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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cavite


Mendez, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046)861-0697

Final Examination in Organization and Management

Name: _____________________________________ Track/ Strand: _______________________ Score:_________

Part A. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully then encircle the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 1. An organization is ________________.
a. A systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose.
b. A group of people brought together by individual needs.
c. A systematic arrangement of tasks created for the attainment of any purpose.
d. A group of people brought together for the attainment of some purpose
_____ 2. Which of the following describes the main function of Top Level Managers?
a. They are individuals who are responsible for making decisions about the direction of the
organization and establishing policies that affect all organizational members; requires the highest
degree of conceptual and strategic thinking skills
b. They oversee or supervise the daily operations of the organization at the production or floor level
c. They take the generalized plans of upper management and create operational plans
d. They are involved with the production only; they have little to do with planning or decision making
# 3- 6 Select which management function is described in each of the following. Choose from the list below
a. Planning c. Organizing
b. Leading d. Controlling
_____ 3. Includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities
_____ 4. Includes determining what tasks to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports
to whom, and where decisions are to be made
_____ 5. Includes motivating employees, directing the activities of others, selecting the most effective communication
channel, and resolving conflicts
_____ 6. The process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and correcting any significant deviations

_____ 7. Advocated the use of the scientific method to define the “one best way” for a job to be done
a. Frederick Taylor c. Henry Fayol
b. Max Weber d. Douglas McGregor
_____ 8. Which is not a basic principle of Scientific Management?
a. Selection and training of the best people to do the job
b. Seeking the “one best way” to perform a task
c. Use of rule of thumb or traditional artisanal practices
d. Use of incentive wage plans – the quota system to boost production
_____ 9. A physiological or psychological deficiency a person feels compelled to satisfy.
a. Objective c. Purpose
b. Need d. Want
_____ 10. The backlash to the overly mechanistic view of employees held by the classicists -based on a belief in the
importance of employee satisfaction—a satisfied worker was believed to be a productive worker.
a. Human Relations Approach c. Bureaucratic Approach
b. Administrative Approach d. Scientific Approach
_____ 11. A series of studies that identified social and human concerns as keys to productivity; Social norms or
standards of the group are the key determinants of individual work behavior.
a. The Time and Motion Studies c. The Hawthorne Studies
b. The Gilbreth Studies d. Observational Studies (F. Taylor)
_____ 12. Physiological Needs, According to Abraham Maslow is
a. the most basic of all human needs; Need for biological maintenance, i.e. food, water, shelter
b. the personal sense of competence, may also be acceptance and respect from others.
c. the need for stability or protection in the events of daily life; may mean tenure for regular
d. the needs for approval and affirmation from others
_____ 13. Security and Safety Needs, according to Abraham Maslow is
a. the most basic of all human needs; Need for biological maintenance, i.e. food, water, shelter
b. the personal sense of competence, may also be acceptance and respect from others.
c. the need for stability or protection in the events of daily life; may mean tenure for regular
d. the need for affirmation and approval from others
_____ 14. Self- Actualization is
a. the most basic of all human needs; Need for biological maintenance, i.e. food, water, shelter
b. the personal sense of competence, may also be acceptance and respect from others.
c. the need for stability or protection in the events of daily life; may mean tenure for regular
d. the need for affirmation and approval from others
_____ 15. Tries to match managerial responses with problems and opportunities unique to different situations; No “one
best way” to manage, appropriate way to manage depends on the situation.
a. Scientific Management c. Administrative Management
b. Contingency Approach d. Bureaucratic Management
_____ 16. Which particular characteristic differentiates an open system from a closed system?

a. A strict hierarchy where in individuals report to a single boss who is directly in charge of their daily
b. A feedback mechanism whereby adjustments can be made based on the response of the external
and internal environment
c. A strict set of rules whereby authority and standards for behavior are clearly defined
d. A rigid formal system centered on job specialization and division of labor

_____ 17. The four leadership styles proposed under Blanchard's situational leadership model are:

a. Directing, Coaching, Supporting, Delegating c. Leaders, Followers, Teachers, Students

b. Acting, Leading, Growing, Starting d. Small, Medium, Large, X-Large

18-21. Determine which leadership style is best applied in the following situations. Choose from the list below:

a. Participating Style c. Selling Style

b. Delegating Style d. Telling Style

_____ 18. When followers are able, willing and confident, which leadership style is best to apply?

_____ 19. When followers are unable, unwilling and not confident, which leadership style can be applied?

_____ 20. When followers are unable, willing and confident, which leadership style can be applied?

_____ 21. Which leadership style applies when followers are unable, unwilling and not confident?

#22 – 26. Determine the goal of business described in the following. Choose from the list below:

a. Growth d. Power
b. Profit e. Employee Satisfaction
c. Service

_____ 22. Business is a part of society and has several obligations towards it. (i.e. introduction of new products or
services which will improve the quality of life)

_____ 23. The primary goal of most organizations

_____ 24. Caring for worker satisfaction and providing for their development has been one of the objectives of
enlightened business enterprises.

_____ 25. Business should develop in all directions over a period of time.

_____ 26. Business houses have vast resources at its command. These resources confer enormous economic and
political influence.
_____ 27. Employee relations being born out of the human relations movement is a management paradigm that
ensures that_________

a. employees are happy

b. employees have good morale
c. that employees are productive
d. all of these.
_____ 28. Which of the following is a sign of low employee morale?
a. Workers believe that the management is more focused on productivity but at the same time on fair
treatment of employees.
b. Employees believe that they are being treated fairly
c. Employees are enthusiastic about their work and show genuine interest in achieving organizational
d. Employees have a high degree of absenteeism.
_____ 29. Which of the following will give employees a sense of being wanted, of being important?
a. Inclusion and participation in the decision making process.
b. Highly structured work description.
c. Very high expectation for employee productivity
d. Emphasis on task and not on people
#30 -34. Read the following then answer the following.

Lito, Kerwin, Edmond, Warren,Alvin, Efren and Sharanie share the same
apartment but work in different organizations. Recently Lito has been moved to a higher
supervisorial position because of his good work ethic and strong leadership potential.
Kerwin on the other hand has been moved to a different department because his manager
believes that he can be more productive in his new department, his salary however stayed
the same. Efren was relegated to a lower position because of his constant misgiving with
the management, and feels negatively about it. Because of economic downturns and
limited job orders, Edmond has been told that he is temporarily out of the job but is a
priority to be recalled when business picks up. Sharanie on the other hand is looking for
another job since he has quit the job because of conflicts with his other schedules.
Because of absenteeism and lack of professionalism, Alvin has been told that he is being
removed, he has a job only at the end of the month! Mrs Maligaya, the owner of the
apartment has reached the age of superannuation and tends to be more relaxed nowadays,
especially when his impish borders don’t bother her.

a. Ms. Maligaya d. Sharanie

b. Lito e. Alvin
c. Edmond f. Efren

_____ 30. Which of them has been transferred?

_____ 31. Who has retired?
_____ 31. Which of them has been laid off?
_____ 32. Which has been promoted?
_____ 33. Who resigned?
_____ 34. Who was demoted?

_____ 35. A manager has the ability issue orders to his employees for things he wants done ASAP or as soon as possible.
This is because he has ___________.
a. Control c. Influence
b. Power d. Leadership
_____ 36. Mr. Francisco is admired by his employees and they want to identify positively with him. Which source of
power is exemplified in this case?
a. Referent Power c. Expert Power
b. Reward Power d. Coercive Power
_____ 37. Mr. Romualdez, being at the top of the organizational structure has the right to control those in subordinate
positions. Which source of power is exemplified here?
a. Legitimate Power c. Coercive Power
b. Reward Power d. Expert Power
_____ 38. Mr. Matalog has issued a punitive suspension to an erring employee. This means that he is not going to
receive the regular salary until he is allowed to go back to his job. Which source of power is exemplified here?
a. Legitimate Power c. Coercive Power
b. Reward Power d. Expert Power
_____ 39. It is a leadership theory that states that a person is born with or without the necessary traits of leadership;
“Leaders are born, not made”.
a. Contingency Theory c. Behavioral Theory
b. Great Man Theory d. Situational Theory
_____ 40. Theories of leadership which sought personality, social, physical or intellectual qualities that differentiate
leaders from non-leaders.
a. Contingency Theory c. Behavioral Theory
b. Great Man Theory d. Situational Theory
_____ 41. Leadership is shown by a person’s acts more than by his traits; Pattern of actions used by different individuals
determines leadership potential.
a. Contingency Theory c. Behavioral Theory
b. Great Man Theory d. Situational Theory
_____ 42. The Ohio State Studies sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior which are namely
I. Initiating Structure III. Consideration
II. Employee Oriented IV. Production Oriented
a. I and II c. I and IV
b. I and III d. II and IV
_____ 43. It is the extent to which a leader is likely to define or structure his or her role and those of his subordinates in
order to achieve organizational goals.
a. Initiating Structure c. Consideration
b. Employee Oriented d. Production Oriented
_____ 44. It is the extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect
for subordinate’s ideas and regards to their feelings.
a. Initiating Structure c. Consideration
b. Employee Oriented d. Production Oriented
_____ 45. The University of Michigan Studies sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior which are
related to performance effectiveness which are namely:
I. Initiating Structure III. Consideration
II. Employee Oriented IV. Production Oriented
a. I and II c. I and IV
b. I and III d. II and IV
_____ 46. It is a leadership behavior that emphasizes interpersonal relations; taking a personal interest in employee
needs and accepting individual differences amongst employees.
a. Initiating Structure c. Consideration
b. Employee Oriented d. Production Oriented
_____ 47. It is leadership behavior that emphasized technical or task aspects of the job.
a. Initiating Structure c. Consideration
b. Employee Oriented d. Production Oriented

#48- 50 Identify the Classic Leadership Style Described below, select from the options below:
a. Autocratic b. Democratic d. Laissez-faire
_____ 48. Shows little concern for task, lets the group make decisions, and acts with a “do the best you can and don’t
bother me” attitude.
_____ 49. Committed to task and people, getting things done while sharing information, encouraging participation in
decision making, and helping people develop skills and competencies
_____ 50. Emphasizes task over people, keeps authority and information within the leader’s tight control, and acts in a
unilateral command-and-control fashion.
#51-55. Match the Leadership style with the leader’s traits/ behavior as described in Blake and Mouton’s Leadership
_____ 51. Team management. A. High task concern; low people concern.
_____ 52. Authority-obedience management. B. High people concern; low task concern.
_____ 53. Country club management. C. Non-committal for both task concern and people concern
_____ 54. Impoverished management. D. Low task concern; low people concern.
_____ 55. Middle of the road management. E. High task concern; high people concern.

_____ 56. Contingency theory helps us understand leadership and adds an important element that allows us to identify
the best type of leadership to be applied. Which elements is this?
a. The leader’s personal traits c. The leaders’ behavior
b. The situation with which leaders lead d. The behavior of employees
_____ 57. Hersey & Blanchard’s Situational Leadership (SLT) focusses on _____________.
a. The leader’s intelligence which affects his leadership behavior
b. The leader’s degree of experience which affects his leadership behavior
c. The follower’s readiness in following the leader
d. The follower’s abilities to follow the leader
_____ 58. What are the two elements of readiness according to Fiedler?
a. Skills and Abilities c. Skills and Talents
b. Readiness and Willingness d. Ability and Willingness
# 59 - 62 Identify the leadership style based Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory applies to each situation
a. Delegating c. Selling
b. Participating d. Telling
_____ 59. Mr. Hipolito notes that his employees are unable to carry out a task but they are very willing to learn how to
do it.
_____ 60. Mr. Dayrit knows that his employees are very able and at the same task willing to do their jobs.
_____ 61. Mr. Macalalad knows that his employees are unable to do a job and they are unwilling
_____ 62. Mr. Romasanta knows that his employees are able but they are unwilling.

Part B.

0fvlohgfbfdftdfry5Create a diagram which illustrates the relationship of Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading and
Control (20 pts)

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