MB01 Junkers-Scratching The Surface v1

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Welcome to Scratching the Surface, the first adventure in the Junkers universe - an original,

deep space, future fantasy setting. The Junkers series has been written for the fantastic
Shadowdark RPG system, making use of much of the existing content (with a reskin where
appropriate) and creating some original creatures, equipment and weapons. Shadowdark is
an incredibly versatile, rules-light system that allows for fantastic games, and as you play
through Scratching the Surface, we encourage you to embrace the rules-light nature of the
system and have fun.

This adventure has been written to be fully compatible with the Shadowdark Quickstart
Rules, which you can download for free from the Arcane Library's website. We wanted this
first Junkers story to be as accessible as possible, but Scratching the Surface is a prologue for
a much bigger story and series of adventures following the discovery of the Husk ArkHive.
There is already much more to the setting and universe than you'll find in this adventure, so if
you like what you find here, please let us know. We hope that this will be the first of many
Junkers tales.
Scratching the Surface is an adventure
written for the Shadowdark RPG system.
All you will need to play are the Quickstart
Rules for Players and GMs. Some elements
□ r Terra and the Stars Beyond
within the Quickstart Rules have been
The player's home world, Terra, is a fantasy
reskinned to better suit the gritty, deep
reflection of our own world, one populated
space setting, but in most cases this is only
by humans and dwarves, elves and goblins
an aesthetic change-we haven't tried to
and other ancestries. Terra has now
re-invent the wheel. Full details of
advanced into the latter half of its third
reskinned items and any new items is
millennium, and magic and technology
provided in the appendices.
have flourished. Whilst not lost entirely,
the forests and wildernesses of old have
Whilst this adventure has been written 'for'
largely been overtaken by ever-growing
Shadowdark, it can alternatively be easily
cityscapes of stone and plastek. The largest
adapted to work with your preferred game
and most prominent of these urban
system and to suit your table.
sprawls is The Smoke', a continent-sized
city ruled over by the greedy Corporations
Using this !:locument
and home to more than a third of the
world's population.
Text formatted like this is intended to be
read aloud, or used as inspiration for your
The advent of space travel some three
own narration for your players.
hundred years ago created a new 'gold
rush' for resources across known space.
For us, one of the appeals of Shadowdark
Whilst many individuals set their sights on
is the important role that narrative and
the stars, travel beyond Terra takes
description plays - the GM describes a
resources denied to most. Therefore it was
location or scenario, and the players are
that the Corporations, already powerful
able to respond directly to that description
and wealthy, who each sought to be first to
without having to rely on predetermined
find fortune among the stars. So began a
abilities or skill checks. We've therefore
great conflict now known only as 'The
aimed to provide multiple pre-written
Collapse' - a corporate war on a scale not
narrative pieces which you can make use
seen since the Great Banana Bread War of
of, either by reading verbatim or using as
'53. Corporate piracy gave rise to literal
inspiration for your own words.
piracy, and in the aftermath of The
Collapse the dark skies beyond Terra were
Text formatted like this is additional
littered with the wrecks of hundreds of
information, advice or suggestions to help
crippled or broken ships.
you in running the adventure.
The years that followed gave rise to the
Junkers- crews of hardy souls who braved

0 Q -
the dangers of space, seeking to make a resulted in the loss of many a brave or
living salvaging corporate derelicts and foolish Junker crew.
selling their findings for profit. Towards
the middle of the third millennium, Whilst their ships have been drifting
however, the first non-Terran vessel was through the stars beyond Terra for a few
encountered. Though the 'Husk', as it centuries, no creatures of the Husk race
came to be known, was a broken derelict have been encountered... Until now. Your
containing no signs of life, it offered unfortunate players will have the dubious
technology and resources the likes of honour of being the first Terrans to
which had never been seen before. Soon encounter these strange creatures, known
after the first, more Husks were discovered as Xenos, but only time will tell if they will
drifting among the stars, sending the survive.
Corporations and even the Guilds of Terra
into a frenzy, each offering vast amounts of The party will only encounter two types of
Creds for any artifacts of 'XenoTech' that Xenos in Scratching the Surface, the
could be recovered. Harvester and the Swarm, but there are
many different types waiting to be
As one, the Junker crews that once fought discovered deeper within the vessel that
over the Corporation derelicts now set their will come to be known as the ArkHive.
sights on the strange alien ships that These will be revealed and detailed in
drifted among more distant stars, each future Junkers adventures.
seeking to be the first to find the XenoTech
haul that would set them up for life. The
majority of Junker crews are independent,
labelling themselves 'Indies', but in recent
years some have banded together into
fleets known as Gangs. But both Indies
Build your Ship
and Gangs will often affiliate themselves
The first thing your players must do is
with a Guild or Corporation back on Terra,
create and name their ship. A Junker
in a relationship that is often tense but can
crew's ship is many things - a base of
be extremely profitable for both sides.
operations, a means of travel to reach new
Husks and wrecks, a means of transporting
In Scratching the Surface, the players will
XenoTech and other loot back to Terra, but
become the motley crew of an lndie Junker
more than this it is their home out here in
the vast night of space.

The Husk Ships and Their Builders...

In the Junkers universe, ships are
The huge ship that the crew will
effectively an additional character, with a
investigate in Scratching the Surface is
class, set of stats and abilities that define
nothing like any of the previous Husks
what type of ship it is. Ship creation is very
encountered, though it does appear to be
similar to normal character creation, and
from the same builders. The ships and the
there are guidelines in Appendix C.
race which built them are entirely alien to
the inhabitants of Terra, their biology and
Once the crew has a ship, you're ready to
technology all but incomprehensible.
set the scene with some background to
the adventure.
Husk vessels appear to be partially organic
in design, as much built as grown, with a
Adventure BacKgr□und
structure and layout that follows alien
Scratching the Surface begins as the party
logic. Delving into a Husk vessel without
arrives at the site of their next delve into a
getting hopelessly lost is therefore a
Husk vessel, in hopes of finding a valuable
challenge in itself, and one that has
haul of XenoTech to sell to the greedy

-3- © Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

00 £....0000
Corporations back on Terra. You can use last comes the slow ascent of waking.
the text below to set the context for the Drifting up out of the induced torpor that
adventure, or use it as a starting point for cradled you as your ship flew far, far into
your own. the dark, you feel light beyond your eyelids
and hear the hiss and whir as the chamber
The last few months have been hard - your opens. Slowly you sit up, giving your mind
Creds are running low and your ship is in time to catch up with your body, and you
desperate need of an overhaul. However, look around at your crewmates. The fog of
just as things are growing truly desperate, long sleep is still on you, and it almost
you catch wind of an alien signal coming seems like you are seeing each of them for
from out in deep space. It's similar to the the first time...
signal from other Husk vessels, yet there is
something unique about it. Knowing that You can now invite each of your players to
while you won't be the only ship to pick up briefly introduce their character, describing
the signal, if you act fast you could be the their general appearance and any key
first to reach the source, you plot your things the rest of the party would know
course, prep the Sloth Chambers, and set about them.
out in search of valuable XenoTech. ..
Once each crewmember has introduced
With the scene now set, you are ready to themselves, you can draw their attention
begin Scratching the Surface! to the fifth and final Sloth Chamber, which
has remained closed ...

As you shake off the final dregs of the

Stupor, you become aware that your
number is too few. Dave Bishop, cheerful
ships technician and your final
crewmember, is not among you. You turn
The adventure begins as the party's ship to the fifth Sloth Chamber in the room,
has arrived at its destination and has which has remained closed and upon
started the process of reviving the crew. which the adorning crystal glows a deep
You can use the narration text below to red...
open your player's story and then invite
them to introduce and describe their When the chamber is opened, the crew is
characters to each other. met with a grisly sight.

Far beyond the skies of Terra, on the outer The air that hisses from the Sloth Chamber
rim of known space, a small ship comes to is thick with the smell of charred flesh and
stillness at the end of a long journey. old death. The body ofyour former
Within this weathered looking vessel, crewmate lies still, but the skin is
things begin to whir and hum as dormant blackened in places, the sleepsuit burned
systems come back to life. In a room in the away. These chambers are usually
heart of the ship a light flares, illuminating reliable, but travel beyond the stars is a
five cylinders formed of metal and glass - dangerous business, and sometimes
Sloth Chambers. Each one is big enough things go wrong...
for a fully grown humanoid to lie in, and
adorning each cylinder is a glowing crystal Any investigation by the players will reveal
which begins to shift colour, most the following information:
changing from a deep sapphire to • A corroded circuit caused a malfunction,
emerald. electrifying the interior and killing its
occupant instantly. Going by the state
Within your Sloth Chambers your sleep of decay, it must have happened early
has been dark, dreamless and long, but at on in your journey.
© Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

·-· •-·
• The circuit is easy enough to replace and alert will sound as the ship notifies them
should have been spotted in the pre- that there is another Terran vessel nearby...
sleep checks which were, somewhat
ironically, Dave's responsibility.
• There's no evidence of foul play-
equipment malfunction is an accepted
risk of space travel, and though perhaps
it seems mercenary, Dave has ultimately
paid the price for his own mistake.
Investigating the proximity alert reveals
If nothing else, splitting profit four ways is that there is another Junker ship in the
easier than five, at least, and only needing vicinity, hanging in the dark only half a
four chambers on the ride home will save a kilometre away.
bit of fuel as well...
Guided by the ships sensors you turn your
As you're acknowledging that, even if all vessel so that the pale Husk ship no longer
goes well with this job, you'll be flying fills your view. Soon enough you spot it -
home with a spare bed, a familiar chime another Junker drifts alongside the bone-
echoes through the ship - a proximity coloured ship, though this one is not like
alarm. You head to the bridge and take j your own vessel. It's half again as big with
patches of scarlet paint adorning the hull.
stock ofyour surroundings. .
In shape it is reminiscent of the head of a
As the crew arrive on the bridge, the target crocodile, with a jagged scarlet fin like a
of their next delve is impossible to miss. metal mohawk running down its back,
The Husk ship is far larger than any and on either side of the nose two large,
previously encountered, resembling a vicious looking plasma cannons sit.
moon or small planet rather than a vessel.
The ship's paint scheme is known to the
The ship you have come to explore almost whole crew, and this ship itself may even
fills your view. It is vast, at least a hundred be familiar to some. This is The
times larger than any Husk vessel you've Slaughterhouse - a known and often
previously encountered and dwarfing your feared Junker ship whose crew is affiliated
small Junker craft entirely. Similar to other to the Butcher's Guild. It seems that your
Husk ships, the hull is the grisly colour of player's are not the first to arrive at this
bleached bone and covered in strange strange new Husk ship. However, The
markings and protrusions which could as Slaughterhouse hangs in the darkness, not
easily be functional as ornamental. A a single light shining and no signs of life
short distance away you can make out a aboard. A scan will reveal that the ship is
dark hexagonal shape - some kind of indeed 'Cold' -though there is still
tunnel, perhaps... atmosphere the vessel is completely
,I powered down, including life support, and
As soon as the player's ship arrived here it appears to have been so for at least a week.
began scanning the Husk vessel and will This is odd; even if the entire crew had
provide the crew with the entryway it has descended into the Husk ship, they
discovered - not far from the ship's current wouldn't power down The Slaughterhouse
position a large hexagonal sinkhole can be entirely...
seen. It descends down into the enormous
ship, and scans also suggest that lower Now the players are faced with a choice.
elements of the shaft contain not only The entry into the vast alien vessel is clear
breathable atmosphere, but gravity as well. and open, but the cold Junker ship is an
oddity and might warrant investigation.
As the crew is digesting all of this
information, however, a second proximity
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If they choose to investigate The • There are some corpses aboard, charred,
Slaughterhouse, details of what they find burned and in the case of one
are below. If they choose to ignore the ship unfortunate goblin, decapitated, but
for now, preferring to enter the vast Husk recovering the crew roster reveals that
vessel that brought them here, you can three crewmembers are not aboard -
move on to Pa rt 3. they must be on the Hive.
• Crew Roster:
encounter /: Slaughterhouse b!::J Name... o King Carson (M)
It's easy enough for the party to bring their o Zophar Obrian (M)
ship alongside The Slaughterhouse and o Absalom Lawson (M)
dock with the larger Terran vessel. Once o Elder Simpson (M)
inside The Slaughterhouse, the crew will o Roman McGhee (M)
find most of the ship is burned out and the o Pleasant Langhorne (M)
crew are dead or missing. You can use the o Lucie Weddall (F)
narrative text below to describe what they o Henrietta Cheyne (F)
Having learned all they can aboard the
As the airlock hisses open your nostrils are aptly named Slaughterhouse, the crew
assaulted with the acrid stench of burned return to their own ship.
fabric and flesh. The interior of The
Slaughterhouse has been gutted by fire, What Really Happened
and metal panels on walls, floor and The events on board The Slaughterhouse
ceiling are charred and even melted in and the unknown fate of the remaining
places. More unnerving than the smell, crew offers plenty of opportunities to drive
though, is the silence. Even a stationery up the tension, as well as put possible time
ship is usually noisy, with the faint pressure on your players. In the following
vibration of the engines and the hum of air paragraphs you'll find an explanation of
circulation, the faint whir of computers what actually took place on board The
and the movements of crew. But not so Slaughterhouse and the fate of her crew,
aboard The Slaughterhouse. Here, dead but we leave it to you as the GM to
silence reigns ... ultimately choose how much information
your players are able to discover.
Whatever happened to ship and crew, it
seems clear no one is left alive to tell the Mutin for Profit...
tale... The Slaughterhouse is affiliated to the
Butcher's Guild back on Terra - the ship is
The ship is truly dead, but if your players essentially sponsored by the Guild, who
choose to investigate they may be able to provide useful leads to jobs and in return
glean the following: have first claim on any XenoTech or other
• The fire appears to have been started by loot the crew find. Whilst the majority of
someone on board, and spread in a the crew are typical spacers, the de facto
pattern that can only have been guided captain, King Carson, is actually an official
by intent. representative of the Guild. His presence
• Many of the ships control systems are on board helps keep the crew in line and
damaged beyond repair, seemingly working to the Butcher's interests.
because of the fires. The comms relay,
however, appears to have been Following the arrival at the ArkHive,
deliberately destroyed beforehand. however, scans revealed that alongside
• It does appear that a signal was sent out potential XenoTech to be found within, the
before the fire, and though the content very hull of the ship is made of an
is lost the recipient node relay seems to unknown and likely extremely valuable
be a Corporation node, rather than one alloy. Seeing the potential for an even
for the Butcher's Guild ... bigger payout, a couple of crewmembers
@ Matt
© • Beames
: .•• &:. Andy
• , Leach 2023

·-· ••• • . • •••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i

convinced the rest to go against the in most situations. If the crew wish to
Butcher's Guild and sell any loot to the engage them they can either attempt to
Corporations back on Terra. The rest of the fight with the ship {Ship Weapon stats can
crew agreed, and Carson tried to bring be found in Appendix C), or spacewalk and
them back in line. When words failed he face the creatures in combat on the hull. If
resorted to force, and in the ensuing battle they act fast, they may even be able to
most were killed by Carson and the ship move the ship to evade the flock, and avoid
was all but destroyed by fire. combat entirely.

In the chaos the ringleaders managed to Other Random Encounters

send a message to their Corporation As is to be expected, space travel and
contact and fled down to the Husk vessel, delving into the derelict craft of an
gambling on being able to find some unknown alien species is inherently risky.
salvage whilst they wait for a Corp ship to As you play through this adventure, you
pick them up. King Carson survived the should make use of random encounters in
chaos and followed them down, accordance with the Quickstart Rules (See
abandoning The Slaughterhouse to drift in Game Master's Quickstart Rules Pg. 74),
the darkness. but the threats encountered will partially
depend on whether the players are on
The Fate of the Survivors... board a ship or in space, etc. In Appendix
Once inside the huge alien ship, King E of this document you'll find a selection of
Carson managed to pick up the trail of the Random Encounter Tables which cater for
last of the mutineers. Tracking them different locations/scenarios.
through the alien ship he finally
confronted and killed them. With The
Slaughterhouse going cold, however, he is
now trapped on the alien vessel, relying on
his wits and skill to survive until some
method of escape presents itself. ..
With the dead Butcher's Guild ship ignored
or investigated, the players can turn their
attention to the strange Husk vessel which
looms large like a moon formed of pale
bone. The crew make themselves ready to
head down into the huge alien ship, in
search of precious XenoTech.
If the players are taking a long time to
decide what to do, their vessel may be At this point you can give your players a
noticed by a passing flock of Hull moment or two to establish what
Munchers, which will then attack. equipment they are taking with them.

As you're debating your next course of Your player's ship is their home and base,
action, an alarm sounds. Ships sensors and has its own storage capacity. Feel free
reveal a flock of Hull Munchers have to allow your players to have some
spotted your vessel and are closing on it. additional spare gear on board, or to adjust
You'll have to do something quick, or these their gear slots to leave some things
metal hungry monsters will eat through behind. The aim isn't to let them cheat the
the hull! gear slot rule, but to offer a little more
flexibility in their equipment planning.
Battle Tactics
You can find the stats for the Hull Muncher
in Appendix D. These creatures are not
very intelligent, guided by their stomachs
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Give a Little Luck to Your Players descent into the belly of the ship is not
There are some excellent additional or challenging, but should be unnerving. A
optional rules for Shadowdark, and one of short way into the sinkhole they encounter
our favourites are the 'Pulp' optional rules a layer of light or possibly luminescent
surrounding Luck. If you choose to use this vapour, the threshold of the ArkHive's
optional rule, now is the time to have your atmosphere and gravity. You can use the
players roll a d4 and see how much luck narrative text below to describe the
they can carry down into the darkness... descent and encounter with the barrier.

Once your players have established their As you pass the threshold, the only sounds
load out, they can leave their trusty ship are the hiss ofyour suit's air pump and the
and delve into the darkness of the vast pounding of your heart. There is always a
alien vessel ... rush of fear and adrenaline when entering
a Husk ship, being enfolded entirely by the
bone-coloured walls, but this entrance is
the strangest you have yet encountered.
About 50ft below you there is a pale blue
glow; a translucent wall stretching across
the space. Even as you draw close it is
difficult to say if this is a layer of light or
This part details the main series of some luminescent vapour, but it gives no
encounters in Scratching the Surface, as resistance as you pass through it. You feel
your players make their way down into the a lurching sense of vertigo as 'up' and
initial depths of the huge alien ship. If you 'down' assert themselves more strongly.
wish, you can use the following narrative to You quickly deduce that you have now
set the mood for this next stage of the passed into the gravity and atmospheric
adventure... field that your scans picked up earlier.

Surveying the vast Husk vessel, it's easy After another 30ft the sinkhole's walls
enough to find a clear patch of hull to set vanish as you emerge into what must be a
down on, and within minutes you feel the larger chamber, and moments later your
faint reverberation as your ship's landing feet touch solid ground. You have reached
claws touch and magnetically clamp on. the bottom of the shaft, but in the pitch
With your E-Vacc suits on, gear packed blackyou have no idea where you might
and safety checks finished, your motley be, or where you can go from here...
crew stands in the airlock as the door
panels hiss open. The pale, alien hull Now would be the time for your player's to
stretches out like a barren landscape, and roll initiative to establish their turn order, if
the strange sinkhole-like entrance lies they have not already done so. As they are
some thirty feet ahead. now standing in pitch dark, it would also
be advisable for them to light a flare baton,
You step out, mag-boots clamping to the again if they haven't already done so, and
hull beneath you, and move to the edge of look about them ...
the sinkhole. The black pit is
approximately 25ft across, and as you
attach your grapple lines to the side and
Your flare blazes painfully bright for a
moment, and then settles into a steady
lower yourselves down, you feel like the glow. You are standing in a broad
sinkhole is a gaping maw opening wide to chamber which appears to be a nexus of
swallow you... sorts, with six passageways leading away
either on a level or twisting up or
encounter e, !Jescent into !JarKness downward, but each filled with thick
Your players are a motley crew of darkness. The faded bone colour of the
experienced Junkers, so the rappelling walls continues here, and the light cast by
© Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

·-· •-·
your flare batons seems to be absorbed Reassured by both the presence of your
rather than reflected, turning white walls crewmates and the spluttering light of
into a sickly, washed-out parody of the your flare baton, you cautiously make your
flame's colour. way forward, delving deeper into the
mysterious alien ship...
There is no sense of recognisable
technology here, no cables or conduits - in encounter 3, Signs ar Life
similar fashion to other Husk ships, there is As the crew advances, they see something
something unnervingly organic about this in the passageway ahead. It is a flare
structure. At seemingly random intervals baton, similar to their own, and a dark
along the walls there are strange patch on the floor. These are traces of the
protrusions and ridges, as well as more missing crewmembers of The
regularly spaced shadowed recesses, each Slaughterhouse, and may shed further
just about large enough to crawl through. light on their fate. You can use the
following to describe what they discover.
Now the crew must decide which passage
they wish to try. They can explore the
chamber they are in as thoroughly as they
The dancing light ofyour flare baton
illuminates the strange passage as you
wish to help choose a path. move cautiously forward, various elements
After an exploration of the chamber the of the alien architecture casting jagged
crew may discover some or all of the shadows that ripple in the light. Ahead
following: something catches your eye; a dark patch
• Whilst they cannot see very far into the on the floor and something small lying
passages that lead out of this chamber, near to it... As you draw close you see that
of the six only two appear to descend the object is alien to its surroundings but
deeper into the interior. Of these, one familiar to you. It is a flare baton, almost
terminates in an apparently solid wall the twin ofyour own, but this one gives off
some fifty feet in, with no sign of door or no light.
mechanism. The second passage runs
downward and twists away out of sight. Examining the flare baton and the floor
• At various places on the wall there are nearby will reveal some or all of the
sequences of embossed symbols, all following:
vaguely hexagonal in shape. If any of • The flare baton's charge has been used
your crew has any lore or history of Husk and is now burnt out- it cannot be used
ships, they may know that these again by the crew.
symbols are believed to be the language • The end of the baton is bloodied; it may
of whoever built these ships. However, have been used as a weapon.
despite centuries of attempts, no • The dark patch on the ground is a
successful translation has been made. relatively large patch of blood.
• All Husk ships are warren-like, but the • The blood on both baton and the floor is
sheer size of this one suggests that dry, suggesting it is at least a few days
getting irrevocably lost is a very real risk. old.
There are no clear markings or features • Some spatters of blood lead towards one
on the walls, so finding their way back to of the oval recesses in the walls, and
this place could be a challenge if they do what appears to be a glove is just visible
not take care. inside...

Now that your crew has chosen a direction If the crew decide to investigate the recess
they can make their way deeper into the further, they will make a grisly discovery- a
ArkHive, to see what dangers and treasures humanoid body has been forced into the
await them. recess, perhaps to keep it out of sight.

-9- © Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

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You move closer, and in the shadows outward, beyond the reach ofyour light.
beyond the gloved hand you see an arm You stand in a large chamber, floorless but
encased by the sturdy materials of a for a 75 foot wide area around its edge. At
scarlet and grey E-Vacc suit. .. The arm the centre of this space the lights float,
belongs to a body, but it has been forced now much larger than only moments
into this too-small space with such ferocity before.
that it is difficult to tell much about it
without pulling it free ... The lights intensify and you begin to make
J out more features of this space. Each light
The body can be extricated from the recess sits atop a tall monolith, the trio arranged
and examined, revealing some or all of the equidistantly about a circular platform.
following: This platform floats within a complex,
• A metals plate on the breast of the spherical network of struts and walkways
suits reveals the wearer's first name - which connect the platform to the edges
Zophar. of the chamber. One such walkway lies
• If the players visited The before you, but though you try and follow
Slaughterhouse they will be able to it with your eyes, seeking a path to the
work out that this is one of the centre, you cannot get beyond a few
ringleaders of the mutiny. metres before the Escher-like twists and
• The body shows burns and obvious turns overwhelm you.
head trauma, but there are also vicious
wounds from what appears to have Your gaze is ever drawn back to the
been a bladed weapon. monoliths, however. Tall and three-sided,
• If you wish, you can roll on the Random they are covered in faintly glowing lines
Loot table in Appendix E to see what and markings. If anything on your delve so
gear or loot the players may find on the far has seemed like valuableXenoTech, it
corpse. is these curious monoliths. You feel sure
they warrant a closer look, if only you can
With no more to be learned from the body, navigate the baffling fractal spiderweb of
and no other side passages for the walkways to reach them ...
moment, the party can continue delving
deeper into the ship. You can choose to allow the crew to make
their way through the twisting maze of
Having gleaned all you can from the grisly paths without injury or have them make a
corpse, you return your focus to the check, but either way it will cost them time
passage which continues to twist and turn, to navigate their way to the central
carrying you ever deeper into the Husk monolith platform.
vessel... ---~-- --~-~---)
In a continuation of the baffling
encounter L/, The Monolith Chamber perspectives of this chamber, now that
Shortly after the crew leaves the dead they have arrived at the centre the
Junker behind, they will reach a much monoliths are nowhere near as large as
larger chamber containing strange alien they seemed previously. They actually
technology. A trio of monoliths stand on a stand at roughly two and a half feet tall
platform in the centre of a confusing maze and will be easy enough to transport,
of walkways. assuming they can be removed.

After a twisting and winding descent, the After a tortuous, mind-boggling few
only light coming from your rapidly minutes you are able to navigate your way
burning flare, at last you spy a faint to the centre of the fractal orb, stepping
glimmer ahead. Three points of light hang with relief onto the central platform. You
in the darkness, and then without warning note with surprise that the monoliths are
the walls and ceiling about you curve now much smaller than they appeared to

© Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

·-· •-·
be at a distance, standing under three feet With the creature defeated, the players can
high. But whether it was a trick of attempt to salvage one or more of the
perspective or some Husk technology at monoliths. To remove each monolith will
work matters not - the important thing is require a group effort. Ask your players
that, assuming you can remove them from what skills they will use to do so, and have
the floor, these strange items are just the them make an appropriate check. They
right size to carry... might try using brute Strength to pull the
monolith free, use tools and Dexterity to
encounter 5: R Bug Problem... find some leverage, or focus on Intelligence
As soon as the crew moves towards the or Wisdom to find a weak point. If at least
monoliths they will activate, and an alien, a 50% of the checks succeed, the crew frees
Xeno Harvester, will be transported to the a monolith. Each monolith will take up 2
centre of the platform to investigate and gear slots, and cannot be carried between
deal with the intruders. two people.

As you take a step forward, without As soon as one monolith is removed, a faint
warning the air about you pulses, growing tremor begins, felt through the floor and
momentarily thicker, more viscous... air. It does not carry an immediate sense of
Before you can wonder at it the lights atop danger, but it is very noticeable. As time
the monoliths flash and in the centre of passes, and with each monolith that is
the platform a shape forms, drawn first removed, the tremor increases. Once the
with light and then becoming horrifically players have salvaged as many monoliths
real. as they wish, the tremors grow even
stronger and retreat should seem like the
You gaze in horror at the tall, segmented wisest option.
body, like a stack of three tri-sided
pyramids. At the base six multi-jointed On the far side of the chamber from where
legs support the insectoid form, while from you came in, you hear a crack as one
the centre of each side of the central section of walkway snaps and falls silently
'torso' a Jong arm extends, ending in a into the darkness below. While you don't
jagged, curved claw. Each face of the top think this huge vessel is going to come
segment, which you assume must be the apart before your eyes, you have a definite
head, hosts a trio of eyes that glisten wetly. sense of having outstayed your welcome
It is unlike any creature you have ever for now... _ _ _J
seen, but any wonder is banished as the
creature emits a rattling screech and encounter 5 Pindin9 the Wa!::J BacK
lunges at you... Now with valuable XenoTech in their
hands, the crew can attempt to find their
Combat is the only option here-the way back to their ship.
baffling walkways off the platform make
flight impossible. If they proceed carefully, they will be able
to negotiate their way back across the
Battle Tactics web-like walkway without any additional
You can find the stats for the Xeno checks, but it will take time. If they wish to
Harvester in Appendix D. The Harvester is rush, the continual tremor that is shaking
intent on pacifying the intruders, but the walkways will make it risky. You may
rather than killing them outright it will wish to have your players propose a check
seek to sting them, and once paralysed will to see if they can make it without incident.
transport them deeper into the vessel. The
Xeno's language and sense of logic is With your precious XenoTech safely
entirely alien to the players, and any stowed, you make your way back through
attempts to communicate will fail. the fractal web maze to the edge of the
chamber. The tremor has set the

© Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

·-· •-·
walkways shaking and though you find Mysterious Monoliths & Troublesome
your way, you are forced to proceed at a Tremors - Additional Context for CMs
snail's pace. Finally back at the edge of The following information does not need to
the chamber, now all that is left is to find be shared with your players, but is
your way back to the sinkhole and your included to give you, the GM, more context
waiting ship, hopefully without attracting about this vast ship.
any further attention ...
The ArkHive - This vessel is the ArkHive - a
The players must now attempt to navigate colony ship of sorts, carrying the majority
their way back through the twisting population of the Xeno race in suspended
tunnels and passages of the ArkHive. The animation deep within the vessel. As the
tremor continues to increase slowly, players and the other Junker crew enter
constant and ominous but not dangerous... the ship a few of these Xenos are woken.
yet. The players must decide whether they As well as it's Xeno passengers, the
will make the journey with speed or ArkHive also carries specimens of other
stealth. creatures from across the universe, some
of which are now the last of their kind. The
The crew can make their way back upward area your players are exploring is only the
through the passages, but things have surface layer of the ship - now that the
woken in the depths of this huge ship and ArkHive has been discovered, more
other Xenos have been dispatched to seek Junkers may return to delve deeper in the
them. How far they are able to travel future.
before the next encounter occurs will
depend on whether they chose to move The Monoliths - The monolith platform the
with speed or stealth: players discovered is actually a teleporter
• If they are moving speedily-The crew which provides access to other parts of the
will only get a few hundred feet from the vast ship. The player's approach triggers
monolith chamber before the next an alarm, and a Harvester is sent from
encounter is triggered. deep within the ship to investigate.
• If they are moving stealthily- Moving Salvaging the monoliths will destroy this
cautiously will allow them to reach the transporter, but because the Husk
part of the passage where they found language and technology is
the dead Junker before the next incomprehensible, the players would not
encounter is triggered. have been able to use it. The monoliths
are valuable XenoTech, however, and after
As the crew moves through the bone- study may allow future expeditions to
coloured hallways, they pass a little too make use of similar teleporters.
close to one of the oval recesses that dot
the walls. The Tremors - The ArkHive is actually a
partly organic vessel, and has a symbiotic
You move through the Husk ship, relationship with the matriarch of the
conscious that time is ticking and you Xeno race, a creature akin to a queen in
need to reach the safety of your ship and an insect hive (though the similarity is only
secure your haul. As you move away from surface level). The matriarch is voluntarily
the monolith chamber you catch faint linked with the ship and serves as its brain,
scuffling and scrabbling from within the able to control the various systems and
walls... You glimpse movement around even feel damage to the ship. The tremors
you, but each time you look there is only that begin as the players remove the
shadow. Then as one of your number monoliths are the ship/matriarch's
strays close to one of the shadowed ova/ reaction, and may only be a precursor of
recesses, a jagged, insectoid and all too more serious things to come as more of
familiar limb stabs outwards... the ArkHive begins to wake ...

© Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

·-· •-·
Encounter '7, Chased b!:J the Swarm • Fire may also be a useful deterrent, but if
The attacking creatures are similar to the the walls or floor are set ablaze the
Harvester previously encountered, with the tremor will increase in reaction.
same long hooked arms, but smaller. What
they lack in size, however, they make up for After a tense chase the party emerges into
in sheer numbers. the nexus chamber into which they had
first descended, finding to their surprise
The jagged arm retracts as an insectoid that someone is waiting for them ...
begins to emerge from the darkness with
a rattling hiss. It is similar to but smaller The skittering of the Xeno Swarm still
than the thing you fought on the monolith follows you, but as one the creatures
platform. More rattling hisses emanate retreat into the walls, perhaps the better
from the other recesses along the wall, to overtake you. Suddenly you burst into
and you quickly gather that this one is not the familiar chamber which stands at the
alone... base of the sinkhole, and stop short.
Before you is the blazing orange light of a
Battle Tactics flare baton, held aloft by a powerfully built
You can find the stats for the Xeno Swarm ore wearing a scarlet and grey E-Vacc
in Appendix D. If the Xeno Swarm creature suit.... j
managed to go unnoticed before it made
its attack, it will get a surprise round in the Encounter B, Rn Unexpected Survivor
following combat (Refer to Player The figure is King Carson, the Butcher's
Quickstart Rules Pg. 49 - Surprise). Similar Guild rep and final surviving member The
to the Harvester, the Swarm creatures aim Slaughterhouse's crew. He has been
to paralyse their targets and drag them waiting for the party to return, and his
into the recesses, which actually lead to a ultimate goal is to secure a way onto their
network of tunnels within the walls. Once ship.
again, communication with these aliens is
impossible. Even if the player's manage to Conscious of the faint tremor, still
defeat or drive back the initial attack, it noticeable even this far from the monolith
should be clear that the odds are chamber, and the slowly building rattle of
overwhelming. Their best option is to flee, the Swarm creatures in the walls, you
delaying the Xeno Swarm if they can. warily approach the flare-wielding figure,
These aliens are sensitive to light, and will who turns to you.
retreat from the player's flare batons.
"So that be your ship up there then? Looks
Once the first Xeno Swarm creature is like you're as keen to get off this foul wreck
defeated the others will hesitate to attack, as I am... "
but it should be clear that the Xeno Swarm
will keep coming, and flight is the best You can use the King Carson attitude table
option. The players can try to delay the to randomise the ore's opening position,
Swarm with Gear or clever tactics, making and let the players define what happens
any appropriate rolls to do so. through their actions or roleplay- be
prepared for anything from bargaining or
This section is intended to be tense but intimidation, to shooting first and asking
entertaining, so trust your GM's instinct questions later...
and encourage your players to be creative.
Some things your players might try are: If they wish to bargain, they do have a
• Tossing Shrapnel Sharps into the spare Sloth Chamber aboard their ship. In
recesses will slow the Xenos as they try conversation King can share more of what
to emerge. happened on board The Slaughterhouse,
• Using light, either by practical or arcane as well as the fact that even the materials
means, can slow the Xeno Swarm down. of the hull of this strange ship are valuable.

© Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

·-· •-·
If things should come to blows, full stats for
King Carson can be found in Appendix D,
along with details of any equipment he
may offer or the party can loot. There
should be some urgency to this encounter With your player's safe aboard their ship,
as the Swarm is noticeably gathering for this adventure is finished. You can use the
another attack. following text to help close the adventure,
or as a starting point for your own words.
King Carson's Reaction to the
Characters. Once you stow your precious cargo, your
Carson is a survivor; he has faced mutiny small crew gathers on the bridge to take a
from the other crew of The last look at the enormous vessel. While
Slaughterhouse, has endured the ArkHive you were delving your ship was making
alone for a week and now is keen to more detailed scans, and it appears that
escape. His tale will be told in a the region you were exploring is part of an
Shadowdark solo adventure. But for now, outer layer. The vessel has a secondary
he just wants to get off this ship. hull through which your sensors cannot
penetrate, and more than this, the hull
Use the reaction check table below to see itself is made of a strange new alloy which
how he initially acts towards the is likely valuable in itself. You notice at
characters: least three other sinkholes on the outer
hull, and as you pass aft you see a huge
2d6+CHAmod Attitude
tear in the skin of the ship. With the alien
0-6 Aggressive
design it is unclear whether this jagged
7-8 Mistrustful
rent is intentional or the result of
9 Impartial
catastrophe, but you catch glimpses of
70-77 Inquisitive
strange technology deep within. It is clear
72+ Pleasant
that your delve, as dangerous as it was,
has barely scratched the surface - this ship
7 dan 't Knaw about !:JDU/ but / 've had
has many more secrets to offer those
mare than enough af this weird alien
deathtrap " - King C:arsan brave enough to venture within ...

As you plot your route home, you send a

Once Carson is befriended or defeated, the message to your contacts on Terra, letting
players can ascend their ropes to their ship. them know you have something very
If the encounter takes too long the Swarm interesting to sell. You know that other
may attack again, and it may be a Junker crews are inbound, but while you
desperate and cinematic flight upward. won't be the only crew to profit, you will be
the first. With the promise of more and
The crew finally escapes the darkness of rarer XenoTech deep within and the
the Husk vessel and reaches safety. strange materials that might be harvested
from the very hull, you feel sure that many
You set the grapple lines to maximum Terrans will be drawn here in the future.
speed, gliding upward out of the darkness Who knows, if the price is right, maybe
of the alien ship. The layer of blue light you'll come back out here yourselves.
washes over you again and weightlessness
returns, and minutes later you are within You conduct your pre-flight and pre-sleep
the comforting familiarity of your own checks, and as your small ship leaves the
ship. As the airlock closes and fills with vast Husk vessel far behind, you drift down
breathable atmosphere, you each breathe into the Stupor to sleep your way home... I
a sigh of relief. Safe.

-14- © Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

0 Q
With your player's return to Terra, news of In response to reports of its size and the
the vast alien ship spreads fast. They gain party's encounters with the strange alien
payment for the salvaged XenoTech and inhabitants, the huge vessel gains the label
significant recognition for being the first to 'The ArkHive'. Soon every Corporation and
find and survive the strange new ship. Guild is sending any Junkers on their
payroll to it, with orders to delve deeper
A Note on Levelling Up and find more answers and, more
Scratching the Surface has been designed importantly, more XenoTech. Rest assured,
to give you and your players a taster of the there is plenty more to find.
Junkers universe. Whilst your players
haven't strictly gained enough loot or
experience to advance a level, we leave it But r□r n□w,
to you as the GM to decide whether to this adventure is d□ne!
reward your players with a level up.
This Appendix is intended as a helpful, one-page 'cheat sheet' listing the adventure story

• Part 0: Before you begin

o Build Player Ship and give background -A strange new Husk signal has been
discovered, and your players are heading to the source to investigate.
• Part 1: Arrival and Introductions
o Ship arrives and wakes up the crew- Players introduce their characters.
o Lost in Transit -Technician Dave Bishop has died of sloth chamber malfunction en
route, leaving a space bed on the trip home.
o They have arrived at a huge Husk ship, larger than anything seen before, but an alert
warns them they aren't alone...
• Part 2: You are not Alone
o Another Junker ship drifts in space nearby- The Slaughterhouse, linked to the
Butchers Guild, is dead in space, cold. Players can investigate or avoid (skip to Part 3).
o Encounter 7: Slaughterhouse by Name ... - The Slaughterhouse is cold, mostly burned
out and useless. Three crew are dead on board and other three missing, presumably
on the Husk ship.
• Optional Encounter: Hungry Hull Munchers
o If crew taking too long, a flock of Hull Munchers will attack the ship. Can be fought
via ship or EVA, or potentially avoided entirely.
• Part 3: Suit Up
o Players prepare to enter the huge Husk vessel, preparing their gear.
• Part 4: Delving into the Husk
o Encounter 2: Descent into Darkness - Party enter via the sinkhole, and begin to
investigate the huge ship.
o Encounter 3: Signs of Life - Crew discovers traces of the remaining crew of The
Slaughterhouse - a bloodied flare and a dead body.
o Encounter 4: The Monolith Chamber - A spherical maze of walkways surrounding a
trio of XenoTech monoliths.
o Encounter 5: A Bug Problem ... -A Xeno Harvester appears in their midst and attacks.
Once the Harvester is defeated, the crew can attempt to salvage the monoliths.
o Encounter 6: Finding the Way Back- With XenoTech acquired, the crew must find
their way back off the platform to head back to their ship.
o Encounter 7: Chased by the Swarm - The ArkHive is beginning to wake, and the Xeno
Swarm attacks and then chases the players through the ship.
o Encounter 8: An Unexpected Survivor - Arriving back at their entry chamber, the crew
finds King Carson, last survivor of The Slaughterhouse, waiting for them.
• Part S: Conclusion
o The crew reaches the safety of their ship, stows their loot and prepares for the return
to Terra.

.. _ _ .. -16-

.. _ .. © Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

Loot, Gear and Weapon ResKins physical token made of PlasTek and split
As Scratching the Surface and other into denominations similar to the old metal
Junkers adventures take place in a more coins.
futuristic fantasy setting than the core Use the table below to easily draw
rules, some of the more typical gear and equivalents between the old system and
weaponry may need to be reskinned to the new.
better fit the setting. You are welcome to Quickstart Rules Junkers
do this yourself to whatever extent you l cp l Cred
wish, but we have also included here a list l sp 10 Creds
of weapons and gear that you and your lgp 100 Creds
players can use. You will recognise many
of them as equivalents to those in the XenoTech - The most valuable
Quickstart Rules, and you can refer to the resource in the universe ...
official document for the stats. The main type of loot Junkers search for on
each delve into a derelict ship is Xenotech,
Also as a result of the futuristic, deep space which takes the place of Gems in the
setting, we have created some additional Quickstart Rules.
unique weapons and items of gear for this
adventure. Details of these new items can The strange alien technology found in the
be found at the end of this Appendix. derelict Husk vessels is useless in its raw
form, but is incredibly valuable - both the
Creds - Universal Currency Guilds and the Corporations will pay highly
Following the flourishing of the for anything a crew might find. Once
Corporations the noble coin was replaced analysed by arcanists and scientists back
by the digital Credit, but during the on Terra, however, many items can be
Collapse, all digital currency was lost. For reverse-engineered to create new tools,
convenience, and to avoid the potential weapons and equipment which may
risk of another such loss of profits, the become available to your players in the
Corporations instigated the Cred - a future.

-17- © Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

Weapon Details
Pistol Standard issue plasma pistol, uses Slugs as ammunition. Can be wielded in
one hand {lH), but all other stats and cost are equivalent to a Shortbow.
Rifle Standard issue plasma rifle, uses Slugs as ammunition. Two-handed use
only. Stats and cost equivalent to a Longbow.
Shotgun Standard shotgun, uses Buckshot ammunition. Two-handed use only.
Stats and cost equivalent to a Crossbow.

All of the weapons listed in the Quickstart Rules can also be used with their existing stats, but
you and your players should feel free to give them a sci-fi aesthetic twist to suit both
character and setting. A mace can easily become a heavy wrench, a shield be constructed of
PlasTek or from the chitinous shell of an alien - have fun with it!

Cear Details
Slugs Ammunition for the pistol and rifle. Stats and cost equivalent to Arrows.
Scavpack Holds all your gear. Don't lose it. Stats and cost equivalent to Backpack.
Shrapnel Small,jagged fragments of shrapnel designed to slow enemies down.
Sharps Stats and cost equivalent to Caltrops.
Buckshot Ammunition for Shotguns. Stats and cost equivalent to Crossbow Bolts.
Door Jack Useful for opening stuck objects like crates or doors. Stats and cost
equivalent to Crowbar.
Jerrycan or Metal containers that hold one draught of liquid. Stats and cost equivalent
canister to Flask or Bottle.
Firestarter A lighter which makes all attempt to start a fire successful. Stats and cost
equivalent to Flint and Steel.
Xenotech Alien salvage comes in numerous varieties and is very valuable. Equivalent
to Gems in the Quickstart Rules.
Grapnel A metal anchor with three, curved tines, most often attached to strong
cable and a launching gun. Stats and cost equivalent to Grappling Hook.
Magnetic Each has a hole for threading rope. Automatically attach to metal surfaces.
Clamp Jagged edges allow them to be hammered in with weapons to other
surfaces. Stats and cost equivalent to Iron Spikes.
Flash light Casts light up to a double near distance (see Guickstart Rules - Light, pg.
46). Requires batteries to run. Has a lens cap to hide the light. Stats and
cost equivalent to a Lantern.
Mirror A highly polished mirror, useful for reflecting light or peeking round
Synth-Diesel Can be used to power diesel tech. Can also be thrown over an area and
ignited. Stats and cost equivalent to an Oil Flask.
Boarding Rod PlasTek 10' long rod. Stats and cost equivalent to Pole.
Mush One day's supply of food and water for one person. Stats and cost
equivalent to Rations.
Rope Formed from woven strands of PlasTek, 60' long. Stats and cost equivalent
to Rope.
Flare baton Sheds light to a near distance (see Guickstart Rules - Light Sources, pg. 46).
Burns for one hour of real time. Stats and cost equivalent to a Torch.

-18- © Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

New Gear
Gear Details Cost No. per
Gear Slot
Batteries (to Powers a flashlight for one hour of real time. Stats SO Creds l
power and cost equivalent to an Oil Flask.
flash lights)
E-Vacc suits Standard Junker kit, essential wear for delving into N/A Free to
a Terran wreck or Husk ship. Each player has one carry
as standard, so no cost or gear requirements for
these, but the life support functions require oxygen
cylinders which you will need to purchase.
Oxygen Life support for one hour of real time in hazardous SO Creds First free,
Cylinder enviros. SO Creds (Ssp). First cylinder no gear then l per
requirement (attaches to E-Vacc Suit) additional slot
cylinder takes l gear slot.
E-Vacc Suit Your E-Vacc suits can be armoured using various Refer to Refer to
Armor plates or layers of PlasTek. Use the same cost and Quickstart Quickstart
Plating resulting stats as armour in the Quickstart Rules. Rules Rules

New Weap□n
Weapon Cost Type Range Damage Gear Slots Properties
Chainsword 1200 Creds Melee Close ldl2 2 2 Handed

Can be empowered in melee - Use one Jerrycan of Synth-Diesel to empower it for 3 rounds.
At the start of your turn, roll a d6 to empower the chainsword -1 is a fail, 2-6 is a success.
When empowered it can be wielded one handed and does ld4 extra damage. It takes an
action to refill it with Synth-Diesel.

-19- © Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

Appendix C: Ship Creati□ n and JunKer Ship Class
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I • • v'•' fl, / e' • • e • • e e e • • • • e • e • • • e e e • • e ~ • .,. , 9 "•' • • e • e • e e • • e • • !

In the Junkers series of adventures, the party's ship is effectively an additional character, with
a class, set of stats and abilities that define what type of ship it is. In Scratching the Surface
you will only have access to the Junker Class vessel, but future Junkers content will feature
an expanded set of rules for ship creation, as well as multiple ship classes and abilities.

Ship creation is very similar to normal character creation, with ships having a class, unique
talents and abilities, and levelling up as the players do. To create a ship, roll for your ship's six
base stats, and then roll for your ship's talent and make any adjustments as needed.

JunKer Class
Small to medium-sized vessel, typically used by Junkers or spacers with similar needs.
Though it is equipped with some weaponry, the Junker's main purpose is transport of crew
and cargo across long distances.

Hit Points: ld4 per level Class/Ship Abilities

Weapons: Drill, Proximity Mines Hauler. Add your Constitution modifier, if
Armor: Counter Measures positive, to your gear slots.
Crew Capacity: 5 Sloth Cubes Small Fry. 3/day, you can make a DC 9 CHA
Cargo hold: 10 gear slots-Can be used to check to be ignored by sentient space
hold additional ship/crew equipment or fairing threats.
salvaged XenoTech Calibrated For Junk. Whenever you make a
scanning roll to find a derelict ship you do
so with advantage.

JunKer Class Ship Talents

2d6 Effect
2 Gain an additional gear slot
3-6 You gain +l to melee weapon damage
7-9 +2 to WIS or CHA stat
10-11 Gain an additional use of your Small Fry talent each day
12 Choose one option or +2 points to distribute to stats

Weapon Cost Type Range Damage Properties

Drill 5 Creds M C ld4 -
Proximity Mines 50 Creds R N ld6 Th

Item Cost Cear Slots AC Properties
Counter Measures 1000 Creds l 11 + DEX mod

-20- © Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

The Xen□s □ ther Rlien Creatures
The huge Husk vessel the players will The stars and the night between are home
explore in Scratching the Surface is home to a plethora of strange and deadly
to a previously unknown alien race, the creatures, some of which are similar to
Xenos. those found on Terra and some of which
are vastly different.
While wholly alien, Xenos are vaguely
insectoid in design, with most aspects of Hull Munchers
their anatomy occurring in threes. Their Terran scientists have speculated that
chitinous bodies have three sections, with these creatures may be loosely related to
multiple legs, three jagged arms boasting the Rust Monsters found on Terra, though
poisonous wrist spurs and a trio of adapted to the vacuum usually found on
compound eyes on each side of their asteroids. Consuming metal, they pose a
pyramidal head giving them 360° vision. clear and present threat to spaceships.

The party will only encounter two types of AC 13, HP 19, ATK 2 claw +3 {ld6), MV near
Xeno in this adventure, but there are many (climb), S +2, D +3, C +1, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL
other types waiting to be discovered in N,LV4
future Junkers adventures. Corrosive. Metal that touches the hull
muncher is destroyed on a d6 roll of 1-3
Xeno Harvester
A tall insect-like, multi-legged creature JunKers
with a body of three tetrahedronal It's not uncommon to meet other spacers
segments. Three long stabbing arms out amongst the stars, whether they are
deliver a paralyzing toxin and eyes on all fellow Junkers, Corporation reps,
three sides of its head give it 360° vision. merchants or even settlers.
AC 12, HP 18, ATK l wrist spur +3 {ld4 +
King Carson
toxin), MV near, S +2, D +2, C +0, 1-3, W +l,
Ch -3, AL N, LV2 A strong-willed and experience Junker,
Toxin. DC 12 CON or paralyzed ld4 rounds. ready to do whatever is necessary to
survive. Gruff and matter of fact, imposing
Xeno Swarm figure who won't back down in a fight.

A smaller insect-like, multi-legged creature

AC 15 (Reinforced E-Vacc Suit with
with a body of three tetrahedronal
PlasTeck plates), HP 12, ATK l Chainsword
segments. Three long stabbing arms
+3 {ldl2), MV near, S +2, D +0, C +0, I -1, W
deliver a paralyzing toxin and eyes on all
+0, Ch -1, AL C, LV 2
three sides of its head give it 360° vision.
Rage. 1/day, immune to morale checks,
+ld4 damage (3 rounds).
AC 12, HP 4, ATK l wrist spur +3 {l + toxin),
MV near, S +2, D +2, C +0, 1-3, W +l, Ch -3,
Toxin. DC 12 CON or paralyzed ld4 rounds.

-21- © Matt Beames & Andy Leach 2023

Here you will find random tables you can use whilst running this adventure, collated to fit
well with the plotted events and encounters in Scratching the Surface. Future Junkers
adventures will include additional and expanded random tables.

JunKer Gear and L □□t

Equipment and loot that the crew may find on the remains of any other Terrans they may
d12 Cear/Loot
l Pouch containing 10 Creds
2 l canister of Synth-Diesel
3 l Flare Baton
4 l bag of Shrapnel Sharps
5 5 PlasTek crossbow bolts
6 Pouch containing 100 Creds
7 2 portions of Mush
8 3 Slugs for a pistol or rifle
9 l Torch (with one full battery)
10 A dagger
11 2 flare batons
12 A fragment of unique hull material from the ArkHive (counts as l piece of Xenotech)

Terran Ship Enc□unters

Events that may occur whilst the crew is aboard their own or another Terran vessel.
d12 Event Type Event Description
l Engineering Lights Out-A malfunction in the lights plunges you into darkness
until fixed
2 Creature Crawling Vermin -You discover an infestation of Terran vermin
Feature aboard which you must deal with - Giant Rats (use Quickstart Rules
3 Sensors Drifting Wreckage- Fragments and flotsam drift nearby, the
remnants of a destroyed vessel
4 Navigation Gas Cloud -A drifting, nebulous cloud of unknown matter is moving
towards your vessel
5 Creature Hungry for Metal-A flock of Hull Munchers see your ship as a
Feature tempting feast (refer to Appendix D for stats)
6 Engineering Hull Damage-A minor explosion on the outer hull reverberates
through the ship
7 Navigation Gravity We/I-Alarms blare as your ship is dragged towards a fixed
point in space
8 Engineering Fire Hazard-A minor explosion in a system conduit ignites a
potentially disastrous fire
9 Creature Spacebound Monster-A Star Aboleth takes exception to your ship's
Feature presence in it's territory (use Quickstart Rules Aboleth stats)
10 Engineering Gravity Issues-The artificial gravity system malfunctions, sending
crew and equipment floating weightlessly until fixed
11 Sensors Impending Impact-An asteroid half the size of your ship is on a
direct collision course
12 Creature Flying Vermin - You discover an infestation of Terran vermin aboard
Feature which you must deal with -Stingbat (use Quickstart Rules stats)

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Space-ll\lalK Encounters
Events that may occur whilst the crew is space-walking or on the hull of a Terran or alien
d12 Event Description
l Ball Lightning -A drifting orb of electricity is drawn toward you, causing ld4 damage
if not avoided
2 Short of Breath -A malfunction in your E-Vacc suit cuts off your airflow
3 Drifting Wreckage- You spy some flotsam from another vessel drifting nearby
4 Gas Cloud-A strange cloud of vapour envelops you for a moment
5 Hull Munchers -A pair of the metal devouring creatures glide out of the darkness
{refer to Appendix D for stats)
6 Minor Explosion -A nearby hull panel bursts outwards, sending fragments of debris
7 Collision Course -A small asteroid is on a direct course for you, and will cause serious
damage if not avoided
8 Star Aboleth-This strange spacefaring beast spots you from afar and glides towards
you {use Quickstart Rules Aboleth stats)
9 Magnet Malfunction - The magnetic boots of your E-Vacc suit malfunction, unable to
lock you to a ship's hull
10 Gravity Well-A sudden swirling in the fabric of space draws you towards it
11 Meteoroid Mishap -A cluster of tiny meteoroids is coursing through the area, a
potential risk to suit or even ship
12 Star Flare-A distant star flares brightly, blinding all who see it for ld4 crawling

HusK Vessel Encounters

Events that may occur as the crew is delving into the innards of the Husk vessel.
d12 Event Description
l Gas Venting -Toxic gas fills the immediate area, causing ld4 damage if inhaled
2 Unhelpful Hand-You find the grey and scarlet glove of an E-Vacc suit, but no signs of
the former wearer
3 Gravity Shift-Artificial gravity suddenly reverses, and the floor becomes the ceiling
for ld4 crawling rounds
4 Strange Scents- Suddenly the sharp smell of ozone fills the corridor
5 Electrified Floor-The patch of floor directly ahead is electrified, causing ld4 damage
if not avoided
6 Smokescreen -A constant flow of glowing vapour falls in a broad sheet ahead -you
will have to pass through to progress
7 Worry in the Walls - There is a sudden cacophony of skittering movement in the walls
to either side of you, which rushes away ahead of you
8 Dead and Dried-You come across the desiccated corpse of a Hull Muncher, long
9 Liquid Floors-The floor in this area is like quicksand, impeding movement and
dragging a still body downward
10 Bridge over Blackness -A deep, seemingly bottomless pit fills most of the floor ahead,
bridged by a foot-wide span of strange metal
11 Sharp Incline - The corridor dips down suddenly, and you must be careful not to lose
your footing
12 Unavoidable Dread-You are suddenly overwhelmed with fear at the totally alien
nature of your surroundings

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