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School Pagudpud Integrated School Year Level 8

Pre-service Subject
Teacher(s) Arellano, King Jonald M. Science
Date April 25, 2023 Quarter Fourth

A. Content Standards
1. the digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory systems
in providing the body with nutrients for energy
2. diseases that result in from ingestion of harmful substances, and their prevention and treatment
of nutrient deficiency and

B. Performance Standards
Present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion;

At the end of the 60-minute activity, the students should be able to:
1. define digestive system
2. ,appreciate the importance of digestive system by giving examples of real life application of
digestive system; and
3. arrange the parts of the digestive system in the diagram


Subject Matter: (Digestive System)


A. References

 Baguio, S.M., Cook, C.S., Felicerta, C.N., & Mañosa, S.D. (2019) Breaking Through Science
Second Edition (pp. 216-219). C & E Publishing, Inc.
 Basbas, J.D., Jomisal, B.M., Patiño, M.D., Ortega, R.R & Urbiztundo, L.A. (2018) Learning and
Living in the 21st Century (pp.214-218). Rex Publishing House, Inc.
 Bayque A., Pavico J., Ramos A., Ramos J., & Silverio, A. (2019). Exploring Life Through Science
Series (pp. 210-214). Phoenix Publishing House
B. Other Learning Resources
 Human Digestive System. (Sept. 20,2022)
 Digestive System. (April, 2021)
 Digestive System Explained ( Dec 12, 2022)

A. Reviewing previous Preliminaries

lesson/Presenting the New
Lesson Good morning, Learners! Good morning, Sir!

Everybody, please stand and let us


Daphny, kindly lead us the prayer. Classmates let us bow our heads
and feel the presence of our Lord.

(everybody prays)


Thank you!

Before you take your seat, kindly

check your surroundings if there
are some pieces of paper and pick it

All right, to check your attendance.

Jade, is there anyone who is None, Sir


It’s good to know that you are all


In the previous quarter we have

discussed different topics in the
world of chemistry.

Right? Yes, Sir

Kindly give me one topic that we Sir, we discussed about the states of
have discussed last quarter? matter.

Yes, That’s right!

Another topic? Sir, we discussed about the periodic


Yes, that’s correct!

How about the other topics? Sir, we discussed about the
different phase change of matter.

You got it right!

Those are some of the topics that

we have discussed last quarter.

But for now, this fourth quarter we

are now going to explore the world
of biology.

Are you ready to explore the world Yes, Sir

of biology?

Okay, Very Good

Students do you want to play a Yes, Sir


I can’t hear you!

Once again, do you want to play a Yes, sir!


Let’s play a game called “ Pass the


Are you familiar with this game? Yes, Sir

Okay, let me explain the


I will give this ball to the first

student, then when the music plays,
you will start passing the ball while
dancing. When the music stops, the
one who holds the ball will be the
one to guess the picture presented
in front.

Is that clear class? Yes, Sir

(The teacher will pass the ball and (The students will dance and pass
the music plays.) the ball)
(The music stop)

Since you are the one who holds the

ball. Kindly give some guess about
what the picture presented.

Sir Mouth


Okay Very Good!


Sir, esophagus


That’s right!


Sir, Stomach


That’s correct!


Sir, Large intestine

Gerla enitsetni

You got it right!


Sir, small intestine

llams enitsetni

Very good, class!

Based on the activity that we Sir, about organs

played, what do you think will be
the topic for today?

Yes, that’s right!

Those are the organs that are

presents in the system, specifically
the digestive system.

We are now going to discuss the

digestive system.

Are you ready to learn new ideas?

B. Establishing the Purpose for the To start our lesson, these are the (The learners will read the learning
Lesson learning objectives today, kindly objective)
read, class.
At the end of the 60-minute lesson,
the students should be able to:
1. define digestive system
2. ,appreciate the importance of
digestive system by giving
examples of real life application of
digestive system; and
3. arrange the parts of the digestive
system in the diagram

Okay, Nice!

C. Presenting examples/instances of To begin with our lecture proper Sir, the digestive system is the
the New Lesson how can you define the digestive process of turning our food into
system? nutrients and energy for us to

That’s right!
It is the system which is responsible
in processing of our food we eat.

What will happen to your body if Sir, we feel tired and we don’t have
you don’t eat? the energy to do something.


Our digestive system is the one

who is responsible for conversion
of food into energy. Digestion is
important because your body needs
nutrients from food and drink to
work properly and stay healthy.

Understood class? Yes, Sir!

Okay, very good!

So, let’s go further.

D. Discussing new concepts and I will show you the overview or

practicing new skills #1 roadmap of the process of what
happens to the foods that we eat
once it enters our body.

We have here an organ, can you Sir, the organ presented is the
identify what is the name of the mouth.
organ presented?

Yes, the mouth is the first organ in

the process of the digestive system.

After the food enters our mouth, Sir, the esophagus is the next
where it will go? organ after our mouth.

That’s right!

From our mouth it will go down to

our esophagus.

So, what’s next?

Does the food will goes up? No, Sir

Where does the food go through? Sir, it will go down to our stomach.

That’s right!

After our stomach, what will be the Sir, the small intestine is the next
next organ? organ after our stomach.

Yes, that’s right!

If we have a small intestine, what Sir, we have a large intestine.

would be the next?

Yes, that’s correct.

In our large intestine, we have the

rectum and lastly the anus.

That was the whole process of the

digestive system.

Understood, class?
Yes, sir.
E. Discussing new concepts and Now, we are about to discuss what
practicing new skills #2 are the role or functions of every
organ that is involved in the
digestive system.

In our digestive system, we have

different major organs.

We have here on the board the

different organs in our body.

So, what are the major organs in

our digestive system?

Kindly choose one and separate it (The student will choose mouth,
from the group. esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, and large intestine.)

Very good!

Everybody, what are the organs in Sir, mouth, esophagus, stomach,

our digestive system? small intestine, and large
That’s right!

They are the most important organs

in our digestive system, for us to
process our food.

Kindly give me one of your favorite Sir, Ice Cream is one of my

food. favourite.

Yes, that’s sweet

How about others? Sir, I love eating chocolates.

So, delicious!

Thank you for answering!

All of the foods that we eat follow

a process once it enters our body.

So, let’s find out the process and

roles of the different organs
involved in the digestive system.

The first organ will be the mouth.

How can you define what is the role Sir, The mouth, or oral cavity, is the
of our mouth in the digestive first part of the digestive tract. It is
system? adapted to receive food
by ingestion, breaking it into small
particles by chewing, and mixing it
Yes, that’s right! with saliva.

In our mouth, we have what we call

physical and chemical digestion
that happens in our mouth.

How can you differentiate between Sir, in physical digestion, the teeth
physical and chemical digestion bites, chew and grinds food into
that happens in our mouth? something we can swallow while
the chemical digestion, the salivary
gland adds to begin the digestive
process of carbohydrates and fat.

That’s correct!

The mass of chewed-up food is

called a bolus.
Then the tongue pushes the food
toward the next part of the
digestive system.

The next part is the esophagus, Sir, The primary function of the
how can you define the role of the esophagus is to transport food
esophagus? entering the mouth through the
throat and into the stomach.

Yes, that’s correct!

In our esophagus, we have the
epiglottis, it is a small flap that
folds over our windpipe to prevent

Understood? Yes, Sir

After the food enters our mouth,

went down to our esophagus, then
it will go to our stomach.

Can you give the function of our Sir, the stomach is an organ with
stomach in our digestive system? strong muscular walls, the
stomach holds the food and mixes
it with acid and enzymes that
continue to break the food down
into a liquid or paste.
That’s correct!

During digestion, your stomach

contracts, relaxes and produces
acids that help break down food.

What will happen to the bolus or Sir, the bolus is broken down and
the food that is chewed up? becomes a thick liquid known as

Yes, that’s right!

When your stomach has broken

down food, it passes it to your small

Then, what would be the function Sir, the principal function of the
of our small intestine? small intestine is to break down
food, absorb nutrients needed for
the body, and get rid of
unnecessary components.

Yes, that’s correct!

Your small intestine connects the
stomach and large intestine.

And also we have some helpful

organs that helps in digesting food.

We have the liver, gall bladder and


How does helpful organs help in Sir, The liver created a bile and the
digesting food? gall bladder stored the bile and
when it is needed, it will pass off
the small intestine. And
pancreas makes pancreatic
juices called enzymes.
That’s correct!

Bile is a fluid that is made and

released by the liver and stored in
the gallbladder. Bile helps with
digestion. It breaks down fats into
fatty acids, which can be taken into
the body by the digestive tract.

After our small intestine, we have

the large intestine.

How does the large intestine help in Sir, The large intestine absorbs
the digestive system? water and changes the waste from
liquid into stool. Peristalsis helps
move the stool into your rectum.

Yes, that’s right

The main function of the large

intestine is to absorb water and
makes the waste a solid that will
exit your body.

In our large intestine, we have the

rectum and anus as it ends the
process of the digestive system.

What are the functions of the Sir, rectum is the storage of the
rectum and anus? stool

Yes that’s right!

It signals into your brain that there
are some stool that needs to release.
And it will go to the last part of our
digestive system, which is the anus.

What is the last part of the digestive Sir, the last part of the digestive
system? tract, the anus, consists of pelvic
floor muscles and two anal
sphincters (internal and external).

Very good!

Together their jobs are to detect

rectal contents, whether they are
liquid, gas or solid, and then control
when stool should and shouldn't be
excreted from your body.

Understood? Yes, sir

Is there any question, class? None, sir

Okay, to test if you fully

understand the lesson.
F. Developing Mastery We have here a diagram of the
digestive system.

I want you to fill in the boxes with

the proper organs in the digestive

(The teacher will call some (The students will fill the diagram
students) on the board)

Very good class!

G. Finding Practical Applications Since our digestive system is the
of Concepts and skills in daily one who helps in the conversion of
living foods into nutrients.

Do we have to eat unhealthy food? No, Sir.

Why do we need to eat healthy Sir, for us to be healthy and

foods? physically fit to do work.

Yes, very good!

Because if we don’t eat nutritious

food. We will be sick, we will have
unhealthy bodies and we will not be
able to do our work efficiently.

And if we eat nutritious food, we

will become healthy and stay

H. Making generalizations and This is another activity to know if

abstractions about the lesson you fully understand the functions
of different organs in the digestive
system. We have here in front the
different parts and functions of the
digestive system.

Describe the function of each organ ( The students will match the
in the digestive system by matching organs)
column A with column B.

It is a tube that connects the mouth

and stomach. It carries the food
down to your stomach for
temporary storage and further

This is where the food is

mechanically broken down by
chewing chewed pulp and the
tongue helps in pushing the bits and
broken into small pieces for easier
The large intestine absorbs water
and changes the waste from liquid
into stool

It breaks down food, absorbs

nutrients needed for the body, and
gets rid of unnecessary

An organ with strong muscular

walls, the stomach holds the food
and mixes it with acid and enzymes
that continue to break the food
down into a liquid or paste.

Very good, class!

I believe that everyone is now

ready for the last activity.

I. Evaluating learning (the teacher will distribute the

activity sheet)

Please read the direction carefully

and understand the questions.

You have 5 minutes to answer the


Directions: Choose the letter of

the correct answer. Write your
answers on the space provided

1. Which of the following is the

correct order of the digestive tract?
A. mouth → rectum → esophagus
→ rectum → anus → small
→ large intestine
B. mouth → stomach → esophagus
→ rectum → anus → small
→large intestine
C. mouth → esophagus → stomach
→ small intestine → large intestine
→ rectum → anus
D. mouth → esophagus → stomach
→ small intestine → anus→ large
intestine → rectum

2. What is the main work of the

digestive system?
A. fights disease
B. regenerates cells
C. breaks down food
D. distributes energy throughout
the body

3. In which part of the digestive

system does the breaking down of
food into tinier
pieces occur?
A. mouth
B. stomach
C. small intestine
D. large Intestine

4. The following organs are part of

the human digestive system
A. mouth
B. esophagus
C. small Intestine
D. gastro vascular cavity

5. Which of the following is

produced by the liver?
A. amylase
B. bile
C. pepsin
D. renin

Are you done? Yes, Sir

Okay, let’s check!

Exchange paper with your

What’s the answer correct answer Sir, the correct answer is the letter
for number 1? C

That’s right!

From our mouth → esophagus →

stomach → small intestine → large
intestine → rectum → anus


What’s the answer for number 2?

Sir, the correct answer is the letter
That’s correct! C


What’s the correct answer for Sir, the correct answer is the letter
number 3? A

Yes, very good!

Digestive system starts with our


What’s the correct answer for Sir, the correct answer is the letter
number 4? D

Yes, you got it correct

Gastro vascular cavity is not part of

the digestive system.

How about the last number? Sir, the correct answer is the letter

Very good!

Bile is the fluid creates by the liver.

Exchange paper with your


Okay who got 5? The students will raise their hands

Very good!

How about 4? The students will raise their hands

Very good!
I’m glad that you got high scores.
j. Additional Activities for To end our lesson, search for the
Application or ingestion,digestion,absorption,
Remediation assimilation and egestion in our
(Assignment/Agreement) digestive system.



Prepared by:


Pre-service Teacher/s’ Signature over Printed Name

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher’s Signature Over Printed Name

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