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BIMESTER: THIRD (III) YEAR: 2022 DATE: ______________

STUDENT’S NAME: _____________________________________________________________

Present the following activities solved in a separate paper sheet and prepare it and get ready to make the oral
presentation/ test of this. Remember the importance of using your previous knowledge instead of translator or
memory practices.

I. Solve the following practices according to the directions given

II. Read the following text and answer the questions below

III. Use the appropriate verb: get, go make, take to complete the sentences below
Let’s get / go rock climbing this weekend.
1. Luke’s going to take / get his driving test next week.
2. I’d like to make / get better at photography.
3. Chloe got / made a good suggestion in class this morning.
4. Are you going to take / make part in the carnival?
5. Megan got / took good marks in her Maths test yesterday.
6. In the winter we sometimes get / go skiing.
7. Have you made / taken plans for the summer holidays?
8. My uncle made / got a good job in London last year.

IV. Think in a special event in your life and get ready to talk to your teacher about a party that you organize to
celebrate it

V. Watch the following video and get ready to support your opinion and some questions about the content.

VI. Write a text where you imagine you are visiting an activity centre for the weekend. Talk about these things:

• How did you feel when you arrived?

• What activities are you are going to do?

*How do you feel about them?

• Which activities have you done before?

VII. Solve the following sentences using the right verb form

1. My aunt has met / meet lots of famous people.

2. Tom and Ben haven’t eaten / ate Mexican food before.
3. She hasn’t took / taken many photos of the children.
4. I haven’t swum / swam in a river before.
5. Martin has flew / flown in a helicopter over New York.
6. Are you going to / Will you invite Callum to your party?
7. I’m sure you’ll / you’re going to have a good time at the theme park.
8. We’ll / We’re going to order a pizza for dinner tonight.
9. Hopefully the karaoke party will / is going to be fun.
10. You’ll / You’re going to feel better after you have a bath.
11. Jack says he won’t / isn’t going to invite many people to his party.
VIII. Complete using the appropriate words

Complete the sentences with the correct form of get, go, make or take.

1 Luke’s going to____________ his driving test next week.

2 I’d like to____________ better at photography.

3 Chloe a __________ good suggestion last night.

Use continuous form to complete

4 Clare and Laura__________________ their school project on Wednesday afternoon. (do)

5. Clare and Sam ________________on Thursday morning. (swim)

6. She and Lucas ______________ coffee on Friday. (not have)

Choose the best option

7. I put up all the decorations for the party myself / himself.

8. Anna taught himself / herself how to play the guitar.

9. We introduced himself / ourselves to the new student.

10. You can create the playlist yourself / myself

IX. Look at the pictures. How do you think the people are feeling? What are they doing?

X. Listen the audio “Audio 8th Third term” from the following folder:

and solve true or false:

1. She has worked as a fashion model. ____

2. She works as a model now. ____
3. She has never been to university. ____
4. She doesn’t like extreme sports. ____
5. Her favourite adventure was in South America. ____

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