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Political Parties in Canada

Party Liberal Conservative Green Communist
Red Blue Orange Green Red
Party Elizabeth
Justin Trudeau Pierre Poilievre Jagmeet Singh Elizabeth May
Leader Rowley
Very strong and
Active and Smaller
active Government
interventionist government Active
government controls
government that supports government
Role of that plays an industry and
that plays a free markets that promotes
Governm essential role in resources,
large economic and has social justice
ent promoting prioritizing the
role and minimal and
social justice needs of the
promotes social regulation of sustainability
and economic working class.
justice. the economy
Progressive taxation, as well Progressive
taxation. They Lower taxes as new taxes on taxation that
taxation, as well
believe in tax overall, with a pollutants like places greater
as new taxes on
cuts for the focus on carbon to burden on the
Taxes the wealthy and
middle class reducing taxes incentivize wealthy to fund
corporations to
and increased for businesses businesses to social programs
fund social
taxes on the and individuals. reduce their and public
wealthy. environmental services.
Publicly funded
Publicly funded Publicly funded
healthcare that Publicly funded
healthcare that healthcare that
prioritizes the healthcare that
Publicly funded, has a greater has a greater
Health needs of receives more
universal focus on focus on
care patients and funding and
healthcare. preventative preventative
provides them improvements
healthcare healthcare
with greater to the system
measures. measures.
Environ Action must be Balance Strong action Urgent and Prioritizes
ment taken to between against climate extreme action needs of the
combat climate environmental change, as well must be taken environment
change and protection and as investments to protect the over the
protect the economic in renewable environment. economy.
environment. growth. energy, They support
They wish to reducing carbon investments in
reduce emissions, and renewable
greenhouse gas protecting energy, reduced
emissions and natural carbon
promote clean habitats. emissions,
protecting and
energy. sustainable land
use policies,
and reducing
waste and
Supports a Supports a
Supports social
Supports social strong social strong social Supports a
programs that
programs that safety net for all safety net and concrete social
are efficient and
assist Canadians that policies that safety net that
Social cost-effective.
vulnerable includes guarantee a guarantees free
Services Less supportive
groups such as affordable livable income education,
of social
low-income housing, and post- healthcare, and
programs in
families. childcare, and secondary housing
education education
Supports a non-
violent foreign
policy and
Supports a well- opposes
Supports a well- Supports a Believes in the
maintained Canada’s
maintained and strong and dissolution of
military that involvement in
equipped capable the military
focuses on military
military that is military, as well entirely, and
Canada’s conflicts, which
Military able to defend as increased opposes
sovereignty and involves
Canada’s military Canada’s
contributing to reduced
interests both spending and involvement in
international military
at home and support for military
peacekeeping spending and
abroad veterans conflicts
efforts increased
investment in

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