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: Test cope 01254010 FORM TP 2016036 | MAY/IUNE 2014 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS, Paper 01 — General Proficiency T hour 30 minutes 06 JUNE 2014 (5 READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 45 items. You will have | hour and 30 minutes to answer them. 2. Inaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Bach item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. A list of formulae is provided on page 2 of this booklet, 5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item wy 1G) (B) © @) Sample Answer (lon Jo) ‘The best answer to item is “4, so (C) has been shaded. 6. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 7. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you car If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You can return to that item later. 8. You may use silent, non-programmable calculators to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. THM A When 2x°+3x?-2x+3 is divided by 2x—1 the remainder is @) @®) 0 1 2 3 ©) 6 ‘The expression ab + 3c~3b —ac is equal to (A) (a+3) @-4) ®) (a+3) (6-0) oe (a-3) (b+e) (a-3) (bc) Which of the following graphs BEST represents ftx) = x(1 x)? @ S © ©) pies) ve a = ed) rn CSEC Add Maths June 2014 P1 The number of visas, V(x), by an embessy annually is given by VG) = 72—42x+72, The LEASPaumber of visas issued in a particular year, x, is & 3 9 © 4 ©) 2 The roots of the equation Sx°+ 6x— 2" 0 are @ real and distinet (B) real and equal (C) _ notreal and not distinct (D) - not real end not equal The range of values for which B= Ix+10<0is (A) 2>x>5 @ 2$ ©) x<-Sandx>-s The set of values of x for which Bx+2>x-2is @) &:x>2} ®) @&ex<-2 () (erx>0) t >) Iffix) = 3x ~4 and fox) = x, then g(x) is if (A) “ 3x-4 @ xed 3 © 3-4 © 3 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 10. “4. Item 9 refers to the tables below which 11, show the ordered pairs for two functions f vend g. ‘The value of g* [£3)] is @ ia 8 ») Which of the graphs below is a function? y On vin 4, ++ ‘Aanetonisdefinedbyfir-> Lo -1. ‘The value of f* (1) is @ o 1 @) 2 () 1 @) 2 3x27" is equal to a 3F ® © vai dest o The value of x for which 4" = 2 is 1 @- ® 0 © ¢ © 1 Given that log, = 6 and log, Y= 4, the value of log, ( } is (A) 10 (8) tog,2 log, 6 © log, 4 @ 2: ion VS=1 aoe 15. The expression when simplified is 19, equel to 145 1G) ®) © oO 16. 20, aerial 2 ® - a i 4 1 @) we 21, 17. WhichofthefollowingisNOTanarithmetic sequence? ® 1,2,-3-19. @) 8, 12, 16, 20,.... (©) 51,45, 39,33,. ©) -7,-9,-11,-13. 2. 18, The sum of the ODD integers between 10 and 50 is @ 6 eC ) 630 ©) 1960 012540107 2014 ‘The first four terms of-e convergent geometric progression (GP) is given by 500, 200, 80, 32. The sum to infinity of this GP is (A) 200 $00 ® > ©) 300 2500 er A long-distance runner runs the first kilometre of race in 3 minutes 45 seconds butfinds thathis speeddrops steadily sothat ‘each kilometre takes him 12 seconds more then the preceding one, The time taken to cover the first 12 Kilometres is 2 58 mins 12 sees }) 31 mins 48 sees (C) 9 mins 18 secs (D) 63 mins 36 secs The coordinates of the centre of a circle with equation (x— 1)* + (+3) = 36 is q,-3) @) 1,3) © G1) ©) 3,1) ‘The line through the points P(k, 2) and (6, 8) is parallel to the line with equation 3x+y-21=0. The value of kis (A) @) 2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 23. ‘The points of intersection of the line with 24, 25. ‘equation x + y = 7 and the circle with equation x* + = 25 are P and Q. The coordinates of P and Q respectively are (A) 3-4) and (-4, -3) (B) 3, 4)and 4, 3) (©) 3,-4) and 4, ~3) @ G,4)and (4, 3) ‘Two vectors are equal (A) _ if they have the same magnitude and different directions @ _ if they have the same magnitude and same direction (©) __ifthey are parallel and in different directions (©) _ ifthey have different magnitudes and are in the same direction, we(77 al jven that OA =| B= Given that «(and TE~(3) the vector AB = 26. 2. ‘The position vector of the point P relative’ to an origin © is given as p= SI 2) and theposition veotorof Qrelativetoan origin O is given as q=-4i + 10}. ‘Which of the following is TRUE? (A) pandq are parallel. (B) The acute angle between p and q is 60°, pand q are perpendicular. ‘The acute angle between p and q is 45%. ‘The exact value of col @ 5 1 oF © o 8 Item 28 refers to the following triangle. <> <) EN The size of the missing angle X, measured in radians, is @ 5 ® 5 oF o = 29, @® Which ofthe followingrepresentsthe graph ofy™ sin 2x. 30. The smallest positive angle for 0 < 0 < 2x, for which the equation (2 cos 0 1) (cos 8 2)= 0 is positive is, x @ al 2n @) 3 4n Cre © 3 Sa Dm 2 @) z 01254010/F 2014 31. 32. sin (a + 45°) is equal to ® z (sin & + cos &) (B) s (cos asin a) © $ (incon) @) The value of “E radians expressed es degrees is @) 72 144° 8 180° (@D) 288 sin = 5 and is obtuse thentan 6 = 2 ee ) 3 5 ® -3 5 ae © @ 2 py 2 (D) B GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 34, 35. 36. 37. ‘The trigonometrical expression 38. sin x sing. Tres x * Teeos x |* identical to (A) 2sinx (@) 2tanx 2 @ a 39. () tan?x Given that y~ (5-2), then 2 - @® = -10(5-2x)* @) G~xy © 56-2 @) = 10(5—2xy ‘The gradient atx = Z on the curve y= cosx is a 2 @) = 40. 2 1 © f om 8 2 The curve C is given by the equation 41. y= 28 — 3x7 ~ 12x46, The values of x at hich stationary points occur are (A) 1and-2 land 2 ) ~Land-2 (DP) land2 Giveny =cos2s, thon 2 = es) + sin 2 Bf sin © Asin (0) 2sinde The curve C ig given by the equation yous 1S, The scond derivative, 2 ls siven by wm 2-4 @® ae © a @) 2+ Thevalueofaforwhich {(x*~5) eek iis ° 358 Baga (a) ®) ©) 42. X= [)/G)de anda

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