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Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

This product is designed to be used with the Cepheus Engine and

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Cepheus Engine and Samardan Press
are the trademarks of
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The author of this work is not affiliated with
Jason "Flynn" Kemp or Samardan press.

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

Precinct 12
“Shit.” The Sergeant's shoulders collapsed on seeing the
body in a pool of its own blood. He looked up at officer
Martench. “You shot him?”
“Yes Sarg. The damn monster smashed one car out of
the air and hit two ground cars before crashing himself.
Then he came for me; self defence.”
Monster? The sergeant glanced back at the body of the
dog-like biped on the floor. “Shut your mouth Martench I
don't want to hear that kind of language. Damnit, the
press are going to be all over this.” He tapped his com'.
“Central, get the Commissioner on the line, tell him the
ambassador from Tuelix has been killed.”

Introduction to the Precinct

Precinct 12 is not set on any particular world, and not in
any particular sub sector. Its location is anonymous you can
slip it in anywhere in your universe as long as the world's
UPP matches the tech-level and population requirements or
is close enough to be massaged to fit. This document
presents the area of "Precinct 12" as an adventure location
in which you can run around with your PCs, or as the basis
of a Star Cops campaign. Instructions for creating Star Cop
PCs are provided, but its not assumed you will be playing
The precinct is the domain of a special unit of the world's
police force. This special unit is officially called "Stella
Security Patrol" (SSP) or more often by the locals simply
"Star Cops". The police precinct is a special place. Its home
to the one official star-port on the planet and is therefore a
major hub of interstellar travel and commerce. The bounds
of the precinct cover the star port including its high-port
station overhead, and all of the supporting infrastructure.
This infrastructure covers a massive sprawling city of

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

workers, shipyards both stella and naval, train-hubs, road
networks, all of the housing, entertainment, and commercial
The SSP have their lives complicated by a number of other
agencies, and have to walk a tight line of inter-agency
jurisdiction. The Precinct is home to the Ambassadorial
homes of many other worlds who each have their own
networks of intelligence operatives. The Mayor's office
officials are always looking to manoeuvrer the SSP into
supporting their political aims. His Most Honourable Person,
the Emperor of the world has been known to send VIPs into
the precinct in order to rattle cages and smooth legal issues
on a number of occasions. Of course the Galactic Empire
has political officials overseeing the work of the World
Government and this sometimes draws in the members of
the Galactic star fleet (Navy) to interfere in police matters.
The Customs branch of the government has its fingers in all
trade and its officials are rarely out of sight.

Starport: A collective term referring to both highport and
Highport: The orbital space station in geo-stationary orbit
above the downport.
Downport: The ground based portion of the starport,
where ships and shuttles can land, load, unload, and be
Startown: (Proper Noun) The name of the small city that
has grown up around the downport.

Introducing the Stella Security Patrol

The Stella Security Patrol are specially trained for the role,
and although it might be exaggerating a little to call them

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

"elite" they are competent in the extended policing role they
have in this special precinct. They are trained not only in
standard police crime procedures but in handling the special
situations involving off-worlders and aliens. They understand
that sophonts arriving in precinct 12 bring with them
ignorance of local custom and often ignorance of humans.
And people who think in new ways also bring with them new
ways of committing crime.

Structure of the SSP

The SSP is fronted and led by the “Crime Commissioner”,
this role is the “face” of the force and answers directly to the
politicians. Each precinct has the equivalent role and
together they maintain law and order across the world.
The Chief Executive Director is in charge of the day to day
running of the precinct and reports to the Crime
Commissioner. The role oversees the major branches of
• Criminal Investigation
• Financial Investigation
• Offworld Investigation
Each branch has its own Director and then a series of
ranked officers in a tree structure from: Chief
Superintendent > Superintendent > Chief Inspector >
Inspector > Sergeant > Officer.
Criminal Investigation: Covers all crimes and usually
starts investigations at crime scenes and may hand the case
off to the other branches as appropriate. Normal cases
include, murder, robbery, trafficking, burglary, abuse, etc.
Financial Investigation: Covers financial matters such
as criminal or fraudulent financial transactions including
money-market crime, laundering, tax avoidance etc.

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

Offworld Investigation: This branch handles crimes
involving off-worlders and resident alien sophonts. The
criminal activities this branch handles include financial and
criminal, and employees from the other branches will be
seconded to Offworld cases as the need arises.

NPCs of the SSP

Crime Commissioner Kyland Standoor 4A57A7A
Kyland was born into a titled family, cruised through the
best of schools, and entered politics early. At the unthinkable
age of forty five his contacts hustled him into the role of
Crime Commissioner. He's been in office for twenty years,
and is generally respected by the populous. Always calm,
stern, and confident he is honest and just.
Chief Executive Director Leil Hill 6B7768
Leil worked her way up to her position over a glorious
career, starting as a lowly desk clerk within the Financial
Investigation branch. She brooks no nonsense from
underlings, she does not bother with small talk and is all
business. There have been some whispered and
unsubstantiated rumours that she killed her husband who
went missing ten years ago.
Criminal Investigation Director Gar Voostin 67A788
Gar is a political appointee in a role that was historically
held by promotion from within the ranks. Being appointed
had led a lot of people to distrust him and his motives for
being in the role. However he is honest and a good
manager, as he learned how to run an organisation as a
CEO in a computer company. His only weakness is a lack of
knowledge of the law, and he is often accompanied by legal
Financial Investigation Director Burny Stiles A9477A
Burny worked her way to directorship by studious head-

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

down hard work. A financial genius she is a self made
millionaire who does not need to work for a living, but does
so because she believes in justice and honesty. Her
secretary has noticed that she's started drinking a lot at
home lately, and arriving late to the office which is out of
Offworld Investigation Director Viva Moreena 657768
Viva was a street cop with a knack for de-escalating bad
situations. She even became a household name in the role
of hostage negotiator. Her skills drew her towards
leadership in the the most fraught and stressful branch of
the SSP, where relations with off-worlders cause constant
friction and distress.
Inspector (any branch) Jon Danea 889886
Jon is not a nice man to have in charge of your day to day
work, but he is an effective manager. He works every hour
he can and demands the same from everyone in the
department. He has no home life, and persistent whispers
abound that he's a machine rather than a man. The
department he runs always comes up in reviews as
something to emulate.
Sergeant (any branch) Woska Adnan 797B97
Woksa is a grizzled old timer with thirty five years service
and only twenty days from retirement. He presents a hard
boiled tough-cop exterior, but behind this front is a man
defined by a gambling habit that led him into taking grift.
Recently he's started being black-mailed by a drug dealer,
this has made him anxious, and he's likely to explode angrily
at any moment.

Jurisdiction of the SSP

The duties and responsibilities of the SSP are a murky set
of interdepartmental rules that are often bent or pushed in
both directions in order to get the job done.

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

The department is responsible for criminal activity in:
• The downport grounds
• The highport in geo-stationary orbit
• The ground based starship construction and
maintenance yards
• The highport ship yards
• The sea-going ship yard adjacent to the downport
• Startown (a city), being the industrial, commercial,
and residential districts that make up the city that
supports the operation of the starport.
• The first ten miles of major transport routes
connecting to Startown.

Startown and Surrounds

Although not the worlds' official capital, it is the actual
capital in all but name. For instance, the Imperial
Ambassadors Palace is within Startown, along with the
Embassies of many other worlds. It is also the commercial
hub of the entire world as the government has only licensed
the one downport. The city also has its own sea port that is
the main distribution point across the world of products
delivered from off world.
The city itself is centred around the downports' landing
ground which is a vast ferocrete expanse ten miles across.
It is surrounded by all the supporting maintenance and
commercial business districts.
Beyond that the city is made up of mile after mile of urban
jungle. There are well-to-do areas inhabited by the super
rich, and areas where the homeless congregate in shanties,
and everything between.
The urban sprawl comes to a sudden end in every

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direction as there is a strictly enforced “green belt”. This is a
three mile wide swathe of cultivated “wild” lands. No building
is allowed in this area and camping is by license only. There
are fifteen major roads and one railway that cut across this
belt and form the only drivable routes into and out of the city.
It is notable that there is not an airport within the precinct.
The last airport within the bounds was closed down over fifty
years ago following a number of fatal accidents between
aircraft and starships.

The Mayors' Office

The Mayor is a major political player in the precinct and is
notionally elected to the role every five years. Although the
present mayor has been in the position for forty years.
The Mayors' role involves direction of the following:
• Transportation
• Environment
• Licensing
• Housing
• Business
• Health
• Culture
• Planning
• Crime
With a directorial hand in all of the above, the office of
mayor is itself a large interconnected administration that can
be very difficult to penetrate for any supplicant seeking aid
or redress.
The thousand or so workers of the Mayors' office spend
their days in the “Mayoral Palace”, a grand imposing

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building encased in polished marble. The Mayor himself has
his personal office at the top of this building, as he puts it,
“furthest from the rabble”.
As well as the administrative side of the office, the mayor
has a hundred or so members of a personal protection
force. Known as “Buffers”, these uniformed men are a
combination of body-guards and police-like enforcers.
By special writ (issued by the mayors office) they are
allowed to enforce laws within the bounds of the city.
However they don't tend to get involved unless the crime is
in the way of the Mayors' cavalcade, or protesters are
getting too close to him. The relationship between the police
and the Buffers is always strained. The Buffers see
themselves as a step above “mere” police officers, and that
expresses itself as contempt. It goes further when the
Buffers break the law abusing people when protecting the
Mayor or enforcing his whims.
The Mayor also runs his own shady intelligence service
within the city, known as “the agency” it is an unofficial
organisation funded by a black budget. It is commonly
known that the Mayor knows things that he really shouldn't
and this is put down to “the agency”.
Mayor Ota Teodor 585979 Age 67
Buffer 879475 Slug Pistol-2, Natural Weapons-2
Agent 7789A8 Slashing-2 Slug Pistol-1 Linguistics-1

Mayoral Incidents:
• The Mayor was crossing town and his Buffer escorts
blocked an intersection to allow him to pass. Citizens
hopped out of their cars to complain and are scuffling
with the Buffers.
• Recent law changes have destroyed a citizens
business. He's taken one of the clerks in the Mayoral

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offices hostage and is waving a gun around.
• A murder in a restaurant, has a witness who was
sitting at the next table. She says that the killer said
“Do as you're told, I work for the Mayor,” before
stabbing the victim.
• A woman screams in a hotel room. The woman is the
Mayor's former mistress. He's just told her the
relationship is over and left the hotel. She is
inconsolable, but one of the Buffers is in the room
attempting to console her with a bundle of cash.

Imperial Inspection Office

The Imperial Inspection Office (IIO) is the main
representation of the wider galactic Empire on the world.
Although wrapped up in the legal trappings of a mere
customs and taxation office, it really wields all the power of
the Ambassadorial office of the greater Empire.
The official duties of the IIO are to keep tabs on the
transport of goods and services onto and off-world, ensuring
that they do not include items prohibited by the laws of the
Empire, and to ensure that the tithe on trade goods is
collected from the world government.
Example prohibited trade goods include but are not limited
to; sophont slaves; various drugs; fake currency; bio-
weapons; nuclear explosives.
The Chief Inspector notionally runs the IIO, but really has
an executive role more like an Ambassador than a
functionary. She is treated with all-respect by officials. Her
office has a number of organisations that include:
• Administration: Accounts and legal council that
randomly inspects cargo and starships arriving or
leaving the world
• Agents: Undercover investigators, that act under the

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direction of the administration. Most of them are
recruits from the native population.
• Honour Guard: A small contingent of Marines from
the Empires' armed service, that operate as security
for the offices and Chief Inspector.
Chief Inspector, (Her Honour) Michaella Constin 4968BB Age 52
IIO Incidents:
• A random inspection on a recently landed starship
discovers a hidden compartment containing drugged
slaves. Investigation will show them as destined for a
local noble's mining operation. The noble is well
• An off-duty honour guard marine is killed by a ship
captain who's ship the IIO had previously impounded
for smuggling.
• A favoured secretary of the Chief Inspector is
implicated in an illegal drug deal, the Chief Inspector
is try to intercede to make the charges “go away”.

World Customs Office

The World Government is very jealous of the taxes it earns
from interplanetary trade, and seeks to enforce its tithe by a
series of laws and codes enforced by the World Customs
Office (WCO). Although it has the the word “World” in the
name the organisation really only operates within Startown.
The office has a staff of several thousands, the majority of
whom are back office accountants and auditors. The
remainder form the core of on-site inspectors and security
Although the Inspectors do not board all ships as they land
they do have the right to do so. Many ships that are part of
frequently visiting Mega Corps file paperwork which is taken
at face value by the WCO without any physical inspection

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being done. Such “trusted” visitors might only have one ship
in a hundred physically inspected.
“Untrusted” ships that land are all required to file customs
paperwork, and are much more likely to be boarded by a
Customs Inspector. Often the inspection is limited to a
comparison of containers with the paperwork, but the WCO
inspectors have the right to crack open every container, and
search the entire ship. A full ship search includes the right to
dismantle parts of the ship seeking for hidden goods. The
WCO has no obligation to put a ship back together after
such an inspection.
A typical inspection team is a single Inspections Officer
and an armed security guard. The Inspector is authorised to
take payment immediately, but may grant up to three days.
When the Inspector intends to make a full inspection they
can arrive at the ships lock with ten assistants, twenty
guards, and a team of engineers.
The WCO also carries out its work on all ships that dock at
the highport. A Captain may defer customs fees at the
highport if subsequently intending to land at the downport.
Import Fees: 0.01% of value based on market rate on day
of arrival, to be paid within three days of arrival.
Export Fees: 20Cr per ton, minimum of 100Cr.
Exceptions: Local laws make exceptions on customs fees
for various things. Starship fuel, and Mervonian wine
(popular with the elites) are two examples.
Failure to pay customs fees, can lead to arrest,
impounding of a ship, or if the ship has lifted off (or
undocked from the highport) then the void-navy (System
Defence) will be alerted and authorised to capture or
destroy the ship.
The WCO call on the poilce for support in a number of

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

• If a ships' captain disappears without paying he
becomes a subject for arrest by the police.
• If a ship is to be impounded the police become the
enforcers who do the impounding.
• If a WCO auditor discovers an issue, the case is
taken to the police for investigation.
• If a WCO officer is assaulted or obstructed, that
becomes a criminal case.

Other Police Agencies

Other agencies often find themselves involved within the
affairs of Precinct 12.
Precincts 1-42 provide the rest of the world with police
services. Any investigation in another precinct could pursue
a fugitive into Precinct 12, it being the only legal off-world
route. There is an underworld black-market for new IDs to
help get these fugitives offworld.
“Hot Active” pursuits into the precinct are allowed but have
to be handed over to Precinct 12 when the physical chase
comes to an end. Thus cops from precinct 11 may chase a
car into the district and run the fugitive to ground in a diner,
but at that point must hand off the case to the local cops.
The IPA (Inter Precinct Agency) exists as a co-ordinating
and investigation force that handles wider investigations that
cross precinct borders, such as extensive drug-cartel
The Royal Protective Guard is an ancient organisation
that has existed for centuries and was originally instigated
as a personal protection force for the royal family. Over time
it has retained the name but its duties are completely
different. Now “the Guard” is a secretive organisation that
works to subvert spy networks from other worlds and to
infiltrate any anti-government organisations (terrorists etc).

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

Rarely, they call on Precinct 12 for assistance in arrests or

Startown Highport
The space station that is the highport portion of starport is
known simply as “Highport”, the noun having become a
proper noun. It is a massive station in geo-stationary orbit. It
is a hub for trade within the sector. There are docking
facilities for one hundred and six star ships.
The highport is a major orbital town, that includes ship
maintenance, habitations, stock exchange, market square,
commercial decks, cargo storage, and even a hospital.
There is an official hourly shuttle service between highport
and downport. The shuttles are able to carry twenty
passengers and one hundred tons of cargo. There are also
a number of companies offing independent shuttle services.

Tourism Zone
The Tourism Zone is a beach front area close to the
starport that caters off-world tourists. The beach front is
filled with hotels and these are backed by shopping districts
full of “overpriced” goods.
The Mayor is very precious about this area of the precinct,
it generates such a large amount of income that he insists
that the police crack down on crime in this area very strictly,
and at the same time do it without being seen. Policing in
this zone is under strict oversight with extra paperwork
being required to document all police actions in the area,
including patrol routes and times.
Possible issues:
• A rich alien is robbed on the beach (a purse
snatcher), and is kicking up a storm in the lobby of
their hotel. A major news organisation is holding a

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

convention in the same hotel, and reporters are
sniffing around the story.
• A luxury motor boat is stolen from the marina and is
speeding up and down close to the beach
endangering and causing distress to the tourists.
• A shop manager in the tourist zone calls the police to
look at his security video tapes. His video shows
what looks like a drug deal going down in the toy isle.
This may be a lead on some drug-related overdose

Thaylar Mall
The mall is a huge covered shopping area consisting of
three parallel streets, roofed over with glass. It is a brightly
lit twenty four shopping district, glowing with neon signs, and
always busy. Big stores, small specialist outlets, hotels,
theatres, casinos, and restaurants are mixed up along the
three streets.
The mall has a small force of security guards that keep the
peace and chase shop lifters. They mostly deal with petty
crime by forcibly ejecting the criminal from the mall and
instigating a ban. They call the SCP when serious crimes
take place, such as violent muggings, murder, or arson
The mall is a major social hub in Startown. Many of the
people from the suburbs consider a trip to the mall as an
exciting day out.
Possible issues:
• The Jacal street gang have started trying to “own” the
mall streets. Incursions by the gang inside the mall
have got to the point where mall security are afraid to
tackle them.
• A robbery goes wrong in the jewellery department of

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a high end store, an and armed man has taken a
clerk hostage when cornered by mall security.
• A sink-hole opens under the mall, a corner of the
structure collapses, looters move in, then it goes mad
as a mob start raiding the entire mall.

Homeless Town
The area of the city where the train line crosses the green
belt has become a centre of homelessness and is known as
colloquially as Homeless Town. It is a run-down commercial
district where disused buildings have become squatter
housing. Inside the buildings the squatters have thrown up
blanket walls to create personal spaces.
Life in this area has various dangers including, lack of
sewage, robbery, no regular food supplies. Most of the
populous in this area make a living in the city either by
scavenging, or working for various criminal organisations.
Cops rarely enter Homeless Town unless in large armed
groups, as more than once cops have been ambushed by
fire from the roof tops.
There are a number of alien (non-human) sophonts who
for various reasons have become marooned on the planet
and ended up in Homeless Town. They tend to stick to
themselves forming race based cliques/gangs.
Possible issues:
• A company has been giving away a newly developed
food product to the homeless as a test, but it has a
nasty side effect of causing psychosis seventy hours
later. The “victims” are causing havoc on the streets.
• A man is filmed hacking a wall mounted banking
terminal and transferring credits onto an illegal credit
card. He is dressed like an inhabitant of Homeless
Town and was last seen running that way.

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

• A gang of youths from homeless town have started
rushing down streets robbing everyone and then
melting away into the masses of homeless.

SSP Equipment
Every officer on the beat is issued the following personal
• Standard Uniform, equivalent of Mesh armour , with a
a natty red stripe down the leg.
• Service Pistol. A 9-shot auto-pistol that does 2D6+1

• Equipment belt, can also be used as a restraint.

• 3 x wrist restraints
• Communicator, long range can reach HQ from
anywhere in the city, except some larger buildings
block it.
• Stunstick, can be used as a 2D6 cudgel. Additionally
has 5 electrical stun charges. To use a stun charge
charge make a melee attack, a hit does 1D6 damage
and target is shocked inactive for 30 seconds.
• ID, official identification. Includes digital component
that allows officials to confirm the ID is real with a
Every patrol vehicle (wheeled or gravtic) comes with the
following additional equipment: Shotgun, 20 x restraint cuffs,
first aid kit, loud hailer, armoured vests (+1 AR), deployable

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

Reflect shield (umbrella-like), flashlights, flares, digital
finger-print reader, ID scanner.

Generating a SSP (cop) character

Generating player characters in the Stella Security Patrol
is a little different to standard Cepheus character generation.
Start as normal by giving the character the default
Homeworld skills and Primary Education skills
When rolling statistics reroll any values of 4 or less. EDU
must be 7+, so reroll any value of 6 or less for EDU.
The first term of service within the SSP is “SSP Basic
Training”, this first term grants your character the following
• Local World Law -1
• Slug Pistol -1
There is no advancement roll during the first term, the
character emerges from Basic Training at the rank of “Police
Officer” . During subsequent terms failure to Re-Enlist
simply means that the character generation has come to an
end, the character remains employed by the SSP. There is
no survival roll as we are assuming that the character
Advancement 10+ (+1DM if SOC 9+)
Re-enlistment 7
Ranks: When an Advancement roll is successful the
character gain a rank and one level of the indicated skill.
Rank 1 - Corporal Streetwise
Rank 2 – Sergeant Grade 1
Rank 3 – Sergeant Grade 2 Leadership
Rank 4 – Sergeant Grade 3
Rank 5 - Lieutenant Admin

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

Rank 6 - Captain

Personal Development
1 +1 Str
2 +1 Dex
3 +1 End
4 +1 Edu
5 Brawling
6 Athletics

Service Skills
1 Local World Law
2 Gun Combat
3 Melee Combat
4 Streetwise
5 Wheeled Vehicle
6 First Aid

1 Admin
2 Recon
3 Leadership
4 Liaison
5 Life
6 Pathology

Adv Education
1 Comms (Surveillance)
2 Electronics
4 Computer

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5 Linguistics
6 Tactics

New Skills

Local World Law: This skill represents detailed

knowledge of the laws in place on a particular world. Thus
characters with this skill would be aware that Toolar fruit
must not be served in restaurants, or that heavy vehicles
are banned from the city centre after ten pm, and other such
FIT: Financial Irregularity Training gives the character
detailed training is spotting financial irregularities when
looking at accounts. This is specialised training in accounts,
focused on spotting the typical patterns used to cover up
illegal transaction. FIT does not qualify the character as an
accountant. Example; looking at the books of a take-away
food outlet the character would spot the disparity between
the weight of chilli being sold and the number of two
hundred gram chilli-trays being bought.
First Aid: Specialist emergency training. This is not
medical training, its about tying up wounds and keeping
someone alive until the real medics arrive. A successful use
of this skill allows one characteristic at zero to be raised to
1. The skill can not be used multiple times on the same
Pathology: This is a basic understanding of the post
mortem effects of time on the dead. A successful skill check
can provide information such as estimated time of death,
and likely cause of death.

Generating Crimes
The following list of tables are designed to allow you
generate interesting criminal situations. There is no process

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

for this other than to say pick a list to roll against and see
how your evil Referee's mind can twist it into a scenario,
then roll on another list and keep going as long as you want.

Victim Category
1 – Commercial patron 1 - Financial
2 - Driver 2 - Violent
3 - Child 3 - Robbery
4 - Corporate 4 - Intimidation
5 - Pedestrian 5 – Fixed game
6 - Worker 6 - Drugs

Complication Rival
1 - Weather 1 - Gang
2 – Time is short 2 - Politician
3 – Political connections 3 - Military
4 - Competitors 4 - Agency
5 - Corruption 5 - Alien
6 - History 6 - Bank

Criminal Subject
1 - Homeless 1 – Ancient artefact
2 - Business 2 - Artwork
3 – Government Official 3 - Technology
4 – Career felon 4 - Debt
5 – Jilted lover 5 - Animal
6 – Alien 6 - Building

Nolan Pharma is a massive brand in medical drugs and

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equipment, a name know world wide. A recent move into
food additives has run into some problems. The blind testing
where volunteers were doing taste tests in one of the on site
labs had 50% of the testers drop dead within minutes of
eating the food. The CEO has immediately suppressed the
truth and now the bodies are turning up on the edge of the
green belt.
Darla Tshuit is a middle aged housewife that
discovered that she can con people out credits
by presenting them with a faux charity that
purports to help the homeless. She visits
households, present pamphlets showing the
plight of the homeless, accepts credits for the
cause then spends the money on herself.
Recently couldn't resist stealing a valuable heirloom from a
home she visited. Now she needs to be found and arrested.
Snarlight Investments. An alien beast (a Ciroke) runs
amok at the starport having escaped
from a container. It broke free when a
customs inspection opened the crate
expecting to find pots and pans. The
creature is illegal on the planet, it has
killed one of the customs inspectors as it
escaped. Snarlight Investments is a bank
that has a Ciroke as its logo, an executive thought it would
be a good idea to have a Ciroke displayed at an upcoming
Dr Regold March is well connected, he
knows politicians in high places. He's the very
definition of crack-pot inventor. There have
been a number of explosions, and even
building collapses due to the work he does.
Unfortunately for his neighbours, he works out
of the back of his house in a suburban district
and is the constantly disturbing them. There is barely a
week goes by without a visit from the police. Explosions,

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noise, smells, robots running amok, etc, are all constant
causes for concern. Despite all the calls, his contacts have
kept him out of prison and free. The call has just come in, “a
huge gun has just lifted up through the roof of the doctors

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

Startown, Precinct 12

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

Game Planner is a scenario generator for the
Traveller/Cepheus referee. Using 44 cross-
indexed tables of inspiring terms you can
quickly "roll up" the main plot for your scenario
and as many sub plots as you need.
This tool is ideal for coming up with a scenario
in a hurry, or for inspiration when you have
more time. It provides the elements you need
to make an exciting adventure.
The download includes a standard PDF, but
also includes A4/Letter PDFs in PocketMod
format, meaning you can print a version that
folds up into a booklet that'll fit in your top
This book has been written for use with
Mongoose Traveller/Cepheus. It's designed to
give the referee "drop ins" for their game. Each
entry is separate and self contained so you can
take it and squeeze it into your own game.
Inside you will find:
10 Planets, 10 Alien animals, 10 People of
Interest, 10 Story seeds
56 pages giving the referee a bank of ideas to
draw from.

The Experiments is a Traveller/Cepheus one-

shot scenario for 1-5 players. Designed to be
played in a single session, the PCs find
themselves in a horror survival situation.
Convinced they were about to start a new life
on a new world as part of the first wave of
colonists, they instead wake up in an
underground facility on an operating table. With
the lights failing, water pouring down the walls,
and strange dangerous creatures coming up from
below. This was not what they expected.

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

The Legal Blurb
Some art used by permission of Jeshields. Some artwork copyright T.
Glenn Bane, used by permission. Some art done by Jeff Preston, used
by permission.


The name Precinct 12 and all artwork, logos and layout are product
open game content.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights
Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or
trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content;
(b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative
works and translations (including into other computer languages),
potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade,
improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing
work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to
reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit
or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game
mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and
routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity
and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content
clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means
any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative
works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e)
“Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and
identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters;
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents,
language, artwork,
symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts,
themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio
representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells,
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs;
and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as
Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means
the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a
Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products
contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”,

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

“Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify,
translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game
Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to
any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself.
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content
distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the
Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this
License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to
use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide,
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to
Use, the Open Game Content. 5.Representation of Authority to
Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game
Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying,
modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date,
and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any
original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity:
You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as
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Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You
agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark
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The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not
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owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain
all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open
Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of
this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
originally distributed under any version of this License.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have
written permission from the Contributor to do so.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game
Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then
You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days
of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Precinct 12 Copyright 2021 , Felbrigg Herriot

Av Mechanicus (Order #39353831)

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