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The Beginning of Wisdom

The book of Jubilees 4:16 And in the eleventh jubilee

Jared took to himself a wife, and her name was Baraka,
the daughter of Rasujal, a daughter of his father's brother,
in the fourth week of this jubilee, and she bare him a son
in the fifth week, in the fourth year of the jubilee, and he
called his name Enoch.
So began the extraordinary life of an extraordinary man,
532 years from the creation of Adam. Torah doesn’t have
much to say about Enoch, other than he walked with
Elohim and was taken. However, chapter three of the book
of Jasher tells us of the life of a man who is set apart from
other men who lived in his time.
The book of Jasher 3: 1. And Enoch lived sixty-five years
and he begat Methuselah; and Enoch walked with Elohim
after having begot Methuselah, and he served Elohim, and
despised the evil ways of men.
2. And the soul of Enoch was wrapped up in the
instruction of the Elohim, in knowledge and in
understanding; and he wisely retired from the sons of
men, and secreted himself from them for many days.
3. And it was at the expiration of many years, whilst he
was serving Elohim, and praying before him in his house,
that an angel of Elohim called to him from Heaven, and he
said, Here am I.
4. And he said, Rise, go forth from thy house and from the
place where thou dost hide thyself, and appear to the sons
of men, in order that thou may teach them the way in
which they should go and the work which they must
accomplish to enter into the ways of Elohim.
5. And Enoch rose up according to the word of Elohim,
and went forth from his house, from his place and from the
chamber in which he was concealed; and he went to the
sons of men and taught them the ways of Elohim, and at
that time assembled the sons of men and acquainted them
with the instruction of Elohim.
6. And he ordered it to be proclaimed in all places where
the sons of men dwelt, saying, “Where is the man who
wishes to know the ways of Elohim and good works”? let
him come to Enoch.
7. And all the sons of men then assembled to him, for all
who desired this thing went to Enoch, and Enoch reigned
over the sons of men according to the word of Elohim, and
they came and bowed to him and they heard his word.
8. And the spirit of Elohim was upon Enoch, and he taught
all his men the wisdom of Elohim and his ways, and the
sons of men served Elohim all the days of Enoch, and
they came to hear his wisdom.
9. And all the kings of the sons of men, both first and last,
together with their princes and judges, came to Enoch
when they heard of his wisdom, and they bowed down to
him, and they also required of Enoch to reign over them,
to which he consented.
10. And they assembled in all, one hundred and thirty
kings and princes, and they made Enoch king over them
and they were all under his power and command.
11. And Enoch taught them wisdom, knowledge, and the
ways of Elohim; and he made peace amongst them, and
peace was throughout the earth during the life of Enoch.

Enoch and the Fallen Angels

Enoch 12:4 At that moment the Watchers were calling me.
And they said to me, “Enoch, scribe of righteousness, go
and make known to the Watchers of heaven who have
abandoned the high heaven, the chodesh eternal place,
and have defiled themselves with women, as theirs deeds
move the children of the world, and have taken unto
themselves wives:
12:5 They have defiled themselves with great defilement
upon the earth; neither will there be peace unto them nor
the forgiveness of sin.
12:6 For their children delight in seeing the murder of their
beloved ones. But they shall groan and beg forever, over
the destruction of their children, and there shall not be
peace unto them even forever.
Enoch is sent to rebuke the fallen angels. The Angels of
heaven wouldn’t speak to the fallen. So they sent Enoch to
tell them of their fate to come. Imagine, a mortal man
given power over these more powerful beings.
Enoch 13:3 Then I went and spoke to all of them together;
and they were all frightened, and fear and trembling
seized them. 4 And they begged me to write for them a
memorial prayer in order that there may be for them a
prayer of forgiveness, and so that I may raise their
memorial prayer unto YAHUAH of heaven.
Again we see the righteousness of Enoch as the fallen
beg him to write a prayer of forgiveness for them and
intercede on their behalf. Imagine these powerful beings
not being able to raise their face to the heavens for fear,
trembling and shame had gripped them. Yet they beg this
righteous human to pray for them.

Enoch delivers a stern rebuke to the fallen

Enoch 14:3 Accordingly HE has created me and given me
the word of understanding so that I may reprimand the
Watchers, the children of heaven.
14:4 I wrote down your prayers -so it appeared in visions -
for your prayers will not be heard throughout all the days
of eternity; and judgment is passed upon you.
14:5 From now on you will not be able to ascend into
heaven unto all eternity, but you shall remain inside the
earth, imprisoned all the days of eternity.
14:6 Before that you will have seen the destruction of your
beloved sons and you will not have their treasures, which
will fall before your eyes by the sword.
14:7 And your petitions on their behalf will not be heard -
neither will those on your own behalf which you offer
weeping and praying -and you will not speak even a word
contained in the book which I wrote.

Wisdom and Authority Given to Enoch

The book of Jubilees 4: 17 And he was the first among
men that are born on earth who learned writing and
knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of
heaven according to the order of their months in a book,
that men might know the seasons of the years according
to the order of their separate months.
18 And he was the first to write a testimony and he
testified to the sons of men among the generations of the
earth, and recounted the weeks of the jubilees, and made
known to them the days of the years, and set in order the
months and recounted the Shabbats of the years as we
made them, known to him.
One man was given wisdom and authority to reveal the
calendar system of our Father. Only by this means of
marking time can we identify the true Sabbath and the
clean dates of the appointed times of our Father.

The true Sabbath

The book of Jubilees 2: 17 And He gave us a great sign,
the Shabbat day, that we should work six days, but keep
Shabbat on the seventh day from all work. Jubilees 2:18
And all the Malakim of the presence, and all the Malakim
of sanctification, these two great classes. He has bidden
us to keep the Shabbat with Him in heaven and on earth.
Exodus 31:13 commands us to guard the Sabbath above
ALL. It is a sign between us and our Father.
Revelation 7 tells us of the servants of our Father sealed
with his sign and protected from the wrath to come upon
the sinners of the world.
Revelation 7: 2 And I saw another messenger coming up
from the rising of the sun, holding the seal of the living
Elohim. And he cried with a loud voice to the four
messengers to whom it was given to harm the earth and
the sea. 3. saying, “Do not harm the earth, nor the sea,
nor the trees until we have sealed the servants of our
Elohim upon their foreheads. These are the 144,000 who
obey and observe the true Sabbath of our Father.
Most folks give very little thought to the Sabbath and the
importance of this appointed time. They are content to
follow the erroneous Sabbath of man’s religions with no
thought as to the origins. Even those people put more
importance into identifying the mark of the beast, as
though that is going to save them.
We have been told twice that the Sabbath of Yahuah is
HIS sign. Obeying the true Sabbath is a sign between
HIM and us. A sign that marks us as belonging to Yahuah.
Revelation 14 tells us these 144,000 are seen on Mt.
Tsiyon with the returning Yahusha Messiah. They are
called maidens, the bride of Yahusha Messiah. They are
found blameless before the throne of YAHUAH. They are
called a special possession forever. The proper Sabbath
is that important.

The Treasure of the Book of Enoch

Most who read the book of Enoch only make note of the
fallen angels and their offspring, the Nephilim. The real
treasure is found in chapters 72-82, where we are given
the only scriptural details to formulate a calendar system.
This same calendar system is used in heaven to identify
the true Sabbath of our Father and the clean dates on
which the appointed times are to be observed.
Enoch gives us the first hint of the calendar in chapter
41:8 Surely the many changes of the sun have both a
blessing and a curse, and the course of the moons path is
light to the righteous on the one hand and darkness to the
sinners on the other, in the name of YAHUAH of Hosts,
who created the distinction between light and darkness
and separated the spirits of the people, and strengthened
the spirits of the righteous in the name of HIS
You would be hard pressed to find someone who knows
anything about the path of the moon. Yet Enoch tells us
the path of the moon is light to the righteous. The answer
to this riddle is quite simple. The path of the moon mimics
the path of the sun. The moon crosses the ecliptic of the
stars, twice in one of it’s lunation cycles, just as the sun
crosses the ecliptic of the stars in one of it’s solar year
cycles. The righteous understand that the moon is pointing
to the sun as master of the calendar. The relationship
between the sun and moon comes with a phenomena, but
we will get to that later.
Twice in the book of Jubilees, four times in the book of
Enoch, we are commanded to make the count of days of
year three hundred sixty four days. The moon can not
obey these commands with a three hundred and fifty four
day year.
Nowhere in the word of our Father are we given
commands or instructions to formulate a lunar calendar. In
fact, Yahuah uses some harsh language in Isaiah 1:13-14
to rebuke the use of the lunar calendar. Yahuah states, he
hates their new moons and their Sabbath is an
abomination to him. Jubilees 6, takes this rebuke a little
further. Jubilees 6: 36 For there will be those who will
assuredly make observations of the moon
-how it disturbs the seasons and comes in from year to
year ten days too soon.37 For this reason the years will
come upon them when they will disturb (the order), and
make an abominable (day) the day of testimony, and an
unclean day a feast day, and they will confound all the
days, the chodesh with the unclean, and the unclean day
with the chodesh; for they will go wrong as to the months
and Shabbats and feasts and jubilees. 38 For this reason I
command and testify to you that you may testify to them;
for after your death your children will disturb them, so that
they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four
days only, and for this reason they will go wrong as to the
new months and seasons and Shabbats and festivals, and
they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh.
The Calendar Instructions of Chapters 72-82
Enoch 72:6 In this manner it rises in the first month
through the major gate; it proceeds through this gate
which is the fourth among those six openings which are
located in the direction of the east.
72:7 By this fourth gate through which the sun rises during
the first month there are twelve open windows from which
a flame flows, when they are opened at the appropriate
72:8 When the sun rises in the east in the sky, it goes out
through this fourth gate for thirty mornings and descends
faithfully through the fourth gate in the western sky.
72:9 During those thirty days the day daily becomes
longer and the night nightly shorter, for thirty days.
72:10 On that day, the day is longer than the night by one
ninth; so the day turns out to be exactly ten parts and the
night to be eight parts.
With these instructions Enoch tells us how to begin the
count of days for the new year. The sun rising in the fourth
gate, which he calls a major gate, is the spring equinox.
The fourth gate is noted as a major gate because two
great events happen in this gate. The spring and fall
equinoxes begin the count of days to the appointed times
of the spring and fall seasons.
The equinoxes are a pinpoint in time when the center of
the sun crosses the ecliptic of the stars heading north in
the spring and south in the fall. Genesis 1:14 agrees with
this in that the lights of the heavens, the stars, are
appointed for signs, appointed times, days and years. The
sun and moon won’t be created for another two verses.
Enoch divides the year into four parts, or seasons. These
divisions of the year, the equinox / solstice days, are made
by those who lead the seasons. Enoch calls them the
Chiefs of thousands and gives us special instructions
regarding them. Enoch 82: 82:4 Blessed are all the
righteous ones; blessed are those who walk in the street
of righteousness and have no sin like the sinners in the
computation of the days in which the sun goes its course
in the sky. It the sun comes in through a door and rises for
thirty days together with the chiefs of the thousands of the
orders of the stars, together with the four which are added
to determine the intervals within the year, that is, the
intervals between the four seasons of the year; those that
lead them along come in on four days.
82:5 On this account there are people that err; they count
them the four? in the computation of the year: for the
people make error and do not recognize them accurately;
for they belong to the reckoning of the year.
82:6 Truly, they are recorded forever: one in the first gate,
one in the third, one in the fourth, and one in the sixth. The
year is completed in three hundred and sixty four days.
82:7 True is the matter of the exact computation of that
which has been recorded; for Uriel, whom Yahuah of all
the creation of the world has ordered for me in order to
explain the host of heaven, has revealed to me and
breathed over me concerning the luminaries, the months,
the festivals, the years, and the days.
According to these instructions, the four leaders of the
seasons are not counted in the days of the month, but
stand alone to lead their respective seasons. So, we begin
the new year with the spring equinox according to Israel
Standard Time, just as the priests of old would have done.
Using this universal time is important when the calendar
needs to make an adjustment for the .25 day of the 365.25
days of the year, which usually occurs on a four year
cycle, as the calendar of Yahuah is self sustaining and
self adjusting, needing no involvement by man or his
So, the day after the spring equinox begins the count of
days for the first month. From this day one, we count
seven days to the Sabbath of Yahuah and the appointed
times per the instructions of Leviticus 23. Each of the four
seasons is counted 1 + 30 + 30 + 30.

The four leaders of the seasons are special days and

should be considered a Sabbath of Yahuah and a
memorial to Noah and the flood, who saved us from the
evil Nephilim. This is recorded in Jubilees 6: 23 And on the
new month of the first month, and on the new month of the
fourth month, and on the new month of the seventh month,
and on the new month of the tenth month are the days of
remembrance, and the days of the seasons in the four
divisions of the year. These are written and ordained as a
testimony forever. 24 And Noah ordained them for himself
as feasts for the generations forever, so that they have
become thereby a memorial unto him.
The Spring Phenomena
The calendar comes with an accuracy test. In astronomy
circles it’s known as the spring phenomena. This
phenomena occurs on alternating cycles of eight and
eleven years. When this phenomena occurs, the solar
calendar of Enoch aligns with the lunar calendar of
Judaism for the first month. This alignment occurred on
the crucifixion year of 30 AD and as recently as 2015.
Thus proving that Messiah Yahusha sacrificed himself on
HIS Sabbath, the fourteenth day of the first month, also
known as the Passover of Yahuah. Information on the
spring phenomena can be found on the US Naval
Observatory web site,

The Uncounted 365th Day

Twice in the book of Jubilees, four times in the book of
Enoch, we are commanded to make the count of days for
the year to be 364 days. There is a good reason for this.
The uncounted 365th day serves several purposes. First,
the 365th day acts as a partition between the old year and
the new year, as the calendar of Yahuah is not perpetual
as are man’s calendars. Second, the 365th day allows the
whole earth to finish it’s count of days, before beginning
anew with the spring equinox. Third, the 365th day acts as
a buffer when the calendar needs to make an adjustment
for the .25 day of the 365.25 day year. So, we count 364
days from the spring equinox, then await the determination
of the next spring equinox to begin a new year. So simple
even an ancient could do it.

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