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Making a decision

Some couples are aware of a genetic disorder within their families. Before they start a family of their own,
they may seek genetic counselling to consider the options open to them. In the activity you will consider
the ethical dilemmas surrounding genetic screening.

1 Refer to Topic 13.10, Screening for genetic disorders. This covers some of the
options that may be discussed by a genetic counsellor with couples who have both
tested as carriers for a genetic disorder.
2 Your teacher may also show you a film that shows a couple being given these
options by a genetic counsellor.
3 Your task is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
4 To do this, use the balance sheet supplied.

Making decisions balance sheet

Option Advantages of the option Disadvantages of the option

Take no action


IVF with PGD

1 Name a genetic disorder that passes from generation to generation within

(1 mark)

2 Genetic counselling may be taken by couples who have experienced genetic

disorders in their family.
a Explain why both parents need to have their DNA tested before the main
counselling session.

(1 mark)

b Suggest what advice/help a counsellor may offer a couple who have a chance
of conceiving a child with a genetic disorder.

(3 marks)

Student follow-up
Discuss your findings and evaluate the options considered above. Consider the
economic, social, and ethical issues involved.

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