PracticeReport Sample

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Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Professional Master’s Practice Report

Student Name: __________________________

Student Number: __________________________

Research Field: __________________________

Supervisor: __________________________

Date: __________________________
Graduate School of BUPT


1. Profession practice is an important part for the training of

professional master's degree, which provides significant

reference for the university’s examination and supervision.

2. Every student for professional master’s degree should write a

practice report with more than 5000 words after the professional


3. The comprehensive performance of the practice will be

evaluated as “pass” or “fail”.

4. This report must be printed on both sides of A4 paper and

then submitted to the school.

1. Introduction of the Practice Project 1.
(Including the background, purpose and significance of the
project. ) T
he Content Description of the Practice

(Including the name of the project, start- and ending- time, the

main work involved)

2. Working Achievement and Personal Gain
Comments of Supervisor:

(Including the technical level, working ability and attitude,

collaboration and professionalism, etc.)

Decision: □ Pass □ Fail



Comments of School:


(Official seal)


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