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Preposition for time


A preposition of time is a preposition that allows you to discuss a specific

time period such as a date on the calendar, one of the days of the week,
or the actual time something takes place. Prepositions of time are the
same words as prepositions of place, however they are used in a
different way. You can easily distinguish these prepositions, as they
always discuss times rather than places.

 At – This preposition of time is used to discuss clock times,

holidays and festivals, and other very specific time frames
including exceptions, such as “at night.”

 In – This preposition of time is used to discuss months, seasons,

years, centuries, general times of day, and longer periods of time
such as “in the past.”

 On – This preposition of time is used to discuss certain days of

the week or portions of days of the week, specific dates, and
special days such as “on New Year’s Day.”

A. Instructional Objectives
•Apprehend the usage of Preposition for time through samples given by the teacher.
•Explain the preposition of time through peer discussion.
•Locate the Preposition for time presented in the literature given by the teacher.
B. Learning Competencies: EN7LC-IV-b-8, EN70L-IV-b-1.26, EN7LT-IV-b-6

TASK 1: Check your calendar

Direction: Reminisce a certain date that you will never forget, share the story behind
that date in the class.
Rubrics for check your calendar
Criteria 5 3 1
Reliability The information Some information are The information
stated was all true not reliable and valid stated are not
and reliable connected at all.
Vocabulary Uses all key Uses few Vocabulary Key concepts are not
vocabulary words words in retelling used in retelling in
concept in retelling although somewhat retelling.
Clarity Very good quality of Good quality of voice Poor quality of voice


Direction: Supply the appropriate Preposition for time to complete the


1. My birthday falls ___ January.

2. My vacation ends ___ Monday.
3. Breakfast is a meal which is generally eaten ___ the morning.
4. Meet me ___ 7:30.
5. We’re going bowling ___ Friday night.
6. Birds often migrate ___ spring and autumn.
7. My brother John was born ___ September 3rd.
8. The town is always well-decorated ___ Christmastime.
9. Now that my grandfather is older, he no longer drives ___ night.
10. My great-grandmother was born ___ 1906.

TASK 3: Essay

Direction: In minimum of five sentences. Discuss your learnings about the Preposition
of time.

Rubrics for essay

Criteria 5 3 2
Grammar No errors in grammar Makes 3-4 errors in Makes more than 4
or spelling grammar and spelling errors in grammar and
Content Specific and clear Sufficient developed Limited knowledge on
content the content
Words Choice Words used are striking Word choice is often Use same words over
but vivid inappropriate or wrong and over again

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