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¿De dónde son?
¿Has participado en la
primera clase?
1: sí, estaba en la primera clase
2: no, no participé en la primera clase
1. Estructura del present continuous

¿Qué aprendimos I am studying

en la primera parte Persona + BE + VERBO-ing
con el profe Adam?
We + are + studying
She + is + studying
2. Verbos que no se usan en forma
continua (stative verbs)

🚧 Entonces no vas a ver

¿Qué aprendimos a. I am believing en su lugar vas a ver “I believe”
en la primera parte
b. She is knowing en su lugar vas a ver “She
con el profe Adam? knows”

c. They are hating en su lugar vas a ver “They


d. He is preferring en su lugar vas a ver “He


3. Regla para duplicar la consonante

final (sanduchito)

🚧 vas a escribir:
¿Qué aprendimos a. Stop → Stopping (parando)
en la primera parte
b. Begin → Beginning (empezando)
con el profe Adam?
c. Control → Controlling (controlando)

d. Regret → Regretting (arrepintiendo)

¿Cómo se usa?
Estructura del present continuous
(afirmativo, negativo, interrogativo)

Afirmativa Negativa
Sujeto + to be + raíz + ing Sujeto + to be + not + raíz + ing

She is talking She is not (isn't) talking

to be + sujeto + raíz + ing

is she talking?
Estructura del
present continuous Sujeto + (verb to be) + verbo-ING
(afirmativo, negativo,

Estructura del
present continuous Sujeto + (verb to be) + Not + verbo-ING
(afirmativo, negativo,

Estructura del
present continuous (verb to be) + sujeto + verbo-ING
(afirmativo, negativo,

Estructura del present continuous
(afirmativo, negativo, interrogativo)

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

I am going I am not going Am I going?
You are going You aren't going Are you going?
He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going?
We are going We aren't going Are we going?
You are going You aren't going Are you going?
They are going They aren't going Are they going?
1. Actions that are happening now
Acciones que están sucediendo en
este momento
Now that I know it,
2. Actions that are temporary
when do I use it? Acciones que son temporales

3. Future plans
Planes fijos en el futuro
1. Actions that are happening now.
(Acciones que están sucediendo
en este momento)

Now that I know it, A. I am walking my dog.

when do I use it? B. She is reading a book.
C. We are studying English.

Q: What are you doing?

2. Actions that are temporary.
(Acciones que son temporales.)

A. John’s using his dad’s car this

Now that I know it, B. You are improving your English
when do I use it? every day!
C. We are living out of our van and
traveling the world.

Q: Where are you working right now?

3. Future plans.
(Planes fijos en el futuro.)

A. I’m seeing Guardians of the

Galaxy this weekend.
Now that I know it, B. Are you hosting a party for your
when do I use it? Grandma’s birthday tomorrow?
C. In 3 years we are moving to

Q: What are your plans for

this weekend?
Present Continuous Tense or
Present Progressive Tense

am/is/are + verb(ing)
Now that I e. g. I am eating my lunch
know it, when
do I use it? When do we use Present Continuous Tense?
REVIEW Actions that are happening now
1. Actions that are e. g. She is cooking in the kitchen.
happening now.
2. Actions that are Actions that are temporary
temporary. e.g. They are staying in London for a few
3. Future plans days.

Definitive Future Plans

e. g. I am going hiking tomorrow.
¿Practicamos un

Quiz time! poquito con lo que

hemos visto hasta
Practice makes ahora?
1. Preguntas elección
perfect múltiple

1. Mis amigos están chismeando.

Traduce la
siguiente frase: A. My friend’s gossiping.

B. My friends are gossips.

C. My friends are gossiping.


1. Mis amigos están chismeando.

A. My friends are gossiping.


2. Está lloviznando
en Chicago.
Traduce la A. It is drizzling in Chicago.
siguiente frase:
B. Is it drizzling in Chicago.

C. It’s drizzle in Chicago.


2. Está lloviznando en Chicago.

A. It is drizzling in Chicago.

3. ¡Estoy durmiendo,
déjame en paz!
Traduce la A. I sleeping! Leave me alone.
siguiente frase:
B. I am sleep! Leave me alone.

C. I’m sleeping! Leave me alone.


3. ¡Estoy durmiendo! Déjame en paz.

C: I’m sleeping! Leave me alone.

Let’s try some harder ones!

1. Mi hermano cree en la lotería.

A. My brother is believe in the lottery.
B. My brother believes in the lottery.
C. My brother is believing in the lottery.

2. ¿Vas a asistir a la clase mañana?

A. You are attending tomorrow’s class?
B. Are you attend tomorrow’s class?
C. Are you attending tomorrow’s class?
Las respuestas:
(B / C)

1. Mi hermano cree en la lotería.

B. I am sleep! Leave me alone.

2. ¿Vas a asistir a la clase mañana?

C. Are you attending tomorrow’s class?
Let’s try some harder ones!

3. Mis tías no están haciendo una vuelta hoy.

A. My aunts are not running an errand today.
B. My aunts aren't run an errand today.
C. My aunts are running an errand today.

4. ¿Me estás mintiendo?

A. Are you lie to me?
B. Are you lying to me?
C. You lying to me?
Las respuestas:
(A / B)

3. Mis tías no están haciendo una vuelta hoy.

A. My aunts are not running an errand today.

4. ¿Me estás mintiendo?

B. Are you lying to me?
Time! Situación: Sophia está con su amiga en un
centro comercial y de repente suena una
canción que no había escuchado por años,
Ahora cambiamos que solía gustarle mucho cuando era
pequeña. Ella siente una nostalgia tan
un poco el ejercicio, profunda, así que se acerca a su amiga y le
tenemos una dice:
situación a la que A. I love this song! I listened to it all the
habrá que time as a kid.
B. I’m loving this song! I listened to it all
correctamente. the time as a kid.

C. I love this song! I am listening to it all

the time as a kid.
Correct answer:

A. I love this song! I listened to it all

the time as a kid.

Explicación: el verbo “love” es un verbo estático, así que

no podemos usarlo en tiempo continuo. También
“listened” tiene que estar en el pasado, porque ella está
diciendo que cuando era niña, escuchaba la canción
(action completed in the past). Solo es posible la
oración A.
GAME / JUEGO: Caption this! (Ponerle
“título” a las fotos!)

Carlton is dancing Puntos para creatividad
He is dancing y si Kally se ríe
He is having the time of his life!
That was it for
today’s class!

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