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Role of Government in Canada

Refer to the text, Civics and Citizenship ( p.86-89), in order to answer the questions below.

1. Define Political Spectrum. Make sure to include in your answer the idea or concept of
left and right sides of the spectrum. What perspectives are unique to each side?

The political spectrum is a way of classifying different perspectives of how governments should
work. Typically, the spectrum is divided into left and right, based on the beliefs and values of
citizens and their attitudes about the role of governments. Perspectives on the left favour social
quality and public good and believe the government should be actively used as a tool to
improve society. Perspectives on the right favour what is good for the individual and believe
that some government is necessary, but that its powers should not limit individual freedoms.

2. What is meant by political division? Describe how political parties can either differ or
compromise when dealing with issues in society. How do the 5 parts of the spectrum
differ? (see source 1, p.86).

The further left or right people’s political views are, the more strongly they believe in their
perspective and oppose others, which is known as political division. Those with more central
views find compromise easier than those at the ends. The far left or right only accept solutions
from their side and oppose any from the other side. The centre-left or centre-right favours
solutions from their side, but not on all issues. The centre chooses the best solution to solve the
problem, whether it is left or right.

3. Using p. 87, refer to the large graphic that deals with how political issues are dealt with
by the Left and Right sides of the political spectrum.

a) Select 5 specific issues that fit into the Political Issue category on the graphic.

For example: Political Issue – National Security or Political Issue – Freedom

b) How would a political party on the Left deal with this issue?
c) How would a political party on the Right deal with this issue?

1. Freedom vs. Equality

a) A party on the left would favour equality. They would establish social policies in
favour of egalitarianism like the distribution of wealth or government-funded
programs to give everyone fair and equal opportunities.
b) A party on the right would favour freedom. They would promote less
government control over citizens and the economy to promote justice, security,
opportunity, and fairness.

2. Society

a) A party on the left would promote a cooperative and communal society through
policies that prioritize collective goals and the well-being of the community as a
whole. This could include things like government-funded healthcare, education,
social services, and laws that protect workers and the environment.

b) A party on the right would promote an individualist society through policies that
prioritize individual freedom and personal responsibility. This could include
reducing government regulations and intervention in the economy, promoting
free markets and competition, reducing taxes, and supporting individual rights
like weapon ownership.

3. Role of government

a) The left supports an active role for the government to address social and
economic issues. This could be through social welfare programs, regulating
business to ensure it is fair, implementing minimum wage laws, and providing
disaster relief.

b) The right supports a less significant role for the government in society and the
economy, promoting policies like reduced government spending, lower taxes,
and increased individual responsibility.

4. Taxes

a) A party on the left would support higher taxes in exchange for social welfare
programs and a more equal distribution of wealth, as well as the funding of
infrastructure projects and other public goods. This could be by raising taxes in
certain areas, adding new taxes like a wealth tax for wealthier people, or a
progressive income tax where higher earners pay higher income tax rates than lower

b) A party on the right would support lower taxes in exchange for individual freedom
and economic growth. This could be through implementing tax cuts, reducing tax
rates, or removing certain taxes entirely.

5. Culture
a) A party on the left would promote a multicultural society, valuing diversity and
protecting the rights of marginalized groups. They would establish policies such as
anti-discrimination laws and the celebration of diversity through cultural programs
and events. They may view cultural differences as a strength that can enrich society
and promote understanding between different groups.

b) A party on the right would promote a nationalist society, emphasizing national

identity and values over individual or cultural differences. They would advocate for
policies that promote assimilation and prioritize national security and defence. They
may view cultural differences as a potential source of conflict and seek to minimize
their impact on society.

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