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Republic of the Philippines

Region X – Northern Mindanao

Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Kinoguitan
Calubo Integrated School

NAME:____________________________________________ DATE:_________________ SCORE:

GRADE & SECTION:_______________________ SUBJECT: MAPEH


I believe that honesty in my work gives me self–respect and dignity. On my honor, I shall not violate it.
Signature of the student

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.
 1. Which of the following belongs to Renaissance Period?
o A. Concerto Grosso
o B. Pope Marcellus Mass
o C. Gregorian Chant
o D. Troubardour
 2. Gregorian Chant is derived from the name of Pope Gregory the First, True or False
o A. False
o B. True
o C. It is Troubadour
o D. It is Medieval
 3. Which of the following is true about Gregorian Chant except?
o A. Monophonic
o B. Free Meter
o C. Uses Neumes
o D. Originate in France
 4. Which of the following is a composer of the Medieval Period?
o A. Johan Friedrich Bach
o B. Adam Le Bossu
o C. Giovanni Pierlugi da Palestrina
o D. Thomas Morley
 5. Which of the following is NOT a Characteristic of Troubadour Music?
o A. Usually monophonic
o B. Usually with improvised accompaniment
o C. Usually tells chivalry and courtly
o D. Written in Latin
 6.What period when Christian Church highly influenced culture and political affairs in Europe?
o A. Medieval
o B. Renaissance
o C. Baroque
o D. Classical
 7.What period were great composer of these time were George Friedrich Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach and
Antonio Vivaldi?
o A. Baroque
o B. Renaissance
o C. Medieval
o D. Classical
 8. How are we going to identify the music of Baroque Period?
o A. Melodies sound elaborate with Dynamic Contrast
o B. Melodies are very easy to sing
o C. Lyrics are easy to remember
o D. Consist of Nuematic Notes
 9. Which of the following are composition of Johann Sebastian Bach?
o A. Four Seasons
o B. Fugue in G Minor
o C. Canon in D Major
o D. Pope Macellus Mass
 10. It is known as the golden Era of Choral Music, What period is this?
o A. Baroque
o B. Renaissance
o C. Medieval
o D. Romanticism

“ Finding the missing vowels”

Read carefully the descriptions of the different instruments used during Medieval , Renaissance and
Baroque period.Find the missing vowels in the box to complete the name of the instruments.

a a a e u u u

____1.H_RP-favorite intrument of the troubadours and mistrels

____2.Sh_wm- thishas a reedthat vibrates against atongueor lips to produce sounds
____3.Flut_- this is a recorder like woodwind instrument
___4.Tr_mpet- longs instrument made of metal
___5.L_te- a pear shaped pluck string instrument with a bent neck and a fretted finger board.
___6.N_kers- a drum instrument played in pairs.
___7.Sackb_l- it resembles a trombone instrument
___8.Vi_l-the most important string instrument family of the Renaissance period

Instructions: Given the distinct characters of the music of the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods in
the lesson, the listening skills of the learners will be test. Using the link of the song in the text box, the learners
will then identify or recognize whether the song is from Medieval, Renaissance or Baroque period and write it
on the corresponding column in the table below.
Medieval Renaisance Baroque
1. Fire, Fire, My Heartm (

2. Deum Verum (


3.Hallelujah Chorus (


4. April Is In My Mistress Face


5. Fugue In G Minor (


Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports Officiating c. Sports Science
b. Sports Psychology d. Sports Youth

2. In games which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the official possess?
a. Balance c. Power
b. Endurance d. Strength

3. For sports officials to have lean muscles, what type of food should they eat?
a. Carbohydrates c. Iron
b. B. Fats d. Protein

4. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes. Sports officials do not
have the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what`s the best drink to take?
a. Energy Drink c. Sports Drink
b. Soft drinks d. Water
5. What lifestyle-related disease will an official have if he/she continues to smoke and eat without cholesterol-rich
a. Cancer c. Heart Disease
b. Diabetes d. Stroke

6. Sports officials mostly use their arms for signaling. What fitness component will be developed with this regular
A. Cardio Vascular Endurance c. Flexibility
B. Jogging d. Muscular Strength

7. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit also causes diabetes?
a. Genetics c. Environment
b. Jogging d. Sedentary Lifestyle

8. Officiating has a high physical demand, especially in sports like basketball, soccer and combative sports. What
should the referee do PRIOR to doing his/her officiating task?
a. Warm up c. Static Stretching
b. Dynamic Stretching d. Instantly proceed with officiating

9. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
a. Save money during sports competition
b. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official.
c. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities
d. All of the above

10. What is the BEST value that a sports official must possess?
a. Fairness c. Unjust
b. Punctuality d. All of the above

1-5 Health related-fitness

6-10 Skills related-fitness

1. ACL
2. PCL
3. MLC
4. LCL
5. TEE
6. BMR
7. EB
9. THR

A. Multiple Choice: Read the statements carefully. Choose the best answer from the options below. Write the
letter of your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

_____ 1. Which best describes community health as an art and science?

A. Maintaining, protecting, and imposing the health of all members of the community
through organized and sustained community efforts
B. Maintaining and improving the health of all members of the community through
organized and sustained community efforts
C. Protecting and improving the health of all members of the community through
organized and sustained community efforts
D. Maintaining, protecting, and improving the health of all members of the
_____ 2. Which does NOT describe a healthy community?
A. A clean and safe environment
B. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
C. An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities
D. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone

_____ 3. Which is NOT a part of the services given by the PHC?

A. Road Safety
B. Inspections of Food
C. Provisions of the medicines
D. Blood Pressure Screening Establishments

_____ 4. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?

A. Active community involvement
B. Less disease, less health care costs
C. More community projects for community development
D. More budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines

_____ 5. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning a community?

A. To attain a luxury life
B. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
C. To keep the safety of the community
D. To live in a clean, safe, and comfortable home

_____ 6. Which of the following programs of the Department of Health (DOH) promotes
community health?
A. Maternal Health
B. Child Health Care
C. Primary Health Care
D. Control of Communicable Diseases

_____ 7. Which of the following is a characteristic of a healthy community according to the World
Health Organization (WHO)?
A. A controlled use of available resources
B. A clean and unsafe physical environment.
C. Accessible and limited health services and facilities.
D. The promotion and celebration of historical and cultural heritage.

_____ 8. Which of the following refers to a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-
being and not just the absence of disease?
A. Health
B. Community
C. Community Health
D. Environmental Health
_____ 9. Which of the following environmental factors has the LEAST influence on health?
A. Biological
B. Chemical
C. Psycho-social
D. Social

_____ 10. What do you call a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment?
A. Health
B. Community
C. Community Health
D. Environmental Health
B. Fill in the possible community services/programs in column B which corresponds to the characteristics of a healthy
community in column A. Choose your answer from the box. Write the letter of your answer in a separate sheet of
⚫ Barangay Fiesta ⚫ Cleaning the drainage
⚫ Free immunization ⚫ Livelihood Programs
⚫ Public Market ⚫ Symposium

Column A Column B

11. A clean and safe physical environment

12. Accessible and appropriate health services and


13. A diverse and innovative economy

True or False: Read the statements carefully. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is wrong. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

_____ 1. A healthy community leads to the safety of every individual.

_____ 2. Local government officials is the only group directly involved in community development
to promote a healthy community.
_____ 3. The Department of Health (DOH) promoted community health through the program
called Primary Health Care (PHC).
4. The services of the health centers must be made available for free in the community.

_____ 5. A community is a state of complete, mental, and social well-being.

_____ 6. There is a link between the environment and human health.
_____ 7. Working at the community level to promote healthy living brings less health benefits to
the people.
_____ 8. The health of the individuals is not tied to their community.
_____ 9. Maintaining healthy homes and communities is essential to environment.
_____ 10. A healthy community is considered as prepared community.

GOD Bless! J

Second Quarter Examination
Grade 9 MAPEH
For Parents: Please return this slip to the subject teacher but keep the test paper in your file.

Name: ________________________________ Score: __________

Date: _________________ Teacher: HANNAH LOTH EXCELISE CABACTULAN

Signature of a parent over printed name

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