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Nicole Reyes: Good evening, everyone. We are the team Mission: Possible.

And we
are pleased to have you all here and ready to listen to our workshop entitled, “Time
Management 101: Make Every Minute Count.”

(NEXT SLIDE 2) Alright, now let me introduce myself to you. I am Nicole Reyes, the
master of ceremonies for tonight’s event.

(NEXT SLIDE3) Before we start, let me ask everyone to keep these event guidelines in
Kindly ensure that you have your microphones on mute and everyone is
encouraged to open their cameras and also do not forget your favorite snacks as you
guys participate. So please listen carefully as we have great speakers that are willing to
share their knowledge with us. That’s all for the event guidelines.

(NEXT SLIDE4) Without further ado, let me call on Mr. Ralph Lawrence Batangas to give
us his opening remarks.

Ralph Batangas: [OPENING REMARKS]

Thank you for that introduction, Ms. Reyes. Everyone, I am honored to welcome all of you
for taking a keen part in this important program. I am sure that you all will feel enriched
with knowledge after completion of this event. I welcome you all once again to this
Workshop and hope that you all will have a great time ahead. Thank You All!

Okay, thank you Mr. Batangas.

(NEXT SLIDE5) Moving on to the main part of our workshop, let me introduce Miss Janna
Balisi as our first speaker for tonight. Miss Janna? The floor is yours.


Thank you for the introduction Ms. Reyes. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I hope
everyone is feeling good right now. I am Janna Balisi, it is an honor to stand, well sit,
before you today as your speaker.

Before we start, I just have a very easy question for everyone to kindly answer. (SLIDE

How are you feeling today? Please use the chat box to type-in how are you feeling today.
May it be through words or emoji, sentence, a song, anything. Whatever your hear
desires. As I am waiting for everyones response. Personally, I am not feeling nervous
right now, I’m just experiencing a magnitude 5.7 shaking. (Read comments and make
Thank you all so much for participating, I hope we keep this energy until the end of the
sessions. (SLIDE 8)

To finally start, as I was making this presentation, I have come across this TEDtalk about
the Philosophy of Time Management. And he says time management is a concept that
started out in philosophy. The ancient philosophers were obsessed with this one very
important question, “How can we use our time in a way that makes our lives meaningful?”
So to begin with my presentation let me walk you through these 4 Time Management
Skills. (SLIDE 9)

Planning. How we spend our time is very important. Sabi nga sa kasabihan, ‘Kung kaya
mong gawin ngayon, gawin mo nalang bukas!’ Kidding aside, we need to be intentional
about our time management. How we spend our time can affect our relationships with
family, friends significant others, our health, and personal growth. A very timely example
which actually a reality, if we spend too much time on our electronic devices, we may
miss out on quality time with our loved ones or neglect our physical and mental health.
But if we prioritize spending time with our family, exercising regularly, and engaging in
hobbies that bring us joy, we can enhance our overall well-being and personal growth.
On the other hand, how we spend our time can affect our productivity at work. If we spend
too much time on low-priority tasks or attending unproductive meetings, we may miss out
on opportunities to work on high-impact projects or advance in our careers. And so we
should prioritize time management and focus on tasks that align with our goals, ideally.
In both scenarios, it's important to be intentional and mindful about how we spend our
time. We must evaluate our priorities, set goals, and create a plan to manage our time
For the next/this slide, I’m again asking for your and answer this deep, very serious
question. The question is… (SLIDE 10) What’s your daily routine? (More talk for me

I really appreciate all the responsesthank you so much. (SLIDE 11)

What we spend our time on is equally important. A key word here is attention and goal.
It's important to understand where we are directing our attention and whether it aligns
with our goals. Let's say you have a goal of improving your physical fitness. Spending
excessive time watching television or playing video games may not align with your goal.
But rather, spending more time exercising and eating healthy foods.
Let's take an example related to career advancement. If someone's goal is to advance in
their career and move up the ranks in their organization, spending a lot of time socializing
aka chismisan or browsing social media during work hours may not help them achieve
their goals. We have to ensure that we are spending our time on things that matter. And
prioritizing equates to limitation. Learn to say ‘NO’ to the things that don’t really matter so
that you can put yourself first and focus your time and energy on what matters most to
you. (SLIDE 12)

It is also essential to remember that whatever we focus on grows. If we focus on negative

things, we will attract negative outcomes. If we focus on positive things, we will attract
positive results.
Now, if we focus on negative thoughts and dwell on our problems, we may become more
anxious or depressed. But if we focus on gratitude and positivity, it may bring us
experience more joy and happiness. When we focus on the things that we are grateful
for, we can shift our perspective and cultivate a positive mindset. It is important to
remember that our thoughts and actions have a powerful impact on our endgames.
(SLIDE 13)

Finally, we need to fully understand the value of time, as it is not guaranteed. And as per
what Master Oogway says to Po, and I quote,” Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a
mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it’s called the present.” Remember, time is a
precious commodity, and life is a gift. So, we must make the most of every moment and
we have to ensure that we are living a life that is worth living. (SLIDE 14)

To end my presentation, I will leave you all with this statement, “When it comes to time,
we can either make SACRIFICES or make EXCUSES but only one of them will allow you
to live meaningfully.”
Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much.

Wow! That was an impressive speech and I hoped everyone was able to pick up the
information she shared with us. Alright, thank you Miss Balisi.

(NEXT SLIDE16) Before we proceed in introducing our next speaker, we prepared a mini
game for everyone to release some tension and to keep energy going until the end of our
program. May I call on Miss Piezon and Miss Raborar to facilitate the Ice Breaker portion.

[GAMES] (SLIDE 17-28)


Good job and thank you very much to everyone who participated.

Now, let’s have Miss Aliyah Mae Libed as our next speaker.

Aliyah Libed: [SECOND SPEAKER SPEECH] (Slide30)

What a very insightful talk from Ms. Janna and a fun filled ice breaker!
I am very honored!

(next slide 31)

In our second session, I will be providing a 5 tips on how to manage your Time.

(next slide 32)

Can I ask your participation, you can either raise your hand or comment in our chat box
How do you manage your time?
As an individual we do have a different approach in time management, we do what we
are comfortable
with. So I'll just give you an insight or a reminder that might be useful for you as a student
as you go along and work in a corporate world.

(next slide 33)

Tip 1: We own all of our time
- Our time is entirely within our control!
Whatever we do in our time, it is on us!So basically, coming up with an excuse of
having no time is not true!
We do have time,a time can be manage, its just that we do have a lot of it.
Given our situation right now.
- You have a choice to choose wether to attend our class or do other stuffs.
- Yes it is our obligation to sit here in class and learn but despite that we also have a
not to.
Disclaimer: I am not encouraging you to leave our class!
Instead, I am here to welcome you! Being present today means that you value your time
in learning!
If you want to manage your time effectively, focus on the things that you wanted to achieve
Prioritizing can help us to attend the area of ourlives that we value the most.
which led us to our T2
(next slide 34)
Tip 2: Make a to- do list
Why do you think it is important to make a to- do list?
-At least 30 mins of your time would be enough to plan for your day. Why?
A plan will help you determine how you will spend your day; so prioritizing is important.
In simply knowing your flows will help you back in track.
Let me share this!
Trying to get more things down, may not allow you to finish what you need to be doing.
In setting our goal to accomplish our task, it is important to keep the quality of our work.
For Example:
As a management accountant you are given a task to make a budget proposal for the
and on that day you are also required to attend some errands, a meetings and such.
Let's list it down.
But we do not simply write the task to be done, we need to;
Highlight your daily task!
We cannot let ourselves lost on the task without knowing the order of its priority.
Let me show you mine!
My today's highlight is to acommplish my quiz in my other subject and report in today's
Other tasks is proof reading and the rest is to review other subject.
According to Dwight Eisenhower, most urgent matters are less important and the less
urgent matters
are more important!

So, I want to introduce to you the Parkinson's Law

(next slide 35)

Tip 3: Parkinson's Law
Do you believe that?...
Work Expands depending on the time we allocate to it!
Have you ever experience running out of time and ended up breaking down because you
are not able
to comply with the requirements, be it in school or in a workplace?

In Parkinson's Law, the study explain how people behave on a given deadlines, people
focus on the
given available time rather that the actual time that we actually need to accomplish it.
"I can do it later tho, I have a lot of time" and later we realize the time is already wasted.

For example: I commit myself in making reports for a day, the process of making the
depends on the time we gave to it. Compared to setting a reasonable time in a day to
finish your
report, this allows you to make things productively and lessen the procrastination.
1 minute or 2 still we cannot turn back the time.

(Next slide 36 please!)

Tip 4: Protected Time
Nowadays, it is really easy to stay connected online with our families, friends and
But the thing is we cannot work for 24/7, we also need to have a rest and do some
What do we mean by Protected time?
A protected time is a time you give for yourself to breath away from the task.
Give yourself a time for your own, to do things other than working.
Let be atleast 3- 4 hours a day, to whether read a book, sleep for an extra hour,
play mobile games and many more
This is the time where you are allowed to disconnect yourself from a mails, meetings and
other work related to reflect and refresh your mind.
Create a time for yourself!

(Next Slide 37)
Tip 5: The choice to be satisfied!
At the end of the day, only one choice can make your spent time meaningful.
It is now up to you to be satisfied or dissatisfied on your accomplished task.
Remember that Your time is yours!

(Next Slide 38)

Okay, thank you very much Miss Libed for the tips that you shared with us.

To end our program, We would like to express our gratitude to our speakers, Miss Balisi
and Miss Libed, for sharing their unique views and tips on time management for attaining
work-life balance. We hope that the information presented today will assist you in
achieving more balance and harmony in your personal and professional life. Remember
that time is a limited resource, so making every minute count and how we spend it is
critical to attaining our objectives.
Again, Thank you everyone for being here with us tonight. Also, before we forget, to the
winners of the game, we will send you a message for your prizes. Okay now that ends
our program. Thank you!

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