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Use the chart below to assist you in organizing your thoughts as you proceed through this
week’s readings. Be sure to complete notes for each of the sources shared with you. You’ll
notice there are “extra” rows included. Feel free to add any additional sources if you find
something that interests you. The extras are NOT required.

 What is industrialization? Include the where and when.
 How is Industrialization an effect of previous events and how does Industrialization lead
to future events?
 What are the social, political, and economic effects of Industrialization, both positive and

Source (What Key Points (What ideas did the author Reactions and
were you emphasize? What takeaways do you have after Reflections (What
reading or reading or watching?) original thoughts and
watching?) insights do have after
reading/watching? Do
you agree or disagree
with the author? Can
you expand on any of
the ideas presented? Do
you have questions?
Any connections,
Crash course  Reduced rates of farming drastically I enjoyed how the video
industrial  1750 – Mainly in Britain all around went in-depth on
revolution Europe causes of the
 Efficiency and speed  more relevant revolution.
inventions  more efficiency and speed
 Important factors in the revolution: coal,
high wages

 Preceded by great increase in food Why did people move

Industrial output; agricultural revolution to the city despite the
revolution video  Development of machines for working crowded and poor
caused people to focus on other jobs, conditions?
increasing strength of the workforce
 Steam train – goods sent over long
 Mass-production of steel: cheap yet
widely used
 More people moved to the city although

they could live in the country and still

get supplies through the trains– this is
because of opportunity.
 Since Great Britain didn’t wage war
often, their money went towards scholars
and inventors and intellectual activities
rather than war.

 People in 1700s looked for alternative
Industrial fuel sources than wood (for cooking I wonder if there were
revolution mainly) and found coal. any drawbacks that
article (khan  1776 – James Watt designs steam engine could have been cited
academy) powered by coal to drive a piston; to the revolution in
invention becomes widely used Great Britain, and why it
 Centralized factories meant workers had happened despite these
to attend work to man the machines, not drawbacks.
manufacture from home.
 What made Britain, not China or some
other country, the origin country of the
o Shortage of wood quest for
alternative fuel
o Limited monarchy; and trade-
oriented aristocracy
o Strong navy
o Financial support of intellectual
pursuits by government
o Cheap cotton produced by North
American slaves
o High literacy rates
o Protection of assets/public rights
o Immigrants
o Location in the ocean
o Extorting labor, land, wealth
from their Colonies
o Silver from Americas;trade with
o Entrepreneurial public spirit;
support of machinery
 China’s disadvantageous location of
coal, population growth, religious
reservations to change, and focus on war
were drawbacks to the revolution
 People smuggled machines, spreading
their trade secrets to other countries

(including USA).
 American Civil War was fought
 Need for more resources caused
expansion into other lands, spreading
 The population and economy grew
around 10-fold in a matter of centuries
which is an outrageous increase
 “For one thing, the rate of change
(acceleration) is now so rapid that
individuals and social systems struggle
to keep up.”
 Increased complexity in components,
factors, consequences, etc. means more
things can go wrong
Industrial The second point about
revolution video  Factors in increase of rates of commerce is
(khan academy) innovation: interconnected world (trade, interesting, since in
communication, etc.), more commerce modern civilization,
(with competition between merchants innovation is not
comes innovation), discovery of new and expected for the good
cheap fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) of the public but at a
 Governments were forced to adapt, rate most conducive to
becoming more powerful, complex, profits; why make the
market-oriented, and more wealthy. perfect product when
 Industrialism  power division between you can make a flawed
non-industrialized and industrialized
one and have
customers often coming

It is surprising that
Effects of parliament blatantly
industrial Initial lack of laws caused exploitative passed a law that
revolution pdf pursuits including child labor and those workers would clearly
seen below be unsettled by. In
 Less jobs; great unemployment modern day, those
 Parliament passed law making it illegal kinds of laws would
for workers to form union against presumably not be
employers or protest for better working passed without great
conditions opposition; how did the
 Working conditions were grueling; people gain more
wages were meager power over the
 Crowded cities decreased quality of life Parliament?


I didn’t understand
from their explanation
why the industrial
revolution created more
unemployment; it
seems that it would
create more jobs and
strengthen the
 Despite the bill against uprisings, there Was one of the many
Responses to were many organized uprisings direct “evolutions” of
industrial  Bills and acts were passed limiting child general government in
revolution pdf labor and public health response to the
 Socialism: karl marx says that society industrial revolution the
should be based on human rights and realization to be more
equality and put humans instead of people-oriented, or at
money (capitalism) first. least appear that way?

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