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Danuwa Otero

Teacher Oscar Gayle

12th Grade International
Monday, March 13th, 2023

Assisted Suicide

I.Introduction: Termination of life on request can be presented in two ways, in the case of

euthanasia, the doctor administers the patient a lethal dose of the correct drug. Meanwhile in

assisted suicide, the doctor supplies the lethal drug but the patient administers it. Euthanasia is

not actually as bad as we all claim it to be, at the end of the day, the family and health assistant

are just contributing to ending their suffering for them , most of the times they can not take this

active decision due to the situation they are in.

II. Should death be natural no matter what the situation is?

A) Setting aside what should and shouldn’t be, the only correct answer is that no one
should suffer due to hope and faith.
B) In certain cases doctors have to go against what’s the correct thing to do if it
comes to helping someone reach peace.
C) If the patient is choosing to put an end to their suffering, why should a total
stranger go against it?

III.Why does society always involve beliefs in such hard situations?

A) Leaving aside what plans we may think God has for us, a person shouldn’t have to
wait for a miracle to happen when going through a hopelessness disease.
B) The fact that we think something is correct because of our beliefs does not mean it
precisely is.
C) Beliefs are selective and we as a society should be able to respect when someone
doesn’t think exactly the same way we do.
IV. Is euthanasia murder, manslaughter or a crime?

A) Euthanasia can only be a crime when it is performed illegally, besides that it is

completely legal if its performed the way the law states it.
B) A crime goes against someone’s will, euthanasia is a process that involves complete
consent, it only becomes a crime when it is involuntary euthanasia.
C) It is a peaceful and slow process which can take up to months in some cases, no
manslaughter or crime compares to giving someone final peace and serenity.

V. In conclusion, Euthanasia is not really as bad as we all mention, in short, the family nucleus

and the health assistant only continue to contribute to ending their suffering for them, because

most of the time they do not have the possibility of taking this active choice thanks to the case in

which they find themselves. It all depends on the case and perspective of the person viewing the


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