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Step by Step How to Deploy RemoteApp in Windows

Server 2016

Blog By Sifad Hussain July 23,


What is RemoteApps?
Specify individual applications that are hosted/run on the virtualized machine but appear
as if they’re running on the user’s desktop like local applications. The apps have their
own taskbar entry and can be resized and moved across monitors. Ideal for deploying
and managing key applications in the secure, remote environment while allowing users
to work from and customize their own desktops.

RemoteApp programs are programs that are accessed remotely through a special type of
Remote Desktop Connection, and appear as if they are running on the end user’s local
computer. Instead of being presented to the user in the desktop of the server, as with a
traditional Remote Desktop Connection, the RemoteApp programs are integrated with
the client computer’s desktop, running in their own resizable window, with their own
entry in the taskbar. If the programs use notification area icons, the icons appear in the
client computer’s notification area. Any popup windows are redirected to the local
desktop, and local drives and printers can be redirected to appear within the RemoteApp
programs. Many users might not be aware that a RemoteApp program is any different
than a local program.

For this demo, Infrastructure Requirement:

1 Client PC running Windows 10 (CLIENT-10)

01 – open Server Manager Click Add roles and features.

02 – Click Next to proceed

03 – Choose Remote Desktop Services installation button and click next to proceed.

04 – on the Select deployment type box, click Quick Start (I choose this because I only
have One Server for RDS and Remote Apps)

05 – Next, on the Select deployment scenario box, choose Session-based desktop


06 – On the Select a Server box, verify your RDS server and the IP address (in my case,
my RDS server is /

07 – On the Confirm selections box, verify the roles to be installed and click Restart the
destination. box and then click Deploy.

08 – wait till the process completed. your server will restart after the RDS roles installed.

09 – once you log in to the server, on the Server Manager, click Remote Desktop
Services. and then click QuickSessionCollection to proceed with next configuration.

10 – On the RemoteApp Programs column, Click TASKS and click Publish RemoteApps

11 – Next, on the Select RemoteApps programs box, choose any software that you want
to publish to our users. for my case.. I going to use Server Manager to publish to
Administrator. so I Select Server Manager.

12 – Next, on the confirmation box, verify the program that you want to publish and
click Publish button then Close.

13 – Next, on the Windows 10. open Internet Explorer and type your full server link
such as in my case this is to log in to your RDWEB

14 – Next, click on the More information then Click on Go on to the webpage (not

15 – on the Work Resources page, enter your Domain user name & password.

16 – Finally, you should have your Server Manager on the RDWEB page. in my case, is
my Server Manager for Administrator Purpose only.

17 – to verify the functionality of the program, double click on the Server Manager and
click on the Connect button.

18 – And see on… my Server Manager is now open.

that’s all for now.., any Doubts type a commend..

Windows Server 2016


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