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Course packet 4

assignment p.47
1. Compare and
contrast the self-
service implementation
between Wipro and
MBH. Which company
did a better job?
Wipro identified their
self-service objectives
as: increase
information access,
enable strategic,
reduce administrative
costs, eliminate
process steps,
approvals, forms, and
improve service to
employees and
With the
implementation of
web-based self-service
architecture, MBH
identifies many
challenges inherent to
this transition: real-
time access to back
office through the
web-based self-service
architecture is subject
to the time constrain of
the current back-office
server, complex
modifications to
existing data can be
costly, back-office
have many unique
patterns or habits that
may be projected to
the user interface on
the web, thereby
decreasing user
satisfaction. Each
company has its own
back-office processing
technology that is
extremely difficult to
duplicate at another
site. This can cause
one self-service
solution to be
completely different
from another from the
same company. Last
upgrades are needed to
the back office in order
to integrate into the
web application thus
upgrade may constrain
priority objectives
from previous
upgrades. There are
numerous challenges
facing the
implementation of any
new ERP architecture.
Self-service is
extremely challenging
because success
depends on many
factors, with the
largest factor being
user satisfaction.
In this case study
Wipro did a better job
than MBH because
Wipro methodically
achieved the following
self-service succuss
factors: collaboration
among HR and IT,
adequate budgeting or
funding, CEO or high-
level executive
commitment, strategic
plan that prioritizes
application, process
design or
corporate standard for
technology solutions,
business case, any time
and place access,
metrics, consistent
look and feel, and
consistent interface
across media.
2 Are the measures
used by Wipro i.e.,
costs, return, and cycle
time appropriate for
evaluating their self-
Wipro has also been
evaluating the
quantitative business
side by measuring
costs, returns, cycle
time, and so on to
understand the
complete value of this
3- What would happen
to the self-service
implementation at
MBH if the company
decided to adapt the
SOA model? Does
implementation make
it easier or more
difficult to implement
MBH need upgrades in
the future as the
biggest concern for
implementing self-
service architecture.
Vendors can release
upgrades annually or
biannually, with a long
process that bulls
many resources from
the company.
The self-service is
extremely challenging
with MBH because
success depend on
many factors, with the
largest factor being
user satisfaction.

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