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Special Ensaymada and Tapioca Tycoon is a partnership that offers classic merienda to

the students. The business was established on May 18, 2023 at Notre Dame of Midsayap


II. Proponents/ Owners of the Business Information

The business is owned by Marissa Ella Labio and team.

III. Products Information

The business offers different flavor of ensaymada, such as ube and classic cream cheese.

On the other hand, tapioca is made of mango, sago, and condense. Both products provide a

flavorful taste and sweet enticing aroma.

In terms of pricing strategy, the business proposed an affordable price used cost-based


IV. Evaluation of the Strategy Used

V. Problems Encountered in the Business

 Packaging and Design

IV. Issues underlying the Problems

 It will affect the whole service and image of the business, since service is one of the

factors when conducting a business.

 In terms of packaging and design, it will affect customer’s feedback and the product


VII. Alternative Solutions to the Problem

 Creative and eye-catcher Packaging and Design

Pros: customer satisfaction and sales boost

Cons: allocation of another funds and

VIII. Conclusions:

IX. Recommendations:

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