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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cavite


Mendez, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046)861-0697

Monthly Test in Media and Information Literacy

Name: _____________________________________ Track/ Strand: _______________________ Score:_________

I. Multiple Choice. Analyze the following situations. Identify the implication of media- and- information literacy to the
individual and to the society. Write only the letter of the best answer. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.

_____ 1. Jun and Leny advertised their street food stall in different media platforms. After a year, it became a
profitable business.
_____ 2. Riza made new friends and reconnected with old pals using social media.
____ 3. A Grab driver uses the Waze app to reach destination.
_____ 4. Sheila and Cas find it convenient to order their foods using an online app.
_____ 5. A mayor uses social media to update the public of the city’s activities, projects, and programs to encourage
people to take active role in beautifying the city.
_____ 6. The university uses a website portal as a learning management system (LMS), which both the teacher and
the student can access and can serve as an essential tool for e-Learning.
_____ 7. Carmen, an environment advocate, uploaded her global warming vlog on YouTube. After a month, it got
thousands of shares.
_____ 8. A senate hearing was aired live in broadcast media.
_____ 9. An accountant gets hired through LinkedIn.
_____ 10. Janine and Jackie use trusted websites to gather related literature for their research.

II. Choose the letter of the best answer.

_____ 1. Which of the following statements is NOT beneficial to an individual about the use of media and
information literacy?
a. It makes studying convenient for students. c. It connects people easily.
b. It keeps the individual updated on current events. d. It distracts people from being productive.

_____ 2. It is concerned with the overall impact of media and information to individuals and society.
a. Media and Information Literacy c. Media Legislation and Regulation
b. Media and Information Literate Individual d. Media to Its Audience and Stakeholders

_____3. The following media and information programs improve the students’ learning environment EXCEPT _____
a. Discovery Channel c. Math Tinik
b. Sine Eskuwela d. O-Shopping

_____ 4. What is associated to a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication
a. email c. YouTube
b. internet d. Google

_____5. In the education sector, the use of technology is vital due to the following reasons except ___________.
a. It creates convenience in sharing and receiving information.
b. It supplements lessons.
c. It allows holding online lectures.
d. It increases sales of products and services.

_____6. Which of the following is NOT a malicious threat on the internet?

a. Virus c. Spyware
b. Spam d. Google

_____ 7. What is referred to as the collection, dissemination and analysis of news information by the general public?
a. Online Shopping c. Citizen Journalism
b. Phishing d. Media Innovation

_____ 8. It is aimed to provide learners with content and interaction anytime and anywhere.
a. 3D c. Ubiquitous Learning
b. Massive Open Online Course d. Wearable technology

_____ 9. ________________are based on connectivist learning models that favors collaboration as a form of active
a. cMOOCs c. Google
b. xMOOCs d. Yahoo

_____ 10. Which of the following is NOT massive open online flatform?
a. Google c. EdxD
b. Coursera d. Udacity

_____ 11. ______________ are based on traditional course structures and make use of established teaching
approaches and materials
a. cMOOCs c. Google
b. xMOOCs d. Yahoo
_____ 12. One benefit of MOOCs is that it enables students to work through the course materials and assessments
at their own rates while also interacting with a global learning community.
a. Accessibility c. Repetition
b. Feasibility d. Self-paced
_____ 13. Erwin is watching a video about renowned Filipino scientists on his tablet in the assigned learning station.
Next, he will transfer to the next learning station to watch the different Filipino folk dances. Which medium is being
used here?
a. 3D c. Ubiquitous Learning
b. Massive Open Online Course d. Wearable technology

_____ 14. It is an advantage of MOOC in which a course runs two or three times a year, ensuring that students would
not miss their chance
a. Accessibility c. Repetition
b. Feasibility d. Self-paced

_____ 15. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Mass Open Online Course?
a. Teaching in a modern video format c. Online interaction between learners and teachers
b. Courses in a true online format d. Uses paper and pencil test in evaluating students

_____16. Who invented the concept of Massive Open Online Course or MOOC in 2008?
a. Bill Gates c. Mark Zuckerberg
b. Dave Cormier d. Jeff Bezos Answer Key

# 17 to 25 Identify the advantage of Information and Media Literacy as described in each item. Choose you answer
from below:
a. Improved quality of Life.
b. Greater political participation.
c. Better economic opportunities.
d. Improved learning environment.
d. More cohesive social units

_____ 17. Co-existence and harmony among people

_____ 18. Innovation and collaboration mindset.
_____ 19. People make better choices when it comes to exercising their right to vote.
_____ 20. Access to non -traditional education platforms is complemented by the ability to use them.
_____ 21. You can analyze your thoughts or metacognition when you have critical thinking.
_____ 22. Individuals can assert their ideas with regards to policies created by people in government.
_____ 23. Creativity leads to the creation of innovative products or services.
_____ 24. Acceptance of diversity that improves social relations.
_____ 25. Ability to collaborate in an online learning environment.

_____ 26. People with limited access to media and information may be called ___________.
a. people in media c. people as media
b. lower -end media users d. none of these

_____ 27. Which are “opinion leaders”?

a. people in media c. people as media
b. lower -end media users d. none of these

_____ 28. Ka Tonying which is a main stream media personality also has a “BLOG” which can be viewed in social
media platforms, this is an example of ____________.
a. social journalism c. citizen journalism
b. crowdsourcing d. ubiquitous learning

_____ 29. ___________________ is journalism that is conducted by people who are not professional journalists but
who disseminate information using Web sites, blogs, and social media.
a. social journalism c. citizen journalism
b. crowdsourcing d. ubiquitous learning

_____ 30. Which characteristic of ubiquitous learning is described below:

“Online collaboration with teachers and peers”
a. immediacy c. adaptability
b. interactivity d. situated instructional activities

_____ 31. Which characteristic of ubiquitous learning is described below:

“Wherever or whenever a student is, he can immediately access learning materials”

a. immediacy c. adaptability
b. interactivity d. situated instructional activities

# 32 -37 Put a check on the benefits of MOOCs and an X on the drawbacks.

_____ 32. High attrition rate.
_____ 33. Requires digital literacy
_____ 34. Either free or relatively cheap
_____ 35. Flexible learning schedule
_____ 36. Requires stable and fast internet connection
_____ 37. No physical location dependence

_____ 38. __________is any kind of electronic device designed to be worn on the user's body.
a. 3d c. Virtual Reality
b. wearable technology d. MOOCs

_____ 39. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia featuring openly editable content created and sourced by users
from around the world it is a form of _______________.
a. social journalism c. citizen journalism
b. crowdsourcing d. ubiquitous learning

_____ 40. It is a form of 3D technology that merges the real-world environment with a virtual world and transforms
how people shop and engage with products online.
a. 3D Modeling c. 3D Rendering
b. Stereoscopic 3D d. Augmented Reality

III. Short Response (5 pts)

Not all media effects are positive. One of the current issues about social media on political affairs. Cite some
examples related to how social media has been used to influence public opinion with regards to political and/or
social issues.

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