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Chapter 1


Nature and Importance of the On-The-Job Training (OJT)

On-the-job training (OJT) Programs are prerequisites for courses that offer a

chance to put academic theories, principles, and concepts into practice under direct

supervision. These training courses expose the trainees to the workplace which, in

theory, would improve their abilities and prepare them for life after the school or college.

On-the-job training is a crucial component of any education. It first enables

students to put the knowledge they acquire in the classroom to use in a real-world

situation. This can be advantageous since it gives them a glimpse into what their future

careers can entail and gets them ready for any difficulties they might encounter at work.

In addition, on-the-job training may assist students in acquiring vital professional

competencies like time management and communication. Additionally, students who

receive on-the-job training can expand their networks and establish contacts in their

field of study.

On the other hand, as a student, OJT or internship program will give you real-

world job experience and expose you to different management styles, industrial

practices, and vocations in connection to your subject of study. Set expectations and

rules for behaviour. Additionally, clearly define the roles and duties of all individuals

involved and offer rules for a variety of circumstances that could occur during the OJT.
However, On-the-job training is challenging to manage. The students must do the

duty that their superiors assigned to them. The interns were given different units so they

could develop their task-performer skills. One of the fundamental criteria for enhancing

and developing each student's productivity is superior student communication.

Moreover, in order to guarantee that interns perform properly and acquire skills, a

formal internship program is organized, monitored, and frequently includes orientation

and training. Strong applicants are available for employers to pick from in competitive

internship programs, which can improve the curriculum and increase the likelihood that

the internship team will be hired again in the future.

Objectives of the On-the-Job Training

Generally, the On-the-Job Training aimed to develop the efficiency and effectiveness of

the trainees in the field of Criminology.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. Develop teamwork and coordination with the other employees within the training


2. Formally introduce the students to the real-world workplace environment;

3. Enhance their knowledge and skills in the station in order to become more

responsive to the demands of Public Service Professions;

4. Provide students a foundation so they can work effectively once they graduate

from training; and

5. Develop the value of professionalism, love of work and commitment to the people

they serve.

The student-trainees gathered feasible data and information to write this

narrative report on the On-the-Job Training to serve as a tool for research study


More specifically, during the On-the-Job Training period, under the supervision of

the Philippine National Police ( PNP) and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology,

the trainees learned the value of loyalty and dedication to the field of work and

discipline, as well as the skills and knowledge in both public safety and service ,


1. On Technical Matters

A. Apply knowledgeable lectures and activities given by the PNP officers such


1. Fingerprint Identification

2. Making Book Sheet

3. Assemble and Disassemble of Firearms

4. Traffic Management

5. PNP Different Operation Plans

B. Apply knowledgeable lectures and activities given by the BJMP officers such


1. Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP)

2. Morning Meeting
3. Exercises/ Physical Conditioning
4. Head counting of the PDL’s
6. Conducting Overall Operation Greyhound
7. Assemble and disassemble of firearms

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