Activity Int

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Follow ALL the instructions given by your Grammar teacher.

➢ Describe a trip you took in the past.

1. Describe a past trip by using the simple past, past continuous

and past perfect. You must include the three verb tenses.

- me and my dad was watching plays in 2019

- i was playing in my house
-i had played them before the meeting

My history

The best trip I have ever gone on was my fifteenth birthday’s trip. I chose
Europe as a destination and so could visit many cities in just a few days. It
has been ten years since that unforgettable experience and I can remember
every minute of it as it had happened only yesterday. My mother and I
travelled for over twenty hours on a plane in order to get to Barajas Airport,
Spain. It was my first time on a plane and so was my mother’s. We were both
really excited. In the middle of the night, I woke up and could see the sun
rising from above. That was incredible. We arrived at Madrid and took a two-
days tour of the city. We visited the Museo del Prado, the most important
museum in Spain. We also walked up and down La Via Street, the main
avenue in Madrid, where we could see some gorgeous buildings. The next
stop of the trip was Paris, my favorite city in the whole world. It’s not only
beautiful but also very exciting. There are always activities taking place at any
time. Luxembourg Gardens and Versailles Palace are the most incredible
spots one can think of.

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