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EEF 484: Electrical Power Systems Engineering II

Originally the Zbus was determined by inverting the Ybus. However it could be directly formulated
in a computer. This process is thus simpler than initiating a Ybus matrix.
Consider the equation for one bus connected through an impedance Za to the reference bus

V1 = I1Z2
Recall V1, I1 and Z2 all are matrices.
Now, A new bus could be added.
The new bus could be either be connected to the reference bus or
to the bus.
If second bus is connected to the reference bus through Zb, the
equation becomes
We proceed to modify all matric by adding either buses first.
Modification of an Existing Bus Impedance Matrix
Zbus is very important in power systems analysis as indicated befor. We examine how Zbus could
be modified, to add new buses or connect new lines to established buses.
Case 1: Adding Zb from a new bus to the reference bus
The addition of the bus P (Ip) connected to the refernce bus through Zb without connction
to any of the bused of the original network cannot alter the original bus voltages when a
current Ip is injected at the new buss
Vp = 0 x i1 +Oi2+---0in + ZbIp
NB. Colume matrix of current multiplied by the new Zbus will not alter the voltages of the
original network.
Case 2: adding Zb from a new bus P(node) to an existing bus K(node)
The addition of Zb from bus P(new bus) to an existing bus K with Ip injected at bus P has
the following consequences;
1. The current entering the original network at bus K will now be the sum of Ik which
is injected at Ik plus the current Ip coming through Zb as shown below.
a) The current Ip flowing into bus K will increase the original Vp by IpZKK = IpZkk
That said;
Vk(new) = Vk(original) + IpZkk
b) Since current is flowing from vp to Vk => Vp will be larger than the new Vk by the
voltage IpZp ( the potential gradient require)
Vp = Vk(original) +IpZkk + IpZp
Vp = I1Zk1 + I2Zk2 +---+InZkn + Ip(Zkk + Zb)
Thus, a new row to be added to Zoriginal in order to find Vp is
Zk1 Zk2 --- Zkn ( Zkk+Zb)
Recall: Zbus is symmetrical along the principal diagonal => A new column accounts for the
increase of all bus voltages due to Ip matrix becomes.
Case 3: Adding Zb from an existing bus K to the reference bus
Connecting an impedance Zb from an existing bus K to the reference bus. We add a new
bus p connected through Zb to bus K.
Then we short-circuit bus P to the reference bus by letting V equal to zero to yield same
equation as before. Onlly difference is Vp = 0
(as in case 2)
Because Vp = 0, we then eliminate the (n+1) column. This is possible because of zero (0) in
the column matrix of voltages (Vp = 0)
Thus ZK(new) = Zk(original) – Zn(n
Case 4: Adding Zb between two existing buses j and k
Examine the figure

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