Fourth Quarter - Week 4 - Day 4 - Layout

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Sentence Giving Information

Sentences are defining as a group of words that are
combined to convey meaning. Which means, it serves as a communicative
tool of an ESL learners and teacher in gathering and conveying different
instructions of both teaching and learning.
In this lesson, every activity given will help the students to how a
sentence can help an individual in the understanding of a Sentence giving

 Determine the sentences giving information used in the Literary Text.
 Criticise the effectiveness of sentences giving information through reading analyzation.
 Give various meaning of identified sentences through oral presentation.

Task 1: Meaningful practice

Direction/Instruction: Now, let us just focused on the form of the words. If you leave it
at that then you may very well have remembered all the phrases that gives information
but still you need need to put these phrases to use in a meaningful way by determining
all the Phrases that gives information in the text below.
A Conference in Chicago

Last week, I visited Chicago to attend a business conference. While I was there, I
decided to visit the Art Institute of Chicago. To start off, my flight was delayed. Next,
the airline lost my luggage, so I had to wait for two hours at the airport while they
tracked it down. Unexpectedly, the luggage had been set aside and forgotten.

As soon as they found my luggage, I found a taxi and rode into town. During the ride
into town, the driver told me about his last visit to the Art Institute. After I had arrived
safely, everything began to go smoothly. The business conference was very interesting,
and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to the institute.

Finally, I caught my flight back to Seattle.

Luckily, everything went smoothly. I arrived home just in time to kiss my daughter
good night.

Phrases Giving Info:


Task 2. Convincing or not?

 From the previous activity, in pair you should check your
partners work if they have identified the phrases that gives
information and if it been used meaningfully.
 The teacher will dictate all the statements that can be identify
in the text.
 And the Students will stand if the statement told by the
teacher is a Phrase that gives information
 And if it is not, the student will just raise their right hand.
Task 3: I-dentify and Act!
Direction/Instruction: In a group of 2, underline all the Phrases giving information
found in the text about and use them in constructing of your own story
(Theme will be: LOVE, HATE AND JOY) .

Task 4. Compose a short explanation about the effectiveness of sentence

giving information and present it to the class.


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