Vocabulary #1 - Alkanes

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Danuwa Otero

12th Grade

Teacher Ana Pinzón

Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Alkanes Vocabulary

1. Organic Chemistry: study of carbon compounds

2. Organic Compound: always contain carbon and hydrogen, and sometimes other
nonmetals such as oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, or a halogen also.

3. Expanded Structural Formula: shows all of the atoms and the bonds connected to each

4. Condensed Structural Formula: shows the carbon atoms each grouped with the
attached number of hydrogen atoms.

5. Line Angle Formula: shows a zigzag line in which carbon atoms are represented as the
ends of each line and as corners.

6. Hydrocarbons: organic compounds that consist of only carbon and hydrogen.

7. Alkanes: type of hydrocarbon in which the carbon atoms are connected only by single

8. Substituent: is attached to a carbon chain.

9. Structural Isomers: when the two compounds have the same molecular formula but
different arrangements of atoms.

10. Alkyl Group: alkane that is missing one hydrogen atom.

11. Functional Group: which are the groups of specific atoms.

12. Combustion: when many organic compounds undergo and burn vigorously in air.

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