase φ by 125% of the nominal value.

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
 φ = 1.25 E x A
 φ = nφLηB
E – Illumination level
 n - Number of lamps required
 1.25- Design values for new installations: 1.25En
 A - Working surface in m2
φL - Luminous flux of one lamp in lm
ηB - Utilization factor

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
Utilization Factor (ηB): –
 the whole light radiated by the lamps doesn’t reach the
working plane.
 The ratio of lumens reaching the working plane to the total
light given out by the lamp or lamps, when the installation is
new, is known as utilization factor or coefficient of utilization.
The value of utilization factor depends upon
• The mounting height of lamps or Space to mounting height
• Area to be illuminated
• Type of lighting scheme
• Color of the surrounding, etc.
1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
•Mounting Height: -
It is largely be governed by the type of the building and type
of lighting scheme employed.
• Type of lighting scheme
Direct Lighting:-
 it is advisable to mount them high considering a normal
ceiling height and average size floor area.
 For this type of installations a spacing to mounting height
ratio of 1 : 1 to 2 : 1 above the working surface is usually
considered adequate
Indirect Lighting: - has to be suspended for about 1/4 or 1/3 of
the horizontal spacing between rows of luminaries.
1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
 The illuminance between the luminaires must not be
allowed to fall below 70% of the value directly below the
 The working surface is normally taken as 0.85 m above the
floor level.
 To maintain an even distribution of illuminance from
the luminaires, those adjacent to the walls of the room should
be fixed at half the spacing distance.
• Color of Surrounding Walls: -
The illumination in a room depends upon the light reflected
from walls and ceilings.
1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
• White walls and ceilings reflect more light as compared to
colored ones.
Maintenance Factor:-
 As we are to continue to use the installation, the
illumination produced considerably decreases due to ageing of
the lamps and accumulation of dusts on the lamps, reflectors,
ceiling and walls.
 Its value is more if there is much as the ageing problem
increases, etc.
Depreciation Factor - it is merely the inverse of the
maintenance factor.
Its value is more than unity.
1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
Example 2:
An office area has: length 20m, width 10m, height 3m and
ceiling to focusing area is 2m. The area to be illuminated to a
general level of 250lux using twin lamp32watt CFL luminaries
with a SHR of 1.25 and each lamp has an initial
output(efficiency) of 85lumen/w, with the lamp maintenance
factor and utilization factor is 0.63 and 0.69 respectively. Find,
A. Total wattage per fixture
B. Total number of fixture
C. Minimum spacing between each fixture
D. Number of fixtures in the row and column.

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

A. Total wattage per fixture = No lamp*wattage of each
= 2*32W/each = 64W
B. Lumen per fixture = 85lumn/W*64W
= 5440lumn
C. No. Fixture = required lux*A/(U.F*M.F*Lumn/fixture)
= 21fixtures
D. The spacing b/n the fixture = 2*1.25 = 2.5
E. No fixture in the width =10m/2.5m= 4
And the total fixture = fixture in the row and fixture in
column Fixture in column = 21/4 = 5.25 =5

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

s/2 SL =4m



1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes
F. Repeat question E by using the length of the room first to
determine the number of fixtures and compare with the
question E and choose the best one.

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

1.5. Practical Lighting Schemes

The end of chapter one

Tank you


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