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For Cross Examination

1. Before I start with the questioning, I would just like to remind you Ms. Witness
that all your statements in your Judicial Affidavit and all your succeeding
answers to my questions later, as well, are made under oath. Thus, any
statements found to be untrue or false could be a ground for a criminal
prosecution of perjury. Okay?

2. Now, Ms. Witness, you have mentioned in your affidavit that, allegedly, the 1 st
incident happened on January 23, 2023, at around 12:40PM at Education
Room 14 of CMU, am I correct?

3. Ms. Witness, am I correct that at the time that, allegedly, the incident
occurred, your class has not started yet? Or your professor/teacher has not yet
arrived to start your class?

4. But, am I also correct that immediately prior to the alleged incident, most of
your classmates were already inside the classroom waiting for your teacher to
arrive and start the class, right?

5. Okay. Ms. Witness, so would you agree with me that the earlier mentioned
classroom is a place conducive for learning and, therefore, not a hostile
environment per se? Right?

6. Prior to the alleged incident inside the said classroom, would you also agree
with me that you were not in a situation where your actions were constraint by
any fear of an imminent danger or some sort of any uncontrollable fear? Of
course, because all of you were there just to attend class like a normal day,

7. So in other words, immediately prior to the alleged incident, you can freely act
or move on your own volition, am I right? Especially so that your class has not
yet started at that time and your teacher was not yet around? Am I right?

8. Now, Ms. Witness. In a normal situation, especially to a woman like you, in a

situation where any person initiates any unwanted act of sexual advances to a
woman, normally, that woman instinctively reacts immediately in order to
resist and repel the said unwanted sexual advancement, right?

9. Now, Ms. Witness, you alleged in your affidavit that while the accused was
talking to you at that time, the accused was rubbing his penis against your
shoulder for about 1-2 minutes, am I right?

10. Now, can I respectfully ask your honor that we do a countdown of 1 minute so
that we can address our senses of how long is a 1 minute?

11. Now, Ms. Witness, let us just say, but without admitting, that your allegations
were true, am I correct that his rubbing of his penis for around 1-2 minutes,
you did not made any effort to resist or repel it, am I right?
12. (if No) So how come that none of your classmates noticed the incident? As you
have said in your affidavit, none of your classmates saw that the incident
happened, right?
13. (if Yes) So is it safe to say that since you did not make any effort to repel such
an incident, you were not somehow disturbed by the accused’s rubbing of his
penis against your shoulder? Yes or no

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