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January/ February 2004

Forum for Communications Experimenters Issue No. 222

From Caltech — Taniguchi’s efficient, inexpensive

40 -meter PA for CW


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QEX 11/2003
About the Cover

INCLUDING: Lightweight QRO. see the

article on page 3.

QEX (ISSN: 0886-8093) is published bimonthly

in January, March, May, July, September, and
November by the American Radio Relay League,
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Periodicals postage paid at Hartford, CT and at
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POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
QEX, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111-1494
Issue No 222

Mark J. Wilson, K1RO

Doug Smith, KF6DX
Robert Schetgen, KU7G
Managing Editor
Lori Weinberg, KB1EIB
Assistant Editor 3 A 200 W Power Amplifier
Zack Lau, W1VT By Takahiro Taniguchi; Kent Potter, KC6OKH; and
Ray Mack, WD5IFS Dave Rutledge, KN6EK
Contributing Editors
Production Department
Steve Ford, WB8IMY
7 A Cascade Regenerative Receiver
Publications Manager By Bill Young, WD5HOH
Michelle Bloom, WB1ENT
Production Supervisor
Sue Fagan
12 Twin-C Antennas
Graphic Design Supervisor By Brian Cake, KF2YN
Mike Daniels
Technical Illustrator 20 Linrad with High-Performance Hardware
Joe Shea
Production Assistant By Leif Åsbrink, SM5BSZ
Advertising Information Contact:
Joe Bottiglieri, AA1GW, Account Manager
32 Getting the Most from Half-Wave Sloper Arrays
860-594-0329 direct By Rudy Severns, N6LF
860-594-0200 ARRL
860-594-4285 fax
Circulation Department
42 The Primary Source of Automotive RFI: Ignition Noise
Kathy Capodicasa, Circulation Manager By Stu Downs, WY6EE
Cathy Stepina, QEX Circulation
Offices 47 Accurate Measurement of Small Inductances
225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA By Dave Lyndon, AK4AA
Telephone: 860-594-0200
Telex: 650215-5052 MCI
Fax: 860-594-0259 (24 hour direct line) 51 A Simple RF Power Calibrator
By Bob Kopski, K3NHI
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In the US: ARRL Member $24,
nonmember $36;
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Elsewhere by Surface Mail (4-8 week delivery):
ARRL member $31, nonmember $43; 46 New Book 61 Letters to the Editor
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Elsewhere by Airmail: ARRL member $59,
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Jan/Feb 2004 1
The American Radio Relay League, Inc, is a
Empirical Outlook
noncommercial association of radio amateurs,
organized for the promotion of interests in Amateur
Radio communication and experimentation, for
the establishment of networks to provide A Full Understanding
communications in the event of disasters or other ticularly starving for articles, but we
emergencies, for the advancement of radio art A former mentor of mine felt that do want to maximize the quality of
and of the public welfare, for the representation the best education was obtained when our content.
of the radio amateur in legislative matters, and
for the maintenance of fraternalism and a high a student had reached the fullest pos- Antenna articles are perennially
standard of conduct. sible understanding of a subject. He popular. Any article that describes
ARRL is an incorporated association without insisted, in several books and lec- something useful that can be simply
capital stock chartered under the laws of the
state of Connecticut, and is an exempt organiza- tures, that full understanding some- built is also popular. Additionally, we
tion under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal how required approaching the limit of continue to seek state-of-the-art
Revenue Code of 1986. Its affairs are governed the total of human knowledge on the project descriptions. Finally, in keep-
by a Board of Directors, whose voting members
are elected every two years by the general subject. Naturally, that is a difficult ing with the above, any article that
membership. The officers are elected or journey. explains something in a new and bet-
appointed by the Directors. The League is We recognize, as one letter writer ter way is welcome. Keep those
noncommercial, and no one who could gain
financially from the shaping of its affairs is
has pointed out in this issue, that be- projects going!
eligible for membership on its Board. ginners cannot necessarily grasp ev-
“Of, by, and for the radio amateur, ”ARRL erything at one go. Folks have to be In This Issue
numbers within its ranks the vast majority of
active amateurs in the nation and has a proud
able to learn in steps; but those steps Dave Rutledge, KN6EK; Kent Potter,
history of achievement as the standard-bearer in must contain all the information nec- KC6OKH; and Takahiro Taniguchi
amateur affairs. essary to impart full understanding, from Caltech in beautiful Pasadena,
A bona fide interest in Amateur Radio is the and they must not exclude critical California, bring us a modern 200-W PA
only essential qualification of membership; an
Amateur Radio license is not a prerequisite, knowledge that would be useful later. design. Bill Young, WD5HOH, returns
although full voting membership is granted only Still, it seems to us that much of with a cascade regenerative receiver
to licensed amateurs in the US. what we read in the literature lacks all design. Although some consider
Membership inquiries and general corres-
pondence should be addressed to the the information necessary for full un- “regens” to be old technology, enthusi-
administrative headquarters at 225 Main Street, derstanding. For example, descrip- asts continue to improve the breed.
Newington, CT 06111 USA. tions of why antennas radiate do not Brian Cake, KF2YN, takes us into
Telephone: 860-594-0200 include explanations of all the under- an adventure in “Twin Cs.” It’s not a
Telex: 650215-5052 MCI lying mechanisms. Additionally, ex- trip to the toy store, but Part 1 of a
MCIMAIL (electronic mail system) ID: 215-5052 planations of current flow in wires do description of some seemingly origi-
FAX: 860-594-0259 (24-hour direct line)
not usually include full descriptions of nal antenna designs. Check it out.
Officers why wires exhibit resistance, why Leif Åsbrink, SM5BSZ, presents a
President: JIM D. HAYNIE, W5JBP
conduction electrons are mobile and fifth article of his continuing series
3226 Newcastle Dr, Dallas, TX 75220-1640 so forth. on Linrad: the software radio system
Executive Vice President: DAVID SUMNER, We acknowledge that it is difficult. for Linux. He has a few things to say
K1ZZ Complete explanations are not always about receiver measurements, too. So
The purpose of QEX is to: simple and simple explanations not does Klaus Eichel, DL6SES/KF2OO.
1) provide a medium for the exchange of ideas always complete. In addition, a very Former QEX Editor, Rudy Severns,
and information among Amateur Radio wide variety of ages and education lev- N6LF, brings us a piece on getting
2) document advanced technical work in the els exist out there in the communica- the most from half-wave slopers.
Amateur Radio field, and tions field. In other words, one size Slopers may be amongst the most
3) support efforts to advance the state of the may not fit all. In turn, that means misunderstood of all antennas; Rudy
Amateur Radio art.
that not every article will be interest- sets the record straight.
All correspondence concerning QEX should be ing to every reader; but we do try to Stu Downs, WY6EE, explains the
addressed to the American Radio Relay League,
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111 USA. provide something for all readers. secondary side of modern automotive
Envelopes containing manuscripts and letters for As we begin our sixth calendar year ignition systems and the primary
publication in QEX should be marked Editor , QEX. in this format, we wish to rededicate causes of automotive RFI. Dave
Both theoretical and practical technical articles ourselves to broadening our scope, Lyndon, AK4AA, shows how to make
are welcomed. Manuscripts should be submitted our purpose and our readership. We accurate measurements of small in-
on IBM or Mac format 3.5-inch diskette in word-
processor format, if possible. We can redraw any
count on you to fill our pages and sus- ductances. Bob Kopski, K3NHI, con-
figures as long as their content is clear. Photos tain us. Remember: Without you, tributes a simple RF calibrator to go
should be glossy, color or black-and-white prints QEX would not be here. with his Advanced VHF Wattmeter
of at least the size they are to appear in QEX. Now what else can we do to im-
Further information for authors can be found on
originally presented in May/Jun
the Web at or by e-mail to prove? What else is it you want to 2002. In RF, Contributing Editor read? Our doors are always open at Zack Lau, W1VT, writes about power
Any opinions expressed in QEX are those of qex@arrl. org. If you haven’t already dissipation in baluns—Happy New
the authors, not necessarily those of the Editor or done so, check out our Web page at Year! de Doug Smith, KF6DX;
the League. While we strive to ensure all material www.arrl. org/qex. We are not par-
is technically correct, authors are expected to
defend their own assertions. Products mentioned
are included for your information only; no
endorsement is implied. Readers are cautioned to
verify the availability of products before sending
money to vendors.

2 Jan/Feb 2004
A 200 W Power Amplifier

This efficient, inexpensive Class E/F amplifier for

40-meter CW operation needs only a 12 V supply.

By Takahiro Taniguchi; Kent Potter, KC6OKH; and Dave Rutledge, KN6EK

n recent years, a series of inexpen- Class-E amplifier for the 160-meter switching that makes the Class-E
sive, highly efficient 30 and 40 band that also needs a 100 V power amplifier so efficient, together with the
meter power amplifiers for CW supply.5 These high-efficiency ampli- harmonic terminations that are used
operation have been developed at fiers would be much more practical for in Class inverse-F amplifiers to reduce
Caltech. They include 300 and 500 W, amateur use if they used readily avail- the peak voltage and current. In a
40-meter Class-E amplifiers 1 , a able 12 V power supplies. Here we switching amplifier, the transistors
200-W, 30-meter Class-E amplifier,2 describe such a 40-meter Class-E/F are operated in a high-resistance state
and a 1.1-kW, 40-meter Class-E/F amplifier. It has an output of 200 W (off) for part of the cycle and in a low-
amplifier.3 These amplifiers require and a drain efficiency of 83%. It uses resistance state (on), for the rest of the
100-V keyed power supplies that are a pair of International Rectifier cycle. Both of these states have low
much more complicated, costly and IRFP044N power MOSFETs that cost loss. The loss is low when the transis-
heavy than the amplifiers themselves. $3 each. These transistors have a tor is off because the resistive current
In other work, Todd Roberts and maximum drain voltage of 55 V and a is only a small leakage current. The
Frederick Raab reported a 700 W maximum RMS drain current of 53 A. loss is larger, but still low, when the
1Notes appear on page 6. The amplifier is quite compact, mea- transistor is on, because the on resis-
suring only 3×3×4 inches. tance can be quite small and this lim-
its the voltage. For example, the
California Institute of Technology The Class-E/F Amplifier IRFP044N that we use has an on-
Department of Electrical Engineering The Class E/F amplifier is a new resistance of only 20 mΩ. However, the
California Institute of Technology class of switching amplifiers that was transitions between the on and off
Pasadena, CA 91125-9300 developed by Scott Kee at Caltech (see states can still be a major source of Note 3). It combines the zero-voltage loss. This is particularly true for

Jan/Feb 2004 3
transition from off to on, when the series with each other. The amplifier circuits for even harmonics.
charge associated with the drain capaci- is operated somewhat below the reso- Fig 2 shows the voltage and current
tance of the transistor discharges nant frequency, to give an inductive plots for a Class E/F amplifier, normal-
through the channel. However, there is reactive component, which is neces- ized to the average value. The voltage
a solution to this problem. The load net- sary for zero-voltage switching. At the is a half sine wave, while the current
work can be designed to produce a ring- higher harmonics, the impedance of is a distorted square wave. The shape
ing drain voltage that is zero at the time the tank circuit is low. This means that of the current plot depends on the
of turn-on, eliminating the capacitive- the circuit presents near short circuits transistor capacitance, and it is dis-
discharge loss. This is the approach for odd harmonics and near open cussed in Note 7. In a transistor with
used in Class-E amplifiers, which can
achieve efficiencies as high as 90%.
Nathan Sokal, WA1HQC, has recently
written an excellent guide to the
Class-E amplifier with a good list of ref-
erences.6 While the efficiency of the
Class-E amplifier is excellent, there are
disadvantages that have limited its use.
The peak voltage and peak current are
relatively high, and this limits the out-
put power that can be achieved. In the
Class-E/F amplifier, the higher harmon-
ics are terminated with alternating
short circuits and open circuits to re-
duce the peak voltage and current,
while still maintaining zero-voltage
switching. This alternating pattern is
the same one that is used in Class in-
verse-F amplifiers. For a detailed dis-
cussion, see Note 7.
Fig 1 shows a simple circuit for a
Class E/F amplifier. There are two
transistors that are represented as
switches in parallel with a drain ca-
pacitance. The switches operate out of
phase with each other at the RF fre-
quency with a 50% duty cycle. This
phasing between the switches pre-
sents a high impedance to the even Fig 2—Drain voltage and current for a Class E/F amplifier versus time, normalized to the
average value.
harmonics. There is a parallel-reso-
nant load circuit, which effectively in-
cludes the two drain capacitances in

Fig 3—Circuit diagram and parts list for the 200-W, 12-V amplifier.
×100 pF ATC 700B)
C1—1900 pF (19×1 Q1, Q2—IRFP044N from International
C2—20 nF Rectifier.
×300 pF, ATC 200B).
C3—2.1 nF (7× T1—Two turns on RF400-0 core from
J1—BNC connector. Communications Concepts.
J2—UHF SO-239 connector. T2 1:1.
Fig 1—A simplified Class-E/F amplifier L1—150 nH, 5 turns on a 1/2 inch form. U1—LM317L 3-terminal adjustable
circuit. The bias connection is shown as a L2—216 nH, 3 turns on a 1 inch form. regulator.
center tap on the inductor. The symmetry L3, L4—0.15 nH TOKO variable inductor. R1—680 Ω.
of the connection reduces the RF coupling P1—Cinch-Jones P302AB dc supply R2—1.2 kΩ Ω.
to the bias circuit. connector.

4 Jan/Feb 2004
zero switch capacitance, the current supply to shape the pulses (see Notes requirement that spurious harmonic
would be a square wave, as in an ideal 1-4). Fig 7 shows a spectrum analyzer components be at least 40 dB below
Class inverse-F amplifier. plot of the amplifier output. The only the carrier. No external filter would
spurious component that can be seen be needed.
The Caltech Power Amplifier is the third harmonic at 60 dB below
the carrier. The harmonic suppression On the Air
Fig 3 is the schematic for our am-
plifier. Components are added for is excellent, easily satisfying the FCC The setup we use for operating with
converting differential voltages to
single-ended voltages, for matching
the input and output, and for provid-
ing a gate bias voltage. At the input,
T1 reduces the 50-Ω impedance of the
drive circuit to match the resistance
of the gates. L3 and L4 are adjustable
inductors for tuning out the gate ca-
pacitance. U1 is a regulator that sets
the gate bias at 3.5 V. At the output,
C3 and L5 transform the 50-Ω an-
tenna impedance to about 2 Ω. The
magnetizing inductance for output
transformer L2 acts as the load tank
inductance. C1 consists of 19 100-pF
700B capacitors from American Tech-
nical Ceramics. We used many
capacitors in parallel to reduce the se-
ries resistance. When we used fewer
capacitors, the solder melted. Even so,
the C1 capacitors are the hottest com-
ponents in the amplifier. The peak
current in each capacitor is almost
1 A. With a thermal camera, we found
temperatures for these capacitors of
up to 95°C with a 50%-duty-cycle,
200-W peak output. In comparison, the
maximum temperature of the transis-
tors was only 50°C.
The completed 200-W amplifier is
shown in Fig 4. All the components are Fig 4—Photograph of the completed amplifier with its cover removed.
mounted on a 69×83×37-mm heat sink
with a 12-V, 0.26-A fan attached be-
low. A series resistor drops the supply
voltage for the fan to 7 V to reduce the
acoustical noise. T2 is a 1:1 trans-
former with the secondary wound out-
side the primary. Each turn consists
of two pieces of 3/16-inch copper tape
laid side by side. The inside dimen-
sions are 1.2 inches high by 0.9 inches
wide. To electrically isolate the tran-
sistors from the heat sink, we use ther-
mal pads manufactured by Berquist
(Sil-Pad 600).
Fig 5 shows the output power, am-
plifier dissipation and drain efficiency
versus input power at a supply volt-
age of 12.8 V. We recommend a drive
power between 5 and 10 W to mini-
mize dissipation. The input SWR is
typically 1.6:1 for 5-W input, and 2:1
at 10 W. Fig 6 shows the relationship
between output power, input power
and supply voltage. Notice that in Figs
5 and 6, the output power varies
nearly linearly with input power at
low drive levels. This means that the
amplifier can be used for CW opera- Fig 5—Output power, amplifier dissipation and drain efficiency as a function of drive
tion without a special keyed power power for a supply voltage of 12.8 V. The maximum efficiency is 83%.

Jan/Feb 2004 5
Fig 6—Output power for different supply voltages. The output Fig 7—Power spectrum of the amplifier at 200-W output. The only
power reaches 200 W for a 12.8-V supply. visible harmonic is the third, 60 dB below the carrier.

the amplifier is shown in Fig 8. For

the power supply, we use a Yuasa
12-V, 24-A-hr lead-acid battery. When
the station is not being used, the bat-
tery is charged with a 2-A battery-
charger kit from A&A Engineering
( We
drive the amplifier with a NorCal40A
transceiver from Wilderness Radio. It
has been modified to increase its out-
put from the normal value of 2 W to
6 W (see Note 1). We did not have a
transmit-receive switch, but simply re-
ceived backwards through the ampli-
fier. This gave a loss in reception of
22 dB. This loss is not a serious prob-
lem, because the NorCal 40A is a very
sensitive radio with an MDS of about
–140 dBm. However, a possible future
improvement would be to incorporate
a T/R switch onto the circuit board to
reduce this loss.
This work was done as a Master’s Fig 8—A complete operating station with the 12-V, 200-W Class E/F amplifier. This
degree project by Takahiro Taniguchi photograph shows the fan and the amplifier with the mesh cover in place.
at Caltech. He is currently with the
Signals Service in the Japanese
Ground Self-Defense Force. The au-
thors would like to thank the Jet Pro- June, 1997, pp 39-42. Supply for Class-E Amplifiers,” QEX, Jan/
pulsion Laboratory and the Japan 2T. Stepanians, KF6NNZ, and David B. Feb 2001, pp 21-28.
Defense Agency for their support. Rutledge, KN6EK, “10-MHz Class-E 5T.Roberts, WD4NGG, and F. Raab, W1FR,
Thanks also to Scott Kee and Power Amplifiers,” Communications “Class-E Power Amplifier and Digital
Lawrence Cheung for their advice and Quarterly, Winter 1999, pp 31-38. Driver for 160 Meters,” Communications
3S. Kee, I. Aoki and D. Rutledge, KN6EK, “7- Quarterly, Fall 1998, pp 9-19.
MHz, 1.1-kW Demonstration of the New E/ 6N. Sokal, WA1HQC, “Class-E RF Power

Notes F2, odd Switching Amplifier Class,” Amplifiers,” QEX, Jan/Feb 2001, pp 9-20.
1E. Lau, KE6VWU; K. Chiu, KF6GHS; J. Qin, International Microwave Symposium 7S. Kee, A. Hajimiri, and D. Rutledge,

KF6GHY; J. Davis, K. Potter, KC6OKH Digest, Phoenix, May 2001, pp 1505-8. KN6EK, “The Class E/F Family of ZVS
4J. Buckwalter, KF6SWC; J. Davis, Switching Amplifiers,” IEEE Transactions
and D. Rutledge, KN6EK, “High-
Efficiency, Class-E Power Amplifiers,” KF6EDB; D. Maric, K. Potter, KC6OKH on Microwave Theory and Techniques ,
QST, Part 1, May, 1997, pp 39-42; Part 2, and D. Rutledge, KN6EK, “A Keyed Power MTT-51, May 2003. ††

6 Jan/Feb 2004
A Cascade Regenerative Receiver
Extreme selectivity—here’s a receiver
with two regenerative stages.

By Bill Young, WD5HOH

reference to a cascade regen- other experimenters are working on makes receiver performance some-
erative receiver can be found software defined receivers and other what independent of antenna length.
on page 78, Fig 47 of Vacuum advanced concepts. Interest in regen- The “gimmick” coupling capacitor al-
Tubes in Wireless Communication erative receivers hasn’t gone away. lows surprisingly high signal strength
originally published in 1918.1 The tick- Every now and then, one appears in on strong signals and, so far, has elimi-
ler coils in the 1918 circuit are located print. I have written this article be- nated any interference from nearby
at or near circuit ground as they are cause other experimenters might like strong stations.
in my cascade regenerative receiver to build this or a similar circuit There are two regenerative RF
and in the regenerative superhetero- Nothing in a regenerative receiver amplifier stages ahead of the bridge
dyne receiver recently published in should move with respect to anything detector. Coupling between the first
QEX.2 I used two circuits that I have else except variable capacitor rotors, and second stages and the second and
used in other receivers that seemed potentiometer wipers and switch con- third stages is accomplished by 1.8 pF
amenable to being connected in cas- tacts. Even those items can cause to 10 pF trimmer capacitors. These
cade. I wanted to try a receiver design problems. Conducting paths should coupling capacitors should be adjusted
that offered the gain and selectivity not move or vibrate. Everything must for the best possible regeneration con-
of a regenerative receiver incorporat- be tied down. Components that exhibit trol for both stages.
ing two tuned circuits without any of any tendency to move when held by The first regenerative stage design
the complications associated with het- their leads alone should be held down was worked out experimentally with
erodyning. This cascade regenerative with hot glue. The largest possible a breadboard circuit. The 560 Ω drain
receiver tunes from just above 3 MHz wire gage should used. Use lacing cord load was determined by temporarily
to just above 5 MHz. The selectivity, liberally. Where two or more wires run installing a resistance decade box as
in my opinion, justifies the effort ex- together for any distance (assuming a drain load and varying the drain
pended to build and operate the extra it’s electrically permissible for them to load resistance until regeneration
regenerative stage. One must learn to do so) they should be tied together. It occurred.
turn one knob only about half as far need not be pretty; but it cannot move. Each of the two JFET regenerative
as usual and then turn the second I have made this receiver as mechani- stages has a tickler winding in series
knob about the same distance to avoid cally and electrically stable as I could, with the drain load at the bottom or
tuning past stations. In retrospect, I and since it’s primarily used to tune “cold” end of the drain load. This cir-
would say that anyone building a cas- AM signals with the RF amplifiers at cuit was worked out experimentally
cade regenerative receiver should buy high gain but not oscillating, it’s very with “breadboard” receivers, and it
the best vernier drives available. stable and free of microphonics. results in better, more positive control
I’m sure some readers will wonder There is a common-source, untuned of regeneration in my opinion. The
why I have written an article about a RF stage between the antenna and the apparent reason for this is that chang-
regenerative receiver in 2003 when first regenerative RF stage. This ing the regeneration controls in this
serves—as similar stages have for over circuit does not change the drain load
appear on page 11. 80 years—to isolate the regenerative impedance very much. My article “A
circuits from the antenna, and it Mathematical Model for Regenerative
343 Forest Lake Dr presents high impedance to the elec- RF Amplifiers,”3 is a brief discussion
Seabrook, TX 77586 trically short wire antenna. The high of the relationship between regenera- impedance that the antenna sees tion control and drain load impedance.

Jan/Feb 2004 7
Also, each tickler winding is posi- with the tickler winding over the cen- some motion of the capacitor. The first
tioned directly over the tuned circuit ter of the tuned winding. Furthermore, regenerative stage (second stage) has a
winding. This configuration results in the ratio of tickler turns to tuned- “floating rotor” FINE tuning capacitor
better control of regeneration, but I winding turns was determined by trial which consists of a moving aluminum
don’t really know why. I’ve tried the and error in earlier breadboard cir- plate or rotor held by a nylon screw and
conventional configuration with the cuits, but once determined, seems to turned by a small vernier drive (see
tickler winding separated from the remain about the same over a fre- Fig 1). The rotor swings in and out of
tuned circuit winding by a small gap, quency range from below 2 MHz to the space between a grounded plate
but regeneration control was rough above 5 MHz, as long as the regenera- screwed to the chassis and an insulated
and erratic that way. I suspect that tion control resistances remain about plate held at a fixed distance from the
this behavior is unique to this circuit. the same. grounded plate by nylon screws and
Other experimenters apparently get Each 140 pF tuning capacitor is spacers. The rotor or moving plate is
better results with a separated tick- mounted to the aluminum chassis by shaped to have a greater perimeter with
ler winding and their “leak” detector its rear mounting lug alone. This makes less area. The capacitance of the float-
circuits, but this circuit works best tuning a little smoother by allowing ing rotor capacitor appears to depend
more on the “fringe effect” at the edges
of the plates and less on the area of the
plates. This concept has come from ex-
perience with an earlier receiver that
incorporated an earlier version of the
floating rotor capacitor (see Note 2). The
observed change in capacitance is much
less than can be accounted for by
applying the usual expression for the
capacitance of parallel plates with air
dielectric. Further experimentation is
called for, but the floating rotor capaci-
tor as it exists is very useful when
connected in parallel with the tuning

Fig 2—A schematic of the Cascade

Regenerative Receiver. The Very Fine
regeneration controls were added after the
photo in Fig 3 was taken. The MPS2222A
stage is an audio preamplifier circuit from
the 1992 ARRL Handbook. Unless
otherwise specified, use 1/4 W,
5%-tolerance carbon composition or film
Fig 1—The floating-rotor capacitor. resistors. You can contact Mouser at 958 N
Main St, Mansfield, TX 76063; tel 817-483-
4422; fax 817-483-0931; e-mail; Web
Tuning and Transformer Resonance B1—Rayovac NM1604, 150 mAh 8.4 V
I suspect that self-resonance of a bifilar coupling transformer driving a diode (for 9 V applications, rechargeable).
bridge detector results in increased “smoothness” of regeneration control in C1—“Gimmick” capacitor, 4 turns of
receivers of this type. insulated solid hook-up wire.
A 90-turn bifilar transformer similar but not identical to T3 exhibited a “dip” C2, C5—1.8-10 pF ceramic trimmer
capacitor (Mouser 242-1810).
or resonance very near 17 MHz. This dip was present with power on and with
C3—140 pF variable capacitor.
power off. Regeneration control was smoother near 17 MHz than anywhere C4—Floating-rotor capacitor, see text and
else within its tuning range, although the 19-meter band above 15 MHz was Fig 1.
almost as good. The 22 meter band just below 14 MHz was noticeably worse, C5—1 µF 25 V, low leakage capacitor.
as was the 13 meter band just below 22 MHz. This result, if it’s correct seems FB—Fair-Rite EMI shield bead
to agree with the information published in my earlier QEX article (see Note 3). (Mouser 623-2643000101).
S1—SPST ganged with the fine
Self-resonance would result in increased impedance and improved control. I regeneration pot in the third stage.
further suspect that if self-resonance was occurring in the receiver referred to T1—Transformer 22 t primary 3/4 inch long
above (not the present cascade regenerative receiver), the only reason the on a 7/8 inch PEX form, with a 4 t
stage wasn’t oscillating uncontrollably was the diode-bridge load on the sec- secondary wound over the primary’s cold
ondary of the bifilar transformer. end. The lead to the potentiometers is
The most obvious application of the self-resonant bifilar transformer is in a RG-174 coax. Shield the transformer by
covering it with a small metal food can,
regenerative intermediate amplifier stage as part of a superheterodyne re- such as that for Mandarin oranges.
ceiver. The gate tuned circuit and the bifilar transformer could be made reso- T2—Transformer 22 t primary 3/4 inch long
nant at a chosen frequency and left there. Designing such a receiver may not on a 7/8 inch PEX form, with a 4 t
be straightforward, though. Arranging for optimum coupling between a doubly secondary wound over the primary’s cold
or triply balance mixer and the regenerative IF stage will require some thought. end. The lead to the potentiometers is a
It may be possible to establish self-resonance of the bifilar transformer at twisted pair. Shield the transformer by
covering it with a small metal food can,
the upper end of the tuning range of a regenerative receiver and switch small, such as that for Mandarin oranges.
fixed capacitors across the primary of the bifilar transformer to extend reso- T3—Bifilar transformer, 90 t 24 AWG
nance across the rest of the tuning range. I’m sure, however, that there’s a enameled wire twisted, and then wound
limit to how far the Q of the bifilar transformer can be increased without loss of over two inches on a 3/8 inch diameter PEX
regeneration control. form. T3 is mounted inside the aluminum
chassis box.

8 Jan/Feb 2004
Jan/Feb 2004 9
capacitor of a regenerative stage. It en- the source circuit of the 2N3819 JFET. “motorboating” or instability.
ables very accurate tuning of AM sig- This idea was suggested in an unpub- The cascade regenerative receiver
nals. This accurate tuning when used lished private correspondence with can be operated as follows: Start by
together with precise control of regen- Charles Kitchen, N1TEV. It is some- setting both main tuning capacitors to
eration made possible by the combina- thing he said he had thought of but not about 80 on their logging scales. With
tion of COARSE, FINE and VERY FINE tried. I tried it and have been much FINE and VERY FINE regeneration con-
regeneration control potentiometers impressed with the performance it con- trols fully clockwise adjust the
results in improved sensitivity and se- tributes. It makes the receiver much COARSE control so that the stage is
lectivity. An increment of one small di- more capable of tuning AM signals just oscillating. Do this at reduced
vision of the FINE tuning control can below oscillation and somewhat less ca- audio gain. Then turn the FINE con-
result in a noticeable change in signal pable of tuning CW signals above oscil- trol counter-clockwise so that oscilla-
level, so the FINE tuning control does lation. This trade off is fine with me. I tion just stops and then go back clock-
serve a useful purpose. have been trying to do this for years wise with the FINE control until the
Some builders of regenerative re- with partial success. The diode seems stage is just oscillating. Now, turn the
ceivers advocate a single-point ground. to delay the onset of oscillation allow- VERY FINE control counter-clockwise
The circuit board for this receiver has ing higher gain below oscillation. until the stage stops oscillating, and
a buss wire “fence” around the edge of The cascade regenerative receiver use the VERY FINE control to adjust
the board. The “fence” does not form a was originally constructed as a single stage gain just short of oscillation.
closed loop. All ground connections are board receiver. All of the transistors, Turn the AUDIO GAIN pot clockwise to
made to this wire which is then con- diodes and the integrated circuits were increase audio gain. This procedure
nected to a single ground lug held to mounted on a single perforated board. can be followed with each of the two
the aluminum chassis by a machine The board is mounted about an inch regenerative RF stages. Some careful
screw and nut. There are several other below the underside of the chassis deck tuning will help as these adjustments
connections at some distance from the on six nylon standoff insulators. I have are made. It may be necessary to re-
board made in the same way with a now added a single MPS2222A junc- peat some of the adjustments until the
lug and a machine screw. The receiver tion-transistor audio preamplifier receiver has stabilized after several
performs well, so I assume the ground- taken from page 28-5 of the 1992 ARRL minutes, but it will stabilize and can
ing scheme is adequate. Handbook and mounted on a small be maintained at high gain for ex-
I have attempted to evaluate poten- board adjacent to the main board. I tended listening.
tial RF coil form materials by placing removed the transformer-coupled Now, turn each of the two main tun-
them, one at a time, in the field of an 2N3819 audio amplifier circuit origi- ing knobs to discover which one causes
RF coil connected to an oscillating RF nally placed between the bridge oscillation to stop when tuned in the
regenerative amplifier stage. I set the detector and the LM386 because it con- direction you want to tune. Oscillation
tuning for an audible beat note and tributed too little gain and caused an can then be started again by turning
then placed a small sample of the annoying audible “quench” frequency. the other main tuning knob in the
material in the field of the coil. I have The MPS2222A stage works well, and same direction. Proceed to tune incre-
tried cardboard, glass, wood, PVC, I’m confident that the receiver can be mentally this way (turning one main
acrylic, PEX (cross-linked polyethyl- built as a single-board receiver. There’s tuning knob, then, the other) until an
ene), the much recommended black- plenty of room on the main board for interesting signal is heard.
plastic film container and a plastic the MPS2222A stage. When you have acquired a signal
“pill bottle.” Each of these changed the The LM386 final audio stage is adjust the FINE regeneration controls
frequency of oscillation substantially, conventional except possibly for the appropriately depending on what
some more than others. Each was sus- 2200 µF capacitor across the 9 V dc you’re trying to receive (AM, CW,
pended in the field of the coil at the supply, which is necessary to prevent RTTY and so on). For AM signals, back
end of a length of waxed nylon lacing
cord. The length of lacing cord was
shown to affect the frequency very
little by itself. I decided by a process
of repeated comparison that the PEX
would be the material of choice. It
doesn’t crack as easily as acrylic, and
it’s easier to cut and drill. The two coils
are mounted above the chassis deck
on square pieces of Vector board, and
each coil is enclosed in a cylindrical
metal shield can (formerly filled with
Mandarin orange slices).
I have been reminded recently that
conventional regenerative detectors
tend to exhibit capture effect, where a
strong signal close in frequency to a
weak signal takes over the receiver
from the weak signal. That does not
appear to happen with this circuit.
Strong signals are audible “behind” or
“under” weak signals, but there is no
Each of the regenerative RF stages
incorporates a silicon 1N4148 diode in Fig 3—Front view of receiver.

10 Jan/Feb 2004
off the FINE controls until you have a away from their carrier frequency. gain, but gain decays faster than re-
clear AM signal, and then advance However, most of the weaker signals generation is increased. At this point
each VERY FINE control in turn for will increase in signal strength as they switch the receiver off, and recharge
maximum signal level. Work with the are tuned in and as the regeneration the battery.
two FINE regeneration controls and is increased enough to overcome this You will probably notice that the
the VERY FINE tuning control to tune interference. At my location, this has ON/OFF switch is built into one of the
exactly to the center of an AM signal been a problem only around 5 MHz. FINE regeneration controls rather
at maximum gain. Increasing the There are a couple of things about than the audio gain potentiometer
VERY FINE regeneration controls be- the performance of this receiver that as is usual. This choice is a result of
yond a certain point results in distor- are puzzling: parts availability only. If you can find
tion and the onset of “fringe howl.” It’s 1. Even if both regenerative stages are a 10 kΩ pot with a switch, use it.
easy with this selective receiver to oscillating and are not tuned to the Bill is retired following a 36-year
tune past a signal without hearing it. same frequency there is no audible career as a project engineer and man-
If you have reached the conclusion heterodyne. ager with NASA in the biomedical-
that this receiver is laborious to tune, 2. There is some interaction between hardware area. He was first licensed
you’re right. It is. Now you know one the two regenerative RF stages at as KN5DNM in about 1953 and has
reason why the superhet came to be high gain even though their coils been WD5HOH (General class) since
dominant. If you need to switch are shielded and they are both volt- about 1980. He holds a BSEE from the
quickly and repeatedly between sev- age regulated. University of Texas (1961) and an MS
eral air-to-ground frequencies, you This receiver was powered at first in environmental management from
really can’t do it with a receiver like by disposable 9 V alkaline batteries, the University of Houston (1981) at
this. That’s one of the things a crystal but I am now using a Rayovac NM Clear Lake.
controlled superhet could do well. 1604 NiMH rechargeable battery with
On the other hand it’s fun to tune good results. This battery powers this Notes
1E. Bucher, Vacuum Tubes in Wireless
in a weak signal, peak both RF stages receiver for about three hours between
to that signal and then pull it up out charges. The internal impedance is low Communication, (New York: Wireless
Press, 1918).
of the “mud” using the two VERY FINE enough for good performance until the 2B. Young, WD5HOH, “A Homebrew Regen-
regeneration controls without either battery voltage drops off the “plateau” erative Superheterodyne Receiver,” QEX,
stage going into oscillation. A disad- and needs recharging. The transition May/Jun 2002, pp 26-35.
vantage of this receiver is the presence from plateau to a weak battery is 3W. Young, WD5HOH, “A Mathematical
of the “skirts” of powerful shortwave abrupt. It suddenly becomes necessary Model for Regenerative RF Amplifiers,”
broadcast signals tens of kilohertz to increase regeneration to maintain Jul/Aug 2001, pp 53-54. ††
Twin-C Antennas

A simple antenna that uses coupled bent

dipoles provides some surprising benefits.

By Brian Cake, KF2YN

n my eyes, there are two basic an- short antennas; and, in particular, get- est. I must cover quite a bit of ground
tenna structures that are remark- ting high gain from a short-boom Yagi- here, so the depth of coverage of indi-
able: the half-wave dipole and the like antenna. It seemed to me that I vidual antennas may not be ideal; I
long Yagi antenna. The half-wave di- ought to be able to squeeze more gain hope that the principles will be clear.
pole is simplicity personified: almost out of a given boom length by moving Unless otherwise stated, the data I
one-dimensional, slim, with wide from what is virtually a two-dimen- provide are derived from computer
bandwidth and it forms the basic sional structure to a three-dimen- simulation using EZNEC pro 3.0 as
building block for umpteen varieties sional structure. Stacking is the the modeling program.1 Don’t worry. I
of more complex antennas. traditional method of doing this, but have built and range-tested a large
The long Yagi antenna is close to it involves mechanically assembling number of antennas based on this
one-dimensional and it is also beauti- two or more Yagis and feeding power simulation software, and the accuracy
fully simple—if you don’t need to de- to each of them. Besides, there was no of the simulations is incredibly good.
sign one! The problem with both the challenge here: It had all been done
half-wave dipole and the long Yagi is before. I went looking for a new way Short Dipole Problems
that they are way too long. For some to achieve the same result. The search When the length of a dipole is
years now I have been intrigued by the led to both reduced boom-length reduced, some well-known problems
problems associated with improving beams and to a new physically small arise:
dipole element with very interesting • The feed-point impedance drops dra-
properties. The following article is the matically, even if end loading is
248 Barrataria Dr first of two parts that will present used. Some form of matching
St Augustine, FL 32080 some results of my study. I hope you
1Notes appear on page 18. will find at least something of inter-

12 Jan/Feb 2004
circuit is necessary in order to al- second part, it can provide high direc- I have called the basic element the
low the antenna to be driven by a tivity (high gain) on two harmonically “Twin C” simply because its outline
transmitter and feeder system that related frequencies, such as 2 m and resembles two stylized “C” shapes
is designed to drive 50 ohms. 70 cm, while providing an excellent, back-to-back. A more appropriate
• The self-resonant feature is lost, and broadband match to a single feeder on name might be “open folded dipole,”
the antenna must be brought to both bands. For these Yagi-like anten- as we shall see, but this is already in
resonance somehow. This normally nas, the gain of the antenna on the use for a special version of a folded
involves the use of inductors, with higher of the two bands is substantially dipole.3 I use the name “Box Kite” to
their associated losses. greater, for a given boom length, describe the dual-band Yagi that uses
• The bandwidth is reduced. than that of a high performance con- a version of the basic element. (The
• To radiate the same power from a ventional Yagi. structure reminds me of happy days
short antenna, the antenna cur-
rents and voltages increase dra-
matically as the length is reduced.
In the following, I’ll describe new
methods of reducing the length of a di-
pole, while avoiding or minimizing some
of the above effects.2 The resulting ba-
sic antenna element has a square pe-
rimeter with side lengths of around
λ/6, or about one-third the length of a
half-wave dipole. It is self-resonant,
with a feed point resistance at reso-
nance of 50 Ω. The feed-point resistance
may be changed over a greater than 2:1
range by changing the aspect ratio of
the element while still maintaining self-
resonance. The efficiency is virtually
100% when copper or aluminum ele-
ments of sensible diameter are used.
The SWR bandwidth is about 3.5% of
the center frequency, as compared to
about 10% for a full size dipole. Ele-
ments may be connected in parallel to
provide multiband coverage without
band switching. Ground-plane anten-
nas using the element reduce the size
still further. The element may be used
in directional antennas. In one particu-
lar case that will be described in the Fig 2—A wide bandwidth bent half-wave dipole.

Fig 1—A bent half-wave dipole. Fig 3—A Twin C dipole.

Jan/Feb 2004 13
flying kites an awfully long time ago, allel sections should be less than about tance of a conventional folded dipole is
with the structure of the antenna re- λ/20. The close parallel sections mag- increased. Thus, although the radiation
sembling in some way the support rods netically couple the driven and resistance of an element as shown in
for box-kite fabric!) undriven halves, so currents flow in Fig 2 is approximately 13 Ω, the feed-
both halves. The magnitude and phase point resistance for the Twin C antenna
Twin-C Theory of these two currents is determined by is four times this, or close to 50 Ω, at
The evolution of the Twin C antenna the coupling between the two halves F1. At F2, the currents flowing in oppo-
from a full size half-wave dipole is il- and by the operating frequency. site directions in the two halves cause
lustrated in Figs 1 through 3. A half- The lumped equivalent circuit is a reduction in the feed-point resistance.
wave dipole is slightly shorter than λ/2 shown in Fig 4. This shows two iden- This is a problem only if elements are
and has a feed-point resistance of tical halves coupled by mutual induc- connected in parallel in order to pro-
around 73 Ω at resonance, with a 2:1 tance. With the dimensions shown, in vide multiband operation, as we shall
SWR bandwidth of about 10% of the coupled tuned circuit parlance, the two see later.
resonant frequency for common length- halves are overcoupled. The resis- The 2:1 SWR bandwidth for the
to-diameter ratios. First, we take the tances, R, represent the radiation and Twin C described above is similar to
λ/2 dipole and bend it as shown in loss resistances of the two halves. An that of the element shown in Fig.2.
Fig 1, so that the side length of the re- analysis of Fig 4 shows that, as is That is, approximately 3.4% for nor-
sulting antenna is about λ/6 and the usual with overcoupled tuned circuits, mal conductor diameter-to-wave-
width about λ/12, and there is a small there are two resonant frequencies: length ratios, as compared to about
gap between the open ends. As may be one below and one above the natural 10% for a conventional half-wave di-
expected, the resonant frequency is resonant frequency of each half. We’ll pole. It is important that the ampli-
shifted somewhat by the reshaping; but call these two frequencies F1 and F2, tudes of the currents in the two halves
by adjusting the lengths of the open respectively. are approximately half those needed
ends, the antenna will again resonate At F1, i1 and i2 are approximately to radiate the same power in a single
at the original frequency. Since the ef- equal in amplitude and are in wire. Because of this, the power loss
fective length of the antenna is reduced, antiphase, so they flow in the same di- caused by any resistive loss in a Twin
the feed-point resistance is reduced, for rection through the close parallel sec- C is smaller by a factor of two than
the dimensions shown, to around 13 Ω, tions. At F2, the currents are in phase that for a conventional single-wire di-
and the SWR bandwidth is reduced to and flow in opposite directions through pole. This means that inductive load-
about 2.5% of the resonant frequency, the close parallel sections. The operat- ing of somewhat shorter subelements
or one-quarter of the bandwidth of a full ing frequency is F1. It can be shown that is possible without seriously degrad-
size half-wave dipole. The SWR band- the effect of the two almost identical ing the efficiency.
width can be improved somewhat by ar- currents flowing in the same direction
in the two halves increases the feed Reverse Twin Cs and Double
ranging the antenna element as shown
in Fig 2, where a second pair of “wings” impedance by a factor of four. Also, the Dipoles
is connected to the center section. This radiation pattern is virtually identical It is well-known that a pair of tuned
does not significantly change the to that of a single wire of the same circuits can be coupled in many dif-
feed-point resistance, but the SWR length, occupying the mean position of ferent ways, the above being just one
bandwidth is raised to about 3.5% of the the two wires. This is similar to the example. A pair of Twin C halves may
resonant frequency or one-third that of manner in which the feed-point resis- be capacitively coupled by simply re-
a dipole.
The Twin C antenna is similar in
shape to Fig 2, but consists of two iden-
tical subelements bent into back-to-
back “C” shapes, with a close parallel
section, as shown in Fig 3. The center
of one of the subelements, or halves,
is driven by the source, preferably via
a 1:1 balun, because the antenna is
balanced. The total length of wire in
each half is close to λ/2 at the operat-
ing frequency, and the dimensions L1
and L2 in Fig 3 are approximately
λ/6. The spacing, S, between the par-

Fig 4—A lumped-element equivalent Fig 5—A reverse Twin C dipole.

circuit of the Twin C dipole.

14 Jan/Feb 2004
versing each half so that the Cs are
“front-to-front” as illustrated in Fig 5.
Now the coupling is predominantly
capacitive because the high impedance
ends of each half are close to each
other, and the low impedance sections
are well separated. It can be shown
from coupled-circuit theory that, with Fig 6—A “Double Dipole.”
two identical tuned circuits capaci-
tively coupled, there are again two
resonances: one above and one below
the natural resonant frequency of each
half. Yet now the currents in the cen-
ter of each C are in the same direction
and equal in magnitude at the upper
of the two resonant frequencies, as
opposed to the lower frequency for the
Twin C. The feed point resistance is
multiplied just as before. The Reverse
Twin C, as I call it, has the disadvan-
tage that it does not behave as a
simple vertical dipole when vertically
mounted because the high current sec-
tions are well separated, and there
is considerable directionality in the H-
plane pattern. However, for some ap-
plications this might be useful.
Short dipoles that use inductive
loading at their centers to bring them
to resonance can also be coupled capaci- Fig 7—Simulated and measured SWR curves for a prototype 6 m Twin C.
tively, simply by mounting two such
dipoles very close together, as shown in
Fig 6. I call this arrangement a Double
Dipole. Feed-point resistance multipli-
cation occurs just as for the Twin Cs,
and power loss in the loading inductors
is reduced because of reduced current.
The pairs of dipoles can be paralleled
with pairs for other bands, provided
that capacitive coupling between pairs
for different bands is not too high. It is
very important that the mutual induc-
tance between the two loading coils
should be small, otherwise inductive
and capacitive coupling fight each other
and full impedance multiplication will
not be possible.
The Double Dipole antenna is not
as rosy as it may seem, however. The
operating frequency is F2, which is
higher than the self-resonant fre-
quency of the two dipoles. This means
that the loading inductance, and
therefore its loss resistance, is larger
than for a single dipole, so the gain in
efficiency is not as high as we might
first expect.
As an example, let’s consider a
Double Dipole for the 15-m band: two
10′ long 1″ diameter dipoles, each cen-
ter loaded with 5-µH inductors (Q ≈
100) mounted in free space with a spac-
ing of 10″ between them. This gives an
efficiency of about 75%, a minimum
SWR of 1:1 and a 2:1 SWR bandwidth
of 500 kHz. No matching circuit is nec-
essary when fed with 50 Ω cable: The Fig 8—A predicted H-plane pattern
feed point needs only a good 1:1 balun, for the vertical Twin C prototype.
the simplest of these being a few turns

Jan/Feb 2004 15
of the feed cable around a suitable fer- The Twin C SWR is very tolerant of 0.0625″ copper wire, but this dimen-
rite toroid. The single-dipole equivalent changes in the dimensions L1 and L2. sion is not at all critical. In all cases,
with the same length and diameter uses Fig 9 shows how the SWR for the the gap in the ends of the Cs is 4″, and
a 4-µH inductor with a Q of 100; it has 50-MHz prototype varies with dimen- the dimensions referred to are those
a feed-point resistance of 15 Ω, an SWR sions in a 50 Ω system. As the length shown in Fig 3.
bandwidth in a 15-Ω system of 350 kHz, L2 increases (L1 must be decreased Notice that these dimensions are
and an efficiency of 66%. Any loss in to maintain resonance), so does the considerably shorter and “fatter” than
the matching circuit will of course fur- feed-point resistance, and vice versa. those for the Twin C in free space, sim-
ther reduce efficiency. Ground-plane However, changing the spacing be- ply because the presence of the ground
versions of these antennas are of course tween the two halves changes the cou- increases the feed-point resistance. The
practical, although efficiencies are pling coefficient, and thus changes the dimension L2 is reduced in each case
likely to be lower. resonant frequency. Shifts in resonant to bring the feed-point resistance back
frequency of a few percent can be to 50 Ω, and L1 is increased to main-
Practical Twin Cs achieved simply by changing S, but tain resonance at the design center fre-
As an example of Twin C antenna this does of course mean that construc- quency. These dimensions should be
design, let’s use the prototype that I tion should be such that S is well treated as good starting points: Be pre-
built for 6 m. In Fig 3, L1 is 36 inches, defined in order to ensure frequency pared to trim the dimensions to accom-
L2 is 40 inches and S is 2 inches. The stability. In the prototype 6-m an- modate your local conditions.
antenna was fabricated from 1/2-inch tenna, a change in spacing of 1 inch, Basic Twin C dipoles can also be con-
copper pipe and fed via a current balun from S = 2″ to S = 3″, shifted the reso- nected in parallel, just as full size di-
consisting of a few toroids slid over the nant frequency by 700 kHz, and poles, to provide multiband operation.
feed cable. The closely coupled parallel changed the resonant SWR from 1.14 One might ask whether a folded-up
sections were secured to opposite sides to 1.2. A change in S of 4 inches, from folded dipole could be used. The well-
of a plastic construction level. The SWR S = 2″ to S = 6″, shifted the resonant known problem with folded dipoles is
plots from both computer model and frequency by 1.8 MHz, and changed that the feed-point impedance drops to
measurements of a prototype (mounted the resonant SWR from 1.14 to 1.32. a very low level at the second harmonic.
about 25 feet above ground on my deck) From a practical standpoint, fre- This has to do with the behavior of the
agree reasonably closely: The simulated quency adjustment could be provided short-circuited transmission line that
and measured results are shown in either by physically moving the two is inherent in the structure. This effect
Fig 7. Notice that I have found on sev- halves closer together; or, perhaps sim- means that folded folded dipoles (inten-
eral occasions that the presence of wood pler, by providing a small loop, in one tional double adjective) cannot be
in the near field area of VHF or UHF or both of the parallel sections, that connected in parallel and operated at a
antennas affects the SWR somewhat. can be adjusted to change the coupling frequency that is near their second har-
The simulation results assume a free- coefficient. monic of the dipole cut for the lowest
space environment. The measured 2:1 Dimensions for Twin C dipoles for frequency. For example, operation on
SWR bandwidth is about 2 MHz, or the 20-, 15- and 10-m bands are shown 20 m and 10 m is not possible: The low
about 4% of the center frequency. A full- in Table 1. These are for Twin Cs impedance of the 20-m dipole on 10 m
size half-wave dipole for 6 m is almost mounted vertically, as in Fig 3, so that effectively shorts out the 10-m dipole.
10 feet long, whereas the Twin C the center of the antenna is located This is not the case with parallel-con-
equivalent is around 3 feet on a side. 8 feet above ground with average con- nected Twin C dipoles. There is a fre-
There is a difference in directivity, or ductivity. The antennas are made of quency for each dipole at which the feed
gain. A full-size dipole has a directivity
of 2.14 dBi, whereas the Twin C in
theory behaves as a short Hertzian di- Table 1—Dimensions for Vertical Twin-C Antennas
pole with a directivity of about 1.8 dBi.
However, when used as a vertical, Band L1 L2 S SWR Bandwidth
the pattern is not perfectly omnidirec-
20 m 212 ″ 96 ″ 6″ 400 kHz
tional because of the currents flowing
in the outer vertical wires. The simu- 15 m 126 ″ 76 ″ 6″ 550 kHz
lated H-plane pattern for the vertical 10 m 82 ″ 64 ″ 6″ 800 kHz
prototype Twin C is shown in Fig 8.
More than two identical subelements
may be coupled together in similar
manner to the Twin C. With three sub-
elements, the feed impedance is in-
creased by roughly three squared, or
nine times, and so forth.
The Twin C shown in Fig 3 has both
subelements in the same plane. In fact,
one of the halves may be rotated
around the vertical axis of the antenna
with little effect on performance, ex-
cept for a slight reduction in SWR
bandwidth and center frequency, un-
til the angle between the halves is
roughly 30°. For angles less than 30°,
the capacitive coupling between the
halves increases and the feed point
resistance drops rapidly. Fig 9—SWR plot for the prototype 6 m Twin C as a function of dimension L2 (see Fig 4).

16 Jan/Feb 2004
point impedance is very low; but this driven element in a Yagi-like antenna. simulation in free space. The elements
can be shifted up or down simply by Initially one might think that only one are constructed from 1/2″ aluminum, and
changing the coupling coefficient be- subelement is necessary for the para- the pattern shown incorporates the con-
tween the two halves, as noted above. sitic elements. However, the use of a full ductor loss resistance. For a full-size
As with parallel full-size dipoles, there Twin C element substantially improves three-element beam (in this example
is interaction between the individual the SWR and gain bandwidths. Fig 13 based on the NBS dimensions), the gain
elements, and generally the SWR band- shows a three-element beam for 6 m; is 9.5 dBi. It can be seen from Fig 14
width is reduced significantly on the Fig 14 shows the pattern at 50.2 MHz, that the gain for the Twin C is 8.1 dBi,
higher frequency bands. For a three- and Fig 15 shows the SWR plot, both a perfectly tolerable reduction from full
band (10-, 15- and 20-m) Twin C an- the latter being derived from computer size given the significant reduction in
tenna, mounted with the center 8 feet
above ground with average conductiv-
ity, the modeled 2:1 SWR bandwidths
are >400 kHz on 20 m, 250 kHz on
15 m and 300 kHz on 10 m. This an-
tenna has maximum dimensions of
14 feet wide by 9 feet high. The Twin
Cs are spaced apart eight inches, giv-
ing a total antenna thickness of 16
inches. They can, of course, be spaced
by more than this if you have the room,
or they can be interleaved radially, like
a paddle wheel.
The outer wings of the Twin C do not
have to conform to the shape shown in
Fig 3. They may be “dressed out” from
the close parallel sections in quite a
number of ways, as long as the capaci-
tive coupling between the halves is kept
reasonably low. Capacitive coupling can
significantly change the total coupling
between the two halves.
Before moving on to beams using
Twin C elements, let’s look briefly at
some Twin C ground planes. A design
for 2 m is shown in Fig 10. This antenna
has a height of a fraction under 9 inches,
and a width of 10 inches. It is essen-
tially omnidirectional, and has an SWR
of less than 2:1 from 141-148 MHz. Its
1.5:1 SWR bandwidth is 4 MHz. Fig 10—Twin C ground plane for 2 m. Element diameter is 1/8″.
I mentioned the use of more than two
Cs earlier on. As an example, Fig 11
shows a double Twin C ground plane
for 2 m, that uses four subelements. The
antenna is 3.5 inches tall and has a di-
ameter of 26 inches. SWR bandwidth
is 4 MHz. For 1/8″ elements of aluminum
or copper, the efficiency is well over 90%.
A three subelement version of this for
10 meters is 22 inches tall with a di-
ameter of about 7 feet. This antenna has
bent outer wings, and is shown in Fig
12. SWR bandwidth is 800 kHz when
using 1/2″ elements and 700 kHz when
using 1/16″ elements. For the Twin C
ground planes, it is important that the
total ground current is the sum of the
currents in the individual subelements,
so the ground plane must be made of
low-resistance conductors or efficiency
will suffer.
Twin C Beams
So much for the basic Twin C di-
pole—for the moment. We will revisit
the basic element and look at its behav-
ior on the third harmonic later. The
Twin C dipole may be used as a short Fig 11—Double Twin C for 2 m.

Jan/Feb 2004 17
size. Gain bandwidth (to 1dB down) and
SWR bandwidth are 2.8 MHz and
1.2 MHz respectively, compared to
1.5 MHz and 700 kHz for the full-sized
This particular implementation of
the Twin C beam is with all elements
coplanar. This means that for a hori-
zontally polarized beam, the vertical
dimension is just the thickness of the
elements. This arrangement gives
greater gain than if the orientation of
each element is vertical, because of the
directivity of the basic element as de-
scribed earlier. It is also easier to con-
struct, but be warned that you must
make sure that the spacing between
the close parallel sections of the
subelements is well defined, and can’t Fig 12—A three-element Twin C
blow around in the breeze! As men- ground plane for 10 m.
tioned earlier with respect to the
Twin C dipole, the beam can be tuned
by adjusting the spacing of the
subelements. The 6-m, three-element
Twin C beam is 55″ wide by 95″ long;
whereas the full size beam is 115″
wide by 95″ long, so the “wingspan” of
the Twin C beam is less than half that
of the full size beam and is comparable
with that of a quad antenna. This re-
duction in the maximum dimension of
course applies to Twin C beams de-
signed for any band. A 10-m version
of the three-element Twin C has di-
mensions of about 15′ long by about
8′ wide. The 2:1 SWR bandwidth is
about 600 kHz, and the gain band-
width (to the –1dB points) is 1.5 MHz. Fig 13—A three-element Twin C Yagi
A Twin C beam has a constructional for 6 m. The boom is not shown for
bonus, in that the element diameter can clarity.
be smaller than that of a full-size beam
because the bent-back element ends can
be supported on insulators mounted on
the boom. This means that the element bands. In my next article we will fur- Lewallen, W7EL, at
diameter needs to be sufficient to sup- ther explore beams made from Twin C 2The new methods described are patent
port just one quarter of the span of a elements: Box Kites. pending.
3R. Johnson, Antenna Engineering Hand-
full size element, rather than half the
span. I rather suspect this might be Notes book, third edition, (New York: McGraw-
important in beams for the lower HF 1EZNEC pro 3.0 is available from Roy Hill, 1987).

18 Jan/Feb 2004
Fig 14—E-plane pattern for 3
element Twin C 6 m Yagi.

Fig 15—SWR plot for

three-element Twin C 6
m Yagi.
Jan/Feb 2004 19
Linrad with
High-Performance Hardware
Together with the WSE RX converters, Linrad is
a software-defined receiver that should exceed any
other receiver in dynamic-range performance.

By Leif Åsbrink, SM5BSZ

inrad has evolved from earlier possible to copy. In the 1995 ARRL In 1997, I started to move the algo-
systems that I have worked with EME contest, the TMS320 system was rithms into the PC and had a working
since about 10 years. My main capable of locking to a signal, filter- system in 2×20 kHz bandwidth about
interest in Amateur Radio has always ing it through 17-Hz band-pass filters one year later. This system was under
been the technology for weak-signal and combining the two signals from MSDOS and the increased bandwidth
communication. In 1993 I erected a the two orthogonal antennas auto- made operation much more exciting.
cross-Yagi array, 4×14 elements and matically to produce the optimum fit The SoundBlaster 16-bit A/D convert-
started working EME on 144 MHz. to the polarization of the incoming ers allowed a much better dynamic
Being able to eliminate Faraday rota- wave. The signal produced by a re- range; this system was only saturated
tion turned out to be very efficient but ceiver automatically keeping the fil- for about one hour at moonset when
not so easy on extremely weak signals. ter centered and the polarization SM5DCX had his main lobe straight
I needed a computer to assist. aligned was then sent to my head- into my back lobe. (My antenna was
The first version of what is now phones. I scored number two, after an extreme “maximum-gain design”
Linrad was implemented on a W5UN, in the single-operator class with a large back lobe.)
TMS320C25 system. This system that year and was very happy with Having software running in a real
could display a 3 kHz wide window on this system even though it was com- computer, with all the flexibility com-
an oscilloscope as the summed power pletely inflexible, with all code in an ing along with that, made it possible
spectrum from both the polarizations. EPROM that had to be produced on to analyze the EME signals better. As
With an averaging time of a few sec- another system. With a 12-bit A/D con- it turned out, “144-MHz EME signals”
onds and about 10 Hz resolution, sig- verter, this system had a poor dynamic are only about 0.25 Hz widened by
nals could be seen before they were range, so it was completely saturated multi-path propagation, so introduc-
when a local station entered the pass- ing coherent processing was an obvi-
band. Having to keep SM5FRH, ous thing to do. By the time I found
SM5DCX and a few others outside a that coherent averaging is possible
Jaders Prastgard 3265 “3-kHz window” most of the time was and started to include routines for
63505 Eskilstuna, Sweden of course a limitation for this system, that, I found that I had to restart the but not a serious one. entire project because the code was

20 Jan/Feb 2004
becoming too messy and my home- channels with a common local oscilla- to a “good old analog” radio. The rea-
made drive routines were becoming tor. Each channel has an RF input am- son would not be the digital technol-
obsolete. This was in 2001, when I plifier, an RF filter, a mixer and an IF ogy as such; the way dynamic range
made a new start under Linux. This output amplifier. The amplifiers have is specified may be misleading. IP3 is
time I had a much better idea about low gain, typically 8 to 10 dB, and they one of the commonly used figures of
what I wanted the program to do. First use noiseless feedback. In order to get merit for receivers and it is discussed
of all, I wanted flexibility and hard- some isolation, an attenuator follows in some detail below. An analog radio
ware independence. By now, autumn each amplifier. Noiseless feedback will typically work fine with instan-
2003, Linrad contains everything that transfers the output load impedance of taneous voltages up to about 20 dB
was ever included in the older systems an amplifier to the input. With 3 or below IP3 while a digital one may be-
but not much more. Many more things 4 dB in each attenuator and 1 or 2 dB come overloaded 40 dB below IP3 or
are planned for the future, but at attenuation in the filter, there is enough wherever the A/D converter saturates.
present my focus is on high-perfor- gain to overcome the conversion loss of Together with the WSE RX convert-
mance hardware to use with Linrad. the mixer and provide between 0 and ers, Linrad is a software-defined re-
In recent years, EME activity has 4 dB gain, different for different units. ceiver that should outperform any
spread out over a much wider fre- There will also be at least one RXHF other receiver when it comes to dy-
quency range—20 kHz is no longer unit built in a similar fashion to con- namic range. There is no limitation in
enough. Terrestrial communication vert from the HF bands to 70 MHz. The the digital technology as such. Prob-
also calls for more bandwidth. More RXHFA will probably work for 1.8, 3.5, lems may arise when an A/D converter
bandwidth calls for more dynamic 7, 10 and 14 MHz. At present, the is fed with a large bandwidth because
range. It is not possible to keep strong RX144 unit is in a late prototype stage, the instantaneous voltage caused by
local stations outside the passband, so while RX70, RX10700 and RX2500 are the summed amplitude of many sig-
the D/A converter must have the available. nals may occasionally exceed the A/D
dynamic range required to handle The WSE receive system is about converter range, and the conventional
very strong signals. This article fo- 20 dB better than a conventional trans- way of measuring receiver dynamic
cuses on the system I am currently ceiver. This is a bigger difference than range might not show the limitations.
putting together for 144 MHz EME. one can really use on the air, because
Linrad and the hardware is in no way the lack of spectral purity of the inter- The A/D and D/A converters
limited to this usage, it just happens fering station(s) will be the limiting fac- The output from the RX2500 is four
to be at the focus of my own personal tor. It will be possible to produce a audio signals with a bandwidth of
interest and technically it is a very transmitter the same way and get a nearly 48 kHz each. To sample them,
demanding mode of operation. similar transmit performance. There an A/D-converter with four channels
are several other ways to make an ul- and 96 kHz sampling speed is re-
The WSE Converters tra pure transmitter, at least in CW quired. The second article of this se-
To go from 144 MHz or other ama- mode. Linrad with the WSE convert- ries1 gives some information about
teur bands to a digital data stream, I ers is an excellent spectrum analyzer the RX2500 unit and the modified
am using several cascaded converters. to use when building high-performance Delta44 sound card that I use to
This may seem very complicated, but transmitters or when modifying stan- sample the four audio channels.
in a way it is not. A complicated prob- dard transceivers for better transmit Better sound cards are available
lem is split into several less compli- performance. now, and replacing the Delta44 would
cated problems. Each converter is do- It should be obvious that far sim- improve the performance of the entire
ing just one simple task. It is well pler solutions than the WSE RX system. Someday, I hope someone else
matched to 50 Ω at both input and converters will be adequate at most will determine what cards are best.
output. Each unit can be evaluated locations. I have made the WSE Once the proper drive routines are
separately, and it is not difficult to find products for my own use. I will make installed, Linrad should work auto-
out what the limiting factors are. a limited number of units available, matically.
The WSE RX converters are de- and if demand is sufficient, there The Delta44 uses the same speed
signed for low noise and low gain. They will be a continued supply from for input and output. There is no rea-
are open designs, described in detail Antennspecialisten. Software-defined son at all to produce the output at a
at radios have different characteristics sampling rate of 96 kHz. Linrad is
~sm5bsz/linuxdsp/optrx.htm. The than conventional receivers. There will not written for that and the current
entire system is kind of a brute-force probably be SDRs available with code would be extremely inefficient. I
solution to the problem of receiver seemingly good performance data that
dynamic-range limitations. Each con- do not perform well when compared appear on page 31.
verter uses about 18 W, mainly for the
class-A buffer amplifiers, so the boxes
must be rather big to provide a low Table 1
temperature without forced air cool-
ing. The design uses through-hole- With these four converters and a Delta44 sound-card, a 90 kHz wide passband
mounted components only and is at 144 MHz is converted to a digital data stream inside Linrad. The center
experimenter-friendly. Assembled and frequency can be selected anywhere between 143.975 MHz and 145.975 MHz
tested units are available from in steps of 25 kHz. Input Output Crystal Separation
For 144 MHz, the four converters Name (MHz) (MHz) Crystals (kHz)
listed in Table 1 are used after one an- RX144 144 70 4 500
other. The system does not have any
RX70 70 10.7 5 100
VFO, only low noise crystal oscillators,
so dynamic range is not limited by re- RX10700 10.7 2.5 4 25
ciprocal mixing. Each converter has two RX2500 2.5 baseband 1 —

Jan/Feb 2004 21
use a standard audio card for the blanker is essential in most locations The processing delay through
output at a sampling speed of 5 kHz so the second FFT must be enabled. Linrad is long, up to 10 seconds, for
for CW modes and 8 kHz for SSB. In- Running two channels at a process- optimum readability of weak EME sig-
ternally in Linrad, the sampling rate ing bandwidth of 96 kHz requires a nals. This has nothing to do with pro-
at the output of the final filter is not Pentium III or better, so version 5 cessor speed, it is a consequence of the
higher than required for the band- should be selected for the first FFT. character of the EME path and the
width, an EME signal that has passed This is the fastest floating-point imple- optimum parameters for the AFC. This
a 20 Hz filter is typically sampled at mentation, which uses the SIMD in- means that there is no reason to se-
46.875 Hz (96 kHz divided by 2048). structions (single instruction multiple lect a small size for the first FFT to
In the final processing step, the sig- data) to compute the transforms of minimize processing delay. Adding 0.2
nal is resampled by a fractional num- both channels simultaneously. seconds by making the first FFT band-
ber to fit the output speed of the D/A
converter. The signal is also frequency
shifted by the BFO setting. Table 2
The output is kept synchronized
A 144 MHz preamplifier will lower the system noise figure. Assuming a noise
with the input by gradually changing
the fractional resampling rate. Since figure of 0.2 dB for the preamplifier and 11 dB at the RX144 input, total system
separate crystal oscillators generate noise figure and dynamic range depend on the preamplifier gain as given by this
the input and output sampling rates, table. The antenna temperature, Tsky is assumed to be 200 K and S/N loss is
the resampling rate will change with relative to an ideal (noise-free) receiver.
time. The total amount of sampled Gain NF Temp S/N Loss Dynamic-Range Loss
data points waiting in the various pro- (dB) (dB) (K) (dB) (dB)
cessing stages should correspond to a
0 11.0 3561 12.51 0
constant time. By monitoring the to-
tal processing delay it is possible to 3 8.36 1898 9.77 0.26
detect the need for a resampling rate 6 5.97 1057 7.22 0.71
change. 9 3.99 637 5.03 1.52
12 2.50 426 3.28 2.77
Linrad Setup: FFT Versions, 15 1.50 320 2.04 4.53
Sizes and Windows 18 0.90 267 1.25 6.74
Assuming a cross-Yagi array and 21 0.57 241 0.80 9.29
preamplifiers with adequate gain con- 24 0.39 227 0.55 12.04
nected to the RX144, a system opti- 27 0.29 220 0.41 14.90
mized for 144 MHz EME will need a 30 0.25 217 0.36 17.85
waterfall bin bandwidth somewhere 33 0.22 215 0.31 20.80
between 1 and 10 Hz. A good noise

Fig 1—The block diagram of Linrad with two receive channels and the second FFT. T1 and T2 are signals in the time domain from two
antennas 1 and 2. F1 and F2 are the corresponding signals in the frequency domain. Ta and Tb are linear combinations of T1 and T2 that
make the desired signal zero in Tb and consequently maximizes the desired signal in Ta. Ta-ref is a time function constructed from a
much narrower bandwidth than Ta. For Morse coded signals, it will be the CW carrier that is useful for coherent processing.

22 Jan/Feb 2004
width 10 Hz is no significant disad- and will degrade the dynamic range have this problem, but there are some
vantage. Keeping a modest ratio be- by nearly 20 dB. In cases where dy- stability problems in using it because
tween the sizes of the second and the namic range is the limitation, a of the way Linrad is designed. The
first FFT makes it easier to ensure preamplifier gain of 12 dB only will interference that will not be removed
that very strong signals will not satu- provide a noise figure of 2.5 dB, which from a frequency on which there has
rate the second FFT even if they are will degrade an EME signal by 3.3 dB been a strong signal can be interpreted
stable enough to put nearly all their for an antenna pointing towards cold as a strong signal if the blanker con-
energy in one single frequency bin. sky. For terrestrial modes, an antenna trols are used carelessly. For details
Typical parameters would be a first temperature of 1000 K is often as- about this phenomenon, look at
FFT bandwidth of 30 Hz and second sumed, in such cases even less gain
FFT bandwidth eight times narrower. could be considered. linuxdsp/blanker/leonids.htm.
The parameter is in powers of two, so it The block diagram of Linrad is re- When the fft1 bandwidth is as narrow
should be three that is 23. With large produced here as Fig 1. The major pro- as 23 Hz, it is a good idea to use
transforms, a window of sin2 is suffi- cessing blocks are fft1, timf2 and fft2. unaveraged power spectra for the fast
cient for the first FFT and for the sec- These blocks compute forward, reverse fft1 spectrum. Use the little box in the
ond FFT the sine function itself (N = 1) and again forward FFTs at the full lower right corner of the main spec-
is perfectly adequate. With Linrad- sampling rate. The design of a digital trum to set the number of spectra for
01.01 and later, these parameters will receiver is no different from the de- the first average. Set it to one, the de-
give the size 8192 for the first FFT and sign of an analog radio. Each process- fault value is five. Using unaveraged
65536 for the second with bandwidths ing block has a saturation level and a power spectra will cost some CPU
of 23 and 2 Hz, respectively. The trans- noise floor. In the digital world one can time. It is necessary to do the averag-
form sizes come in powers of two, so you make the dynamic range extremely ing in two steps when the fft1 band-
never get exactly what you ask for. The large by use of many bits for each data width is very large, but with the pa-
resampling spurs surrounding a very point, but that has a penalty in CPU rameters given here the increased
strong signal disappear into the noise load. The 16-bit multimedia instruc- CPU load should not be a problem.
about 2 kHz away from and 145 dB/Hz tions run three times faster than float- Since the transform size is eight times
below a near saturating carrier with ing point and therefore 16 bit data is bigger for fft2 than for fft1, strong sig-
these parameters. By setting the first used for timf2 and fft2. This leads to nals that occupy one bin in fft1 only
FFT window to sin4, it is possible to several complications, but computers must be limited to eight times less
eliminate these spurs completely. They were not fast enough when I wrote the power than the saturation limit. In the
then disappear into the phase noise of code. There are several compromises worst case, when all the energy comes
the 2.5 MHz test oscillator 140 dB/Hz in the Linrad architecture that may in a single frequency bin in fft2 too,
below the carrier at a frequency sepa- be removed in the future when CPU the energy is collected over an eight-
ration of 200 Hz. That would be a speed is no longer a limitation. The times longer period.
waste of CPU power because no inter- 16-bit processing blocks do give a Exactly as for analog processing
ference source could be expected to small contribution to the system noise blocks, it is essential that the noise floor
have a spectral purity anywhere near floor and they may limit the perfor- is placed correctly for the digital pro-
–145 dB/Hz as close as 2 kHz. mance of the smart noise blanker. cessing blocks. 16 bits is marginal for
Going from 16 to 32 bit data words the dynamic range needed. The WSE
Linrad Setup: FFT Signal Levels could improve dynamic range by a few converters add 0.5 to 1 dB, each, to the
First of all, the gain of the analog tenths of a decibel, but spare CPU ca- system noise floor. Timf2 and fft2 add a
hardware should be set for the desired pacity may be used for many interest- few tenths of a dB each, as will be dis-
compromise between dynamic range ing things, so I have no plans for a cussed below. The weakest link in the
and system noise figure. With the WSE change in the near future. signal processing chain is the Delta
converters, “setting the gain” is simply Fft1 must use 32-bit data to handle 4 A/D converter. Despite the modifica-
setting the gain of the 144 MHz pream- the full dynamic range. The output of tion that lowers the noise floor by typi-
plifier. With a system noise figure of fft1 is split into two blocks and an AGC cally 3 dB, the Delta 44 produces about
11 dB at the RX144 input and with a makes sure no signal is strong enough 40% of the system noise floor at the
preamplifier noise figure of 0.2 dB, the to saturate when converted to 16 bits. RX144 input. The system noise figure
in-band dynamic-range loss, system The maximum level of the output from of 11 dB at the RX144 input is due to
noise figure and preamplifier gain re- the AGC depends on several factors. the summed effect of all the noise
late as illustrated in Table 2 for an an- The attenuation to use at frequencies sources. The noise figure of the RX144
tenna temperature of 200 K. where strong signals are present is itself is about 6 dB.
Table 2 shows the usual thing. One calculated from power spectra. Three When you start Linrad for the very
wants the preamplifier to lift the noise different power spectra are used for first time, you are prompted to setup
floor by something between 10 and this purpose: A fast and a slow fft1 routines. Select the appropriate pa-
20 dB for a compromise between dy- spectrum and a fft2 spectrum. The fast rameters for your sound card and en-
namic-range loss and noise figure. fft1 spectrum is intended to prevent ter a receive mode. You are again
Dynamic-range loss is the amount by overflows when a very strong signal prompted for parameters, select the
which the noise floor is lifted when the starts suddenly. The averaged spectra default ones or something else that
preamplifier is connected. The WSE are needed to find weaker signals that seems appropriate. After the last pa-
converters, using only crystal oscilla- may be strong enough to degrade the rameter screen you get to the normal
tors, are not much affected by recipro- noise blanker but do not have S/N processing routine. Press “A” to make
cal mixing, so the dynamic range is the enough to be found in a single fft1 Linrad show amplitude information.
distance from the noise floor to a fixed power spectrum. A relatively strong The lower left corner of the screen will
power level where something becomes signal may be hidden in the pulse look like Fig 2. None of the values
nonlinear. noise that the blanker will remove and should become zero under normal op-
As can be seen from Table 2, really reasonably good statistics are required eration. The numbers hold the mini-
low noise figures require high gain to find it. The fft2 spectrum does not mum value and they may become zero

Jan/Feb 2004 23
due to the transient that may occur in less than 1 dB, one can find the ex- noise level in 4 kHz bandwidth, but
case the A/D converter is stopped and pected behavior when analyzing S/N the levels are measured in 1 Hz band-
restarted. They may also become zero in the baseband with a narrow filter. width to provide the 0.1 dB accuracy
at extreme events like changing the The noise level at the timf2 input is of the table while the noise is mea-
local oscillator frequencies while a the “Floor” value. See Fig 2. The “First sured in a bandwidth of 1 kHz. The
very strong signal is present. Clear the FFT amplitude” should be set for this test signal is 22 dB above the noise in
minimum value by pressing “Z.” If any value to be about 1.5, 14 dB above the the bin bandwidth of the first fft. A
of the numbers tends to become zero quantization noise, when nothing is strong signal will be less attenuated,
often, some signal level is too high. connected to the RX144 input. For a but a really weak signal will not be
These parameters are digital vol- system noise figure of 0.4 dB, using more attenuated. The right shifts are
ume controls: the assumptions of Table 2, the “Floor” placed as late as possible among the
value will grow to about 5.7 when the fft butterfly loops and the test signal
“First FFT amplitude” is fft1 input. preamplifiers are connected. is already below the noise floor when
“First backward FFT att. N” is timf2 In timf2, the reverse FFT in 8192 it becomes attenuated as shown in the
output. points, the signal would grow by up to table. An inspection of Table 3 indi-
“Second forward FFT att. N” is fft2 8192 times or 13 bits if no right shifts cates that the correct value for “First
output. were used in the butterfly loops of the backward FFT att. N” is five. The as-
These volume controls affect the reverse FFT routine. A number of the sociated loss of noise figure at the
signal levels inside the major process- butterfly loops use a right shift to pre- RX144 input is about 0.2 dB.
ing blocks. The 16-bit processing vent the signal from growing and these The 1-dB compression point of the
blocks timf2 and fft2 are the critical right shifts introduce errors, another RX144 is about +15 dBm. Pulses that
ones. The volume controls should be form of quantization noise. It is impor- have a peak power of +15 dBm after
set for the timf2 and fft2 noise contri- tant not to set the number of butterfly passing a filter with a bandwidth of
butions to become negligible. The loops with a right shift larger than nec- 2 MHz reach the input of the RX2500
dominating contribution for timf2 is essary to avoid this noise but on the with a peak power of +3 dBm. The re-
the rounding error in going from float- other hand it is important to have as duced power level is not due to ampli-
ing point to integers, about 0.3 bits many right shifts as possible to allow tude clipping; it is because of the re-
RMS. Since the rounding errors at the large interference pulses in the timf2 duced bandwidth. The output band-
timf2 input are made in the frequency output. A continuous carrier, a single width of the RX10700 is about
domain, lowering the input volume large frequency bin, will not cause 0.5 MHz, so the pulses are stretched
control for the quantization noise to saturation in a reverse transform. Its by a factor of four with four times less
grow to a substantial fraction of the large amplitude will not grow, it just power in each pulse causing a peak
noise floor does not lead to a S/N de- spreads out over the entire time power reduction of 16 times (12 dB).
crease. It works the other way around. spanned by the backward transform. The pulses that nearly saturate the
The signal becomes enhanced! Not Pulses behave differently. A noise pulse RX144 input do not saturate the Delta
very surprising at second thought be- in the frequency domain is spread out 44 A/D converter although the mar-
cause when all the frequency bins con- over all frequency bins. The back trans- gin is only 2 dB. Very large pulses do
taining only noise have amplitudes formation will collect all the energy saturate timf2 to an extent that is de-
below one bit, the noise disappears into a single point in time, causing very termined by the “First backward FFT
completely. The signal will not disap- large amplitude and possibly an over- att. N” parameter. Table 3 shows the
pear if its amplitude is above one bit. flow since only 16 bits are used. maximum pulse level at the RX144
This is an artifact. When back trans- Table 3 shows the effect of differ- input that will not saturate timf2 for
formed, such a signal is distorted and ent values of “First backward FFT att. different values of the parameter. The
completely useless if it is near the N” with the other parameters as de- data is from measurements with a
noise floor. To really verify the S/N loss scribed above. The table shows signal preamplifier having a bandwidth of
caused by rounding errors, the signal and noise levels when a weak signal 2 MHz.
must be well below the noise in a is injected into one of the RX144 in- The last entry of Table 3 is the level
single bin. By setting the first FFT puts. Rounding errors cause a small in dBm at the RX144 input that will
bandwidth to 800 Hz and using a sig- loss of signal and an increased noise cause saturation at the output of the
nal that lifts the main spectrum by floor. The signal level is equal to the first reverse transform when a signal

Table 3
The number of butterfly loops with a right shift affects S/N and the saturation
level of timf2. The gain levels of earlier stages affect this table, which is for an
fft1 size of 8192 with a sin2 window and with “First FFT amplitude” 1100 to place
the noise floor at 1.5 bits RMS with dummy loads at the RX144 input.
Att. N Signal Noise Max Pulse Max Abrupt
(dB) (dB/1 kHz) (dBm) (dBm)
2 24.7 18.4 –28 –54
3 24.7 18.4 –22 –48
Fig 2—The lower left corner of the Linrad 4 24.7 18.4 –16 –42
screen when “A” has been pressed. A
strong carrier, 3 dB from A/D saturation is 5 24.6 18.5 –10 –36
fed into channel 1 of the RX144, while –16 6 24.4 19.0 –4 –30
dBm interference pulses with a repetition 7 23.8 21.0 +2 –24
frequency of 100 Hz are fed into channel 2 8 23.1 25.5 +8 –18
(see text).

24 Jan/Feb 2004
is switched on or off abruptly within to the RX144 inputs. At a repetition • First FFT window (power of sin) = 2.
the visible passband. An abrupt frequency of 100 Hz, pulse noise up to • First forward FFT version = 5.
switching will cause a keying click 36 dB above the RX144 noise floor will • First FFT storage time (s) = 4.
that spreads its energy over the en- be properly treated by the smart • First FFT amplitude =1100.
tire passband. The mechanism is the blanker, which means that pulse noise • Enable second FFT =1.
same as for the interference pulses. up to about 20 dB above the pream- • First backward FFT version =1.
This maximum abrupt signal level plifier noise floor will be properly • Sellim maxlevel =4000.
becomes smaller if the operator selects handled. This may seem inadequate, • First backward FFT att. N =5.
to use averaged spectra to locate very but a comparison with the peak power • Second FFT bandwidth factor in
strong signals. It is not really a big S-meter readings of a conventional powers of 2 =3.
problem because the interference radio is irrelevant. For real power-line • Second FFT window (power of sin)
spike created will happen only once interference, typically a few thousand =1.
for each transmission period. The pulses per second, the smart blanker • Second forward FFT version =2.
strong signal must be absent for a few will completely eliminate pulses that • Second forward FFT att. N =9.
seconds for the gain to go back to nor- lift the noise floor by more than 30 dB • Second FFT storage time (s) =20.
mal at the frequency in question. above the preamplifier noise floor.
The strongest interference pulses The timf2 margins reflect the “First Linrad Setup: AFC, Spurs and
that will be correctly treated by the backward FFT att. N” setting. Pulses Baseband
smart blanker is –10 dBm. Pulses about 30 dB from saturating the A/D When AFC is enabled, the user must
above this level will be removed by the converter leave a margin of about supply parameters that determine how
dumb blanker. 7 dB until saturation occurs in timf2 much memory will be allocated. One of
The quantization noise gives rise to Wk. It is ok for timf2 Wk to saturate these parameters is “Second FFT stor-
spurs, but these spurs are harmless occasionally, but nothing else should age time (s),” for which 20 seconds is
because they disappear when the saturate. If fft1 or fft2 saturate, strong a reasonable value. EME signals on
preamplifier is added, a phenomenon spurious signals would be generated. 144 MHz are fairly stable, the default
usually referred to as dithering. The The “Second forward FFT att. N” values “AFC lock range Hz” = 150 and
amplitudes of the quantization noise parameter is set to 9 for the result “AFC max drift Hz/minute” = 100
spurs are generally independent of the shown in Fig 2. This parameter ad- should be perfectly adequate. Do not
signal level. When a single weak signal justs the gain of fft2 by selecting how enable Morse decoding, those routines
is fed into the RX144 input with the many of the butterfly loops should are experimental and will not be use-
above parameters, and only two or three have a right shift. If this parameter is ful in the near future.
frequency bins are routed to “fft1 St”, set too high, quantization noise will The spur-removal algorithm uses
the group of strong signals, the output, add to the noise floor as one can see in the same spectra as those used by the
“timf2 St”, will be zero most of the time Table 4. “Sellim maxlevel,” the param- AFC. The AFC needs high resolution
with occasional occurrences of one bit eter that controls the maximum for optimum sensitivity and that is the
in either direction. This is, of course, no permitted amplitude in a single fft1 reason the fft2 bandwidth is set to
good representation of a sine wave, the frequency bin must be set to 4000 or 2 Hz with the parameters suggested
signal is surrounded by strong spurs. less in order to avoid fft2 saturation above. The spur removal works like a
When preamplifier noise and/or other for a strong and very stable carrier. PLL that sets up a sine wave with the
signals are added, statistics will take Such signals are unlikely in real us- correct amplitude and phase to match
care of these spurs. age, and if you note fft2 is never near the amplitude and phase found in the
With the parameters described saturation you may make this param- fft2 transforms over some time selected
above, my 600 MHz Pentium III uses eter bigger, which will make the by the user. The minimum number of
66% of the time available to Linrad waterfall diagram give a better repre- transforms is three, the spur-cancella-
for computing while spending 34% in sentation of strong signals. tion PLL will fail if the bandwidth of a
the idle loop as can be seen in Fig 2. Summing up, for the WSE RX con- spur is above 0.2 Hz or so with the
The idle loop goes to sleep regularly verters, the following FFT parameters above parameters. The spur-removal
so the Linux kernel or other programs should be close to optimum for 144 MHz routine can lock to a peak in the fft 2
may be active in parallel. One cannot EME: spectrum and remove it only if it is
be sure all the 34% would be available • First FFT bandwidth (Hz) = 30. coherent from transform to transform.
to Linrad if the sleep statement were This means that only spurs that are
replaced by useful processing. It may Table 4 narrow with respect to a 2 Hz band-
depend on Linux activities that I do width will be removed. Set “Max no of
not know anything about. The number of right shifted butterfly spurs to cancel” to 100 and make “Spur
The second number on the last line loops in fft2 affects the noise floor. time constant (0.1sek)” equal to 1.
of Fig 2 is 0.0009. This is the longest Parameters are as in Table 3 with The maximum bandwidth one
time in seconds encountered for the “First FFT att. N” = 5. would ever want when listening to an
idle loop. If the kernel makes lengthy EME signal is 2 kHz, which means
activities due to some other program Att. N Signal Noise that the baseband sampling speed
this number will grow if it happens 6 35.8 –12.4 should be set to at least 4 kHz. The
while Linrad is in the idle loop. This 7 35.8 –12.4 baseband is filtered out from the fft2
number is an indicator for Linux do- 8 35.8 –12.4 spectra and the total spectrum width
ing other tasks than Linrad’s signal 9 35.8 –12.4 must be about 4 kHz for a flat region
processing. It will grow while data is 10 35.8 –12.2 of 2 kHz. The baseband sampling
saved to disk for example. 11 35.8 –11.6 speed must be a power of two smaller
The value 49.2 for “Floor” in Fig 2 12 35.8 –9.9 than the input sampling speed so the
is the flat noise floor of the pulse train 13 35.8 –6.0 desired value for “First mixer band-
in channel 2. It is about 30 dB above width reduction in powers of 2” is four,
14 35.7 –0.9
the level of 1.5 with nothing connected which leads to a baseband sampling

Jan/Feb 2004 25
speed of 6857 Hz and a maximum dure is efficient to convert between 1024, each pixel on the screen shows
bandwidth of 3.0 kHz. On my 600 MHz similar sampling speeds that are re- the strongest frequency bin out of the
Pentium III , the largest baseband lated by fractional numbers when the 64 behind each pixel. This becomes
transform, fft3, that can be used is signal is not over-sampled. Four terms particularly favorable when the fft2
16384 at this relatively high baseband are then needed to avoid introducing spectra are averaged before the stron-
sampling speed. That means that the distortion. When the output sampling gest frequency bin is picked.
largest usable baseband filter spans speed is set to 96 kHz, this procedure Setting “Waterfall avg” to six will
2.4 seconds so the narrowest carrier becomes ridiculously inefficient. I see give a new line on the waterfall every
filter that can be used for coherent CW no reason to provide a routine for three seconds with a sensitivity that
will be about 0.5 Hz. This is perfectly converting a narrowbandwidth signal will allow the operator to see all sig-
adequate for EME but for low bands to a high sampling rate. nals present on a 90 kHz segment of
one may select a much lower baseband The output mode is a number that the 144 MHz band well below what will
sampling rate for coherent CW at very characterizes the baseband process- be possible to copy. A one-minute trans-
slow speeds. ing. This number changes when you mission is well visible if the S/N ratio
The “First mixer no. of channels” click on the different boxes in the is –6 dB in 20 Hz bandwidth. To copy
must be set to one. Some day, when baseband graph. The current value is Morse code, one needs something like
the Morse decoding routines are in shown in the lower right corner of the 14 dB more. Taking the effects of fad-
place, it will be possible to have the baseband graph. Set “Default output ing into account, copying is done dur-
CW transmissions of several stations mode” to the number you want as the ing a few signal peaks when a few let-
decoded simultaneously on the screen. default mode. The last parameter ters are above the threshold and while
The idea is to be able to see what other “Audio expander exponent” is the ex- the average signal is at S/N close to zero.
stations do while operating. This ponent by which the amplitude is ex- When the waterfall graph is expanded
should be very useful in contests for panded when the operator clicks the to show 1/64 of the spectrum only, the
example. The “Baseband storage time “Exp” box. Expanding the audio vol- sensitivity is about 3 dB better. Pick-
(s)” is mainly for Morse decoding. Set ume may be helpful when a very nar- ing the best peak rather than comput-
it to 20 seconds to not waste memory. row bandwidth is selected. The ears ing the average is an advantage of about
When you select 3 kHz bandwidth, the have a logarithmic response for am- 6 dB with the above parameters.
baseband storage will then need plitudes. When a matched filter that The waterfall graph of Linrad
13 MB, but for CW reception with a will only let through the signal and shows the total power spectrum
bandwidth of 20 Hz the memory the principal sidebands is used, the summed over both polarizations when
needed will be 200 kB only. The ears will have to rely on amplitude a crossed-Yagi array is used. Compared
baseband power spectrum can then be information only because the human to a perfectly aligned antenna, this
averaged over 20 seconds maximum hearing system does not have the se- means a loss of 3 dB in detection sen-
but that is sufficient for EME CW. lectivity to distinguish different fre- sitivity. It is not a simple sum of two
The “Output delay margin (0.1sek)” quencies within a 15 or 20 Hz wide power spectra because that would lead
parameter adds an extra delay be- passband. It then helps to expand the to an even greater loss in case the po-
tween input and output to allow for dynamic range of the audio signal. The larization is not aligned to one or the
the computing delay. On my computer, default value is three. other antenna. For each frequency bin,
three is enough here. When this pa- Summing up, the optimum AFC, the power of each channel is averaged
rameter is set too low, there will be spur and baseband parameters for separately and the complex correlation
gaps in the output signal occasionally 144 MHz EME should be something between the two amplitudes is also
when the computed data is not avail- like this: averaged. A signal that is present in
able in time for the output. Press “T” • Enable AFC/SPUR/DECODE = 1. both channels simultaneously will pro-
on the main screen to see the timing • AFC lock range Hz = 150. duce a non-zero average correlation,
information. The line “D/A” shows the • AFC max drift Hz/minute = 100. which is taken into account when com-
current value and the minimum value • Enable Morse decoding = 0. puting the energy content of a fre-
encountered. If the minimum becomes • Max no of spurs to cancel = 100. quency bin. This is necessary to have
zero, the delay margin is set too small • Spur time constant (0.1sek) = 1. a good sensitivity for signals that have
or the computer is doing other tasks • First mixer bandwidth reduction in a polarization that puts about 50% of
that slow down processing tempo- powers of 2 = 4. the power in each channel.
rarily. There is no reason to set “Out- • First mixer no of channels = 1. With the parameters listed above,
put sampling speed (Hz)” above 6000. • Output delay margin (0.1sek) = 3. the minimum processing delay is four
High speeds here cost a lot of CPU • Output sampling speed (Hz) = 6000. seconds when the AFC delay is set to
time because I have not optimized the • Default output mode = 1. zero. For extremely weak signals
code for that. The baseband data is • Audio expander exponent = 3. delays up to about 10 seconds may be
present at a sampling rate correspond- useful. The operation does not differ
ing to the bandwidth of the baseband Receiving a Weak EME CW from the operation described earlier.3
filter. For a 20-Hz baseband filter Signal When the mouse is clicked on a sig-
bandwidth, the baseband sampling With the parameters listed above, nal, the two channels are analyzed and
rate for timf4, is only 47 Hz. To the waterfall graph is very sensitive. the polarization is extracted. Depend-
convert this to the desired output fre- The FFT size is 65536, but the screen ing on the operator’s preferences, the
quency, Lagrange’s interpolation is only 1024 points on my computer. two channels can be combined to two
formula is used to interpolate each Consequently each pixel on the screen new orthogonal polarizations, one has
output point from four baseband data represents 64 frequency bins of the all the signal energy or they can be
points, a third-order polynomial fit. fft2 spectra. both routed to stereo headphones.
The reason is that the output may be Rather than showing the average The EME window, Fig 3, uses the
on a different sound card with a power over 64 frequency bins, which polarization of the received signal to
noninteger ratio between input and would produce the same result as an calculate the optimal transmit polar-
output sampling speeds. The proce- average over 64 transforms of size ization. This way the adverse effects

26 Jan/Feb 2004
of Faraday rotation can be eliminated 2. Back transform for weak signals input signal into a few groups of accu-
both for receive and transmit. The only rately known signals for which Linrad
EME window shows the moon position 3. Smart blanker subtracts pulses can calculate the true waveform based
for this location and for a DX location. from raw data and remembers on knowledge of the signal source. The
A call sign, or fragments thereof, can what was subtracted operator can select one of these sig-
be entered in the largest box. Frag- 4. New forward fft from improved raw nals or use a receiver that operates on
ments must be separated by question data whatever remains when the strong
marks or stars to indicate one or many 5. Strong signals of known types are signals are subtracted.
unknown characters. Typing in V?2F* analyzed. It is possible to model the For the HF bands, a very large
will hit VK2FLR as the only answer. nonlinearities of, for example, an bandwidth is probably not so useful.
VK2* will suggest three call signs SSB transmitter and calculate the A large number of channels on the
while *2FL* will suggest JO2FLD be- signal components over the entire other hand would be extremely use-
sides VK2FLR and V*LR will suggest spectrum. Known signals are sub- ful, since Linrad could then form an
VE6LR and VK2FLR. The EME data- tracted from the improved raw adaptive antenna that optimizes the
base files dir.skd, eme.dta and data to produce new raw data with pattern for optimum S/N for each in-
allcalls.dta can all be downloaded from much lower signal and interference terference source. In that way it will
the Internet. The EME installation levels. What is subtracted is re- be possible to overcome very large in-
procedure will search them all and membered for further use. terference levels from all the modern
collect inconsistencies in a file, while 6. New forward fft from better im- electronics and so on. With many chan-
creating a text file containing call proved raw data nels, it will be sufficient with a
signs and locations only. The text file 7. Back transform for weak signals mediocre dynamic range for each
can be loaded automatically when only channel so simple systems sampling
Linrad is started. 8. Add the pulses that were subtracted directly from the antennas would be
in step 3 and run the smart blanker adequate. We just have to wait for the
The Future again. This time the pulse shapes hardware cost to become low enough.
In my experience, more bandwidth will be very accurate. They are re-
Comparing the WSE Converters
is more important than anything else. moved from the original raw data.
9. Refine the strong signals and re- to Conventional Receivers
An analog noise-blanker that operates
at a bandwidth of 5 MHz is capable of move them. Blocking Dynamic Range
removing very strong static rain noise. The basic idea is to split the total Blocking dynamic range, BDR is
S9 noise that sounds exactly like nor-
mal white noise can be completely re-
moved. I think the Linrad blanker will
do it at much lower bandwidth than
5 MHz but 90 kHz is most probably
not enough. I have not had any oppor-
tunity to make a test, I am still with-
out an antenna since a big storm two
years ago.
In the future, when the “standard
PC” has a lot of unused CPU power
when processing a 0.5-MHz band-
width, one can make significant im- Fig 4—The strong signal passes a notch filter that removes the phase noise from the
provements to Linrad. An improved HP 8657 at a fixed frequency. A weak signal at the notch frequency is injected through a
directional coupler towards the receiver under test while the strong signal is picked up by
process could look like this: the directional coupler to allow a precise determination of the level entering the test
1. Forward fft from raw data object.

Table 5
Blocking and BDR for WSE RX144 system and for a IC-706MKIIG on 144 MHz.
N indicates abrupt increase of noise floor due to op-amp saturation in
RX2500.The preamplifier is off for the IC-706.
WSE+ Linrad IC-706 144 MHz
Level for Level for
Frequency 3 dB S/N 1 dB 3 dB S/N 1 dB
Fig 3—The polarization graph, left and the
EME graph right. At this moment, the offset loss sat loss sat
signal from VK2FLR was received in a (kHz) (dBHz) (dBHz) (dBHz) (dBHz)
nearly vertical polarization. The optimum 5 145 A/D sat 102 119
transmit polarization is 21°. When using H
for transmit, the loss due to misalignment
10 145 A/D sat 107 133
is 0.6 dB, but when using V for transmit, 20 150 151N 116 139
the loss is 9 dB. Knowing what to choose 30 162 163N 120 142
improves the QSO chance by a factor of 40 164 165N 123 145
two in this case. The direction to VK2FLR
is 69° and the distance is 15,652 km. 50 166 168N 125 146
Direction and distance are intended for 100 167 172 131 146
terrestrial work. It is possible to enter a 250 171 173 133 146
locator in the locator field.

Jan/Feb 2004 27
defined in words as: “The ratio (differ- of about 10 dB above the noise floor must measure a 3 dB change within
ence in dB) between the weakest on- and the level at which the strong sig- ±0.5 dB, but one would need to mea-
channel signal a receiver can hear and nal degrades S/N by 3 dB was located sure a 1 dB change within ±0.2 dB,
the strongest off-channel signal a re- at several frequencies. The AGC of the something that would require a 6.25
ceiver can tolerate without degrada- transceivers was not switched off, AGC times longer integration time when
tion of the received signal.” Notice that makes no difference because both sig- measuring the noise floor.
this is quite different from BDR as nal and noise were monitored with For use on crowded HF bands, it
measured by ARRL Lab. They mea- Linrad running as an audio spectrum might be useful to measure the level
sure the level at which blocking occurs. analyzer. Table 6 shows that the of the strong signal required for say
To measure the dynamic range Japanese transceivers are limited by 15 and 30 dB S/N degradation. In
properly, one needs a strong signal of reciprocal mixing and that Linrad and some receivers, the 1 dB and the
extreme purity and a weak signal that the WSE converters can tolerate about 30 dB degradation points are very
is not critical. To demonstrate the per- 20 dB higher interference levels. The close, maybe 1 dB apart, while in oth-
formance of the WSE converters used RXHFA unit may need an attenuator ers they may be separated by up to
together with a modified Delta 44 to shift the A/D saturation level up- 35 dB. A saturated A/D converter as
sound card, I have made the BDR wards in case peak powers above well as several other saturation pro-
measurements shown in Tables 5 and –12 dBm are encountered within the cesses cause a highly nonlinear
6. The measurements were made with 90 kHz passband. The FT-1000D can interference growth while reciprocal
the setup shown in Fig 4. Table 5 receive such signals without an at- mixing has a nicely linear behavior. A
shows a comparison of the RX144 in a tenuator, but S/N would be degraded good operator will know how to insert
late prototype stage together with pro- seriously by reciprocal mixing so the an attenuator between the antenna
duction units of the RX70, RX10700 RXHFA unit will perform better even and the receiver—or to use the built-
and RX2500. with an attenuator in front of it. Note in attenuator properly. The attenua-
The RXHFA converter was in a very that the IC-706 is better than the tor insertion could be automated as
early prototype stage when this was FT-1000D in case the interference is suggested by Ulrich Rohde.4 Person-
written. The system noise figure of the within ±25 kHz because the LO phase ally, I prefer to take such decisions
entire 14 MHz receiver with the noise is lower. myself depending on the circum-
RXHFA prototype operated together In the BDR test, I have chosen to stances, but adding a circuit like
with the RX70, RX10700, RX2500 measure the level at which S/N is de- Ulrich’s (in his figure 43) to the WSE
units and a Delta44 in minimum gain graded by 3 dB. There is a good rea- converters would be trivial.
mode is 17 dB. A comparison between son for selecting this rather than the The dynamic-range data of Table 6
Tables 5 and 6 shows that the local 1-dB degradation point, which would can be converted from dBHz to dB in
oscillator of the RXHFA prototype be more conventional. The time for the 500 Hz bandwidth by subtracting
needs some further improvements. measurement increases drastically, or 27 dB. At 20-kHz frequency sepa-
This oscillator must operate at several the accuracy is degraded, if one looks ration, the result is 100 dB for the
well-separated frequencies to cover for the point of 1-dB degradation. IC-706 while it is 97 dB for the
amateur bands from 1.8 to 14 MHz, Noise adds by power, converted to a FT-1000D. These values represent the
the LO buffer amplifier is the domi- decibel scale it looks like Table 7. true dynamic range in a weak signal
nating noise source. If one wants to determine the level usage of the receivers. This is the natu-
The weak signal was set to a level of the added noise within ±1 dB, one ral concept to me with a bias from the

Table 6 Table 7
Blocking and BDR for a WSE RXHFA prototype system, an IC-706MKIIG and a Adding a second noise source in-
FT-1000D on 14 MHz. G+ indicates that the gain increases rather than de- creases the noise level like this. If
creases when the interference is added. N indicates abrupt increase of noise both noise levels are equal the sum is
floor due to op-amp saturation in RX2500.The preamplifier is off for IC-706 and 3 dB above a single signal and the
the Front End switch is in position IP0 for the FT-1000D. For FT-1000D blocking sensitivity is 0.5 dB for 1 dB change of
is measured indirectly through the cross-modulation from an AM modulated the added signal. If the added noise is
carrier 6 dB below the original noise, the sum
WSE+Linrad IC-706 14 MHz FT-1000 14 MHz is 1 dB above the original noise but
Level for Level for Level for the sensitivity is only 0.2 dB for 1 dB
Freq 3 dB S/N 1 dB 3 dB S/N 1 dB 3 dB S/N 1 dB change of the added signal.
offset loss sat loss sat loss sat Added Signal Relative Signal Level
(kHz) (dBHz) (dBHz) (dBHz) (dBHz) (dBHz) (dBHz) to First Signal Change
5 145 A/D sat 114 122 113 149 (dB) (dB)
10 146 A/D sat 122 129 116 156 –7 0.79
20 145 A/D sat 127 143 124 163 –6 0.97
30 145 A/D sat 131 149 129 165 –5 1.19
40 153 163N 134 149 132 166 –4 1.46
50 156 165N 135 150 135 166 –3 1.76
100 156 170 140 G+ 144 168 –2 2.12
250 164 171 148 G+ 155 169 –1 2.54
500 171 172 149 G+ 155 170 0 3.01
1 3.54

28 Jan/Feb 2004
144 MHz weak-signal community. HF fact that these two measurements measurements at close frequency
operators may find the distance from should have an exact relation. They separations, where a notch filter is
the noise floor up to blocking more rel- are coupled through bandwidth and useless, the third generator and the
evant. Then the ARRL lab procedure noise figure by the third-order law in audio spectrum analyzer are essential.
might be more relevant. The two meth- the relation IP3 = 1.5×IM3DR+NOISE This is so because the noise and spurs
ods give numbers that differ by 60 dB! FLOOR. A receiver that does not fol- in the two strong signals as well as in
Knowing what the numbers really low the third-order law 5, 6, 7 ,8 ,9 cannot the local oscillator of the test object
mean is essential when deciding which be characterized by an IP3 number. easily lead to incorrect measurements
radio to buy. The references show a discrepancy of at low IM3 levels.
more than 10 dB in the IP3 relation Real receivers may have peculiari-
Third-Order Intermodulation and indicate design inadequacies or ties that make them deviate from the
Third order intermodulation, IM3, measurement errors. I have tried to third-order law that is accurately valid
is typically the phenomenon that lim- reproduce the peculiar response re- for a simple chain of amplifiers and
its the dynamic-range performance of ported in Note 5, but found nothing mixers. The reason may be nonline-
a receiver when BDR is not the limit- but normal third-order behavior. The arities in circuits that are not in the
ing factor. IM3 can be described as fre- TS-450S I looked at had a much later signal path. The noise blanker may
quency mixing due to the nonlinearity serial number than the one tested in have AGC controlled amplifiers that
of amplifier, mixer or other stages that the ARRL Lab and some design inad- produce modest levels of intermodu-
arises when the signal levels are very equacy may have been corrected by the lation more or less independently of the
high. When two signals f1 and f2 en- maker in later production units. input signal level. At low signal levels
ter a receiver, IM3 is produced at fre- There is a simple way to measure where the intermodulation produced in
quencies that can be described as the third-order intermodulation that will the signal path is very low, inadequate
difference between one signal and the give accurate results regardless of the screening or buffering may allow IM3
overtone of the other signal, 2f1–f2 for receiver architecture. It works equally from such side paths to interfere
example. In this case, the IM3 level is well with AGC on or off and it is very with the desired signal. Look at
proportional the f2 and to the square easy to perform. Just combine two
of the f1 signal levels. In a two-tone equally strong signals and a third, dynrange/intermod.htm for a dis-
test with equal amplitudes for f1 and weak one. The IM3 product and the cussion of IM3 measurements, theory,
f2 , the IM3 level is proportional to the weak signal are placed something like spectra and time-domain waveforms.
common signal level to the power of 10 to 100 Hz apart and a spectrum The site also contains details of the
three. This is the third-order law say- analyzer (Linrad for example) is con- measurements behind the IP3 values
ing that for a 1 dB increase of the sig- nected to the loudspeaker output. The presented in Table 8.
nal levels the IM3 levels will increase weak signal is set to give the same For both FT-1000 and IC-706MKIIG,
by 3 dB. The third-order law is the amplitude as the IM3 product on the IP3 and IM3DR are degraded by a very
basis for this definition: The third or- screen. This measurement is fast, easy, small amount if the frequency separa-
der intercept point (IP3) is the point reproducible and accurate. The true tion is reduced to 20 kHz from 100 kHz.
at which the the extrapolated third- power levels of the strong signals and For the RXHFA unit it is quite differ-
order intermodulation level (IM3) is of the weak signal that gives an ent. The bit errors in the A/D conver-
equal to the signal levels in the output equally strong signal as the IM3 prod- sion process give rise to IM3 that is
of a two-tone test when the extrapola- uct are measured directly. AGC or AF varying in a seemingly random fashion
tion is made from a point at which and saturation does not matter. The point with the level of the two test tones. The
below the third-order intermodulation of equal amplitudes is independent of IM3 from the A/D conversion process
follows the third-order law. the nonlinearities in the stages follow- is at about –140 dBm, below MDS in
There are different procedures sug- ing the filters that exclude the strong 500 Hz bandwidth, but it is there. This
gested for the measurement of IP3. signals. At large frequency separa- kind of intermodulation disappears
How to make the measurement on a tions, a notch filter is useful, just re- completely if other signals are present
mixer or preamplifier is uncontro- place the strong signal in Fig 4 by a in the pass-band as will practically al-
versial, but how to handle a “black box” pair of strong signals that have a fre- ways be the case in the real usage of a
with an antenna input and a loud- quency relationship that places a receiver. Fig 5 shows the IM3 response
speaker output is less clear. Some re- third-order intermodulation product of the RXHFA unit for two signals
ceivers have an AGC that cannot be at the frequency of the notch. Notice within the A/D converter passband.
switched off, and there may be other that the quartz crystals in the notch As can be seen from Fig 5, the close
complications. Procedures to measure filter produce IM3 at close frequency range IM3 is at the 500 Hz MDS level
IP3 may give a result that is inconsis- separations and that a second mea- for a two-tone input of –29 dBm, which
tent with procedures that measure surement with an attenuator at the means that IM3DR is 101 dB. The A/D
two-tone, third-order intermodulation receiver input will show if this is a converter in the Delta 44 saturates
dynamic range, IM3DR, despite the limitation of the measurement. For when the levels in the two-tone test are

Table 8
Two-tone third-order intermodulation data at 14 MHz and 100-kHz frequency separation.
Receiver IP3 NF IP3 to MDS at IM3DR in
Type absolute noise floor 500 Hz bw 500 Hz bw
(dBm) (dB) (dBHz) (dBm) (dB)
RXHFA 25 17 182 –130 103
FT–1000 22 21 175 –126 99
IC–706MKIIG –4 12 156 –135 86

Jan/Feb 2004 29
set to about –18 dBm. The digital out- margin by the RXHFA unit when a 15 straint, modern receivers are good
put is limited by the number of bits and dB attenuator is added. At other times, enough for the HF bands.
can simply not represent an analog sig- a noise figure of 22 dB is needed. The On 144 MHz, my favorite band, it
nal outside the digital range. In the operator must be able to move the dy- is quite different. Fellow amateurs
range –30 to –18 dBm, the RXHFA/ namic range levels up and down with typically cause the most difficult prob-
Linrad system follows the third-order an attenuator, but with that con- lems. A 2 m station may put 100 W
law, but it is not fair to characterize the
system with the IP3 of +20 dBm one
can get from an extrapolation. The
RXHFA/Linrad system will behave as
if it had an IP3 in the order of –8 dBm
for multiple input signals that reach a
peak power above –18 dBm within the
95 kHz bandwidth seen by the A/D
converter. Looking only at the inter-
modulation, one would conclude that
the FT-1000 would be much better in
such cases, but the FT-1000 front end
will see much higher peak powers be-
cause it must handle much more band-
width. More importantly, the FT-1000
will be limited by reciprocal mixing, the
noise floor is degraded by 3 dB at an
average signal level of about –30 dBm
already. Knowing this fundamental
difference between analog and digital
receivers is very important. If the band-
width seen by the A/D converter is even
wider or if the dynamic range is lower,
IP3 values may still be impressive, but
the real intermodulation resistance
may be poor compared to “good old ana-
log receivers” with similar IP3 and
IM3DR numbers.
The intermodulation characteris-
tics of the WSE converter chain are
the same for all frequency bands. The
RX144 and the RXHFA units have the
same IM3DR. The RX144 is definitely
intended to be used with amplifiers in
front of it and it will have a noise fig-
ure of about 11 dB, which means that
IP3 will be about +19 dBm. I have not
yet decided whether it is a good idea
to incorporate an RF amplifier in the
RXHFA to shift the levels downwards.
The data given above is without any
RF amplifier in the RXHFA prototype
and it is compared to the FT-1000D
and the IC-706MKIIG with the RF
amplifier disabled.
How Much Dynamic Range
do We Need? Fig 5—IM3 response for the RXHFA unit in a two-tone test. Notice that the IM3 below
–35 dBm is real but that it disappears due to dithering if noise or another signal is added.
On the HF bands, the answer is
100 dB for BDR in 3 kHz bandwidth
according to Chadwick. 10 This is
equivalent to 135 dBHz, which is met Table 9
easily by the WSE converter chain at Received power levels with antennas pointing into each other on 144 MHz, at
all frequency separations, but which two different distances assuming free space propagation.
is also met by IC-706MKIIG and
FT-1000D at frequency separations Rx Power Rx Power
above 50 kHz. As I read the referent Distance Tx ERP Ant = 13 dBd Ant = 18 dBd
of Note 10, this is good enough on the (km) (kW) (dBm) (dBm)
HF bands. On 7 MHz one may need 1 3 +2.4 +7.4
an IP3 of +36 dBm at a noise figure of 1 100 +17.4 +22.4
33 dB, which is just about what the 10 3 –17.6 –12.6
FT-1000D can perform with 12 dB at- 10 100 –2.6 +2.4
tenuation, but which is met with some

30 Jan/Feb 2004
into a 13 dBd antenna to produce an to investigate. At today’s state of the would not even dream of today. Imag-
effective radiated power of 3 kW. Much art, the performance is just about good ine 16 ferrite rods that are placed
higher ERPs are not uncommon, 1 kW enough in the close range, but as soon around your location sending digital
into four modest Yagis will easily give as the interference is outside the fre- data to your computer, each one with
an ERP of 100 kW. Add to these high quency range routed to the A/D con- a battery, a small digital processing
power levels the much greater receiver verter the performance is adequate block and a microwave link. The bat-
sensitivities, and the directional gain with a good margin. tery could be powered by solar cells.
at the receiver side and you will find Notice that noise levels I present The computer can form an adaptive
received powers at some different dis- are always RMS values. They truly antenna with 12 dB gain for each in-
tances as illustrated in Table 9. reflect the power ratio between the terference source, then subtract the
Contrary to the HF bands, interfer- noise power in a defined bandwidth interference with a very high accuracy,
ence on 144 MHz is likely to be caused and the power of a carrier. It is a if the interference has any character-
by one or very few signals. The reason bad habit among engineers to inter- istics that the computer can be
is the high directivity of the antennas. pret as dBc/Hz decibel numbers that programmed to identify. Finally, the
Having one of the local high power sta- come from the display of a spectrum adaptive lobe can be pointed towards
tions pointing his antenna into my di- analyzer that averages the output the desired signal, which will become
rection while I point my antenna in from a logarithmic detector. Such readable even if it is deep below the
his direction is not likely to happen decibel values are about 6 dB lower interference level in a single antenna.
simultaneously for many local high than the true dBc/Hz values in which Personally, I think the strategies to
power stations. This means that BDR the ARRL Lab composite noise test is identify and remove interference form
is generally more important than defined.11 the most exciting field for amateur
IM3DR on 144 MHz. RX144 provides When Linrad and the WSE convert- development in the future. As ama-
145 dBHz for close spaced signals and ers are used to measure sideband teurs, we might want to push the lim-
with a noise floor of –174 dBm/Hz it noise, the numbers obtained are its in a difficult interference situation
means that the maximum permitted about 6 dB worse than those published on a particular frequency band while
signal level is –29 dBm. Table 9 indi- in QST because Linrad computes a professional would use another fre-
cates the need for much higher levels. the true RMS power levels. The quency or even another technology
On 144 MHz, we often run into mu- –145 dBc/Hz noise floor within the to avoid the problem. Linrad is an
tual interference because of inad- frequency range seen by the A/D early attempt to get into this new
equate dynamic range. At frequency converter therefore corresponds to field of qualified signal processing,
separations above 50 kHz, the RX144 –151 dB in the ARRL Lab scale. it is not just a DSP package for EME
provides 166 dBHz so the maximum enthusiasts.
permitted signal level is –8 dBm. Table Conclusions
9 indicates that much more could be It is demonstrated above that the
useful sometimes, and –8 dBm does WSE converters and Linrad give a Notes
1L. Åsbrink, SM5BSZ, “ Linrad: New
not allow unperturbed reception, it is third-order dynamic range that is com-
Possibillities for the Communications Ex-
the level where S/N is degraded by parable to good analog receivers while
perimenter, Part 2,” QEX, Jan/Feb 2003, p
3 dB. Here the influence of dynamic the BDR is much better. The data is 41-48.
range loss and noise figure due to the based on measurements on prototypes, 2L. Åsbrink, SM5BSZ, “ Linrad: New
preamplifier as illustrated by Table 2 but the final outcome will not be very Possibillities for the Communications Ex-
is neglected, but these effects work in different. perimenter, Part 3,” QEX, May/June 2003,
opposite direction and cancel if both Linrad is not designed for the WSE p 36-43, Fig 1.
3L. Åsbrink, SM5BSZ, “ Linrad : New
are made about 3 dB. converters, it is intended to be used in
Conventional transceivers often the future with very much simpler Possibillities for the Communications Ex-
produce strong noise sidebands. I have digital hardware that makes the A/D perimenter, Part 4,” QEX, Jul/Aug 2003,
pp 29-37.
measured several transceivers using conversion at VHF frequencies and 4U. Rohde, KA2WEU, “Theory of
RX144 and Linrad as a spectrum samples the antenna signal directly. I Intermodulation and Reciprocal Mixing:
analyzer. The data is available at have designed the WSE converters be- Practice, Definitions and Measurements in cause it was reasonably simple with Devices and Systems Part 2,” QEX, Jan/
dynrange/gavelstad/gav.htm. The the tools at my disposal, and I did not Feb 2003, pp 21-31.
noise floor is typically at –110 to want to wait for someone else to pro- 5J. Healy, NJ2L, “Product Review: Kenwood

–120 dBc/Hz at a frequency separa- duce the digital hardware and drive TS-450S and TS-690S Transceivers,”
tion of 20 kHz and –125 dBc/Hz at routines for Linux. Another reason is QST, Apr 1992, pp 67-69.
6P. Danzer, N1II, “Product Review: Ten-Tec
50 kHz. To me the WSE converters and that I believed it was a way to get a
Pegasus HF Transceiver,” QST , Feb
Linrad is not only a radio receiver, the performance that is somewhat better
2000, pp 63-67.
system is also an instrument for find- than I can expect to ever get from a 7M. Wilson, K1RO, “Product Review:
ing cures to the problems caused by digital system. The WSE converters Watkins-Johnson HF-1000 General-Cover-
design inadequacies in commercial will be the radio I use in the future, age Receiver,” QST, Dec 1994, pp 76-79.
transceivers. A good LO, such as the but they will also constitute the tools 8R. Lindquist, N1RL, “Product Review: SGC
one in TM255E is at –137 dBc/Hz at needed to verify the operation of the SG-2020 Transceiver,” QST, Oct 1998, pp
20 kHz, something that is proven by digital hardware when it becomes 71-74.
9Rick Lindquist, Product Review: Yaesu
the excellent BDR value, but the available. The digital revolution will
transmitter noise is at –122 dBc/Hz continue. As amateurs, we face a new MARK-V FT-1000MP HF Transceiver,
QST Nov. 2000, p 64 – 69.
because other noise sources than the and exciting situation in which we can 10 P. Chadwick, G3RZP, “HF Receiver Dy-
LO dominate the transmitted signal. take a leading role in the development namic Range: How Much Do We Need?”
The dynamic range needed to make of new technologies. By feeding more QEX, May/June 2002, pp 36-41.
the WSE converters useful as labora- bandwidth from more antennas into 11M. Gruber, WA1SVF, “Improved Transmit-
tory instruments is 10 dB better than a computer it will be possible to re- ted Composite-Noise Data Presentation,”
the best transmitters one would want move interference to an extent we QST, Feb 1995, p 62. ††

Jan/Feb 2004 31
Getting the Most from
Half-Wave Sloper Arrays
So you want to put up a really big 160-meter
directional array? Here are some tips.

By Rudy Severns, N6LF

or those who have a single tall east-west along a ridge. I called George, circuited at the switch box. This allowed
support, λ/4 or higher, the half- W2VJN, who had been using half-wave me to switch the direction of the main
wave sloper family of antennas slopers for years and asked for his ad- lobe from east to west with a SPDT re-
described by K1WA,1 K8UR,2 K3LR3,4 vice. That began a long series of con- lay, selecting one or the other feed line.
and others can be a relatively simple versations and experiments. George I quickly discovered how much the
way to make an antenna with modest supplied many key insights while I was
gain, good F/B and an electrically doing field testing and modeling work.
steerable pattern on 80 or 160 meters. I very quickly learned how difficult it
Previous articles have provided much is to actually obtain the performance
information on this family of anten- predicted from modeling in a real
nas. But having just come through a 160-meter antenna. The configuration
cycle of building several variations, I reported here is a bit different from ear-
found that a lot more needed to be lier versions but is simpler to build and,
said. Fig 1A shows two different half- more importantly, easier to get up and
wave sloper array element shapes running at full performance.
that I will refer to as the “K1WA” and
the “K8UR,” with the understanding Initial Experiments
that many other arrays use these You can use several slopers spaced
shapes. Fig 1B shows some other pos- uniformly around the support to pro-
sible element shapes. duce a steerable pattern. These can be
This article presents a 160-meter simple λ/2 slopers (K1WA) or dia-
variation of this family of antennas mond-shaped (K8UR), with the lower
and, more importantly, a discussion of ends brought back to the base of the
the details of how to get such a beast support. The slopers may be driven as
working really well. You could simply a phased array (K8UR) or as a para-
put up four precut dipoles, with sitic array (K1WA and K3LR). It is
/8-λ phasing lines à la K1WA and the very common to drive and/or load the
array will work with reasonable center of each element.
F/B. However, with extensive model- There is another possibility, however.
ing I discovered that fanatical atten- You can voltage feed at the lower ends
tion to detail and tuning and adding of the elements. This approach, while
a first-class ground system will certainly known, has not gotten much
greatly enhance performance. press. It has some advantages when
In the summer of 2000, I put up a K8UR-shaped elements are used.
pair of 150-foot wooden poles placed My experiments began with a
2-element version of the K3LR antenna,
1Notes to appear on page 41. where the length of the feed line from
the center of an element to a switch box
PO Box 589 is adjusted to tune one element as a
Cottage Grove, OR 97424 reflector while the other element is Fig 1—Half-wave sloper array element driven. The non-driven element is open- shapes.

32 Jan/Feb 2004
shape of the actual array differs from pointed out in the K3LR articles. other 150-foot pole 300-feet east and an
the nice straight-line wires we use in 2. There is no longer any need for the anchor point at 100 feet in a tree
modeling. elements to assume a symmetrical 400 feet west of the main support. These
First, there is the sag in the shape (equal lengths at top and bot- allowed me to raise the apex (corner) of
130-foot wire spans on each side of the tom) to minimize coupling to the the element farther above ground, re-
feed point where the guy lines used to feed line hanging from the center ducing ground losses somewhat.
spread the array are attached (see point. They can have considerable The elevation pattern for this
Fig 1A). I found I had to move the guy- deviation from symmetry, as shown array is shown in Fig 3 at several
line anchor point much farther away in Fig 1B. points across the band. I maximized
from the support to get enough ten- 3. All the measurements, pruning, gain at 1.830 MHz, where the F/B is
sion to control sag. This was made tuning and switching can be done about 7 dB. Below that both the gain
worse by the weight of the roughly at the base of the support, right at and F/B drop off but the gain is still
114 feet of RG-8X feed line going back ground level. Very convenient! quite useable. As you go up the band
to the support. 4. With much less weight and wind- the gain falls slowly but the F/B im-
Testing showed that the F/B was not age the array is less susceptible to proves. At 1.890 MHz the low-angle
very high—a few decibels at most—and damage. This is particularly impor- F/B is very good (about 24 decibel) but
the feed-point impedances were sub- tant if you live in an area where if you look at the full rear quadrant
stantially different from predicted, icing is a problem. the F/R is only 12 dB, pretty much in
making for a poor match. Further 5. The loading on the support is much line with the expectations from free-
checking with a clip-on RF ammeter less. Not a big deal with a guyed space modeling.
showed lots of current on the feed lines. tower, but important when using a Because I almost always use a Bev-
I then modeled the antenna with tall wooden pole or other light erage antenna for receiving I elected
the actual sags in the elements and support. to go for maximum gain at 1.830 MHz.
feed line I use Nittany Scientific’s Of course, there are some disadvan- You could just as well go for high F/B
GNEC, which implements the NEC-4 tages too: and sacrifice a half dB or so of gain. I
catenary wire (CW) and insulating adjusted the tuner for minimum
1. The switching relay(s) must now be
sheath (IS) cards. Guess what? Lots SWR at 1.830 MHz. This gave an SWR
capable of handling high voltage
of RF on the feed lines, lousy F/B and of 1.1:1 at 1.800 MHz and 2:1 at
(>5 kV), mandating vacuum relay(s).
mediocre gain were indicated. I put 1.970 MHz. It would have been quite
2.A tuning unit is required at the base
common-mode chokes baluns at the possible to adjust for an SWR < 2:1
of the antenna.
feed points (more weight, more sag, over the whole band but the gain
more loss) and that helped, but only a starts dropping off above 1.900 MHz.
bit. The extra weight also increased The Array At N6LF This antenna has been up since
the tension in the wire and guy line to Fig 2 shows a side view of the ar- August 2001 and was used in the
the point where wire stretch and sub- ray presently installed at N6LF. This ARRL, Stew Perry and CQ CW 160-
sequent detuning became a problem. has performed very well this winter meter contests. It has performed very
I also found that if I wanted to ac- (2001-2002). Note that the shape of the well indeed, despite the truly terrible
tually tune the elements so that they individual elements is not symmetri- conditions on 160 meters at this part
behaved as a parasitic array, I had to cal—the triangle apex is well above the of the sunspot cycle and due to my
make measurements at ground level— midpoint. In my installation I have an- less-than-ideal location. During the
at the end of about 200 feet of coax. I
had to calibrate the coax and then
transform the measurements by the
transmission-line equation to get the
actual feed-point impedance.
Then I had to lower the array and
trim each end of the elements. This
was doable but what a pain! It was
clear from the modeling and measure-
ments that the actual shape of the el-
ements and whether or not insulated
wire was used had a significant effect
on the behavior of the array.
I groused about all this to George as
we drove up to the Northwest DX con-
vention last June (2001) and he said
“Why not use voltage feed instead?” The
light went on. I wanted a parasitic
array in the K8UR configuration, but
voltage-fed at the bottom of the driven
element. The other elements would be
open, acting as reflectors. This would
have some advantages:
1. All the coax, baluns, relay boxes, etc,
hanging up in the air are eliminated.
That removes a lot of stress on the
array and lowers the expense and
the loss in the cable, even on 160
meters. The extent of cable loss was Fig 2—Present array at N6LF.

Jan/Feb 2004 33
Fig 4—Typical maximum free-space gain and F/B for two-element
diamond-shaped array.

This is particularly helpful when

multiple elements are used and only
one is driven at a time. For an end-fed
element this makes it very easy to
change directions. You simply use a
Fig 3—Elevation radiation patterns at 1.800, 1.830, 1.860 and 1.890 system of relays to select which ele-
MHz for the N6LF two-element array. ment is to be driven, leaving the other
element open to act a reflector. A single
tuning network at the base of the an-
ARRL 160-meter contest George was (relative dielectric constant). For the tenna is required, and it sees an im-
operating on the east coast from radiation patterns, the main axis of pedance that does not change as the
W3BGN’s shack and he compared sig- the array is in the (y, –y) direction (90° pattern direction is changed.
nals from the west-coast stations. to 270°). Of course the driven element in this
Of course, K6SE (who was using a case will not be resonant and will ex-
balloon vertical over the Salton Sea Element Length hibit some reactance. With a simple
salt flats) beat us all hands down. In most two-element Yagi designs parallel L-C tuner at the base, that is
Compared to the other big stations, the length of the driven element is ad- not a problem. Typically, the reactance
however, my signal was right in there, justed so that the feed-point imped- will be equivalent to 5 to 10 pF, which
so the antenna is clearly starting to ance is resistive. The parasitic element can easily be accommodated by adjust-
work well. And there is even more I length is adjusted to perform either ing the tuning capacitor in the tuner.
can do to improve it. The following as a director or a reflector. In low-fre- Modeling two elements in free
details how I achieved my level of per- quency arrays, the size is usually space gives a general idea of how this
formance and what could be done to much too large to allow the array to works for K8UR-shaped elements. The
improve it. be physically rotated, and the driven gain and F/B will depend on the over-
and parasitic elements must be inter- all height of the diamond (dimension
Comparison To Other Antennas changed to switch the pattern. This “b” in Fig 2) and the width (dimension
Even with the best design and con- can be accomplished in several ways. “a” in Fig 2). Fig 4 graphs typical free-
struction, this antenna will not beat The most common is to add or subtract space gain and F/B for elements vary-
out an equally well-designed and in- some length or loading and then in- ing in height from 130 to 180 feet at
stalled four square. It will also be out- terchange the element you wish to 1.830 MHz, using #12 bare copper
performed by the Spitfire antennas7 feed as the driven element. wire. Notice these are the maximum
that are similar to this antenna. The There is another possibility that has values found by fixing the height and
Spitfire uses the supporting tower as not received much attention. If you take adjusting the width in the model.
the driven element and the parasitic two equal-length parallel conductors, As in any Yagi, maximum gain and
elements as reflectors and directors spaced on the order of 0.1 to 0.3 λ, one maximum F/B do not occur for the same
to form a 3-element, rather than a of which is driven and the other para- dimensions. In general, at the maxi-
2-element, vertical Yagi with a sitic and do some free-space modeling, mum F/B point the gain will be down
steerable pattern. However, when you will find that as you increase the by about 0.5 dB. There are no surprises
done well, the full-wave sloper family length of the elements (keeping both the here—the taller the array, the more
of antennas is not hopelessly out- same length) that the parasitic element gain and F/B you can obtain. However,
classed—and they are far easier and will first act as a director and then as a even at λ/4 (≈ 130 feet), there is usable
less expensive to build compared to a reflector as both are made longer. The gain and F/B, even though this is half
four-square system if a suitable sup- advantage of this is that both elements the length (λ/2) of normal Yagi elements.
port is already in place. are identical and there is no change in Notice also from Fig 2 that I set the
In all of the modeling to follow, length or loading when you change separation distance between the top
ground is assumed to have σ = direction. You simply change which ends at 6 feet. This is not a magic num-
0.005 S/m (conductivity) and ε = 13 element is driven. ber, but the distance between the ends

34 Jan/Feb 2004
of the elements does affect the behav- For a four-element half-wave sloper that individually have very different
ior. Spacings of order of 1 to 3 feet each array, where three of the elements are patterns. Again, it is not clear if there
side away from the support structure reflectors, the radiation pattern is are any advantages or disadvantages
seem to work fine, although others shown in Fig 7. The total pattern is to this mixed polarization.
should work also. Chose a spacing dur- quite reasonable but is made up of The K8UR-element shape has a
ing the design phase and be careful to vertical and horizontal components very different pattern. Fig 8 shows the
stick with it when erecting the array.
Element Shape
Besides the obvious mechanical dif-
ference between the K1WA and K8UR
elements, there are important radia-
tion-pattern differences too. If you
start with a single half-wave sloper,
with the top at 150 feet, the radiation
pattern in Fig 5 will have a combina-
tion of vertical and horizontal radia-
tion. That’s no real surprise, since you
have a slanting dipole.
When you combine this into a
two-element array, however, some Fig 5—Vertical,
horizontal and total
funny things start to happen, as pattern at 22° elevation
shown in Fig 6A for in-phase and Fig for a single half-wave
6B for 180° out-of-phase excitation. sloper with the upper
The pattern doesn’t look anything like end at 150 feet.
the broadside-endfire you expect in a
2-element vertical array. The problem
is that the vertical and horizontal
fields add up differently and the ar-
ray does not behave quite as you might
expect. While 160-meter operators
generally favor vertical polarization
for transmitting, for receiving the com-
bination of vertical and horizontal po-
larizations may help. I hasten to say
that this is speculation on my part.

Fig 6—Vertical, horizontal and total pattern at 22° elevation for two half-wave slopers. At A, driven in-phase and at B, 180° out of phase,
with the upper ends at 150 feet.

Jan/Feb 2004 35
Fig 7—Vertical, horizontal and total pattern at 22°° elevation for a Fig 8—Vertical, horizontal and total pattern at 22°° for a single
four-element K1WA array, one driven element and three K8UR-shaped element.

patterns for a single K8UR element.

The horizontal component is much
lower, –12 dB or more, and contributes
little to the total pattern. This is one
of the reasons that this shape is usu-
ally preferred if you are building a
vertically polarized array.
In the K1WA and K8UR antenna
models, I fed the elements at the cen-
ter and I made every effort to keep
things symmetrical to minimize cou-
pling to the feed line. However, when
fed from the end there is no necessity
to make the element shape symmetri-
cal. Fig 1B shows two asymmetric
shapes (1 and 2). The advantage of
shape 2 is that the anchor point for
the guy line is much closer to the sup-
port. The overall space required for the
antenna is greatly reduced. The down- Fig 9—Schematic of control unit and
side of shape 2 is that it places a high tuner for the N6LF array.
E-field close to ground for a consider-
able distance. This increases ground
losses if an extensive ground system is
not used under the antenna.
Lifting the apex up, as shown in
shape 1, reduces the ground loss sig-
nificantly but requires a high anchor anchor points moved in much closer The heart of the tuner is a simple par-
point for the guy lines. In the installa- to the main support. allel-resonant L-C circuit, with a tap
tion at N6LF these two points were If two high supports are available, on the inductor for matching to the
available and the initial design did not then you can use the Moxon rectangle feed line. GNEC predicted a feed-point
use an extensive ground system. Later (shape 3 in Fig 1B). This yields some- impedance of 5318 – j 1776 Ω and the
I realized just how much could be what better gain and F/B but does actual array impedance was within 5%
gained by adding a ground system. require two supports. of this. Notice that this is the series-
With a good ground system the addi- equivalent impedance shown in the
tional loss due to shape 2 can be Tuner Design sidebar, “Design of the Tuner”).
almost eliminated and the guy-line Fig 9 is a schematic of the tuner. To design the matching network,

36 Jan/Feb 2004
the series-equivalent is transformed line using dc-blocking capacitors (C2 bon-composition resistors, so I simply
to the parallel-equivalent circuit. The and C5) and RF chokes. The control built up R1 and R2 using 10 of these
parallel equivalent impedance is unit is located in the shack and I sim- in series.
about 6 kΩ in parallel with 5 pF. The ply flip switch S1 to change directions. The 20-W overall power rating was
next step is to chose a loaded Q. Typi- If you want to use three or four ele- not really necessary, but using several
cally this would be in the range of 5 to ments, then more relays will be resistors in series increased the volt-
10, so I chose Q = 5 to minimize the needed. Fig 10 shows an arrangement age rating. Thus I did not have to
size of the tuning capacitor (C1), which of two relays for three elements. It is worry about arcing the resistors while
must be rated for > 5 kV peak at possible to use ac combined with dc transmitting, when there is a high
1.5 kW operation. A lower loaded Q and some diodes to control as many potential at the ends of both the driven
also reduces the circulating current as three relays from the shack through and parasitic elements. The loss intro-
and increases the match bandwidth the coax, as is done in the Ameritron duced by these resistors is small. I also
somewhat. RCS-4 remote coaxial switches. Of placed a spark-gap to ground across
The downside of a low loaded Q is course, a separate control cable can be the drain resistors for lightning pro-
that the inductor is larger, as are its used also. In my case the distance from tection. A lightning strike anywhere
losses. However, as shown in the the shack to the array is > 700 feet, so within a quarter mile of this large
sidebar, for unloaded coil Q > 200 the I opted for feed-line control. antenna will induce very high voltages
loss is less than 0.1 dB. The coil I used Capacitors C2 and C5 are for dc and full-up lightning protection is
was 6 inches in diameter by 5 inches blocking. They must carry the full RF absolutely necessary.
long, with 29 turns of #12 wire. It had current, about 5.5 A at 1.5 kW when The layout of the tuner is shown in
a measured unloaded Q higher than the load is matched to 50 Ω. I chose to Fig 11. I chose a plastic container for
400 on an HP 4342A Q-meter. The coil use multiple NPO disk ceramic capaci- the enclosure because they are readily
loss is thus quite small. tors in parallel because they were available in a wide variety of sizes and
I use 7/8-inch CATV cable for the readily available and inexpensive. are economical. The use of a plastic
long runs to the shack. To match the NPO capacitors are larger for a given enclosure also keeps the coil’s un-
75-Ω feed line, the tap was 4.5 turns capacitance than other ceramic ca- loaded Q high by keeping conducting
from the bottom of the coil. George pacitors, but they have lower losses. surfaces away from it. A large metal
reminded me that this would be a good You may be tempted to use 0.1 µF box would also work and might have
place to use a shielded loop made of capacitors instead of a number of 0.01 some advantages. One disadvantage
coax with a series-tuning capacitor. or 0.02 µF capacitors in parallel, but of the plastic box is that ultraviolet
This would give better harmonic sup- be careful. The self-resonant frequen- from the sun will degrade it. In
pression and provide dc decoupling cies for the larger disk ceramics can Oregon that is not a big problem but I
and some improvement in lightning approach 1 MHz and you don’t want do keep it covered with a shade cloth.
protection. It also would provide more the capacitor to be operated at or For ground within the box I used a
isolation from BC station pickup, above its self-resonant frequency. In 2-inch copper strap, which is brought
which can be a real problem in an an- addition, a number of smaller capaci- out the bottom of the box to real
tenna this large. In my case I went tors in parallel will have much more ground. It is very important to have a
with the simpler direct tap and it has surface area and cool much better, good RF and lightning ground at this
worked well but when I improve enhancing the current-carrying capa- point. I use a 24-inch diameter by
(translation: rebuild because I can’t bility, which is primarily limited by 8-foot culvert pipe surrounding the
stop fooling with it) the antenna next temperature rise. Arrange the paral- base of the support pole acting as a
summer I will probably incorporate a lel capacitors with space between socket so that the pole can be removed
shielded coupling loop. them so each one can cool itself. with a crane for repair and alterations.
C1 is a vacuum variable, but it could There are a few other parts in the This provides an excellent ground. If
just as well be an air variable with box that deserve some attention. The
widely spaced plates. The capacitance 1-MΩ resistors connected from the end
required is only of the order of 80 pF of each element to ground are there
and not all of that needs to be vari- for static discharge. The long wires in
able. You could for example use a fixed the array can develop high static po-
50-pF capacitor in parallel with a tentials under some conditions. That
30-pF air variable, which would be potential on the free-floating reflector
relatively small physically. Keep in element can cause the relay to arc
mind that these network values are when transmitting. I happened to have
for a particular design. Other designs on hand a bunch of 2-W, 100-kΩ car-
may have somewhat different imped-
ances and the component values must
be selected accordingly.
Relay K1 switches between the east
and west elements in the array to
switch the pattern. I used a surplus
RB1H Jennings SPDT vacuum relay
rated for 12 kV. The relay coil called
for 26.5 V but I found that it would
start to pull in at 16 V and worked just
fine with 20 V or more to activate it.
For the dc power source I used a wall
transformer power supply rated for
18 V, but which actually puts out 22 V. Fig 10—Relay connections for a
The relay is activated through the feed three-element array. Fig 11—Photograph of the tuner.

Jan/Feb 2004 37
you use a tower, there should be a se- of almost 3%—no big deal in a dipole amounts (a few pF) of capacitive load-
ries of ground rods at the base for but bad news for a Yagi element. I ex- ing at the ends—right where you are
lightning grounding in any case and perimented with other wires and trying to make the measurement.
these can be used as a starting point insulations that had even larger fre- Another problem with the dip meter
for your RF ground system. quency shifts. and with other ham test gear can come
So I went back to GNEC and mod- from broadcast-band (BC) signals. In
Tuning and Adjustment eled the resonant frequency with bare my case there is a 1-kW BC station a
One of the advantages of parasitic wire and with two different types of few miles away. At the station frequency
arrays is that the phasing of the ele- insulation. The insulation on THHN I get induced voltages of a volt or more
ment currents is automatically taken wire is listed as having a dielectric con- at the open end of an element under
care of by tuning the element lengths stant in the range of 3 to 4, so I used a test, and almost 100 mV on the trans-
properly. You can thus avoid the mul- value of 4. Back in the field I erected mission line back in the shack. I used
tiple matching networks and feed lines elements using bare wire and the two an MFJ-249 SWR analyzer and the
used in a phased array, where every different insulations. The correlation AEA complex-impedance analyzer to
element current and amplitude must between the GNEC insulating sheath check the match at the tap point. Both
be adjusted. (IS card) calculation and the actual instruments go bonkers in the presence
Unfortunately, the tuning in a para- measurements in the field was very of a large BC signal.
sitic array is strongly effected by the good. It was better than 0.1%, so long I could make the measurement
size and shape of the elements, which as I kept sufficient tension on with these instruments if I placed a
vary with tension and wire size. Some- the element. I did repeated measure- BC high-pass filter between the in-
time I wonder whether the phase of ments as a check. strument and the tap, but that doesn’t
the moon manages to get into the act! For tensioning I used a filled help with the resonant frequency mea-
When you use insulated wire for the 2.5-gallon water jug, approximately surement. I found the use of a Bird
elements, the insulation material it- 25 lbs, on the halyard for hoisting the directional wattmeter to be more sat-
self has a considerable effect. For a upper end of the element. Higher ten- isfactory for SWR adjustment and
typical 20-meter array made with alu- sion had very little effect on element used a Boonton 250A RX meter for the
minum tubing, dimensions derived resonant frequency. However, reduc- resonance check. It may be possible to
from modeling are usually very close ing the tension below about 15 lbs adapt a noise bridge with a tuned de-
and any adjustments needed are allowed the sag to visibly increase and tector to make direct measurements
merely for matching. For a large the resonant frequency dropped by on the antenna but I did not try that.
160-meter wire array with an arbi- nearly 60 kHz. These two effects com- Indeed, I am very fortunate to have
trary element shape that is not the bined were more than sufficient to my old Boonton 250A RX meter. This
case. The elements must be carefully seriously mistune the element. is a vacuum-tube instrument that
tuned in the field for full performance. By trimming the length of the lower seems to shrug off the BC signal. The
What I elected to do was to design section to resonate the individual ele- RX meter measures parallel imped-
the array in GNEC with the element ments (one at a time, with the other ance up to 100 kΩ and proved ideal
shapes as close to reality as possible, element not present) and maintaining for these measurements. I picked up
including insulation, sag, etc. When I a constant tension, I was able to get mine for $35 at a corporate surplus
optimized the array, I modeled one the array to work very well. Testing of sale many years ago and recently
element alone and determined its self- F/B in the ARRL, Stew Perry and CQ bought another for $46 on eBay. For
resonant frequency. In the field I then 160-meter contests when numerous low-band antenna enthusiasts this is
erected one element at a time and ad- stations were available showed that a very nice instrument to have. Keep
justed it to be resonant at the same the antenna had a F/B of 8 to 10 dB. an eye out at flea markets and on eBay.
frequency as the model. I used solid This was just about where it should The frequency calibration is not
#12 THHN insulated wire because it have been and the performance was adequate in the 250A but I fixed
was much more economical than bare all I could ask for. that with an inexpensive external
#12 (for some strange reason) and One problem I encountered was frequency counter to monitor the
available in 2500-foot reels at a retail how to measure the resonant fre- internal generator frequency. I also
outlet near me. quency of an end-fed element. For a calibrated the RX meter using 1% film
Besides cost, I prefer to avoid the single element, the feed-point imped- resistors to further improve the accu-
surface oxidation normal in bare wire. ance is approximately 6 kΩ at reso- racy. These are inexpensive and
As I showed in my QEX article, 5 nance. This is out of the range of most readily available.
insulation in reasonable condition in- amateur impedance bridges. You could There are other impedance-measur-
troduces very little loss, while an oxi- use a more professional bridge, such ing instruments on the used market
dized surface introduces significant as a General Radio 916 or 1606A, but that appear regularly on eBay and at
loss, at least in low-impedance arrays. again the impedance is outside of the flea markets. A more modern instru-
However, the insulation significantly normal range and some range-extend- ment that is fairly common is the
changes the resonant frequency of an ing tricks have to be used. HP 4815A vector impedance meter.
element and it increases the weight, I tried using a dip meter, with very These also go up to 100 kΩ but suffer
requiring more tension to maintain poor results. The frequency calibration from much greater sensitivity to BC in-
the shape. is very poor in most dip meters and terference than the Boonton 250A.
For the first pass I erected an ele- there is considerable frequency pulling While the HP 4815A is relatively inex-
ment with the shape shown in Fig 2. at resonance. Even using a frequency pensive on the used market, you have
The upper dimension for this first try counter to track the dip meter was not to be very careful to get one with a func-
was 113 feet and the lower section totally satisfactory because of the effect tioning probe. The probes are easily
153 feet. With bare wire, the resonant of the meter itself and the fact that damaged and prohibitively expensive to
frequency was 1.838 MHz and with in- hand capacitance altered the resonant have repaired.
sulated wire the resonant frequency frequency. The resonant frequency of In making the actual measurements,
dropped to 1.789 MHz. That’s a shift the elements is very sensitive to small I was very careful to keep the layout as

38 Jan/Feb 2004
close as possible to the final one. I posi- tail from the insulator at the lower end There should be none. If there is, then
tioned the Boonton 250A in the same of the element. you have to work on your layout, most
location the tuning unit would occupy. I zeroed the meter and then con- likely the grounding. You should also
I then brought a 2-inch ground strap nected the pigtail to the “high” termi- try to keep away from the bottom of the
up to the same point it would be in the nal of the 250A. Yes, all of this fussing element. Holding a hand near the ele-
tuner and connected the strap to the around is necessary to get accurate ment will shift the resonant frequency.
“low” terminal of the 250A. I brought measurements! An important check is In the end the array has worked very
the end of the element down to where to see if placing your hands on the test well, but at the low end of the band the
the tuner would be with a 12-inch pig- gear has any effect on the readings. F/B appears to be higher than

Design of the Tuner

The tuner is a simple parallel-tuned L-C network, with
a tap on the inductor to match to the feed line, as shown
in Fig 6 in the main article. The task at hand it to deter-
mine the values for L1 and C1.
An equivalent circuit for the tuner and the antenna is
given in Fig A1A. The antenna is represented by Ra and
Xa in series and the tuner by the parallel combination of
L1, C1 and R1, where R1 represents the loss in the L-C
network, almost entirely due to the finite unloaded Q of
The values for R a and Xa are determined using model-
ing and confirmed by measurements on the completed
R a = 5318 Ω and Xa = –1776 W (capacitive reactance)
The next step is to convert the series-equivalent circuit
for the antenna to a parallel equivalent, as shown in
Figure A1B using the following expressions:

Xa  1776
Qa 0.334
Ra 5318
2 2
Qa 0.334 0.112
Fig A1—Equivalent circuits for the antenna and tuner.
Parallel equivalents of Ra and Xa are:

Rp >
Ra u 1  Qa
@ 5318 u >1  0.112@ 5914 ȍ
C 0 is the capacitance needed to resonate at 1.830
MHz with L1 .
ª 1 º ª 1 º
XP X a u «1  »  1776 u 1  17633 ȍ
2 «¬ 0.112 »
¼ C1 C 0  C p 73.4  4.9 68.5 pF
¬ Qa ¼
Loss Due to L1
X P is the impedance at 1.830 MHz for a shunt capaci-
tance of 4.9 pF. R1 represents the loss in L1 and depends on the
unloaded Q1 of L1:
Selection of L1 and C1
The next step is to choose a loaded QL for the tuned Q1 which means that R1 X L Q1
circuit when the antenna is connected. A QL in the range XL
of 2 to 10 would be typical. Smaller QL means a smaller
capacitor and a larger inductor, along with somewhat Rp 5914
XL 1183 ȍ
wider matching bandwidth. The problem is that a larger QL 5
inductor will have greater loss. I chose QL = 5, which
works out very well, with minimal coil loss. For: For Q1 300
QL 5 R1 1183 u 300 355 kȍ
XL 2 ʌf L1 Rp 5914
Loss Ratio 0.0167
Rp Rp 5914 R1 355000
QL meaning L 1 103 µH
XL 2 ʌf Q L 2 u 3.14 u 1.83 u 5
Loss Ratio 10 u log 1  0.0167  0.07 dB

1 1 This is pretty small, and you can ignore the coil loss
C0 6
73.4 pF
4 ʌ f L1
2 2 2
4 u 3.14 u 1.83 u 103 u 10 as long as Q1 > 200. Coil Qs of 400 or more are not
very difficult to obtain with a little care in construction.

Jan/Feb 2004 39
predicted. I suspect that the final ar- a larger-diameter copper wire would wire length to an inch in 300 feet with-
ray is tuned a bit low in frequency due help but also increases the weight of the out having to go out in the cold and
to stray capacitance loading at the bot- element. Aluminum wire, although it wet. (It has been known to rain occa-
tom of the array, probably caused by the has a lower conductivity than copper, sionally in Oregon.) It does the job
tuner and the final layout. Of course in can provide less resistance for the same quickly and easily and I was particu-
an 80-meter array this effect could be weight. For example, a #7 aluminum larly glad I bought my own when I
exploited by switching in a small wire will weigh about the same as a #12 started to cut the numerous radials for
amount of capacitance to shift down copper wire, but will have a loss about the ground system. You have to build
from 3.790 to 3.510 MHz. 40% lower (taking into account skin ef- a simple 2×4 frame to hold the meter
fect, where resistance varies with the and a reel of wire but that’s not diffi-
Ground System square root of conductivity). Of course, cult. If you want to do it right you can
One of the underlying assumptions it will have more windage and the loss also buy an adjustable reel for the wire
for this family of antennas has been improvement is only a fraction of a deci- you cut off. That makes handling the
that since they use full-size half-wave bel, so going to large aluminum wire long lengths much easier, especially
dipoles, fed at the center, no ground may be a bit too picky. when cutting numerous long radials.
system is required. It is true that the Whether you decide to use copper or
antennas will work reasonably well aluminum wire, stretching of the wire Safety Issue
without the extensive ground system is a concern because it detunes the ar- While end feeding the elements has
typical of a λ/4 vertical. However, the ray. I tried a simple experiment: I took many advantages, it presents a safety
lower ends of the elements have a very a 100-foot piece of copper wire, anchored hazard because the fed ends are so
high potential to ground. Using GNEC one end and yanked really hard on the close to ground level, where someone
to plot the near-field electric (E) and other end. It stretched a bit, about might be able to touch them. The volt-
magnetic (H) field intensities shows 6 inches (≈ 1/2%). Conventional wisdom ages on the lower ends of the wires
that the E field intensities are says that stretching the wire this way are very high while transmitting at
>800 V/m for 1.5 kW at ground level will increase its resistance by work- high power. Some form of guard fence
beneath the ends of the elements. This hardening the copper and also by re- or safety screen is advisable if there
translates into high ground losses in the ducing the diameter. I measured the is any likelihood of people or animals
near field. wire resistance very carefully before coming in contact with the wires.
The K3LR articles mention the use and after stretching, using a Kelvin
of four elevated radials to improve per- bridge good to a fraction of a milliohm. Modeling Comments
formance somewhat, but that is about The dc resistance increase was right in Throughout this discussion I have
all that has been said on the subject. I line with the increase in length, ≈ 1/2%. emphasized the need for careful mod-
began by modeling the fields under the Work hardening and diameter eling. In my case I have no tower in
array to get a feeling for ground losses reduction effects were too small to de- the middle of things but most installa-
and then modeled the array with 60 tect. For this reason I pre-stretched my tions are likely to have one with HF
buried radials of progressively longer elements and then trimmed them to Yagis attached. I began modeling a
length out to 0.3 λ. The result was a length because it was more important tower by obtaining an antenna file from
steady increase in peak gain due to to have the element correctly tuned Al Christman, K3LC (ex-KB8I), for a
lower ground loss. The gain increase than worry about a very small loss ef- Rohn 55 tower, which models essen-
amounted to 0.6 to 1.5 dB, depending fect. This winter I had a lot of strong tially every strut in the tower. The
to some extent on the modeling ap- winds push the array around but no normal thing to do is to calculate the
proach. Even at the low end of this icing, which is very rare in any case. So self-resonant frequency of the tower
range, this is a very worthwhile im- far the pre-stretched elements have and then model it using a single wire
provement. been stable. If you live in an area where with a diameter that results in the
In the present N6LF array there is icing is a problem, then you probably same resonant frequency. You can then
a ground screen made from 2-inch mesh need to use either Copperweld or use the simpler model in the overall an-
chicken wire with a radius of 50 feet. Alumoweld wire, both of which are tenna model. I found that I could find
From there, I go out another 150 feet much stronger but real pains to work such an equivalent wire but the varia-
with #12 insulated radials lying on the with. tion in feed-point impedance around
surface of the ground. Because I use Another problem that caught me by resonance was not the same as for the
only two elements at present, the field surprise was the simple act of accu- tower. I got a better match in imped-
intensities are not uniform in all direc- rately measuring the length of a long ance characteristics by adjusting both
tions around the array, being higher piece of wire. I began by pulling the wire the diameter and the height.
under the elements and lower off to the off the reel simultaneously with a long Using this equivalent model I then
sides. I therefore have placed more cop- tape measure, both held in my hand. modeled George’s antenna system. I
per and ground screen in the high-field Every time I tried it I got a different found that his tower did not interact
regions. With three or four elements the final length—by a foot or more. The very much with his array. However,
field intensities are much more uniform problem is that the wire slips with that represents a sample of one. It is
as you go around the array and stan- reference to the tape. So next I tried an- perfectly possible that another tower,
dard symmetrical radial systems would choring the end of the tape and stretch- with a different collection of HF Yagis
be more appropriate. The ground sys- ing it out on the ground beforehand and on it, might interact strongly and
tem is not yet complete but already it then pulling the wire out and ten- greatly modify the behavior. This has
appears to make a difference. Certainly sioning both the wire and the tape. to be dealt with on a case-by-case ba-
the modeling says it should. This was much more accurate and sis for each installation.
repeatable, but it also was a lot of
Wire Issues trouble and requires a clear space of The W2VJN Antenna
Conductor loss, using #12 solid cop- nearly 300 feet. George showed me his W2VJN has built a number of
per wire, is about 0.5 dB, which is rea- solution: a wire-length meter6 like you K1WA arrays over the years. When
sonable but it could be reduced. Using see in hardware stores. It measures George was living in New Jersey, he

40 Jan/Feb 2004
had used a K1WA configuration on
80 meters with very good results. He
began with a one-element sloper, then
added another element and finally
went to four elements. After moving
out to the wilderness in Oregon he
erected a 150-foot Rohn 55 tower with
an array of HF Yagis on it. About 21/2
years ago he put two elements on
160 meters and then a year later
added two more elements. The array
drives one element at a time, with the Fig 12—Combination of the N6LF array and an 80-meter dipole for modeling.
remaining three acting as reflectors.
The original K1WA array used λ/2
elements, with the length of the coax moved up and down, changing its char- W2VJN. He was a tremendous help. I
cable going to the switch box tuned to acteristics. One minute it might be a would also like to thank Dean Straw,
make the element a reflector when not director but a reflector at another. For N6BV, for putting me onto the antenna
driven. The result is that the match now I drop the 80-meter dipole for con- file for the Rohn tower and to Al
at the drive element is not all that tests or if I think there is the possibil- Christman, K3LC, for sending it to me.
good for a 50-Ω line—SWR is typically ity of an opening to Europe. Next This was very helpful in evaluating
on the order of 1.8:1 or so. George has summer I plan to make other arrange- the effect of the tower on George’s ar-
a variation that improves the match. ments for the 80-meter antenna so ray and sloper arrays in general.
The elements are cut for 1.850 MHz that it does not interact with the I have referenced only a few of the
(by calculation, L=492/ fMHz ). With 160-meter array. multitude of articles on sloper anten-
three elements open and acting as re- And of course a three-element Yagi nas. George told me to go to Google. com
flectors, the apparent resonant fre- would have more gain and better F/B and enter “sloper arrays”. I got over 500
quency measured at the switch box is than a two-element Yagi. Next sum- references, about two thirds of which
1.770 MHz. This means that at mer I will expand the array to three were for sloper antennas! No doubt ev-
1.830 MHz there is an inductive reac- elements. I had originally planned to erything said here has already been
tance at the feed point in the switch suspend the directors between the said many times but perhaps this fo-
box. This is tuned out with a 1200 pF other available poles but after look- rum will reach a wider audience.
capacitor, resulting in a much better ing at the Spitfire antenna7 I changed John Devoldere’s Low-Band DXing8
match, close to 1:1 at 1.830 MHz. my mind. Since I already have an ex- is another great reference source. At
George’s array can be switched in tensive ground system in place, it the last moment in preparing this ar-
four different directions and he uses makes more sense for me to simply ticle John, EI7BA, made me aware of
it for receiving as well as transmitting. hoist a wire up along the supporting a particularly good article by Tony
He has found that selecting the right pole and use it as a driven element, Preedy, G3LNP.9 It deals with bent
direction can make a considerable dif- and then use the other two elements verticals less than λ/2wavelength long
ference in some cases. He has found as director/reflectors. I could even sus- and arrays made from them, which are
his antenna to be very effective on pend a second director between the very much like the arrays in this ar-
receive despite (or perhaps because supports and go to a four-element (or ticle. This is also a “must read” article.
of) the mix of vertical and horizontal even five-element) Yagi on 160-meters.
polarization. Of course, the beamwidth will narrow References
1D. Pietraszewski, K1WA, The ARRL An-
and I would have to go to at least four-
Future Improvements at N6LF direction switching for the pattern to tenna Book, 16th Ed. (Newington: ARRL,
have reasonable coverage. 1988), pp 4-12 to 4-14.
While the present array works very 2D. C. Mitchell, K8UR, “The K8UR Low-Band
well, there is more that I can do. One Although I use only two elements Vertical Array,” CQ Magazine, Dec 1989,
idea is to add directors. At N6LF I have that allow me to switch the pattern pp 42-45.
three tall poles in a row that would from east to west, the present array 3Christman, Duffy and Breakall, “The 160-
allow me to hang director elements for has been very useful. Going to three Meter Sloper System at K3LR,” QST, Dec
increased gain. I have already done elements (one driven and two reflec- 1994, pp 36-38.
4Christman, Duffy and Breakall, “The 160-
this accidentally. After finishing with tors) would be worthwhile. The gain
the 160-meter array I put up an is changed very little by having two Meter Sloper System at K3LR,” The ARRL
80-meter dipole on the east side of the reflectors but there is some improve- Antenna Compendium, Vol 4, (Newington:
ment in F/B. The real improvement ARRL, 1995), pp 9-17.
160-meter array, suspended between 5R. Severns, N6LF, “Conductors for HF An-
the poles that support the 160-meter would be the ability to slew the pat- tennas,” QEX, Nov/Dec 2000, pp 20-29.
array, as shown in Fig 12. tern in three different directions 6HYKON model 1410 wire-length meter,
I checked to see if the 80-meter di- rather than two. It is possible to have HYKON Manufacturing; 1-800-458-1480;
pole had any effect on the 160-meter two driven elements and have one as
array by modeling the combination. It a reflector. This in combination with 7Kaufmann, W1FV, and Hopengarten,

certainly did have an effect! With the one driven and two reflectors would K1VR, “The FVR Spitfire Array,” Dayton
80-meter feed line grounded, the give six headings for the pattern. I am Hamfest presentation, 1998. Copies of
80-meter dipole acted like a reflector not convinced that this would be worth this can be found on the Yankee Clipper
the trouble, however. Contest Club Web site;
and killed my gain to the east. Adding Articles/Spitfire/spitfire.html.
a coax common-mode choke balun 8J. Devoldere, Low-Band DXing , 3rd Ed.
turned the dipole into a director and Acknowledgements
(Newington, ARRL: 1999).
this increased the gain to the east. The Much of the progress I made in this 9T. Preedy, G3LNP, “Single Support Direc-
dipole is not a very reliable director, project was the result of endless dis- tional Wires,” RADCOM , Aug and Sep
however, because as the wind blew it cussions with George Cutsogeorge, 1997. ††

Jan/Feb 2004 41
The Primary Source of
Automotive RFI:
Ignition Noise
To free your mobile station from annoying interference,
you need to know about the noise source.

By Stu Downs, WY6EE

t has been a couple of years since Part of solving a problem is learning ship worked. Later in his life, he made
I wrote an article for QEX on au- to understand it. the acquaintance of a man 40 years
tomotive RFI elimination (Jan/Feb First, I would be remiss unless I his younger named James Clerk Max-
2000). That article showed how to told you a true story about a couple of well—a Scot. Now James Maxwell was
eliminate RFI in a 1995 Toyota 4Run- great men—adventurers—not alto- also brilliant, but in a different way.
ner. There have been many responses gether different from you, dedicated He was a mathematical prodigy. The
from hams all over the country con- to being “out there,” breaking the mold, older man took a liking to the young
cerning that article. Many have shared not following the herd or doing what man and exchanged with him every-
interesting stories on their particular everyone else does. I would not be sur- thing he knew with respect to electric-
automotive RFI problems. prised if these two men became radio ity and magnetism. This union and
It has been my experience however, amateurs—if they had been born in mutual respect turned out to be one
that automotive RFI is still driving the 20th century! Amateur Radio is of the greatest serendipitous relation-
hams crazy. Indeed, solving automo- still the greatest of services. ships in all of history, for they were
tive RFI problems has been elusive for About 150 years ago, there was an both to change the course of scientific
the average ham. Therefore, I shall Englishman named Michael Faraday. history. What did they do? Maxwell
attempt to explain in greater detail He was not educated in the classical formulated the results of one of
what the source of automotive RFI is. sense, yet he was very bright. He knew Faraday’s experiments—Faraday’s
how electricity and magnetism law of induction—and put it with other
worked. He was a master experi- formulas including his own. This set
11581 Aspendell Dr menter. He completed many experi- of four equations described completely
San Diego, CA 92131 ments and could explain how the how electricity and magnetism works! electricity and magnetism relation- Consider this interesting side note:

42 Jan/Feb 2004
At University of California San Diego, car system is the culprit here; your the other side of the engine, through
it takes longer to become an experimen- antenna and radio are the victims! an ignition cable. Each pair of spark
tal physicist than a theoretical physi- The primary source of RFI noise plugs are connected in series through
cist. Don’t underestimate the impor- from my vehicle is its ignition system. one ignition coil. The series path is
tance of experiments and practicality! The 2002 Toyota V6 engine has three from one side of the coil secondary
One question has come up many times ignition-coil assemblies mounted on through a spark plug, through the en-
since my first article was written: “How top of one of the valve covers. Each coil gine block ground, back up through
can one of the newer automotive igni- assembly drives a spark plug directly the other spark plug, back to the other
tion systems be modified to minimize beneath it and another spark plug on side of the coil.
RFI? I’ve grounded everything and I
still get noise.” I sold my 1995 Toyota
4Runner (my original article was based
on that truck) and purchased a 2002
Toyota 4Runner (I like Toyotas). I am
going to show you what I found on this
new vehicle. Most other vehicles are
very similar to this one.
Spectrum Analyzer Baseline
I connected my Toyota’s ham stick
antenna (17-meter band) to a spec-
trum analyzer. I then made ambient
signal and noise measurement with
the engine off, to get an ambient
baseline—see Fig 1. Around 18 MHz
or so, the ham stick’s signal strength
was about –56 dBm. This is the signal
my ICOM 706 transceiver sees at its
RF input.
Next, I made a measurement with
the engine on (see Fig 2). I increased
the persistence on the spectrum ana-
lyzer to capture the ignition noise.
Ignition noise on the spectrum ana-
lyzer appears as broadband impulse
spikes. I have drawn an envelope
around the peak impulse ignition Fig 1—Noise received with engine off through a 17-meter Ham Stick. Vertical scale:
noise so that it can easily be seen and 10 dBm per division; reference 0 dB; horizontal scale: 2 MHz per division.
compared to Fig 1. Observe that the
ignition noise is around –54 dBm and
it is broadband! The ignition noise in
this vehicle is greater than the re-
ceived ambient RF signal, with the
engine off, by about 2 dB (almost two
times greater). This means that my
automobile is creating interfering sig-
nals (electromagnetic interference)
that are seen at the input to my ra-
dio! It would be ideal to reduce the ig-
nition noise to a very low level. In rela-
tive terms compared to the spectrum
analyzer noise floor, a 40-dB reduction
in ignition noise would be very nice.
That way I would have a very good sig-
nal-to-RFI noise ratio. In fact I would
like to propose such a new ratio:
Signal/Automotive RFI Noise Ratio.
Why not rate automobiles this way?
No amount of grounding the hood
to the frame and so forth will get rid
of this type of noise. This noise is
caused by a radiating electromagnetic
field. Electromagnetic field lines will
couple out the bottom of your engine,
through the seams in your hood and
couple directly into your antenna. Your
antenna and radio are doing what Fig 2—Noise profile with engine on through a 17-meter Ham Stick. Vertical scale: 10 dBm
they’re supposed to do: receiving! The per division; reference 0 dB; horizontal scale: 2 MHz per division.

Jan/Feb 2004 43
There are about 5-6 inches of spark with the particular fuel air mixture. electrically short antenna working
plug ignition wire encased in rubber against its counterpoise, the engine
protruding from the bottom of the Ignition Antennas block ground.
ignition-coil-head assembly to the There are two antenna mechanisms 2. An electrically short low-current
spark plug beneath it (see Fig 3). at work here that radiate RFI ignition loop antenna.
Notice the coil at the head of the as- noise: Both antennas are capable of radi-
sembly, with the spark plug end to the 1. An ignition cable that looks like an ating electromagnetic RFI ignition
right. The other end of the coil, facing
away, has a connector for an ignition
cable. The connector facing you is the
primary side of the coil transformer.
The unseen connector end of the coil
assembly connects to the other spark
plug through an ignition wire (see Figs
4 and 5). The ignition coil secondary
fires both spark plugs at the same
time; one cylinder being in an exhaust
cycle, the other in a compression cycle.
To understand the source of the
automotive RFI ignition noise, con-
sider Fig 6, a simple lumped-element
schematic which depicts one third of
the secondary side of a modern auto-
motive ignition system (six cylinders),
the same kind as in the 2002 Toyota
4Runner. The ignition coil acts as a
step-up transformer, transforming a
low-voltage synchronous pulse drive
signal into secondary high voltage. The
secondary is series connected to two
spark plugs through a single ignition
cable and the vehicle’s chassis ground. Fig 3—An ignition-coil assembly.
Believe it or not, this is a big improve-
ment over previous ignition systems,
as it produces proportionally less ra-
diated RFI. Ignition cable lengths are
shorter and there is a smaller ignition-
loop area. Even though this is an im-
provement, it’s still not optimal.
An Idealized Spark Plug Voltage
An idealized ignition voltage wave-
form appearing across the spark plug
terminals is depicted in Fig 7. This
waveform yields insight into spark
plug and ignition-system performance.
The ignition coil at the proper time
generates a high voltage across both Fig 4—One end of an ignition cable.
spark-plug terminals. This creates a
very high electric field between the
two spark-plug terminals, forcing elec-
trons to jump the gap and form an arc.
Once the arc is formed, the voltage
across the terminals drops to a sus-
taining level. The fuel-air mixture is
ionized during this time and current
flow occurs between the two spark-
plug terminals. The voltage across the
arc during current flow is on the or-
der of 1 to 2 kV. The arc voltage is a
function of fuel mixture and cylinder
pressure. That voltage drop does vary.
Glenn Borland claims he can hear the
difference in the RFI electric field
magnitude (a change in the ignition
systems RFI noise) as a function of
cylinder head pressure, since the arc
voltage changes by hundreds of volts Fig 5—The other end of the ignition cable.

44 Jan/Feb 2004
) B t ³ B t x da
d) B
³ E x dl  dt
Faraday's Loop Law
Produces Magnetic Field

V t ³ E x dl
Cable Length
Produces E Field

Fig 6—A schematic of a simple

automotive ignition circuit. The
measured component values are
in Table 1.

noise. One is an E field, the other a

magnetic field. Of course, once the
electromagnetic field is launched, they
both create electromagnetic waves by
inducing a magnetic field from an E
field and vice versa. The question is:
Which one dominates, and what can
be done to keep it from radiating RFI?
The Ignition Loop Antenna
(Magnetic Field)
The coil, ignition cable, spark plugs
and engine block form a conductive
loop. This loop begins at the coil with
its co-located spark plug, passes
through the engine block to the other
spark plug, and returns through a
length of ignition cable to the other
side of the coil. The length of this loop
commonly approaches fractions of a
quarter wavelength circumference
(2-30 MHz). One could say that it has
the appearance of an electrically short
loop antenna. Newer automobiles
have less loop circumference length
and therefore less loop area. The equa-
tion for magnetic field flux Φ(t) is in-
dicated in Fig 6. Once this magnetic
field is launched, it produces an E(t)
field as predicted by Faraday’s law. Fig 7—An idealized spark voltage waveform.
That’s right: Magnetic field flux
through a loop area creates an E field
around that same loop—it’s called
curl. The magnitude of this field de- The Ignition Cable Antenna an electrically short antenna. It looks
pends upon loop area, loop Q and cur- (E Field) like a low-Q (broadband) capacitive
rent. To minimize the magnetic field, The long ignition wire cable from antenna. Parasitic capacitance also
reduce the loop area or the current. the coil to the far-end spark plug forms couples from this length to the engine

Jan/Feb 2004 45
block. During spark formation and ces-
sation, the end of the cable rings (a
high-voltage exponentially decreasing
damped sinusoid). The voltage ringing
along that length of wire produces an
E field and it radiates. The E field flux
lines couple between the cable antenna
and its counterpoise, the engine block.
The ringing voltage, which eventually
dampens out, can be on the order of a
couple of thousand of volts or so.
Fig 8 shows an oscilloscope wave-
form of the voltage at one end of the
spark-plug cable. Don’t assume that
this is the frequency of your interfer-
ence, since the scope-probe inductance
and capacitance and the pick-up loop
circuit contain parasitic elements,
which have everything to do with the
frequency depicted here. A better mea-
surement would require a current loop.
This just illustrates that there is high-
voltage exponentially damped sinusoid
that varies with frequency on the igni-
tion cable. This radiates an E field, and
it is the biggest source of ignition noise!
Why? Because electrons are being ac- Fig 8—A capacitively coupled spark plug cable waveform. Time Base: 1 cm = 0.1 µs;
frequency ~28 MHz.
celerated by a time-varying signal.
Summary It also helps some with the cable nition system to get rid of it, or do
Automotive manufacturers will length antenna since ignition wire something altogether different. The
continue to use ignition cable induc- cable length is shortened. I have no- high voltage system invented in the
tance and resistance together with ticed considerably less RFI in my 2002 early 20th century to ignite fuel mix-
resistive spark plugs to decrease the Toyota than the 1995 vehicle. tures should become obsolete someday
magnitude of loop current flow, which The greatest producer of automo- as more and more radios, computers
has the effect of reducing RFI. They tive RFI is still the E field generated and such become integrated into au-
have also minimized ignition-cable by, during and after spark formation. tomobiles. Hey how about this idea—
loop area. They do this by running ig- This voltage rings along a broadband an RF arc controlled at a certain fre-
nition cable wires next to the engine electrically short low-Q capacitive- quency. How about it automotive
block, in addition to reducing the loop- looking ignition-cable antenna, trans- manufacturers? Until that time most
area circumference. This primarily mitting all kinds of RFI. Manufactur- hams will just have to put up with the
reduces the effect of the loop antenna. ers need to either shield the entire ig- noise. ††

perspective—as a developer. Despite those omissions, the book

New Book Marconi’s alleged transatlantic re-

ception of three dits—the letter S—late
in 1901 is not questioned. It seems to
me that any scientifically minded in-
is an excellent way for neophytes to
step into radio and learn something
about it. It begins with the basics and
gradually brings in more advanced
NEWNES GUIDE TO RADIO AND dividual should question it. First, there concepts. Propagation modes, modula-
COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY is no tangible proof of the event. Sec- tion—including spread spectrum, an-
By Ian Poole ond, if a long string of dits were sent tenna systems and the basis of super-
and Marconi received only three, the heterodyne receivers are all covered
Elsevier Limited, Oxford, 2003; ISBN
information sent was not correctly re- in quite some detail, along with cir-
0 7506 56123; $25, paperback, 320
ceived and it would have been quite cuit specifics. Transmitters are also
limited information at that. Third, covered, with analysis of standard FM,
In this brand new volume, Ian Poole propagation on the frequencies suppos- SSB and AM methods. No DSP-cen-
begins with a fine introduction to ra- edly used is very unlikely to have ex- tric information is included.
dio, suitable for almost all readers. He isted at the power levels employed. The remainder of the book dis-
explains about the history and devel- Edouard Branly, who invented the co- cusses broadcasting—including digi-
opment of the art from the work of herer used in the experiment to detect tal audio broadcasting, cellular, satel-
Gilbert, Faraday and onward. He cor- the signals, is not mentioned. Finally, lite and short-range wireless commu-
rectly attributes Maxwell with the also unmentioned are Lord Kelvin, nications. It is an interesting read,
prediction of radio waves that travel Lord Rayleigh, Einstein, Hall, even for the advanced engineer. I rec-
at the speed of light and the first Schockley, Bardeen or Brattain, among ommend it as an addition to your tech-
proven radio transmission to Hertz. others along the timeline of develop- nical library—Doug Smith, KF6DX,
He puts Marconi’s role in its proper mental events throughout the years. QEX Editor ††

46 Jan/Feb 2004
Accurate Measurement of
Small Inductances
Build a homebrew test oscillator for measuring inductance.
Calculate L from the fixture’s operating frequency.

By Dave Lyndon, AK4AA

hen I embarked on a major Handbook on p 26.22. I built a rep- quency with a grid-dip meter, the
project to build an amateur- lica, and duplicated the results. Mea- value of the inductor can be estimated.
band receiver, a number of surements with accuracy of ±10% can At best, this yields ±10% accuracy. A
interesting and a few difficult prob- be made with that clever device from serious shortcoming of this method is
lems arose. Almost all of those issues about 3 to 3000 µH, and that is good that coupling to toroidal inductors is
could be addressed a priori because of enough for many ham applications. A nearly impossible since the magnetic
the richness of the literature, but there more accurate and direct reading de- field is concentrated in the core. (Did
was a notable exception. I lacked ac- vice was described by Robert Vreeland, I miss something? Has someone found
cess to laboratory-standard test equip- W6YBT, in QEX (May 1989); but an a way to do this without influencing
ment—which is the case with most expensive Fluke DMM is required. the unknown tuned circuit’s resonant
hams I expect. How does one measure Evidently, accuracy in the 3-5% range frequency?) Finally, a simple solution
small inductances with a precision of can be expected with W6YBT’s elegant occurred to me: the converse of the
at least two, and possibly three, sig- method. Nonetheless, 1% accuracy and grid-dipper method. If we put the un-
nificant digits? measurement of smaller inductors known inductor in parallel with a
A search of the literature produced (down to about 0.5 µH) was the goal, known capacitance in an oscillator and
scanty results. One interesting circuit even if elusive. measure the frequency of oscillation
was described in The 2001 ARRL I attempted numerous approaches, with a counter or accurately calibrated
including various unsatisfactory receiver, we can calculate the induc-
bridges and the old standby grid-dip- tance from the known tuned circuit
85 Woody Farm Rd per method. By forming a parallel capacitance and oscillator frequency.
Hot Springs, NC 28743 resonant circuit with a known-value This method works very well, and I capacitor and finding the resonant fre- am convinced that it yields measure-

Jan/Feb 2004 47
ments of very good accuracy using inductance range of interest. luctant to support oscillation—possibly
equipment and common parts avail- The circuit in Fig 1 is satisfactory because of low Q, but well-characterized
able to the average ham. over the range of 0.5 µH or less to over ferrite and iron-core toroids worked in
A simple—and admittedly ugly— 1 mH. The oscillator operates reliably the circuit, along with a variety of other
breadboard was built on a small scrap over the range from a few hundred ki- types as shown in Fig 2. Fig 3 is a close-
of PC board. Fig 1 shows the circuit lohertz to over 25 MHz. The signal level up view of the breadboard—not pretty
diagram, and Figs 2 and 3 are photo- does fall off at the high-frequency (low- but competent.
graphs of the breadboard and some of inductance) end, but there is sufficient I intended the circuit for direct con-
the inductors used to test it. output to drive a counter or to be heard nection to a frequency counter, but
The circuit is a Colpitts oscillator in a receiver. Some unknown toroidal very loose coupling to a general-cov-
followed by an isolating source follower. inductors from the junk box were re- erage receiver can be used if a counter
The junction FETs are MPF-102s, and
all frequency-influencing capacitors are
zero temperature coefficient (NP0) ce-
ramics. Metal-film resistors are used for
their stable RF characteristics, but ex-
act values are not critical, so ±5% re-
sistors will do nicely. Megohm resistors
with one end soldered to the PC board
are used as standoff insulators where
needed. A 9-V battery provides power.
Small alligator clips are soldered di-
rectly to the board for connection to the
unknown inductor and for connection
to the frequency counter or receiver.
Half-inch square pads were etched into
the copper with a small drill for the un-
grounded alligator clip connections.
Among other considerations, pay care-
ful attention to minimizing series in-
ductance in the tuned-circuit path. The Fig 1—L-meter schematic diagram. Resistors are ±5% metal film; 5% NP0 capacitors are
small clips appear to be suitable for the used in frequency determining locations.

Fig 2—The “ugly” breadboard and typical inductors. The unknown inductor is connected to the alligator clips on the left. The
counter or receiver is connected to the clips on the right via a shielded cable.

48 Jan/Feb 2004
is not available. Disconnect the re- calibration accuracy of four significant necessary to determine the actual value
ceiver from its antenna to minimize figures to achieve the desired mea- of the capacitance across which you will
reception of interfering signals, then surement accuracy. (Many analog re- connect the unknown inductor. In the
connect the output to the receiver ceivers meet that requirement.) It is circuit shown, that value should be on
through coaxial cable and a gimmick possible, of course, to detect harmon- the order of 110 pF. Here’s how to de-
coupling capacitor consisting of a few ics of the oscillator frequency, so a termine the actual value of the input
twisted turns of insulated hookup rough idea of the unknown inductance capacitance including all stray reac-
wire. A receiver with digital frequency will put you near the right frequency. tances. You will need a test inductor,
display is as good as a counter in this To distinguish the fundamental from preferably about 10 µH. The exact value
application. Keep in mind that the dis- its harmonics, the lowest (and stron- is unimportant because it will cancel
played frequency in some receivers gest) frequency you can detect is most out in the following calculations. You
may be offset from the receiver’s os- likely the fundamental, and you will also need a calibration capaci-
cillators, and you must zero-beat them should detect its harmonics only at tor of known value in the range of
with the test oscillator signal. You exact multiples of the fundamental 100-150 pF. You can probably trust a
must make this correction if so. Re- frequency. 1% NP0 capacitor; but since many in-
ceivers with analog dials will need To obtain the desired accuracy, it is expensive digital multimeters claim to

Fig 3—A close-up view of the “ugly” breadboard. The PC board’s copper foil is circuit ground. Megohm resistors with one lead
soldered to the foil serve as standoff insulators. The ungrounded alligator clips are soldered to hand-etched pads. Component
leads in the oscillator circuit are kept as short as possible.

Table 1—Measurement Data

The measurements and calculations validate the use of a common K factor in the range of 0.5 to 50 µH. The dK and dK%
columns represent deviation from the average value of K. The values for the larger inductors at the bottom of the table
were computed using their independent K factors.
f1 f2 C C K L
k i
(MHz) (MHz) R (pF) (pF) (µH/MHz2) dK dK% (µH)
23.03 16.83 0.5340 100 114.6 221.0 1.87 0.84 0.420
21.63 15.81 0.5343 100 114.7 220.8 2.05 0.92 0.476
16.35 11.93 0.5324 100 113.9 222.5 0.41 0.18 0.834
15.34 11.18 0.5312 100 113.3 223.6 -0.70 -0.32 0.947
8.999 6.556 0.5307 100 113.1 224.0 -1.08 -0.49 2.75
4.565 3.325 0.5305 100 113.0 224.2 -1.29 -0.58 10.7
4.508 3.285 0.5310 100 113.2 223.7 -0.85 -0.38 11.0
3.443 2.506 0.5298 100 112.7 224.8 -1.96 -0.88 18.8
3.057 2.227 0.5307 100 113.1 224.0 -1.12 -0.50 23.8
2.293 1.674 0.5330 100 114.1 222.0 0.91 0.41 42.4
2.009 1.468 0.5339 100 114.6 221.1 1.77 0.79 55.2

AVERAGE 0.5320 113.7 222.9

1.482 1.089 0.5400 100 117.4 215.8 98.3

0.8185 0.6054 0.5471 100 120.8 209.7 313
0.5035 0.373 0.5488 100 121.6 208.3 821

Jan/Feb 2004 49
measure capacitance to 1% accuracy, 1 (Eq 5) 50 µH fall within 1% of the average
make a measurement if you can to be K 2 value. So, we can use the average K of
sure. Better still, if you have a number 2S Ci 222.9 in this range, retain some confi-
of like 1% candidates of the same indi- dence in that illusive third digit of
cated value, select the one nearest the The dimension of K in Eq 5 can be
adjusted to yield inductance in precision and swear to the second digit
average measured value; then the ac- under oath.
curacy of the multimeter doesn’t mat- microhenries from frequency in mega-
hertz. Apparently, the device provides re-
ter. Statistically, the capacitor nearest peatable measurement accuracy ap-
the average value will probably be clos- Here’s an example based on my
breadboard. I used an inductor esti- proaching ±1% in the range of 0.5 µH
est to the indicated value even if the to 50 µH using the common K factor. If
DMM is off a bit or two. mated to be about 10 µH from previ-
ous measurement attempts and a inductors above this range are mea-
Insert the test inductor in the alli- sured, the accuracy declines, but the
gator clips and measure the oscillator selected 100-pF calibration capacitor.
As noted above, the actual value of the common K factor is still useful up to
frequency with a counter or receiver. 1000 µH or so, if high accuracy is not
Then put the known calibration capaci- calibration inductor is unimportant
because it cancels out in the calcula- required. The difficulty in measuring
tor in parallel with the inductor. This inductance of larger inductors is caused
can be done by inserting it in the clips tions. The frequency of oscillation with
the inductor only was 4.565 MHz. by their significant interwinding ca-
along with the inductor, but it is better pacitance. If accurate measurement of
to tack-solder it directly on the board When the 100-pF capacitor was added
in parallel, the measured frequency a given inductor is required, a unique
temporarily. Then measure the new, K value can be determined for that in-
lower frequency. Since the frequency of was 3.325 MHz. R, the ratio of the fre-
quencies squared, was computed as ductor, thus treating its self-capacitance
a tuned circuit is inversely proportional as a contributor to the input capaci-
to the square root of the capacitance, 0.5305 according to Eq 1. Then using
R = 0.5305 and Ck = 100 pF, the input tance, Ci. Three examples of this are
we can calculate the input capacitance shown at the bottom of Table 1, and it
as shown in Eqs 1 and 2: capacitance was computed according
to Eq 2 and found to be 113.0 pF. The is obvious that their contribution to in-
Ci F2 2 calibration factor, K, was then com- put capacitance is significant. In fact,
R (Eq 1) a good estimate of the self-capacitance
puted according to Eq 5 and is 224.2.
Ci  C k F12 This gives Eq 6 for this specific device: of such an inductor is the difference
between its uniquely computed Ci and
Where Ci = unknown input capaci- (Eq 6) the average value of Ci obtained with
tance of the oscillator. L the smaller inductors that have little
Ck = known capacitance f self capacitance. For example, the sec-
F1 = frequency with Ci only ond listed of the three larger inductors
F2 = frequency with Ck added to Ci where L is in microhenries and f is in
megahertz. in Table 1 shows a Ci of 121 pF com-
R = the ratio of the frequencies pared to an average of 114 pF for the
squared Using the same inductor to demon-
strate the measurement process, we see smaller inductance group, indicating
From the ratio R, and the value of that this inductor has about 7 pF of self-
the known capacitor, we compute in from above that the measured fre-
quency with the inductor alone was capacitance. [Remember that the 7 pF
Eq 2 the input capacitance: travels with the inductor to its applica-
4.565 MHz. From Eq 6, we compute L
as 10.76 µH, and we round it to tion circuit. Therefore, it is probably
Ck R (Eq 2) more useful to measure its inductance
Ci 10.8 µH. Don’t trust that fourth digit
1 R since the calibration capacitor’s value the first way, without consideration of
is known to only three significant dig- the self-capacitance.—Ed.]
Now, with a known C i we can its. Notice, however, that by using four The circuit could be optimized for
compute the value of an unknown par- digits in all calculations, we minimize these larger inductors since it is
allel inductance from Eq 3, the reso- cumulative rounding errors in the third simple enough to construct large, in-
nance formula: digit of the result. termediate, and small inductor ver-
1 To provide confidence in the cali- sions. Some day I’ll build three “pretty”
L (Eq 3) bration method, Ci was measured us- versions with optimized configura-
2Sf 2 Ci ing various inductors over the range tions for each inductance range. Taken
of 0.5 to 50 µH—two orders of magni- to the extreme, an automated device
where f is the measured oscillator fre- tude. It does vary slightly due to dif- with direct reading digital display
quency and L the unknown inductance. ferences in stray capacitance in the could be constructed. Below 0.5 µH,
To simplify future calculations, we inductors, in this case between a com- the error may increase due to series
can establish a constant calibration puted minimum of 112.7 pF and maxi- inductance but the device is still use-
factor for the device to compute L more mum of 114.7 pF. That’s about 1.5% ful. That is another problem for
directly: difference. The average value of mea- another day.
sured Ci over this range was 113.7 pF, Now, I will endeavor to finish the
K (Eq 4) and the average value of K was project that led to this diversion. In
f 2 222.9 µH/MHz 2. The measurement the meantime, please let me know
data and computations are shown in your results if you experiment further
where Table 1. All of the measured Ks up to with this method. ††

50 Jan/Feb 2004
A Simple RF Power Calibrator
This compact, self-contained, accurate RF power
calibrator is easy to build and fills a long-standing
Amateur Radio experimenter need.

By Bob Kopski, K3NHI

n recent years, both QST and QEX battery-operated RF calibration it. This signal—a square wave shape
have featured several homebrew source that is accurate and readily notwithstanding—is the basis of this
RF measurement instruments. meets the needs above. calibrator. Incidental to this is the fact
These included two RF power The calibrator presented here is that the frequency is also a known
meters1, 2 and a spectrum analyzer.3 based on a standard CMOS clock oscil- stable value; this is of some additional
Additionally, some enthusiasts are for- lator. These are low in cost, easy to use utility as will be seen later.
tunate enough to have commercial in- and available in a wide range of crys-
struments available for home use. All tal-controlled frequencies from many Design and Operation
of these RF instruments share one com- mail-order houses. This design uses one Because the clock waveform is
mon need—calibration. for 10 MHz (see Figs 1 and 2). square-shaped and swings from
RF calibration often becomes a Because it is CMOS based, the out- ground upward, it has an easily mea-
“sticking point” for the hobbyist be- put square wave is a near full-supply sured average dc value: 1/2 Vpk-pk. This
cause this normally requires another voltage swing into a light load: from nifty detail and some arithmetic make
piece of commercial gear—one that’s ground to near the supply voltage of it easy to produce an accurate calibra-
not always readily available. Not any- 5 V, nominal. (A TTL output clock with tion source. However, the nominal
more! Here is an easily built, low-cost a less-defined swing will not work 5 Vpk-pk clock output is much too large
1Notes appear on page 54.
properly in this design.) for our purposes, so it is divided down
If a regulated voltage is supplied to a smaller value. As seen in the sche-
to the CMOS oscillator and the load matic, the clock output is routed
is fixed, the known output signal through R1 and R2 to a nominal
25 W End Dr swing remains stable and has a pre- 20 dB attenuator (pad) consisting of
Lansdale, PA 19446 dictable power level associated with R4, R5 and R6 and then to the output.
Jan/Feb 2004 51
The calibrator output impedance is lent job at this, the operative word here QEX power meters can be calibrated
very close to 50 Ω. is “sinusoidal.” simply by connecting this source and
A test point located at the R2 / pad- Should an applied waveform not be adjusting them to read “–20”. What if
input interface allows easy measure- sinusoidal, such as with a harmonic- you have a power meter based on ther-
ment and adjustment of the average dc rich signal, the displayed power will mal measurements, which most lab
value. The low-pass components, R3 and be in error. (This would not be so with instruments are?
C3, remove any concerns about the heat-measuring power meters.) While It turns out this calibrator is just
square wave affecting the reading. The working with my QEX meter, I as useful, but the numbers are differ-
voltage at this point is high enough to stumbled upon the apparent fact that ent. The ac RMS value (“heat value”)
permit a quality measurement, but it applied square waves having a peak- of the 31.6 mV square wave is simply
is still too high for our end use. Thus, to-peak value of one-half of a sinusoid 31.6/2 = 15.8 mV. The power on
the pad further attenuates the signal peak-to-peak waveform results in the 50 Ω is (15.8 mV × 15.8 mV) / 50 =
with known accuracy and provides a same power reading as the latter. 4.992 mW. This is –23 dBm. Thus, one
good output match as well. Being unsure if this was a quirk or could connect this calibrator to any
Adjustable resistor R2 trims the (hopefully) an operational behavior standard lab power meter sensor and
test-point signal level to a specific based on solid rationale, I inquired of look for “–23 dBm” as the proper in-
158 mV dc value as measured with a Analog Devices Applications Engi- strument response, but there is more.
standard DVM. This represents a neering. I got the happy response that Like power meters, spectrum ana-
peak-to-peak square wave of 316 mV this behavior is solidly based on the lyzers (SA) need a known power level
at the pad input and 31.6 mVpk-pk on a design behavior of the AD8307. It all reference to be most useful. Because
50 Ω load following the 20 dB pad. I has to do with the way the chip mea- SAs display the harmonic makeup of
selected 31.6 mVpk-pk as a “good” cali- sures voltage and on the crest factor an applied non-sinusoid, the waveform
bration level for my (QEX) power of the applied waveform. In fact, AD from this calibrator produces a crisp
meter design and for the similar QST referred me to their data sheet on a comb display. Thus, the simple square
version too. (They have the same RF similar product, the AD640, which wave is represented by its frequency
sections.) However, it’s also perfectly describes this same operational be- component makeup, and being a sym-
good for other RF instruments. Here’s havior in greater detail. metrical waveform only odd-order har-
the “how” and “why.” This is a serendipitous discovery, monics should be present. Fig 3 shows
Both the QST and QEX instruments because it makes accurate calibration what the spectral lines of this calibra-
are based on the Analog Devices of the 8307-based power meter very tor look like up to 100 MHz.
AD8307 500 MHz logarithmic amplifier easy to do. One needs only an easy-to- Clearly, the dominant lines begin
IC. This device is itself not directly a measure square wave and to apply the at 10 MHz—the fundamental fre-
power measuring device. Sophisticated waveform relationship above. Thus, quency—and then appear in diminish-
power meters employ heat-measuring the 31.6 mVpk-pk square-wave output ing amplitude at every odd harmonic:
techniques to determine the applied of this calibrator has a 63.2 mV peak- 30, 50, 70 and 90 MHz. Smaller lines
power level. The 8307 simply provides to-peak sine equivalent, or 63 / 2.83 = appear at the even frequencies
a log-voltage output representative of 22.3 mVRMS, as far as the AD8307 is
the applied input voltage. These two concerned.
power meters use this characteristic, The power in 50 Ω associated with
apply it to an assumed sinusoidal RF the 22.3 mVRMS. is (VRMS × VRMS / R =
voltage on a 50 Ω input impedance, and 0.00995 W, or essentially 10 mW. In
then represent that signal as a power dBm (which the meter displays), this
reading. While the meters do an excel- is 10 log (0.01) or –20 dBm. The QST /


Fig 1—Schematic of the RF power calibrator. Unless otherwise specified, use 1/4 W,
5%-tolerance carbon composition or film resistors.
C1, C2—1.0 µF, 35 V tantalum Battery snap-on connector, Mouser
C3—0.1 µF, ceramic 12BC016 or equivalent
R1—620 Ω Housing, LMB, Mouser 537-M00-P or as
R2—200 Ω trim pot, Digi Key EVM- desired.
36GA00B22 or equivalent /4-inch threaded standoffs, Mouser 534-
R3—10 kΩ Ω 8712 or equivalent
R4, R6—60.4 Ω, 1/4 W, ±1% film DPDT slide switch, Mouser 629-GF-1126-
R5—249 Ω, 1/4 W, ±1% film 1110 or equivalent
U1—5 V regulator, LM78L05 Output connector as desired Fig 2—Compact, self-contained, accurate
U2—Oscillator, 10 MHz, CTX 045, Digi Key Assorted screws, solder, tie wrap, pc RF power calibrator is easy to build and
CTX114-ND or equivalent. board, assorted hardware, etc fills a long-standing Amateur Radio
Battery, 9 V, alkaline experimenter need.

52 Jan/Feb 2004
(20 MHz, 40 MHz, etc) because the analyzer pictured is my rendering of the bly-critical in this calibrator. As the
waveform is not perfectly symmetri- QST SA. It is a “stretched” version of photos show, mine is “ugly con-
cal in every respect. However, the this popular published design and structed.” You can download a dia-
power associated with the “evens” is tunes to a bit over 100 MHz. I also gram of how I placed the components
clearly well below that of the “odds,” added more panel features than the from ARRLWeb.4 Follow this approach
and the first (or fundamental) power original. While fully useful as is, it is or another as you wish. In any case, I
is the “heaviest hitter” of all—just as still an evolving work in progress—an recommend staying with the basic
it should be. Just how much power ongoing fun project in its own right. pc-board “ground plane” idea as
should this spectral line represent? Here are three design and opera- shown. This helps assure proper op-
The sine peak-to-peak equivalent tional notes of interest for the calibra- eration of the resistive divider and
voltage associated with a given har- tor. First, be sure to have a 50 Ω pad and maintains a quality waveform
monic in an ideal square wave is given termination on the calibrator output shape at the output. (Point to point
by: when adjusting R2 for the specified wiring on perforated board would
4u Vpk -pk 158 mV DVM reading as above. This likely degrade these performance
Vpk -pk (Eq 1) is to correctly represent how the cali- aspects.)
n uS
brator will be used since RF instru- The pc board can be copper coated
where ments normally have a 50 Ω input on either one or both sides. Whatever
n = the harmonic of interest impedance. In fact, you can trim R2 your choice, be sure to countersink
Since the 10-MHz fundamental is for the 158 mV dc test-point value away copper clearance for leads that
the “first harmonic,” its peak-to-peak while the calibrator is connected to go through the board—on both sides!
sine equivalent voltage is (4 × 31.6)/ such an instrument. I chose to drill #60 holes for the com-
3.1416 = 40.2 mV. Therefore, the RMS Second, what happens if the CMOS ponents with through-leads and then
sine-equivalent voltage is 40.2 / 2.83 clock does not have a symmetrical out- clear the unwanted copper with a fin-
= 14.2 mVRMS. The power in 50 Ω as- put waveform? Based on 11 oscillators ger-twisted 3/32-inch drill bit. Of course,
sociated with this voltage is (14.2 mV I’ve looked at, this is very unlikely. In any leads that get soldered to the
× 14.2 mV) / 50 = 4.03 µW or –24 dBm. any case, I’ve experimentally deter- ground plane are not countersunk.
This known value can be used to set mined that asymmetry by as much as These include two pins on the clock
up the scale of any spectrum analyzer, 5% only results in about a 0.5 dB er- oscillator as shown in Fig 4. Be sure
that is, to establish a “reference level” ror. Not to worry! to correctly orient U1 and the clock—
with which to compare other spectral Finally, even though the output sig- these details are also visible in the
lines on a display. nal does have an average dc compo- Figs 4, 5 and 6.
As an example, consider the line at nent, all RF instruments of which I’m My power switch—a DPDT slide
50 MHz in the Fig 3. What is the power aware have either ac-coupled inputs switch used as a SPST—was easy to
associated with this harmonic? Using or inputs that are not affected by this mount by simply bending the solder
the same simple math, but with n = 5 low-level dc component—this for those lugs inward along each of the two rows
(the fifth harmonic), we get (4 × 31.6) who caught this subtlety! until they were about 1/16-inch apart,
/ (5 × 3.1416 ) = 8.04 mV pk-pk sine near the middle line. Just solder the
Assembly Notes six lugs to the copper lands as shown.
equivalent. The RMS sine equivalent
is 2.84 mV RMS, and the associated There is not much that is assem- Make sure the very edge of the pc-
power in 50 Ω is 0.162 µW or
–37.9 dBm. The spectrum analyzer is
actually displaying just about –38.1
dBm—not shabby! (I read this more
accurately by expanding the vertical
scale of the SA to 5 dB / div.)
As a “final test” I also looked at the
ninth harmonic (90 MHz) and found
it to be –45 dBm on the SA display.
The calculated value is –43 dBm. I
believe the discrepancy at this high
harmonic value is largely due to im-
perfection in the waveform. Basically,
the waveform rise and fall times are
just not fast enough to accurately con-
tain and represent such a high har-
monic frequency, I feel. Nevertheless,
even this incidental performance is
quite good.
Speaking of incidental perfor-
mance, that previously mentioned
utility of the clock being 10 MHz al-
lows the specific harmonics discussed
above. Thus, the 10 MHz is a very con-
venient frequency with which to place
markers and/or check-out the sweep
linearity of a homebrew (or any other)
SA, at least up through some reason- Fig 3—Spectrum-analyzer display of calibrator output. Grid spacing is 10 dB/div vertical,
able frequency span. 10 MHz/div horizontal. Tall line at 10 MHz is –24 dBm reference. Note dominance of odd
As an aside, the homebrew spectrum harmonics.

Jan/Feb 2004 53
Fig 4—Backside of pc-board chassis. Notice countersunk copper Fig 5—Component-side wiring uses “ugly construction”
clearance cuts around trimmer pot leads. The switch mounting approach—very easy and effective for assemblies like this. Notice
lugs have been bent back a bit to fit the box. the output cable braid dressed and soldered to the chassis board.

board copper is chamfered back a bit,

to not short the switch lugs at the
switch body.
The metal enclosure shown (see
Fig 6) is a convenience and not a re-
quirement—any containment method
is okay. I actually used an “open board”
version of the calibrator (with an ex-
ternal power supply via clip leads) for
two years before making the much
more convenient version shown here.
The BNC “pigtail” output has proven
convenient for all the applications I
have, but a housing-mounted connec-
tor would also work just fine.
I used two #4-40 threaded stand-
offs to mount the board assembly to
the housing. The 9 V battery is ††
wrapped with a single layer of 1/8-inch-
thick plastic foam and wedges nicely
between the oscillator side of the board
assembly and the opposite side of the
box. Just make sure the housing cover Fig 6—Inside the LMB enclosure. Shielding is not needed; the box is for compact
convenience. Notice the DPDT slide-switch attachment to the pc board.
screws are not long enough to
“squeeze” the battery!
Summary measured the performance using contractor. He holds BSEE and BSEP
calibration-certified professional lab- degrees from Lehigh University.
This easily built RF calibrator is use- quality power meters and a spectrum As a life-long electronics, ham and
ful with a broad range of homebrew and analyzer. Two power meters read aeromodeling hobbyist, he routinely
commercial RF instruments. Its accu- –23.3 and –23.4 dBm. The spectrum combines all three pursuits for the fun
racy is very good and largely dependent analyzer yielded –24.2 dBm. of it. His Technician ticket dates to
on the DVM used to set it up in the first about 1959 when he wanted to
place—not a very challenging task Notes
1 W. Hayward, W7ZOI, and R. Larkin, homebrew 6-meter radio-control equip-
these days. As an estimate, you should W7PUA, “Simple RF Power Measure- ment for RC models. He still routinely
expect accurate power-level represen- ment,” QST, June 2001, pp 38-43. flies on 6 meters and has also operated
tation within about 1/2 dB when applied 2R. Kopski, K3NHI, “An Advanced VHF fixed and mobile there. His broad-
as described herein. Just remember the Wattmeter,” QEX, May/Jun 2002, pp 3-8; based aeromodeling interest dates to
calibration values obtained are –20, and “A Simple Enhancement for the Ad- the early 1950s, but he has specialized
–23, or –24 dBm depending on the in- vanced VHF Wattmeter”, QEX, Sep/Oct in electric powered RC models for over
strument under calibration. In effect, 2003, pp 50-52. 25 years. A Contributing Editor to
3W. Hayward, W7ZOI, and T. White, K7TAU,
that “sticking point” mentioned in the Model Aviation magazine for over 20
beginning of this article has just become “A Spectrum Analyzer for the Radio Ama-
teur,” QST, Aug 1998, pp 35-43. years, he has a regular monthly col-
“well greased”! Enjoy! 4You can download this package from the umn devoted to the electric flying spe-
ARRLWeb Look cialty. Additionally, he has published
Acknowledgement many construction articles covering
for 0311KOPSKI.ZIP.
My gratitude goes out to friend both model-aircraft design and
John Hickey, K3HZA, for evaluating Bob is a recently retired Senior De- aeromodeling related electronics. He
the calibrator pictured herein. John sign Engineer from a major defense enjoys it all! ††

54 Jan/Feb 2004
By Zack Lau, W1VT

WHY DO BALUNS BURN UP? equal to the current on the center con- using a balun. Fig 1 shows a balanced
A common complaint about baluns ductor, the fields cancel. However, due antenna: a center fed dipole. Fig 2
is their lack of power handling capa- to the skin effect, the inside of the shows how the balance is upset by
bility. Hams want a broadband 3 to shield and the outside of the shield are feeding the dipole directly with coax.
30 MHz balun they can use with an two separate conductors. No big sur- The shield of the coax unbalances the
antenna tuner—to load up any bal- prise, the shield is just doing its job. antenna, as it is connected to only one
anced antenna on any HF band. A What about a current on the outside side of the dipole. Not surprisingly, the
balun is used to connect a balanced of the shield? There is no current to outside of the shield now forms part
antenna, such as a center fed dipole, cancel it, so it radiates, just like an of the antenna. The center conductor
to an unbalanced coaxial feedline and antenna element.1, 2 This is why a of the coax does not balance the shield
tuner. It is not unusual for high-power balun is required: When open wire is because it is hidden by the shield of
baluns to exhibit overheating and connected to coax, something is needed the coax. Fig 3 shows how balance is
even failure when operated at the to keep current from flowing on the maintained with a twin-lead feeder—
100 W level. I’ll explain why this hap- outside of the shield, while maintain- each side of the feeder connects to one
pens and suggest ways to prevent the ing equal and opposite currents on the half of the dipole. Notice how symme-
destruction of radio equipment. open wire transmission line. A failure try is maintained. Fig 4 shows how a
to keep current off the shield or un- balun is suppose to work—the balun
What is balance? balanced currents will result in un- stops the shield current, ideally look-
The first step to understanding wanted transmission-line radiation. ing like an open circuit, so that
baluns is to learn what is meant by Unbalanced currents can easily oc- symmetry is maintained.
“balanced.” Transmission lines do not cur if the antenna is not balanced, for A balun allows the connection be-
radiate in the far field if you can ar- example if one side of a dipole is sig- tween a two-conductor system and a
range the fields on the conductors to nificantly longer than the other side. three-conductor system with minimal
cancel each other. With open wire or Nearby objects, such as other anten- unwanted current flow. A coaxial cable
twin lead, this is accomplished by plac- nas or metal masts can also unbalance is actually a three-conductor system:
ing currents of equal magnitude but the currents. Unlike coax, open wire center conductor, outside of the shield
opposite phase on the two conductors. is sensitive to nearby metal objects and the inside of the shield. Because
If the magnitudes are different, com- and must be spaced away from con- the skin effect only allows current to
plete cancellation will not occur and ductors. Coax can actually be wound flow on the surface of a highly conduc-
the line will radiate. around metal objects with little detri- tive material, current can flow from
This also occurs with coax—if the mental effect—unless the winding is the inside of the shield to the outside
current on the inside of the shield is so tight that mechanical damage re- of the shield only at breaks in the
1Notes sults. Coax manufacturers typically cable. The shield forms two distinct
appear on page 58.
specify a minimum turn radius—for conductive paths for RF. For direct
Times Microwave LMR-400 the radius current or very low frequency ac, the
225 Main St is 1 inch, while 3 inches is specified shield forms a single conductor. This
Newington, CT 06111-1494 for Belden 9913F7. difference is essential for understand- Now, we can see the effect of not ing the purpose of a balun.

Jan/Feb 2004 55
To simplify analysis of balun power core losses, resulting in a balun that simple balun. 5 Parallel-resonant
loss, I separate the total current into can’t handle as much power. Such a baluns of different impedances were
common-mode and differential-mode balun is usually less effective in block- also modeled. At parallel resonance,
currents. The differential-mode current ing shield currents than one with a the impedance is not only maximized,
is the desired current flowing through more optimized ferrite material. Effec- but it becomes purely resistive. The
the balun; ideally, it flows with little or tive baluns can also use the impedance resistance had to be quite high for the
no loss. The common-mode current is transformation obtained with λ/4 trans-
the undesired shield current. The com- mission lines, transforming a low-
mon-mode loss is complicated. One impedance ground connection to a
might assume that greater current pro- high-impedance open circuit. This tech-
duces more loss. This isn’t always true. nique is more common at VHF, where
If the common-mode impedance is very the dimensions become more practical.
low, much current can flow with little Fig 1—A balanced dipole.
loss. The impedance could also be highly A Balun in Distress
reactive—highly reactive impedances Fig 5 shows an 80 meter dipole fed
often do not dissipate much power. with 70 feet of coax. The goal is to op-
However, high current flow indicates erate this antenna on 20 meters as a
poor balun performance, even if the DX antenna. Working distant stations
balun does not burn up. The balun is is much easier on 20 meters than
not accomplishing its intended function. 80 meters, even if a compromise an-
This is analogous to a dam that did not tenna is used. A balun is placed be-
break, but only diverted a fraction of tween the antenna feedpoint and the
the water, allowing a city to be devas- 70-foot coax cable. The transmitter end
tated by a flash flood. of the coax cable is grounded. The Fig 2—Coax shield unbalanced dipole.
The theory behind using baluns is shield is modeled as a bare 0.405-inch-
quite sound—up to a point. The balun diameter wire. The challenge for the
provides sufficiently high impedance balun is to provide excellent choking
to shield currents. The difficulty is action, so the feedline does not act like
finding a real balun that will choke an antenna. A 1 λ vertical antenna is
the shield current to zero. Practical too high to be an effective low angle
baluns typically don’t have enough radiator; it will have undesirable high
impedance to reduce the feedline cur- angle lobes. The task is not easy. A
rent to negligible levels under all con- center fed 2 λ dipole has a relatively
ditions. This is just like building a dam high feedpoint impedance. Conversely,
high enough to stop all floods. What a grounded 1 λ vertical presents a low Fig 3—Balanced line keeps the antenna
typically works each year often is in- impedance at the balun. The balun system balanced.
adequate over many years. For ex- will need to present very high imped-
ample, a gauge that never measured ance to make the coaxial shield path
over 2600 cubic feet/s over 20 years unattractive compared to the center
recorded 31,200 cubic feet/s in a flash fed 2 λ dipole.
flood.3 I’ll present a model of a typical This situation is easily modeled
situation that can destroy baluns and with Roy LeWallen’s EZNEC and a
present computer results to quantify NEC-4 computing engine, with some
the situation. small simplifications. Instead of mod-
eling the coaxial shield at the
Types of Baluns feedpoint, I offset it by one foot. This
There are several different methods allowed me to center feed the dipole.
of implementing a balun. The simplest It is also possible to offset the feed
is just a coil of coax, formed into a par- point and put the shield at the center.
allel resonant tuned circuit. The outside The program does not want to see wire Fig 4—Balun stops the shield current.
of the coax shield forms an inductor, junctions and sources at the same
which resonates with the stray capaci- point. I also modeled the shield as a
tance to form a tuned circuit. It works bare 0.405-inch wire, ignoring the in-
great on a single band, and may offer sulation. In practice, the insulation
multiband performance in non-critical will slightly lower the velocity factor,
applications, such as trapped Yagi an- making the wire appear electrically
tennas. Adding a ferrite or iron powder longer than its physical length. The
core can increase the balun bandwidth. results are shown in Table 1. Thanks
This generally results in a lower Q to Steve, WF3T, for publishing mea-
balun—the performance isn’t as opti- sured balun data on the Web.4
mized for a single band, but “acceptable” The only practical balun that
performance over a wider bandwidth is worked well was a 12-turn coaxial
obtained. Power is a function of the core choke design. Other air-wound choke
size; a bigger core handles more power. designs were ineffective at choking off
However, a larger core requires longer the shield current. The W2DU bead
wires, which generally reduces band- balun showed significant loss—its im-
width. A higher permeability core pedance was not high enough to be ef-
requires less wire, but increasing per- fective. Walt slipped 50 type 73 ferrite Fig 5—Model of the dual band 80/20M
meability generally results in greater beads over Teflon coax to make a dipole.

56 Jan/Feb 2004
balun to become effective—even a antennas that use elements that burned, we know it is time for an oil
2000 Ω resistance showed significant complement each other’s strengths change. This is even simpler than us-
loss. and weaknesses. ing an odometer reading or a clock—
Is the 12-turn coaxial balun really a Dual band antennas are relatively no knowledge of past history is re-
useful solution for the all-band center easy to design once you understand quired. Just like too little oil in a car
fed dipole? Not really; it only works well the theory. Adding extra bands adds can cause damage, it is a specific tem-
on a single band. The proper way to see complexity, possibly making good so- perature that can damage a balun, not
this is to keep our reference—the lutions impossible to find. the temperature rise.
80 meter antenna operated on 20 The 80/20 meter dipole shown in Table 1 also shows the effect of
meters, with choking impedances mea- Fig 5 is an example. It works well on purely resistive baluns—a rather high
sured for other bands. Thus, we plug in both 80 and 20 meters. It doesn’t need resistance is required to make the
the impedances for 40 and 10 meters, a balun on 80 meters—the grounded shield current negligible. Purely resis-
and see if the balun provides adequate λ/4 shield presents a high impedance tive baluns are quite common. To ob-
performance. It is clear from Table 1 on 80 meters, so the current is small tain maximum bandwidth, a balun is
that it does not. While the balun loss is even without a balun. Table 2 shows typically operated above and below its
low, the current is excessive. the effect of using different baluns— parallel-resonant frequency. Thus, at
Why not evaluate balun perfor- the shield current is low in all cases. midband, the balun is at its parallel-
mance by looking at the performance Unfortunately, it is generally not pos- resonant frequency. The balun pre-
of the balun on all the different bands, sible to use a λ/4 shield on all bands sents purely resistive impedance at
and choosing the best one? The diffi- of an all-band HF antenna. The this frequency. At low frequencies, the
culty is the number of variables. Not feedline length is usually fixed. balun is inductive. At high frequencies,
only does the antenna feedpoint im- One solution may be to use the the balun becomes capacitive. The sign
pedance change, but the effect of the balun losses to our advantage. High of the reactance is quite important
feedline changes with frequency. As loss is easily measured as a tempera- when you cascade different baluns to
more variables are introduced, it be- ture rise. If we install a remote ther- improve multiband performance.
comes more difficult to figure out what mometer at the balun, we can easily The reactances can cancel, so you will
is really happening. This can result in detect high balun loss, just by mea- not get the performance enhancement
erroneous conclusions. By changing suring the absolute temperature. We one might expect from adding addi-
only one variable at a time, the effect know the balun is in trouble if a cer- tional baluns.
of changes is much easier to track. tain threshold is exceeded. This is like The poor multiband performance of
However, once you have a good un- measuring the amount of oil burned an air-wound coaxial choke balun does
derstanding of the situation it may be by an engine that burns a lot of oil. not apply to antennas with a resistive
practical to design more sophisticated When a certain quantity of oil has 50 Ω feedpoint impedance, such as a
well designed multiband Yagi. Con-
Table 1 sider the requirements of an RF choke
A Difficult Situation for a Balun
used to supply phantom power to a
tower mounted relay. A highly reac-
A high-impedance antenna and a low-impedance path to ground via the coax tive impedance of just 200 Ω is often
shield. The applied power is 1-kW at 14.0 MHz. entirely adequate, while a 200 Ω
resistance would soak up 20% of the
Balun Shield Current Balun Loss power. Thus, while a choke may have
(A) (W) (dB) much less impedance at frequencies
1000 Ω 0.5 253 1.3 away from resonance, it is often ad-
2000 Ω 0.3 211 1.0 equate if the feed point is well be-
4000 Ω 0.2 144 0.7 haved. In contrast, the 80-meter dipole
10000 Ω 0.08 72 0.3 presents a feed-point impedance of
20000 Ω 0.04 39 0.2 2834 + j1214 Ω on 20 meters. The ver-
tical feedline is a much better load
W2DU bead than the dipole wires—no wonder it
balun wants to radiate. Similarly, the W2DU
balun is an excellent design when
1300 –j400 0.44 258 1.3
properly used.
6t RG-213
4-1/4” dia 0.74 3 0.01
6 + j514 Table 2
The balun makes little difference with
12t RG-213
this 80M antenna. The applied power
4-1/4” dia 0.14 9 0.04
is 1kW at 3.5 MHz.
449 + j5833
Balun Shield Current BalunLoss
12t RG-213 (Ω ) (A) (W) (dB)
@7.00MHz 50 0.02 0.022 0.0
5 + j561 0.72 2.6 0.01 200 0.020 0.08 0.0
2k 0.015 0.45 0.002
12t RG-213 5 + j561 0.022 0.0024 0.0
@28.00MHz 1.34 54 0.2 30 –j482 0.021 0.013 0.0
30 –j482 No balun 0.021 0.000 0.0

Jan/Feb 2004 57
Ferrite Power Handling Capability the worst-case loss—we just need to occur when high antenna feed point im-
Thanks to the work by Jerry Sevick, calculate the power level that corre- pedance is combined with a coaxial
there are extremely efficient balun sponds to that amount of loss. This is shield that presents low impedance at
designs using ferrite cores—there are a simple equation based on power, sur- the balun. The difficulty of removing
designs that are 99.5% efficient. Thus, face area and temperature rise.6 heat from ferrite materials adds to the
a 1 kW balun may lose only 5 W un- problem. Air-core baluns can handle the
0.833 power, but multiband balun perfor-
der the intended design conditions. § p dis · (Eq 2)
Many amateurs think that any 1-kW 'T ¨ ¸ mance leaves a lot to be desired.
balun ought to be suitable for 100 W
© A ¹ Practical solutions are to monitor the
under any conditions. Some actual cal- temperature of the balun for improper
culations can indicate the fallacy of where performance, and to only use baluns in
this thinking. ∆T = Temperature rise (°C) properly designed applications. Ferrite-
The high efficiency is obtained by Pdis = Power dissipation in milliwats core baluns should not be used haphaz-
carefully designing the windings to spe- A = Surface area in cm2 ardly at high power levels.
cific impedances. A high efficiency 4:1 The calculated power ratings are
surprisingly low—about 4 W continu- Notes
balun will typically work well from 12.5 1J. Taylor, W2OZH, has designed a dipole
to 50 Ω or 50 to 200 Ω, but not both. ous duty for a big 2-inch toroid, allow-
that uses the shield as half of the antenna.
Changing the impedances will degrade ing for 25°C of temperature rise. The “A Resonant Feed-Line Dipole,” The
the efficiency and increase the losses, problem is the difficulty of removing ARRL Handbook for Radio Communica-
reducing the power handling of the heat from the core. The thermal con- tions, 2003, p 20.17; QST , Aug 1991,
balun. Suppose the loss is degraded to ductivity of cores is low compared to pp 24-27.
1 dB—20.6% of the applied power is lost solid metal, such as copper windings. 2Z. Lau, “Making Off-Center Fed Dipoles

as heat. If 100 W is applied, 20.6 W is Since the heat is generated through- Work,” RF, QEX, Mar 2001, pp 55-56.
lost as heat. This is considerably more out the core, and not just at the sur-
face, it can take a long time for the photos.html
than what 99.5% efficient 1-kW balun
loses in normal operation. It would be heat to be dissipated. Ceramics with 5W. Maxwell, W2DU, “Some Aspects of the
more reasonable to rate with the balun good thermal conductivity are ex- Balun Problem, “ QST, Mar 1983, pp 38-40.
with 1 dB of loss at 24 W. tremely rare; highly toxic Beryllium 6Z. Lau, W1VT, “Calculating the Power Limit
Conjugate matching theory could be oxide is one of the few examples. At of Circuits with Toroids,” RF, QEX. Mar
used to roughly estimate the maximum lower frequencies, it may be possible 1995, pp 24-30. ††
loss of the balun—half the loss is in the to shift the loss to the copper wind-
balun and the other half is lost in the ings, to ease the extraction of heat.
rest of the circuit. This would set the Generally, this is not practical with
worst case loss at 3 dB. Thus, the effi- broadband RF circuits, where core A picture is worth a thousand words...
cient 1-kW balun may have a rating of losses are dominant. Air-core tech-
just 10 W. This is not the absolute worst niques eliminate the core-loss
case—which occurs when the balun has problem, at the expense of size and
to absorb all of the power. However, it bandwidth.
may be reasonable to assume that some
sort of antenna system will be provided Conclusion
With the all-new
to absorb half the power—that the user Present day balun technology does
will not try to force feed a balun with not meet the expectations of most hams. ANTENNA MODEL TM

no antenna attached. A broadband 3 to 30 MHz 1-kW balun wire antenna analysis program for Windows you
The difference between best- and cannot be used without consideration get true 3D far field patterns that are far more
informative than conventional 2D patterns or
worst-case losses becomes less pro- for the stresses it must endure, even if wire-frame pseudo-3D patterns.
nounced as the quality gets worse. For- the transmit power is just 100 W. An- Describe the antenna to the program in an easy-
tunately, elaborate measurements are other decade of power reduction—to to-use spreadsheet-style format, and then with
not required to characterize the power just 10 W, is necessary for a 1-kW balun one mouse-click the program shows you the
handling capability of baluns for antenna pattern, front/back ratio, front/rear ratio,
to survive any likely operating condi- input impedance, efficiency, SWR, and more.
worst-case losses. We already know tion. High balun stress is likely to An optional Symbols window with formula evalua-
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58 Jan/Feb 2004
ear power amplifiers after each signal tion: Crystal filters are nonlinear too.

Tech Notes
generator that can deliver power lev- They also have third-order intercept
els from one to several watts. These points, which are typically in the
amplifiers are driven to an output +45-55 dBm range; whereas the setup
level at least 10 dB below their 1-dB- should have +50 dBm minimum at two
compression levels. The reason for this tones of 0 dBm output each. So only
Avoiding Pitfalls During Mea-
is that a class-A final stage of such an very good and expensive filters could
surements of High-Performance help.
instrumentation amplifier is much
HF Receivers The receiver under test is connected
more linear and insensitive to back-
by Klaus H. Eichel, DL6SES, KF2OO ward IMD if its output power is kept to the combiner output through a step
The verification of high-perfor- well below saturation. Because the attenuator. This must be a very good
mance HF receivers with respect to amplifiers can then deliver about one, with clean, solid contacts, so that
IP3 measurements is prone to errors +20 dBm (or even +30 dBm in the case it does not create IMD at these fairly
that can easily be avoided by some of 10 W-models), we can introduce up high levels—remember the rusty-bolt
simple precautions. High-performance to 16 dB of attenuation between the effect?
is considered to be an input IP3 (third- amplifier outputs and the combiner to Key question: At what level should
order intercept point) of +30 dBm or get both signals down to 0 dBm each the measurements be done? Purists
more. at the combiner output. prefer a level at which the receiver-
The test setup must deliver a two- If the receiver under test exhibits created IMD products are equal to the
tone signal (2 × 0 dBm), with IMD again an SWR of 2:1 at the antenna noise-level of the receiver. To measure
products at least 100 dB down, to a input, which is equivalent to 10 dB this, simply connect a true-RMS volt-
50-Ω load with a SWR up to 2:1. The return loss, the isolation between the meter to the audio output of the re-
reason for this is that most receivers amplifiers is now 6 + 10 + 16 + 16 = ceiver and increase the level of the
have some form of preselection that is 48 dB in the case of 1 W models driven two-tone signal until you see an in-
responsible for a mediocre input SWR. to about +20 dBm each. This should crease of the output by 3 dB. The re-
In the past, publications have em- be normally sufficient to achieve an ceiver, of course, must be tuned to a
phasized the necessity of very high IMD ratio of more that 100 dB. frequency where the IMD products are
isolation in the combiner of the two A word of caution regarding har- present, but this method most likely
signal-sources. Figures of up to 60 dB monic distortion of the test signals. will create a measurement error.
were given to avoid the creation of Signal-generators typically offer har- Has the AGC been disabled? How
intermodulation products in the sig- monics some 30 to 40 dB down. In the about reciprocal mixing, or phase-
nal sources. Yet the isolation of an case of amplifiers under-driven by noise of the signal-generators? The
ideal coupler is only infinite with a 10 dB or so, this value will not be de- increase of the background noise for
load SWR of 1:1. The isolation (ideally) graded significantly. However, as the whatever reason should be considered
is only 6 + RL dB, where RL is the re- IMD products are created as (2f1–f2) because you may be setting the test
turn loss of the load. Therefore, a stan- or (2f2–f1), it is clear that the second signal level so that the IMD products
dard coupler yields only about 16 dB harmonic plays a significant role. As are equal to an artificially elevated
of isolation for loads of 10 dB return modern receivers have sub-octave fil- noise background.
loss (SWR about 2:1). ters in the input circuit, the harmon- By detuning the receiver ±3 kHz,
Step # 1 in test-setup verification ics of the signal generators are suffi- it must be verified that the output in-
is to measure the intermodulation ciently attenuated before reaching the creases by 3 dB above the now in-
products at the output port of the cou- first mixer. However, in the case of a creased noise-level which must be
pler. The test should be made with receiver with a wide-open front end, measured also.
50- and 25-Ω loads. Of course, a high- that is, with only a 32-MHz low-pass
performance spectrum analyzer is filter preceding the first mixer, the Example:
needed for this task. second harmonic of the test signals Receiver: ICOM IC-765 (modified)
I use a spectrum analyzer, input at- should be down at least 80 dB. In this Mode: LSB, Bandwidth approximately
tenuator set at 50 dB, with bandwidth case, additional harmonic filters at 2.4 kHz (34 dB above 1 Hz)
set to 10 Hz. With the video filter set each amplifier output are necessary. Frequencies: 7.02 and 7.06 MHz
to 3 Hz, the instrument’s noise floor Amplifier backward isolation (S12) IMD products at 6.96 / 7.14 MHz
is –100 dBm with an input IP3 of is not really an issue. If the amplifiers AF-noise-level set to –20 dBV (RMS-
62 dBm. With this setting (signals are have a gain of 20 dB or more (needed voltmeter URE)
7.02 and 7.06 MHz), the IMD products to amplify 0 dBm to about +20 dBm), Output with IMD: –13.5 dBV, back-
are well below –106 dBm, even with the backward isolation or S12 is surely ground noise: –16.5 dBV.
another 50-Ω termination connected more than their gain to be stable. The MDS: –124 dBm measured, because of
in parallel to the analyzer-input. isolation of the signal generators is at reciprocal mixing, now MDS′:–
(Note: A –106 dBm signal shows up least 50-60 dB above the isolation be- 120.5 dBm
approximately 0.1 dB over the tween the amplifier outputs. IMD products also –120.5 dBm with
–100-dBm noise floor of the analyzer.) Last item: Is there a way to check a an input of 2× –21 dBm ⇒ IMD=
The analyzer was set to 7.14 MHz; test setup without a high-performance –99.5 dBc.
span, 50 Hz; RBW, 10 Hz. After this spectrum analyzer? For larger sepa- The input IP3 therefore is Pin+ 1/2
check, you can be sure that your source rations of the test tones: yes, with a (Pin–MDS′) = (–21+ 1/2 × 99.5) dBm =
has IMD3 products more than 100 dB selective filter or a diplexer that at- +28.75 dBm. Clearly, the IMD ratio in
down—or its IP3 is above +50 dBm. tenuates both test signals and passes this case is about 100 dB, which asks
If the setup does not meet this re- only the IMD products. Then a lower- for the above-mentioned clean two-
quirement because of IMD products performance analyzer or test receiver tone source.
created in the output stages of the sig- can be used, but when it comes to a A more realistic reference level is
nal generators, we must modify our separation of 20 kHz or even less, only about 1 µV, which is the typical noise
hardware. The solution is to use lin- a crystal filter can do that job. Cau- received on a medium-sized antenna

Jan/Feb 2004 59
on 7 MHz in Europe. For ease of mea- +40 dBm. At 2×0 dBm, the IMD prod-
Table 1
surement, I used –97 dBm, a level in- ucts were down by 81 dB and the IP3
dicated with S2 on the meter (when RF Needed to Increase the Back- = +40.5 dBm; at 2× –10 dBm, the IMD
AGC was enabled!). ground Noise by 3 dB as a Function of was at –100 dB for an IP3 = +40 dBm.
For this, both signals were at the Offset (SSB, 2.4 kHz) An IMD-measurement down to the
–13 dBm, and the resulting IP3 there- P (dBm) Offset (kHz) dBc/Hz MDS (about –125 dBm) would drive
fore is + 29 dBm = (–13+ 1/2 (–13 in the test set to its limits with respect
–97)) dBm. This is close enough to the –35 10 –123 to the phase-noise performance of the
value calculated above with the IMD –30 20 –128 signal generator generating the near-
products at –120.5 dBm. –20 50 –138 est signal, at only 60 kHz offset. The
In the above example with the quite –13 100 –145 required phase noise then is less than
good but not outstanding receiver, the –8 200 –150 –154 dBc/Hz at 60 kHz (110 dB dy-
method of IMD measurement down to –5 500 –153 namic range, 34 dB for 2.4 kHz over
the MDS requires a dynamic range of 1 Hz, 10 dB spare for contribution of
about 100 dB. With a really good re- less than 0.5 dB).
ceiver, even more than 100 dB is nec- Not accounting for the reciprocal
essary: More than 100 dB in a 2.4 kHz To Summarize the Precautions
mixing from LO phase noise or the
bandwidth for the local oscillator and phase noise of the signal sources can • Check your two-tone source for an
both signal sources together at an give serious errors when making IMD IMD-ratio well above 100 dB, also
offset of 20 to 50 or more kHz. Most measurements down to the receiver check for the desired output level
receivers and signal-generators don’t noise-floor. The result often is a re- (2×0 or –10 dBm) with a return loss
offer that performance and that is the duced IP3 value. of 10 dB at the load.
reason for using higher reference Any modern receiver without a • Verify the effects of reciprocal mix-
levels. preamplifier or other nonlinear ele- ing, other spurs and so forth to as-
ments in the front end except the sure that the correct value of the
To Illustrate the Effect of IMD products is measured.
mixer usually behaves strictly accord-
Reciprocal Mixing, the IC-765 ing to theory. It has a constant IP3 • Check for symmetry of the IMD prod-
was Tested at 10.0 MHz independent of the reference level as ucts; if they are very asymmetri-
Table 1 lists the RF level needed to long as the IMD ratio is not worse than cal, there are at least two sources
increase the background noise by 3 dB 50-60 dB. of IMD.
as a function of the offset (SSB, Another example is the Rohde & • Verify that the IP3 stays approxi-
2.4 kHz). The signal source was a low- Schwarz transceiver XK2100L, which mately constant for at least 10 dB
noise OXCO. offers a remarkable IP3 of about of input-level range. ††

ARRL 2003 Technical Awards Call for Nominations

ARRL members are encouraged to send nominations to ARRL Headquarters. Please include basic contact information for both you and
the nominee. Submit support information along with a nomination letter, including endorsements of ARRL affiliated clubs and League
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for these awards can be found at
ARRL Technical Service Award is to be given annually to the licensed radio amateur whose service to the amateur community and/or society at
large is of the most exemplary nature within the framework of Amateur Radio technical activities. These include, but are not limited to:
• Leadership or participation in technically oriented organizational affairs at the local or national level.
• Service as an official ARRL technical volunteer.
• Service as a technical advisor to clubs sponsoring classes to obtain or upgrade amateur licenses.
The Technical Service Award winner will receive an engraved plaque. In addition, the winner may request ARRL publications of a value
up to $100.
ARRL Technical Innovation Award is granted annually to the licensed radio amateur whose accomplishments and contributions are of
the most exemplary nature within the framework of technical research, development and application of new ideas and future systems.
These include, but are not limited to:
• Development of higher-speed modems and improved protocols.
• Promotion of personal computers in Amateur Radio applications.
• Activities to increase efficient use of the amateur spectrum.
• Digital voice experimentation.
The Technical Innovation Award winner will receive a cash award of $500 and an engraved plaque.
ARRL Microwave Development Award is given each year to the amateur (individual or group) who conducts research and application of
new and refined uses and activity in the amateur microwave bands. This includes adaptation of new modes both in terrestrial formats and
satellite techniques.
The Microwave Development Award winner will receive an engraved plaque. In addition, the winner may request ARRL publications of
a value up to $100.
Nominate Now!
Send nominations to: ARRL Technical Awards, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. Nominations must be received at Headquarters by
March 31, 2004. Send any questions to Headquarters or e-mail

60 Jan/Feb 2004
Hi Tim, matic” and “improvement.”—Regards,
Letters to Thanks for your note. Your question Larry Joy, WN8P, ARRL LM
the Editor about availability of PC boards or a Energy Conversion in
kit is a common one here at QEX. I
Capacitors (Jul/Aug 2003)
guess the answer is that we publish
the article to get folks thinking about Mr. Smith:
RF (Nov/Dec 2003) the possibilities and leave the actual I’ve been following with interest the
Dear Zack and Doug, construction of such things to experi- controversy that followed the publica-
On p 54, in the right-hand column, menters. tion of your article, “Energy Conversion
top paragraph: “For instance, flipping That is not to state that assistance in Capacitors” in the Jul/Aug 2003 is-
over your Yagi will also invert the is unavailable. Have you contacted the sue of QEX. In that article, you found
phase.” You can flip Mr Yagi over if you author? We would be surprised were that when a charged capacitor is con-
want, but it will not affect phase. The he not interested in helping you. Let nected in parallel with an identical
sentence should be, “For instance, flip- us know.—73, Doug Smith, KF6DX, charged capacitor, half of the system’s
ping over one of the Yagis will also in- QEX Editor; initial energy is transformed into forms
vert the phase.” of energy other than that of the electric
Doug, field. The storage of energy in capaci-
Something is amiss with the
endnotes starting with number 8. In the On page 50, in the left-hand col- tors is discussed by Wolfgang K. H.
body of the text on p 55, the right-hand umn, under “Receiver Circuit Descrip- Panofsky and Melba Phillips in their
column, at the end of paragraph two: tion,” the second sentence is “Refer to book Classical Electricity and Magne-
“Avery Fine, KA3NTX, published a de- the schematic diagram in Fig 8.” It tism (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-
sign with a 1.7:1 SWR, not having should be Fig 4. On page 51, in the Wesley, 1962) on pages 100 and 101.
enough time to devise a better network.” left-hand column, third paragraph, Notice that the temperature depen-
End note 8 is G. Fletcher, VK2U, “Ef- first sentence, “…and is adjusted by dence of the dielectric constant of the
fects of Boom and Element Diameters the operator with a knob (see Fig 4).” capacitor’s dielectric is never mentioned
on Yagi Element Lengths at 144, 432 This should be Fig 5. in discussions of the energy of a charged
and 1296 MHz,” Jan 2000 QEX, p 16. On page 51, in the left-hand col- capacitor. According to Panofsky, trans-
In the body of the text, this endnote is umn, third paragraph, next to last sen- fers of charge to or from capacitors are
referenced as number 9.—Larry Joy, tence, “The 3-V output of the battery tacitly assumed to occur at constant
WN8P, 2116 E Mohawk Dr, Olathe, KS is regulated down to 2.2 V by the Lin- temperature. However, the energy in a
66062-2432, ARRL LM; lawrence_joy ear Technology LT174 low-dropout capacitor is defined only as the maxi- regulator.” The schematic shows the mum work—not work plus heat, radia-
regulator as an LT1761. tion, or other forms of energy—that can
Hi Larry and Doug, A comment about class letters in be extracted from the capacitor at con-
The original text about Avery Fine’s reference designators: IEEE Std 315, stant temperature. In thermodynamics,
Yagi was: “…not having enough time section 22.2.4, specific versus general, this measure of energy is called the
to devise a better network.” says, “The letters A and U (for assem- “Helmholtz free energy” or just the “free
Yes, there does appear to be a prob- bly) shall not be used if more specific energy.” Because this measure of energy
lem with the endnotes—the text num- class letters are listed in paragraph includes only mechanical or field en-
bers got incremented by one at note 6/ 22.4 for a particular item.” Section ergy—not heat or radiation—then, if
7, so they don’t correspond correctly. G. 22.4 lists the class letters VR, which any of a capacitor’s electric field energy
Fletcher’s call of, VK2KU appears cor- means voltage regulator; FL for filter; is transformed into heat during dis-
rectly in the article. I did make a error Z for general network (where specific charge, the heat energy won’t appear
about phrasing the topic of phasing. class letters do not fit, and a number in calculations of the capacitor’s energy.
Bob, KU7G, and I suspected there of other items); AR for amplifier; Y for This omission causes the discrepancies
might be some problems—my wife’s crystal; HT for electrical headset, BT that you noted in the amounts of en-
big birthday bash occurred during the for battery or battery cell; E for an- ergy in the two capacitors before and
same week I normally review the fi- tenna (and a lot of other things). after discharge.
nal page layout, so I was not around Therefore: U1 should be FL1; U2 Similar discrepancies also arise in
to check this article for any errors that should be Z1; U3 should be Y1; U7 mechanics. For example, when two ob-
may have occurred.—73, Zack Lau, should be VR1; S1 would be U2S1 with jects collide inelastically, some of the
W1VT; the Audio Volume pot being U2R1. The mechanical energy is converted into
battery would be BT1 with the battery heat or other forms of energy. But be-
The EMI Finder (Nov/Dec 2003) holder (socket?) being XBT1 (on PL cause mechanics uses free energy as its
only). The antenna would be E1, and measure of energy, the heat and other
Hi Doug: the headphones would be HT1. forms of energy that are produced in
I am surprised that no effort was —Larry Joy, WN8P, ARRL LM the collision aren’t included in the cal-
made to allow for such a useful project culation of the system’s energy.
to be built by others with minimal ef- D-STAR, Part 3: Implementation Thus, in this case too, energy seems
fort. This receiver would be great for On page 46, in the left-hand col- to mysteriously vanish from the
many, many hams who have noise umn, under “Power to the People!”, in system.
trouble, but with no support from the third paragraph, “Tom McDermott, The confusion in both cases would
ARRL or the author so others can N5EG…” Endnote 1 has Tom be resolved if thermodynamics were
share in the technology—why publish McCermott. On page 46, in the left- applied to analyses of systems; but
such an article? Is there any way to hand column, the last sentence, “Per- undergraduates have enough trouble
make PC boards and parts avail- haps some enterprising ham can dis- learning the basics of physics without
able?—73, Tim Duffy, K3LR, 44 Elliot cover the way to make just as dramatic complicating their studies by requir-
Rd, West Middlesex, PA 16159; improvement in radio.” It seems to me ing them to constantly consider ther- there is an “an” missing between “dra- modynamics as well.—73, Chris Kirk,

Jan/Feb 2004 61
NV1E, 40 Westwood Rd, Shrewsbury, switch and the circuit will ring at the V V (Eq 2)
MA 01545-1830; resonant frequency, charging and 0  cosT , when T 0
2 2
discharging C1. Circuit theory and
Dear Chris Kirk, observation tells us that energy lost The preceding sentence says what
per cycle is the reciprocal of the cir- I intended it to be. In retrospect, it
Thank you for your observations. In would have been clearer if I had writ-
the case cited, you are right that some cuit Q. Q values of 100+ are easily
achievable. So with a Q of 100, only ten it:
energy goes to heat in the dielectric V V
material of each capacitor. Further, 1% of the energy is lost per cycle. And 0 xVC1  cosT when T 0
the resonant circuit charges C1 to 2 2 (Eq 2A)
you correctly point out that a full un-
derstanding of a seemingly simple the full voltage, not just V/2. Your
analysis implies that charging a ca- For consistency, Eq 1 could be
problem involves learning advanced changed to:
concepts that normally would stymie pacitor from zero potential can only
those who are just getting started. be at most 50% efficient.—73, Ed V V
As you may see from the Sep/Oct Milcarsky, KG4ARN, 6017 Park Ridge VC 2 V  cosT when T 0
and Nov/Dec letters columns, readers Dr, Pt Orange, FL 32127-7593; 2 2 (Eq 1)
have astutely explained the transient
and steady states in quite some detail. I think that a serious reader could
Dick Feynman, one of my idols, in- Hi Ed, figure all that out for himself.
sisted that such full understanding I think, in a resonant circuit, as the —Warren Bruene, W5OLY, 7805
not be omitted at any level of higher capacitor first reaches its intended Chattington Dr, Dallas, TX 75248 ††
education. Another area in which that voltage (V/2), half the energy is in the
happens is in explaining why and how capacitor and half in the inductor. In
antennas radiate. We are working the Nov/Dec 2003 issue, Mr. Bruene,
with authors to bring ungarbled words W5OLY, has explained how to sidestep Next Issue in
to QEX—and perhaps the Hand- that situation for charging a capaci- QEX/Communications
book—on that.—73, Doug, KF6DX tor to V. Other references to efficient
techniques were given in the Sep/Oct Quarterly
Hi Doug, 2003 issue’s letters column. I hope that
I’m confused. Why then, doesn’t a makes clear what really happens. Let In the Mar/Apr 2004 QEX, Al
tuned circuit lose at least 50% of the me know if it does not.—73, Doug, Buxton, W8NX, discusses “The Domi-
stored energy every time it charges KF6DX nant-Element Principle of Loaded Di-
and discharges the capacitor? poles.” His analysis and theories may
For example, charge the capacitor Dear Doug, intrigue you antenna designers. You
C1 of Fig 1 just as before, but replace Thanks for running my letter. The can test them for yourselves with com-
C2 with a high Q inductor. Close the only error I noticed was in Eq 2. puter simulations. ††

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