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QP Code : 19UT130EPS6 QP Code : 19UT130EPS6 2

ÿoˆÁTˆEı YÁPˆy‘] ◊`l˘Á[˝bÔÁ‹ôˆ YÃ[˝›l˘Á (b) LÁTˆ›Ã^ `◊N˛Ã[˝ ◊XÃ^‹óˆSEıÁÃ[˝› ◊c˜„a„[˝ `◊N˛aÁ]Ó-AÃ[˝
(B.D.P. Term End Examination)
◊Qˆ„a∂ëˆÃ[˝, 2018 C L«X, 2019 (December-2018 & June-2019) ÂEıÏ`_ C Yà˘◊Tˆm◊_ %Á„_ÁªJÙXÁ EıÃ[˝”X*
B◊¨K˜Eı YÁPˆy‘] ( Elective Course ) (c) PˆÁâ¯Á^«à˘ [˝_„Tˆ Eı› Â[˝ÁMıÁÃ^ ? PˆÁâ¯Á^«„à˘Ã[˝ EıÁÃ[˝Sm◊_
Ã[˝Ár—Ù◊[˝p˚ÁX ( Political Science ) %Á„_ÁªJÙXÁ EıÃ[˝”X*
(6th Paper)
búˆ Yy
International Relations : EPS-6 (d) `Á◊‹ôˆ C ◊XÃ[˝ÁYw¯Á Ã[˝l˘ÁÃ^ a◊∂ˆÇ◊_Tˆ LÁ◊TˆY«„tÃ[˝
a]Ã^ f ªJÙÁÃ[˝ H∞RÙOÁ (Time : 4 Hours) aÁZı_Ó C [˝ÓUÔTˆÁÃ[˝ ]…_ÓÁÃ^X EıÃ[˝”X*
Y…SÔ]ÁX f 100 (Full Marks : 100)
2. Â^-ÂEıÁ„XÁ ◊TˆX◊ªRÙO Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ =w¯Ã[˝ ◊VX f 12 × 3 = 36
]Á„XÃ[˝ mÃ[˝”±ºˆ f 70% (Weightage of Marks : 70%)
Y◊Ã[˝◊]Tˆ C ^UÁ^U =w¯„Ã[˝Ã[˝ LXÓ ◊[˝„`b ]…_Ó ÂVCÃ^Á c˜„[˝* (a) %Á‹ôˆL¤Á◊TˆEı Ã[˝ÁLX›◊TˆÃ[˝ %Á„_ÁªJÙXÁÃ^ ]Ã[˝GÓÁXUÁ=-AÃ[˝
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Special credit will be given for precise and correct (b) XÃ^Á-=Y◊X„[˝`[˝Á„VÃ[˝ Y“E ı◊Tˆ %Á„_ÁªJÙXÁ EıÃ[˝”X*
answer. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes,
untidiness and illegible handwriting. The figures in the (c) "c˜O=„Ã[˝ÁY›Ã^ BEıÓ' %Á„≥VÁ_„XÃ[˝ ◊YªK˜„X Â^-
margin indicate full marks.
Y◊Ã[˝◊ÿöˆ◊Tˆm◊_ ◊[˝VÓ]ÁX ◊ªK˜_ TˆÁ [˝SÔXÁ EıÃ[˝”X*
1. Â^-ÂEıÁ„XÁ V«'◊ªRÙO Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ =w¯Ã[˝ ◊VX f 20 × 2 = 40
(d) \ˆÁÃ[˝Tˆ-ª◊ªJÙ„XÃ[˝ ]„W˝Ó aÁ+“◊TˆEı a+EÔı [˝ÓÁFÓÁ EıÃ[˝”X*
(a) %Á‹ôˆL¤Á◊TˆEı a+EÔı `Áÿóˆ◊ªRÙOÃ[˝ ◊[˝bÃ^[˝ÿô«ˆ C TˆÁdY^Ô
(e) a◊∂ˆÇ◊_Tˆ LÁ◊TˆY«„tÃ[˝ l˘]TˆÁ EıÁPˆÁ„]ÁÃ[˝ CYÃ[˝ "`Á◊‹ôˆÃ[˝
◊[˝‰`¿bS EıÃ[˝”X*
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B.A.-15760-Y [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Y úˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-15760-Y

3 QP Code : 19UT130EPS6 QP Code : 19UT130EPS6 4

(f) PˆÁâ¯Á^«„à˘Áw¯Ã[˝ ^«„G ]Á◊EÔıX ◊[˝„V`X›◊Tˆ ◊[˝‰`¿bS EıÃ[˝”X* (h) 1970-AÃ[˝ V`„Eı ◊XÃ[˝ÿóˆ›EıÃ[˝S Y“Ã^Á„a LÁ◊TˆY«„tÃ[˝
3. Â^-ÂEıÁ„XÁ ªJÙÁÃ[˝◊ªªRÙO Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ =w¯Ã[˝ ◊_F«X f 6 × 4 = 24
\…ˆ◊]EıÁÃ[˝ ]…_ÓÁÃ^X EıÃ[˝”X*

(a) aÁ∂ɈÁLÓ[˝ÁV C =Y◊X„[˝`[˝Á„VÃ[˝ ]„W˝Ó YÁUÔEıÓm◊_

[˝ÓÁFÓÁ EıÃ[˝”X*
(b) XÃ^Á-%Á‹ôˆL¤Á◊TˆEı %UÔ[˝Ó[˝ÿöˆÁÃ[˝ Â]Ï◊_Eı ◊[˝bÃ^m◊_
◊ªJÙ◊c˜‘Tˆ EıÃ[˝”X*
(c) %Á‹ôˆL¤Á◊TˆEı a+Ô„EıÃ[˝ Âl˘‰y V◊l˘S-V◊l˘S
ac˜„^Á◊GTˆÁÃ[˝ \ˆ◊[˝bÓd-AÃ[˝ =YÃ[˝ %Á„_ÁEıYÁTˆ EıÃ[˝”X*
(d) 1981 aÁ„_ ZıÁc˜Qˆ-AÃ[˝ Y“ÿôˆÁ[˝m◊_ Eı› ◊ªK˜_ ?
(e) ◊[˝„V`X›◊Tˆ ◊XW˝ÔÁÃ[˝„S Ã[˝ÁLÍX◊TˆEı V„_Ã[˝ \…ˆ◊]EıÁ
ae„l˘„Y ◊[˝‰`¿bS EıÃ[˝”X*
(f) ÂLÁªRÙO-◊XÃ[˝„Yl˘ %Á„≥VÁ_„XÃ[˝ =‡ˆ„[˝Ã[˝ EıÁÃ[˝Sm◊_
ae„l˘„Y ◊_F«X*
(g) \ˆÁÃ[˝Tˆ›Ã^ ◊[˝„V`X›◊TˆÃ[˝ ]…_ _l˘Óm◊_ [˝SÔXÁ EıÃ[˝”X*

B.A.-15760-Y [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Y úˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-15760-Y

QP Code : 19UT130EPS6 QP Code : 19UT130EPS6 2

English Version d) Explain India-China relations in recent

1. Answer any two of the following : 20 × 2 = 40 times.

a) Analyse the scope and significance of the e) Discuss the impact of the ‘Uniting for Peace

discipline of International Relations. Resolution’ on the power structure of the

United Nations.
b) Discuss the techniques and methods of

Balance of Power as the controller of f) Analyse the foreign policy of the United

national power. States in the post-cold war era.

c) What is meant by Cold War ? Discuss the 3. Answer any four of the following : 6 × 4 = 24
origins of Cold War.
a) Explain the differences between colonialism
d) Evaluate the achievements and failures of and imperialism.
the United Nations in maintaining
b) Point out the basic themes of New
international peace and security.
International Economic order.
2. Answer any three of the following : 12 × 3 = 36
c) Illuminate the prospects of South-South
a) Make a critical assessment of Morgenthau's
cooperation in International Relations.
Realist theory in international politics.
d) What was the Fahd Plan of 1981 ?
b) Discuss the nature of Neo-colonialism.
e) Analyse, in brief, the role of political parties
c) Trace the circumstances that led to the
in the making of foreign policy.
emergence of ‘European Unity’.

B.A.-15760-Y [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Y úˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-15760-Y

3 QP Code : 19UT130EPS6 QP Code : 19UT130EPS6 4

f) Write, in brief, the reasons for the origin of

Non-Aligned movement.

g) Describe the main goals of India's foreign


h) Evaluate the role of the United Nations in

disarmament efforts in 1970s.

B.A.-15760-Y [ Y„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Y úˆÁÃ^ V–rÙ[˝Ó B.A.-15760-Y

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