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EC ENGR 110 Circuit Analysis II

Spring 2023 - Dodd Hall 121, MW 8:00-9:50 AM

Prof. Shervin Moloudi

Course Prerequisites EC ENGR 10 + knowledge of ordinary differential equations

Syllabus and Grading

 Basic concepts and analysis of RLC circuits using integro-differential equations.

 Laplace transform and its application in circuit analysis
 Poles and zeros
 Two-port networks
 Mutual inductance and ideal transformers
 Sinusoidal steady state analysis and phasors
 Complex power calculations
 Frequency response and Bode plot
 Fourier series and transforms
 Introduction to SPICE simulations

Homework: 10%, Midterm exam: 35%, Final exam: 55%

Office Hours

Wed, 10:00-11:00, 66-124B (inside the locked grad area on the sixth floor of Eng. IV).

Teaching Assistants



 Network Analysis – Mac Van Valkenburg – UC reprint – 3rd Ed, 1974

 Engineering Circuit Analysis – William Hayt et al – McGraw-Hill – 9th Ed, 2018 (Optional)
 Basic Circuit Theory – Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. Kuh – McGraw-Hill – 1969 (Optional)

Other Information

All course material, posted on, is the property of University of California and
respective authors and you cannot share it outside of the class, online, or elsewhere.

Please be on time. We start at 8:00AM. Set cell phones to silent at all times in the class.

Homework sets may be posted online at any time. Please make sure to check bruinlearn regularly.
The solutions are posted immediately after the deadline is passed. No late homework accepted.

Any questions regarding this course should be posted on the bruinlearn forum. If you have specific
questions regarding your personal situation, send them to:

The midterm exam will be held in the class on Monday 5/1/2023 (First session of Week 5).

A SPICE demo will be given in the class with a quiz at the end. The quiz will count as one
homework set. The date will be announced soon.

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