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Curriculum & Professional Development

Bridgett M. Bates

Grand Canyon University

EAD 529: Clinical Leadership II: Learner-Centered Leadership

Dr. Michael Schlabra

May 10, 2023

Curriculum & Professional Development

Analysis of School Needs Assessment & CIP

It is clear from examining the most recent needs assessment performed at the school and

how it aligns with the current Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) that the CIP/SIP successfully

fulfills the needs in the areas of curriculum and professional development. The data from the

school needs assessment offers useful insights into the precise areas that need to be improved in

order to improve the educational experience for students and promote the professional

development of teachers. The assessment identifies significant issues and gaps in the curriculum,

emphasizing areas that require improvement. It also highlights the requirement for focused

professional development opportunities to improve teachers' instructional strategies and attend to

their professional needs. A clear correlation with the identified needs may be seen in the

Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). It includes action plans that specify certain approaches and

measures to take to deal with the problems noted in the needs assessment. The CIP

acknowledges the value of curriculum creation and suggests strategies to improve the current

curriculum while assuring adherence to academic best practices and standards. This displays a

dedication to offering students a challenging and appropriate curriculum that satisfies their

learning requirements. The CIP also defines specific steps to assist teachers' development and

recognizes the value of professional development for them. It has provisions for continued

opportunities for professional learning, including conferences, workshops, and mentoring

programs. With the help of these initiatives, teachers will be better able to adapt their lessons to

the various learning styles of their students and increase their content knowledge.

CIP/SIP Addresses Identified Needs

The CIP/SIP shows how to meet the stated needs in curricular and professional

development in a thorough manner. To assure progress and gauge performance, it includes

several essential components.

 Goals: The CIP establishes specific objectives that are measurable and in line with the

recognized needs. These objectives serve as a guide for development and a benchmark

for assessing progress.

 Actions: Specific action plans that specify the measures that need to be taken to meet the

identified needs are outlined in the CIP. These action plans outline the accountable

parties, deadlines, and resources necessary for implementation success.

 Collaboration: Teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders are encouraged to work

together through the CIP. The CIP promotes community ownership of the identified

requirements and builds a common vision by incorporating all pertinent parties in the

improvement process.

 Progress: To track the execution of action plans and assess the efficacy of interventions,

the CIP includes a progress monitoring system. Stakeholders can highlight areas of

success and areas that need more attention using the included Progress Check

spreadsheet, which enables continual monitoring.

 Evaluation: The CIP places a strong emphasis on the value of assessing how well the

adopted initiatives are working. The school can determine the effectiveness of the action

plans through routine evaluation and make the necessary modifications to ensure ongoing


The CIP/SIP indicates a commitment to improvement in the areas of curriculum and

professional development by addressing the identified requirements through well-defined

action plans and a reliable progress monitoring mechanism. This all-encompassing strategy

makes sure that the school's efforts are targeted, quantifiable, and in line with the intended

outcomes, which, in turn, results in improved learning environments for students and

professional development for teachers.

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