Cópia de Ou Are... Bko

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MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: How do you learn? We all learn in different ways.

You are a Linguistic Learner (2, 9, 17, 22)

You can use language to communicate very well. You think well in words. You enjoy
reading, writing, listening, and speaking. For you, school is easy and you are probably
considered a very good student. You love stories, to read them and to tell them.
You are a Mathematical Learner (5, 12, 19, 23)
You are logical. You can solve problems by using reasoning. You are very good in Maths,
of course. You love numbers and computers. You are usually very precise and accurate.
You think about things carefully. Your friends think you are a perfectionist.
You are a Spatial Learner (6, 13, 15, 24)
You like to draw. In class, you probably draw some funny pictures on the desk. Or,
sometimes, you just draw lines in different shapes. You like shapes, colours, and different
textures. When you were young, you loved to play with colour pencils and crayons. You
probably have a notebook with a lot of drawings.
You are a Musical Learner (1, 8, 20, 25)
You like sound and movement. You often “play the drums” with your pencil or your foot in
class. You listen to music very often and you know all of the latest hits. You probably sing
in the shower and are interested in playing a musical instrument (not in the shower, of
course). You learn the words to the songs easily and usually sing them to yourself or to your
You are a Kinaesthetic Learner (4, 11, 18, 26)
When a ball is thrown to you, you can react very fast. You know how to be at the right
place at the right time. You feel things around you. You have a good idea where things are.
You enjoy sports and movement. You love to take things apart and see how they work.
You’re very good at putting things together. You love arts and crafts classes. You love
dancing and theatre, anything that lets you move.
You are an Interpersonal Learner (7, 14, 21, 27)
You like to participate in class discussions. You like to work in groups. You don’t like to
study by yourself. You probably have a lot of friends and you like to meet them often. They
probably ask you for advice and you have long conversations with them. You love parties,
of course, the more people the better.
You are an Intrapersonal Learner (3, 10, 16, 28)
You don’t talk a lot in class and rarely participate in discussions. You don’t like social
activities, either. You live in your own world. You probably know yourself very well. You
know what you want. Your lifestyle probably includes sports and activities that are not so
active. You are confident that you can get what you want. You never give up.

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