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Members: Serica, Kim, Agraviador, Chua, Maturan

Leader: Serica

Host: Serica
Co-host: Chua
Co-host: Agraviador
Guests :

● Introduction
● 5 elements
● alternate ending


Host: Hello and welcome to our podcast Capture Literature

I am your host Michael John Serica and I’m here with my co-hosts Johanna and Jhoy.
Today we’re here to discuss a short story called “the piece of string” by Guy De Maupassant.
Johanna let us start. May you tell us what this story is about?

Co-host: Guy De Maupassant writes His stories realistically to illustrate his views on what he
saw happen to the poor who were considered outcasts of society. The piece of string is an
example of this kind of writing.

Co-host: the story is about Maitre Hauchecome who traveled to Goderville, during his time in
Goderville he was framed for a crime he did not commit, which shows the harsh side of

Host): from the very beginning of the story Guy De Maupassant had already shown us how
unfortunate the lower class were treated back then. Even to this day the less fortunate are
still discriminated against for their perceived status. This story really gives us insight into the
lives of the poor. Let's dive in further to our story.

Host: The story starts off in Goderville, the peasants and their wives were coming through
the burgh because it was market day. The book describes the people as, “Whole body bent
forward, at each movement of their long twisted legs deformed from hard work.
and “Blouses, blue stiff-starched shining as if varnished, ornamented with a little design in
white at the neck and wrists, which puffed their bony bodies”

Co-host: The way Guy De Maupassant described the people back then really shows us just
how depressing and awful the conditions for the lower class were at their time.

Host: I agree, after the book illustrated the conditions of the people it brought us to the public
square of goderville
Host: Maitre Hauchecome of Breaute had just arrived at Goderville, he walked towards the
public square when he caught a glimpse of a piece of string that laid on the ground. A
person like Maitre Hauchecome saw how the string might be useful in the future and so he
picked up the string, and rolled it carefully. He noticed Maitre Malandian, The harness
maker. They were on bad terms. He concealed his find and went towards the market

Co-host: Nothing good can come out of that encounter, after his unsavory encounter with
Maitre Malandian. Maitre Hauchecome was soon lost in the noisy slowly moving crowd
which was busy with interminable bargaining.

Co-Host: little by little the square was deserted, At Jourdain's great room was full of people
eating, all the aristocracy of the plow ate at Maitre Jourdain's tavern. Suddenly, drumbeat in
the court, Everybody rose, apart from a few individuals. moments later an announcement
was made in the court. informing the people present at the market earlier of a missing black
leather pocketbook containing 500 francs and business papers to be returned to its rightful
owner for a 20 franc reward. The man soon left, shortly after discussion of the event had
occurred. a chief of the gendarmes appeared looking for Maitre Hauchecome. which Maitre
Heuchecome replied "here I am"

Host: Maitre Houchecome and the chief went to the mayor's office. The mayor had
interrogated Maitre Houchecome about the missing pocketbook. The Mayor had brought up
Maitre Malandian’s personal account of the events. Maitre Houchecome denied the claims
and told the Mayor it was merely a piece of string he picked up and not the missing pocket
book. no matter how much Maitre Houchecome Denied his accusations and proclaimed his
innocence. The Major was persistent on the fact that Maitre Houchecome was the one who
had the pocketbook. It was no use the Mayor had believed Maitre Malandian’s and not
Maitre Hauchecome.

Co-host: it is really disheartening to see that Maitre Houchecome was being denied of his
innocence. Most likely, from the point of view of the Mayor, Maitre Houchecome was a poor
desperate old man who would resort to thievery, while, Maitre Malandian was seen as a
respectable harness maker. Maitre Houchecome was discriminated against because of his
perceived status regardless of the truth of the claims against him.

Co-host: rumors of what transpired in the Major’s office spread like wildfire, and with rumors,
the accusations came along with it. Even when the pocketbook was returned by Marius
Paumelle, and proved the innocence of Maitre Houchecome. It did not matter to the eyes of
the people who still saw him as a dirty thief.

Host: Even when his own innocence was already proven, the people still saw him for what
he was not, a thief. It should be an important reminder for us to remember not to disregard
other people and belittle them, so that we may stop false accusations like what Maitre
Houchecome had gone through.
Alternate ending
Co-host: Mj I heard that today we will be having special guests for our ending

Host: Yes that right! Today guys we have invited some special guests to join us today for our
podcast to help us showcase our ending. Let me introduce Nayiamh Maturan, And Jaelan

Co-host: Hello guys! Welcome to our podcast and thank you for coming

Jae: Hey guys! Thank you so much for having us today, we are so excited for today's

Host: So guys can you tell us about our ending?

Nayiamh: Due to the emphasis we placed on the elderly man's untimely death in the original
narrative, we came up with a more heartwarming conclusion for him.

Host: I see

Nayiamh: so what happens in the ending we came up with, the old man ends up leaving his
old town and moves to a new town to start a new life

Jae: yes so what happens is, he leaves right?

Co-host: right

Jae: He initially enjoys peace in the new town, but after a few weeks, rumors from his old
town began to circulate there. As a result, occasionally as he walks down the street, he
hears whispers behind his back. In light of the fact that the residents of the new town are
aware of the stories, he decides to simply sit on a bench and contemplate his options.

Nayiamh: A boy sits down next to him and inquires as to why he appears so remorseful after
he has been sitting and reflecting for a while. The elderly man explains to the youngster his
problems and how everything is making him anxious with a heavy heart. The youngster
offers the old man a hug and says, "I believe in you," after having the old man open up to

Host: Oh, how kind of him! Knowing that even strangers are willing to listen to your
difficulties and troubles in order to help you feel better is undoubtedly comforting.

Jae: Yeah! And after that the boy just gets up, waves to the old man goodbye and walks
away, disappearing in the crowd of people. Then the old man eventually passes away from
old age after a few weeks, but he does so at peace knowing that at least one person had
faith in him.

Co-Host: What a fantastic conclusion! I am ecstatic with the outcome

Nayiamh: Thank you guys so much for inviting us and having us here today
Host: that wraps up our podcast for today, thanks for listening. until next time this is Capture

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