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PWP711S Power Systems Protection 414 (PWP711S) - LAB 2

STUDENT’S FULL NAME: ______________________ STUDENT’S NUMBER: ______________________

BENCH NO: ______________ LECTURER: ______________ DATE: _______________

Differential protection of three phase Transformers


At the end of this experiment you will be able to:

1. Use "SimPowerSystems" for modelling a differential Transformer protection system.
2. Implement "differential protection" of a three phase transformer by using MATLAB
Simulink Libraries.

 Laptop/Desktop Computer
 MATLAB/Simulink Software

Marks Obtained

Lab. Session 50

Report 16

Total Marks 66

EPR420S Lab 2 Penti Paulus

A differential relay responds to vector difference between two or more similar electrical
Requirements for a differential relay scheme:
1. It must have at least two actuating quantities, e.g. I1 and I2.
2. The actuating quantities should be similar in nature i.e. current/current or
3. The relay responds to the vector difference between the two quantities, i.e.
to (I1 - I2), which includes magnitude and/or phase angle difference. When
this vector difference exceeds a predetermined amount, the relay operates.

The differential protection is frequently called unit protection. The vector difference is
achieved by suitable connection of CT and PT secondary. Most differential relay
applications are of the current differential type.

Part 1: Pre-Lab Exercise (15)

1. By using relevant diagrams, explain the principle pf operation of a percentage

differential protection scheme. Give the tripping criteria for both internal and
external fault conditions.

Part 2: Lab Exercise (50)

In this simulation experiment, you are required to implement a differential protection

scheme to a three phase transformer in Matlab Simulink. You are to design a differential
relay to detect faults and generate a trip signal to trip the appropriate circuit breakers to
isolate the faulted section from the rest of the power system. The network with short
circuit faults in different locations is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1 TX to be protected

EPR420S Lab 2 Penti Paulus

1. Draw the power system of figure 1 having a 3-φ source, three phase circuit
breakers, 3-φ VI measurement unit, 3-φ RLC series load and block of 3-φ fault
to implement different types of faults in system of figure 1.

2. You have the autonomy to choose the system size i.e. voltage level of the system.
3. Simulate your design for the following conditions:
(a) No fault
(b) Three phase faults at the locations in figure 1
(c) LLG fault on phases A & B at location 1
(d) LLG fault on phases A & B at location 2
(e) LLG fault on phases A & B at location 3

Write a lab report which should include at least the following: (16)
• Objective(s) of the experiment
• Introduction/ Brief Theoretical Background
• Pre-Lab
• Experimental Set-up
• Procedure
• Findings/Results
• Analysis of Results
• Conclusion

NB: Make the cover page of this lab manual your report‘s cover page


EPR420S Lab 2 Penti Paulus

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