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Flavin, Brianna. “Different Types of Learners: What College Students Should Know.”
Rasmussen University, Accessed 2 Oct.

The article sets out to find the different types of learners and it comes up with 4: visual, auditory,
kinesthetic, and reading/writing learners. Visual learners, as their name suggests, prefer looking at things
like maps and diagrams, rather than listening to an instructor speak. Auditory learners would prefer
lectures. Kinesthetic learners prefer to be physically engaged and a lot more hands on. And
reading/writing learners can read something and that’s the best way for them to learn. They say that it is
very difficult for students to learn if only one teaching style is used. Flavin suggests a multitude of
different methods to use to study, and then look at whichever one suits you best.

The author, Brianna Flavin, is qualified to discuss learning methods because her credentials (or
experience) includes Master of Fine Arts in Poetry and writing articles for Rasmussen University, and
her contact information is included in the article.
Written less than 3 years ago, this source is current on the topic of humanities.
The author of this article thoroughly evaluated all sides of the issue. For example, they acknowledge that
not everybody falls into these learning styles and then address that opposing viewpoint by saying that
students need to try everything and see what works for them, and it might be multiple things instead of
just one. This inclusion shows that the article’s author acknowledges alternative viewpoints because they
address the problem and counter it with a solution.
The information contained in the source can be verified elsewhere. For example, the author says that
there are 4 learning styles that may apply to different students at different levels, which can be
corroborated by Antoinetta Marinelli in his/her publication. They state that, “Even though there may be
specific types of learning styles, it does not necessarily mean we all fall under just one.” Both students
and teachers need to be able to adapt to their learning styles and.
The purpose of this article is to assess students’ learning styles . The intended audience is students trying
to learn better and teachers trying to teach better. The article is appropriate for this purpose and
audience because Rasmussen University, the University the author is writing for, is acclaimed for its
education program. The author herself has other articles on this topic covering the school system,
colleges, and other ways to learn at younger levels.

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