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● The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and

appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through an adaptation of
a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
● The students on their own and in the long run will be able to produce
a creative adaptation of literary texts around the world through
digital posters that would show their insights about the different
social issues that need to be addressed around the world.


As advocates of societal change, you are tasked to host the virtual exhibit in La Salle College
Antipolo. You are going to showcase your adaptations of different literary works around
the world that present different social issues that need to be addressed through digital
posters. This is a chance for you to express your advocacies about the different societal
problems present in the Philippines and the world. You will be assessed based on
interpretation, creativity, relevance, mechanics, impact, and submission.


1. Click this link to see the different literary texts that you can choose from for this
performance task:
2. Choose one (1) that you would like to read and identify what real-world problem is being
presented in the text.
3. Your goal is to make an adaptation of the literary text that you have read through a
digital poster. Your poster should show the following:
● The real-world problem or issue presented in the literary text
● Elements or symbols that would best describe the content of the literary text
4. You may use any applications to edit your poster but it should be uploaded as PDF in a
portrait format of an A4 sized-paper.
5. After doing your poster, you need to explain your work in 1 paragraph. It should
contain the following details:
● Your interpretation of the literary text/ the main message of the literary text
● What is the real-world problem that is being presented in the literary text?
● Explain the elements, symbols, or images included in your digital poster.
6. Sample Digital Posters:


1st Page: Digital Poster
2nd Page: Interpretation / Explanation about the poster

7. Here is the rubric for this performance task:



Interpretation The message and There was an attempt The interpretation

interpretation of the to explain the and message given
literary text read was message and did not give the
explained clearly and interpretation of the literary text justice.
effectively. literary text read but
clarity can still be

Real-world problem The real-world The real-world Failed to identify the

and Elements problem presented in problem presented in real-world problem
the text was properly the text was properly present in the text.
identified and identified but not The elements present
explained. The elaborated. The in the poster were
elements present in elements present in not explained.
the digital poster the digital poster
were also explained were explained.


5 4 3 2

Elements & The poster The poster The poster The poster is
Symbols includes all includes most does not have lacking in
elements & of the relevant all of the elements and
symbols elements and relevant symbols that
relevant to the symbols; elements and would better
topic. The however, it symbols to explain the
poster is could have represent the literary text.
creative, clear, been better literary text.
complete and organized and
best describes could be more
the literary creative.

Relatedness to The The The The

the Theme adaptation adaptation adaptation is adaptation is
worked closely worked closely somehow not related to
with the with the related to the the original
original text original text. original text. text
and effectively
shares its
Content - The text and One or two The text and No original
Originality graphics used elements of graphics are text or
on the poster text and made by the graphics made
reflect an graphics used student, but by the student
exceptional on the poster are based on are included.
degree of reflect student the designs or
student creativity in ideas of
creativity in their creation others.
their creation and/or display.
and/or display.

Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is

exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of attractive messy or very
terms of design, layout though it may poorly
design, layout, and neatness. be a bit messy designed. It is
and neatness. Color and not attractive.
The overall space use is
organization good but a
and use of little
color and disorganized.
space make
the poster

Impact to the The The The The

Readers adaptation adaptation adaptation is adaptation did
leaves a great leaves an dull and only not leave an
impact on the impact on the shows impact on the
audience. It audience. It students’ little audience. It
shows the somehow understanding also do not
students’ shows the of different show the
insights about students’ social issues students’
the different insights about that need to be understanding
social issues the different addressed of different
that need to social issues around the social issues
be addressed that need to be world. that need to be
around the addressed addressed
world. around the around the
world. world.

Submission The group The group The group The group

submits the submits the submits the submits the
activity on activity 2-3 activity 1 week activity more
time. days after the after the than 1 week
deadline. deadline. after the

8. Total Score for this performance task: 40

9. Once done, submit your output in our LMS.

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